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Full text of "Atwater history and genealogy .."





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;56— 1956 

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[ary Attwater Honywood 

From a print furnished by 
Edward Perrin Atwater 

1456 to 1956 

"People tvill not look forward to posterity, ^^ 
iilio never look backward to their ancestors." 

— Edmund Burke 

Arms and Crest Coiifirmt-d to Robert Atlualcr of 
l!(i\ Idii Manor ill I ^ciitiam 


W illiaiii Harvey Clarenceux 

Herald \i \rms 


• WRIGLEY . . . FESSENDEN . . . BABCOCK . . . MILLER . . . KENT • 

































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Copyright. 1956. In 
CHARLES H()H\1!T \ll\\ \ I 1 i; 


All rights ill this Inn.k are reserved. No part of the ixiuk 
ina\ he reprinluced in any manner w liats<ie\er willmul 
\>ritten |»erinission except in the ease of hrief qndtalions 
eiiihodied in eritical articles and reviews. For infornialion 
address: l'uhlishe;s Hall. Securitv Ratik Bnilding. Santa 
-Monica, California. 

r K (1 IJ I I. T I (» N 

Typography i-.^ m i.i.ix w TYrrvFTTiNt;. i.d^ \nm i.r>. Cm.ik. 

Phintku iiv Hi(\i)^ii\u Mko-.-I'mk-.s Mckim. I.ds An ;eles, Cm.'i 

Bni N» BY U\M Bhos. Mindkky. Los Angeles, Calif. 



All Those Family Meiiil)ers 

Who Have Cone lo Their 

Eternal Rest 


Is Respect I'll lly Dcdicalccl 





Presented t< 



ONE: Nen Ha\en Town-^ite Plan — 1641. 
TWt): Print — Mary Attwater Honey wood. 
rHKEE: Arms & Crest— Attwater Family— l-ki3. 
Hi>turiral Events — 1456-1956. 

H»l U: The Creat Adventure 1 

11\E: Prim Pun hase Contract and Indian "Marks" 6 

>1\: lnlfr|»rfter'> Oalli. Montoweses |{e!ier\atit)n Print 9 

SEVEN: Collegiate Silu.ol. Yale Ct)llege 16 

EICHT: Chartrr Oak Iiuident. In George I raiikliti \twater 22 

M\E: l{e\. Edward E. Atwater. Ii\ Kcgiiiald M. \lual.i. ri.tuic 24 

Co\er page, first of t»ur genealogies. lo51. <iiil\ kiinwii copy outside 

Liltrar) of Congress 27 

TEN: Clara Rarturi. |.v Hubert F. Atwater 28 

ELEVEN: llrraJdrN. \>s Has II. Maltison 29 

I W EEVE: Er«Mi(li Spolilan Claims 32 

IHIKTEEN: L..ngfcll..w's PhmUom Ship _ 35 

John Spencer At\saler. M.D. JmIhi C»a|)i)cr \l\\ater 39 

FOl HTEEN : -Honorary Georgia Planter" 41 

Pictures, Janies K. Atwater. Home. Science and School Ruildings... .40-44 

El HTEEN: Bert Leonard Atwater, by Helen Atuatcr W riglc) 45 

Ouinnipia. I63i; Medal ' 48 

SIXTEEN: Kichard Mead Atwalcr. .jiini..i. \>^ lane \lual.i I'latt 48 

SEVENTEEN: Francis Atwat.i. I. \ Reginald M. \luater 50 

EK^HTEEN: Atwater Family Heunion. l»y Eli/alictli llciirx 51 

Pirturt-. Emma Louisa Atwalcr Hountrec. oldest living FaiiiiK iikmii- 
l>.r vsill l»c 97 on Ortcdter 5. 1956 52 

NINE TEEN: An uim^-ual Occupation, by Mary Meigs Atwater, 

Piriurr. "NbniiN "" \twater 54 

IWI \r^ : Carlctun William Atwalcr. b\ J<.liii S. \l\\alcr 57 

I W ENTY-ONE: The Atwain Kr„ts \ 58 

I W ENTY-TWO: Hcl.-n Aluat.r. IImmh- F..-onomist. N. Y. Times 59 

IWI \n'r|||{r.E: Th.- Cal-.ti in. I'lnf. Will. in Oliii \lual.r. 

I III- W»-sli-\aii Mumnu> 60 

Luther K.. Sr. and Uobert N. Alwaler 64 

IWENTY-IOl 11: Expcriemes in Afrira. I.\ Wa\ri.- D. Milln 65 

John W «*wlry Atwalcr. t'\ \ddir l<i\ Malonc 66 

TWEN'IA-FIVE: Trip t.. L.idiam. pi. lun-. I.\ Hi.har.l \. Wn|.,,lt 68 

hrom i olor prints takrn b\ Edward Pcrriii Atwater. 

I W ENTY-.*^I\ : Author's Scriion. Famil\ pictures, (iomineiit!- 71 

P<M'nii». Word I'auer, H ninan I'nui'r, I lir Uiimtin Tire. to 

I'islas, Sai»jtlia, "Frafiilina." Ii\ Jessie |"ra>-er \ll water .77 

TWENTY -SEVEN : ^<iur f»wn genealogical n-c-ord 82 

I W I NTY-EK;!!!: (nnealogv No. I to No. 5336, 83 to—. Unclassified. — 

Index of Alwaler and oiher names 

Prin|j>. memlKTH* wats in firsi Meeting House 


Mgnalia Clirisli /Viiieiicana ( Ecck'^iasliial I 

History of New England— 1702-1853— Cotton Mather. 

Encyclopaedia of Heraldry — J. Burke. 

Attwater Anns — Genealogist — 1:317 

A Genealogical Register of the l)escen(laiU> (.1 David Vlwater — 1851. id. 1873. 

New Haven Colony Records 1638-1649. VuU. ir,57. id. 1649-1662. I'lih. I'n4. 

Yale Genealogy— History of Wales (By K. II. Yale). Vu\,. 1908. 

Andrews' History of Yale. 

Atwater Hislorv' 1901 id. 1927. Edward E. and Irancis Atwater. 

History of New Haven and Other Towns. Puh. 1887. 

History. Citv of Minneapolis — Isaac Atwater. 1893. 

Removal of ^ ale College (?) to New Haven Oct. 1716. 
Franklin Bowditch Dexter. 

Beginnings of Yale — Edwin Oviatt. 1916. 

American Genealogies Lists Atwater 1851 and 1873. 
Attwater, Corliss. N. Yarmouth. Me. 

American Ancestry iii, 3:1x232; 11 others listed cciilaining members of our 

Winthrop, Vol. 1, pp. 226, 237, 317, 318. 
Connecticut. New England and New York Genealogical and Historical 


Historical Events 

of Outslanding Importance During i^eriod Covered in lids 

1456 — Gutenberg Bible. 

1491 — Amerigo Ves Pucci reached mainland Western Hemisphere. 

1517 Martin Luther ])()sted 95 theses on door of Willcnhnrg Chinch, attack- 
ing Paj'-al Indulgences. 

1564 — William Shakespeare, born April 23 at Stratford-on-Avon. 

1602— Capt. Gosnold. first while man landed in New England. 

1607 — Ca|)lain John Smith landed at Jamestown. Va.. May 13. 

1609 Hudson sailed Half Moon into New York Harbor. 

1619 — First Negroes sold into slavery by Dulc li al Jamestown. 

1620 — Mayflower, missing Virginia, landed Pilgrims from Leyden. lloll.ind. 
on Plymouth Rock. Decend)er 21. 

1637 Joshua Attwater. with six companions, readied the Indian settlement 

called Quinni|)iac — later New Haven. 

1649— Charles"^ 1. reigning without a Parliament for 11 years, defeated by 
CromweH's Roundheads: condemiK'd l>\ House (d Commons: beheaded 
January 20. Cromwell dictator. 

1660— John Bunvan. author of Pilgrim's Progress, imprisoned. 

1665— London— Great plague killed 68.000: following year fire destroyed 
13.200 homes. 89 churches. 

1735_John Peter Zenger, editor, acquitted, establishing freedom of the press. 

1776 — Deilaralii'ii oi ImleptMuit'iRr, Jul\ 2-4. 

ITo*^^ — George \\ a>liiiigt«>n chosen l'ie>iileiil. \|iiil i^O. 

179M — Vacciiiatiun dist-overetl by Jenner. Ma\ 1 1. 

1I>«»7 -RoIhtI Fulton's Clermonl makes first steam trip up the Hudson River. 

lIVJ ' M.iiiroe huitrine deilared Heceniher 2. 

1; 1 1 What hatli God Wrou^htl" S. K. H. Morse's first telegraph message, 

\la> 24. 
1857 — C\rus \X . Field's Atlanti* lahle. 
1863— Eniamipation Proclamation Jan. 1. Freed ;{.12(i.(l()0 slaves. JJ.Sd.OiK) 

not freed. 
1878 — First eommereial telephone service. New Ha\en. Conn.. Januarx 28. 
18*>4 — Thomas A. Edison's Kinetuscope first showing. April 14. ISew >oik. 

New ^ ork. 
lo^>5 — \\ ilhehii konrad Roentgen discoxeriii \-rays. 
1896 — H. A. Bactjuerel. first to realize radioacli\ il\ of uranium. 
1*XK> — \X ireless demonstrated when Marconi signalled letter "S" across the 

Atlantic Ocean. 
HX».H Orville W right"> first hea\ ier-than-air successful air fliglit al l\ill\ 

Hav>k, North Carolina. 
l'X»"> R,.hert E. Pearv reached North Pole April 6th. 
1'>1") First air llighl ( I .S. seaplane I across Allantic-N-C4. Ma\ 16. 
P'2"> C:..mdr. Richard E. H\ rd dropped a I .S. (lag on the'St>utli [\>U\ 

\o\emher 28. 
PJ42- Arthur Compton. et al. produce first ruiclear chain reactiiui ( fi<>ion 

td uraidum isotctpe. I 21^5 I . 
1945 I nited Nations (46 represented I San Francisco. Calif.. A|,ii| 25. 

P'irst at«»nne bond) exploded L»!s Manios, N. M.. Jul\ Id. Hinp^hinKi. 

Aug. 6 and Nagasaki. Jaj^an. .Aug. 9tli. 
1953- -.Mount Exerest. 29.002 fl.. concpiercd Mas 2') l.\ Kdiiiuiid I". Ilillar\ 

anti Tensing Norka\. 

An«l «d course, ihrougiiout llii> .^00 \car> llicrc \s( re "uai- and rumors 
of wars'": crises and tidings of iinpen<ling doom, conlrivid l>\ numerous 
power-mail Little Men. rcigidng or ruling willi or uilliout llic inn^cnl ol 
their felloNMiicn. as king. Lord Protector. Prime Minisler. (.Iiau< tllor. luii li>- 
fuehrer. l)i(tator. (Jeneralissimo. President and Indispensahle Man. 

All >oon to he forgotten in the shining light of those e\erlasling pcr- 
Miiialities, such as .Moses, the great law gi\ir: .|i>u> ( liri-t. tin huniMr 
Christian: Washington, the modest sa\iour nl llif \i\\ Wmld. and M.di.ilma 
Gundhi. who proved that frecd<uii can he wiui wiiIumiI wai. 

While the power-mad Little Men have all gone w r hope In ihcir ju^l 
ilt*MTt>». tliev have \r{[ hehind a new -ccrct arm\ o| uur mo-l iii-idious 
riicinie'. the |a\ collectors. 

Ilie Jdhlical extortioner o| liic "iMiiirc w\(ldowc> mvli" wa- maiiuaui- 
iiioUH c<iinpure<i to the suaNe. artful NLichiavellian <d this age who horr-s like 
a It'rinitr. man\ limes, into everv segiment of iiuluslrial and -of iai liic. 

C) (or a "David" to «-lav this arch-enemv before In- and In- Iribc -ui kle 
ibi- lift- I. ti- ill, .,f ..III liiduhlrial iTceduni. 

The Great Adventure 

Oh England. Mother Country of us all I W In did \our leaders emasculate 
your sons and daughters hcckoiicd li\ religious Ireedomy ^ our innumerable 
encounters with all Kuro|)faii races. Komans. Danes, and Scots; cruelties 
inflictetl. by self-appointed rulti>. upon high and low who crossed their 
paths: fanaticisms and religious |)lagues to suit the immoralities of \our 
ungodlike rulers: all these op|)ressed \oui' wmlln sons while accomplishing 
little to bring ahoiil the ;'l('\a[ion id mankind. 

Fortunately, there were a few. yes. main, who opposing the age-old 
doctrine of "Dixiiif Highl of Kings." in the lnlicl that Right, not Might, 
should be the law of England, brought about the Reformation. These 
Commonwealth followers were nuMi id deterndnation and power. The\ hedged 
their homes willi safeguards. The\ lieheaded Charles I. Cromwell i)ecanie 
Dictator. The House of Commons ruled for a short interval. 

Now among these liberty seeking individuals were the consanguineous 
relatives of the Attualer Clan— men ol courage, intellect and substance — 
who had fought a War of Words as good men should, for what they believed 
was for the betterment of their fellow men. Realizing that ('haili's I was 
ignoring Parliament and despairing of success in winning peace and ireedom 
of worship for themselves and their posterity, they, after thought, long and 
prayful. decided to embark on the 'Great Adventure." Thev would create a 
social structure of their own. They would venture into the unknown dangers 
of a strange land, with strange beings, in the 'New World.' 

Authenticated records show our name — in various forms — appearing in 
onl\ about one-quarter of the English Boroughs. Villages and Hundreds. 

In his General History of Connecticut. William R. Cutter says: "The 
surname Altwaler belongs to a large class of English famil\ names where 
the |)ersonal name of a man qualified for identification bv a description of 
his home, 'at-the-hill." etc., became fixed as a surname on his descendants . . . 
like the preposition 'de' dropped from another class of names."" 

"The earliest mention of the name Attwater found in faigland appears 
in the chartular\ of the Cathedral Church of Canterl)ur\. Godfried atle W ater. 
of Elywarton. in [he Parish of Stone, near Faversham. Count) of Kent, 
before A.D. 1367." 

"The old coat (d arms of Altwaler: sable on a fesse \\a\\ argenl bdween 
three awanz ( f [lie second two bars lun \ azure. CresI : a dcmi-lalbol argent 
in the month id an arron gules." 

It is evident that the following records had not been called to Mr. 
Cutler's attention at the time he wrote his historv. For in Rravlev's Topo- 
iirophical History of Siirrry. there is a most interesting item bearing on the 
possibilitv of our original name: ''''Manor of West Clandons In 127J). the 6th 
of Edward I.. John De Agua or John Attewater seems to have claimed for 
land he held at Clandon the right and privileges of ancient demesne and 


without j-ucces*." i Thi>i rouUI have been land attached to a manor h<tuse for 
his forebears' personal use. It was during the reign of tlu- House of 
Plantagenet. ' 

"The same jx*r?on. huwtner. on trial at Guildford against a writ of 
.y»i. uarranto, established the right for himself and his men of Clandon to 
buv ami sell in Guilford market without pacing tolls. 

"At the same time John Alte water was sununoned to answer the charge 
of haxiiig seized and imprisoned Robert Le Ken at Clandon Regis: in answer 
to which he pleadetl the lomplainant was his \ illain. and tlic tiiiotioii was 
decided in his favor." 

It is also stated that on the Rolls of Parliament, during \.D. 1200. in 
\ ul. I, Fol. 62. can be found the following: 

•Rol»ert Attwater. with his wift- Isabella, brings an Assize of Novel 
Dissiezin, . . . touching tenements in Rolherbethe." The above mentioned 
pro|»ertN wa> located on the south bank of the Thames, two and oii(-(|uarter 
miles south-east from St. Paul's Church. London. 

Another interesting notation associated willi mir faiiiilv name and also 
establishing the familv relati«inslii|i with "bkford. " is iouml in a folio iiub- 
lished in the lOth Centur\ and calleil :\oniina I illaniiii. I lii> xolunic con- 
tained the names of Cities. Boroughs. N'iliagi's. and llnndnds. in( hiding 
therewith the lonls of all the manors tlirouglioul all llic i (.until-- o| l-.niiJand 
from the \ear l.ilf) tt» 1559. including: 

■'Johaimes .Attc Water ctTlified pursuant to writ tested at (^lipston. 
5 March. Kil6. as one <d the Lords of the Township of Ickfoid. in tiie countv 
of Rucks." 

We also find in the Iiistor\ of Huf kingliamshirc. Vol. I. iIh' lollowing 
interesting Attwater reference?.: 

"Ickford. Hickford. Iksbird i in Saxoii. Teem/alonl. IKini a v\;iter\ A\ay 
or passage through the I ham«'s. i 

"Robrrt Karl. <d Morton, halfbrotlier oj \\ illiain. Tiie Cont|iieror I 1066- 
l'>;;7 \.l).i granteil this manor, with Marsh, to the Abbey ol Greslein. 
founded bv llarlcwin de (!onte\ ille. \\\> father, and b kford was \>\ tlie \libot 

and Convent granted to a fainiU deriving its name li tlii- phKc . . . Mow 

lonp Grestein Abbey C(»nlinned to enjov the olale in bkloid i- unknown. 
but having lieen wizeil li\ the Crown (hiring the \\;n- ol Idwaid II. 
idt'poscd b\ Parliament JamiarN 7. l.S27l and again re-toied. it w.i- a >-ei oud 
liini- (orfritrd an<l famib of i<-kb*rd is no longer mentioned. unl(» their 
lie*' rndanl* are to be idcntihed with persons denominated Atte Water de 
bkford, wlm afli-rward pos.vss«'«l a coii>iderable estate Ihtc. 

"William \lle Water de bkb>r<l «lied in \'M\. seizi d of the Manor <d 
(ircal bkford. hehl of the King in eapilr-. and in I. '.25 Nicholas Rxhall. 
PrrtMin of b'kforil, paxwd land- in (ireat bkford. with |ia-tiire of six oxen 
and !^ix rowH, b\ fine, to John \lle Water, and Joan hi-- wife. an<l llnii heirs." 


And to coiiliiuic this continuilN . tlicre is the Idllouiiiy item in the History 
of Herts,' "Parish ol Thorley. Diocese of London. William Att Water, clerk, 
instituted 6th May. 133!^. Thomas Thorpe, instituted 2Uli Septendjer, 1393, 
upon death of William Att W^ater." 

Our most illustrious and outstanding English forebear ( it he was ai liiall\ 
kindred to our branch I is named in 1 lnl( hiiison's llistorv ol Dorset. \ ol. II. 
page 351 : 

"William Attwater was horn at Denninglon. in Somersetshire and was 
a fellow of Magdalene College. O.vford in 1492. I min ] 107 to 1502 he was 
Vice-Chancellor of that Ihiiversitv. and on the death ol Cardinal Moreton, 
he. for a short time, executed the ofiiee of Chancellor. After several lesser 
preferments he was. in 1502. Dean of King's Chapel: in 1506, Chancellor of 
Lincoln; in 1509. Dean of Salisbury, and in 1514. Archdeacon of Huntington. 
B\ the interest of Cardinal Woolsey, he succeeded him in the Bishopic of 
Lincoln and was consecrated November 12. 1514. He died February 4. 1520. 
aged 81. at his place at Woburn. Counl\ of Bucks, in the eluireh of wliirh 
his bowels were buried, and his bod\ in his (Cathedral." 

The manor of Royton, parish of Leidiam. was sold during the reign of 
Henry VHI (1509 to 1547 A.D.) to "Robert Attwater. who leaving two 
daughters and co-heirs. Mary the youngest carried it with other estates at 
Charing and elsewhere in the neighborhood to Robert Mon\wood. Escp. of 
Henewood, in Postling. He afterward resided at Pett. in Charing, being part 
ol his wife's inheritance, and dying in 1576. was buried in Leidiam (Church. 

"He left numerous issue by his wife, who survi\e(l him neaiK inrtx-ltnir 
years, when she dying in 1620. in the ninety-third year of her age, was 
interred near him. though a moiuimenl to her memor\ was erected at Mark's 
Hall, in Essex. She had. as it is said, at her decease, lawfully descended 
from her 367 children: 16 of her own: 114 grandchildren. 22<'> of ihe ihird 
generation and 9 in ihe fourth. 

"■"Ihe manor of Downe Court, in the parish of Leidiam: Rol)ert 
Atluater. of Ronton, in this parish, died, possessed of it in 1565. whose 
daughter and co-heir. Mary, carried il. with oilier estates in this parish and 
neighborhood, in marriage to Robert Honywood, Esq.. of Postling." 

Elias Edward \l\\aler. our outstanding historian, with ihe assistance of 
Robert Heiu\ Alwater, worked out an Alwater family tree covering the 
immediate forbears of Joshua and Daxid. 

Recognizing the care, accurac\ and inlegril\ of ihe aforemenlioned 
compilers, we must conclude that man\ ol the lamil\ relerences discovered 
by them were akin to our branch bul nol necessarib in direct line. 

So in this manner we come upon the will of Thomas Altuater. proxed 
October 5th. 1484. see Archdeaconry Court. Canleibury. Book 3. p. 23. There 
were two sons but oid\ John, who married Marvan. had issue. Of these four 
only Robert, the elder, whose will is recorded in Book 15. p. 6. carried the 
line through his son Thomas to Christopher whose will is recorded in I)ook 


42, page 22. Christopher hat! four sons and a daughter. Joanna. \\\\o married 
Stephen Cooke. Their chiUiren brought in the Atwood and Best families. But 
we are only concerned with John Attwaler. who married Susan Narsin. 

Of this union, there were three chihlren — Joshua. Aim and l)a\iil. uho 
were to l»e the first Altwaters to hind in and assist in a very importatit part 
of colonizing a portion of the New \\ urid. Father John neglectetl to leave a 
will — dying in Ottoher 1636. Susan, mother of Jt)shua. had liim appointed 
to administer the estate. 

Three months later. Susan died during Jamiar\ <>f 16HT. She was hiiried 
ni\l to John in the Leidiani Church \ard. 

■■\..\. 1 (16."?6l John \ttewatter. pater familias. 
"Jan. •> (16Ti Susan \ltcw att(>r. W id." 

The register also shows Marriages and Christenings. Under the latter 
heading during the period from 'Miduielmas. 161)1. unto Michaelmas. 1()1 1 
there is the folhtwing entry: 

■•June 2. Josuae. the sonne of Jcdin Attwater. 
*'Ceorge Hudson. Vicar 
"Tlioiuas Hcriman 

"W illiam \t-\\ater 

The admini.>tralion papers indicate that Josuae. at the age of twi nt\->i\ 
wa- a '.Mercer' in .\shford. a market town near I.enliam. 

-Now. these. «iur direct ancestt)rs. Joshua. I)a\id and Ann Attwaler. 
endiarked on "The Great .\dventure.* Beginning with that unpreilictaMe. long 
and treachenius oce.»n voyage. <tf inanv weeks, to eventualh found a (lillcrcnt 
hahit in the 'New \\ Drid." which would he temporarilv referred to as the 
"Kepuhiic of IS'ewhauen.' 

There is much speculation hut no antlicnli( data as to \\li\ an<l liow 
our Attwater ancestors joined n|> uilh the havniport-Katon Lxpedititm. 

\\ hil- their parent* had passe«l awa\ during the \ear. .|o>lma and Daxiil 
niU!*l ha\e heen part «)f this cahal for a considerajile lime. \pparentl\ .lo-lnia 
watt a man of capital in his own ri^hl. while l)a\id had reeentU inlieriled 
M*\rral pro|KTtics from an Attwaler relati\e. So il wa> natural lor .lohii 
Daxenport to wek out thcM- \oung men of lapital lo help (inancc his 
f\|N-diliiin. He had receiitiv return*-*! from the Continent it is said disguised 
with a long U-ard. B«' that as it ma\. he was a non-cuiiformisl at ixlds with 
llip authorilicft. in whiih onr Allwalcrs nmst ha\e joimd. \-hlord was ilie 
urat of ihiH group id non-< onfornusls. .So il is reasonahle lo -uppose that 
Joohua induced his hrother and many from the inarkil lown io join tiie 
rx|M>dition. It is reported that the K\p<*dilion included o\er iwo liiindnwj 
men, women and chihlren. When we realize thai man fl\s o\er ilial same 


distance today in less than se\eii hour;?, llu' snails pace ol loin nioiillis 
seems inconceivable. 

The comfort dl llic Queen Elizabeth or the flying ships of today is in 
direct ((iiitrasl with tlic travt'l hardships — not to mi'iitioti tlir iiiroiueniences — 
of that I6.'>7 trip. 

It is reasonable to supposr that Joshua \tt\\at(>r and some others of 
means, including Theo])!) Eaton. Steph Goodyear. Geo. Lambcrton and 
others, did not ha\e their names on the manifest of the HEGIOH. For it 
was just at this time that Charles I — who had dissolved Parliament — fearing 
migration of man\ well-to-do Englishmen, issued the following "■['KOCLA- 
MATION: . . . that the King, being iiifonncd that great lunnbers of his 
subjects were yearly transported into tlios;' ports of America . . . among 
whom arc main idle and rcfractorx humors, whose oid\ or principal end 
is to live without reach of authority — doth command his officers and ministers 
of the ports, not to suffer any persons, being subsidy men or their value to 
pass any of those plantations without a license from his Majesty's connnis- 
sioners for plantations first obtained, nor any under the degree of subsidy 
men. without a certificate from two justices of the peace where they lived, 
that they have taken the oath of allegiance and supremacy, and a testimony 
from the minister of the parish, of their confonnit) to ihe orders and 
discipline of the Church of England." 

Without these certificates, any escaping non-conformists might, of 
necessity, have to bribe the captain, even if members of the joint enterprise. 
From all reports. Master Femes, of the HECTOR, was a brawler to say the 
least of his character. His rough treatment of some of the tourist passengers, 
like nineteen year old Lord Leigh, son of the Earl (tf Marlborough, was not 
unnoticed by Joshua and others. Adults paid five pounds for passage, if not 
members of the joint enterprise. One ton of general freight cost four pounds 
per passage. 

But even as everything comes to an end — they finally arrived in Boston 
Harbor June '!(). 1 637. 

Several town-sites in Massachusetts and New Hampshire were suggested 
as likely settlements. This would seem to |)rove that the group had no 
deiinite destination, except the \eu World, when they started. 

In Boston, th.ere was talk bv soldiers returning from the Pcquot war 
of the beautiful \alley and river at Ouinnipiac. Quin — meaning long ni|)pi. 
to water and ohke — place. .So the Inilian name meant Long-water-place. 

After considerable discussion, a committee consisting of Joshua Attwater. 
Francis Brown. John Beecher. Robert F^igg. Thomas Hogg. David Attwater 
and one other were appointed to investigate the territory. Neither Prudden. 
Eaton or Davenport were included in this fust liip. 

The seven spent the winter of 1637-U).!<"> at (^)uinnipiai . living in mud 
huts. One died. As his name is reported as Beecher. we ha\e accounted for 
six of the committee. 





if at any time hereafter they be affri;;htcd in their ilwellinj^s as- 
sijjneU by the English uni'i ibem as bcfi)re. they may repair to the 
English plantation t'jr shelter and that the Knglish will then in a 
just cause endeavor to defend them from wr-in.;;. But in any 
quarrel or wars which they shall undertake or have with otlier 
Indians, upon any occasion whatsoever, they will manaKC their 
affairs by themselves without expectinj^ any aid from the English. 
•And the En>;lish planters before mentioned acctptinj^ and vjrant- 
injj according to the tenor of the premises do further of their own 
accord, by way of free and thankful retribution, ^ive unto the said 
sachem, council, and company of the f)uinnipiac Indians, twelve 
coats of En;(lish trucking cloth, twelve alchemy spoons, twelve 
hatchets, twelve h<»es, two dozen of knives, twelve porrinj^ers, and 
four casts of I'rench knives and scissors. All which beinj.^ thank- 
fully accepted by the aforesaid and the agreements in all points 
ptrfecieil. for ratification and full cnfirmation of the same, the 
sachem, his council, and sister, to these presents have set to their 
hand or marks the day and year above wrilte:;. 




his mark 

his mark 



his mark 

his mark 

III (III* >priiig. April Kt.'ill. tlic cnlirc iiri;2iii;il KhikIoii ;ii<iu|i willi 
u<iflili(ln^ uiidrr llic li*a(i«T>liip of I'dii I'riiddfii a iioii-coiiionniii^ iiiiiii^tcr 
of ihf Church of Kiigland — arrix rd at (,)iiiiiiiipia( frmn Imi-i.im. 

On ihrir firNt Sahhutli. Juliii DaNcnporl < luidiji ti-d lln- icli^ioii^ mix ice 
III ihr iiioniiiig. I't'lrr i'riiddrii prrat hi-d in tin- afli-riiiioii. I lii- diKil liadir- 
^hi|i < <>uhl iiol IuhI long, i'ruddi-n and Daxciiport could uid\ apicc In di^a^ti-c. 
The f«»rm«"r*!» follower'- soon |iiirc|i:iwcd tlic tcrrilorx imu kiiuwn ;i^ Milfmd 

With I'rilddi'li oiil id [\u- \sa\. |)a\(iip>irl pun (■cdiil In Iniind ,iii 


ecclesiastical authority in winch all civil matters and court authoritx were 
vested. The entire Colony was motivated l»\ this chiiK h aiithuriu. wliich in 
turn was governed by seven church members. Bro. Joshua Attwater was one 
of the members of this authority. 

The first |)ul)lic meetings were held in the ()|)('n. Finalh. these were 
transferred to Robert Newman's barn. In the meantime. )oung John Brockell. 
a London Surveyor, staked out the Townsite. As will be noted by a jierusal 
of the plan, a reproduction ot which is included in an Atwater History for 
the first time. Brt>ckett laid out nine squares for buildings, reserving 'Central 
Square" for public use. The streets in the Townsite included State, York. 
ChuK h. Grove. George. Chapel and College. 

In the meantime. Joshua Attwater and his scouting committee were 
anxious to complete their contract, for the purchase of the land, with the 
Quinnipiac Indians. The agreement was finally approved by the Church 
Authority and signed by Go\ . Eaton and the various Indian Chiefs. The 
latter included: 

her mark. 

As consideration, the Indians received 12 coats of English cloth, twelve 
alchemy spoons, twelve hatchets, twelve hoes, two dozen of knives, twelve 
porringers and four cases of French knives and scissors. Montowese, in his 
agreement, which gave him 'eleven coats of trucking cloth, and one coat of 
English cloth made up after the English manner.' also reserved a piece of 
land near tiic village, "for his men which are ten. and many squaws to 
plant in.' 

The first \ear was spent in erecting living quarters. All of these were 
constructed of hand-hewn, mortise and tenent type lumber. Later, bricks 
were imported from London. B\ 1639, Nov. 25th. the General Court was 
ready to order a meeting house to be erected at a cost of 500 pounds. It was 
fifty foot square and had a lower and turret, with banisters and raiU on the 
lop. (See seating plan in this volume, another first in Atwater Histories, i 

While rheo|diilos Eaton was Governor, the real leader, at this time, 
was John l)a\enpoii. who had (inalh established an autoi lalir cluucli-rule 
of the 'Republic of Newhaven.' Davenport, horn in Coventr\. England, in 
1597, of a middle-class, old and honored lainiK. had had a checkered career. 
He entered Oxford at sixteen and three years later, he was admitted to 
orders. Later, he becanie Vicar <d a church in London. 

Davenport, tliru his non-conformist utterances and tactics, earned the 
displeasure of Archbishop Laud. Fearing imprisonment, he found it necessary 
to flee to Holland. 

Now, as actual leader, of the 'most opulent colon\ which came into 
New England,' Davenport succeeded in eslaldishing an autocratic governing 


class far worse in its duginatic control — if not in its jturpose — tlian ilu' non- 
confornii>ts had con)plained of at home. 

The first act of the Sex en' was to ilecitle tluit the "right of suffrage 
shall be conferred on church members onh." On the 22nd of August 1639. 
the 'Seven' had 'instituted tlie CImrch by a solenui and formal covenant one 
\*ith another.' On the 25th of Octid>er. they granted the riglit of sutlrage io 
*all those that ha\e been receixed into the fello\vshi|t of tliis Chunli. siiue 
the gathering of it. or uho being members tif approNctl i Iuik lies, offer 

In this manner, tlie 'Hepublic of iSewliaueii" was organized, \\itli die 
elettion of Theophilus Katoii. Magistrate for tlie term of one year. Kobert 
.Newman. Mattliew tJill>ert. Natlianiel Turner aiui Thomas rii-:ill were 
closen Deputies "to assist tlie .Magistrate in all Courts callt'ii li\ iiiiii for the 
oc-casions of the plantation, for the term of one year. I lioiiias |- iigill was 
appointed Secretar\ anil Robert ."^eeley as Marshal for llic ('olon\. 

\lt<T the "Townsite' had been laid oiil \>\ John Brockelt. house lots 
hat! been given to each of "The Planters." aci-ording to bis or her laiuil\ 
siie and the amount of taxes each one was willing io pa\ . In (iciicial 
.AssendiK during Jaimar\ of 1610. i( was ordered lliat llir land <iiilsi(l(' ilic 
'two-mile-M|uare." be di\ided and taxed as follows: . . all llir ii|)lan(l in 
the first di\isi<»n. with all the meadows in tlic platilalion. xicldinj: io ilic 
publie treasur\ four petice an acre yearh. and all llu' land in llic mh oud 
di\i»ion two pence an acre yearly.' 

On the first da\ of Septemb»'r 161(1. b\ order of the ('.ouil." ilic nanic 
of the settlement was changed from (Juimiipiac to Nrw ll;i\cn. It nui-l lie 
renjendiered that this 'Cliiiri li State' bad hccn organized \>\ a suiniioi. 
I'urilan rulture group, with a background of lilcrarv l-omloii. Ii \\;i- ilie 
hey-day of .*>hakespeare. ."Spencer. Tlioiiias hckkcr and Txii Jolnixin. \ li\s 
of the 'Separatists* had lied Io Ijolland. 1 lu' great iiiajorit) stood llnii tiionnd 
and the *\rw World' ga\r rnaiiN llirir cliancc for freedom. 

\ few excerpt* ma\ be (d iiileresl taken from our oi mi\ '\twaler 
Librar\' books entitled "{{econb (d the (loloin and I'lanlalion id New 
llasen. from 1(>.'1J{ to fdl''. Transcribed and Kditrd ni \( cordancc willi a 
ri—ojijiion «if the General Assemblv of (loiinectii iil. \\\ (lli.iilc.- .1. Iloadlx. 
Slate Librarian of Conn." rublished IJ'.ST. 

'FHKK M W.^ (II \I;M 

(4» \ i )\\ -liall neither |ilo||. prai lix- nor (<in>-eiil |o an\ rviil or linit 
agaiii<>t ihix Jurisdiction, or aii\ pli- of it. or again-l llu- < i\ ill iiominnnl 
here r^labliohed. \nd if \ on shall know an\ psoii. or pson- wrli inlciid. 
plotl. or ron»>pire an\ thing w« h tends Io the hurl or prejiidiif o| ilic ^anic 
)ow nhall timeh disiouer the ».ame to lawful aiilliorilv Inn- rvialili-ln d. and 

J^ow •«hall asHiHl and bee hi-lpfiill in all llu- alTaires ol the .|iiris<rn 1 ion. and 
>V all mi-anr- >>hall |iromo\r the publiipic wi-llfare id llie same, aciording 
to vor plarr. abilitN. and opplunil\. \ow shall gi\e din- lioimor Io the law full 
niagislralH, and shall be obedient ami subject to all llie wlioh-soine lawes 


'•I, Thomas Stanton, being interpreter in this treaty, do hereby 
profess in the pre.->tnce of (icxl that I have fully acquainted the 
Indians with the substance of every article and truly returned their 
answer and consent to the same, according to the tenor of the fore- 
goinjr writin.^^ the truth of which, if lawfully called, I shall readily 
confirm by my oath at any time. 

Thomas Stanton." 

On the iith of December, Montowese, sachem of 
another tribe, "in presence and with allowance and 
consent of Sawseunck, an Indian who came in company 
with him." sold to the English a tract of land lying 
north of that sold by Momaugin, and described as "ex- 
tending about ten miles in length from north to south, 
eight miles easterly from the river of Quinnipiac to- 
ward the river of Connecticut and five miles westerly 
toward Hudson's river." Montowese, reserving a 
piece of land near the village which now bears his 
name, "for his men which are ten, and many squaws, to 
plant in," received "eleven coats of trucking cloth, and 
one coat of English cloth made up after the English 
manner," in payment for the territory thus alienated. 

The attesting marks of Montowese and Sawseunck 
are as follows: — 


his mark 

-.AV/SEL'NCK I his mark- 

and orderes, allreadv made, or \\( li -liall Im" jiereafler niado. by lawful! 
autli()ril\ afforesaid. \iul thai hotli in \(ir |i>on and I'slalc: and wIkmi vow 
shall he duel) called lo give yor \ote or sulTraire in an\ election, or touching 
any other matter, wch concerneth this coninion wcallli. \o\\ >-liall give it as 
ill yor conscience yow shall judg may coikIucc \i< ihc hesi good lA llie same.' 
(In the handwriting of Francis Newman. j 


MKSSl Tl \i k. alias MI'MI'irK. 

A Generall Court 29: of tKi,,l.: UkW: 

Thi> Iniliaii, at a hearing before Mr. Katoii.' had been aecused of 
nmrderou>l\ !»heiltliiig the lilood of sioiiie of the KiigHsh. "Aiui h\ his t)rder 
safel\ kept in the *toikji till he might be brought to a due trvall. "And the 
Indian who had attempted his esiape was \\hi|)pe(l |i\ the marsiiall his 

'The Quillipieik. Inilian Saganiour on the following da\. "wth diurs 
of his lniiian> wth him were examined before the magistrate and the 
deputxes for this planlatio concerning .Nejniupuc k. I lie\ generalh accused 
him to haue murdered one or more of the Knglish. and thai lie liad ( iitl of 
Mime of their hands \ had presented (hem tt) Sassacuse the IVcjuott sai hem. 
boa>ting thatt he ha«l killed them wth his owiie hands. 

.Mewhebato a (Juillipieck Indian, kinsman to the aforesaid Nepaupuck. 
cumeing att the same time t<» interceed l<ir him was exanuned: . . . att first 
he pretended ignorance, butt wth a distracted countenance, and in a Irendtling 
manner: being ailmonished to speake the truth he did acknowledge him 
guilty according to the charge the other Indians had before made. 

■ Ml the other Indians withdrawing. .Nepauput k was luouglit in and 
examined, he confessed that .\epau|»uck was guiltv. . . . l)Ut denyed lliall lie 
was -Nepaupuck. M«'whebato . . . chargi'd him In his face after some signcs 
of s<irriiw. thatt he luul assisted the l'c(|uolls in murdering the Knglish. this 
sumewhatt abated his speritt and boldenesse: bull Waltoone the sonne of 
Carrahoode a couticellor to the (^)uillipieck Indian sagamoiir comeing in, 
charged him m«»re perticularh thatt he had killed Abraham Finch an Knglish 
man att W i-ather>field and thatt he himselfc. the saiil W attoonc. stood \|)on 
the island att \\ eathersheld and beheld him the said Nepaupauk ikiu |)resent 
acting the nmrder." 

'\ej»aupuck being b\ the com urri-ncc nf lcslimoii\ corniiiced. he con- 
fessed he wa> the man namelt Nepauput k. and boasleil he was a great 
captaine. had murdered Abraham I'itK h. and luul his hands in other Knglish 
blo<id, he said he knew he must d\e. and wa> nolt afraid .d ill. Imii la\d 
hit» neck to the mallclree nf the iliimmi-\. dc>ircing llialt his head iiiiglit be 
cult of. «jr lliall he might tl\e in anv nllicr maimer llic l'niili>li -lidiild 
ap|Mjynt, <iiiely he said fire was God. and (iod was angr\ wlh. iIk itturr he 
would not fall into his hands. After llii- lie ua- iclcniiiicd Ni ihc -1(m k> and 
a* Ix-fore a wat<h appnvntcd fur bi^ >-:ifc ( ii^ltid\. 

\t *(»enerall (!ourle' mi the third da\. . . . linallv. \( paiiiuK k. 
'i-onfe<lded thatt he had hi^ hand in the nmrder id Abraham Kincli. Imll 
yell he •>ui<i there was a Mohanke id ihatl name ibati bad killed innic llnii 
hr< " " " rmed In hi- fare thatt he. tin- >aid \( paiipiK k. did null 

oi I I' iiirh. butt was one id them ibatI killed llic .'> men in 

the hoair or shallop on Conneclecult riuer and lliall lliere wa- bill one 
Nepaupuck and this wax he. and ibal same ihatl looke a cliilde uf Mr. 
Swait' " \\ rlhersfield. I hen the -aiil Nepaii|iuck being asked it lie wmild 
liol !• \[ \\r de<MT\ed |i> il\e. he answered, il is weregili. 

I he (!ourl haue had such pregnant pri»<de. proceeded to pa.ss sentence 
v|K»n him according to the natun* of the fact and llie rule in lliall case, he 
iIt •" '-ds man* blood. b\ man shall his bloud be shed, acrnrdinglv his 
lie - cut! <df the next day and pillc he«| \puii a pole in the markcit place.' 


A Court Holden kli of December 1639. 

'Roger Duhurst and James Stewart are injoiiied to make double restitutio 
to John Cockerill for five pound and seaventeene shillings wch they stole 
out of his chist on the Lords day in the meeting time, and they being 
servants to the said Cockerell. for wrii aggravalio they were whipped allso. 

Thomas Manchester, serxanl to Mr. Perry being accused i)\ his Mar 
for being druncke. and for giveing his Mar vncomcl\ hinguage for \\i h his 
Mar having given him some correctio. tlic coiiil imicK I caused him lo he 
sett in the stocks for a certaine time. 

Nicholas TaniHM-. servant to the said Mr. Perry, for (hunkcnnes and 
abuseing his Mar in uordes, was whi})ped.' 

Manv servants were whipped and put in the stocks but the j:riillciiicii. 
when hrougiit before the court, received more lenient treatment. 

■Jolm Jemier accused for being drunke wth strong waters was ac(]uitlcd. 
itl appearing to be of infirmvtv and occasioned b\ the extremvlv of the colde. 

'Mr. MoulenoR. accused of being drunke. l)Utt nott clearely proved, was 

"Peter Browne licenced to bake to sell, so long as he gives no offence 
in itl justlv.' 

In the "A Genrll Court llolden att Newhafvenl Mon 164fl)' rates 
were established for all "trades and callings': 'seaven bowers shall be ac- 
counted a dayes worke for a teame. if ihatl whole time be dilligently improved 
in worke according to the nature of thatt implovmt. and [hv lucr for a 
steere b\ the day 9d. for a grownc oxc or bull 12d. for a horse or mare 16d, 
for cart furniture and man 6d. 

Labor of all types: 'for mar . . . which re(juire skill and slrength, not 
above 2s in somer and 20d in winter. 

'Butt others of the same trades or callings, nott allowed mar workemen, 
nott above 2()d in sommer and 16d in winter.' 

The rates are listed on pages 51 to 56 and cover all subjects, even 'Dyett 
for a laboring nuin wth lodging and washing 4s — 6d by the weeke. Venison 
should b\ the Knglish. if fatl. not aho\e 2(1 — ob p pound, if leane 2d p pound, 
fowie a pportionable abalem to whalt was sett last yeare. 

"All commodityes bought and sould among the planters, and all worke 
wages and labor (hence forward, till some other course be settled h\ order. I 
to be pa\cl for either in corne, as the price goeth in the plantatio. or in 
worke as the rates settled by the Court, or in caltell of any sort as they 
shall be indiiferentlx prized, or in giMMJ march aide hexer according In ils 
goodiies: and pa\nil to he made alt the times wch >hall be agreed \p<in."" 

(29) A Genrll Court Held at .\cwha\en the 2 of the i 

Moneth, 1641. \bout Georg: Spencer. 

'The 14th of Februar\. 101 1. ,|<ihn \\ akenian a phmler and member 
of this church acquainted the magistrates thatt a sow of his wch he had 
lately bought of Hen: jirowning. then wth pigge. had now brought among 
divers liveing and righth shaped pigs, one ptiigious monster, wch he then 
brought wch him to ve veiwed and considered. The monster was come to 


the full ^n>\\lh a> tht* I'llit-t j'l^j:"- li'i uught r»uilil iu' tlisierned Imlt lnoujilil 
forth deatl. Itt hat! no haire «ni the \>hulf bucK. tlu- skin was \tM\ tciulcr. 
and of a redili>h while collour like a childs; tiie head most straiiig. iti hail 
but one eye in the middle of the faee, and that large and i>pen. like some 
blemished eve of a man: over the e\e. in the Imttonie of the foreheade wch 
^sa? like a childes. a thing of flesh grew forth and hung dow n»*. itt was 
hollow and like a mans instrumt id genration. A nose, mouth and i liiiine 
deformed, butt not much \nlike a ehilds. the neck and eares had allso such 
resendtlance. This monster being after opened and com|)ared wth a pig of 
the >ame farrow, there was an ajjarant difference in all the inwards. . . . 

*. . . and a strange imprssitm was allso upon main lliatt >a\\ tlic monster. 
(therein guided b\ the neare resend>lance of the e\e. I that one George 
Spencer, late servant of the said Henr\ Rrowtiing. had hecomc actor in 
unnatureall and ahoininalije filtlnncs w ih the saw. . . . (Icorgc S|)cncer 
so suspected hath hutt one eye for vse. the other hath ( a> itt is ( ailed i a 
pearle in itt, is whitish and defitrmed . . . tiie man had heene fornnK imtdiious 
in the jtlantatio for a prophane. King, sioffing and lewd spcritt. . . . alt he 
said he hat! notl done itt ihalt he knew oif. then tlen\ed itt. . . . 

The record covers ten pages. After hearings covering a period .d ihrce 
days, in the Nb'cting Hous(» and prisim. with numerous meml)ers taking part 
in discussiii'! ail the >ordid details. "Itt was therefore hv gen consent con- 
cluded and udjuilgcd. ihatt on the 6th da\ next, being tlu' o (»f Aprill. lie 
the said Georg Spencer shall be hanged upon a gallows till he is dead, the 
place to be the farthest jjarl of the feilil called the Oyster-shell field." 

'The dav of the execulio being come. George Spencer the [jrisoner was 
brought ... in a cart: upon sight of the gallowes he seemed to be nuK h 
amazed and trembled, after some pause he began to speakc to tlir sdutlis 
altout him. exorting them all l(» take warning bv his exam})le Imw ihey 
negle<t and dispise the meanes id Craic" . . . twd nKnc pages of ai( ii-alions 
b\ '^iMMic»-r and ilenials b\ others. fiiialK : 

the Miw being first slaine (inn |Iim'Iij:Ii wtli a vwordci in his siglit. 
he rncleil his «'ourse here, G<mI opening his month bcloic lii~- dcalli. to give 
him the glorx <d his rightousru-s. to the full satisfactio (d all the |)rsciit. bntt 
in iither ropi-ct?. leaving him a terrible example of divine justice and wiatli. 

\ ((»! I!T nil l» \Tr MWIIWKN TUF 1th OF TUF. Nth 

\i()\i:ni U.I2. 

*\X''ill llaribn;.' bein;^ <iiii\i(ted of a great deali' id base carrvage and 
fdthv dalliances wlh divers vong girles. togcthci will lii> i iiliceinf: and ((ir- 
rupting divers servants in thi« plantalio. haunting wtli lliem in iiiglit meelings 
and jum kctling. \. was sentenced li> be seveerb \\lii|i|ied and lined five 
poundo to Mr. Malbitn. and five pounds to Will Andrew-, (whose lamxivcs 
and daughters he hath >-o much dishonored and wronged in altem|ilin;i lo 
defile (hrmi and presentlv to depart the jilanlatio. and nul l<> reloiirne \nder 
the |MMiall\ «d seveer punishment. 

A COI l{l IKtl 1)1 \ \ I I \l W 11 W I \ I Ml II (d I Ml It M(»\: ir.i:;. 

■John Laurence and \"alenline. servant- in \li. Malln.ii. fur indiezilling 
their mars goodn. an<i keeping dis(»rderlv night meelin<^s wlli Will Harding, 
a lewd arnl flisorderlv person, plotting wlh him to carrv llieir mar- danght<'r 
to the farmes in tin* night, concealing diver- vncleane lillhv dalliances all 
well they confe^^ed and was whipped. 


Ruth Acie, a covenant servant to Mr. Mall)()ii. for stuhornep. lyeing, 
stealing fro lier Mrs. and yeilding to fillln (lalliaiicc uth Will llarding was 

Martha Malhoii for, consenting to goe in the nighl to the farnies ulli 
Will Harding to a venison feast, tor stealing things Iro Ikt part-iils. and 
yeilding to fillh\ dalliance wlh ihc said Will Harding, was whipped. 

Jane Andrewes, for ) ielding to filth) dallianee with the said Harding, 
was w lnp|)ed. 

Goodni Hunt and his wife for keepeing the coun( ells of ihe said William 
Harding, hakcing him a |)ast\ and plum cakes, and keeping (■<impan\ with 
him on the Lords tia). and she sutii-ring Harding to kisse her. lhe\ heing 
only adnutted to sojourne in this plantatio vpon their good behavior, was 
ordered to l)e sent onl ni this towne wthin one mimelh after dale hereof, yea 
in a shorter time, if any misearryage he found in them. 

In this Puritan Culture, puiushments were dealt out at a site that was 
known as -WHilTlNG POST UU.L: Here also were the 'Stocks' and 
'Pillories' for the chastisement of those guilty of major or minor offenses 
against the Colony. 

On page 98 of our "New Ha\cn Colon) Records," (1638-1649) we have 

the proof that 'the Colony' was independent. 

'(64) Articles of Confoederatio betwixt the Platations xnder the Gouermt 
of the Massacusetts, the Planations vnder the Gourmt of Newplymouth. the 
Plantations vnder the Gourmt of Coneclicutt. and the Gourmt of Newhaven 
wlh the Plantatios in condjinatio uth itt.' 

In these 'articles,' covering seven pages, they are called 'The said United 

On page 225, we find the record confirming Joshua's interest in higher 

Mt was propownded that the free gift of corne to the college (Harvard) 
nught be continued as it was the last yeare & it was granted. 

'Mr. yVtwater, the present treasurer, informed the court that he had sent 
from Connecticott fortie bushells of wheat foe the colledge by Goodnm 
Codman for the last yeares gift of Newhaven, although he had not received 
soe nmch.' 

In perusing the seating arrangements in the "Meeting House, which is 

reproiluccd on the back pages of this volume, (another first for Atwater 

Histories) you will note that Mrs. Gov. Eaton's name has been included with 

'Old Mrs. Katoii." This is incorrect. She is not li>lcd on page 303 of New 

Haxcn ("(ilon\ Kecords 16-16 and it is explained a- lollows: 

'""The following passage, from Lechfords Plaine dealing, explains why 
no seat is assigned for Mrs. Eatoti. the Governor s wife. 

"At New -haven, alias Quina|)eag. where Master Davenport is Pastor, the 
exconnnunicate is held out ol the meeting, at the doore. if he will heare.' 
Mass. Hist. Coll. 3d series. 111. 73. Reference has already been made to 
Mrs. Eaton's excommunication.' 

'Brother David Atwater being absent from the watch one inght was 
ordred to pay his fine. Also defective another time, but he layeing the fault 
on the mr of the watch it was respitted.' 


In thf 164^-1662 New Ha\eii Tkwii Recordsi. puMislied by New Haven 
LolunN Histurk-al Societ\, there are many references to Joshua and Dax id. 
"Mr Atwatlers ye Treasurer/ acted as adnjuiistrator of a number of estates. 
He was also chosen 'Deput>' of the Court for a number of years. He appears 
as plaintiff, in a nundter «»f actions before the Ct)urt. to reco\er for goods 
and cattle sold. In more than a dozen cases, he requests permission to sell 

At one hearing, it was ordered: Itt is ordered tiialt brotiier Vllwatti 
I note spelling) and Htibt Hill shall be exempted fro watch in their own 
persons. b\ reason of their bod\iy iiifirinitNes. \ett so as to fiiule each of 
the-fii a man to watch their roume." 

hi I(kI(). Thomas Kugill. first secretary of tlie Colony, was disinissed 
from his office and excommunicated from the New Haven CIiiik li. for 
*faU\f\ing of ortlers and records' and thcreb\ securing 52 acres dl land to 
which he was not entitled. 

In the list of estate (p. 93 I with the names uf "I'lanters," we find the 
following listings: 

*■ 'persons - acres - Ist.div. - neck - meadow - 2nd-yearely rate. 
•Josuah Attwater' 2 .S(U) 20 f K. 61 01-11-06 

•l)a\id Altwater" 1 500 2414 141 1-11-14' 

During one of these sessions, the Courte sentenced 'Richard lido. Iialli 
bine a false \nfaitliful servant to his Master' and alst) 'Thomas Meekes lor 
stealing, receiving >tidlen goods, and intertaining \ iiniting mens scr\aiits 
. . . to drink >trong waiter' and 'conceule it. etc. 

'rherf<»re the sentenc of ye Court is that Thomas Meekes |>a\i' twcniv 
{Miunds as a fine for these misdemenours and miscariages. and when lido 
and SlojMT i- whipped, he and his wife are to come to ve whi|)ping post, and 
••tan«l ther. pulling each of them one hand inlo \e hole t)f tlu- post wliill \c 
other are whipped: thai lhr\ mas haue part of \e shame \m li their simi 
deserxeth: and to gi\e security U>v the fine, or pa\e it prescntK. and to pay 

the due charges of the prison." 

• • « • * 

On the '.inih uf the (>' M..11: 1611" a! a Ccnrll Court hearing: "Mr. 
(.foudu'are propounded hi> purchase n| Mi. I ainl- I, land In lln |(j\uii'. Imll 
itt was notl acce|ited. " 

*"'N«<w calli-<l .*^heller Uland. Mr. (»(MMl\iarc . . . [uik lia-cd \la\ 1 <">. 
I6II. and Mdd it Juik* *). I6.SI. to Thomas Middleton. 1 liomn'- llonx'. Con- 
-t - '\f»ter and Nathaniel S\l\esler. for !(»(»() Ih^ of good, hick lianlaMc 

Mii«' •^^ .ido Sugar." 

First li<pior license i>>-iii(l. 
".Alt a Gen Court held alt Newha\<n. the U>tli of Iniic. 161-5. 

"lit Han or«lerrd that if any person or persons, whether directly or 
indirrrtlv. in this lowne shall m-II wine bv rcta\le of <|iiarls or pinles or the 
like, after 11 «ia\es ne\t cnsticitig be expired. wllnMit license, he or they 
^hall 1m> puninhed att the discretio (d the court. 

"Will \n«lrew!« Iicens4*d to draw wine and to '-ell |i\ ntavle." 

"It ij» ordered that whos<»e\er findelh aii\ thing lost w( li is of \allew & 


fit to be restored to the owner, shall williin three days deliver it to the 
niarshall who shall safly keepe the ihiiiji ... 6. shall cry it twice oiiii tin; 
lecture dayes foUowinge ... a third lime on a laire dav . . . and the niarshall 
shall have & receive fnun llic owner, a peini) a day for soe crying it." 

"A Generall ("ourl llie 2()th of \o\ciiil)er. 161.!!. The Governor a((|iiaiiil('(l 
the court wlh & read a letter wch he had received from \c ( oininittee of Ixith 
houses of parlimciit.'" 

"*This letter referred to in "New Ha\en case stated." and was "fnr 
freeing the se\eral distinct colonies of New Kngland from molestation l)\ the 
appealing of trouhle-sonie spirits unto llngland. whereby the\ declared that 
they had dismissed all causes depending before them from New England, and 
that the) advised all iidiabitanls to submit to their respective go\ rriiiiicnis 
there established, and to aciiuiescc when their causes shall be there heard and 
determined.' The letter was signed b\ l*end)roke. W. Say and Seale. Man- 
chester. Fr. Dacre. & Warwick, Denbigh." 

In m\ two okl \olumes of New Ha\en Coloii\ llecords ib'M'> to 1662 — 
we find numerous references concerning Joshua and David. Except for her 
listing in the seating arrangements, there is no reference to Ami in the 
above records, or for that matter in any (d tlie other histories about the 

Joshua, of course, was the most outstanding of the brothers, engaging 
in many activities. Our efficient compilers of the |)ast have reached the 
conclusion that his progeny finally died-out without issue. This confirms the 
well-established theory that we all stem from David. With tine last item 
about Joshua, we will proceed to chronicle a few David stories from the 

In the "List of Officials. Civil. Military, and Ecclesiastical of . . . New 
Haven Colony" compiled in 19.'^5. for the Tercentenarx . we find the b)llowing: 

"'ATWATER. Joshua (D. 16761 Clerk New Haven Train Band. Aug. 
1642 (resigned July 16441. Treasurer. New Haven Colonv." 

JUDGE (New Haven I. June 1652. Mav 1653. May 1654. (Removed to 

It is claimeti that ""Daxitl was the first intli\itlual to take the Freemans 
Oath. We believe this refers to Newhauen. However, we do know that twenty 
plantors lioni our <dl<in\ wen! to Hartford, in Mav of 1665. Imt "were sent 
home as re|)udiated. after they had suffered the difficulties and hazards of 
an uncomfortable and unsafe journe\ in that wet season." 

In the following year — May 8. 1666 — "Mr. Jones acquainted ilic iown 
that Mr. Sherman was now in town ... in pursuance of the General Assend)l\s" 
order of last, to tender the freemans oath to our present freemen, and to 
as many others of the town as should orderb present themselves & be found 
fit. But there were only Mr. Henrv Rutherford. llenr\ Glover. Mr. Thomas 
Yale, John Winston. Mr. James Russell. Ralph Fines. Francis Brown, Jeremiah 
Osborne and Henry Bristow took the oath, and that according to the terms 
of our submission." 


It was (luring this period that New Haven Plantation united willi 
Connecticut t Hartford > Plantation, with the tiefinite agreement ihat cm\\ 
town should remain a capital. 

Training in the Market-Place and keeping watili were two duties of all 
Church-Court mend»ers. unless exempt. "John Beiduim informed the courte 
that he was fined hy the courte for neglecting to warn Dauid Attwater to 
watch. It was l»\ the secrelarie that then was. entred 5s. hut it was hut 2s:6d. 
and seing diners dt>e rememher it wa- hut 2s:(»tl. the courte agreeil tluil he 
should pave no mure." 

■"Dauid Attwater entred an action against .Mathias llitchcocke. for 10 
pounds well the said Malliias llitchcocke re;ea\ed of Dauiil Atwatter. for 
tlie service of Thomas W liiteliead for four vi'ars and eiglite nioneths. wch 
Mathias llitchcocke could uol performe. he not haueiiig a full right to dispose 
of the saide Thomas . . . hut now the said Thomas declareth himeselfe w iiling 
to ahide w'.h his master Daxiil Atwatter. till he ma\e heare from his \nkeil. 
so he ma\e haue just satisfaction for the time ti» come, so Kuige as he sla\eth 
will hime. Th.ey hothe agreed hefore the courte. that he should haue 3 pounds 
a yeare. nieate. drinke and clothes." 

"David Atwaler. Richard Mansfield, is to finde each of tiicni a iium to 
watch at the towne in regarile of ther house lots heare. 

W h\ the 'Courte' reijuired owners of vacant house lots, to suppK a man 
for watch is l>evond our comprehension. This original precaution \\a> insti- 
gated to he read\ for ari\ emergenc \ . Ilii\s(\ri. (Hii Colonists were more 
fearful of the Dutch than the Indians or other ( ala^lropin . 

There was a fight with the I)ut( h over Stamford. ' Tlic l)nt( li authorities 
at New Amsterdam reported to their superiors in Holland lliat "KodtMdterg' 
or New Ha\en. contained, elexen vears after it was louiulcd. aliont I..'>1() 
families. But. though affirmed of New Haven town, it nuist lune hcen . . . 
their informant's estimate of the population of the Coloiu." 

He died in 1692. He had out-lived most of the original planters who 
arrived on the Hector in 1637. David's farm — known as Attwater East Farms 
- was on the west side of Ouimiipiac or New lla\en. 

The Collet^iate School 

Later to III' know n 

Yale Collei^e 

On (ihristnuis Dav. in l<ill. al Town Meeting, a |iio|i(.>.al was made lo 
e^lahlish 'wIuioIh for all. wliere lh«' rudimi-nt^ of kn<iw ledge might he gained. 
mIhmiI.h where learned languages might he taught: a pnlili< lilnaix: and to 
crown all. a college in vshich \oiing miglil In- filled joi |iuMi( -.er\ iie in 
f'hur«-h and Stale.' 

lAwniuiTv stale!* in his 'Uepuhlic of \iu llavcn": 'School-. |iiiMic and 
private, whifh were alwav^ maintained in Nm Ihnm. |iio|i,il>l\ IoiukI iIk ir 
prololvjM*** and mo«|e|'. in the collegia \\lii< li cxi-tcd oi IimI rxi'-icd. m ihc 
mother town** of \shford. (loventrv and Londmi. 


As Joshua Attwater had been a successful mercer of Ashford and 
prominent in its affairs, it was natural for him to be the first one to propose: 
'An offering of a peck of wheat or the \ahic of same, from everyone whose 
heart is willing' toward assistance U)r 'poor scholars at Har\ard College." 

Some New England historians claimed that this contribulion was proposed 
by Joshua for 'a school lor higher learning' at New Haven. In aii\ c\ciil. 
we know thai when he became Treasurer of the Hcpnlilic Joshua had a 
standing order passed at Town Meeting, requiring that such contributions 
be in the form of a tax. 

The first school master, is said to have been Ezekill Cheever, a Latin 
scholar, author oi 'Shoil Introduction To The T.atin Tongue.' He resided 
with "young Joshua Attwater, late of Kent, and now Treasurer of the Colony, 
who looked down on the Square "from his great mansion, where Osborn Hall 
now stands." Under a court ruling Joshua was to be paid five schillings per 
week for housing the teacher. 

Joshua's plea for a school of higlicr learning for ihe Coloii\ Imall) took 
root. In 1647. other powerful members of the 'church-state' hierarchy joined 
him in the movement. It was decided the time had come for a college of 
their own. Later, the Colony granted eight acres of Joseph Peck's land in 
New Haven, to the Collegiate School provided 'if settled here and so long 
as it shall remain here.' 

But this was the year in which a number of the more ])rosperous planters 
— including some of the Attwaters — lost a sizable stake, for that age. in the 
strange disappearance of one of their trading ships. 'The Phantom Ship' by 
Longfellow, immortalizes this episode in New Haven shipping history. (See 
under French Spoliation Claims.) 

So it was not until 1660 that the college project received a new lease 
of lile. This happened thru the generous action of Governor Hopkins of 
Coimecticut. In his will, the Governor put aside a sizable amount for the 
establishment of a college. John Davenport was named as one of the trustees. 
When the union between New Haven and Connecticut became a certainty. 
Davenporl nioxed. about 1670. to Boston, dissatisfied with ihe union and 
new teri(leii(ies in the Co|on\. 

A large portion ol ihe funds collected by Joshua Attwater and others 
went toward the support of the 'Collegiate School" in Branford and The 
Hopkins Graimnar S( hool" in \ew Haven. 

It was not until 1701. when the Colonial AssembK. meeting in New 
Ha\en. passed an act. dated October 9th. establishing a college, diat ihe 
'Collegiate School' was ollicially recognized. This came about thru the 
indefatigable efforts of the Rev. James Pierpont. Pastor ai the First Church 
of New Ha\en. Nine other ministers, as listed herein, joined him in the 
petition to the Colonial Assendih . He has. at times, been called the Pounder 
of Yale. 


The others were: *Rev. Samuel Andrew of Milfonl. \\\u> for several 
years Has a resident Fellow and Tut«ir at Harvard, where lu- gained great 
reputation as a scholar and as an instrutti>r. ami later became the second 
Keetor of Yale. 

Ke\ . Thomas Buckingham, of Sayhrook. a nali\e of Milford. educated at 
Hopkins School in New Ha\en ami long recognized as one of the most able 
men in the Colony. 

Kev. Irrail Chauncey. of Stratford, stm of the second presi.li iil ul Harvard 
and at <tne time teacher in the Hopkins School of New llaviii. \ iiuiti of 
\aried gifts, who beside his standing as a clergyman, had a high reputation 
for medical skill as well as general scholarship. 

Ke\ . Sanmel Mather, of \\ indsor. closely connected with the < clchratcd 
Mather family of Boston and exceptionally successful as a pastor. 

Ke\ . James Noyes, of Stonington. the leading minister of (he CoIoiin. and 

the one usualK in\ ited to preside as Moderator at councils and < it her jneetings 

of the I lerg\ . 

Kev. \braliam I'ierson. of Kciiilworth. >oii ut the |iiiii(i|)al Idiiiidfr ^>i 

Newark. N. J., who on coming to Connecticut, look a jUdiiiiiRiil place at 

once anu>ng the ministers of the Colon) and was known as an able scholar 

and later became the first Rector td ^ ale. 

Hex. Noadiah Russell, of Middletowii. a native of New llaveii. where his 

parents had been among the original settlers. 

Re\. Joseph Webb, of Fairfield, where he had settled hut a few vears prior 

to 1700. 

Rev. Timothy W oodbridge. ol llailtoKh than whom no niini-tiT in the 

(.olonv had a higli«-r n'|iutalion hir leaniinji. |oi wi^chmi in ( oun.-< I. and 

for public >pirit. and lia<l gained more completelv the puhlit ( iinfidiMu c. 

At this time. New Haven was part of Connecticut. Seven (d the niiinsters 
came from sections that had formed the oiijiinal New lla\en IIe|iiiMii .' Il 
was natural. lhereb»re. with the Kev. James I'ieipoiit a> leader, that \ew 
Haven was <-hoosen. a> the >ile for the college. b\ the niajorilv. \> reniarkid 
by one member of ihc Assemblv : "We on purpose gave vour ai adeniv as 
low a name as we c«iuld. that it ndglil lietler ^land in wind and wealhi'r." 

I lie 'I rustees met at Savbrook and organi/ed on \o\cinher II. I7(M. 
Jacob Heminway was the first student. The lir>l graduate was Nathaniel 
(Jiaunce> of ."^Iratford. F.iglit >-tuderil>- re<ji-lered under one tutor in Septeni- 
Ut of 1702. 

During the next fourteen vears niueli di-eord aro^-c llmi the Ink id 
pro|M-r meeting arrangemenl<-. In the begimdng. sludenl- weic loricd to 
travel to Milford to Piernon's hom<'. Ami in llie second ncior's perioil. the 

home of Sanujel .'\n«lrew lia<l to be visiird [or l<i Inn--. \\ \\\r la-l ( nienee- 

ment hr|«| in ."^avbrook iJTUm ihe orilv tutor resigned. Mudeiiis were 
diotributrd throughout the entire Ctdonv. 


With Hartford using every means — including Legislaluc inlliicnce — to 
secure the college, the Trustees acted promjilK. I liey ordered the erection, 
in New Haven, of a College Hall and Hector's house: ordcicd all >lii(lciils 
to report at New Haven and elected two tutors. 

The first 'College' huilding — at the corner of Chapel and College Sts., 
was 170 feet long. 22 feet wide and M) feet high. 1 luce stories high, with a 
steep-roofed attic, it was huill entirclv of wood. Il ( oiilained a "lihrary. with 
large Chapel which was also used as a (lining iiall. kitchen and 20 suites of 
rooms for students.' 

Leaders in Wethersfield, Saybrook and Branfoid rebelled against '('onrt 
Acts' and also against the action of the trustees in ordering the building 
buih in New Ha\en. Main of the hundreds of library books, of the Collegiate 
School, were distributed in homes in the above mentioned towns. The follow- 
ing is a report of the episodes inxolving the return of the library to New 
Haven : 

"HIS HONr the GOVr hearing of the refusal of th.' Libiar\ calls 
together the Council to Saybrook, where they ordered Mr. Buckingham in 
whose house they were to deliver . . . but he refused, then after pains taken 
with him by perswasion to no pirpose, they bound him o\er to answer to 
the next Genl Court in 100 pound bond, and innnediately ordered the 
Sheriff to SIEZ the BOOKS, who went according but met with such opposition 
that he returned again and took new' orders with him to break doors and 
call assistance, which he did and broke the door of Mr. Buckinghams house 
and entered and seizd the Librar) and it was guarded all niglit and |n(i\ision 
was made next day for the Transporting of it by Carts, but in the night the 
Carts were broken and confounded and oxen turn<'d away; nevertheless they 
made new provision and the next day under ye Major of Ye County's 
Conduct, they were transported out of the Town, and some of the opposers 
that talked sausily were bound o\er to the tiext County Court. 

"The books tho' they met with opposition b\ the wa\ in tiiat some of 
the bridges were broken up, yet in three days they arrived at ye Colledg at 
New Haven, about ye beginning of Decendir. but we found about 260 
wanting: however ail we had being above a 1000 VOLLUMS of choice books 
we fixed up in order in ve Library." 

Middletown had also tnade a strong bid to secure the school. But Gov. 
Saltonstall. a firm friend of iIh' college idea. iikUk rd the General Assembly 
to pass the following resolution: 

'That under the present circumstances of the affairs of die Collegiate 
School, the reverend trustees be advised to proceed in thai affair: and to 
finish the house they have built in New Haven, for the entertainment of die 
scholars belonging to the Collegiate School.' 

As early as 1701 — Novendier II th — a nundxT of books were Inongbl 
by each trustee to the meeting and presenting them to the grouj) wtjuld su) : 
'I give these books for the founding of a college in Connecticut.' 



In inv Yale Genealug). piildished in I'Mi;'.. under a picture of Eliliii 
Vale, is the caption— ( FOl.NDEK OF ^ ALF LiMYKKSlTYi. Nuu I, i us 
rexievs the facts to ascertain the truth tir altsurilit\ of this claim. 

The Collegiate School had been in exislejice for many years l)efore Elihu 
\aie made aii\ response to tiie numerous recjuests that had been made* for 
his assistance. As an Atwater descendant. \ ou s!u;i II know llial Klilui was 
the third child of l)a\ id \ ale, one of the original planters of the New 
Ha\en Ct»li»n> . 

ApparentK. Daxid Yale must have considered the "Church-State hierarchy" 
in New Haven not to his liking, as we lincl liini cslaMl-lnd in Boston as 
earl\ IWl. And there is no doubt about his ci\ il and religious difliculties 
in the home of the "bean and the cod." Not being in sympatin willi loi 
laws, nor religious dogma of the colonists. I)a\icl look personal action, a 
a n»eml>er of the established Church of England. Inducing six others to join 
him. a reMilutionar\ petition was presented to the (iiMieral ('ourt of Massa- 
chux'tts Ha\. The appellants oltjected to the ■non-admission to llic churches. 
id thoM' who acknowledged the established religion of England, and at the 
non-participation of the inhabitants, who were not members of the colony 
I hurch. in the management of ci\il alfairs. as voters and oiiicc holders.' 

'The authorities of Massachusetts* were not icaiU tor >uch a rc\ohi- 
tionar\ change. The petitions most offensive clause was a threat ol apjjcal 
til the parliamentar\ gc(\ernment in England. Vnd they were nol satisfied 
with a carefulb drawn argument but included a hue of 8600. wli'h li David 
^ ale had to pa\. He returned to England in K).S1. His second >uii. l.liliu. 
Imrn in Boston on April 5. 1019. returned willi lii> mother and Jirollier 
l)a\id. to England in 16.52. 

As a vcjung gentleman. Elihn lived llnii one ut the iiio-t liii luiii'iil [iciiods 
of England's checkered lii>tor\. There was the rise and tall ot ()li\cr. 
Cromwell's regime: the IJestoration : the phiiiue and the (ireal lire, ll was 
al.«»<» the heyday of Milton. |)r\den. .|eiiin\ Ta\lor. llirliard Baxter. George 
Fox and \\ ni I'eiin. 

I In- East Indian (]ompan\ racket, whieh li.id Imiii e-lalili-lieil li\ a 

I from that notorious Elizabelh. the l-ii-l. now attra( led llie iiileresl td 
i.unu ^ ale. I he interesting stor\ ol his reign, as (.overnoi. Im li\e \ears. 
ul Madras, accunuilating a birtune of ■.5(1(1.(1(10 pagoda-': lii- removal irom 
•dlicc b\ the CumpatiN : and mimc-roiis liiaU. imhidimj one loi miiider : 
dfn-* not picture *the founder id ^ ale" as a \ei\ uoiihs hein Im -m li an linnor. 
Had one of hln groom- hung for riding a lavorile lioi-e ol lii> uilhoiil 
|MTniiHsiiin. i 

It wax thru the idfnrts of jeremiali hiinnnii. a^ent in London, for 
l'ro% WHT «d M.t--,ii huM-tt- Ba\ and the ( !olon\ o| ( ^onnei I i( nl. lli.il (>o\. ^ ale 
iM'camr inlere-led in the Collegiate .School. During 1711. \li. Diinnnei wrote 
the I{rv. Jumes i'ierpoiit. the actual founder of ^ ale- (College, .-nggesling the 
pos-^ihility of iM-'curing funds from the 'former Governor of Fort St. (ieorge.' 


Despite the Reverend's schdlaiK and |)crsisteiit appeals, no progress was 
made with this man. who was now trying to huild character, until Cotton 
Mather's memorable letter ot the 14th of January. 1718: 

'Sir.' said he. "though \ ou have felicities in vour fainih. which. 1 prav. 
God continue and multiply, yet certainly, if what is forming at New Haven 
might wear the name of YALE COLLEGE, it would he better than a name 
of sons and daughters. And your munificence might easil\ obtain for \ ou a 
commemoration and per])etuation of Nour valual)le name, uliicli would indrcd 
be much better than an l'.g\ptian pyramid.' 

Those capital letters nmst have caught the eye of this op|)ortunist. for 
within six months 'three bales or trunks of valual)le goods' arrixed in Boston, 
from Elihu \ ale. to be sold for the benefit of the School. There was also a 
'fulldength })ortrait of King George L, by Kneller.' (said at present to be in 
the College collection): 'an escutcheon representing the ro\al arms, which 
was destroyed in the Revolution, and a large box of books.' In the invoice, 
some of the materials were listed as follows: '25 pieces of garlix. 18 pieces 
of calico. 17 pieces of worsted goods, 12 pieces of Spanish poplin. 5 pieces 
of plain muslin. 3 pieces of camlet, and 2 of black and white silk crepe.' 

While the Yale Genealogy puts a very high value on Elihu's sole contri- 
bution to the School, most writers agree the goods sold for $560. after 
having been inventoried at 200 pounds. 

"We were favored and honored.'* writes Tutor Johnson, on that bright 
September morning of 1718. "with the presence of his Honor Governor 
Saltonstall and his lady, . . . Lieutenant Governor and the whole Superior 
Court, a great number of reverend ministers and a great concourse of specta- 
tors. The trustees, meeting in the new building first most solemnlv in the 
sonorous Latin periods still spread upon their records, 'named our college 
by the name of Yale College . . . upon which the Hon. Col. Tailer, who had 
been sent over by Queen Anne as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts Bay, 
and who in anticipation of these festivities had made the toilsome journey 
from Boston, represented Governor ^ ale in a speech, expressing his great 

A ])rofuse and 'painful' ( ? I letter of thanks was of course forwarded lO 
the donor. Duinmi r later reported 'liiat the old gentleman was more than a 
little pleased — saving that lie expressed at first some kind of concern whether 
it was well in him. being a churchman" (sic) 'to promote an Academy of 

Elihu now agreed, verballv of course, to give the College £200 sterling, 
per annum, as long as he li\ed. This was to be continued after his death. 
Within a month, according to Dunnner. he had broken his promise. How- 
ever, in 1721, Elihu Yale claimed he had sent goods to the College, valued 
at £100. There is no record of this shiiMnent — if it did arrive. He left an 
unsigned will, containing a clause with a bequest of £500 to the College. Mr. 


Duminer. despite his- Ju^llllal•le pleas, failed to induce the heirs to reropnize 
it as a valid le^ae\. 

The ^ ale Genealogy refers, here anil there, to llie Governor's niarilal 
status. While Klihu married Catharine Klford Hynmers at Madras, in lOoO. 
the Genealogv 'admits — that he also was living* there, in iniinoial relations 
nith a Mrs. Nieks and a Mrs. Pavia. tin- latter a Portuguese Jewess.' Mrs. 
H\nnjers is described as *a eopper-colt>red native of India." But recent his- 
torians have placed Mrs. Hynmers as Knglish. even tlutugh thev admit -he 
might have Keen Portuguese and a Jewess! 

i'here were manv men. during those earlv vears of the Collegiate School. 
v%hu gave much time and suhstancc to the -iiccc^s of the College project: 
Joshua Attwater. John Davenport, (/ovcnior li«i|ikin> aiitl niaiiv others. \ii(l 
finallv. there was the Kev. James Pierpont. wlm inlluenced the AsseniliU. 
managed the Trustees, with perseverance and diplonuuv. and tliialK hroughl 
about the action that culminated in the building in New Haven. 

Kev. James Pierpont shoulil have been recognized as the founder of ^ ale. 

The name *Vale College' was changed [o "^ ale I niversitv in UkI.. bv 
authority of the General Assend)lv of the State of (Mmneclieiit. 

The Charter Oak Incident 

liitil about 16.5H New Haven liail a|i|)areiitl\ not liiveii imicli tlidiiiilit to 
obtaining a charter from Kngland. liiil about that lime some tlioii<ilit \\a>- 
given this matter, it did not seem Ion urgent and a- tlie -itiiatioii in iMiiilaiid 
at that time was not favorable the niatler was (lro|i|ie(l. 

-About U>f»n llie Comieclicnt <-o|on\. \\lii(li comprised ol llartlord. 
Windsor, and W etlier-liehi. b-ll that it \\a- liighlv desirable that a ( liarter he 
obtaincil. giving iheni title to the land tiicx had seltl<Ml. (^>nse(|iieiitl\ in JiiK. 
l(>(d their Governor. John \\ inlhrop. Jr. was sent to Kngland to attiiii|il to 
obtain a charter for (ionncelimt. ( )n lii>- wa\ he sto|i|ie(l at N(\\ llavcn to 
discuss the matter with it^ leaders. There appear^ lo \<r no icidid ol am 
un<lrrstanding having been n'ached. Imt there seem^ rea-oii lo Ik Tu \c lliat 
New Haveir» G«ivernor. William l.ei-le. \Na- in la\oi ol having: llie (.liarter 
include both colonies. 

\\ inthrop was successful in ubiaining a favoiahli' i liailei tr<mi King 
Chari<f> II in k/»2. Howev«'r. when the New ilaxeii (,o|on\ learned lint il 
iMnbraied both the (loimecticut and New Haven i dlonies. much oppoi-itioii 
Ha»» voice*! and an ap|)cal was niailc to the King. Mv late U»()l mm li oi the 
o|j|>ot«ition hud been ipiieled and certain eonipromis<'s made li\ liotli ( nlonies 
Ml that on l)rcend>er l.i. HiM New Haven held its last Court. loi iIm pinpose 
of li-nninalinf{ the colonv. < )m januarv .S. 166.S Ni w Haven wioii ilie 
Conncfiicut Ass4Mnb|y declaring subnnssion llirnln ami m iIm -|iiin^ o| jlial 
ypar four magistrates were s<miI to the ( lonni-etieul Assenddv. 


On December 20. 1686 Sir Edmond Andros arrived in Boston with a 
commission from the King appointing him Coxcnior of all \cu England. In 
order to extend his governing over Connecticut he wrote several letters to the 
Governor of Connecticut requesting the surrender of the Connecticut Charter. 
The request was l)rought before the Assembh and il stalled on direct 
compliance. Einally on October 22, 1687 Andros announced that he would 
send or come himself to pick up the Charter. On October 26 he left Boston 
attended by eight members of his Council and guards and arrived in Hartford 
late in the afternoon ot October .HI where they were met by Conned iciit 
Governor Treat and his staff. Andros proposed that they dine first, after wlii( li 
the) meet in the Council Chand>er. He graciously invited Governor Treat, the 
Deputy Governor, and the Secretary of the Council to dine with him. 

At the meeting after the dinner were the Connecticut Officials and twentv- 
four of the thirty-four elected deputies, among whom were Moses Mansfield 
and Abram Dickerman of New Haven. A member of Andros' partv read the 
King's command to Andros to annex Connecticut to his government of Massa- 
chusetts. The Charter was then brought forward and handed to Governor 
Treat, who snipped the thong with which the Charter was tied, unrolled il. 
and laid it on the table. Governor Treat then made a speech setting forth 
what the Charter meant to Connecticut and expressed his con\i(tioti of the 
illegality of these proceedings. John Wadsworth of Hartford llirti lollowcd 
with a sjjeech backing up the remarks of the Governor. He was followed by 
Andros who made some tactful remarks. It is then recorded that Andrew 
Leete, son of William Leete. the former Governor of New Haven, got up and 
was in the midst of a blistering attack on the King's actions with respect to 
Connecticut when a sudden commotion occurred. 

It is not entirely clear as to just what happened at this pdint. One 
account has it that Andrew Leete was taken suddeidv ill and pitched forward 
onid the table upsetting the candelabra and extinguishing the candles, while 
another report has it that a sudden gust of wind coming in through the open 
window extinguished the candles. During the momentary darkness until the 
candles could be relighted the Charter disappeared from the table. One report 
states that the Charter was snatched from the table and passed to .Tos(>ph 
Wadsworth who was standing outside the open window, who took it to the 
house of Samuel Wyllys. on whose j)roj)erty stood a large oak tree. Fhcre 
was no one home but Mistress Wyllys. who suggested that the Charter be hid 
in a hollow of their oak tree. The Charter reposed in ll:c lice until a safer 
place was found and (lie tree was known lliiTcal'icr ;i> the ('JKirtcr Oak. 

When the candles were relighted Andros saw thai the Charter had 
disappeared and noting that no one had left tlic room lie realized he had 
been tricked, but made the best of the situation and announced there seemed 
to be no further occasion to conlirnie the nic(>ting. Thus. th<^ Connrcfirnt 
Charter was saved. 

— George Franklin Atwater (2066) 



Rev. Edward E. Atwater of New Haven 

No. 732 

It is fitting that all thost- who hear the Atwater family name should 
make the acquaintance of KdwanI K. i l!!16-l!>77 1 . f<»r each owes him a 
debt whether he knows it or not. 

K^iuard Klia!» Atwater was a native of Ncu ll;i\cii. (lomi.. uhcic he was 
iMirii May 2U. \i'>\(>. the son of Klihu and Jiiha I.. Tliompsoii Alwa'.cr. He 
attended ^ ah*, graduating in IJ5.U). and in lli<- follow in-: \car cnlercd ilic 


Theological Departiiunt of Yale College. He was ordained a Congregational 
minister in 1!)41. spending eight vears until 11! P) in Raxeiina. Oliin. 'I lie 
following year he spent in foreign travel and. in io52. was installed [jaslor 
of the Congregational Church in Salem Falls ( Rollingsford I. New Hampshire. 
Five years lal(M- li(> returned to New Haven and Imilt u|) a new cliurcli in 
the eastern pari ot llie cil\. This new congregation was (Hgani/cd in lo03 
and he served as its pastor until 1870 for the remaining years of his active 

We of the faniiU know liini lu'sl lor the cunlriliulinns he ni;;di' nj an 
historical and genealogical nature, uk sll\ in llic liter years <d lii~ life. 
Beginning in lo51 he published "A Genealogical Hegistcr ol llic I )(>c,i(lants 
in the Male Line of David Atwater, One of the Original Planters of New 
Haven. Conn., to the Fifth Generation." Copies of this first edition are 
rare indeed. 1 he writer is most grateful to Charles Hol)art Attwater of 
Santa Monica. California, for an opportunity to examine his copy, which 
he naturalh \alues highly. A few quotations from the prefaced "Notice" 
and "Introduction" will reflect the care and industi\ of our first family 
genealogist who must have begun his labors more than 200 years after the 
arrival of the first members of the family in America in 1637. 

"The following Register has been prepared for llic gratification of 
manv of the descendants of Da\ id Atwater, who have expressed a desire to 
trace the line of their descent from him. Great care has been taken to make 
it correct: some errors, however, may possibly be found, and unquestionably 
there are many omissions . . . 

"In regard to the orthography of the name, usage differs; some willing 
Atwater. and others Attwater. The men who hrouglil llic name to this ccmntry 
have, each with his own hand, written it upon llic l'ul>li( Records of llif 
New Haven Colony — the one Uavid Atwater and the other Joshua Atwater — 
in neither case using the letter "T" more than twice. Fugill. how(-\cr. the 
first clerk of the Cojoiu. wherever he has the occasion to write the name. 
uses "T" three times. If llic orthographical ([uestion is carried farther back 
than the first introduction of the name into America, it will be found that 
the name was originallv written Attewater. in which form it may be found 
in Doomsdav Book, like its cognates Attewdl. \ttewood and some others 
uliicli !ia\c now Icsl the prefix, as Attetow nscnd. \fterward lltf fir-l ""K" 
was dropped, and the name was written \llwalcr. as is gcncralK il not 
universallv w ritten in Flngland to this da\ . 

"it has been found impossible to designate those branches of the family 
who differ from the more commonlv recei\ed method of spelling, which 
is Atwater . . , 

"Joshua Atwater and l)a\ id Atwater were among the first planters of 
New Haven, as their autographs in the first volume of the Town Records 
sufficiently prove. 


"Tradition says that the family of Joshua, in the male line, sihui lui aine 
extinct: and all researches yet made serve to confirm it. He was prohahly a 
married man at the time of his emigration, as his family is mimhered as 
iHo i^K-rsons in the list of planters. If this he so. he soon lost liis wife, for he 
married Mar\ Blackman. the daughter of a clergyman in Stratford. May 
6. Uol. h\ vshoni he had two sons and one or more daughters . . . l'rt'\i«>us 
lo 1W»5. or earl\ in that \t*ar. he removed to Bost«>n. as in a lU'cA dalcd 
in that \ear. I'\ wiiiih he conveyed to his hrother l)a\ id his house and 
lands in New Haven, he descrihes himself as ■jn-lma \t\\atir dl Ho^tun. 
New England." 

"if it be true that the famiK of Joshua in the male line became extinct. 
all in .America who bear the name of Atwater are descendants of Da\ id. None 
ha\e \et been found ului rouM n<it trace their lineage. li\ means <il this 
register, to him."* 

This UiSl volume lists six males in tlic m'i mnl >:fn('ratiiin. >t\ i iilciii 
in the third, thirty-four in the fourth, and fifty-four in llic filth generations. 
In the loTl revision of this document the comitiler adds a few itnns of lainih 
hi^tor^. but in a verv modest ua\. 

The Hev. .Mr. Atwater visited England twice dnrin^ the lalci \ears of 
bis life, once in 1875 and again in 1Im!7. uilli a iuii|i<)Sf ""lo asicrtain willi 
as much exactness as possible what relation (d i onsanguiiniiity there was 
iK'tuet'ii |{ob«'rt At\Nater of luivton Cliaiicl and the other Alwatci- in his 
neighborhtuid. M\ first stuiiv was (d the diocesan register at (.anlerlmrv. 
.\s m\ e\es ran o\er the list of baptism- in I.eidiam. tin attintioii was airested 
b\ the name of .AtithouN rhom|)son ... 1 recognized the name as jieidii^ing 
to one of m\ ancestors . . . Hut what was m\ surprise to iitid . . . lliat the 
blood of the .Atwaters and the I lioinpsons. wliieh had jieediue (unnnin^led 
in m\ own veins . . . had been (-onniiingled \\\i< (entiiries jieture in ilie \eins 
»>i Antlion\ 'I hompson. whose mother was. 1 lieliese. the ;iianddanghtei id 
Kobert Atwater id Ibiviun dhapel." 

Edward E. began the compilation id the ni unl ui desi enl n\ the \lualers 
in England in the expectation that he mi^jhl |iulili>-li hi- liiidinti-. Iml he died 
licfore the task was well under wa\. It was advanced h\ llnhcil Henry 
.Atwater of Washington. I). (!. and |»ulili-lied h\ liami- \l\\ati t n| \ew 

Reverend Edward. Imwever. wrote se\eral \iihimes. inie at least on a 
theological subject, and two valued siihime-. one on ihi- hi-lMi\ o| (he \cu 
Haxen (lolons ( IJUJO) and the other on (he lli-lor\ o| ih,- (,i|\ o| \ew llaxen 
i \lti't~ t . \\r must have had a prodi^doiiv niemorv ami he |Jiii\e(l a dcli^hifnl 
companion a* he mafic conlae|>. with mendicrs of the t.imiK in hi- Iraxels. 
iSet' Alwatcr llistor\. Vol. 1. I'g. \:V2]'M*. for II. \ \iii/i Atwaters account 
of a trip in and near New Haven in lo.'iO \Mii> Kilwaid E.) 


■ppWiWiiBiiii il. 



DAflB ifWlTEE, 

N E (' i *r II I:: II f Ci 1 N A L P I A N T E \i 


NEW HAVEN, mm,. 

TO rut 

P I F T H <;J K M B K A T I O IS 







This opportunity afforded to the writer to review the record of Rev. 
Kduard E. Atwater has made him appreciate more than ever the dehl which 
thosf who l»ear this name owe him as the first SNstematii- compiler ol the 
famiK records. It luuk much time and faithful research to produce the \ulume 
of lool. Toda> tliat \olume seems primitixe in contrast uith the latest \i>lumes 
about the familv like this one and those puhlished li\ Francis Atwater. lUil 
such a geneal»)gical record was not horn in a da\. ()iil\ patient ami per- 
se\ering work produced the ver\ adequate record which we ami (Uii ( liildren 
now enjo>. Kilward K. chose to hegin his studies at a time wlicn iniceless 
records and memories were failing. Let us hope that in our general i. in tlicre 
max he others with similar indii>tr\ to larry on the task. 

— Kkginald M. \ r\s \ii i;. M.D. 

Clara Barton 
A Friend of the Family 

I he present generation of Atwaters will lia\c lilllc accjuaiiilam c with 
llu- oleem in which phrenologists were once held. In tlic period ut sa\ 
lJt,i(l to loOU tliex were pupulurlv l)elieved to possess scicntilii p()\\cr> and 
lo he aide t«» prescrihe the hest line of endeavor for one to pursue. In an 
impressixe maimer the phrenologist would "examine" the |)ersiin infore 
him. amiounie his characteristics, and advise which had hoi l)c iIcvcIdijciI 
and XX Inch corrected. 

!^uili a one wa- 1.. W . lnwlii who. when on a \ isil Id llic linnic u| 
Stephen and ."^arah Barton at Oxford. Massachuselt>. was asked what llirii 
daughter (!lara. ought In <!«> in life, ansxvered., 

"The sensitixe mature xxill alwaxs remain. 
She will nexer assert herself tm li(i>:ll: 
she xxill suffer xxrong first. Mul lor others 
she xxill he jterh'ctlx h-aric*>. I hr<i\\ n-spon- 
>ihililx upon her. ' 
Fox\li-r's adxicr xxas that she should licintnc a >i IkkiI leaclitr. 

I'l-rhaps other children of fifteen lia\c had expressrd llic nianiK r in 
which their I'haracter could dexelop in future xears l>nl ihi- |iiii|ilii-\ was 
to In* fulfilled ihniugh a lifct'inc <d serx i( c l<i <i|Ii(M> liial i^ iinl>landing. 

Ih-re was a woman who was destined to Sland liclnic Kitifis' ami i<i cixc 
ifie hoiiotH of many countries. .N<> \mcii(an Imm in llu- l'^2ir> ( un li\c 
lo kni.w as maiix presidents as knew her and gaxe lui piaiv ■. 

Horn on (]hri<>tmas Day in I!t2l she was in ini Odtli \iar wli(!i ihc 
.American Hed C!r«»Ms was formed and \xa> Jl.'i when she idind. \ >niall. < rcc I 
|KT»<»n. only fivr feet tall, slu* preserxcd a remarkajilx xmilliful manner 
until well Iwxond the years xvhen manx would haxr hccn saving ihcir energy. 

In Miss Hartons efforl- In a-!-!--! familic- in tiaiing soldiers who had 
l>cpn reported ndssing after hattles in the .'^oulh. -he was assisled |i\ hoicmc 


Atwater of Terryville. Connectic ul. a brother of Francis Atwater, tlie compiler 
of four \oluiiies of Atwater History. 

Dorence had enUsted in the Connecticut Cavalr\ al the age of sixteen. 
l)een captured and ?t'iit to Andersoiix illc I'risoii. In this prison 35.000 liiion 
sokliers had been held and 13.000 had died. Working in the |iri>un Im-piial. 
Dorence had preserved a complete roll of llic iiaincs and rank (d tlic-c men 
and their places of burial. \\ hen Miss Barton was authorized by Congress to 

locate and mark the gra\es of I'nion soldiers in the South, lliis roll was of 
great value and Dorrnce was detailed to accompan\ her to XndiTsoin illc. 

During this service Dorence was accused of ihclt <d his own records 
from an officer, was court martialed and given a dislionorable discharge. 
From that time Miss Barton was his close friend and militant supporter. 
Through her efforts, and those of other friends, some enlisted by Miss 
Barton, the sentence of the court martial of iJlOS was set aside more than 
30 years later. 

I had onl\ one brief oppurtunits to meet Clara Barton: that was at 
the home of Francis Atwater in Meriden. She was then as close a friend 
of her host as she had been of his brother. Francis had served as Treasurer 
of the Red Cross during the Spanish- American War and had accompanied 
her to Havana. As near as I can recall she was then 85 or 86 years of age, 
in full possession of her faculties and interested in all that went on about her. 

I I does not take nmch imagination to call up one of the earliest recorded 
scenes in the life lime of public service of Clara Barton. It is the da\ after 
the Sixth Massachusetts had been fired upon in lialtimore. Ellsworth had 
been killed and the regiment with its wounded had arrived in Washington. 

The wounded arc (|uartered in the old Senate Cluunber and those 
attending them filled the seats whilst Miss Barton, from the vice-president's 
chair, was reading the lidme town newspaper aloud. 

Hubert F. Atwater 
No. 242.3 


Irom the earliest times, nations, tribes, chieftains and families have 
adopted distinguishing symbols. The Greek and Roman heroes wore various 
devices on their shields. In the East, the Chinese Empire was symbolized by 
the five-clawed dragon: the Japanese empire bv the chrvsanthemum. In the 
New World, the Aztecs carried shields and banners adorned witli symbolic 
devices. Totemism was another forerunner of heraldr\. 

It was not until the 12th centurv ihat iruc heraldry began in Western 
Europe. Kings and princes were the first to make use of personal insignia. 
Although earlier monarchs had adopted personal marks on seals, the first 
English king to use his great seal as a coat of arms on his shield was Richard I 
who ruled from 1189 to 1199. During the late 12th and throughout the entire 


13lh centuries arms ap|>eared iiu-reasiiigh mi shields. \^ ithiii a >\uh[ iime 
most of the great houses in Kiighiiid aiul upon tin* Continent were displa\ ing 

\\ riters attribute the sudden einergeney of heraldr\ at this time to the 
need of knights and lords for some mark of identifieation. When they were 
in full armor, they were unreeognizal>le. Feu louUi read so instead of usnig 
a nameplate eaeh man adopted a distinctive insignia, known as a "eoal of 
arms." He displaced this on his siiield. hanner and horseclotii. as well as on 
his eiiat, and wore it in ei\il life as well. The hereditary character of heraldry 
owed its existence to the feudal soi-ial system in wlmli ^-mich on il^ -i( iilar 
>ide was held tt»gether li\ personal allegiance of each man to lii^ Icml. The 
coat of arms hecame not (iiil\ a svinixil i>l llic ouncrs iilcnlil\ Imt al-d his 
status as well. 

The great increase in the nundier of coats of arms e\entuall\ made 
some kind of contr«)l necessarv . In tlic nid of the \M\\ centurv. aluiul 1.500 
arms had been adopted in England. Evidence points out that in the I llli 
centur\ ownershi|) of arms had acquired legal rect)gniti(>n. r?\ the l.llh 
centurv. it became the dut\ «)f the '"King ot Heralds." later kiiuwn a^ llir 
King of Arms and also the Garter. Id n-gistn tjic aiin> di noble gcntlfnicn 
ant! still later to give patents of arm^ to apiiiii ant-. The king ol \rm> or 
Garter v*as assisted by a nund»er <d heralds. Tlic oiit|iiit ol patiiit- steadilv 
increaM'd fmm the reign of llcnrv \ I to ihal ol I .li/ajiclh. alter wh'h li there 
l>egan some decline. Those to uliom pati-nl~ to ( oat> ol arm> were issued 
were corpi»rate bodies, higher ecclesiastics and all classes ol new men. llow- 
e\er, with the discontinuance of tournaments and the ( liange in the character 
of war. empha>is in the use of heraldrv shifted Irom militarv to ( ivilian use. 
I)uring the I udor jieriod. the svmbolic use ol arm- at liineral increaxd while 
it> use in war dimini>hed. With the passing (d (he Tudors. hcraKlh art 
{.•enerally declined. 

I he Kngli»h and (!ontirirntaU diew ii|ion the entile animal kmgdoni and 
garden for heraldii ili-viees. Some o| the more common weie the lion. leo|iar(l. 
»tag. wolf, eagle. falc<in. the ro^e. li-h. //<•/// -(/e-/\. v. -wan ami the a— head. 
Other Well-known dev iee- from oilier -olirec- llei|iientl\ ll-ed were the -nil. 
crescent, mullet, escallup, shells anil -heath- id grass. In certain in-laincs 
the wearer^ selected svndtols sugge>ting their name-. lAample- n\ the-e are 
a*> follows: 

I he jjoii-e of (»rilTon bore the grilliii 
I he Ibiii-c oj hrake bore the (iri'-diake or dragon 
The Cockfield- bore -iKi i three cocks gules 
I be l'elham» bore a/iire three peli<-ans siKir 
I be l.ucv- bnre gulei« three luces I or piko I -il\er 
I be Herons bore azure three herons silver 

I he three >wan>.. likr-wise. in the \lwater ( o.il cd arms, together with die 
wavy bars. .HUggeHt "water." 


Certain customs dexelopcd in the use of the coat of arms. Those for 
England and Scoth^nd differed on many ])oints. In thi> discussion, we will 
otdy l)e concerned with the Englisli usage. These customs were generally 
recognized by the King of Arms or Garter in tlie issiiim: <>i |i;Uents. Many 
of them are still observed while others haxc laileii into disuse. Since no iuo 
men might wear the same coat of arms simultani'ousl) . the sons were re(|uire(i 
b) custom to ""dilference" their fathers coat by alterations. Frequentl\ ilie\ 
changed the colors, added new devices to the coat, perhaps a border, or both. 
The first son wore a label, the second a crescent, the third a star, the iomth 
a bird called the ''martlet." the fitlh a ring, the si\lli a jlciir-dc-lxs. the sexeiith 
a rose, the eighth a certain kind oi cross called a "Cross moline." and the 
ninth an eight-pelalled flower. I pon the death of the father, the first son 
inherited the plain coat of arms from him and removed the label. The 
younger sons, however, retained their indixidual marks, and in turn passed 
them on to their descendants who also added further dilferences. 

Women also possessed certain rights regarding their fathers" coals ol 
arms. Daughters were allowed to use their father's coat which they de})icted 
on a diamond-shaped "lozenge." When they married, they '"impaled" tlieir 
own iamily coat beside their husband's on his shield. If their father had no 
sons, they became heraldic heiresses and could place their own famiU shield 
in the middle of tluMr husband's shield. This modified shield was called 
"escutcheon ot pretense." Illegitimate sons were required to seek a new 
grant of arms from the Crown either in the form of the original coat with a 
special mark of difference or an entirej\ new coat. 

Coats of arms were passed from one generation io anollu'r in ilie same 
way as land. If a man had no sons, the land and arms passed to his 
daughter and thence to her son. The son. Ii(iue\er. could not use the coal 
inherited tludugh his mother without "quartering" it. This look place when 
the shield was dixided into e(pial "(luai lers" in which were placed the 
various coats of arms whi( h its owner had iidierited. 1 bus if a man had no 
sons and several daughters, all of lii> grandchildren could (piarlci his arms 
with their own father's coal. It nia\ be seen that after several generations 
of marriages to heiresses, a laniiK might have a large mimber of (piarlerings. 

I he gencial principles of (juarlering are slill ol)scr\ed. K\i-n when there 
are more than four coals of arms used. the\ are still called quarterings. 
Up Io lour (fuarters ma\ he placed in each quarter of a -liicld. Ihcn there 
are more than this mimber. the lour (|uarters of the shield n)a\ liccome 
"grand (luarters. one or nmrc ol llicm being >ub-di\i(lc(l inio lesser (piarters 
to acconnnodate the extra coats. Since Tudor limes, any number of new coats 
ma\ be added consecutively without sub-di\ision into fours. As a result, a 
shield becomes "quarterly of six or "(piarlerlx ol ten. whatexer the nundier 
of coats may be. 

It does not follow that families having tlii' ^anle surnames are entitled 
to wear the same coat of arms. If one can trace blood relationship to the 


other, that fainilx i> eiititleci to a differeiu-ed version of the arms. I nrelaled 
families, therefore, who ha\e the same surname are given a dissimihir phiin 
coat of arms. 

The Atuater loat of arms was worn on sexeral important State oirasions 
in the histor\ of Englanii. It is first recorded us heing home l>\ ]o\\n W ater. 
^ ork HeraUl at Arms, at the funeral of King Edward l\ in 1 U>i-}. His arms 
were des4-ril»ed as "sahle. on a fe>M' wa\\ argent. IkIui-imi three swans of ihe 
set-ond, two bars. \\a\\ azure, crest a (Itiiii-laliiot argent, in the inuutli an 
arrow gule>."* These arms belonged to tin- " Vlualcrs of Kent, uilli \ariations 
of the fesse for tlitference. The arms willi the same crest were confirmed to 
Robert Atwater ttf Kent b\ Clarencieux Harvey in ISfvI. with "tlie colors of 
the crest being transposed for dilTerence." Robert Atwater being without 
male heirs, it is found that his ilaughter Marv. who married Robert llon\- 
wood. iniierited se\erai of her fathers manors and bore his coat ol arms. 
At the entrance of one of the Honywood manor houses, a contemporarv 
writer in the late l(»lh centurs described the ear\e(l quarterings of ihe 
famih's arms. One i»f these was the "Sabli'. ua\\. bendx. of four, in fesse 
argent, between three swans proper, for Waters." 

In preparing this article, the writer olitained his information frmn ihe 
following: Oswald Barron. F..S.A.. \'olumc l.'i The Encyclopedia liritdiinicd. 
lltli Kdition (.New ^Ork. 19101: Anthonx Wagner. Heraldry in Eniihuid 
I Baltimore. 1951 i : lain Moiiereifle of Kastet Moiicreiffe and Don I'nttiiigei . 
Stmiile Heraldry (London. 195.S): (!. Wilfred Scott-Giles, ihe luiiiKiihr oj 
Heraldry (London. I*).tI i : tin ater Hislury, \ol. 1 ( Meriden. 1901). 

— Ray H. Mattison 

French Spoliation Claims 

"Build me straight. () uortli\ M;i-ler. 

Stanch and strong, a goodls vom'I. 
I hat shall laugh at all disaster. 

\nd v\itii \\a\e and wliiilwind wrestle." 


Among the more pr<igressi\e of lliose iail\ \i\\ lla\en -elllei- and llie 

\ltwaler^ should be included in lliis calegctrv weie nian\ liadeis. In oidei 

III Hati^fx the ilemand> of tin- growing population and incidenlalK nnil the 

?«U|HTior reciuiremenls of >.onie id tin- more 'Opuleni" members id llie (!o|onv, 

it wan fount! ne'c-essarv to go far aheld lo nieel lli«-,. dcniaiids. 

Ship«« thai were built in the (!o|on\ were soon sailin;j the se\en seas. 
In or«ler to appreciate the extent of these enterprising Itaders. one should 
read llie account «d m\ direct aiueslor. Jonallian. sevenlh -im i.f |)a\id llie 
Kir>t. Known as 'The Merchant I'rinee of New Ijigland.' Jonallian haded 
throughout the worhl. Ili^ will, as «iulliiied on pages 99 to j I (I. o| Atwater 
History of I'Xil. |»ro\es his diversified and far-reaching (mitacts. 


Facetiously, I have heard Atualer members say: In tliose earlv clays, 
our ancestors were either minister? or rum sellers.' But In In- fair In lliose 
earl\ "rum sellers.' one must remember tiiat the iimkeeper s occupation was 
considered an honorable one in New Havens early hospitable days. 

In more serious talcs, we had heard of daring Attwater sea captains 
running the Privateer Blockatles in the Carribbean. in our investigation and 
research covering numerous Atwater "old wives' talcs." manv of which had 
no foundation in fact, we remembered the French Spoliation Claims. Ila\iiig 
received the nmnihccnl sum of 832.70 from a New Haven law firm, in the 
early part of the Centurx. as our share in these ship claims, wr knew ihat 
this 'tale' was worth further investigation. 

So we wrote to the National Archives and Record Service in W ash- 
ington. 1). C. In response to our request for authentic information, ihe 
following letter was received: 

""\ our letter of June 22. 1954. requested information about f rcnch 
Spoliation claims relating to Thomas Attwater of New Haven. Conn. 

An examination of the records of the United States Court of Claims and 
of the Department of Justice Court of Claims Section revealed four claims 
in which Thomas Atwater of New Haven. Connecticut was involved: Spolia- 
tion Claims 2075. 2839. 3286 and 5339. 

Claim No. 2075. filed bv John C. llollister. administrator of the Estate 
of Thomas Atwater. deceased, et al.. concerned the schooner NFl THAL1T\. 
of which Atwater had been part owner. The NKl TllALlT^ sailed from 
New Haven on March 29. 1800. bound for Martinque. On May 18. 1800. 
the ship was captured In the French privateer L'EGYPTE CONQllSE and 
was condenmed and sokl for the benefit of its captors. The conclusions of 
law filed in this case on Aj)ril 11. 1892. found that the st-izure and con- 
denmation were illegal and that the administrator of the estate of Thomas 
Atwater was entitled to the sum of SI. 630. 12. 

Claim No. 2839. filed bv Elilui L. Mix. administrator of the estate of 
Thomas Atwater. deceased, et al.. concerned the brig HI LKKR. of wliich 
Atwater had been a part owner. Ihc IILLKKK sailed from New lla\cn on 
lune 16. 1800. hound h.r the Ishmd of Grenada. On JuK I 1. 1800. the ship 
was seized h\ I he French privateer BIJOU and was condemned and sold. 
The conclusions of law filed in this case on March 31. 1902. found that the 
seizure and condeni nation uere not illegal and thai the onners therefor had 
no valid claims." 

I Editor's Note: The italics arc ours. As a student of the law over a 
period of manv vcars. we jiave found ihal there are mnnerous legal decisions 
inexplicable to right-thinking minds and honest altorncvs.l 

"Claim No. 3286. filed by John C. Hollister. administrator of the estate 
of EInathaii \l\\alcr. deceased, et al.. concerned the schooner CERES, of 
which Thomas Atwater had been a part owner. The CERES sailed from New 
Haven of October 19. 1797. bound for Cape Verde Islands. In the early part 
of 1798. on this return trip from Cape Verde islands, the ship was captured 
by a French privateer and was condenmed and sold. On October 18. 1913. 
the court dismissed the claim for nonprosecution. 

Claim No. 5339. filed bv Elihu Mix. administrator of the estate of 
Thomas Atwater. deceased, et al.. concerned the schooner NEI TR Mdl^ . of 


which Atwater had been a part owner. Tlie NFA TR ALITY sailed from New 
Haven on or about Fel»ruar\ 1*J. 1T*)9. bound for Martinique. On April 1. 
1799. the sliip was captured i)\ a French |)ri\ateer and was afterwards recap- 
tured h\ the I riited States ship Constitutit>n and carried into Martinque and 
prtH-eetled aj;ainst for salvage by the re-captors. On \pril 16. 191 1. the t (unl 
disinisseil the claim for want of sullicient evidence. 

There was considerable interesting material, to us " Allwaters. in the 
original "Petitions.' 'Briefs.' and Statements oi Alleged Facts." We wish llial 
space allowed us to reprint them all in Volume 5. However, our briefs niav 
be of interest t«i sho\> Imw successfullv hijacking on the seas was carried 
on in 18(Xf. 

These covered cases and claims iinojv ing the Schooner NEl TH M.IT^ — 
value S3,60(). Outu-rs- Thomas Vttwater. Ebenezer Peck. F.lias Sln|iiiian. 
.Austin Denison and Flnathan Att\\alcr. Built at Kingston. Mass.. 1 79.S. but 
registered at New Havi-ii. Oct. 1st. 1791!. o9 11 95 tons. With cargo valued 
at S7.272. 

"The brig HI I.KI.K." a dulv registered vessel of tin- I nited States. I'clcr 
Clark. Master, of 111: Brig, rigged: valued at SS.7<t(»: witli . argo .S8.980. 
Owners. Th«Mna?- \ltuali-r. Frederick. John and Jess liunl. and Uk hard 

The "CKKES.' a registered vessel nl ilic I nited Slates of 52 tons, valued 
with cargo at So.oOO. Owners — Thomas Atlwalei. I'.lnatlian Xtlwalei and 
Anios Vi bite. Master. 

Possiblv the most interesting items disclosed in all these claims, vsliieli 
necessitated over one hundred vears of legal elToit. are in tlie nKiniie-ts of 
cargo: to wit: 

34<M( ft. .d lumber (a SI 6.00 per M S 54.40 

10 sheep and swine (a S2.00 each 20.00 

27 hluls. (i.rn meal. inc. hhds 591.00 

2 firkins butter 72-11-74-11 ra 25. .-51.00 

116 bbU. Hour 1.014.00 

in bbU. brans. ;i5b-i<lol.:i7-ioo i:"..i2yo 

1 1 hluU. tobacco C// sH){\ i.iOO.OO 

I tierce chees*-. 415 lbs. r// 1 1>, 49.80 

U)u\vi\(n SlOeach l.!l 10.00 

61 bbb. berf .SI 2 76!;.00 

29 bbls. p..rk. S20 eac h .5;;0.00 

M) <lo/.en |»oultrv 60.00 

3 hursiti — average 15.00 

6 firkins of lard .'.6.00 

70 lurkevs •'.5.00 

19 •.heep and swine .'io.OO 

In addition t<> iIiom- jn niv own btamli 1 >e^( en<lant- nl .lunalliaii \ll- 
waler which would include Margaret \llwaler I'resinn. nnu ni l.aki' I oicst. 
III., and Sarah (ioj-ke's familv «d INMersburg. Virginia, llierc wnnid \>r the 
following branclu*!*: 


Ruth Caroline AUualer lloland, Rebecca S. \tl\\ater Shaw. Mar\ 15. 
Attwater Read, Elisha Attwater, Nancy R. Attuater Barnes. Thomas B. 
Attwater, Sarah B. Attwater Clark. Elihu L. Mix. Margaret Attwater Weed. 
Edward A. Mix, Henry Smith. Sarah Smitli. Margaret Attwater Smith. Mrs. 
Catliarine Attwater La\. Jutiius \. Siiiitli. |)a\i(l Smith. Otis S. Ler(i\ and 
F. Vinton Smith. 

Henr\ Wadsworth LongfeUow heard of the I'hantom Ship fmin a Mr. 
S. Ward during Jaimary of io41. The |»oet recalls thai he niade no use oi 
the information until October 11. 1}!5(). 

"T was in the college lihrar\ t(»-day. asking for Mather's "Magnalia"." 
Dr. Harris gave it to him. remarking: "You cannot lind in it what \ou 
want, tor there is no index." 

"Then it is ol no use to me." replied the |Hiel. luit ac(i'iilini: the 
volume. Longfellow opened it at random. 

"There, before my eyes, was the ver\ thing I wanted: namely, the 
account of the Phantom Ship at New Haven, book I. chapter 6. I wrote a 

poem on the suhject m the e\enmg. 

In Mather's Magnalia (^hristi, 

Of the old colonial tinie. 
May be found in prose the legend 

That is here set dow ti in rh\ me. 

A ship sailed from New Haven, 
And the keen and frosty airs. 

That fdled her sails at parting. 

Were heav\ with g(»otl mens pra\ers. 

■"() Lord! if it he tli\ |)leasure" — 
Thus praved the old divine — 

"To burv our friends in the ocean, 
Take them, for ihev are thine!" 

Fxil Master Lambcrton muttered. 

\nd under his breath said ht\ 
"This shi|) is <o crank and wall\. 

I fear our gra\c she will he I 

And the .-liips thai canu- from Ijigland. 

When the winter months were gone. 
Brought no tidings of this vessel 

Nor of Master LandxMton. 

This |)Ut the people to pra\ing 

That the Lord would let them hear 

What in his greater wisdom 

He had done with friends so dear. 


Aiui at la<t llu-ir prayrs were ansut'ied: 

It wa^ ill till' iiiuiilli (tf Jiiiu'. 
An hour before sunset 

Of a wind) afternoon. 

\X'hen. fteadily steering laiulwanl. 

A ship was seen below, 
And the\ knew it was LanilxTtoii. Master. 

Who sailed so Imij; aiio. 

On she came, with a (loud of canvas. 

Ki-iht ajiaiii>t the wind that Mew. 
I ntil the eye couhl distinguish 

The faies of the i rcw . 

Then fell her straining topmasts. 

Hanging tangled in tln' shrouds. 
And her sails were loosened and lilted. 

And blown awa\ like clouds. 

And the iiiast>. with all their rigging. 

Fell slowh. one b\ one. 
And the hulk dilated and \anished. 

As a sea-mist in llic sun! 

/\nd the people who saw this marvel 

Kach said unto his friend. 
That this was the inouiti oi their \essel. 

And thus her tragic end. 

.And the pastor of the \ illage 

Ga\e thanks to God in prayer. 
That, to (|uiet their troubled spirits. 

He had <-('iil this Ship nl \ir. 

Ill the 'Preface' of (lotlun Mitllici > Magiialia (-hrisli \in(ii(aiKi di 
the Kcclesiasti<-al History of New Knglaiid. in A published in Luiiddn In 
17(12. it states: 

'The great object <>f llir lir-t rhiiitci> «d \cu Kiighiml \\;i- Id Inim 
\ (IIIM^IIW ((»\I\I(»\\\ i:\l.l II. ■ Tlii. jiitcr;.- Imiiia.nun- was .|(]ill- 
driven .HO iH-ar In the pcri<id nl \i\\ Maxell settlcnu'iit da\-. llial llir Idllnwing 
citations should be of intercut to all nui fainiJv iii(iiibii>: 

'•'..S. |{ut there wa> one thing thai Mia<le llii> ( nloiix i \r\\ llaveni \er\ 
(■oiisi«l«Table: which thing rcniaiiis now to be considen'd. I lie well-krinwii 
Mr. Havenport and Mr. Katoii. and ^i-viial eniiiieiil |)er>(iiis that came over 
to the Ma••sachu^et•ba^ i>inong some <d the Wv^i planters, were slioiigiv iirj^ed. 
that the\ Would have s'-ttle<l in this Mav : but hearing of aiiolher Ha\ to the 
Htiiilhwesi id (ioiiiiecticut. which inighl be more capable In eiiliMlaiii those 
that were Ut follow them, thev desired their frieinU al ( ioniiei li( iil wmild 
purehaM- of the native jiroprietors for them, all the land lliil Li\ beiueen 
iheni'Mdves and llud»(iir> Uiver. which wai- in part clb-cled. 

Accordinglv removing thither in the vear lO.'iT. th«"V sealed llieiii.-el\ es 
in a plea>anl Hav. where lliey s|)read themselves along the sea-coast, and 


one might have been suddenly as it were surjjrized with the sight of such 
towns, as first New-Haxen : then Guilford: then Milloid: llicii Stamford: 
then Brainford. . . . 

'AH this while this lourlli coloin wanted the legal hasis (d a cliaitcr lo 
build upon: hut the\ did l)\ nuitual agreement form themselves, into a hod\- 
politick as like as lhe\ judged fit unto the other eolonies in their neighbour- 
hood: and as lor their church-order, it was generalh secundum usum Nhissa- 
chusettenseni. (after the Massachusetts model I 

's.6. Behold, a fourth colony of New-England Christians, in a maimer 
stolen into and a colony, indeed, constellated with nian\ stars (d tlir first 
magnitude. The colony was under the conduct of as hol\. and as inudiiit. 
and as genteel persons as most that ever visited these nooks of America: and 
yet these too were tryed with very hund)ling circumstances. Being Londoners, 
or merchants and men of trallick and l)usiness. their design was in a maimer 
wholly to appl\ themsehes unto trade: but the design failing. lhc\ lound 
their great estates sink so fast, that thc\ niusl (|uickly do something. 

'Whereupon in the year 1646, gathering together almost all the strength 
that was left them, ihev built one ship more, which the\ freighted for Kngland 
with the best part of their trad:d)le estates: and sundr) cf their eminent 
persons embarked themselves in her for the voyage. 

'But. alas the ship was never heard of: she foundered in the sea: and 
in her were lost, not only the hopes cf their future trade, but also the lives 
of several excellent persons, as well as divers manuscripts of some great men 
in the country, sent over for the service of the church, which are now bniied 
in the ocean.' 

Letter to ' Cotton Mather. D.l). F. R. S. 

I'aslor of the North Church, 
Boston, New-England. 
Reverend and Dear Sir: 

In compliance with your desires. 1 now give vou the relation ol tlial 
apparition of a ship in the air, which I recei\cd from the mcst credible, 
judicious, and curious surviving observers of it. 

In the year 1647. besides much other lading, a far more rich treasure 
of |)assengers. ( five or six of which were persons of chief note and worth 
in \ew-Ha\enl put themselfs on board a new ship, built at Hhode-Islaiul. of 
about 150 tons: but so vvaltv. that the master ( Lamberton I often said she 
Would |)rove llieir grave. 

In the month of January, cutting their way througii muih ice. on which 
the\ were accompanied with Reve:end Mr. Da\enport. besides many other 
friends, with niaii\ fears, as well as prayers and tears, they set sail. Mr. 
Da\(Miporl in ])ra\er. with observable emphasis, used these words: 'Lord, 
if it be tin |)leasure to burv thes'^ friends in the bottom of the sea. thev are 
thine, same them." 

The s|»ring loMnwing, no tidings of these friends arrived with the ships 
from Kngland. New-Haven's heart began to fail her: this put the godly on 
much prayer, both |)ublic and private, 'that the Lord would I if it was his 
pleasure I let them hear what he had done with their dear friends, and 
prepare them with suitable submissicn to his Hclv Will.' 

In June next ensuing, a great thunder-storm arose out of the north-west 
after which (the hemisphere being serene) abcut one hour before sun-set. a 
Ship of like dimensions with the aforesaid, with her canvas and colours 
abroad (though the wind northernly) appeared in the air coming up from 


our harl>oiir"* iiiuutli. which lies >uuth\siiril fnun the town. seemiiijilN with 
her ^aiU filled under a fresh jiale. hoUliiii; her course north, and coiilimiiny 
under obser\ation, sailing against the wind for the space of an hour. 

■■.Man\ were drawn to hehold this great uink ul (mkI; \ca. tlic \it\ 
children cr\ed out. "There's a hrave shi|i.' 

At length, crowding up as far as there is u>Liall\ uater suliu ient for 
such a \essel. and so near some of the spectators, as they imagined a man 
might hurl a stone on board her, her main-top seemed to he hlowii oil. luit 
left hanging in the shrouds: then her niizzeii-top: then ail iuT masting 
seemeil Mown awaN \}\ the hoard: (juitkix aiter the lmil\ innuglit into a 
careen, she overset, and so \anislied into a smoaky cloud, uliitli in some 
time dissipated, leaving, as everywhere else, a clear air. 

The admiring spectators inuUI distinguish tlie sexeral colours of eaih 
part, the principal rigging, and sucli proportions, as causetl not onl\ tlie 
generalit\ of persons to sa\ : 'This was the mould of their ship and tlius 
was her tragick end.' 

But Mr. |)a\ciipurl. also in piiMit . dt'clared to this cifect: 'That (iod 
had condesceniieti. lor the i|uieting oi tlicir alllicteti spirits, this extraordinary 
account of his sovereign disposal of those wlu)m so man\ fervent prayers 
were made contiimaiiv. 

rims. I am. .^ir. 

\ our humble servant. 

James Picrpmit." 

'Header, there being vet living so manv credible gentlemen, llial wire 
e\«* wilne>>es of this wonderful thing. I xcnliiic In |>iilili-l: il Idi a lliiiig as 
undoubted as 'tis wonderful. 

Hut let us m»w j>rocectl witli t>in slorx. Our christians ol \c\\-lla\t'n 
apprehended themselves disadv anlageousiv seated Im llic aifairs ol hii^liandi \ . 
and therefore upon these disasters thev made allinipts <d rcniovinu into 
some other parts of the world.* 

< F.ditor's note: There is no basis in our familv or other records to 
confirm liiir- >latem«'nl. While it is taken for granted tliat sonic dissatislicd 
or venturous |>erson> wnnid li-avc for other parts ol thr ncu World the 
main bodv. including David. <dntiimed. during numerous generation>. with 
the upbuilding <d New Haven. Jonathan's uiil also detues the di-astcr ( huiM-. 
^ho\^iMg that >ucce>?.fui trading in and irom the Colon), (ould he aictmi- 
plislied even in liie second generation.) 

'One while thev were invited inlu i )cla\\arc-ha\ . anotlicr while llu\ were 
invited to Jamaica: «dfer> made llictn Irom licland al-o. allci llic war- thi're 
Here »i\er: and thev entered into some treaties ahniil ihi- (!il\ nl (iall(iwa\. 
whi«-h thev were to have had a» a small prov im i In iIh in-:l\ i-. 

'Hut (iod of Heaven >lill >trangeiv disappointed all ihc-c alti ni|il>: and 
wherea.H they were conc«'rned liow tiieir poslerilv siionld Ik able to live ii 
they iiiUHt make husbandrv lin-ir main -liift for tiicir livin;^: llial |ii>-lrrity 
of theirs, bv the good province of (ind. instead of coniinL' I" luiJijaiA and 
nd.MTV. having thriven wonderfullv : llie i nlnnv i- imiiiuvrd with manv 
ueaithv husbandmen. an<l is to become no -mall pai! nl the ln-l granary 
(or all New-Kngland. 

'And same good i'rovidciKr has all along so preserved ihem from 
annoyance bv the hulians. that ailiiough at their first setting down there were 
few town.H (this also a|)|iears to be in error, as there were no oilier town- in 


1637) 'but what wisely persuaded a body of Indians to live near them: 
whereby such kindness pasted between them tiiat they always dwelt ]ieaceably 
together: iieNcrtlicless there were few of those tctwns but what ha\e seen their 
body of Indians utterly extirpated b\ nothing luit ni(iitalil\ wasting them. 

's.7. But what has now become of New-Ilaxcn (lolonvV I inust answer, 
It is not: and yet it has been growing ever since it first was. Hut when 
Connecticut-colony petitioned the restored King (Charles 111 for a (!ll\l\- 
TER. tlic\ procured New-Haven Colon\ Ui lie annexed niito ihfiii in the 
same charter: and this, not withnul having first |)ii\ate concurrence of some 
leading men in the colony, that it cost some time after the arri\ai of the 
Charter for the colony, like Je|)htha"s daugiiler to bewail her condition, before 
it could be quietly complied withal. 

'Nevertheless, they have li\ed ever since, one colony, very hai»|)ily 
together, and the God of love and peace has remarkably dwell among them: 
however, these children of God have not been without their chastisements, 
especialh in tht^ malignant fexcrs and agues, which ha\e often proved very 
mortal in most or all of their plantations.' 

John Spencer Atwater, M. D. 

John was born October 12, 1913 in Cincinnati. Ohio. He had the rare 
distinction of being delivered by his grandfather. Dr. John r{ced Spencer. 

In high school. John was president of lli-^ . actixc in sports and out- 
standing as an orator. His educational Ijackground included \(lelbert College, 
Denison Universitv ( A.B. ) . Indiana University School of Medicine and Johns 
Hopkins Universitv. Dr. John's medical education also included period at 
University of Chicago and iVIa\() Clinic, with a final degree of Mast(>r of 
Science in Medicine^ from I ni\ersit\ of Minnesota. 

Dr. John's inililarv duty included Australia, New Caledonia. >o|oiii(>n 
Islands. B.W.I.. Admiralty Islands. New Guinea and f^hilijjpine Islands. 

Dr. John has had manv staff and universit\ a|»pointments throughout 
the South, including Kmory. Georgia Baptist, ('raw ford W. Long. Grady 
Memorial Hospitals. Dr. John is now also associated with the firm of Dawson. 
Arp. Atwater & Peacock. He lives on a 12-acre estate. alTeclionalcly called 
"Lanrelwdod. built bv former governor of Georgia and I .S. Senator, on a 
ridge o\erlooking Peachtree Creek. The land is historically sigiuHcanl in 
the Battle ol \tlanta durini: the war between the States. 

John Gapper Atwater 

Son of Canon II. W. Atwater iNo. 21o3l 

Born December 29, 1882 in Bardados. B.W.I. Parents returned to Canada 
in 1884. John spent the last 50 vears of his life farming at W alkerburn. 
Manitoba I in the Duck Mountain countr\ I. lie look a great interest in the 
welfare of the children of the district and served for about 25 years as school 
trustee. He was also Justice of the Peace for 20 vears. Respected by all he 
was greatly missed by relatives and friends when he died on Feb. 8, 1955. 


\T\\ XTKH 

1 1> I luine 



'Honorary Georgia Planter' 

One of the most outstanding iiifiiiliri> nl llic present \l\\;itcr Chiii lives 
in the Soutli. Born into a tiinc-hdiKucd laniilx. highly respected tiiru savoir- 
faire, position and wealth, our Southern cousin is affectionately known as 
'Captain James,' despite his higher rank obtained in the service of his State. 

At o3 he is still active in hanking and good deeds. His -ntire social 
and business life refutes the lhcor\ thai rich men's sons do iiol li\c up lo 
parental accomplishments, llaxiiig iiiilialcd. adhcri'd io and (oinplclcd niaii\ 
outstanding meritorious objectives on hi> own bchali. Captain James has 


failed io helj) lhost> wortln. io ihcir goal ol achics micnt. 


Even in the last \ear. he has been twice honored, as one ina\ apprci iat<- 
by reading the following articles, clipped b\ this editor from loc al papers: 

"Captain James R. Atwater has been selected b\ the Agriculture Kdu- 
cation IHxision of the State Department of Education as an "horiorar) 
Georgia Planter.' This honor is to be bestowed upon a handful of Georgians 
on October 21 and Captain Atwater is the first Upsonian ever picked for 
the honor. 

T. G. Waher. a supervisf^r of the |)rogram. said that tiaplain .\twatcr 
was selected "in honor of his work in tlu> past to promote agricultural edu- 
cation in Upson county.' It is the highest honor that can come to a person 
in vocational education. 

The Upsonian will not be able to attend the slate ceremony in Macon 
on October 21 and a special ceremon\ is being planned to be held at James 
R. Atwater School at a later date. 

In amiouncing the selection it was pointed out that Captain Atwater 
has been interested in vocational agriculture for many years. He sponsored 
the first vocational agriculture program in Upson County and this |)rogram 
was a forerunner of the F.F.A. and Ml programs. Since the latter prt)grams 
have come into existence he has contributed to them. 

In the Atwater connnunit\ he has contributed land for vocational agri- 
culture and a shoj) building which is used in coimection with xocational 

Also Captain \(w ater has ammalK (onl libiited prize mone\ to encourage 
and promote vocational agriculture. He was at one time a |)ea( h larmer and 
has alwavs promoted all farming interests in Upson. 
(From the Ort(d)er 11, 1955 issue of The Free Press. Thoniastoii. Georgia. I 

The following is taken from a |)rogram ot tin- "IJecognition Mct-ting . . . 
for honoring Capt. James K. \tualer" held on .\o\. 20. 1955. on a Sunday 
afternoon in the auditorium (d the James R. Atwater School: 

The purpose of this meeting is to recognize Capt. J;nnes 15. \l\\ater lor 
his interest in and support (d I'l" \ b\ conferring upon him the Degree of 
Honorarv Georgia Planter. 

Loved and respected by young and eld alike, lies belter known In his 
friends as Captain Atwater. He was instrumental in establishing the first 
school in the Atwater connnunily. Because he recognizes the importance of 
educating boys and girls, and because of his warm affection for the people 



of I pson countv; he has given liberally to enuip the new James H. Atwater 
sthool. He ga\e iuone\ fur erecting the N'litatioiial Agrieiiltiire Biiilditij:. and 
he inake> regular grants to the I- !• \ ( iiapter to assist nieiuLieis in tiieir 
training program. 

The Future Farmer> <»t Ameriia is a riatidiial orgaiiizatiuii vi lanu Itovs 
who are stuclxing \oeational agriiultuie in the |UiMic selK>ols. Started in 
1*>28, it has grown to a memjiership of .So5.(K>() prospectixc voiiiig farmers. 
The primarN ohjeitive ot TK A is to help ami eiu-ourajie its nienihcrs 
to prepare for careers in farming. It also trains for leadership, citizenship. 
sehularship. eiK>perati«)n. thrift and patricttism. The Future Farmer's motto is: 

"Learning to do. 

Doing to learn : 

Earning to live. 

Li\ing to serve. 

In the make-up <»f Volume Five. oid\ «)ne long artiile vsas taken from 
the fourth Atwater Histt)rv. This (oneerned Ca|)tain Atualei. However, it 
did not inelude his manv gifts for the advancement of eilucalional larilities 
and (»hjeeti\es. 

During his entire life he has had a keen inlerest in fduialinn nl ihc 
youth »d his eonnnunitv. Im manv years he served as nuinlu r and i liaiinian 
of the Hoard of Trustees of I!. I., l.fc Institnle. as did lii:- lallicr liflorc liim. 



■ !• 

■ iiiiMiHi 


««.»« KXWW '' -f^Jf k ■ I. H 


He lias llirough his geiieiusil\ iiiailr possible the erccliini and (■(|ui|ii»iii^ nf 
many school huiltlings. The ■Wlvvater Science Building." gi\cn [<> \\. K. Lee 
Institute b\ him in memory of his father, is cun-idcred one of tlif mitslanding 
high school science buildings in llic Soulli. In 1955 he was selected as the 
first appointee to the K. E. Lee Institute hall ot famed graduates, 'i'lir "■.lames 
R. Atvvater School" is a large rural grade school located in iIh' \ I water 
community of Upson County, the campus and buildings of \\hi< li were made 
possibh^ through his financial su|)porl. 

Much (if the following material is in Volume I'nur. 

Colonel James R.. son of James W.: banker and maiuilailurer. was born 
August 16. lo72. in I liomaston. Georgia. In i liildliood and \outli hi~ tastes 
led luin to the sludv of literatun>. and especially history, lie was never very 
strong physicalh and was more inclined to remain indoors and read than 
to run out and romp with the other boys. He was a good student. \t II. I.. 
Lee Institute in Ihomaston, where he graduated in \IV)() he finished at thr 
head ot his class. 

lie has a long and distinguished military record. He joined the I pson 
Guards. Company H, Second Infantry. Georgia National (iuard an<l was 
made its Captain on November 1899. and remained its Captain until \*MU). 
During this period his financial support and personal leadership oj the 
Upson Guards were responsible for its einiable record. Tliougli later attaining 
higher military rank, he is still affectionately known to the |)eoi)le of Georgia 
as •"Captain Atwater." From July 2o. 1906, to October 9, 1907, he served in 
the rank of Major as Assistant Quartermaster General of the State of Georgia 
and in 1907 was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and served as aide-de-camp 
to Governor Hoke Smith. On November 15, 1911. he was retired at the 
rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The I pson Guards is still an aclixe niililai\ unit 
and has honored Capt;:in \lwaler In naming their armoi\ ihe "James R. 
Atwater Armory." 

Captain \lwater has alwa\s been a leader in the intluslrial dexelopment 
of his connnunitx. He was President of Thomaston Cotton Mills in 1901 and 
has served continuously on its Board of Directors to this date. During his 
business career he was President id tin' Odessa Bank of Odessadale and 
Vice-President of I pson CouuIn ()il Mill-. 

His primar\ business endca\i>r lia> Imcii in the held o| banking, lie 
was founder of the I'pson Bank and Tiii-t Companx in l')()(t. and through a 
series of mergers with the l''armer> and Merchants P)ank and the IJank id 
Thomaston emerged as the executive ollicer <d the IlnmuL-ton Banking 
Companv which in 1930 became the Citizens & Southern Bank of J'homaston 
with Captain Atwater as President. In 1946 he was named Chairman of the 
Board of Directors and at the age of !!o continues active in that capacity. 


On February 14. 1917. he married Anne Klizabelh \S'alton. daughter *>f 
Peter \\ . and Susan Keid \\ altun. of Madison, Georgia. His wife comes from 
a family disting;ui>hed for generations, and is a tlireti descendant of George 
\X alton. a signer ci the l)eclarati«tn of Indcpeiidence. They haye cne daugh- 
ter. Richmond Walion. horn August 21. 1921. Recently, he and his wife. 
in memor> if h.er parents. ha\e gi\en to the North Georgia Methodist 
Conference a n;'w home in Midison. Georgia, for the iist> i f retired Mclliodist 

C.a|»lain Atwater is pas: master of the local lodge of the Woodmen of 
the World. He served as mayor of Thomaston for 12 years and is a former 
stale senator. He has lived the tradition of his father and grandfather and is 
fortunate in now being able [o instill their tradition of life in his grandsons. 

When Captain Atwater first heard of our projeit for a new Atwater 
Hist<»r\. his willingness to co-cperate was imincdiateh forthcoming. He n(»t 
onl\ brought his own branch data up-to-date quickly, but sent representaliyes. 
at hi> own expense, far and afield, to secure collaboration from other mend)ers 
of the Clan. It is eyident ihr.t when Captain Atwater giyes himself to a 
project, he does not falter l)\ tlu' wayside because the path is li;ng and filled 
with unexpected obstacles. 

The f< Mowing <li])ping from 'The Free Press" Jul\ 26. 1955. also shows 
his desire to continuallv support those t)bjectiyes worth) of expansion. 

".\ r.T.'iil 9l\U)i\ gift .d land to the James K. \t\\ater Sdiool lia> been 
made public b) the priniipal. F. W\ |-o\. 

Captain Jame> R. Atwatc". who has made several other contributions to 
the school in the Atwater iinmmnitv. reiciitlv presenteil the s; liool v\ith 28 
acres of land adjoining the present pnipcrtv. The gift was yalued at SliUH). 

"In <'om|ileting the seventh vear of operation the James 1!. \lwater 
.Nhooj is happy to atmounce expansiun in many lines." Mr. I'ov said. "A 
recent gift of land siigg'.'sts the progress Im which the sclioci s liirnd- are 
(-on<tantlv platniitig. 

■■^oresc«•illg larger etiroilment. more buildings and widening activities. 
Captain James R. Atwater some wi-eks agn presented the school 211 acres of 
land. Ibis includes some welcome shade trees. Our students ha\<' already 
been fortunate in having large space as compared with tin se in nianv places. 
Mr. Fov poititt'd out continuing, "tin- addilinn rc|tii'siMits an cNpeiidilNic of 
amund i><iUHI and is greatlv appreciatiil.' 

Mr. Fov al>o dixcn^^cil that "as evidence (d Captain \luat('r> inti-resl 
in till- >ludent.s us itxlividuals was his gift of a livi' (bill it bill iII.k ImmI to 
ihr diploniUA ul ull btrtv-thre*- ninth grade graduates," 

I hr (]lan sabilc- .i .-^<iiilli" r n ::• ullnnan wliu i>- a worlliv dc-i cn(l;iiil of 

>ii|r ti ir.lv ;|f|i'c«.|i ■;'», 



B. L. Atwater 

Bert Leonard \h\alfr was liditi in Vddisoii. New ^ <irk. on March 7. 
1867. He was the son vl Alhril C.hanihci lain \t\salci and his \sih' Margaret. 
nee Carswell. 

In the early years of his business career. Mr. Alualer was coniKM ud 
with the furniture industry as a manufacturers' representati\e. He operated 
his own business, with heachjuarters in Chicago, representing the lines of 
several furniture manufacturing companies. 

For some years before the turn of the century, and prior to ITis marriage 
to the former Blanche Cox, Mr. Atwater resided in the club quarters of the 


faniuus Chicago Athletic Assuciatiim. He often reiniiii^eetl of ihe Irieiulships 
formed there witli other young men who were dii their \sa\ to fame in xarions 
fiehls; of endeavor. Among the best known wcif ihe tlistinguished no(i>ier 
writer, George Ade. and John T. MeCuteheon. the renouiu'd |i<iliiual 

Mr. Atuater ami Miss Cox were married on April 25. 1*)0(). and made 
their first home in Chicago. 

An important step in Mr. Alwalirs husiness career came wluii he 
entered the chewing gum manufacturing Itusiness. end)arking upon an asso- 
ciation that was to continue for nearly half a centurv. Ihe \\ ni. \\ rigle\ Ir. 
Compan\ «d Chicagt) was on the threshold «d e\pan>i(iii hum a small. -Iriig- 
gling husiness into a WLirld-famous t)rganizali(in. and in 1907. Mi. Alwater 
was appointed h\ the late \\ illiam \\ rigle\ Jr. to head the sales activities of 
the companv in the Kastern territorv as manager of the New ^ ork ollice. 
\^'orking closely with Mi. Wrigle\. he was prominently identified willi ihe 
sales program that led to the successiul introduction of \\ riaicx s S|i(ainiinl 
chewing gum in the Kasl. 

lor the next twenty-five years. Mr. Alwaters husiness and social life 
centered in the Kast. and he and .Mrs. Atwater estahlished a home for iiuii 
growing family in Garden Cit\. on Long Island. Ciarden Cit\ was llicn \\\ 
its infancv as a residential suhurh of New York City, and Mr. Alwalc r look 
an acti\e interest in civic alfairs and in encouraging the growth and dcvcloi)- 
ment of the newer i-ectiun mI die i (inniuinilx . lie wa> pi uniiniiil in ihc 
actixities of the Episcopal Church, and was a Mason lor main \cars. allilialcd 
with Nassau Connnanderv No. ~'A. of Garden Cit\. 

\ imtcwortln event in Mr. Atwater- luisiness career occurred in l*)|6. 
when he was elected second vice-president ol the Wriglev Companv. \ \ear 
later, he was elected |o the hoard id directors id the inrporalion. In l'*2tl 
he was elected to the po.>-ilion id vice-president. I)uiing ilie>e vears lie 
continued t<» head the company's sales activities in the l.a-tei n part of the 
I nited States, developing dislrihntion ontlel> lor the la-t-i:riiw iiii: \\ riglev 
husine^-. In addition In hi- aetivitie- in the -ale- em! ul ihe liu-iiie-- lie was 
instrumental in otahlishing an Ka-tern lai torv lor ihe eonipaiiv in Ihooklvii. 
Ih* traveled extensive!) in Central and Soiilli Vim riea. e-laMi-liini: sales 
agen<-ies for the handling of \\ ri^lev pnidin t- in tlm-e i lUiiil i ie-. lie also 
traveled to Kur<ipe on inspection trips lor the \\ riglev (ioiiipanv. Me was an 
earl) enthusiast for air transportation in his wide-ranging travels, and made 
one of the first trips on a connnereial air line in South \nieriea in \^)'2i. 

During his vears in the Kasl. \Ii. \lwaler -erved imi tin- direelorates 
of two hanking inslitutimis. Dime Savings Rank, id rminklvn. and llml-un 
TrU!*l ('oiilpanv (n«»w Kmpir<- liii-l ('.om|»anvi of New \ mk (.il\. Me was 
a niendwr of the Meiiii|iidilaii ami J,o|os eluh- of New ^ ork. 

In \*y.V2. following ihe dr-alh id William W ri-^lev Jr.. at llial time 
chairman of the hoard if the lompanv. Mi. \twatei tran-leiied linm \ew 


York to Chicago to work directly with Philij) K. Wriglev. president. As vice- 
president, his principal respitiisihility was in supervising the company's sales 
promotion activities tiirougliout the country. At this tim(\ the Alwaters moved 
their home from (/ardcti Cit\ lo Cliicago. where the\ hmk up residence in 
the Drake Hotel. 

A devoted famih man. Mr. Alwatcr made i>usiness his |)iiri(ii)lc hohliN 
as well as his vocation. In the reahn (d cultural dixersion. lie was a dc\ oLce 
of music and the theater, and parlicuiarix llic opera. 

His special interest was people and the nuiking of friendships for llir 
company he represented. Hard-working, tireless and radiating enlhusiasm. he 
was constantly on the move calling on the trade. He was gifted with a waitii. 
cordial personality, and a distinguished appearance and inaniici. ( 'oniliinini: 
these qualities with a spirit of helpful service. Mr. Atwaler made lileralU 
thousands of friends for the Wrigley Com|)any and himself among die 
wholesalers and retailers of confectioner\ products. He became widely known 
as the company's "andiassador of goodwill' to the trade, and in 1951. the 
National Candy Wholesalers Association adopted a resolution extending 
recognition to him in these words: 

"To Mr. B. L. Atwater — one of the beloved deans of the 
confectionery maimfacturing industry, this certificate of recog- 
nition of his many years of devoted service to this industry and 
his sincere friendshi]i for the candy wholesalers of the nation." 

Mr. Atwater took a particular interest in the young men who were 
making their start in the field of sales and merchandising, and he is remem- 
bered with affection and grateful appreciation by many to whom he extended 
help and encouragement. 

Ill December of 1951. Mr. Atwater retired as vice-president of the Win. 
WriglcN jr. (Company in order to take things a little easier. He continued 
in his post as tlirector of the company, and was also elected chairman of 
the hoard of directors of its Canadian afliliate. the Wm. Wrigley .Jr. Comjiany 
l>iinit((l. In his last ) ears. Mr. Atwater continued to maintain goodwill 
contacts with the trade and to make available to the Wrigley organization 
his valuable ad\ i((' and counsel based on the experience accumulated in a 
long career as an outstanding American salesman and sales executive. 

At the age of eight\ -seven, Mr. Atwater passed away in his home in 
Chicago on September 6. 1954. 

— Helen Atwater Wkigley 
(Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley) 

"Our ancestors are a very good kind of folks: but they are the last people 
1 should choose to have a visiting ac(|uaintaiice with."' 

Sheridan's — The Rivals. 




Richard Mead Atwater, Junior 

No. 1870 

Horn- H'n-hurd Mead was horn in Ma\ 16. loT.! in MilKilli'. New Jciscn. 

Educalion William I'tMin Clliarler Schotil. IMrhulciphia. I'a.. I\(i\l>iiry 

Latin Sfliool. Boston. Mass.. Kaiserliche. KoniKliclu' Technisclie Hoxhscliilc. 

BiTJin. (!liarlotttMil»ur". Gerinaii\. Kradualrd Ma\ lo91 will 

1 (li|il(im:i (K'gree 

of Mining and Metallurgital Engineer (cuin laude I . 

Eniiiloyinrnt anil Exiwriencc — During colK'gc \acatioiis lu" Wdikcd in 
niinrs and plants in (Ji-rniain. in Austria, in iJi'lgium. in Fratu »•. atid in 
Kngland. After graduation Iviiliard worked in llic diamond mines al kimlieilx 
and the gold niine-s at Joliamieslterg. South Africa. From mid I'JOS until 
enti of lo'>T he uas em|)lo\ed li\ The F\|iloraliiin Cm.. I.lil.. Ldiidtin. as junior 
fnginetT acting niaiiiK as assistant and inlcr|icler hir liieir lield engineers, 
in Kuro|)«- (iernian\. Austria. Uumania. Uussia. Seiliia. hirkev. Ilal\. 
France, and .*^|Kiin. 

From I<!'J<5 to I">(12 inelu^i\e he was em|)|o\ed li\ Dcwirk. Mureing \ 
Co.. London, as their lield engineer, in W extern \u>-lralia. New /ealand. 
South An-tralia and Tasmania. an<l dining l*)l>.'i. a>> general manaiici id llie 
Sons of (fWalia (fold Mining ( .o.. W < -| Xu^lralia: tlu-n he \\a--iril Id \laia\a 
( a.H resident partner I to iiiak<- a >«lud\ <dllii lin mining and mihIi inj industr\. 

Wiehard returned ( \ ia I'aris and I, Ion i |o (lie U.S.A. in [''III. I le 

was appointed general manager of Oold Mine (]o.. Nelj-on. I'liili-li (.olnmliia 
then the largest gold mine in (!anada. 

1 1<- returned In Ih-lcna. Monlana in !''(>."). Ilii li;ird luiaiiic (iciil engineer 
for the (iole-Hvan gronji inspecting mines in I .S. \.. (Canada. Alaska, and 


Mexico, iiuluding Norlli Butte Copper Co., Consolidated Copper Mines, 
Calumet of y\rizona. and Greene Cananea. He served as manager, in Mexico 
of Black Mountain Mining Co.. and Sierra Consolidated Mirio Co. 

Richard Mead moved to Dululh. Minn, in PJ()*J and organized llif 
Butte & Suj)erior Copper Co.. which became the then largest western silver 
and zinc j)roducer in the U.S.A. He brought linm England ihr I-Ik rwuud 
li\ drdclcclric zinc-silver rcco\er\ nictlmd which has since bcconir llic inn-l 
inipoiiaiil process of its kind. 

Ill l'i()()-()7 he spent *J months in B(ili\ia (with inspectinii lrip~ inln 
Peru ( Cervo de Pasco) and Chile (Chile copper) inspecting tin and copper 
mines there for a grou]i of ILS.A. bankers (National ('it\ Bank. Spe\er \ 
Co.. W. R. Grace & Co.. and American Metal Co.) who planned to build a 
railroad system for Boli\ ia. Report as to the raihvav was adverse but 
recommended consolidation and modernized equipment for the miiio. That 
resulted in A. S. iS. R. Co., taking over the Corocoro inalixcl c()|)pcr mines, 
and the organization of Patino Mines & Enterprises. 

From 1911 to 1937 Richard Mead was employed by Ladeidiurg. 11ia!- 
niaim & Co., New \ork international bankers as staff engineer. He supervised 
all their mining investments and served as their representati\e on boards of 
directors of many companies financed by them — such as Burns Bros. (coal). 
M. K. T. Ry. Co., Oklahoma Woodchuck Zinc-Lead Co.. Copper Can \ on 
Mining (]o.. and many others. 

Richard Mead also served as president of North Butte Copper Co. and 
of the Oneida Copper Co., and field engineer for the Philadelphia Co. I Ic 
made inspection and report for J. P. Morgan & Co. on the Plymouth Oil Co. 
of Texas and for others on the Houston Oil Company's natural gas holdings 
in Western Texas. 

He became one of Ladenburg, Thalmann S. Co. powers of attorney, and 
visited Kngland and Europe twice, as their representative. He retired from 
that lirm in 1937 to undertake gold placer mining in California and British 
Columbia, lie organized and conducted o|)erations of Columl)ia Explorations 
Co. (London backing) until stcp])ed by World War H. 

In 1943-46 he spent 115 months studying ihe tin industry of Mexico 
planning to supplement U.S.A. tin supph. then badh cri|)pled h\ .lapan's 
coiupiest of Malaya. This effort ended in an article written lor die Engineer- 
ing i^ Mining Journal. January, 194B number, entitled "Can Mexico's Tin 
Industry be Modernized?"", but up to 1955 with no actual acti\it\ b\ I .S.\. 
interest on the project. 

From 1945 to date (Feb.. 19551 Richard Mead carried on |)rofessional 
mining work in U.S.A.. Cuba, and Mexico, followed in 1951-55 with acti\e 
investigations in the uranium field of eastern Canada, \r\\ Mexico, and the 
"Plateau," and Arizona. 

Personal — Quaker, Republican. Legion of Honor Member American 
Inst, of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers: active (1915-1921 I mend^er 7th 


Regiment .N. ^ . Stcite National Guaril. later president 7th Hejit. Veterans 

Richard Mead Atwater married 1894 Jane Eliza Brewer, daughter Rt. 
Rev. Leigh Richmond Brewer. Episcopal Bishop of Montana from 188()-1*)16. 
( Children! — Margaret Flovd. Leigh Richmond Brewer. Richard Mead 111. 
First wife died .November 1933. August 1935 he married Aim Magilalen 
Donellon. Residence — ^\Xindtr\st Barn. Chadds Ford. Pa. 

— Jane Brewer Atwater Pratt 

Francis Atwater of New Haven 

(No. 17051 

Francis, son of Henrv. describes himself in the fourth \tiluiiie of Atwater 
Histor\ and Genealogy as "author. |)ublislier. pri liter, organizer street 
railroads, press associations, member of American Publisher's Association. 
Nati»»nal T\pothetae. publisher of the first all-American daily newspaper in 
Cuba, author of histor\ of IM\ mouth. Connecticut, and compiler <if the 
volumes of Atwater Histt>ry." 

Francis was born Dec. 3. 1858 in Pl\niouth. Conn, and died in New 
Ha\en on Nov. 25. 1935. In 1879 he married Helena J. Sellow. Tlie\ had 
one stin. Dorence Keith Atwater. born Ma\ iO. 1880. Dorence lost his lile 
by drowning at Kennebunkport. Me.. Aug. 23. 1900 when he was but twenty. 

Francis was a versatile person and he lived an interesting life. His 
record in Who's \\ Im in America mentions his life and interests in I'Kinnulh. 
Southinglon. Mcridm. \\ allingford. Hartford. New Britain. New IIimii. 
East Hampton. 1 Hn iiiiitoii. and Kent, all in ( .oiiiui ticut. in Kcd Hliiif. 
California and Havana. (!uba. He was a printer and |iiililisli( r priniariK. 
but he was involved in at least two street railway comj)anies and was ct)nii(< ted 
officiallv with at least seven banks, all in ("onnecticut. He was a meinlti r in 
l*M)(> of the (lomiecticul !*itate .^enalc an<l was a memlicr ol the Kxecutivc 
Connnittee of the American National Red Cross. In 1912 he uas a founder 
and president of the (^lara Barton Memorial Association. 

Hi- publi<-ations indudeil tlic lii-toiic- nf I'Kinoutli and Kent. (.onn.. 
1896: (..iir vohim.-sof Vluatn llivt..rv and (hh. alo^N. (19()|. |')(l(,. |')|'). 
and 1927 I. He published tin- .Meriden (ientiiiiiial Proceedings in 1907. his 
Personal Memoirs in 1921 and llw lli-toiv of Stuilhiiigtoii in 1925. 

Mendtrrs of tin- .'\lv\alcr (Ian (an be grateful fm 1" rancis" vocation as 
wi-ll as for his avocation. He had a persistent iiilerot in the nvords of the 
familv ami his contributions <'\lending over at least twcntv five vear- took 
full a<lvantage of the earlier r«'searehes and |iiibli( alion.- ol Hev . Kdward I',. 
Atwater (18.16-18,871 and Robert Henrv \t\saler (1831-18891 who had 
made excellent "-tudiei- of the faniiK in the I iiited State- and id the origins 
in England. It re<piired time and effort and money to do what f ram is did 


for the faiiiil\. \iiy compiler who allcinpls lo extend the record will readilv 
discover what a complex and haflliiig and frustrating task it is. \iiil it i~ 
c\en more costly and difficult today than when Francis did his part in the 
beginning of the 2()lh Cenlur\ . ^ ct. like th(^ cathedrals of the lie d(> France, 
no one man c-an claim to he ihc huildrr. Main men. cadi in his own 
generation, made contrihulioiis and the completed slrutUirc cniliodics the 
building stones of llu' past. 

The writer ol this sketch was privileged lo nifcl |- raiiri> (Hi two o( ca-ions 
during the earl\ lO.'JO's when Francis accepted in\ilation> lo allirul two 
Atwater reunions of a series carried on for some years in Western New ^ oik 
State under the leadership of Chester Atwater of Olean. New ^ ork. In 
spite of advancing years and considerable physical disability. Francis made 
the long trip from New Haven in his car. bringing a neighbor as his 
companion, and contributing his part lo llic reunion in a generous wa\. 1 1 
meant a great deal to more than 100 family members to ha\e this personal 
contact with the compiler of the Atwater genealogy. It was then that he turned 
o\cr his remaining familv records to the writer with the liojic that in time 
other and more inclusive family records might be published. Francis would 
rejoice that such a day has arrived. 

Reginald M. Atwater, M.D. 

Atwater Family Holds Reunion 
at Rockwell Park 

Over 100 Present 

The Atwater family reunion, held August 22 at Rockwell jjark. was 
well attended, there being 105 present. They came from five states and 
included five generations. The oldest [)erson present. Mrs. Emma Louisa 
Atwater Rountree, celebrated her 94th birthday on October 5. 195.'^. The 
voungest. Roger Lee Messman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Messman. was 
one year old. 

The Atwater history, given the da) ol the reunion b) Elizabclli lli'nr\. 
is as follows: 

William Atwater was born in ( ioiincctiiut. Octobi-r 2 1. \l'<\ 1. Ih- was 
educated in the east, worked in tlic clock lactorx lliere lor a while iheii 
came west. He canie to Illinois in 1837, settled at Qui\er and bought land 
from the government. He l)uilt a cabin where he lived as a bachelor for 
three years to prove his claim. He married Elizabeth Ringhouse on December 
25, 1840. She was born in Germany on February 20. 1824 and came to 
America with her parents in 183 L a six weeks ocean trip. They settled on 
Quiver in 1836. 

Mother has in her possession, the deed to llii> piece of land wlii< li was 
purchased by grandpa from the government. It was signed \n 1838 by .James 


K.. Polk, prejiideiit of the I nited States. This land has been in the Atwatcr 

name ever since, heing the old homestead where I Buz I Sheldon Atwatcr 
now lives. 

There were tweUe children horn to this pioneer couple. .M\ mother, 

Mrs. Kinnia Louisa Xtwater Ixnuntree is the only one li\ing of the orijiinai 
fan)il\ . 

Grandfather Atwater was one of the leu men among the early settlers 

wlu» had an education and many came to him lor business advice. Among 

•'ti'i'tVtViflrt • •• •■ 

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tin- old |iap«-r> mntlu'r has. arc xncral ((iiilracty he wmti' mil. llicii llii\ wmild 
maki- their \ mark and grandpa signed their naiiif in lln- iucmikc oI Iuo 
other rin-n who <i>iild write wliiili would make il lri:al. Mntr \\a- rm iiniil 
housi- here al Havana, no Ma^oii rniinlN. 1 lii- |iail ol tli<' coiinliv \\a- in 
lultoii ioiiMl\. I lien- wav no bridge a<ross tin- lUimiis llixn. ihcicldic 
it was a ha/ardou> trip through tin- ImiIIoims !<• I.ewistown to iian-ail legal 

I have hear<l grandma tell. the\ raised the sheep, she helped shear llic 
wrioj. take it to the woolen mills in liilloii (dnnl\ licr'^clf and lia\r il 
• ardi'd. Then r-he -pun the \arn. knit all llie Mi(k> and -loi king- lor the 
fainil\. ."^he spun tin- thread for weaxing tin- (loth. il\i-<l tli<- < lolli lor the 
outer garments, using walmit hulU for d\e. and set the color, ii.-ing ( liand)cr 
Ive so it would not fade. 


She made all llic iiiKJerwear. petticoats, dresses, men's shirts, suits, 
and all. Thc\ had to last two \ears as she made for one-half the family 
one year and the other half the following year. 

On Sunday they put on their clean outfit. It was their Sunday go-to- 
meeting hest. No question on what llic\ uonid wear — the\ were content and 
happy to have the clean outfit. 

I have also heard grandma tell when lhe\ ran out ol Hour ami iiwal. 
of going to the field and gathering the soft ears of corn, grating it <iri a 
home-made grater and making it into corn hread and haking it for the 
family. Today we go to the super market and get the read\-ini\. 

Grandpa Atwater d\cd Fel)ruar\ II. l!')6o, and grandma was remarried 
later to John Kroell. Therefore we knew her as Grandma Kroell. She died 
Septendjer l.x 1016. 

We should he proud to he desiendants of this iiohle pioneer couple. 
1 woniler if we fully appreciate their hardships, lahor and toil, to give us 
our wav of life with its liherty and freedom of today. It is well and fitting 
for us lo gather together each year in their memor\ . 

May we he blessed with the opportunity to all meet together again it 
this time next year. God hless us and grant us this privilege." 

Among those attending the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. Hercy Atwater 
and Kemieth. Mr. and Mrs. James Steele and Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Gharles 
Rountree. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Welker Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Atwater. 
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P>iedrich and sons. Mrs. Lizzie Henry. Mrs. Ennna 
Louisa Atwater Rountree, Mr. and Mrs. William Atwater and family. Mr. 
and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds. 

Mr. and Mrs. OIlie Reynolds and Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atwater and 
Diane, Miss Emilie Hackman. Mrs. Lydia Sea\. all IVoiii Havana: Mr. and 
Mrs. Richard Hinnen. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hinnen and Wendell, all from 

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Nichols. Congerville: Dorothy Wheelock and 
Sterling Wills. Barry and Barbara, of Boone. la.: Mr. and Mrs. Henry 
Carlisch and Larrv. Forest Cilv: Mr. and Mrs. Mel\ in Ft)rnoff and family. 
Manito: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and Janet. Davenuort, la. 

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Henry and family. St. Louis, Mc: Mr. uid 
Mrs. Harry Hallock and IVter Kewanee: Mr. and Mrs. Waller Atwater. 
Indianapolis, Ind.: Eugene Atwater, Peoria: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller 
and Nancy, Moline: Gynthia Bishop, Decatur: Mr. and Mrs. Melioid Ih.v, 
and family. Ardaline Wills. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fuller and famiK. Stanhope. 
la.: Marilyn Varland. Radcliffe. la.; Mrs. Lloyd Sutton and Ronald. 
Kilbourne; George Herbert Todd. Toledo. Ore.: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 
Messman and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Messman. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 
Noll and family and Francis Atwater. all from Topeka. 

(Editor's Note: 77h',s article, by Elizabclh Henry, appeared on Thursday, 
Sept. 2, 1954 in the ".Mason County Illinois Democrat.'' 



An Unusual Occupation 

.M\ >uii. Montgomerv Meigs Alwater. is an "a\ alaiuhe-husler " Im the 
U.S. Forest Service. He makes his iieadi|uarlers at Alia. I tali, the iamoiis 
ski-resort near Salt Lake City. I tali. \t first lu- was not (uilx an axaiulie- 
liuster hut the axaiaiuhe-huster. N^u tlurt- an- others — most til tlit-ni siiow- 
ranjiers who have attended the a\alaiKhe school held e\er\ \ear at \lla. 

Avalanches have al\va\s Imiii inir <i| ihc inajnr hazards oi llu' wurlds 
hifjh |»larrs. and for main \cars snow -sliidics lia\f Ikih carried nn m Swilz- 
erlaiid and in .Austria in the h<ipe id learninji l<p imdii I ihc-c vhiIcikcv nf 
Nature, and to find some m<-tli<>il oj i iititrollin<.' tlii-ni. Iliil in ihr I iiilcd 
.Slates, "til |'ll<"( when the \lla [irojcc I was set up. iiuiliinji nl tln' kind was 
attempted. Avalanches a|)piar to lia\c liccii rcjiardcd as ""ai Is of ^/nd. like 


earthquakes and tornadoes. Perhaps the reason for this la\ in tlu- fact that 
they are no prohlem in the great Middle West and of rare occurence in the 
populous East. In the ruggest western mountains, to lie sure, thev picked off 
many a traveller from a mountain trail and overwhelmed man\ an isolated 
mining camp hut for the most part the) thundered down, tearing up irees 
and dislodging rocks, hut quite harmlessi) otherwise. 

Now it is different in the West. The enthusiasm over skiing and nlhcr 
winter sports takes thousands of people into the hills on every fine winter 
day, and other thousands travel the mountain highways, under the avalanche 
threat. Hence the avalanche-buster. 

My son's experience during the second world war included service as 
Aide to the General in charge of the training of ski-troops and mountain 
troops. He was, before that, a skilled woodsman, having lived much of his 
life in Montana near the top of the Continental Divide, with interludes of 
taking a Harvard B.A. and of coaching football — all useful experience. \ 
study of Swiss snow-control methods was helpful, hul conditions in ihe 
Rockies differ from conditions in the Alps and for the most part he has had 
to blaze his own trail. At Alta he has set up a laboratory for snow-stud) with 
instruments — most of them devised by himself — for the accurate measurement 
of snowfall, wind direction and velocity, snow temperatures, changes in snow 
consistency, and the other factors that make one inclined snow-mass deadly 
and another harmless. But this work, important and exacting as it is. would 
be of little practical value without the working out of methods to neutralize 
the danger when understood and predicted. 

The force in a great avalanche is tremendous, and no j)ossible structure 
of barriers will withstand it. The only feasible method of dealing with it is 
to make little avalanches of the big ones before they grow big, and to bring 
down those that inevitably grow big. when they can be brought down safely. 

Small avalanches may often be induced to slide by a skillful and dating 
skiier, though this method has its hazards. The dangerous '"cornices that 
form along sharp ridges as a result of wind-action require a different treat- 
ment, as do great masses of "slab" snow. Dynamite charges, suitably placed, 
take care of some of these: others are persuaded to come down with cannon 
fire, a small howitzer gun being found the most efficient tool for the imipose. 
These techniques were worked out by experiment at Alta. 

Travellers motoring over some of tli<' lugh passes in Colorado la>t 
summer were startled to find themselves in the midst of artillery fire and may 
have thought thev had blundered into a bit of guerrilla warfare, but it was 
merely a set of tests to find the best gun-emplacements and the correct range 
for the guns that will make those dangerous stretches of highway safe next 

Avalanches, of course, run in regular channels, though sometimes they 
run miles further and hundreds of feet deeper than in other years. The 
main ones have najnes and infamous histories. The ski resort at Alta is on 


the >ite of an abandoned silver mine of the old da\s and during the time 
of the mining aetivitv man\ men were caught and killed 1>\ the avalanches. 
That the njodern methods of snow etuitrol are effeetive is j)roved hy the fact 
that since 19U> when the snow station was set uj» at Alta there has not l)een 
a single fatalit) there, though thousands of skiiers are on the slopes everv 
fine week-end during the winter. 

M\ son's activities are not confined to Alia. He inspects ski projects all 
through the western mountains and plans safety measures and recommends 
safetx procedure. He is called on in snow emergencies — as wlicii l;i-l wiiiln 
an army plane crashed near the top of one of the highest and most rugged 
peaks of the Wasatih Range. The accident happened at the liciglil o| ihc 
a\alanche season and the region is one of the most iruu cessihlc in I tali. 
MittitN .\twater was detailed to lead the n'scuc partx and to find a>- sale a 
route as possible up the mountain. It was an allaii n\ Imir \t'r\ anxious 
days. When the rescuers reached lln- wreck tlu'\ IuuikI all the mcii aboard 
the plane dea«l. but tbcx were able [>> ictrieve some iiii|i(irtant go\rnmitiil 
papers, and all the part) got dnwn again ali\e and uninjnit'd. 

When the first coast-to-coas( l(lc\ i-iun s('l-ii|i was being made undci 
pressure, so that the lountry nught view the Peace Congress in San h rancisco 
-the lonstruction of a \ ital relav station on top (d a nmnntain in Ncsada 
was halted when axalanches swept the onl\ road oxer wliii b ^ii|i|ili('s bad to 
be taken tti the site. My son was called upon for help in ihe :'niergeni \ . I line 
proxed to be no possible wa\ to make the road practicable. In fai t tlic oiiK 
safe route lay straight up the mountain along a narrow lidgc too naimw 
aiul too steep for a road with the avalanches running barndcssK down cillni 
side. A crane was set up and the supplies were luuiird u|i over tlii- narrow 
trail on sledges and ibc da\ was saved. \> a rc-iilt a iiirn\ mam iicoplc 
enjoNfd a niemorabb* experience that tbc\ owed tliougb ilu'\ did not know 
it — to the knowledge and ingenuit\ ol tlic a\ alani Ik -bu-tcr. 

\\alan(-hediusting is an exciting and ^trcniioi;^ joli and not wiilioui ii^ 
hazards but ibo^c w bo travel the nionnlain bigliwav- in wiiitci. and diose 
who take their »porl oti the snow slopes, owe their ^aiel\ and |ieilia)i- ilieir 
lixo. to the man Willi tlie nmi-iial oe('U|iatioM. 

— M \ia \lri(.^ \ rw \ ri:i{ 

< Kdilor's .Note: the fo||ov\iiig eaption a|p|ieared reeeiilK iiiidei a jiiilme 
of the four men iiu-nlioned. in the S\ ra( n>e Herald. I 

\|()l\l\l\ >l. \i;(.lll.i;>. These expert moimlaiii.^.r^ .limbed Mt. 
I nnpanogo>>. I lab. ni >>pile ol ihreateidng avalaiulio and loimd \\ie( ka;je (d 
B-2.^ bomber in whiih h\e die<l. j-rom left in foregroinnl. II aidld (»oodro. 
James |{. .Shane and l,i-e Moerl-. who uent ahead to wreck wlieii ilanger 
forcj'tl main bod\ back to eam|p. Iomi. i> >now Hanger Nbnile \t\\alei. who 
was in charge of ground parl\. W \\ irephoto. 


Cai'leton William Atwater 

No. 2382 

Carleton William, son of Jolm Willxir and Frances Ann (iVeplesI 
Atwater. was l)orn on June 19. IJioo. He married Marv Baron Spencer, tin* 
(laughter of Dr. Jolm Heed Spencer and Eliza Becker Spencer, in Cincinnati. 
Ohio on June 1. 1910. 

His early education was in Kiiigsx illc and CIcx eland. ( )hiii puMii x Ihk.Js. 
The Bachelor of Arts degree was conferred by Denison I iii\crsitv. (iranxijle. 
Ohio upon graduation in i*)07. I'roni there he pursued his -Indii- in ilie 
Rochester Theological Seminar) (now (^olgate-Rocholct |)i\init\ S(Iiih,|i. 
graduating there in 1910. Other advanced special studies were done in 
McCormick Theological Seminar) and the Butler 1 niversitv School ol 
Religion. The Honorar) degree of Doctor of l)i\init\ was conferred fir-t in 
1926 b) the Rio Grande College and in 1931 b) his Alma Mater. Dcni.son 

Baptist pastorates were held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Anderson. Indiana, 
and Indianapolis. Indiana. 

After nearly eighteen years as pastor td the First Ba|)tisl Church. 
Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Atwater retired from a<ti\e pastorate on Novem- 
ber 15. 1950. 

His ministry has l)een characterized by significant service to his Churcli. 
to the Baptist denomination at large, to the Indianapolis Council of (^hnrches. 
as well as the National Council of Churches. He served in important ( apacities 
in state work in Ohio and Indiana. Some of the ollices held included l)(>ing 
President of the Baptist Young People's Fnion of America. President dl llie 
Ministers Council of the American Baptist Coiuentidii. and Chairman <»f 
the Connnission of Fifteen of the American Baptist Coiuention. The recom- 
mendations of his Connnission were far-reaching, one .stressing on mt)re 
efficient and more adequate organization (d the boards and the societv of die 
American Ba])tist Convention. In addition he served as a mend)er of the 
General Council and on several other important committees and i-onnnissions. 

Since 1935 he has been a mend)er td the Iluaid of Managers of the 
Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board. In i^y.V) he was made a mendiei 
of the Board of Directors of Franklin College ( Indiana!, a jjosition whieh 
he has filled to this date. 

Contributions to eixie life have l)een main. lie i^ a Fast Froident cd 
the Indiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and at i)resenl 
is serving as Chaplain of that organization. He is a 32nd degree Mason, a 
member of Phi Gamma Delta and a inendx r i>f the loimders and Falrinl^ 
of America. 

After his retirement from active pastorate Dr. Atwater served as Interim 
Executive Secretarv and Director of Citv Work of the Indiana|)olis Ba|)tist 
Association mitil June 1. 1954. — John Spencek A i w atku, M.D. 


The Atwater Kents 

A. Atwater Kent. Jr.. tin* |»rt'.«-tMit lieail ut tlu- tamil\. is President of 
the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.. anil the Atwater Kent Foundation. He is also 
President of the Board of Trustees of the Atwater Kent Museum (Phila.) 
and of the Board of Directors of the American Flag House and Betsy Ross 
Memorial ( Phila«lelphia I . 

One of his hohhies is the collection of antique automobiles. Atwater 
Kent. Jr.. is also a mendter. Pennsylvania Historical aiul Museum Commission. 
Historical ."Society of IVmisylvania and Sons of tlie American Kexolution. 
With his inuuediate family, he is a life member of llic Vermont Historical 

On Jul\ 2nd. 1941. he married Denyse S.. daujihter of Suzamie Kaingo 
and Georges S. Biiuni of Paris. France. Their children include Suzanne 
Atwater. A. Atwater 3rd. Christo|)her Hriiiton and Peter Alexander. His 
sisters are Mrs. Flizabeth Kent Van Alcn of Fdjicniont. Pa., and Mrs. 
Virginia T. Catherwood of Tucson. Arizona. 

His Clubs include: Raccjuet ( Phila. I . Corintliian Yacht Club. Bar 
Harbor ^ acht (!iul>. \«irllicast Harbor Fleet. Radnor Hunt. Bar Harbor 
Club and .^eal Harbor Club. 

IIOI.IAWOOI). Calif.. March k 1949 — A. \tuatcr Kent. in\.iil.,i. 
industrialist and philanthropist, died tiiis morning. He was 75 years old. 

Mr. Kents marriage to Malirl Lucas, which tunk place in ]9()6. ended 
in divorce. 

I)\\\<ir(l t(» Farlv Motorists 

\fter pioneering in the automobile and radio fields. Arthur Atwater 
Kent retired a wealths man. His name was a bswortl uith carl\ motorists. 
particularly in connection with his ignition, starting and lighting s\stem. In 
the Iwenties and Thirties. Atwater Kent and radio were chtscK linked. 

The first Atwater Kent radio set. a fi\( -tube affair, was |iul (uil in 192.i. 
Three \ears later the millionth set was turned out. 

He introduced man\ nuisical celebrities to radio broadcasting, engaging 
for the .Sunday night Atwater Kent hour oNt-r a network of stations the 
Inghest priced grand opera and concert pcrfoniicr-. He created ihr \l\\aler 
Kent Foundation to I'onduct nation-wide aiidilion^ lo dis((i\cr unknown 
talent. I he winners received liberal iiioiic\ pri/c^ and idiirx's <<{ stnd\ in llie 
leading nmsical schools. 

Born in Burlington. \'l.. Ik- wa!- the >on o| ihc laic Hi. and \1t>. I'rcnliss 
J. Kent. I l.ditor's .Note: Klizabeth M. daughler of \nd»ro.^e Atwater. I 

ll«- entered the automotive industrv b\ designing a |)ocket-siz«' clc( trie 
meter to test dry-cell batt<'ri<'s then used in automobile igtutions. In 1902 he 
eslablislu'd the Atwater Kent Mamifacturing Wmk^ in I Miiladclpliia in make 
telephones and small voltmeters. 

Doigned Ignition .Svslcin 

Ihr<*e years lati*r he began making his rc\ ohil innat \ i;jnilion -\stcin 
which made a single (piick hot sjiark instead of ih. cudinarv slrcani ol '-parks. 
It was used in a dozen makes of autiMmdiilc-. 

Mr. Kent c<inverted his plant to war matinfai Inrc during llic first World 
War. After the war he continued manufacturing ignitions and starting and 


lighting systems until 192.). wlicii his [daiits hegaii liirniiig out rarlios. ntic 
of tlie first vatuuin lube sets to be manutactund in i|iiantil\. \l ihr peak ol 
production liis lirni produced 6. ()()() radios daily, and (in|il(i\rd I2.(M)0 

In 1937 Mr. Kent restored the Bels\ Koss House in IMiiladdphia and 
the next year the old Franklin Institute building and ga\c it to the cjlx as 
a museum dedicated to the hislor\ of IMiilad('l|)hia. The cit\ named ihc 
museum for its donor. ( l\c|)rint l»\ |)crniission (d the \cu ^ ork Times.) 

Helen Atwater 

No. 1523 

Home Economist 

Rorn in Summerville, Massachusetts, the daughter of Dr. Wilbur Olin 
Atwater. a pioneer investigator in the field of human mjtrition. Miss Alualc r 
literally grew up in the field to which she devoted her lifetime. Taken abroad 
at the age of six as her father pursued his scientific studies, she learned 
German in Germany and French in France. She used both languages as 
editorial assistant to her father in slucTu's that were inlcrnalional in scope 
and which set the pattern for scientific experiment in this country. 

Set Up Station in Connecticut 

During her childhood her father conducted the first agriculture 
experiment station ever set up in the United States, in Connecticut. In 1894 
Congress appropriated the first money for work in this field, and Dr. 
Atwater came to the Department of Agriculture as head of the new Olfitc ol 
Experiment Stations. In 1896 he turned out the first tables ever made on ihc 
composition of familiar foods. 

After her graduation from Smith College, Miss Atwater helped on ihc 
first popular presentation of these facts, which went out as Farmers' Bulletin 
No. 142. She lived to see her father's centenary and the fiftidh annixcrsary 
of his Federal pioneering celebrated. 

Two years after Dr. Atwater's death in 1907. Miss Atwater joiii.d the 
staff of her father's old department, and for fomtcrn years continutil there 
her work of interpreting scientific findings into la\nians language. She 
then became first editor of the Journal of Home Economics, monthly official 
organ of the American Home Economics Association. 

Did International Work 

She was also one of the organizers of intcrnalional ( (mfciences on human 
welfare. She served as a consultant for the Assoi iatrd ( !oiiiitr\ uoincn of 
the World, with headquarters in London. 

Miss Atwater's work in coiuiection uith the jointth of these institutions he kept in active touch until his 
illness, and in the latter post of his two successors have been his friends and 
associates. Doctor A. W. Harris. '80. and Doctor A. (". True, '7.'^. His 
last important appointment was as chief of the nutrition investigations of 
the United States Deparlinenl of Agriculture, and it was iindn the patronage 
of this department and (»f the Carnegie Institution of Washington that his 
latest researches were conducted. Of the numerous scientific and social 
organizations and enterprises with which Professor Atwater was connected, 
and of the various honors which were conferred upon him. the lack of 
s|)ace forbids the enumeration. Neither is it possible to list the more than 
150 publications which bear his name." 

And in conclusion this note — a minute concerning Professor Atwater 
adopted by the faculty of Wesleyan University shortly after his dcalli in 1907: 

'in the death of Wilbur 01 in Atwater. Wesleyan University loses a 
member of its faculty who in scientific research stood pre-eminent. TTis 
name was more widely known in the scientific circles of this countr\ and 
Europe than that of any other professor in the institution at the present or 
in the past. Himself an investigator, he knew how to engage others in the 
work of investigations. He had rare judgments and his reputation were largely 
due lo his ability as an organizer and director of scientific work. In die 
earlier part of his scientific career his work was devoted chiefly to agricultural 
chemistry, and he was a potent influence in the creation of a more scientific 

(Editor's Note: / had hoped lo hare my friend, C. II.'. Olin'.s son nrile 
an article about his father's unusual career. For many years I maintained 
offices in 56 Wall Street. V. Y. City, where Charles Wooduard also had his 
office. But 'C. W: had passed away since I left New York. Only throatih 
Wesleyan President. Ihitterfield. was I finally able to contact 'C. W.'s son.) 
The above article is a reprint from: 



Luther E. Atwater, Sr. 

Filial rites for Luther K. Atwater. Sr.. I No. 29771 Noveinher 3. 1951 
held at 1 1 oeluek at Front Street Meliuulist Church here, with hurial in Pine 
Hill Cemetery. 

Mr. Atwater. 7() \ears of age. was a resident of 903 West Davis Street. 

Looked to as one of the pioneer automobile dealers in Nuiih ( aiolina. 
he founded Burlington Auto Company here in 1912. Soinetinu' ago lie was 
recognized not only as one of the first auttmioliilc dealers in Burlington luil 
the sixth oldest Ford dealers in tlir two Carolinas and llic I l()!li ildcst 
dealer in ihe I nited .States. 

He was a nati\e of Orange County, son of John Fletcher and Mrs. jnlia 
B\num Atwater. He was a resident of Hnrlin<:l<in ior more ilian 53 scars 
of hi. life. 

When the automohile industry started niu\ ing nation-wide. Iioucver. Mr. 
.\twater Itegari studxing the field and. in Uirn. lounded his own organizalitm. 
the Burlington Aiilo Com|)an\. that has reinaimd in tin- famih since iliat time. 

Mr. Atwater was a mendier ol llif I lunt Sticct ('Inin h and was one of 
the first teachers (»f its Baraca Class. I>i. W . 1.. (Icmi:. pastor of llif (Ininli. 

Sur\i\ors include his wife. Mrs. Manie Garrison Atwater. of tlic lionie; 
two .laughters. Mrs. C. H. Keels of McColl. S. C, and Mrs. Joe IVll. Jr.. of 
I'ilot .Mountain: four son>. J. Wilson and Hohert N. Atwater. hotli of Burling- 
ton: Luther L.. Jr.. id Columhia. S. C. and Dr. Frank C Alualcr of (ireens- 
horo: one sister. .Mrs. W. A. Maynard. Sr.. of Burlington: 11 grandcliildicn 
and one great grandchild. 

Hohert -N. Atwater founds new aiillitu i/.cd It.nl drain loi inn linjilon. 
N, C. AtwatfT Moiur Companv. 

lilt- iu-\\ automohile <lealership has Mr. and Mr>. I.iilhii I,. \l\\alci. Jr.. 
of Cohnnhia. S. (].. as president and \ icc-pn-idi nl. and Mi-. IImIicI \. 
-Atwater as vice-president. KoIm-iI \. \l\\aliT. iIk' nniv nllhci wlm will he 
acti\e in the operation nj tin- iompari\. will serve as .»(•» rtlar\ -Ina-iiin and 
general manager. 

Son (d Lulher F... .*^r.. tin- i it\ ^ (ir-l I nrd dealer, and Mi-. \lwal( i. he 
was with Biirlin;jt<»n \uto ( !oinpan\ lium I ''.Ki mil il lie n-iLinrd hiMcnilier IJ!. 

A graduate i>{ Burlington High ."school and ni Davidson (College wiili 
the class o( |9.'U». he sjtcnt four \ears with the \rni\ durini: World War II. 
M-rxing holh in the I'.uropcan and I'aeihe Iheatres ol opeialiun-. lie was 
rejeiM'd as a raplain. 

He I", a steward in llie Imnt Street Mellmdi-l ( IhikIi. i- a iiirmli!i and 
f<irmrr president of the Maniance (ioiinlv New Car Dealers \--iii iai imi. and 
a mend'cr of the IJutars and Aineriea jlii^iness Cluhs: ( liaiinian \. A. Dealers 


Association. Chanil)er of Commerce comniitteenian. member of Beta Thela I'i. 

He also serves as a director of the Merchants Association and as chair- 
man of the Advancement Board dl \lamance Distrii t of (^li(ii)kee Council, 
Boy Scouts of America. 

Other organizations to which hi- hfjotigs itu hide the I'icdmoiit \\ialiuii 
Club. Alamance Country Cluh. antl liie Burlinglon l!nalni<i Cluli. 

He is married to the former Miss Julia Brent B\ rum of Greenshoro. 
Thev ha\c two children and reside at 459 Park\ ieu Drive. 

Experiences In Africa 

In August. 1949 mv famil\ and I departed tiuni Savannah. Georgia for 
Ca])e Town, South Africa. We were sent by the Churcli (d Christ to Soiilh 
Africa to assist in establishing churches in that countr\. parlicularlv among 
white people in the larger cities. During die fi\e years of our residence there 
congregations were established in Joliannesburg. Durban. Pretoria. Kasl 
London, and Port Elizabeth, plus numerous churches among colored and 
native people. 

Church buildings were erected in Johannesburg. Pretoria and East Lon- 
don during my stay. I supervised construction (for the niosl part I of the 
Johannesburg building, which was the first building ever erected u|inn the 
African Continent b\ the Churches of Christ for a white church. A religious 
journal. "The Christian Advocate." was founded, and I was elected io serve 
as its editor from the beginning until my departure from Africa last year. 
We also managed a weeklv radio broadcast, developed Bible correspondence 
courses ( printed both in English and native languages I , and distributed 
thousands of tracts. 

While in Southern Africa. I made my permanent residence in Johannes- 
burg — a cit\ of nearh a million populalioii. There m\ \oungest (lan<:litcr 
(Martha Aimel was born on No\ ember 'A. I95L While residing in Johannes- 
burg. I traveled over nmch of South Africa to hel|i promote work among 
natives. Countries visited and in which work was done were Bechuanaland. 
Southern Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia. In the Rhodesias I visited immer- 
ous missions operated bv Churches of Christ, and assisted in dieir work. 

While overseas I preached in the following countries: Norihern Rhodesia. 
Southern Rhodesia. South Africa. llal\. (ierinan\ and |- ranee. 

ill all. we visited nineteen countries while overseas, including countries 
of Africa, Asia and Europe. Among the more outstanding countries visited 
were: Arabia, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Egypt. Italy. Switzerland. Germany. 
Belgium. Holland, Luxemburg. France and England. We arrived back in die 
United States in June of last year, after five years abroad. 

My family consists of myself, mv wif- (Naomi Holt Mill-rl. and iwo 
daughters. Mary Lee (age IIM2) and Martha Anne (age 3^^). 

— Waymon D. Miller 


M> grandfather. John X^'esley Atwater. was a local preaiher in the 
Metlioiiist Cihunh. He had a large farm «;o served several poor ehurehes 
around him for t\\ent\-fi\e Nears hut charged them no salar\ for his services. 
He told ine just hefore he died that he had ru'\ci failed tn have a sermon 
readv when called upon. He and his wife went one Sunday morning to \ isit 
a married daughter in an adjoining county. On the wav he was impressed 
with the neeil to prepare a sernum. He asked his wife to drive the horse while 
he got t»ut his Bihle and prepared his text, not knowing when nor uIhic he 
Would preach from it. \\ hen he reached his daughter's home the) were read) 
to go to church. He said he had alwa\s wanted to hear the pastor of their 
church, so while grandmother and Aunt Delia stayed at home to prepare 
dinner, he went to church with I ncle W ill. 

He was a tall, slender man and he sat down in the hack ot the cluirih 
hoping the |)reacher would not see him. But the [)reacher saw him an\\\a\ 
and so«»n after the service hegan. asked him to come u|) into ihi' imlpit aii<l 
preach. Gramlfather knew then that was wli\ (mkI had tuld liiiii tn |i!(|iart' 
his sermon. 

Of his nine children. onl\ the \oungi'st son. John Patterson Atuater 
(No. 29921, Thomaston. Ga.. is lixing. He is an old hachelor HO years old. 
1 am the «»ldest living grandchild ol jdim \Vesle\ \l\\att r. I am 71 years 
of age. 

I remendier mv great-grandlatlicr. lulniund Hrowiler Alualcr. (|uitf 
well. Georgia was just heing settled when he moved there from North Carolina 
and settled in I pson Co.. Ga. lie huilt a log cahii: \\\l\\ unc kmum. for furni- 
ture he hon-d an auger hole in a log at one end another on the side ol the 
house and in.serted the end of a pole in each. He cut a post lea\ ing two 
crot«hes where limhs were cut oil and drove it into the dirt floor of the cahin 
and laid the other ends (d his poles in the i rotches to make the trainc of 
his hed. The slats were |)oles iMi-el\ skimx'd <<{ hark with one cikI ^liick 
hetween logs in the wall and the other laid on the pole making the side railing 
of the hed. (Jn these he laid his straw-filled mattress. His tahle and chairs 
were blocks sawed from trees with li'^> iittrd iiild am^cr Imlr-. ()| ( mirse. 
lhe\ cooked on tin* fireplace. 

He ac(|uired a good hit oi land and alter nian\ \ears. was a man ol 
wealth. There were no hanks excejtt in large towns so he loaned his moni'v 
and was called a hanker. 

Ih- was a grand old man. loxcd h\ e\er\Iiod\. and was a good dirislian. 
Oni- da\ at his church the mendters had heen telling ol Gods goodness and 
all were feeling good and happ\. ,\s the\ got u\) from their knees alter a 
prayer onr of the hkmi started singing "not a fool <il land dn I [losses. no 
• ollagc in the w ihltTnej-s." Grandfather hegan fishing in lii^ pockets and 
hurried a< ro>«. the church and thrust a paper into the man > hand. '"Ilcre. 
hrolher. here lake this. ^ ou ha\e got some land. 

It si-eius that the man had mortgaged lii^ Imme to grandial lui Im ^-ome 
inoiicN and was failing to make pa\ment. (>ran(lfather leh mi lia|>{>\ hm-v 
(.•■d- gootlness to him that he ga\e the man his mortgage. 

With hot wishes. 

Ml!-. \lil»ll M\\ ln\M\|.()M; 

"."^ime \'\r hen here. I \e hlrej] a chap to look ahoiit f<.r me 
I" L'il me a tran><|)lantahle an' ihrifix h-m'h tree. 

— J. I!. I..,u.- 


Oldest Masillon Building To Fall This Spring 

Slruciurt' Managed By 
Three Atwater Generations 
Condemned As Fire Hazard 

Massillon. Oliio. Feb. 11.- -I Ills cilxs oldest business slrudiirr. wIikIi 
has been condemned as a fire hazard, will be razed by house urtekLrs as 
soon as weather permits outside work. 

The structure, which stands on Fxchanpe St. S.W.. iii>l nil l.iiHuln 
Way W. houses the 1). Atwater & Sons Iced Su|i|il\ Co.. a liini llial lia- 
been in existance foi' 100 years, with three generations lakini: liaml in its 

The building was constructed about 1827 or \l)2[\. al llic linn- tlir Ohio 
canal was projected through this city. Hiram and Marshal Wellman. pioneer 
settlers of Massillon. were the builders and they used the best timber available, 
hewn b\ hand, in erecting \\\v place which later was \hc largot warehouse 
on the canal. 

Fijie riml)cr L seil 

Although numerous other storage |)laces sprung up at the same time 

the Atwater building is the oidv one that remains in this cit\. Tlie w I 

used in its construction today is in the best state ol preservation. 

Letters and advertisements unearthed during ihc preliminar\ <lestiN( lion 
work by W. K. Atwater of 4th St. NE, last inend>er of the famiU long 
connected with the firm, reveal that the warehouse was used extensi\il\ by 
farmers in this district as a storage ])lace for grain. The oldest letter, written 
in January of 1834, is a request for space in wITh li to store wheat. According 
to Atwater great quantities of grain, salt, farmers" supplies and conmiodilies 
were stored in the building until such a time as llie\ eonid be shipped o\er 
the canal to distant markets. Supplies also were shipped into the waichonse 
from other points in this part of the country and then distrilniled to businesses 
and farmers east and west of the city. 

Twin Brothers Tn Charge 

,|. 1). and L). R. Atwater. twin brolhers. were the first ancestors of Will 
Atwater. to be connected with tlie \sarehouse. They canu' to Massillon trmn 
New Haven, Connecticut, and took ( liargc of the building in l."..'.l. nxire 
than loo years ago. Following the death (d the brother-. Will \twaler"s 
father took over the jjlacc and ga\e it the title ot |). \luater \ Son-, 1 pon 
his death in lOOJl. Will Atwater and hi- brother. C. M. \lualer. ((Miiinned 
to conduct the business. In lO.il C. M. \lwalei died. liM\in- hi- hrojh.r to 
carry on. And with the d(>slruction of the Imililini: hi- ic-ini<' a- ihi' last 
member of the oldest business fainiK in Massillon will (ome to a (lose. 

(From an article in "The Canton He|)osii,,i\ Z" Sundax. Feb. 12. 1933.1 



Lenham, Kent, 1953 

B\ Ku.HAUi) Atuatkk Wolcott (2059i 

\\ liile stationed in Knghiiul w ith the I .S. Air Force in 1953. I had ihf 
ujjpnrtuiiit\ of \isitiiig Lenham and seeing for myself the \i(iiiii\ dc- lilicd 
ill \ n|. 5 of the Atwater Geneahigv. 

With (hie credit ^'ixcii l<> tlic Mr Force for pro\idiiii; iii\ trip to Fiijihmd. 
tile ins|jiralioii for iii\ \ i>il lo Fciiiiani (amr trom mv \iint. Mrs. F<lgar F. 
.Atwater. tli It was she who familiarized inc with the Aluater GenealogN. 
displaying her keen interesl and hnckground on the suhject. 

I pon recei\ing passes on the first of Ma\. Corporal Duane Curr\. an 
Air Force friend, and I set out lor Lenham. Aftt-r lea\ ing oiir jiasc at Lalieii- 
heath near Newmarket, a prominent racing center, we went first to l.dndun. 
and changed trains for the several hmn ride to Lcniiain. It was a pleasant 
da\ and we enjoyed the sight* of tin- ;irci-n rolling < iPiintr\ il* nian\ lainis. 
orchards and communities. 



It was mid-afternoon when we reached Lenliani. and ur realized that 
we would }ia\e to make a rather hurried \ isil. 

We walked the short distatice fmiii llic train slalion l<i lln- xillajre s(|uare 
over a narrow, winding road with imU an occasional hicxcic in transit. I he 
village center was almost deserted, although there were several hicycles and 
autoniohiles parked at the various shops. Since the ( hurc li \\a.- in \\r\\. ue 
walked into the churchyard and looked at the weathered gravestones, many 
of \\lii( h were completely devoid (d inscriptions. 

Wishing to enter the church, we sought permission in ihe Vicarage, 
where we were greeted h\ the Rector's wife and daughter. I he Hector was 
hus\. hut he spared a few minutes to welcome us. After we e.xplaiiicd our 
purpose, his daughter. Miss lone Strickland, volunteered to show us around. 
We went through the church, admiring its old historical iurnishings. We 
learned that the church had heen rehuilt once in 1299 and again after the 
Norman's pillage: yet, the church retains its ancient appearance. We viewed 
the hronze plaque imbeded in ihe llooi uhi(li mentions Robert Atwater 
whose daughter inherited Ro\ton Manor. 



I jjiiii lfa\iiig the cliurtli. ut- liirt-il a ia\i ami dni\c o\er ilu' rolling 
fields to Ro\ti>n Manor, now known as Chapel Farm hecause a eiiapel is 
situated on the premises. 

The owner in\ited ii> lo lnok around ilie plac !■. luit lailcd m nllci his 
entire house for our observations. The house is situated on a hill and al ihc 
foot of the hill is a little stream which is the sourec id ihc l!i\(i Stdiii. The 
farm was aeti\el\ eulti\ated willi se\eral large fields (d wheat. 1 he house is 
large, twd storied stone. solidl\ huilt and in good coiidilioii. W hile inside 
we marvelled at its sturd\ c<tnstruclion with its large wooden hiani^ iorming 
the superstructure. One of the rooms thai the owner showed ii>. im-Liniahlv 
the game room, was decorated with elahorate wood( ar\ ings. We learned 
that at one time there was more carveil wijoduoik. hut j)r(\ious owners 
had removed some. 

Since we (ii<lirt want to impose on the owners ho>-pitalit\ . we were 
satisfied to look around the outside and |o lake |iii lures. 

After thanking him for the visit, we iflurncd |o ihc Ihilot >- hou-c and 
|jr<iUght «»ur visit to a close >ince it wa> ahnii>t lime loi ihc liain. 1 hanking 
Miss ."Strickland for her time and effort, we >aid goodhve and hade laicwcll 
to Lenham and a vcrv pleasant afternoon. 

<li Helen M. Kdick. wife of Kdgar l"o(.lr \lwat.r. 

(Km I »»!("> ."Ski I,: I m (innl/icr lisit to l.inlniin. kciil. scr I al. I. /». _' >. I he 
most intfrcstinfi iirm of Mdri^arrl .ilutilrr .Imifs' story rclrrs lo the old 
rerortis uhitli lir ( tlir lirar) Lcjil ill llw iiiiiiii'j.f mn/ shoitrd nir llic tiiMiif)- 
tinns (if hirllis. Implistus. iiuu ridiics. iiiul drullis I of ] n u ulci s l . (hi ihc lirsl 
page of one hook \i(i\ llir mnnl of llir haiitisin of Rohiil \lln(ilcr in I ~)HH.) 



There is little to sa) alunil tlir aullmr n| ihi^ sdluinc. \ii iin(li>liii^iii>licil 
fellow involved in mundane pursuits oi \arious kiinU l<ir inati\ \('ars in 
Wall Street, New York — all higliK lionorahle and niaii\ (d which otahli-iicd 
records — he still did not feel as though he liad a( (omplished anything worth- 
while during his sojourn here. 

On tlie other hand. Jessie, his wife, in her lic\-da\ was a lirilliant 
personality. It was thru her initiative that he financed and |)iiMi^lit'd IcmiiKt 
— a magazine for thinking {)e()|)l(\ From her remaining nri|iulilish('d pocnis. 
he requested several of her seholarU friends including Dr. Mildred W (ilTcndcn. 
Mary and Margaret Buckley and Gladys Blakey to select a few suitahle for 
this history. 

Remember, members, the modus operandi (d ihc true poet synd)olizes 
words the meaning of which — at first — are beyond the immediate grasp of 
us ordinary punsters. Therefore, in order to properly understand her ingeiuous 
epigrams read them more than once. Remember the j)ocl s|)ans eons in a feu 
words, while giving lightning thrusts to the essence of the subject. 

Later, if time is allowed, we hope to republish man\ of licr editorials 
and the balance of her poetical works — from which she \\a> withdrawn so 
unexpectedly. And this might have been a nmcli belter work, if ?hc had 
been physically able to read and revise it. 

The following of her poems were selected for this issue: 

Word Power 

My dearly Beloved: 

Play with words, toss them up in sport, see how liiirli \ ou can 
make them go, yet catch ihcin again like a child: 

Hoard words, heap thcni into i;litlcring piles, listen to their iiojdcn 
sounds and gloat over them like a miser: 

Dip into words, clea\e their shining surfaces antl lost awhile in 
their shallow coolnesses, emerge refreshed and inxigorated — like a bather: 

Or better, delve into words, seeking deeplyd)urie(l meanings or long- 
lost significances, — perchance to bring up ancient treasure^ike a diver. 

Send words out with kindK messages attached, watch them ll\ 
away with )()ur thoughts . . . tln-n wait for iheni to icimn to \ou like doves; 

Greet bold, new words as well as cling to the old and cheii-hed — 
aware that all words have innate valiio and di-linci personalities — like people: 

Better yet, worship all holy words, make obeisance in their presence, 
bow before their magic and kneel before their wonder- like a priest: 

Dare even BE a certain word, whieh living on generation after 
generation, bears profound meaning and carries joy and solace — like Love; 


\^'ilh the first word, the first l)eiiig; initiated a human miraele. as 
the last U> ^df\> out the last word, will pnmoiiiue the luiinan dehaile. for the 
Word is hadge of all hunianhood ... its s\iiiht)l oi creati\e power liki- CmhI: 

So. dearlv Beloved, worship words: and trust, dying among them. 
to merge at last with the Fitial V^Urd:- that W Ord. immortal, exerlasting. . . . 

KternitN I 

Woman Power 

liloutl, milk and tears*, these licpiid three — ((impoiients of a rheiiii-li\ 
Scourging the bodv physical, di-til the essence spiritual . . . uf Woman: 

Crimson ooze, distressing the child: red bruize of maidi-nlmod . . . cxiltd: 
Scarlet toll e\t<trted hv hirlh: Mood pays all costs which ) iehl her worth 

to WOman: 

Impatient stream whose gush attests the eagerness of yearning hreasts . . . 
And hiiwels to bowels again ties them: the chililllowcr t<i its parent stem . . . 

to W omaii; 

Those taut exasperated ner\es. whose sheer excess her function serves . . . 
Tears ease their tension, still the stress: even ^pill the lldiulini; ha|)|)iiiess 

111 W iiinan : 

In the strengtii ui centered purposiveness. Jesus, the Man. in his distress 
Showed that same force inxincible: the great Creative Print ijile 

of \\ (imaii : 

.Man of the gajting wound, bleeding, torn: wlmni milk ut hhk \ Icll loiloin: 
Whuse tears met hers when "Jesus wept." uliat wa> tli\ (iinl ?■ divine concept 

of W nman'.'' 

Was it that she. destined t<i be slave of lnr I'un binluiiv ... 
.'^hould li\e to see the final <liMim of the Imman liuil <il llic Mrcdim; womli 

of W uuian'.'' 

(). cruicified '"lool." forgotten l'rin(f . . . (d I'eat f. our world > >m\ laiiurc 

IVrchance Mans bl<i<id\ Hrotherhood ;iuait^ a lijicding .Sislti IhmkI 

of W oiiiari I 

'Acknowledgmeiil lo l>-adoi;i |)mnan. in wlio-c XnlohioL:! a|ili\ . \I\ l.ilc. 
published in \*)21. iImx- wokI- o( cur in dilfiTcnl onlii. i >i~i i ilmi^ llir liirlli 
«»f a < hild in I'ari^ during I he (»rrman n-ige of \\ orld War 1. ^Iir w rih-: " \s 
I lav there, torn and lii-|p|c«.>.. a Iripir -I ream id Iftirs niid mill, arn/ IiIoihI 
pimn-tl frnin inr. 



The Author's Section 

My Grandfather 

Elisha M. 

My Father at 16 
Samuel Holiai I 

Picture taken on glass about 1864. 

Samuel Hobart at 35. Louisa Edith Babcoc k at IT). 


Human Tree 

A mail ... a woman. 
hewn fiuin llu* selfsame Tree: 

The taller — his head always straining liiglier. 
he jilaces his tru.st in reasoned Thought: 

Hroatler of reach her heart e\er heating faster, 
she |)ins her faith to inluili\e L nderslanding: 

His feet are r«)oted in soil: the earth must supjuirt liiiii: 
She joins him at llii-ir (ore: his strength must sustain lur — 
lie. trunk of the human tri'e: she. hranch. hearing (lower and Iriiil: 
His. the vertical expression juiit nl eailli itself, upuard-strix ing: 
Hers, a horizontal inlluence — at one uitli creation, all emhracing; 

Cross-beams of an ancient (ru\-s\ml>ol of sex. of lo\e and id sacrifice. 
I><»th merge toward a < t-nter of heing in union, neither male nor ieinale; 
\et di\erge into separate entities in di\i>ion. a mkiii and a woman: 
Without her. oid\ a sterile -!Nin|i. man i- ^tiipiied (d all a( lual significance; 
Without him. mereh a harren log. wi>Mian i^ di\e-led ot an\ real meaning: 

I. oils hai k in eleriiit\. llie I ree was liewii . . . 

Koiis forward in eti-iiiit\. ScieiK c ma\ heal llie wound 

and thcM- "twain' reunite uitliin (lie ()iiiiinal liee. . . 

.Meatiwhile. a man and a woman 
halves of an inleijral Whole, 
demand iom|ile|ioii eai li. in il^ (oiinlei |i;irl 
Hinnial spirit sc<-ks I nit) 
III liijiiianhood ! 



Above — The Author and Jessie, his wife, taken in Miami. Fla.. 1911. 

Below — "Trails End. " our 2()()-acre estate for 25 )ears in 
Putnam Count) , New York. 



^ oil tcfl it. u luMi 
your train ruars tlirnugli some fit) and a dralt rtn it-w of shanties, shacks and 
shops rush h\ ... then, its forefinger |>oiiiling high, a spire dominates tlie 
sk\ with magnet-power whieh instantU transports Nour spirit from the thdl 
and ugh. to the heautiful . . . 

and feel it. tlicn : 

^ oil sense it. w hen 
the eye perceives beneath fret-hice of io( u-i leaves, supple, sun-lit iiiterstiies. 
wherein lieguiiing traceries carve on tin- (opper of the sk\ . mazes whose 
io\t'|\ filigree ensnares \our spirit in a ^\n-\\ >>[ what seems certain tnirade . . . 

and sense it. tlicn ; 

You know it. when 
pausing hefore some old cathedral, to adore those martyrs, prophets. Saints- 
in-God. whose pious faiths patienlh |)lod a frieze across its stone facade. 
\ou meet an all-i-omj)elling pn.'d of spirit into empatln wilh their austere 
concepts of dul\ . . . 

and know it. tlicn : 

This surging reach toward some far goal, tlii^ -uddcn >all\ ot the -oul. 
this hlending of idenlilv with these rare as|)ects ot licaiitx. rc\cali(l at times 
exquisitelv in .\rl. Nature ami liumanitx . . . insights, none nia\ i)U\ or 
sell . . . vistas of Truth. in\aluahle! 


In deep rellectioii. freed from se\-coercion. 

H\ preference. chasle--a sentient, (iiei ian 

Oiw wooed silence, where mind and Mu.m- miiiht heart it 

Priestess ol lieantN 

Whose genius was Spirit: 

I he other, a wanton, w Iio.m' ijnlea.--lied desires 
(joadcd her lloh until sensual sho<ld\ 
Flaring in lu>|o <d elementar\ fires 

Ilia/I'd to I.esliian 

lieguilenicnl!< of ImkK : 

Sharing one temple a \e>lal. a harlot: 
\» pagan, a^ poet. pla\ iiig the ^ame Ivre; 
Uohed now. in loriniid rcsllessiu^- o| -i;iil(|. 

I hen. ehid in i|l|irl 

W hileness of (aimed attire. 


Obeyed the scll-sainc call to cdiiscm ralioii. 
Urged of (Hie love, expressed in ( oiiiitiT-fashion: 
The vestal, in creative suhliinalioii : 

The harlot, body's 

Primordial passion; 

Beauty was means — and end. Bruized. e\er-\parniiifr;. 
One chased what (Icsli a chance moment admired: 
The other, eternal values discerning. 

Captured a music . . . 

. . . Sitirit-insnired! 


Frag-ilina^" Faces Mars 

*White marble nude in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New ^ ork Cil\ — 
the work of Attilio Piccirilli. The sculptor has shaped an adolescent, kneeling 
girl, whose averted head, arm positions and title con\e\ o\ertone^ ol in<\-ohi- 
tion, timidity — even reluctance to meet realil) . 

So frail a bough to face its fate; so tender a stem to l)ear 

Its fruit, she seems to hesitate — afraid or loath to wear 

The grandeur of her womanhood; or dare, full grown ol purpose, 

Fearlessly express the Future on such present slenderness; 

She is embodiment of Peace, who kneels before the hour 
When in the fullness of release, she wields a surer |)ower: 
Yet, can but dream Today away and cower, although Tomorrow, 
Dread reality menaces sperm and womb disastrously; 

Stark force of circumstance, empower the bough to face its burgeon; 
Strengthen this stem: bring bud and (lower to fruition. As guerdon 
Of courage, grant her a near accouchement: that all peoples of the earth 
May hear the birth-cry of a finer, nobler Era, 

When Peace, recast in stronger mold of bronze, shall opinly 

Defy War's rust-corroding hold on man's societx 

And stand erect, century after century — a modern Pax. 

Whose world-wide ministrations embrace creatively One Family of ^'alion.s! 

*Rome had its Goddess of Peace . . . I'ax. Vhe Pax Romana in(hnl(>d mo<t of 
the then-known world and endured Imndreds of years. 

"T dont know who m\ grandfather was: 

1 am more concertied to know what m\ grandson will b;' 

— A. Fincoln. 


co^lMK^TAK^ \\i> vcknowledgments 

How is \t»ur l.n. (Ill tilt* historv of viiur iuicestors? Woulil \t>u ii'iehe 
a plu«i iir a minus, in an exaininatitm ctixering this most interesting subject — - 
especialU to a tiesiendaiit of Daxid \tt water'.'' 

Sinee 1 undertook this "iahor ol love" — despite adverse predictions hv 
faniilv members — many erroneous stories have been calletl to ni\ attention. 
Nalurallv. tlie ones concerning the "strange" spelling of my own name in- 
trigued me more than all others. With o\er one hundred iii(|iiiries. about 
the double "\." answers were necessarv. Bill tlic ('\|ilaiialor\ ( liii-tmas cards 
of 1954 dill not stop the inquiries. 

One reasonable storv — even if inacciiiati- a> to iiio>t ot u> (ItiiiMc t"s — 
claimed the change in spelling \sas iiu itcd tlirii Kt\ «iluliuiiai \ Icuds in 7(). 
The Patriot took one spelling llic Tor\ the otiicr. A siinilai talc had llic 
King giving a grant «d land in New lla\<'n In (Hic (d tuii laniil\ incndicrs. 
during the war. who. (d course, was a Join and with ilie same ending. 
I ndoubtedK. there were mend»ers of oiir faniil\ on llic wrong side — accord- 
ing to how one viewed the coidlicl. 

If manv of the curious who wrot(> mc Jiad ever read an \t\satcr 
Genealog\ . tlu*\ could ha\e answered llicii own (jucries. Nbinlicr- who 
doubted m\ .New Ha\en ancestry bccaux' of spelling and present Caliloiiiia 
residence, should realize that l)a\ i(r> descendants now rcsitle in ever\ state 
in the I nion. Of course, mv father. Saniml llnl.art. and ni\ ^laiidlatlicr. 
Elisha. were both born in New llaxcn. (!onn. I wa> lo- totlunalc jicing 
born in New ^ oik (at\ . 

\ll niend»ers and especialK those bearing the name Atwater. will be 
interested in knowing that during our lon<: and tedious search for iainilx 
URMnbers. in the I niteti States and Canada, wr toiind on!\ two taniilics 
liearing the name of Atwater. who disclairmd |)a\i(l a^ tlicii aiK c-tor. I he 
following letter explains one (a-r: 

"\\\ l)i-ar Mr. \ltwater: M\ liii-band wa- not ot llir Maviil \twati-i 
Fanulv in America." He wa- bom in Iaii>to(k. |)i\on. Knijjand. on I.) \la\ 
1}U>}! and dird iti "(ihicago" on I 1 .Iarniai\ I'M'*, lb' ( anic to Xniciira. with 
'Sir Johnson I oibc^ |{obcil>-on' in I'^l.'i. as coniiiarn n:anaiici. ( )n oiii Irc- 
ipuMit tours, we (dtcn met pfoplc b\ the name o| "Vtwatcr. bnt \on aif tlic 
fir»l,- that us<*d the "\ttwalci. I lir lattci i> iiscti in Kntiland and llic extra 
T. must ha\e been diopjird along tin* wa\ in \incii(a. 

I^in(iicl\. I joKiKc Haird \ltwatcr. ' 

The pedigree (d lioiicv 

I )ocv not concern llic bee: 
A « lo\ CI. an\ t line, to iiim. 

I- ai i-|o( racy." 

— I>iiiil\ I )i( kinsoii 


The other party, from Pittsburgh. ur<it(': ". . . u|Min arrival here Iniin 
Germany (my father I after being naturalized had his surname ehanged 
through aetion of the Court in 1922. troni Aulin \\ asser [<> Vlualrr." 

There has been some doubl in the minds of nianv famil\ tncndiers — 
that our statement of six previous Atvvater histories was correct. As the writer 
possessed the first Atwater Geneah)g\. publislied in l.'!51. lie recjuested his 
cooperati\e and good friend. 'Rex* Atwater. to settle the matter for all time. 
His excellent article about the Father of Atwater Genealogy- Reverend Kd- 
ward Elias Atwater — gives just, if delayed credit, to a worthv pioneer. 

The following Library of Congress record may be of interest to present 
members and those who come after us: 

Library of Congress* 
CS71A89— 1851 

#125 ATWATER — A Genealogical Register of descendants in tin- male 

line of David Atwater, one of the original planters of \rw Ha\en. to the 

fifth generation. New Haven. Conn. 

J. H. Benham 1851— 3()p. 2^1/. em. 


CS7LA89— 1873. 

#126 ATWATER — same as above — sixth generation. 
New Haven — Tuttle. Morehouse & Tavlor 1873. 

ATWATER— see also Bagg. CS71B144— 1895. 

Why past editors and compilers found it necessary to mispell all the 
Attwater names of our English ancestors is hard to understand. rhe\ were 
not one "t" members. We found no difficulty in this task- designating the 
New World two "t" members as they would wish to be listed. 

David wrote "Attwater" in his will- -all of it written in lii> «iwn liantl - 
the last double "t" being his signature. 

There could be many nice things to say alidut our co-authors. However, 
they are all well-known in their respective occupations or coiinnunities. 

Dr. Reginald Atwater has been an executive of the American Me(li< a! 
Association for many years. Not only doctors but prominent citizens thruout 
the country respect his diplomacy, knowledge and ability. 

Ray H. Mattison. who has written many historical articles and stories of 
the "Bad Lands." has contributed one of our most interesting connections 
with the Old World. 

Helen Atwater Wrigley, wife of Plnliji K. Vi'rigley. who is an outstanding 
figure in industrial and sport financing, is known for h(>r own main good 

George Franklin Atwater. writer of the "Charter Oak" story, is father 
of a well known writer. Franklin Simpson, co-author of a number of .McGraw- 
Hill books. 


Wtirn Li.Hcll Thomas sent me a note about ••.Mi>iit\.' I iiimu'dialely 
!r Mar^k Meig» Atwater. hi* mother. The picture aiul her iiittrcstin- article 
»»m lie luuiui ill the Historical Section. 

Jane Alnaler Pratt is justlv pruuil of the unusual K)ng career of her 

\tuater W'okott. our \oungest contrilnilor. did his <\ul in the 

r Force. 
Hubert K. \tuater was not onl\ chise to Francis hul also had the 

ion of personal contact with Clara Barton. 
In a«Klilion lo ihose mentioned abo\e, the author wishes l.i Miaiik all 
iitriiilirr» >eiii)ing in extra geneahgical material. Special iiiniti.ui -lnudd 
iiulu.lf ("apt. James l\. Atwater. Cleo Alwater (j-..ul. lames Hassclt \t\\at.r. 
Hulh \lwater Soiulcrejiticr. June Franklin. Dc Will II. Fe.sseiiden. Ihius I,. 
\lwjlc-r. Nanc\ Atwater Knplish. Mrs. Harry Atwaler and \Ii-. lliKii Wind. 
Mho liao stiii-e passed away. 

In the \ Illume Francis incorrectly called Vidunie 1. Kduard Klias also 
c«»ntf iliit. d a great porti»»ii of ihe new hislorj, and j^enealojiical material. And 
a |( 1. u!tl Ik* accorded Rcherl Henry Atwater. who. afler |)aiiislaking 

re»**arch. *»rolc the first eijrhty-three pages of so-called Vohimc I. 

In thi^ \«-in. wc h*el it is not oid\ a pleasure hul a diit\ on <un pari, lo 
rei'ortl olhi- \ts\.it<r Family iiiemhers of disliticlion. 

.\TV'\TKl; I o.o .Dec. 25. 17T;;-Mar(h l;{. \l\(u). I'.nrn \urlli \dams. 
Ma?--, rioiict-r. Author and Kducaltir. Appoinlcd \>\ I'ltsidcnl Jackson 
to Irral with the \\ innehago and other Indians <>\ I'rairir dii (liicn. 
Mhich !rfat\ waf finally ratifird h\ ('ongress in lo2'>>. Ih' was ihc rii>l 
ad\<K.ilr of (ore>l t onserxalion : fust to predict the success of the rail- 
Ma) ; hr Ma^ the fir-l historitn of his stale and the founder <d her (Ohio) 
M'hool s\Mrni 
\T\\ STFU.I.ymaii Hoichkiss (Irh. A. ir.l.M'.-j.. IT. \[\V,A). ClcrjiNman and 

\ Am .ilor. 
\T\\ MH{ Jcrrmiah, see Nat. Mio.. p. ;iS2. \. IJ. 105. 
M^ line Alwater. h. IHS.'i. author, m. I{e\ . John Masmi. 

\ I U \ I 1 i;. John \\ illiur. N. C!., m.: Fift\ -Sixth C.<ingress. 
UIMl. II.I.MI K.. M.h- (ieneah.gN. «l. P^f).'!. 

\|U\IH{ \»a (,.dlre\. War Service l<)lll">i(.. ir-.m l.uiil. \>> Cnl.mel. 

'HTxiie I ' •_. \eai». li ttlalion (loinmandcr (iernian Xidcnnes 

U MciuIkt <d III :in\ orgmi/alions and chilis: now living in l'liiu>- 

....'. Awarded medals for inerilorious ser\ ii i* niililarx npi lalioiis. 

' John I'., of ."^ig(l!^l (!or|ts. killed in action in Iramc: m. (>lad\s 

I '^mithfichl. - ■!. ImIiii |'.. Jr.. sister. Mrs. 1. D. M <•. <pi 

■1 - J. III. I'. Cole. 

M .- '• \. I iii\ersil\ <d l.i\\a. -anie \1..^.. I ni\. ui 

^^ jih\. NhMiilier id main professional and 

/alloMD. iSoW living New Orleans. L'l. 

. \ \\ \ 1 1 li. if. K< III, Iwici* Mayor of r.iii lingamr. Calif., also served as 

M., t ..f <W.fK. !•».. ill l'<)12. 15. ^(.llllg^tnwn. Ohio, the \1a\oi d. 

A, 1. Hi- wai» a memher of inany organi/aliuns and scimiI 


as V.P. of California l\(>al l'.stal(> Association. His widow. Mrs. Christine 
B., a son, H. Kent, Jr., (lauglitcr. Mrs. Alfred W. Esroffier and a sister, 
Mrs. Thomas Jenkins survive. 

ATWATER. Gordon A., Management ConsuUant. Purdue University. USPS. 
Former Direitor of Ha\den Planelariuin. Writer and memher of many 
scientific and c(hicational organizations, lu'sidcncc. .New Kochelle. N. Y. 

ATWATER, Isaac. 1893. History of Minneapolis. 

All articles, not attributed to publications or indixiduals. arc l)\ tlic 
Author. Honor students. I^oraine ko and Arlene Goldberg, ol liie I iii\cisil\ 
of California, deciphered and l)ped the iiulividual family records, uiidir the 
supervision of the Author. Checking and proof-reading of the Genealogy was 
finally completed thru the co-operation and assistance of Pearl Smith Vogt. 

In addition to family members, the Author wishes In thank all nur 
friends, who have taken such an unselfish interest in this work. Besides these 
heretofore mentioned, our appreciation and thanks Id liiilli 1!. IJnberis for 
her final reading of the typesetter's completed pages. 

Last, but not least, to that talented young actress and artist, Alice Nobes 
Lunsford. for her continued interest and especially her artistic work on the 
Attwater Arms and Crest, which thru her aesthetic endea\ors is now in 
the homes of so many of our family members. 

Finally, may I call to the attention ol those mendiers inlereslcd in 
'Heraldry' the following facts. While the one we use in this Ndhinie i> llic 
best looking of the three Arms and Crests, attributed by Burke and nlhers 
to Attwater families, it has not l)een subjected to emblishmeni or (I(m idiiim 
by the artist, which has been the case with so nian\ nf the older ianiiK >\ nd)ois 
which are now offered to the public. The coloring by the artist has been taken 
from authentic records of the past. 

Even the motto— PATRIA CLARA CARIOR LIBERTAS (translated, 
'dear is countr\ but liberty is dearer still,' now used by some Atwater 
members, has been discarded by this Author, as Contra honos mores. 

Does any member of our clan imagine that Edward IV. Henr\ \ III. 
Richard 111 or that unspeakable Elizabeth would have allowed a show of 
'poor manners' on any banner of chieftain or knight? 



Your Genealogical Record 

In t\%e OLD WOULD \uur direct ancestors have been ;iutlitntii aled 
a« fulluws: 

LHnMAS ATTW ATF.IL wife Eliner Thomas died Sept.-Oct.. 1 U',4 

JOHN. Hife Mar\an J"liii before July 14. 1501 

I l\ llie Elder Robert died December. 1522 

lin'Si KS, wife Johanna Thomas died .November. 1517 

l.HI(l>I(U'HKI{. wife Maryan Christopher died April. 1573 

jUHN \ri\\ ATKK, wife Susan Narsin: d. Nov. \()'M> — father and mother of 

Davii>— In America rl. 2nd f. 

4ih = 5th #. 

Tlh r ;Jih i 

Itnh r 11th ff. 





Personal Family Record 




city — state 


(late — born 

city — state 

«ilfr'» tdtlirr 

Wtlr'k liiutllrr 

tir>i • mill 




ituiil rhild 


f..urll> . lul.l 





1. David Attivater, one of the first planters of New Haven; settled, lived 
and d. in the district now known as Cedar Hill; m. Damaris, dau. of Thomas 
Sayre, of Southampton, L. I.; d. Oct. 5, 1692. She d. April 7, 1691. 

2. Mercy, b. Feb. 29, 1647. 

3. Damarias, b. Nov. 12, 1648. 

4. David, b. July 13, 1650. 

5. Joshua, b. Jan. 11, 1652. 

6. John, b. Nov. 1, 1654. 

7. Jonathan, b. July 12, Kiott. 

8. Abigail, b. March 3, 1660. 

9. Mary, b. March 31, 1662. 

10. Samual, b. Sept. 17, 1664. 

11. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 13, 1666. 


2. Mercy, dau. of David, m. Nov. 5, 1667, John Austin; one of the Green- 
wich petitioners in favor of New Haven, 1650. She d. April 14, 1683. He m. (2) 
Jan. 21, 1684, Elizabeth Brockett, and d. Feb. 22, 1690. 

3. Damaris, dau. of David, m. Nov. 5, 1667, John Punderson, only son of 
Deacon John and Margaret Punderson. The first John was among the early 
immigrants of New Haven Colony. From him descended all the Pundersons of 
this country. There were three John Pundersons deacons of the First chuixh 
in New Haven in succession. John 2d, d. Jan. 23, 1729. His wife d. Dec. 14, 1711. 

4. David, son of David, lived in New Haven; d. Jan. 10, 1736. It is supposed 
that he lived upon and cultivated a portion of the land originally assigned to 
his father. All that can be ascertained regarding his wife is from the tomb- 
stone, which states her name was Joanna, and that she d. Dec. 5, 1722. 

12. Johanna, b. Feb. 29, 1682. 

13. Abigail, b. Jan. 18, 1684. 

14. Joshua, b. Jan. 29, 1687. 

5. Joshua, son of David; m. Jan. 24, 1680, Lydia, dau. of John and Sarah 
Rockwell; b. Nov. 27, 1656, and d. Nov. 27, 1681; no children. 

6. John Attwater, son of David; m. Sept. 13, 1682, Abigail, dau. Moses and 
Mercy (Glover) Mansfield; ta. Feb. 7, 1664, and settled in Wallingford upon a 
farm which belonged to his brother Joshua. He was called "Weaver." She d. 
Sept. 24, 1717; (2) Nov. 27, 1718, Widow Mary Beach. He d. 1748. 

15. John, b. Aug. 17, 1683. 

16. Abigail, b. Oct. 17, 1685. 

17. Eunice, b. Feb. 6, 1687; m. Samuel Curtis. 

18. Hannah, b. Dec. 17, 1690. 

19. Joshua, b. Sept. 18, 1693. 

20. Moses, b. July 17, 1696. 

21. Phineas, b. Sept. 23, 1699. 

22. Caleb, b. Oct. 9, 1705. 

23. Benjamin, b. Dec. 8, 1706. 

24. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 6, 1709. 

7. Jonathan Attwater, son of David, lived in New Haven; m. June 1. 1681, 
Ruth, dau. of Rev. Jeremiah and Joanna (Kitchel) Peck. b. April 3, 1661; d. 
June 3, 1726. He d. June 7, 1699. 

25. David, b. Aug. 5, 1683. 

26. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 31, 1685. 

27. Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1686. 

28. Ruth, b. Dec. 31, 1688. 

29. Jonathan, b. Nov. 4, 1690. 

30. Jo.seph, b. Dec. 9, 1694. 

31. Damaris, b. Oct. 9, 1698. 


8. Abigail, dau. of David: m. Oct. 7, 1684. Nathaniel Jones. He d. Aug. 21, 

t» \, . . wi l>ii\iu, m. Oct. 22. 1688. Ichabod Stow (son of Rev. 

Sansuel a; Fletcher Stowi. b. Feb. 20. 1653; d. Jan. 25. 1694-5. (2) David 

Robinson .aoi. ol Thomas and Mary Robinson i, b. 1660; d. Jan. 1. 1748. 

Ill ' id; lived in New Haven and cultivated a portion of 

the la: ,.' d to his father. He m. July 7. 1691, Sarah, dau. of 

I.,hr an,! Fllen ( Bradlev I Ailing, b. Nov. 25. 1666. He d. Sept. 17, 1742. She 
.>. ' b Sept. 29. 1694. 

33. .s. b MiiV 21. 1700. 

34 .. Oct. 16. 1702. 

35. . , n. b. Dec. 5. 1705. 

36. Mabel, m. 1738. Isaac Beecher. (Her birth is not recorded, but in 1743 
she. with Daniel. Caleb and Stephen, sell land that was our father's, 
Suniuel Atwater. i 

II. F:h •iir/«T. ."ion of David; lived in New Haven; m. Dec. 9, 1691. Abigail. 

-arah I Street I Hcaton. b. Jan. 1. 1663. He is described in a 

.-;.. m. t2» Nov. 27. 1712. John Gilbert and d. Nov. 19, 1731. 

37. Sarah, b. April 6. 1693. 

38. »' ' March 12. 1695. 

39. tj. March 15. 1698. 

40. AUfiad. b. June 1, 1700. 


I'i. Juhaiiiui. dau. of David; m. Aug. 19, 1719. Efcenezer, son of Abraham 
and Hannah .Thompson) Bradley; b. Nov. 9. 1689. He d. Oct. 10, 1763. 

IS. AblKuil. dau. of David; m. Dec. 25. 1705, Samuel, son of William and 

Al!<H» i|*n<hHrdt Bradlev. Samuel was gramlson of Major William Biadley, of 

the fnentl and .soldier of Cromwell. In the old burying ground in 

; :., un a tomb.stone. is the following: 'Here lies ye body of Mrs. 

Abigail, wife of Mr. Samuel Bradley; died January 23, 1742-43, aged 57 years. 
" ' • ' '• .itir.i" He d. 1757. He m. (2i Anna. dau. of Daniel .uid 

I ry. widow of John Wolcott. 

14. •luHliiia. son of David, cultivated a portion of the original farm in New 

Nov 22. 1721. Anna Bradley. He d. Jan. 29. 1773. She d. Sept. 8, 
'•'h year. 

41. : (i. Sept. 15. 1723. 

42. huni« c, b. Aug. 7. 1730. 

15. Ji.hh r John; m. Aug. 4. 1713, Elizabeth Mix, b. Feb. 18, 1681. 
He 11V..1 i'.'. I . and there d. March 11. 1765. His wife d. Feb. 20, 1758. 

43. Dec. 3. 1716. 
** June 27. 1718. 

1. b. Feb. 2. 1720. 

th. b. Nov. 17. 1721. 

b D.-c. 28, 1722. 
■> 1721 
■ib iiiuji, t iTji; 

l«. AblKull, dau. of John; m. April 26, 1711, Thomas Hall, of Wallingford, 
b Julv • He d Aug. 27, 1741. 

'" " ' John; m. May 9, 1711, Thomas Beach, of Wallingford, 


' ' I'. mi. iivc.i in Waliinj^ford; m. Jan. 17. 1723, Mary, 

■ah Slret-t Peck; b. F.b. 3, 1695; d. Feb. 26. 1740; (2) 

i. of TheophiluH and Sarah (Street) Yale; d. July 13, 


50. Mary. b. Feb. 12, 1727, m. 1743, Thomas Johnson; (2) Ozias Wilcox. 
She d. 1780. 

Issue by second marriage: 

51. Caleb, b. Sept. 7, 1741. 

52. Abigail, b. , 1743; m. Sept. 20, 1760, Timothy Bates; (2) Lathrop 


53. Sarah, b. , 1745. 

20. Moses, son of John; lived in Wallingofrd; m. Dec. 28, 1722, Sarah 

Merriman. b. Feb. 17, 1702; d. Feb. , 1733; (2) April 22, 1734, Mary 

Hotchkiss, who d. July 12, 1763. He d. May 19, 1786. 

54. Abigail, b. Sept. 13, 1725. 

55. Sarah, b. Oct. 29, 1727. 

56. Moses, b. Nov. 22, 1729. 
Issue by second marriage: 

57. Elihu, b. Jan. 18, 1735. 

58. David, b. Feb. 23, 1736. 

59. Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1737; m. Gad Pond. 

60. Hannah, b. May 1, 1739; m. July 30, 1761, Joseph Hotchkiss. 

21. Phineas Attwater, son of John; resided in Cheshire; m. Nov. 9, 1727, 
Mary Ward, b. July 17, 1705; d. June 11, 1767; (2) June 15, 1768, Hannah Moss, 
widows of Benjamin Ives, of Goshen, b. Nov. 11, 1709; d. Jan. 20, 1787. He d. 
Oct. 1781. 

61. Reuben, b. Oct. 13, 1728. 

62. William, b. March, 1730. 

63. Thomas, b. Aug. 14, 1733. 

64. Damaris, b. Oct. 1738. 

65. Ambrose, b. Dec. 19, 1743. 

22. Caleb, son of John; resided in Wallingford; m. Nov. 10, 1726, 
Mehitable, dau. of John Mix. He d. 1736. She m. Mar. 18, 1739, John Peck. 

66. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1727. 

67. Eunice, b. Sept. 10, 1737. 

23. Benjamin, son of John; Wallingford; m. Nov. 28, 1732, Elizabeth 
Porter. She d. Jan. 13, 1774, aged 66 years; (2) May 5, 1774, Elizabeth Bcnham, 
widow David Merriman, b. 1721; d. May 24, 1784; (3) July 13, 1784, Mary 
Saxton, widow Joseph Bartholomew, b. Sept. 25, 1719; d. 18i4. He was called 

68. Mary, b. Dec. 30, 1735. 

24. Ebenezer, son of John; Wallingford; m. Dec. 30, 1737, Jane Andrews. 
He d. Oct. 28, 1758. She m. ( 2 ) Moses Bradley and d. Mar. 20, 1806. 

69. Caleb, b. Sept. 8, 1738. 

70. Samuel, b. Jan. 30, 1740. 

71. Ephraim, b. Nov. 27, 1743. 

72. Ehzabeth, b. April 13, 1748. 

73. Abigail, b. Sept. 19, 1754. 

25. David Attwater, son of Jonathan; m. June 25, 1712, Ruth Bradley, 
b. Jan. 23, 1690; d. July 12, 1717. (2) Dec. 2, 1718, Tabitha Holt, widow Samuel 
Whitehead, b. Jan. 30," 1683; d. Oct. 4, 1743. He d. May 1, 1727. His house was 
in State street formerly called Fleet street. New Haven. 

74. Stephen, b. Nov. 15, 1715. 

75. Jonathan, b. March 10, 1722. 

76. David, b. June 4, 1725. 

26. Jeremiah, son of Jonathan; New Haven; m. April 9, 1713. Lydia, dau. 
of Richard Rosewell, b. Aug. 21. 1687. He d. Oct. 27. 1732. She d. May 21, 1732. 

77. Lydia, b. Oct. 18, 1715. 

27. Mary, dau. of Jonathan; m. June 30, 1709, Isaac Dickerman, b. Nov. 
7, 1677. She d. Aug. 31, 1753. He d. Sept. 7, 1758. 

28. Ruth, dau. of Jonathan; m. Jan. 3, 1705, Deacon and Ensign Samuel, 
son of Joseph and Mary Yale Ives. He was b. in 1677, and was one of the first 
two deacons in the First Church at New Haven; commissioned as ensign in 
1718 and d. Nov. 24, 1726. She d. May 17, 1758. 


I •' !, n of Jonathan; New Haven, his house standing near the 
rTr . and College sti-e^ts. and was torn down in 1893 and a 

>e built on the site; m. Dec. 15. 1713, Abigail (dau. of 
:. i'lckermani Bradley, who d. March 19. 1732-3. i2» Dec. 5, 
i>f Thomas and Marv i Sanford » Tuttle, (Widow of Benja- 
•• 1697; d. Sept! 9. 1776. He d. Dec. 27, 1760. 
-•'. 1714. 

79. Abrahani, b. Nov. 10. 1716. 

80. Uaac. b. Oct. 21. 1718. 

81. Jai-ob. b. Jan. 22. 1721. 

82 J Oct. 12. 1723. 

83- J I 2. 1726. 

M. Joel. b. L»t^\ 12. 1728. 
85 A' ' b May 4. 1731. 
l&s\i>f ' :.J marriage: 

86. Jcicij.jiin. b. Dec. 5, 1734. 

M. JuM-ph, son of Jonathan; m. Sept. 10, 1722, Hannah Doolittle, b. in 
1699. d Keb 27. 1769. He d. Jan. 9. 1766. Lived in Wallingford, Conn. 

87 Sarah, b. Aug. 12. 1723. 

88 II h July 15, 1725; d. Nov. 6. 1771; m. Nov. 4, 1760, Joel Ives. 
89. 1 II. b April 7, 1727. 

90 Jo.seph, b Aug. 29. 1729. 
<■•' Thankful, b. May 14, 1733. 

Jl. DufiiurU, dau. of Jonathan; m. May 15. 1721. Caleb Hall. b. Sept. 14, 
10i»V H.- .1 July 27, 1749. She d. July 29, 1762. Wallingford, Conn. 

5f. I>;uiicl. son of Samuel: Cedar Hill. New Haven; ni. July 23, 1717, 
. 1 of Samuel and Sarah ( Newman » Tuttle, b. April 4, 1692. She il. 

.; ..oy. He d. April 30, 1765. 

92. Samuel, b. June 1, 1718. 

93 Sarah, b. Sept 12. 1719. 

94 John. b. March 14, 1721. 

95. Mary. b. Dec. 22, 1723; m. possibly Edward Little of North Haven. 

96. Ann. b. June 4. 1725. 

97. Damans, b. Dec. 30. 1727. 

98. Darnel, b. July 8. 1730. 

SS. Dunmrifi, dau. of Samuel; m. June 9, 174 2, Henry Bristol; (probably 
hl» t^ci.iiii wife I, d. June , 1750; (2) Dec. 27, 1751, Eliphalet Parker. She d. 
IVc. 27. 1770. Resided in Wallingforff. 

S4. C'alfb. son of Samuel; m. April 6, 1727, Lydia, dau. of Nathan and 
Sarah tBwchert Benham. He d. Jan. 11, 1775. Dutchess County, N. Y. 
99 Lvdja. b. April 3, 1729. 

100. H b Dec. 31. 1730; m. Feb. 22, 1748-9. Daniel Smith. She d. 
« 1795. 

101. Dorcas, b. Aug. 26, 1733; m. July 19, 1753. James Humiston. She d. 
S- • ' 1% 1759. 

102. .1 Sept. 1. 1734. 

103. teaiiUi. I 19, 1739. 

104. I^")-* h 1742 

105 1 t, July . 1748; m. John Pease. 

106 .-^ , .. ;.. b. June 2. 1751. 

T-. <i. ..I,. „ ... „f Samuel; Cedar Hill; m. Dec. 18, 1729, Abigail Bradley. 
II the eighty-eighth year of her age. He d. Jan. 3, 1759. 
i'-'. '! 7, 1736. 

»08 A .,: 2. 1742; m. Sept. 3, 1794. Daniel Hiuninston; (2) 

S«-pl lo, lho4. William Denshnv. She d. Jan. 20, 1806. 
109 Sarah, b. July 14. 1745; m. April 27, 1763, Jes.se Ailing, d. June — , 

1769. «2» May 28. 1774. Philsuebus Treat. 

S7. suftth. dau. of Rbcnezcr: m. Jan. 7. 1719, James Humi.ston, b. May 7, 
"'■ * ■" ■" ■ nn.; m. (2i .Iiinc 28. 1749. Deacon Timothy 

and d. his widow. May 28, 1761. 


38. Mary, dau. of Ebenezer; m. Jan. 17, 1714, Ebenezer Ives, b. April 6, 
1692; d. July 7, 1757. She d. in North Haven, Feb. 3, 1772. 

39. James, son of Ebenezer; lived in New Haven; m. July 12, 1722, Dinah, 
dau. of John and Dinah (Thomas) Sherman; d. Dec. 29, 1739. (2) March 4, 
1740, Elizabeth Ailing, d. May 17, 1792. He d. July 10, 1766. Hi.s house was in 
State street, between Crown and George streets. 

110. Ebenezer, b. March 27, 1723. 

111. Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1727; m. Nov. 12, 1753, Nicholas Peck. 

112. Rachel, b. April 26, 1737; m. Aug. 12, 1759, Jonah Bradley. She d. 
Oct. 21, 1809. 

113. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1745. 

114. Phebe, b. Nov. 24, 1747. 

115. Timothy, b. Nov. 2, 1749. 

116. Lydia, b. April 10, 1752. 

40. Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer; m. Dec. 3, 1722, Deacon Samuel Bishop, 
son of Samuel and Hannah Yale; d. 1780. He was deacon of the First Church, 
New Haven, 1756-1774. He was magistrate, town clerk and clerk of probate. 
She d. Dec. 12, 1782. 


41. David, son of Joshua; lived at Cedar Hill; m. Nov. 25, 1746, Elizabeth, 
dau. of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) Bassett, b. Nov. 9, 1726, d. Jan. 2, 
1783, who was mother of all his children, and afterwards, m. June 10, 1784, 
Abiah, dau. of John and Abiah ( Bradley ) Barnes, widow of John Cooper, b. 
March 14, 1739; d. Oct. 17, 1824. He d. March 4, 1806. 

117. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1748; m. Jonah Hotchkiss. 

118. Medad, b. March 23, 1751. 

119. Eldad, b. March 23, 1751. 

120. Joshua, b. May 13, 1753. 

121. Anna, b. May 3, 1755. 

122. David, b. Dec. 8, 1756. 

123. Jared, b. Sept. 24, 1758. 

124. Rebecca, b. April 27, 1760. 

125. Eunice, b. June 2, 1762. 

126. Phebe, b. May 5, 1764. 

127. Rhoda, b. May 13, 1766. 

42. Eunice, dau. of Joshua; m. Jabez Munson, b. Dec. 17, 1728; a farmer 
of Hamden. 

43. Enos, son of John; m. July 9, 1741, Hannah, dau. of Isaac and Hannah 
(Royce) Moss, b. March 7, 1722. He lived in Cheshire, having the military rank 
of captain of militia, 1776, and d. May 24, 1784. She d. Feb. 27, 1787. 

128. Asaph, b. Aug. 1, 1745. 

129. Mehitable, b. Jan. 23, 1747; m. Eli Brownson. She d. July 30, 1803. 

130. Enos, b. Oct. 25, 1748. 

131. Eunice, b. Sept. — , 1750; m. Isaac Atwater; (2) Ephraim Terrell. 

132. Heman, b. Aug. 29, 1752. 

133. Keziah, b. Oct. 10, 1754; m. Dec. 28, 1789; Amos Rice. 

134. Anne, b. Nov. 17, 1756. 

135. Titus, b. Jan. 6, 1761. 

44. Jolin; lived in Cheshire; m. Feb. 22, 1744, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and 
Hannah (Clark) Thompson, b. Sept. 10, 1725; d. Mar. 23, 1790; (2) Lydia 
Parker, widow of Daniel Humiston and Samuel Hall. d. Jan. 1, 1809. He d. 
Dec. 14, 1807. 

136. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 10, 1744. 

137. Phebe, b. Aug. 11, 1747. 

138. Hannah, b. Feb. 17, 1749. 

139. John, b. Sept. 5, 1751. 

140. Abgail, b. Oct. — , 1758. 

141. Mary, b. , 1759; m. Roger Peck, of Waterbury. 

142. Jesse, b. Jan. 11, 1771. 


:i riaiiiiaii. uau. of Deacon Stephen and Elizabeth 

23. 1721': d. Oct. 9. 1779; m. (2) Anna Clark, d. 

Jan. 21. 1802. Patience (widow* Squires. Lived in Cheshire. 

143^ ! Sept. 12. 1746. 

144. : I. 17. 1747; m. Dec. 14, 1768, John Upson. 

145. .- .V 25. 1751: m. Nov. 19, 1767, Enos Johnson. 

146 1 27. 1754; m. Jan. 22. 1778, John Hall; (2t Feb. 5, 

:nnian, b. Sept. 30. 1754; d. April 7, 1816. 
147. : 17. 1756. 

14S. ; 7. 1756: m. Feb. 14. 1783, Jonathan Hall. 

149 ; y 13, 1758. 

46. EU/i»b«-th; m. March 12. 1741. Ephraim Ives (son of Deacon Joseph 
and Mary Benedict i, b. Jan. 4. 1717. 

4H. Sarah; m. Nov. 24, 1747, Bela Hitchcock (son of Captain Benjamin 

■ . SI. b. Oct. 27. 1719. Fhe d. Oct. 23. 1746. (2) Nov. 24. 1717, 

: first wife I. d. June 28, 1805. He d. Oct. 12, 1796. 

in Ttt.iN, son of John: ni. Dec. 14. 1749. Margaret, d;ni. of Samuel Scott, 
:i. He lived in Cheshire, and d. Dec. 26, 1758. His widow m. 
i:: • of Southington. and d. Sept 8. 1794. He d. July 30. 1801. 

.ciept 29. 1750. 
161. . 12. 1752. 

152. .V I 

153. Rhoda. b. May 15. 1756. 

.M. < ali-li. son of Joshua; m. March 12. 1766, Abigail dau. of Nathaniel 
!i> Jones, b. Sept. 26. 1744; d. Jan. 11, 1775. (2) Jan. 22, 
•!i. .1. June 20, 1813, aged 71. He d. Dec. 19. 1831. Lived in 

i..^ . .ii.ii, ,, .Jiilv 19. 1767: m. Aug. 10, 1786, Capt. Jonallian Merrick. 
IM. Marv. b. April 23. 1769. 

156 I - 1770. 

157 .1 I . 8. 1773. 

158. b. Dec. 13. 1778. 

159. I ..i... ..IU-. b. May 24. 1781. 

160. Ruth, b. April 11. 1788. 

."SS. Sarah, dau. of Joshua; ni. Charles Hull (son of Dr. Beniamin and 

1 1744; d. Mav 4. 1819. He owned the Ruggles farm in Wall- 

11 1820, Aaron Hull, of Wallingford; b. Nov. 1, 1760; d. 

M. \hit;all. dau. of Mo.ses; ni. Dec. 27. 1711. Jason Hotchkiss (son of John 
■Vood). b. May 12, 1719; d. May 19, 1776, in Cheshire. She d. 

"• - - ' 7, 1761. l.anu-1 Hall III, b. Nov. 17. 1710: <1. Jan. 27, 

d May , 1719. 

• . Mms.h: lived In WuUingford; m. Dec. 18. Hf)!, Eunice, dau. of Thomas 
. Newton; d. Oct. 2. 1805. He d. March 7. 1801. 
V ■ 'i: 17.55. 
J 62 1 17.59. 

.^7. KHhu: livr.i In Wallingford; in. May 1, 176.^), Abiah Tryon; d. Dec. 2, 

.\nnu. dau. of Jonathan and F^lizabeth (Thompson) 
• • ' "n; b. Dec. 30. 1740. Ho d. Oct. 9. 1816. 

•; 1766. 

■ 7; ni. Ambro.se Hull. 

*<>• , , . m. Mr. Hudson. 


^••- • ■;..». 


ilS. David, son of Moses, was "a noted apothecary" in New Haven; m. 
Nov. 15, 1770, Eunice, dau. of Andrew and Sarah ( Nichols ) Thompson, of 
Stratford; b. Sept. — , 1750. He was killed in a skirmish with the British troops 
when they destroyed the stores at Danbury, April 28, 1777. She m. (2) July 
10, 1779, John Goodrich. Four sons died without issue. 

61. Keiiben Attunter, son of Phineas; Cheshire; m. April 29, 1752, Sarah, 
dau. of Caleb Hull, b. April 25, 1725; d. April 19, 1754. (2) Jan. 28, 1755, Mary 
Russell, b. Oct. 16, 1726; d. May 6, 1807. He d. at Blanford, Mass., Aug. 19, 
1801. He was a major of the Tenth regiment of militia, and resigned in 1777. 

169. Sarah, b. June 14, 1753; m. Feb. 27, 1777, Stephen Royce. 
Issue by second wife: 

170. Merab, b. June 19, 1757. 

171. Elizabeth Mary Ann, b. Sept. 7, 1760. 

172. Russell, b. June 20, 1762. 

173. Abigail, b. April 2, 1764. 

174. Amaryllis, b. April 2, 1764. 

175. Reuben, b. May 11, 1768. 

62. William; Cheshire; m. Jan. 3, 1754, Esther, dau. of Ephraim and 
Hannah ( Pangburn ) Tuttle, b. Feb. 10, 1736. He d. in Nova Scotia, Aug. 2, 1787. 

176. Rufus, b. Nov. 29, 1754. 

177. Wjlham, b. Feb. 16, 1759. 

178. Abel Ward, b. , 1761. 

179. Chloe, b. Sept. 21. 1763. 

180. Ira, b. June 21, 1765. 

181. Esther, b. Oct. 4, 1771; m. March 13, 1788, George Whitman. 

63. Thomas; m. Dec. 8, 1757, Love, dau. of Capt. Samuel Hull, b. Aug. 27, 
1738. He d. June 2. 1805. 

64. Damaris; m. April 21, 1763, Samuel Tyler (son of Samuel and Jerusha 
Sedgwick), b. Dec. 14, 1735; d. March 13, 1823. She d. April 24, 1810. 

65. Ambrose, son of Phineas; m. Oct. 2, 1766, Sarah Tryon, and was the 
father of eleven children — six sons and five daugliters. He d. at the age of 91 
years and 2 months. Shelburne, Vt. She d. Dec. 23, 1812. 

182. Amelia, b. July 3, 1767. 

183. Linus, b. Feb. 23, 1769. 

184. Jonathan, b. Oct. 18, 1770. 

185. Thomas, b. April 19, 1775. 

186. Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 1777. 

187. Mary, b. Oct. 17, 1778. 

188. Phineas, b. July 12, 1780. 

189. Merab, b. April 17, 1782. 

190. Clara C, b. May 6, 1786; m. Joshua Fuller; d. May 23, 1814. 

191. William, b. May 9, 1789. 

66. Sarah, dau. of Caleb; m. Samuel Street, of Wallingford, b. May 10, 
1707; d. Oct. 15, 1792. She d. Oct. 1, 1795. 

67. Eunice, dau. of Caleb; m. March 24, 1757, Phineas Cook. (2) March 
18, 1768, Ebenezer Townsend. He d. May 26, 1838. She d. July 25, 1785. 

68. Mary, dau. of Benjamin; m. Nov. 15. 1757. Abel Cook (son of Aaron 
and Ruth Burrage), b. Feb. 23, 1732; d. Aug. 10, 1776; (2) Benjamin Hall. 
She d. Jan. 13. 1774. Resided in Wallingford. 

69. Caleb, son of Ebenezer; lived in Wallingford; m. Nov. 22, 1764, Phebe, 
dau. of Josiah and Hannah Talmage; b. Aug. 4, 1744. She d. Jan. 27, 1776. 

192. Anne, b. Nov. 17, 1765. 

193. Sarah, b. July 19, 1767. 

194. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 16, 1769. 

70. Samuel; lived in Wallingford; m. Mav 5, 1768, Hannah, dau. of Amos 
and Joanna (Parker) Bristol, b. March 20," 1745; d. Jan. 31. 1826. He d. 
Aug. 15, 1788. 


Feb. I'l, iTby; m. Daniel Winchell. 
.. Oct. 29. 1775. 
197. h: bap. Sept. 2. 1781. 

19*. l^ i.^^ i^ June 20. 1784; m. Oct. 14. 1822. Levi Smith. 

7! Kphralm: lived in Wallingrford; m. Dec. 25, 1771. Abigail Rowe; b. 
174»> H.- .1 at canip. Danbury. Conn.. Oct. 22, 1776. She m. (21 March 

iw. - 

<i. 1772; m. Noah Andrews. 
20U. K ■ Sept. 18, 1774; m. Levi Matthews, of Bristol, Conn. 

201 Ejnicwi... b. March 5, 1777. 

7* KUratM'th: ni. Nov. 8. 1770. Joseph Hough, b. Sept. 12, 1745; d. Sept. 
11. 1^11 

7S. \hit:ail. dau. of Ebenezer; m. June 8, 1778, Thomas Walker, two chil- 

Atwater, b. Aug. 31. 1780; Nancy, b. Aug. 24. 1782; m. Hum- 

! le d. m Cayuga County, N. Y. She m. (2) Houghton, d. in 1834. 

i .t;ht. b. March 2, 1885; retired Merchant and Postmaster of St. 

.states: Clarissa, b. Nov. 25. 1787; m. Nov. 22, 1803 Rueben 

; b April 1. 1781. d. Aug. 9. 1848 in La Salle Co. 111. Children: 

ii b. Nov. 22, 1804; Josse Atwater, b. Jan. 17. 1807, d. July 4, 1884; 

:. S Wixon. b. March 26, 1809. (He would be Richard's grandfather.) 

!i 1. 1879; Justin Dishen. b. July 25. 1811, d. Sept. 12, 1859. Mrs. Lois 

• •-■•■It Lake City, is a sister of Soloman Don Carlos Wixom and first 

.ird Lyla, dau. of Soloman. b. Jan. 23, 1900; m. Andiew Jensen 

■ ■'^ Their children: ili Marian, b. May 15, 1929; m. Aug. 

. I'latt (div. 1953 1 Kaye Marlene, b. April 4, 1950. Janice 

' 25. 1954. (2 and 3 — twins) Donna Terry and Don Andrew. 

: _> i;'.>.. Donna d. Dec. 1. 1950. Don, ni. 5-7-53, Maralene. dau. of 

; 1 Arch Tobler. (Children: dau. Ja Lynn Terry, b. Feb. 13, 1954. Don 

•il 24. 1955 at Cedar City, Utah. (4i Kent George, b. May 1, 

i . . 17, 1953. Angle Joan. dau. of Eulalia Beaumont and James 

Victor DaviM. Kent in Japan -U.S. Army; (5) Genene. b. Oct. 28, 1935; (6) 

Kava. b June 11, 1942. Thelma, dau. of Solomon; b. Feb. 4, 1902; m. Willis 

l-Mdv Dutson. (Children: Mavvon. b. Mav 12. 1936; Dixie, b. April 16, 1939; 

• 23- 1941: Quayle, "b. Sept. 9, 1943; Willis Lambert, b. 

• renia Wixon. b. Aug. 14, 1903. Florice May. b. May 3, 

III Hymn Elbert, b. March 21. 1906 at Han.skill, Utah. 

i i. and Hyrum Eugene Sanford. (Children: Janet, b. Aug. 

•rdell Stanworth; Florice Fallen, Peggy Jean. Carolyn, Judy and 

■'h Keith and Katherine May twins b. Sept. 1. 1931. 

: ilder Thomas (child) Larry Keith Thomas. Phyllis 

rd, b Dec. 5. 1942. Penelope Wixom, b. Nov. 4. 1907; m. July 22, 

Dalling Pike, b. Nov. 12, 1900. Blonda Harriet, b. Oct. 29, 1909; 

1929. Floyd M. Knight. Elxlula Dean. b. July 7, 18. 1913; d. Dec. 

■H'R NOTE: Lyla \V. Terry shows the following relationship to 

Walker in. Ruben H. Wixon. Soloman S. Wixon m. Sarah 

... Avery Wixon m. Penelope Bishop. Soloman Don Curios 

■ 14. 1870; m. Ellen May Lambert, b. Sept. 25, 1871, d. Jan. 31, 

jy.ij. :5!Jiun.un d. Sept. 26. 1935. was Lyla's father. 

"■ " ' " ' \id; Meriden; m. June 6, 173i», P'lizabeth. dau. of 

He <l. March 7, 1784. She d. July 2, 1793, aged 80. 
Me b, 1740; m. May 4. 1789. John Miles, d. Oct. 2, 1796. 
N'-rnnian. He d. April 1. 1811. She d. April 6, 1827. 
2K. 1744; m. William Johnson. 

. ■"; ni. Dec. 4. 1777. Marshall Merriam. She d. 

T"'v 27, 1752. Hi. Jonah Hotchkiss. 
6. 1755. 

' ' '! of David; lived in New Haven; m. Jan. 23, 
>"* rd. b. Mar. 25, 1727. He d. Aug. 24, 1764. His 







* " 



house was in that part of State street formerly called Fleet street. She m. (2) 
Dec. 19, 1765, Ephraim Goldsmith; (3) July 29, 1789, Ashael Hall. She d. Julv 

18, 1803. 

209. Thomas, b. Dec. 16, 1747. 

210. Sarah, b. June 21, 1752; m. Oct. 27, 1771, Willard Brintnall. (2) 
William Atwater. She d. Sept. 6, 1800. 

211. Lois, b. Mar. 7, 1756; m. Oct. 9, 1778, Stephen Dunwell. (2) Aug'. 7, 
1784, John Bonticou. 

76. David, son of David; m. June 25, 1744, Hannah, dau. of James and 
Hannah (Harrison) Talmadge; b. Feb. 7, 1719. His house was in Meadow 
street. New Haven. She d. April 13, 1757. 

212. William, b. Oct. 18, 1745. 

213. EUsha, b. Dec. 4, 1746. 

214. Mary, b. Mar. 3, 1749; m. Jan. 2, 1769, Lemuel Benham. 

215. Hannah, b. May 24, 1750; m. Nov. 6, 1771. Charles Butler. 

77. Lydia, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Dec. 4, 1732, Alexander Wolcott, but 
separated from him. (2) Oct. 22, 1740, John Eliot, son of John and Mary (dau. 
of John Wolcott) Eliot, b. Jan. 21, 1717; graduated H. C. 1737. He d. Nov. 20, 
1790. She d. Jan. 28, 1776. 

78. Phobe, dau. of Jonathan; m. Jan. 6, 1736, Caleb Hotchkiss, b. June 6, 
1712. He was killed in New Haven, July, 1779, by a British soldier. She d. Feb. 

19, 1795. 

79. Abraham; settled in Cheshire, Conn., and d. Jan. 4, 1786, on a farm 
of 118 acres bought of Henry Cook by Jonathan Atwater, his grandfather, in 
February, 1702. From Jonathan it descended to Abraham, to Samuel, to 
Flamen, and is now held by the heirs of Flamen, in all seven generations. He 
m. in 1738, Mary Ball (dau. of John and Mary Pundorson), b. Aug. 11, 1718; 
d. Mav 15, 1811, aged 93. 

2i6. Esther, b. Sept. 19, 1738, m. Jan. 10, 1759, Timothv Moss; d. June 
29, 1763. 

217. Mary, b. April 28, 1741; m. May 16, 1761, Titus Moss. 

218. Chloe, b. Oct. 27, 1743; m. March 24, 1763, Thomas Newton. 

219. Isaac, b. June 15, 1746. 

220. Lois, b. June 12, 1749; m. Jan. 8, 1778, Thomas Gaylord. 

221. Timothy, b. Oct. 30, 1751. 

222. Abigail, b. Oct. 26, 1754. 

223. Samuel, b. July 5, 1757. 

224. Esther, b. Dec. 10, 1763; d. Sept. 26, 1840, aged 77; m. Feb. 12, 1789, 
Bowers Moss. 

80. Isaac; New Haven; m. Dec. 9, 1742, Dorothy, dau. of Caleb and 
Rebecca (Thompson) Mix, b. Oct. 27, 1718; d. Aug. 11, 1769. He d. Oct. 7, 1770. 

225. Hannah, b. Sept. 8, 1743. 

226. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1746. 

227. Abigail, b. May 4, 1752; m. June 27, 1773, Samuel Gill. 

228. Sibel, b. Jan. 25, 1755. 

229. Eunice, b. March 3, 1757; d. Sept. 4, 1834; m. Dec. 18, 1775. John 
Pease, d. Sept. 5, 1794; (2) Sept. 5, 1796, Abraham Bradley, b. June 
13, 1741; d. Mar. 6, 1817. 

230. Esther, b. July 16, 1759; d. Aug. 16, 1836; m. April 16, 1788, John 

81. Jacob; m. Feb. 10, 1748, Miriam, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (At- 
water) Ives; d. Nov. 11, 1792. (2) Aug. — , 1794. Thankful Goodyear, widow of 
John Cotter. Jaob d. Dec. 11, 1799. Thankful d. Jan. 27, 1801, aged 67 years. 

231. Enos, b. April 10, 1750. 

232. Noah, b. Jan. 3, 1752. 

233. Mabel, b. Aug. 31, 1753. 

234. Lydia, b. Feb. 11, 1756. 

235. Jotham, b. Nov. 17, 1757; d. Oct. 28. 1776. Killed at the battle of 
White Plains, N. Y. 

236. Jason, b. May 5, 1759. 

237. Elisha, b. July 8, 1761. 


2iS Mary, b Feb 7, 1763; d. Sept. 30. 1840: m. Davenport Williams. 

2ay Asa.' b. Aug. 8. 1764. 

240 Miriam, b. Sept. 2, 1768; d. Nov. 6. 1787; m. Calvin Mallory. 

«•». Junuthan: settled in Bethany; m. Miriam, dau. of Thomas and Abigail 

• b. 1729; d. April 8. 1807. He d. Feb. 24. 1794. He probably 

Muullon's company in the Revolution, enlisting Aug. 13, 1781. 

:Hl Mo*rs. b. 1751. 

242. Eunice, b. Aug. 24, 1753; d. Aug. 18, 1838; m. Elias Hotchkiss; (2) 
April 19, 1827. Uri Sperry. 

243 Joanna, b. 1756; m. Uri Sperry; d. Feb. 28. 1832. 

244 Amos. b. 1757. 

245 Abigail, b. 1759. 

246. Rhoda. in. Lemuel Sperry. She d. Oct. 2, 1813. 

247. Miriam, m. Reuben Osborn. 

248. David, b. 1762. 

249. Jesse, b. 1764. 

2'»o Juniithan. b. June 20. 1765. 

H3. Junah; New Haven: m. Dec. 25. 1753. Lydia Holebrook. (2| Rachel. 
H.- .! N' .'. M T-U. Hf served in the Revolution, 
k. b. Aug. 20. 1758. 
Kmii.i o. Sept. 8. 1765. 

-. •• 

253 Huldah. b. Oct. 20. 1768; m. Jesse Peck, who d. April 21, 1830. 

K4. .I.«-I; -N'ew Haven; m. Dec. 28. 1763. Abiah. dau. of Timothy ami 
Baldwin, b. Dec. 26, 1733. He d. Nov. 30, 1794. She d. Oct. 

ih. b. Oct. 6. 1764; m. Abel Ward Atwater. 
^,.,. i.tii.'cca. b. March 21. 1766. 
256. Jo.l. b. Nov. 1. 1769. 
237. Polly, b. July 10. 1771 : m. Luther Bradley. She d. Sept. 25, 1815. 

H5. .\blKuil (Sister (»f Abraham, who m. Mary Ball), m. Stephen Ball. b. 
1727; d Oct U». 1799, aged 72. She d. Nov. 10, 1800. 

hj\ .l.-ri'iMUih, son of Jonathan; steward of Yale College, 1778-98; m. April 

dau. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Lines) Mix, b. April 2, 1735, 

. 1778. (2 1 April 6, 17S0. Catherine, dau. of Dr. Benjamin and 

• if Rev. Dr. Jared Elliott GaU , of Killingworth. Conn., b. June 

., d. ». 1. June 19. 1794; (3i Mary Saltonstall; d. Aug. 14, 1820. He d. 

. IMl 

• hen. b. July 27. 1758. 
J..i« A ' Sept 28, 1764. 

280. J 1 M.. b, Feb. 15, 1767. 

261. J '. May 27. 1770. 

262 I. .1 Lydia, b. March 2. 1778. 

K'l K'-njainln, son of Joseph; Cheshire; m. June lit. iT.').'., I'holjo, dau. of 
Lydia < Jones I Mo.ss, b. Jan. 9, 1736; d. March l. 1799. He li. Feb. 

SMrah h Apn! 26. 1756. 

|)t, 26, 1757. 
. _■;». 17.^'t 
■ ly 12. 17-. . 
vi'iil 22. 17«j'J. 
1, b Aug, 21. 1771. 
April 2. 1774; d. Sept. 5, 1828; m. May 1, 1796, .Tolm Bassett, 
. 1761; d. Aug. 9, 1821. 
Ann. b. July 14. 1779. 

:. m. Aug. 18, 1756, Phebe. dau. of David and Alice 
ijy; d. March 23. 1767. He d. Aug. 22, 1769. 

»l. Th.iiik(ul. dau. of Joseph; m. June 14. 1755, Sergeant Elisha Hall (son 
■t)rlh Roycci. b. Sept. 15, 1730; d. Jan. 19, 1800. She d. Jan. 



J ■! 







92. Samuel, son of Daniel: ni. Dec. 26, 1744, Sarah, dau. of Caleb and 
Abigail (Ashburn) Ball, b. Nov. 25, 1723; d. March 11, 1796. He d. May 9, 1793. 
Joseph Newton te.stified that when the militia was called to march for the 
defense of U. S. that at that time Samuel Atwater and several otheis had lately 
come home in the militia from New York much out of health and had not been 
able to labor since and continued unwell for some time afterward. For that 
reason they were not able to go a second time in the militia. Made oath Jan. 
5, 1778. 

272. Abel, b. April 15, 1746. 

273. Abigail, b. Nov. 17, 1749. 

274. Stephen, b. Dec. 29, 1752. 

275. Samuel, b. Sept. 23, 1754. 

276. Timothy, b. May 6, 1756. 

277. John, b' Dec. 24, 1757. 

278. Caleb, b. Dec. 28, 1759. 

279. Richard Newman, b. May 3, 1762. 

280. Susannah, b. Dec. 29, 3 766: m. March 31, 1791, Joseph Goodyear. 
She d. 1814. 

93. Sarah; m. Dec. 19, 1742, Ebenezer, son of James and Abigail (Peck) 
Ailing, of Wallingford, b. April 8, 1713; d. Nov. 3, 1760. She d. 1814. 

94. John; lived in Hamden; m. Jan. 5, 1749, Mary, dau. of James and 
Abigail (Peck) Ailing, b. Mar. 5, 1708, of Wallingford. He d. May 18, 1781. 
She d. Feb. 14, 1790. 

96. Ann; m. May 17, 1753, Joshua Munson, b. Jan. 30, 1712, d. Aug. 3, 
1772; (2) Sept. 29, 1773, Oliver Hitchcock. She d. Jan. 16, 1804. 

97. Damaris; m. Nov. 20, 1750, James Ives, b. Oct. 19, 1718; d. at Center- 
ville. Conn., May 14, 1804. She d. Oct. 26, 1751. 

98. Daniel, son of Daniel; m. Feb. 26, 1756, Sarah, dau. of John and Sarah 
(Potter) Harris, b. Nov. 14, 1730; d. Feb. 28, 1761. (2) Aug. 13, 1761, Lois 
Mansfield. He d. April 30, 1765. 

281. Zophar, b. June 28, 1756. 

282. Enos, b. Nov. 22, 1758. 

283. Ichabod, b. Feb. 11, 1761. 

284. Simeon, b. Sept. 11, 1763. 

285. Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1767. 

99. Lydia, dau. of Caleb; m. July 14, 1747, Jude Tuttle, b. Aug. 16, 1724. 
He lived iii Hamden, Conn., and d. there Dec. 13, 1762. The widow m. June 25, 
1767, Abel Smith, whose will was provedinNewHaveninl798. Shed. Oct.22. 1807. 
(6) Hezekiah Tuttle, m. Mary Turner. (5) Jesse Tuttle m. Esther Pierpont. 
(4) Eyerah ( ?) Pierpont Tuttle m. Maria Todd. (3) Newton Tuttle m. Emily 
A. Stone. (2) Wilford Tuttle, b. April 7, 1867; m. Sarah Howard. Children: 
Mary Corbridge of Malad, Idaho; Lucinda Richards, Joseph Tuttle, Eva Tuttle, 
Thoral Tuttle, Lily Tuttle, b. July 14, 1909; m. Keith Moroni Secrist, b. Nov. 
18, 1909, employed by General Motors. Children: Lee Keith, b. Aug. 15, 1944. 
Lon Dale, b. Feb. 21, 1948. Florence Tuttle, b. Oct. 11, 1898; m. Leslie Foy. 
Children: Jean Call, b. Jan. 30, 1923; Lola Foy Smith, b. Jan. 22, 1925. Julia 
Foy Brough, b. Nov. 27, 1927. Inez Foy Barker, b. July 12, 1929. Leslie Tuttle 
Foy, b. Jan. 21, 1934. Sarah Foy Moore, b. Oct. 22, 1935. 

(Editor's Note: This branch also claims direct descent from No. 28 — Ruth 
and Samuel Ives. ) 

102. James; lived in Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y., m. Dec. 5, 1756, 
Lois, dau. of Ezekiel and Susannah (Mcrriman) Tuttle, widow of Benjamin 
Todd, b. Feb. 14, 1738. 

286. Benjamin Todd. 

287. James. 

288. Daniel. 

289. Lois; m. Michael Sherman. 

290. Eunice; m. E. Young. 

291. Stephen, b. Jan. 31, 1782. 


1»S «<an»h; m Samuel Street April 27. 1763. He d. in Wallingford, 1792, 
j^ 4 ht' V ointed in right of his wife guardian to 

I _ ...r da lit. Caleb Atuater. 

1»4. Utto: m. 1757. Titus Tuttle. b. Sept. 18. 1731. He was drafted at New 
Haven. Conn., into the Revolutionary army, but his eldest son, Caleb, was 
a -' ' ' ritute: enrolled as a minute-man; removed to West Spring- 

i -a Parish, now Holyokei, and d. there Jan. 17. 1820. in his 

tiifih >f-«r. Laju. a. May 31. 1790. 

106. 11. st'n of Caleb: m. July 18. 1771. Hannah Mead. He d. March 
4, ltl31. a fanner and lived in Conesville. N. Y. 

292 Reuben, b. Nov. 27. 1779. 

293 Lvdia. b. Feb. 17. 1782: d. July 12. 1816: m. A. Thompson. 

294 Either, b. Oct. 31. 1785. 

295 Mead. b. Jan. 24. 1790. 

296 THUS. b. July 5. 1792. 

297 John. b. Oct. 8, 1795. 

107. Mary. dau. of Stephen; m. May 17, 1753, Ebenezer Ives, Jr.. ti. about 
1760. (2 1 April 10. 1765. Gilead Gregory. 

110. FIm son of James; m. April 9. 1717, Mehitable, dau. James 

AUin^ »r! f I'eek. He went to Nine Partners. N. Y. He d. previous to 

17H2. \^ sons. Benjamin and John, quit claimed their interest in the 

r.iitai(- I.: grandfather. James. 

29h Jesse, b. June 22. 1749. 

299 lienjamin, b. 1756. 

;i<Ni jiihii 

:;"i Et'»-n< z«M" 

;ii'j i^t-vi 

:it>:5 Caleb, b 1767. 

SiH Reuben. 

IIS. KII/ulM-th; III Mareh 7. 1771. David Mix of New Haven. 

Mi I'li.l..-: Ill Au^i. 29. 1774, Stephen Gorham, son of Jolm and T.ydia 
1 i . ' 1 1747. She d. July 24. 1822. He d. 1812. 

II.^. Tiin<ilti\ : lived in New Haven; m. Feb. 3, 1773, Chloe, dau. of Abra- 
J .tnd"Elizabeth Bradlev, d. Sept. 11, 1774. (2) Aug. 27, 1776, Susan 

%{., d. Jan 11. 1831. He d. March 5, 1824. 

3«t.'> Betsey, b. Jan. 27. 1777. 

lUtti .Sarah b Nov. 23. 1779; d. March 15. 1807; m. Jesse Hunt, d. Sept. 

2' - 

307 S -', 1781. 

308. James, b. July 1. 1783. 

309. (-»••••'-- » Av 23. 1785. 

310. H li 9, 1790; m. Oct.. 1809, Rev. James W. Tucker. 

311. IUjUU. h. l-ilj. 2G. 1793. 

312 Ju!^n h Feb 24. 1795. 

313 J. \) Mareh 2, 1799; d. in 1882; m. George Raymond; (2) 
I^ . iJaggctt. 

"•; ! ^''•T ■<•.•! nf Jame.s. n. (Jet. 28. 1777, Hezekiah Augur, h. in 1750; 
• d Man h 9. 1K37, 

11. 1779; m. Eli O.sborn. Lydia. b. Jan. 25. 1782; m. 
I .Minoll. b. May 20. 17S4; ni". Sarah Osborn. Chloe, b. 

17M: m. JoKcph Barber. 


'' • • 'I of David; m. .March 18. 1772. Jonah Hotchki.ss, b. 

1'. ivn .^ii,. ,1. April 16, 1827. He was a hou.sc joiner, 

.lonah pear. 

•->•. v.-ar. b. Juni- 12, 1758; d. Sept. 27, 1776, 

' Haven; m. May 8. 1776, Lowly, dau. of 


aged 38; (2) Sept. 9, 1778, Rhoda, dan. of Samuel and Mary (Ailing) Dicker- 
man; b. Nov. 24, 1748; d. May 19, 1806. (3) Nov. 27, 1806, widow Sarah 
Hubbard, d. Feb. 18, 1834. He d. Feb. 15,1832. 

314. Lowly, b. July 9, 1779. 

315. Lucy, b. Jan. 31, 1781. 

316. Lyman, b. March 3, 1783. 

317. Medad, b. Oct. 18. 1788. 

119. Eldad; lived in New Haven; m. Nov. 27. 1776, Lydia, dau. of James 
and Sarah (Bassett) Heaton, b. Dec. 28, 1751; d. Feb. 18, 1784, aged 32; (2) 
Oct. 15, 1786, Sally Lucas, d. April , 1835, aged 82. He d. Sept. 25, 1793. She 
m. (2) John Langdon. 

318. Sally, b. Feb. 7, 1778; m. George Benham, d. Oct. 8, 1854, aged 82. 

319. Eunice, b. Dec. 16, 1781. 

320. Heaton, b. June 10, 1787. 

321. Eldad, b. March 19, 1793. 

120. Joshua; m. Jan. 20, 1778; Betsey Goodyear, dau. of Asa and Mehitable 
Sackett; b. Jan. 2, 1756; d. Dec. 22, 1808. (2) Esther Hull, d. Oct. 17, 1849. 
aged 76 years. He moved to Homer, N. Y., and d. July 31, 1814. 

322." Ezra, b. Dec. 14, 1778. 

323. Betsey, b. Feb. 28, 1781. 

324. Ira, b. Jan. 17, 1783. 

325. Eh, b. Jan. 20, 1785. 

326. Amos Augustus, b. Jan. 3. 1788. 

327. Mary, b. April 30, 1790; m. William Miller. Lived in Canby, N. Y. 

328. Asa Goodvear, b. July 9, 1793. 

329. Thomas Gold, b. July 3, 1796. 

330. Joseph, b. Aug. 31, 1813. 

121. Anna; m. April 4, 1775, General John Hubbard, b. in Meriden, Conn. 
They had one son, John, b. in 1778. She d. Feb. 2, 1778. 

122. David; m. Jan. 30, 1783, Rachel, dau. of William Abdiah and Sarah 
(Gilbert) Hubbard; Trumansburg, N. Y., in 1803. He d. Nov. 16, 1803. 

331. William, b. June 10, 1786. 

332. Elijah, b. April 4, 1789. 

333. Anna, b. June 15, 1792; m. July 9, 1812, Jeremiah Clark Mandeville. 

334. Rebecca, b. Oct. 12, 1795; m. Joseph Crawford. 

335. David, b. March 14, 1801. 

336. Betsey, b. Sept. 5, 1803; m. William Morgan. 

123. Jared; lived at Cedar Hill, New Haven; m. Sept. 7, 1785, Eunce, dau. 
of Stephen and Eunice (Tuttle) Dickerman, b. 1763. He d. Feb. 28, 1813. She 
d. July 30, 1830, aged 67. 

337. Elihu, b. Dec. 1, 1786. 

338. Stephen, b. Dec. 25, 1788. 

339. James, b. Feb. 14, 1793. 

340. Jared, b. May 27, 1795. 

341. George, b. Sept. 27, 1797. 

342. Amelia, b. Sept. 30, 1801. 

343. Maria, b. Sept. -30, 1801. 

344. William, b. June 17, 1805. 

345. David, b. Jan. 29. 1807. 

346. Joshua, b. Jan. 29, 1807. 

124. Kehecca; m. Feb. 16, 1796, James Prescott, b. March 15, 1745; d. 
May 25, 1842. She d. July 17, 1834. 

125. Eunice; m. Feb. 24, 1783, Eli Hotchkiss, of New Haven, b. Sept. 18, 
1758; d. May 13, 1813. She d. Feb. 13, 1817. 

126. rhebe; m. March 8, 1786, Elnathan Tyler of Northford, Conn., d. Oct. 
19, 1817. She d. Jan. 2, 1852. 

127. Khoda, dau. of David; m. April 11, 1795, Isaac Townshend, b. Feb. 4, 
1765. She d. April 10, 1840. He d. Nov. 5, 1841. 


1*K. A«a|A. son of Elnos. m. May 27, 1772, Lucy Ann Dibble. He went west 
a ... V .^ Ohio. 

;i 7. 1774. 
Mb Si t 11. 1775; m. Joseph Wildman. 

349. A^-, .. ----._ J", 1776. 

350. Lucy, b. Jan. 28, 1778; m. Meacham. 

" ■ '■ ' ».!arch 20. 1779. 

14. 1783. 
k:\frkitiii. b. Aug. 4. 1785; m. Ludwin Grove 

|;s i lutn; m. Patience, dau. Daniel and Lydia i Parker) Hunii.^ton, b. 
v.v ., ! Ai.iil 25. 1793. Lived in Sovithington. He inheriteti lioni his 

: Atwater Mills, and bought the right of the rest of the 
III.:.- 11 -- iievolutionary army from 1777 to 1778; m. (2) May 11, 

17**'> H ol John and Marv (Dennison) Woodward, widow, James 

t- 15. 1754. d. Xov.4. 1821. He d. Aug. 1. 1831. 
March 1, 1778. 
;a. b. 1782; m. Ebenezer Lewis, d. April 16. 1822. 

1 I Ann«-: Ml. March 19, 1778, Nathan Gaylord. of Cheshire, who was 
I : 1 Mill m the lower part of the town. She d. Aug. 11. 1822. He 


I!!**. Titus, son of Enos; m. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan and Mehitable 
•sborn. He d. June 26, 1791. She d. July 21. 1788. 

I3I». JtTfmiiih. of New Haven, son of John; m. Aug. 14. 1771, Loi.s Hurd, 
|. '""- " lived at the corner of Chapel and Orange streets. He d. Oct. 1. 1835, 
d Julv 23. 1821. 

b. Dec. 27. 1773. 
S.pt. 10. 1777. 
u. Feb. 16. 1780. 
I I..IIK-S. b. Aug. 18. 1786. 
Frances, b. Sept. 17. 1789. 

i:i7. I'hi-»M-: ni. March 21, 1764. Daniel Dutton. of Cheshire, Conn. She d. 
May 10. 1807. He d. Dec. 17. 1821. aged 80. 

ISH. Iltiiuiah: III Jan. 1. 1777, Cajit. Samiu 1 Hall, 3d. of Wallingfoid; b. 
1707: d .1.111 17, 17H9; (2i Feb. 5, 1800. Caleb Meiiiman. She il. Apiil I, 1811. 

1S9. .Iidiii Jirst of New Haven and afterwards of Wostfield, Mass.; ni. Dolly 
« ;!i he had three children; (2» Anne Ingersoll. who d. without 

U" ..- .... .\i.iiiha Call, b. June. 1762; d. June 17, 1821. He d. Sept. 8. 1823. 
Ml. John h April 26. 1774. 
■ •'•■J 1 • Au;4. 3, 1776. 

I n, b. May 27, 1796. 

'i i;;c, b. Sept. 2. 1800. 

140. .^lilKull: m. Sept. 9. 1780. Jedediah Hull. (2) Oct. 8. 1786. Edward 
Goodyear. t3» Solomon Alcolt, of Wolcoit; d. in Camden, N. Y.. Nov. 28. 1825. 

'V* li'HM'. Hon of John: m. Polly Tuttle. but left no childK'n. He <l. July 

II"? »ll/ilMtli. dau. of Stephen; m. Ephraim TutUe. b. Manh 20, 1739; 
' He d. Jan. 26. 1811. aged 72. She d. June 10. 1807. 

147. Naomi; m. June 1. 1780, Enos Bunnell, b. May 15. 1753; ti. March 17, 
1*44 8hr d. Jan. 16. 1843. They lived in Cheshire. Conn. 

■ < < 

' m. March 23. 1780. Anna. dau. of Barnabas 

.... .,...-. b. Nov. 29. 1757. d. Nov. 23. 1801; Crawford 

V. 26. 1836. HlMlfihcal Data p. 51. vol. 4. 

-•'- 1! '''^1781. 

•"WW A ,- III. .Mav 28. 1809, Lconaiii I x.oliitir. 

Ml I 

MH M. .. .;,.;.. ^-. .,-,; 


150. Chloc, dau. of Titus; m. Samuel Cook (son of Asaph and Sarah 
Parker); b. Aug. 18, 1744; d. 1823. He went with his father to Granville, Mass., 
thence to Granville, Washington County, N. Y. 

151. Amos; m. April 30, 1772, Martha, dau. of Timothy Cowles and Marv 
Scott, of Farmington, b. Aug. 23, 1751; d. Jan. 11, 1786; (2) April 19, 1786. 
Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Dorchester) Moss, who d. Oct. 24, 1796, 
aged 31; (3) Feb. 19, 1797, Mehitable, dau. of John and Mary (Cook) Smith, 
widow Ebenezer Brooks, b. April 28, 1761. He was a soldier in the Revolution; 
joined the Fifth Battalion, Wadsworth's brigade, raised June, 1776, to reinforce 
Washington's army in New York. Served in the city of Brooklyn, being at the 
right of line during the battle of Long Island, Aug. 27. Engaged in retreat to 
New York, Aug. 29th and 30th. With militia at Kip's Bay in East River at 
time of Attack by British in New York, Sept. 15th. His term expired in Dec. 
1776. He d. May 8, 1805. 

369. Sophronia, b. Aug. 8, 1777. 

370. Nathan Lewis, b. 1784. 

371. Lucius, b. 1774. 

152. Miriam; m. April 14, 1774, 1774, Calvin Cowles, b. Nov. 13, 1749; d. 
Dec. 19, 1801. She d. March, 1798. Lived in Woicott. 

153. Khoda, dau. of Titus; m. March 16. 1774, Immer Judd, Jr. She d. May 
28, 1832. He d. May 13, 1828, aged 71. Lived in Southington. 

155. 3Iary, dau. of Caleb; m. Feb. 29, 1792, Rev. David L. Beebe, who was 
b. in 1761. His father was Rev. James Beebe, who was called the "soldier and 
preacher." She d. Oct. 18, 1845. 

156. Lucy; m. Jan. 31, 1796, Ira Day, of Catskill, N. Y. He d. Nov. 17, 1818. 
John, b. Oct. 26, 1796. Caleb, b. April 7, 1798. Delia, b. March 28, 1800; m. 

Rev. Samuel C. Aikin, of Cleveland. Henrietta, b. Feb. 25, 1802; m. Rev. 
Samuel C. Aikin, of Cleveland. William, b. March 13, 1804. Ira Ransom, b. 
March 1, 1807. Emeline, b. Nov. 14, 1811; m. Flavel W. Bingham, of Cleveland. 

157. -loshiia; lived at Wallingford; m. Oct. 22, 1793, Ehzabeth, dau. of 
Aaron and Ehzabeth (Taintor) Cook. He d. April 19, 1862. She d. April 4, 1842, 
aged 64. 

372. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1794; m. John Barker. 

373. Caroline, b. June 17, 1796. 

374. Emily, b. Feb. 7, 1798. 

375. Caleb, b. July 11, 1804. 

376. Joshua, b. Aug. 26, 1806. 

377. Thomas C, b. Aug. 20, 1808. 

378. Edgar, b. Oct. 12, 1812. 

379. John, b. Jan. 19, 1813. 

380. William, b. Aug. 5, 1817. 

381. Mary Ann, b. May 29, 1819. 

158. Abigail; m. Sept. 7, 1800, Dr. John, son of Dr. Aaron and Sarah 
(Whiting) Andrews, b. June 13, 1777. She d. Sept. 3, 1834. 

159. Catherine; m. Nov. 28, 1799, Thomas B. Cook, son of Aaron and 
Lucretia (Dudley) Cook. Catskill, N. Y. 

Ehzabeth Taintor, b. 1818; m. John Steinfort Kedney, D.D.; b. 1819. 
Marie Edna, b. June 14, 1853, d. Feb. 22, 1910. m. Charles Augustus 
Poole, b. 1849, d. Dec. 30, 1920. 

Elizabeth Merrill, b. Dec. 3, 1879; m. (1) Rev. Arthur Neville Claggett. 
Jackson L. D., b. Aug. 22, 1900; m. 1926 Virginia Hamilton Hill. 
Children: Jackson Lee, b. Aug. 25, 1928; m. Nancy Ann Robinson. 
Barry Hill, b. Aug. 19, 1935; m. (2) John Henry Boyd. 
Katherine Ellen, b. Dec. 20, 1881; m. William Dent Sterrett of Clear- 
water, Fla., b. March 2, 1881. 

Margaret Wadsworth, b. , m. Rev. Frank Zouber, b. , 1912. 

Frank Wadsworth, b. Aug. 28, 1914; m. Elizabeth Carroll. 
Charles Merrill, b. Aug. 14, 1918; m. Barbara. 
Barbara m. Dr. Earl L. Yeager. 
Philip Atwater, b. Aug. 8, 1921. 


j; on b Mar. 11. 1895, m. Edward Marion Hay, ex. Army Lt., 

; .s ar and attorney. 

Manon b. Mav 21. 1918 (deceased) Capt. Army Air Corps in 
U \\ 11 d Air Medal and D.F.C. for flying South Pacific. 

Nancy Ha <^c 26. Iit20, ni. Robert Graham Evans, son of Robert 

G. aiid Gladys Blackler Evans and grandson of Robert G. Evans, 
privat.- — ■- '.ary to President McKinley— U.S. Dist. Attorney Minn- 
esota ister of Minneapolis. The present R. G. Evans was a 
;. All Corps m \V,\V. U and member of Memorial Hall Com- 
:■. l>ttro»l IS an engineer with Ford Motor Co. 

Edward, b. Jan. 7. 1944 Douglas Bruce, b. Sept. 22. 1946. 
:-.,,...;. Hay, b. Dec. 13. 1948. 
Father of E. M. Hay, Marion E. Hay, b. Spokane. Wash.. Dec. 9, 1865 
waji Governor. State of Washington from 1909-1913, d. Nov. 21, 1933. 

160. Kiith. dau of Caleb; m. Nov. 22. 1813, Apollos Cook, brother of 
Thoma.s V. Lived in CatskiU. N. Y. He d. July 6. 1832, aged 46. 

Itil. >arah, dau. of Moses; m. Feb. 10, 1774, Abner Bunnell, Jr., b. Nov. 18, 
1749. Lived »n Cheshire. Conn. 

I«t. Lyman, son of Moses; m. Mav 2, 1785, Dorothy, dau. of Elijah and 
r- ■ 'h « Kellogg » Hotchkiss, b. May 22, 1759; d. Aug. 7, 1829. He d. March 
His will mentions wife. Florinda. 
Sii2 Ehzabeth. b. March 5, 1791; m. April 21, 1812, Ebenezer Atwater. 

165. .\hhth. dau. of Elihu; m. Dec. 29, 1792, Theophilus Doolittle, who d. 
Mar. h 19. Ibu4. She d. Nov. 23. 1817. 

167. Kllhu: m, Maria Scott. He left Connecticut soon after or before 1800. 
H«» %%•-?!? -Miuth. stopping two years in the Carolinas before going to Florida 
Uled. He drew land from the government and located at St. Mary's, 
, Ga.; from there he moved to Quincy, Fla., and practiced law. He 
••n a certificate from Samuel Wyllys, secretary of the state of Con- 
':ited May 22, 1801, that he had been admitted to the New Haven 
and resided in Wallingford. Conn. He accumulated some wealth 
aitu 'e a number of slaves. He d. Oct. 17. 1828. 

!ia: 111 A. Larrier. 
:iK» William Jes.se; b. Sept. 2. 1814. 
Shi, 1. Maria; b. March 30. 1813. 

3M. K M Harriet; b. 1819. 

387 Ai.ua Julia; b. May 24, 1824. 

I6M. JcHM*. .son of Elihu; postmaster in New Haven; m. Widow Hudson. He 
.1 March 30. 1814. 

t7M Mfrnh. ' ■ f Reuben; m. May 16. 1780; Stephen Rowe Bradley, U. S. 
h ill \' :ord (now Cheshire), Conn., Oct. 20. 1754; d. in Walpole. 

N. H.. Dec. 16. IH^. 

171. I ii if"-th Mary .\nn; m. General Andrew, son of Andrew and Lowly 
n -11 i» ' ' 11 ! iMn. nlial citizen of Cheshire, from where he was sent 

'. Hcssions and eleven different years. She d. Dec. 
^ >. ji,"^ }i« ij ,\jii!i «i, i'^.)T 

IT- i:.iss, It \ttuati-r; iiwa at U allingloni; m. Oct. 24, 1790. Clari.s.sa 
'-'■? 1702. Pa'm(»ved to Hlandfoni, Mass., and engaged in 
■ ncal data p. 54. vol. 4. 
10. 17U1. 
3«9 I! I. 21, 1798. 

I7S. AMsall; m. Dr. F31nathan Beach, who was a physician in Cheshire. He 

■■ N* Y.. in 1795-6. He erecte<i the first frame 

laga County in 1799, and held the office to 
' o( hia (iralh in Ihul at the ngv of forty years. 

"treet. of Cheshire, b. June 4, 1750, (son of 
: June 20, 1812. 


175. Reuben, son of Reuben; lived at Wallingford; m. Elizabeth Willard; 
b. 1767; d. June 8, 1794. (2) Sarah, dau. of Gen. John Lamb and Catherine 
Jandine. He d. Feb., 1831. 

390. Clinton Edward, b. Oec. 18, 1793, no issue. 

391. Catherine, b. Oct. 9, 1797. 

176. Kiifiis, son of William; m. Dec. 18, 1777, Mary Tuttle, b. March 11. 
1761; she m. (2) Elisha Randall, d. July 13, 1822. Rufus was killed by rolling 
of a log, Aug. 2, 1787. She d. July 13, 1822. 

392. Sabrina; m. Feb. 9, 1797, John Dunn; (2) m. Morgan Connor, and 
had 8 children. 

393. Luman. 

394. Adolphus. 

395. William, b. Nov. 28, 1785. 

396. Esther, b. Dec. 25, 1787; m. Aug. 26, 1827, Wm. Strople. He had 8 

177. William; went to Boyston. Guysboro Co., Nova Scotia. He m. Sarah 
Andrews, b. March 16, 1758. He d. July" 23, 1846. 

397. Alvarous, b. Dec. 25, 1789. 

398. Abner, b. May 22, 1792. 

399. Dennison, b. Nov. 10, 1795. 

400. Ward, b. June 21, 1798. 

401. John. 

402. Asenath, m. Aug. 13, 1806, Henry Baker, of Boylston, N. S. 

403. Sabrina, b. April 6, 1787; m. Aug. 29, 1808, John K. McKeon. 

404. Abigail, b. June 15, 1794; m. Mr. McKav, of Intervale, N. S. 

405. Charlotte Ann, b. March 12, 1803; m. Jan. 23, 1826, Joseph Hart, of 
Guysboro, N. S. 

178. Abel Ward; m. Abiah, dau. of Joel Atwater and Abiah Baldwin; b. 
Oct. 6, 1764; d. March 15, 1823. He lived in New Haven; was a seafarer, also 
vestryman in Trinity Church. His schooner was taken by the French and his 
heirs were paid the French spoliation claims. He d. Sept. 8, 1822. 

406. Richard, b. March 25, 1802. 

407. Charlotte, b. Sept. 1, 1804; m. J. K. Atwater. 

179. Chloe; d. about 1824; m. Rev. John Clark, b. in Haddam, Conn.; a 
farmer in comfortable circumstances; residence New Marlboro, Mass. 

180. Ira, son of William; m. Louisa Ives. He was a shoemaker in Yalesville, 
Conn. He d. April 4. 1838. She d. Sept. 6, 1837, aged 61. 

408. Mary, m. Hickox, and removed to Bethany; 3 children. 

409. Martha, m. Feb. 8, 1835, Samuel Frisbie; 3 children. 

410. Luman, b. Nov. 17, 1810. 

411. Esther, b. 1820; m. March 10, 1849, John Butler; lived in Meriden; 
no children. 

412. Clarissa, m. Henry Sutliff, Southington; 3 children. 

413. Harriet, m. Henry Hough. 

182. Amelia, dau. of Ambrose; m. June 22, 1794. Thaddeus Tuttle (son of 
Moses and Sibyl Thomas), b. Aug. 18, 1757, (captain of militia); Wallingford, 
Conn., 1783, but removed to Vermont. 

188. Linus; d. in Shelburne, Vt., April 2, 1824; m. Esther, dau. of Giles and 
Esther Hotchkiss, d. Dec, 1806; (2) Mary Hotchkiss (sister of first wife), d. 
at Williston, Vt., in 1820. He was a shoemaker and resided at Williston. 

414. Albert, b. Oct. 28, 1800. 
Issue by second wife: 

415. "Edwin, b. Sept. 14, 1808. 

416. Amelia, b. Aug. 6, 1815. 

417. Isaac H., b. Jan. 31, 1817. 

184. Jonathan; d. Mav, 1842; m. Clara, dau. of David and Mehitable (Hull) 
Badger, b. 1744; d. Oct. 4, 1804; (2) Sarah Shaw; d. in 1860. He d. May 27, 
1842 in Williston, Vt., where he was a farmer. 

418. Hiram, b. Jan. 1, 1802. 


inj, I ^ ' :■ i.>. is.KS, 111. Nov. 26, 1797, Betsey Boyden. b. Jan. 25, 

1774 J He learned the shoemaker trade: kept a hotel; finally 

fteltled on a • :;. \'l He d. Feb. 15. 1858. 

4iy. A:.. . -. -. -.i:. . .-V'-' 

r>o Alnura. b. Aug. 17, 1802: d. Dec. 23. 1857; m. J. Y. Drew. 

421 Luman R . b. June 23. 1810. 

422 Wiiham W . b. Feb. 15. 1814. 

1M6. Sttrsih; m. Asa Lyon. They had two sons and three daughters. She d. 
Srpt . 1813. 

187. Mary; d. October. 1864, in Rochester, N. Y.; m. Peter Benedict Smith, 
of Burlinjctun. Vt.. d. in 1831; (2i about 1838. Asa Lyon, her brother-in-law. 
Mr Smith was a tailor. 

I KM. l'tiini-u>>: d. Jan. 9. i860: m. May, 1817. Nancy Fairchild (dau. of 
<• h Hubbell, of Georgia. Vt.t. d. in 1825; (2l Mrs. Lorain 

H :. \'i. A farmer, constable and collector. He d. Oct.. 1781. 

42a. Sarah, b. April 14. 1815. 
■124. Louisa, b. Sept. 4, 1819. 
I&iue bv second marriage: 

' ! 1-. b. Julv 20. 1829. 

■ .■ > : . ha. b. Aug. 13, 1832. 

\H\i M.nih: m. John P. Wetmore. Delia Wetmore, wife of William, was the 
:i P. Wetmore, who m. Mcrab for his second wife. In other words, 
-.^ivi ai..i ijrothcr married father and dau. She d. June 23, 1873. 

181. William, son of Ambrose; m. June 20, 1820, Delia Wetmore, of Norfolk, 
N Y. b Julv 29. 1793; d. June 23, 1873. He d. July 27, 1853. 
•• j: }• M , b. March 20. 1821. 

.-- ' : , , b. Feb. 8. 1824. 

- li I > n H.. b. Feb. 17, 1828. 
■ li..i. nek A., b. July 17, 1830. 
Edward I)., b. Aug. 17. 1833. 
432. Lyman W.. b. May 30. 1835. 

196. Sunuirl. s<in of Samuel; m. Aug. 5. 1817, Lydia How; d. Apiil ~>. 1817, 
ai • ! •;« H<- hv«Ml in Che.slure, Conn., and d. May 3, 1854. 
. Sarah, b. Jan. 28. 1824; m. Lyman Nettleton. 

191. Klx-m-wr; m. April 21. 1812. Elizabeth, dau. of Lvman and Dorothy 
<!*•'■ * • •-•r. d. Jan. 20. 1820; m. (2) Hannah Gaylonl. d. April 6. 1866, 

; 21. 1852. Lived in Cheshire, Conn. 

'ol I) iM.l ..n of Stephen; m. Sarah Win^, of Guilfoid. Lived m Meriilen, 
i 1 March 1, 1823. 

t .u J"><1. ri i781. 

< iiriHliiplirr; m. April 30, 1776, Lydia, dau. of David and Prodtience 
11. . ived in the Revolutionaiy Army, and d. at Haiiem. .Sept. 12, 
' le of Long Island. 
1.1 . iiii-^iMpher, b. Sept. 11. 1776; m. Betsey Mitchell. 

' •"•n; lived in Bristol, where he removed from 

\ug. 22. 1792; Lucy, dau. of Joseph H. Meniam 
n I in the Revolutionary Army with his luother 

< ••- hteen. He d. July 20. 18.39. She d. April 25, 1849. 

I ' .^tuh i:^U/.aUlh, b. Nov. 8. 1807. 

vs \ttuatcr. .son of Jonathan; lived in New Haven; m. May 28, 
^< Konibir. b. Feb 1. 17."):'.. He d. Sept. 13, 1815. She d. Sept. 2, 

i i ' J 31 177:; 

<n 4 . ,.ii .so. I'.m. 


442. Thomas, b. April 15, 1778. 

443. Elisha, b. July 15, 1780; lost at sea, July, 1810. 

444. Nancy, b. Jan. 15, 1783. 

445. Sally, b. April 14, 1785; m. David Smith. 

446. Margaret, b. June 15, 1787; m. Lucius Smith. 

212. William, son of David; Milford; deacon Second Congregational 
Church; m. Mehitable, dau. of Gamaliel and Elizabeth (Caryl Clark; d. Nov. 
30, 1784, aged 31; (2) Mrs. Sarah (Atvvater) Brintnall, d. Sept. 6, 1800; (3) 
Esther Northrop, wid. Elias Carrington, b. Sept. 30, 1744, d. April 14, 1817. 
He d. Aug. 8, 1816. 

447. William, b. May 28, 1771. 

448. David, b. 1776. 

449. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1779; d. Oct. 28, 1836; m. May 23, 1799, Jirah 

450. Mehitable, b. 1781; m. July 4, 1802, Wm. Cogswell. 

451. Susan, b. 1783; d. Feb. 21,' 1822; m. Oct. 12, 1807, David Smith. 

452. Charity I., b. April, 1786. 

219. Isaac, son of Abraham; m. May 16, 1771, Eunice Atwater. He d. Sept. 
13, 1776. She m. (2) Ephraim Terrell. She d. June 10, 1807. 

453. Pamelia, b. March 28, 1772; m. Oct. 4, 1795, Reuben Page. 

454. Abraham, b. March 8, 1774. 

455. Hannah, b. Oct. 15, 1775. 

221. Timothy; m. Dec. 8, 1772, Lucy Rice; residence, Cheshire. She d. Sept. 
20, 1820, aged 67. He d. Sept. 8, 1820. Four children. 

456. Lucy Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1775; d. March, 1858; m. Jan. 5, 1797, Samuel 

457. Lucinda Myra, b. March 4, 1782; d. 1842; m. Levi Hull. 

458. Timothy Glover, b. July 10, 1784. 

459. Charlotte, b. Aug. 22, 1786; m. Hiram Johnson; d. Julv 22, 1864. 

460. Phineas, b. Jan. 20, 1789. 

461. Aaron, b. March 11. 1793. 

222. Abigail; m. at Cheshire Church, Feb. 27, 1788, David Hotchkiss. He 
was Deacon David, of Woodbridge, b. Oct. 26, 1754; d. June 5, 1823, aged 69. 
He m. ( 1 ) May 15, 1777, Lydia Beecher, who d. Jime 28, 1785, aged 29. Abigail 
d. October 17, 1845, aged 91. 

Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1790. Martha, b. Jan. 12, 1792. Harriet, b. March 29, 1798; 
m. May 1, 1816, Garry Johnson, of Derby or Seymour. 

223. SamiH'l, son of Abraham, settled in Cheshire; m. Dec. 6, 1781, Patience, 
dau. of John and Jerusha (Hall) Peck. He d. Jan. 12, 1848. She d. Jan. 22, 1837, 
aged 79. 

462. Flamen, b. Mai'ch 30, 1783. 

463. Nancy, b. Sept. 13, 1789. 

464. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 4, 1792; m. in 1814, Capt. William Peck, b. Dec. 9, 

465. Patience, b. March 13, 1794. 

466. Abigail Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1800. 

467. Lois Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1806. 

225. Hannah, dau. of Isaac; m. Jan. 9, 1767, Capt. Francis Brown. She d. 
Nov. 28, 1823. He d. July 5, 1810. 

226. Sarah, dau. of Isaac; m. Nov. 20, 1774, Isaac Gorham. She d. Sept. 8, 

228. Sibyl, dau. of Isaac; m. Jan. 1778, Daniel Trowbridge, b. Oct. 23, 1750; 
d. Aug. 7, 1818. She d. July 14, 1831, aged 76. 

231. Enos, son of Jacob; m. Lois Ailing in Hamdcn, Conn., Dec. 29, 1773. 
He d. Dec. 23, 1802, in Hamden. Lois, b. 1752; d. June 7, 1838, at home of her 
son Amzi at Mantua, Ohio. 

468. Rhoda, b. Oct. 16, 1774; m. Samuel Sanford. 

469. Amzi, b. May 23, 1776. 

470. Jotham, b. Oct. 15, 1779. 


471 L- nc ^o, 17S4. 

472 M Jan. 7. 1788. 
473. Mary. l>. Nov. 5. 1792. 

M*. Noah; m. Oct. 16, 1783. Mrs. Rachel Lyman, b. Nov. 22. 1752; d. Sept. 
16. 1784; i2» Anna Lockwooti. He d. Jan. 25. 1802. 
474 WiUiaiu. b. Jan. 30. 1786. 

iSS. -Mabrl; m. in 1772. Levi Bassett. son of John and Sarah, dau. of 
Thr^philUiJ and Sarah i Earl > Heaton. He d. Sept. 6. 1816. Mabel d. July 20, 1828. 

iM. I.ydlii; n. March 7. 1783. Theophilus Bassett. She d. March 21. 1837. 
He a Jan H. Ib2y 

♦5»; I .Hon; graduated at Yale College in 1781 and settled in the ministry 
at B in Anna Williams. He d. June 10, 1794. 

4. j. Anna, m. Sept. 12, 1813, James Peck. 

♦S7. } li-ti i: lived in Plymouth, where he m. May 15. 1800, Eunice, dau. of 
Damrl L.. inew and Hannah Sutliff, b. Aug. 4. 1755. and d. in Mendon, 

III., about 1861 He d. Feb. 9. 1813. 
476 Edward, b. Nov. 8. 1801. 

ZS9. .\*a. son of Jacob; m. Dec. 24, 1794, Betsey Cotter. He d. March 3, 
1814 H.t.s«-v d Feb. 1, 1837, aged 79. 

477. Jajiun. b. June 8, 1801. 

♦41. .MoH«'h. son of Jonathan, lived at Bethany; m. Jane, dau. of Timothy 
and Kuth tlvtsi Goodyear, b. May 24. 1761; d, Aug., 1844. He d. May 5, 1827. 

478. Rebecca, b. 1786; d. Feb. 12, 1845; m. Reuben Williams. 
!7'' n. ::ih b. 1787. 

i- '.:.:■ .1 h. March. 1792. 

U:. Kunlce; m. Elias Hotchkiss (son of Joel). She d. Aug. 18, 1838. They 
lived in Projspect, Conn. 

'.H. .\inuH: livfd in Bethanv; m. Hannah, dau. of Abel and Martha 

•' . In-- He d. Jan. 12. 1822". 

nil, m. Luman Andrews. 

;-- !• I !. Oct. 25. 1787. 

i ' I. .. . III. Mr. Button. 

i'i l:.'. la, b. 1791; m. Dec. 25, 1811, Isaac Hotchkiss. She d. Feb. 2. 1851. 

i"" . .\;u.. V. 

i"*. .\: ..-. b. 1798. 

245. .\bit;uil: m. Eldad Hotchkiss (son of Joel). She d. Jan. 2, 1826. He d. 
Sept. 5. 1826. Lived in Prospect, Conn. 

t4H. Ihixld. Mon of Jonathan; m. Lydia Brown. He lived in Bethany and was 
■ far '■ ■ June 15, 1829, aged 67 years. She d. Feb. 10, 1850, aged 87 years, 

m George Todd; (2» Rev. Marks. 
4^^ Kdiiit »•. d March 23, 1861; m. April 5, 1827. Uri Wooding. 
4h9 Oliviu b. Oct. 27, 1793; d. April 6. 1880; m. Samuel Andrews. 
i^' Anna b Aug. 15. 1796. 

491 Ly.hu, b March, 1800; d. April 30, 1886; m. Robert K. Beach. 
192 Anna, b IhOl; d. 1895; m. Leverett Downs, of Oxford, Conn. 

•••.n .Innathaa, Mon of Jonathan; lived in Naugatuck; m. Eunice, widow of 
^. Lived m Coventry. N. Y. He d. Feb. 10, 1819. She d. May 7. 1819, 
fcfc . . . 

493 Amanda, m. Larkin Packard. 

4W. I' . - (,) I,, Aaron Wui.skjw 

495 (. 

•'■' M.I.I.-...1 "in of Jonah; lived in New Haven; m. Aug. 2, 1781, 

Oct. 8. 1826 He was in the Revolution, .serving in the 

He enlisted July 12, 1776, and was dis- 

loncr in 1818. She d. Oct. 22, 1847, aged 81. 


496. Huldah. 

497. Jonah, b. 1804. 

498. Amelia; m. Benjamin Candee. 

499. Mary; m. Mr. Frisbee. 

500. Hetty; m. Nov. 29. 1812, James Thompson. 

501. Lydia; m. Mr. Parker. 

502. Susan, b. 1809; m. Mr. Burdick. 

255 Rebecca, dau. of Joel; m. Capt. John Peck, son of Joseph and Ame 
Perkins, b. 1756; d. March 8, 1825. She d. April 24, 1788. 

256. Joel, son of Joel; lived in New Haven; m. Sept. 29, 1798, Sarah, dau. 
of Isaac and Elizabeth (Hitchcock) Townsend. She d. May, 1844, aged 68 years. 
He d. May 8, 1832. 

503. Grace Augusta; m. Sept. 2, 1880, John F. Barnes. 

504. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 11, 1806; m. George E. Blakeslee. 

258. Stephen, son of Jeremiah; m. Aug. 3, 1780, Rebecca Gorham, b. Jan. 
19, 1761; d. Jan. 28, 1791. (2) June 2, 1791, Elizabeth Gorham, b. June 18, 1768. 
They were sisters; daughters of Hezekiah Gorham and Abigail Dickerman, and 
descendants of John Howland, the "Mayflower" Pilgrim. He d. Dec. 27, 1815. 

505. Thaddeus, b. July 5, 1782. 

506. Lucius, b. Nov. 15, 1784. 

507. Catherine, b. May 14, 1787. 

508. Anna Mix, b. July 2, 1789; m. Feb. 5, 1811, Horace Beach; (2) Laban 
Smith. She d. Oct. 5, 1877. 

509. Rebecca Gorham, b. Oct. 27, 1802. 

259. Anna, dau. of Jeremiah; d. Aug. 10, 1852; m. June 4, 1784, Jeremiah 
Townsend, 3d, b. June 27, 1764; Y. C. 1779; d. July 22, 1805; merchant. 

260. Jeremiah M., son of Jeremiah, called "Major Jerry"; d. Feb. 27, 1832, 
aged 65; m. Feb. 4, 1789, Elizabeth, dau. of Napthalia and Sarah (Smith) 
Daggett, who d. May 20, 1790; (2) Feb. 15, 1793, Mary (dau. of Richard Cutler 
and Hannah Howell), b. June 15, 1770; d. Nov. 8, 1861. He graduated from 
Yale, 1785. He resided on York street, near Chapel, New Haven. 

510. William Cutler, b. Nov. 24, 1793. 

511. Hannah Cutler, b. Sept. 20, 1795. 

512. Susan Howell, b. March 25, 1801. 

261. Joseph, son of Jeremiah; lived in New Haven; m. Aug. 2, 1791, Sarah, 
dau. of James and Sarah (Mansfield) Thomas. He d. Sept. 27. 1805. She d. 
April 7, 1836. 

513. Sarah, b. Mav 22, 1792. 

514. Eliza, b. June 2, 1794. 

515. Joseph, b. Feb. 22. 1796. 

516. Nathaniel Mix, b. Feb. 27, 1798. 

517. Job Mansfield, b. March 25, 1801. 

518. John Starr, b. Aug. 17, 1803. 

262. Rebecca Lydia, dau. of Jeremiah, d. Dec. 27, 1832; m. Oct. 8. 1799, 
Rev. James Murdock. b. Feb. 16, 1776; d. at Columbus, Miss, Aug. 10, 1856, 
aged 80; Y. C. 1797. 

263. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin, m. Dec. 25, 1795, Daniel Hughes, b. June 19, 
1759. He was a farmer and lived in East Haven. She d. Jan. 14, 1817. He d. 
Nov. 8, 1842. 

264. Benjamin, son of Benjamin; lived in Russell, Mass.; m. Mary Harris, 
d. March 18, 1843. He d. Feb. 1, 1849. 

519. Stephen Harris, b. Nov. 15, 1788. 

520. Roxanna, b. Dec. 6, 1790. 

521. Sarah, b. Jan. 13. 1793. 

522. Sylvia, b. Sept. 18. 1794. 

523. Titus, b. July 1, 1801. 

524. Noah, b. May 5, 1804. 

525. Mary, b. June, 1807. 


; n: m. March 12. 1797, Eunice Hitchcock. He d. 

iu ^ ....... -.... . - ..«. -..^ d. Sept. 15. 1826. No children. 

.,t,: *i - "^ -■■" •'• Benjamin; graduated at Yale College in 1787; ni. 
p !i 23. 1850; Canandaigua. X. Y.. 1789. He d. Nov., 1847. 

1816. Lewis Jenkins. 
_ 1797; d. April 28. 1831; m. Robert Pomeroy. 
-.. 15. 1804. 
6_. . .....^.. .....1. b. Nov. 26. 1806. 

'•■• t -I. son of Benjamin; lived in Russell. Mass.; m. Sept. 20. 1802, 
L I. He d. Sept. 6, 1834. He was a tailor and farmer. She d. Dec. 5, 


.'.a, b. Sept. 21. 1803; m. Eli Fowler, 
ah. b. Aug. 25. 1805. 
D. Oct. 10. 1807. 
b. Oct. 1. 1809. 
h. Mav 15, 1811. 
June 12. 1813. 
5:^6 Sarah, b. July 31. 1815. 
'■ 7 ! ••■•';ud. b. Oct. 23. 1817. 
;i. b. Aug. 3. 1820. 

•»6)i. Jrn-iiiiah. son of Benjamin; lived in Canandaigua, N. Y.; m. Maria 
T' a. He d. Oct. 16. 1861; no children. 

> \ .\nn, dau. of Benjamin; m. Oct. 20, 1803, Stephen, son of 
»i :\i.-,, b. at Norwalk, Nov. 13. 1774; d. Oct. 26. 1825. He was a 

carpenter and cabinet-maker and lived in Cheshire, Conn.. She d. Aug. 29, 1858. 

*:i. Jusrpli. .son of Joseph; lived in Cheshire; m. Sept. 17, 1783, Hannah, 
da . . Hannah (Atwatcri Hitchcock. He d. Dec. 17. 1813. She d. 

J./.. Jo.-tj-li Hall. b. Feb. 29, 1784. 

Mn Hann.ih, b. April 20, 1790; m. Oct. 22, 1812, Billina Clark, b. Nov. 25, 

>: 1. May 25. 1866. 
.»ii. iiuiiiun, b. April 17. 1796. 

tit. Ab*! * ■".''muel; m. Elizabeth, dau. Cornelius and Bethiah (Beebe) 

Pt^k H- d ; Ashtabula County, Ohio, about 1821. 

! 21, 1777. 

., i ■ L. 4. 1788. 

M4. Samuel, bap. Feb. 15. 1795. 
MS. Lyman, b. 1801. 

•T" \blKall, dau. of Samuel; m. Jan. 25. 1781. Titus Goodyear. They lived 
l: I. H.- d April 13. 1798. She d. March 9. 1836, aged 87. 

t14. stfuht-n. sitn of Samuel; m. Nov. 15, 1775. Eunice, dau. of James and 
^' s, b. Dec. 8, 1753. He d. May, 1791. 

lyette. b. March 13. 1784. 
M7. Nancy, b. July 2. 1786. 
» ,,. ...... . ...,y 24. 1789. 

-March 19. 1780. 

t75. Siiiiim-i. Hon of Samuel, lived in Hamden; m. RutK. dau. of Samuel and 
** • ■ ■ (2. 1820. aged 66. (2) Jane. dau. of Thomas 

■ X of l.saac liulibaid, of Meiiden. He d. March 
i -'. aged 82. 

1 1. 

;. 1784. 
.". 1786. 
12. 1788. 
b June 17. 1792. 
. i. 1795. 

t^H T»m«Mh^, -'T of Samuel removed !<• IMyinouth. Conn,; m. Nov. 14, 
• I and liulh (Bas.setli liumiston, b. June 5, 1756; d. 

- ^v^^ landholder. He d. May 6. 18.30. 


556. Ruth, b. July 30, 1782. 

557. Elam, b. July 7, 1785. 

558. Wyllys, b. Oct. 6, 1790. 

559. Lydia, b. 1798. 

560. Timothy, b. Oct. 16, 1799. 

277. John, son of Samuel, removed to Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he 
d. June 2, 1838. He m. Nov. 4, 1784, Susannah, dau. of Timothy and Ruth 
(Ives) Goodyear, b. Aug. 19, 1762, of Hamden. She d. about 1800. (2) July — , 

1807, Lucy, dau. of Nathan Davis. She was b. in Lee, Mass., , 1809; d. , 

1865. He served in the Revolutionary War three years, enlisting in New 
Haven. He received a pension of $80 per year from May 2, 1833. 

561. James, b. Feb. 27, 1785. 

562. John, b. May 18. 1788. 

563. Horace, b. Oct. 30, 1790. 

564. WiUis, b. April 14, 1800. 

565. Goodyear, b. Sept. 4, 1793. 

566. Laura, b. Dec. 7, 1796. 
Issue by second marriage: 

567. Susan, b. , 1810. 

568. Sarah Ball, b. Sept. 24, 1821. 

569. Richard Newman, b. April — , 1816. 

570. Lewis, b. , 1817. 

571. Samuel, b. Jan. 17, 1823. 

572. John, b. May 29, 1826. 

278. Caleb, son of Samuel, m. Dec. 25, 1783. Thankful, dau. of John and 
Thankful (Goodyear) Cotter; b. Nov. 3, 1761; removed to Genoa Cayuga Co., 
N. Y. He d. Sept. 20, 1817. She d. Dec. 29, 1820. 

573. Jasan, b. April 20, 1787. 

574. Jeremiah, b. April 12, 1788. 

575. John G., b. Sept. 25, 1789. 

576. Abigail, b. Jan. 26, 1792. 

577. Betsey, b. Jan. 8, 1798; m. Alfred Hart. 

279. Richard NewTnan, son of Samuel, Plymouth, Conn.; m. Dec. 30. 1785, 
Susannah, dau. of Gamaliel and Hannah (Deau) Bradley; d. Nov. 26, 1802, 
aged 40; (2) May 8, 1803. Bede, dau. of Caleb and Ruth (Bassett) Humiston; 
d. Nov. 1, 1843. He d. Feb. 15, 1816. 

578. Anna, b. May 9. 1786. 

579. Esther, b. Jan. 11, 1788; m. Hall Dunbar. 

580. Gamaliel Bradley, b. July 23. 1797. 

581. Newman, b. Oct. 17. 1804. 

28L Zophar, son of Daniel, lived in Hamden; m. April 27, 1780, Lucy dau. 

of Zehiel and Rebecca (Sperry) Osborne, b. March 4, 1758; d. , 1849. He d. 

1811. He served in the Revolutionary Army m Captain Russell's company 
in 1776. 

582. John Osborne, b. Feb. 17, 1781. 

583. Betsey, b.. 1780; m. Rev. Mr. Kinsbury. 

584. Sally, b. Jan. 24, 1782; d. Feb. 19. 1855; m. Erastus Hoadley. 

585. Polly, b. 1785; m. before 1811, Mr. Miller; (2) Erastus Baldwin. 

586. Lucy. b. 1787; m. May 19, 1805, Simeon Jones. 

587. Charles, b. 1797. 

588. Fanny, b. 1801. 

589. Marcus, b. Sept., 1802. 

283. Ichabod, son of Daniel; m. Feb. 2, 1783, Bethia Richards and lived in 
Riga, N. Y. He served in Captain Bryant's company. Colonel Thompson's regi- 
ment of militia from Peekskill, October 5, 1777. He was a pensioner in 1840, 
aged 80 years. He m. (2) Feb. 2, 1786, Amy Ailing; (3) June 1, 1843, Electa 
Frazier, d. 1856. He d. June 9, 1845. 

590. Leverett. b. April 2, 1785. 

591. Lyman. 

592. Amy, d. Sept. 9, 1848; m. Samuel Hawley. 

593. Nancy, m. Prince Gorum, of Sharon, Conn. 

594. Jared, b. July 22, 1801. 


♦Hl_ ^ Vermont, where he Hved until his death. 

5i»'= ... I 27. 1785. 

b. Feb. 8. 1793. 
• ' 13. 1800. 
; . 23 1826, Ira George. 

5W Nellie, in. John Davis. He d. about 1860. aged 100. 

600. ^' '"1 "i James Moody, ot Wells, Vt, Had four husbands, the last 
Kan^om Bateman, of Poultney, Vt. 

♦MS li< iijaiiitn TiKiti. son of James; m. March 1, 1778, Hannah Reynolds. 
H- ' . N Y.. May 6, 1833. 

i 16, 1779. 

... /. ; \ lah, b May 10, 1781; m. Kerley Johnson. 
tA... U<i.> b Nov. 29." 1783. 
6^U Hannah, b. April 23. 1786. 
6*.»f> iHircas, b. July 17. 1788. 
606 James, b. April 29. 1791. 
6».>7 Klnathan. b. Aug. 23, 1793. 
6lis Mertv, b. Dec. 5, 1796, 
6i>9 Maliiida, b. Sept. 10. 1799. 

610. Sally, b. May 19. 1801. 

•H7. .1 ,11 . - .of James; m. Polly Benton, widow Simeon Boughton. He 
lived in 1 .Ma>s. He d. 1808. He was a farmer. 

611. Phiio Judson. b. May 6. 1801. 

612. James Young, b. April 11, 1808. 

•««. I>iinlel. son of James, d. in Alps. N. Y., as did his wife. 

613 Tutlle 

614 I»aniel went to Mexico, joined army and was killed. 
eifj Muhael, m. Kate; two children. Priscilla anti Ann. 
616 Sarah, b. 1798. 

617. Jane. 

618 I>oiii, d, in Troy. N. Y. 

i9l. Strphen, .son of James; m. Mary Lewis. Lived near Binghampton, 
N Y They had triplets, two sons and a daughter, who did not survive. 

619 Arh.w Nelson. 

620 Kh/a 

I^ewis. b. Sept. 5. 1808. 
Uttiiul Eber. b. Sept. 5. 1808. 

::•: ll«-ii»n-n. son of Stephen; m. Albertina Alberty. No children. 

•«M ^.»^,.r. lau. of Stephen; d. July 13. 1876; m. Feb. 24. 1811, John 
I. N. Y. He was b. Oct. 15. 1780; d. June 3. 1855. 

• 1812; d. Aug. 5. 1895; m. Dec. 11. 1815. Moses Rumery. 
n. 24. 1814; d. Oct. 3. 1871; m. June 23. 1858, George B, 

I'-'-' >' I'lr-. 10. 1815; d. Nov. 16, 1881; m. Jan. 1. 1816, Ann 

'•. 1817; m. Nov. 1. 1853, Elizabeth C, dau. of 
M . b, iJee. 9. 1857; m. April 13, 1880, Jennie Bi^.'st. 
• ». <=;. 1.1 6. 1859; m. May 31. 1882. Ada Tice, 

16. 1865; m. Nov. 25. 1890. Albert B. Webb, 
r. b. April 16. 1819; d. Dec. 27. 1892; m. April 28. 
■n d. Aug. 30, 1848, (2) Nov. 12. 1857, Rebecca H. 

IS21: d. July 23. 1863; iii. June IT). 1813. Marma- 
.<. III. 
: '■ ■ •-'?•, 1898; m. May 15, 1815, Margaret A, 

H. .». Dec. 9. 1869. Oscar E. Waggoner; b. Oct, 5, 


Myron, b. June 1, 1850; d. March 16, 1909; ni. Margaret Jannison 

in 1874. 
Elbert W., b. Aug. 7, 1855; m. Delia Blandon. 
Thomas Barrett, b. Feb. 3, 1825; d. Aug. 3, 1890; m. April 19, 1854, Hannah 
Jennings Clark; d. May 27, 1916. 
Clark, b. Feb. 18, 1855. 
Burton Cook, b. May 3, 1868. 
Jessie, b. Nov. 19, 1882. 
Sarah J., b. April 7, 1829; d. Oct. 21, 1874; m. Oct. 26, 1848, Harry O. 
Gregory; d. Sept. 27, 1871. 

295. Mead, son of Stephen; b. in Noblestown, Columbia Co., N. Y.; d. in 
the spring- of 1787; m. March 28, 1812, Huldah, dau. of Levi and Hannah Hoag, 
b. Oct. 16, 1793; d. in Chicago, March 16, 1870. 

626. Stephen, b. Nov. 26, 1815. 

627. Levi Hoag, b. Sept. 25, 1818. 

628. Joseph Hoag, b. Feb. 27, 1825. 

629. Sarah Alma, b. Oct. 31, 1824. 

630. John, b. Nov. 8, 1827. 

631. Huldah Hoag, b. June 3, 1831. 

296. Titus; m. Dec. 11, 1817, Jane, dau. of David Hay and Catherine Rider, 
b. July 13, 1796; d. Dec, 1876. He d. July 3, 1874. Farmer of Lockport, N.Y. 

632. Catherine, b. Feb. 26, 1820. 

633. James, b. Aug. 29, 1821. 

634. Emily M., b. Sept. 8, 1823. 

635. Esther, b. Feb. 20, 1833. 

297. John, son of Stephen; m. Jemima Richmond. He d. Oct. 25, 1825. 

298. Jesse, son of Ebenezer; m. Rachel Blakley; d. Dec. 14, 1831, aged 79. 
They removed from Granville, in 1821, to Lisle, N. Y., where they bought a 
farm of between 200 and 300 acres in the woods, paying a bushel of silver 
dollars for it. He d. May 23, 1829. 

636. David, b. July 14, 1777. 

637. Jesse, b. March 29, 1784. 

638. Stephen. 

639. Eunice, m. Royal Shapley. Chil.: David, Uriah, Philetus, Hetty, 
Zylphia, Rachel, Mary. 

640. Rebecca, b. March 29, 1786; d. May 1, 1837; m. John Rairdon. Chil.: 
Levi. Enos, George, Charles, Irene, Margaret. 

641. Lydia, m. Isaiah Martin. Chil.: William, Jesse, Hiram, George, 
Stephen, Mary, Ann, Dinah, Caroline, and others. 

642. Rachel, m. David Sutherland. Chil.: John, William, Bun-, George, 
Bushrad, Amanda, Lazetta, Candace, Harriet. 

643. Sybil, m. Huttleston George. Chil.: Jesse, Lewis, Jonathan, Sophia, 

299. Benjamin; m. Huldah Pettibone, b. Aug., 1749; (2) Hannah Harding, 
b. Jan. 25, 1753; d. Sept. 11, 1841. He d. June 11, 1825. Located at Wilke.sbarre, 
Penn., afterwards Williamson, N. Y.; lived on Ridge road. Historical data 
p. 70, vol. 4. 

644. Phebe. 

645. Luther. 

646. Wilham, b. 1783. 

647. Mehitable. 

648. Zimri, b. June 11, 1784. 
Issue by second marriage: 

649. Benjamin, b. Aug. 20, 1799. 

301. Ebenezer; lived in North Adams, Mass.; m. Rachel Parker, b. Dec. 28, 
1749; d. 1785. He was a carpenter. He served in the Revolutionary war in 
Captain Hopkins' company from Duchess county, N. Y. 

650. Ebenezer, a physician at Steubenville, Ohio. 

651. Caleb, b. Dec. 25, 1778. 

303. Caleb, son of Ebenezer, lived in Lenox, N. Y. 


652 Lydia. b. Aug. 27. 1792; m. Feb. 26. 1812. Sylvester Kimball; (2) Dea. 
Waits'till Crumb, of Plamfield, Otsego County, N. Y. She d. at Cherry 
Cr»^k May 24. 1881. 

305. Brl'*«-y. dau. of Timothy; m. June 8. 1796. John Hunt, b. Aug. 22. 1772; 
d. July 9. 184 1". She d. Sept. 28. 1828. 

S07. SuHiin: m May 4, 1800. William Cutler. He d. June 8, 1811. She d. 
July 22. 1867. 

SOM. Jamt^ son of Timothy; lived in New Haven; m. Sept. 5, 1805, Nancy. 
tlau "if St.-i.hcn Ailing and Lydia Thompson, b. Sept. 9, 1783; d. March 23, 
pt. 24. 1869. 
: V C. b. Aug. 20, 1806. 
6M. Harriet, b. Feb. 2. 1810. 

655. Juha. b. Feb. 6. 1814. 

656. Edward M., b. Jan. 29. 1820. 

657. Albert T., b. March 10. 1828. 

658. Francis J., b. March 10. 1828. 

S09. i harlifi. son of Timothy; d. Dec. 31, 1865; m. Jan. 8. 1808. Lucy Curtis 

• Joel Koot and Ek-anor Strong of Southington i. b. May 7, 1790; d. Dec. 

1-. i-'.i. <2i Aug. 14. 1822. Mary Denman Tenbrook, of Newark, N. J., d. Maich 

2l! 1877. agetl s.s He was president of the Iron and Steel Works, a banker 

and West India merchant, a Republican and Congregationalist. 

659. Sarah, b. Nov. 29. 1808. 

660. Charles, b. Jan. 2. 1815. 

661. Elizabeth B.. b. March 11. 1818. 

662. Lucy Root. b. March 11, 1821. 

311. ItolMTt. son of Timothy; m. March 14, 1814, Esther Knott, b. March 5, 
1794. He d. Aug. 14, 1857. 

664. Jinnett, b. Feb. 15. 1816. 

665. George (Raymond), b. Jan. 11, 1818. 

666. Leonard Daggett, b. Jan. 19, 1820. 

667. Ehza»H-th Hunt, b. Nov. 23, 1823. 

668. H..lH-rt Henry, b. Feb. 8, 1827. 

669. Sarah Southmayd, b. June 9, 1830. 

XI • .lidiu. «lau. of Timothy; m. April 27. 1867, Leonard Augustus Daggett. 
1790. d. April 27. 1867. She d. June 19, 1825. He m. (2) May 13, 
J- . U«' Atwater Raymond, sister of Julia. 

L.. b. June 24. 1820. Susan Dwight. b. Sept. 5. 1822. Mary Jennette, 
b. CKl. 14. 1823. 

SI 4 I-4»lv .\t«ater. dau. of Medad, of New Haven, lived and d. in Haniden. 
SM.. I'.t, "n ivn.-, |>,-:ir.<n H. ztkiah Bassett. d. Sept. 21, 1850. She d. March 

315. I.urv. dau. of Medad; m. April 15. 1801, Eli, son of l.saiah Brockett 
and Sarah CtHjrM?r. b. Sept. 15. 1776; d. Oct. 26, 1826. She ti. Oct. Ht, 1839. 

■''" I ^ "■ 'id; m. Jan. 10, 1808, Clarissa, dau. of J. I'undorson 

iig, b. Dee. 18. 178(5; d. Sept. 17, 1816; (2) Apiil 1, 
ilau. c»f David Lynuin and Sojiliia Tark, b. Apiil 25. 1804; 
■ !■■»■' d. March. 1862, at Bennington, Vermont. 
' b Sept. 29. 1808. 

•..11 I. Feb. 23. 1813. 

672. < Aprd 4, 1814. 

673. ; July U. 1- 1 . 

674. \ b iK-c. 9, IH^I 

ll-r M. .1 .,1 ,.., ,.r Modad; lived in C.-dar liiU; iii. Dec. 12. 1813, Anna 

ui ami Rhoda Wooding, b. Nov. 5. 1795; d. Feb. 26, 
i- ;?,:• -t Warn-n, He il. Dec. 8, 1854. 

i I'.t. 1K15: m. Sei)t. 18. 1836, Hiram C. Blakeslee. 

to I to ( ".ly h. 1817. 

'577 . c". 13. 1820. 


678. Eliziir Punderson. b. Oct. 10, 1822. 

679. George Medad, b. July 19, 1826. 

319. Eunice, dau. of Eldad; m. Jacob Townsend, of New Haven, Conn. He 
was b. April 10, 1769; d. May 7, 1852. 

320. Heaton, son of Eldad; lived in Pleasant Mt., Wayne County, Pa.; m. 
Feb. 8, 1808, Clarissa Bishop; d. Feb. 29, 1858. He d. July 29, 1832. 

680. Marvin, b. Jan. 3, 1809. 

681. Lydia, b. Jan. 6, 1811; m. Avery Bailey, of Abington, Penn. 

682. Charles Townsend, b. March 2, 1813. 

683. John Bishop, b. Sept. 6, 1815. Left home and never heard from. 

684. Clarissa Frances, b. Aug. 7, 1820; m. R. Win. Southworth. 

685. Sarah Maria, b. March 9, 1827; m. Mr. Goodman. 

321. Eldad, son of Eldad; lived in Wayne County, Pa.; m. Feb. 22, 1815, 
Elizabeth, dau. of Hanover and Phebe (Wolcott) Barney; b. Dec. 24, 1794; d. 
Aug. 3, 1825; (2) Oct. 20, 1826, Mrs. Amanda Reeve; d. April 8, 1876. He d. 
Dec. 13, 1887. 

686. Charles Augustus, b. Aug. 30, 1816. 

687. Anna Townsend, b. Aug. 16, 1818. 

688. Juliette Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1820. 

689. Edward Mortimer, b. Jan. 19, 1823. 

322. Ezra, son of Joshua; lived in Homer, N. Y.; m. Sept. 16, 1803, Esther 
Leaming. His estate probated Aug. 25, 1856. She d. April 9. 1827. He d. May 
28 1855 

690. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1804; d. Dec. 21, 1898; m. March 12, 1840 
William Brewster, d. Feb. 16, 1876. 

691. Joshua, b. March 25, 1806; d. unm. 

692. Horace Cowles, b. March 14, 1811; m. March 9, 1851, Helen Mae 
Bourne, b. Dec. 12, 1833. He d. Feb. 7, 1879. 

693. Lucy, b. March 24, 1816; m. Dr. L. R. Richards. 

694. Isaac, b. May 3, 1818. 

695. Julia, b. May 24, 1820; m. Rev. Hinman. 

696. Jane Isabel, b. Aug. 26, 1822; m. March 13, 1847, Rev. Moses C. 
White, M.D.; d. in Fuh Chou, China, May 25, 1848. 

323. Betsey, dau. of Joshua; m. March 12, 1800, Eber Stone, b. Sept. 7, 1773. 
She d. Oct. 3, 1841. He d. Nov. 3, 1845. Lived at Westfield, N. Y. 

324. Ira, son of Joshua; m. May 10, 1807, Philanda Stone; b. Aug. 10, 1789; 
d. April 2, 1870. He d. Feb. 2, 1835. Lived at Green, N. Y. 

697. Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1811; m. John Balsby. 

698. Nancy W., b. March 17, 1813; m. George W. Eastman. 

699. Lydia S., b. April 30, 1815; m. Miles Barber Atwater. 

700. John S., b. March 15, 1823. 

701. Asa Goodyear, b. Jan. 24, 1826; d. March 12, 1849. 

325. Eli, son of Joshua; lived in Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y.; b. Oct. 
22, 1809; m. Phebe Hale, b. May 31, 1788; d. Nov. 1. 1849. He was a farmer, 
and d. Jan. 7, 1867. 

702. Louisa, b. Aug. 17, 1811; m. Samuel Babcock. 

703. Lucius, b. June 22, 1812. 

704. WilUam, b. May 14, 1816. 

705. Erasmus, b. June 1, 1820. 

706. Betsey, b. Oct. 13, 1822. 

707. Thomas Judson, b. May 7, 1827. 

708. Delia, b. June 29, 1830; m. Charles Van Schaick. 

326. Amos, son of Joshua; m. Feb. 10, 1813, Mary B. Woodside, b. July 22, 
1791; d. Feb. 9, 1833; (2) Feb. 12, 1839, Abigail Hull. He removed to Westfield, 
N. Y., and after death of first wife to Beardstown, 111., where he died May 7, 
1849. A carpenter, justice of the peace and county commissioner. 

709. Juliet, b. Aug. 29, 1815. 

710. Isaac Townsend, b. Nov. 26, 1826. 


S'ji \*a t.. r, son of Joshua: d. Doc. 29. 1880, in Ganges, Mich.; m. in 

'..' V V > - 1S26; Nancv, dau. of Thonms Gould and Nancy Alvord, 

1 Dec. 18. 1866". in Arcade, N. Y. He was a farmer and 

Jai-ob b. Dec. 17. 1828. 

! 24. 1831: m. March 23. 1854. Monroe I. Skinner. 

_'_ , ; .1., . . Jiily 8, 1835; d. in Indianapolis, Ind.; m. Dec. 28, 

1864, Sarah J. Johnson. 

S-»9. IhoinuH tiold. son of Joshua; lived in Portland. N. Y.; m. 1811, Polly 
Hutchiiui. had two children, a son and a daughter. All dead. 

SS«». Ju»^ph. son of Joshua: lived in Homer. N. Y.; in. April 9. 1834. Lucy 
F- ■ • \ teacher countv superintendent of schools, supervisor of the town of 
;e was b.'sept. is, 1813; d. April 11, 1897. He d. March 8, 1874. Both 
arv LujuhI in Atwater cemetery. Homer. 

714. Lucy Auielia, b. Feb. 2. 1835; m. Feb. 13, 1853, Seymour Z. Minor. 
715 J C'lavton. b. March 8. 1837. 

716. M. Antoinette, b. Jan. 30, 1834; d. Oct. 7, 1889; m. John W. Frederick. 

717. H Ursula, b. Sept. 29, 1845; m. Dwight D. Clark. 

331. William, son of David; lived in Trumansburg. N. Y.; m. Julia Hammer. 
No children. Both died about 1859. 

M'». Klijuh, .son of David; m. April 3. 1814. Sallie Coe. b. Jan. 2. 1795; d. 
June 19, 1871. He d. Nov. 10. 1851. 

718. Caroline D.. b. Sept. 26, 1815; m. Benjamin Lansing. 
-••• S>-:.h L.. b. Sept. 3. 1822. 

..■■ v..:. .am G.. b. May 4. 1828; d. Aug. 31, 1883; m. Urania Holmes. 

No children. 
721 Rachel, b. March 24. 1831; m. William Hazlitt. 
:.■_' Martha M.. b. Jan. 30. 1834; d. Feb. 5, 1870. 

JtS.-S. I>a\ld. son of David; m. Nov. 21. 1823, Harriet Doolittle; (2) April 5, 

b May 16. 1811; d. Dec. 6, 1895. He d. Feb. 5, 1864. 

.. , :.:..;. a. b. Nov. 16, 1824; m. Joseph Cramer. 

7JJ Marv Ann. b. May 14. 1825; m. Truman Daggett. 

:.!'> ()• ■ . Elvira, b. Dec. 11. 1826; d. Jan. 6. 1894; m. Peter Hatmakor. 

12*', A . .\'(jrt()n. b. Aug. 28, 1828. 

IiMiut* by sfcoiui marriage: 
727 Irvin b Jan. 8. 1840. 
72H Manning, b. Feb. 22, 1844. 
729 David H . b. Si-pt. 6. 1847. 
73ti Elijah Hanfonl. b. June 13. 1850. 

730. Charles Madi.son, b. June 24. 1853; m. June 10, 1907, Jennie B. 
Havcrly. No children. 

337. Kllhti. son of Jarcd, was in the lumber business in New Haven; m. Oct. 
2H Ihii liiiiii dan of Jared ami Lyiiia (Hotchkiss) Thompson, bap. Aug. 27, 
! ■• 22. 1K19. Betsey, dau. of Elnathan Taylor, of Northford, 

• u ) Jan. 3. 1875. 
: .' K^lward EliaB, b. May 28, 1816. 

aSM. St.phin. son of Jared; m. Marv Bassett; d. Aug. 18, 1813, aged 26; 

''.. 1841. aged .54; (3t Oct. 29. 1843, Abigail C. 
1 1 KL' H.' (I. Jan. 16, 1866. 

7:j5 hklKar KoHler. b. Nov. 20. 1818. 
IM H"' •' »' Nov. 9, 1822. 

735 y March 17. 1824 

736 Jttiit. U. July 7. 1827; ni. Albert A Atwater. 

y. ' <l. .Sept. 11. 18.50; m. June .30, 1817, Polly, dau. 

'■f ' • ■ Ba.sselt; resided in Cedar Hill. He d. Sept. 11, 

. 20. 1822. 


340. Jared, son of Jared; m. Huldah, dan. of Silas and Ruth (Parker) 
Ailing; d. Sept. 20, 1820, aged 23; (2) April 25, 1821, Elizabeth, dau. of Amos 
Bassett and Hannah Goodyear; d. April 9, 1825; (3) Sarah Alderman. He d. 
March 15, 1873. He lived in Twinsburg, Ohio, later Hopkins, Mich. 

739. Albert A., b. Dec. 30, 1818. 
Issue by second marriage: 

740. 'Lewis Bassett, b. July 21, 1823. 

741. Julia Ann, b. Aug. 9, 1824; m. William Powell. 
Issue by third marriage: 

742. Mary H., b. Oct. 16, 1828; m. John Baird. 

743. Nathan S., b. Feb. 6, 1831. 

744. David P., b. July 13, 1833. 

745. Lyman A., b. Dec. 25, 1837. 

341. Georjje, son of Jared; lived at Cedar Hill, Hamden; m. Jan. 21, 1830, 
Julia Maria, dau. of Jesse and Kezia (Stiles) Mansfield, widow of David Leek, 
b. Sept. 26, 1797. He d. Oct. 5, 1867. She d. May 26, 1885, aged 87. 

342. Amelia, dau. of Jared; twin with Maria; m. Nov. 30, 1825, Silas 
Beckley. She d. April 8, 1868. Children: William, Cordelia. 

343. Maria, dau. of Jared; m. Nov. 28, 1821, Harvey Bradley; b. 1798; d. 
Jan. 1, 1849. Lived in New Haven. She d. July 5, 1872. 

344. William, son of Jared; m. May 21, 1828, Elizabeth, dau. of Joel and 
Eunice Ford; b. 1808; d. April 7, 1878; (2) Mrs. Mary C. Hemingway; d. Sept. 
23, 1888. He d. May 30, 1898. Resided in New Haven. 

746. Henry J.,' b. July 18, 1829. 

747. William Jared, b. Feb. 10, 1831. 

748. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1833; m. Feb. 4, 1858, Herman D. Clark. 

345. David, son of Jared; m. May 16, 1838, Emily, dau. of Leonard Maxwell, 
b. Sept. 1, 1816; d. June 22, 1866; (2) in 1870, Mary Kitzmiller; resided in 
Massillon, Ohio. He d. July 31, 1875. 

749. John M., b. June 7, 1839. 

750. Emma Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1842. 

751. Harry E., b. June 18, 1845. 

346. Joshua, son of Jared; twin with David; m. Sept. 19, 1830, Dorcas 
Bronson. He d. July 30, 1840. She d. March 1, 1903. 

752. David, b.Aug. 2, 1881. 

753. Eliza Ann, b. June 6, 1833. 

754. George H., b. April 19, 1835. 

347. Thomas, son of Asaph; m. Ascha Strickland, b. May 13, 1770; d. Sept. 
26. 1830. Sangerfield, N. Y., afterward at Rockdail, Penn. He d. March 9, 1814. 

755. Samuel Strickland, b. Feb. 24, 1797. 

756. Jonathan W., b. April 9, 1804. 

757. Harriet, b. May 7, 1805; m. Cyrus Sherwood. 

758. Asaph, b. May 20, 1807. 

352. Enos, son of Asaph, m. 1811, Elizabeth Bentley, of Kingston, Ontario, 
Canada. Settled in Ashtabula, Ohio. 

759. Lucinda, b. 1811. 

760. Susan, b. July 12, 1812. 

761. Barbara, b. 1814; m. Henry Dudley. 

762. Ulysses, b. May, 1816. 

763. Myron, b. June 12, 1818. 

764. Phoebe Eveline, b. June 11. 1820. 

765. Harriett, b. 1822; m. Mr. Beebe. 

766. Amelia, b. Sept. 29, 1824. 

767. Samuel, b. Jan. 31, 1830. 

768. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1830; m. Benj. Schooly; (2) Mr. Pierce. 

354. Arnold, son of Heman; m. Sarah, dau. of Lemuel and Mary (Gridley) 
Lewis. He lived at "Atwater's Mills," Southington, Conn., and d. Nov. 26, 1846. 
She d. Dec. 11, 1845; aged 65. 

769. Orrin, b. April 6, 1803. 


770. John A., b. Sept. 24. 1813. 

771. Maria, b. Mav 19. 1814; m. April 14. 1833, Francis Root: d. Nov. 11. 

V • ; of Jeremiah, the lust president of Middlebury College, 

V» . Haven, Conn., in 1774. He graduated at Yale College in 

,i;j the I of his class and distinguished himself by his scholarly 

• ! ,i> tutor at Yale from 1795 to 1799, when he was appointed 

c.n County Grammar School on the recommendation of Dr. 

i of Yale College. In 1800 he was appointed president of 

rle was married to Clarissa, dau. of Kev. Eleazer I torrs. 

Haven, Feb. 9. 1834. He subsequently married Mrs. Tusan, 

Betsey ( Woodward i Morris, widow of Willett Dradley; d. 

tor Atwater continued to reside at New Ha\en until h^s 

■ s. 

. b. May 28. 1803. 
im. b. Nov. 15. 1806. 
. . , ........ Phelps, b. March 4, 1813. 

S57. John; m. Olivia Sedgewick; resided in Middlebury, Vt., where Lolh 1. 

^■- ■ ; ni. June 23, 1818. James Chaplain. Lived in New Haven. The 
d ( 

M.'iH. ( harles; lived in New Haven: d. Feb. 21, 1825: m. Oct. 4, 1809. Mary 

1. of Miles and Abigail Ann Beach, of Milford. b. P>b. 18. 1785; d. 

... .-.'J. He graduated at Yale College in 1805, studied theology under the 

• Dr. Dwight and was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational 

■ V !th Branford, March 1. 1809. His wife m. June 22, 1827. (2) Abijah 

i N.-w York, bv whom she had one child, Charles A. Fisher. 

775. «: Merwm, b. Oct. 29. 1814. 

776. 1'.... . 1 i.sher. b. Oct. 29, 1817. 

777. James Chaplain, b. Oct. 18, 1821. 

S6C». Fr.uui's, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Zcbul Bradley, a jeweler of New Haven. 
She d. March 11, 1871. No children. 

S61. John lli'nrv. son of Joim: ni. April 1. 1798. Martha Ferguson, b. Feb. 
24 1783: hh. .1 t)r"t.. 18.^)5. A hatter of Phelps. N. Y. lie ilied about 1810. 
77K J(.hn. b. Sept. 7. 1799. 

779. Thomas, b. May 14. 1801. 

780. David C. b. June 7, 1808. 

781. Martha, b. June 8, 1810. 

S60 JoHhua: PMwardsville. III.; m. June 1, 1 810, Rebecca Walker. He d. 1870, 
7H2 Kl!/!t h Mav 12. 1811. 
793. J b. Sept. 6. 1813; m. Skidmore. 

784. J. ...... ., Oct. 5, 1815. 

785. Julia Ann, b. March 20. 1817. 

786. Emily, b. Dec. 20. 1822. 

I» i ^' II. dau. of John: m. 1816. Alfred Stearns. Slie d, .Ian. 0. 1855. 
• die. III. 

'.: <....ri;«', .son of John; lived in Westfield. Mass.; m. Nov. 1, 1832, Eliza 
7 1892. He d. Dec. 12, 1878. 
H • •• b. June 15. 1835. 
788. .1 17. 1840. 

789 h^i^aid \Vv*l. b. Feb. 23, 1854. 

■ : III. March 19. 1K2U. Truman Post. b. Dec. 11, 
I faniicr at Wavfily. 111., where he d. Oct. 29, 
h« (L in August. 1861. 

389. Su|ilir<iiiiit. dau. of AmoH; m. May 8. 1800, John Bryan. He removed to 
' •r.. N Y She d. Sept. 9. 1819. 

'. ' V .»i, ,., I..HU. Hon of AmoH; m. Nov. 27, 1811, Kunice Atkins. They 
Me d. Feb. 21. 1843. She d. Nov. 21, 1861, aged 76. 


371. Lucius, son of Amos; m. Mary Churchill, of South Farms, Middletown; 
settled in Bristol, Conn., and d. 1834. She was b. July 6, 1773; d. Mar. 24, 1868. 

790. Carlos, b. Feb. 2, 1797. 

791. Lucius, Jr., b. April 24, 1798. 

792. Rhoda, b. Nov. 16, 1800. 

793. Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1805. 

794. Emily, b. June 25, 1808. 

795. Julia, b. Dec. 12, 1811. 

796. William, b. Oct. 24, 1813. 

378. Caroline, dau. of Joshua; m. May. 1814, Dr. Jared Potter Kirtland, 
b. Nov. 10, 1793, in Wallingford, Conn. He removed to Ohio, where he became 
president of Ohio State Medical Society and distinguished himself in politics. 

374. Emily, dau. of Joshua; m. Dr. Friend Cook, of Wallingford, who 
removed to Windsor. Conn., and afterward to Atwater, Ohio, where he prac- 
ticed his profession until his death, Feb. 8, 1857. 

375. Caleb; formerly resided in Atwater, Ohio, but returned to Wallingford, 
Conn.; m. June 1, 1826^ Julia A. Rice; (2) Sept. 10, 1831, Elizabeth L. Clark, 
d. in 1893. He d. in 1886. 

797. Mary Lyman, b. Sept. 6, 1837; m. W^m. G. Choate. She d. Dec. 4, 1920. 

798. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1838. 

799. Caleb Huntington, b. March 7, 1843. 

800. Edgar, b. Nov. 24, 1850. 

376. Joshua; lived in Catskill, N. Y.; m. Mary Hull, dau. of Orrin Day and 
Mary Burr Hull, b. May 15. 1811; d. May 10, 1877. He was in the insurance 
business. He d. May 30, 1879. 

801. Henrv D., b. May 23, 1835. 

802. Mary E., b. June 5, 1837. 

803. Emily A., b. Oct. 30, 1845. 

377. Thomas C. ; m. April 22, 1835, Harriet Louise Cook. He d. July 21, 
1870, at Mankato, Minn. She d. Aug. 16, 1884. 

804. Catherine E. C, b. May 20, 1837. 

805. Thomas Cooke, b. Feb. 8, 1839. 

806. Joshua, b. April 2, 1846; unm. Lives at Peoria, 111. 

807. Harriet Henrietta, b. June 11, 1851. 

378. Edgar; m. Dec. 24, 1843, Sarah S. Yale. He lived at Wallingford, Conn., 
where he d. Oct. 7, 1850. She d. March 5, 1900. 

808. Sarah Kirtland, b. Sept. 25, 1844. 

809. Eliza W., b. April 6, 1848; d. unm. 1906. 

810. Edgarine L., b. Sept. 26, 1850. 

379. John; m. Oct. 11, 1838, Caroline Diana Hall; d. June 23, 1846, aged 31; 
(2) Eliza Hall, Jan., 1849; d. Nov. 30, 1881, aged 64. Both daughters of Ru.ssell 
Hall and Mary Kirtland. He d. Dec. 24, 1896. He was one of the oldest and 
most esteemed townsmen of Wallingford, Conn. 

811. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1842; unm., d. Sept. 12, 1926. 

3S(». William; m. Oct. 5. 1849, Elizabeth Helfenstein, dau. of .lohn and 
Elizabeth Leonard. He was a doctor and d. July 13, 1882. She d. Jan. 31, 1881. 

812. Elizabeth H. 
13. Laura A. 

3H1. >Iary Ann, dau. of Joshua; m. Oct. 6, 1842, Lieutenant Garret Barry, 

who removed to Milwaukee, Wis. He and his son William were drowned in 
Lake Michigan v.hen the steamer "Lady Elgin" was lost. She d. in St. Paul. 

384. William Jesse, son of Elihu; m. Mar. 20, 1850, Sarah A. Gregory; d. 
March 12, 1851; (2) Sept. 29, 1853, Georgia Ann Edwards. 

814. WiUiam Edward, b. March 29, 1856. 

815. Charles Robert, b. Nov. 3, 1859. 

816. Francis Barton, b. Nov. 25. 1861. 

385. Laura IMaria, dau. of Elihu; m. 1812, Col. Robert R. Towers, of 
Quincy, Fla. 


"■'♦-• Elljabfth Harriet, dau. of Elihu; m. 1854. Joseph Seabrook of South 

M7. Aiuia Julia, dau. of Ehhu; m. April 3, 1849. Rev. Wm. H. Crane. They 
lived »n Qumcy. Fla. 

SHM. I'hint-a-.. son of Russell; m. Jan. 9, 1814, Hannah K. Boyd; (2) April 
14. li>67. Saiah H Hurlun. He d. Nov. 14, 1865, having had no children. Sarah 
B.d . 1917. 

SM9. Henry S. Attwutt-r, son of Russell; m. April 14, 1831, Sarah L. Leary; 

t1 ■-'• 1' Oct. 5. 1857, Delia V. Tyler. He was a minister of the Protestant 

K lurch. serving more than 50 years, and during this time labored in 

the New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. He d. June 1, 1880. 

.irah Lane. b. Dec. 6, 1S32; m. Chas. Seymour Tuttle. 

Henry Russell, b. July 4. 1842. 

S93. I.uiiian. son of Rufus; m. Dec. 29, 1808. Mary Key. They lived in Man- 
chester, Nova Scotia. 

819 James George, b. Nov. 1. 1814; m. Harriet Ayer. 

820 Eh.-^ha Matthew, b. March 3. 1817. 

v.'i Ehzubeth Jane. b. Feb. 15, 1819; m. Dec. 29, 1879, John G. Teet. 
-.: Luman, b. Aug. 29. 1824. 

I'av. ! Graham, b. March 12, 1826. 
.- Wilham. b. May 20, 1811. 

3t»4. .VtlolphuH, son of Rufus; m. Mary Ann Murphy. They lived in Man- 

cheslrr. Nova Scotia. 

K"."". John Elisha. b. Jan. 14. 1817. 

^■J'-, Rufus Wm.. b. Nov. 28. 1818. 

^j: .1..- I'h Adolphus, b. June 27. 1824. 

■•.•^ .•^:. I'hcn, b. 1822. 

K.';» Th.-mas Henry, b. May 15, 1831. 

SM< < ;.<.tt^e A., b. Jan. 28, 1835; d. May 31, 1917. 

SM. William, son of Rufus; m. Feb. 12. 1812. Mary Elizabeth Elliott; (2) 
Muy 2o. Ih21. Catherine Babson. Newburyport, Mass. He was a master mariner. 
» • ' ' tiad«- a cooper. One son died in infancy and another, Rufus, died a 
\ She was b. May 13. 1795; d. Aug. 23, 1880. He d. June 28, 1855. 

h^l Ji'. b. Jan. 7. 1817. 

Iiiiiut* bv . iianiage: 

h:;2 "Wiiiiam I'dllms. b. Nov. 14, 1825. 

s.i:! J>.>. i>h Babson. b. Nov. 23. 1827. 

H :i C..ii.>lant Ixjyal Tuttle. b. Sept. 29. 1830. 

" .'. Mary Ann. b. Sept. 18. 1832. 

aniH, .son of William; m. Feb. 23, 1812. Margaret McKay. They 
lo. Nova Scotia. He d. July 1. 1867. She d. Dec. 1869. 
nil. b. Jan. 30. 1814. " 
I. June 30. 1829. 
\.. b. May 26, 1837. 
.... Klt-nor. b. April 19, 1820; d. April 26, 1888; m. Feb. 17. 1846, 
Jaiiu'K L. Whitman. 

S»tt. IK-nniHoii; m. In 1852. Christena Torrey. Manchester. Nova Scotia. She 
died in Sal. *• in 1905. aged 84. He d. June 12. 1868. 

MO V. ..-r, b. June 19. 18.55. 

4m. Waril. Hon of William; m. Jan. 20, 1825, Mary Ann Bigelow, 1). Ftl). 10, 
'■■ ■ ■■ * .n Nova Scotia. He went from there to eastern Wis- 

in Mindiii-o. He d. .hme 21, 1873. She d. Mar. 21, 1897. 
Mi. »■ ih27. 

M2. K •.. 1. it;?n 

M3 ( 

M4 V. Aug. 4. 1833. 

M5 J 1S37. 

M6 I M, .luly 10, 1870. Philip Byrns. 

M7 li 
M8. Milton L., b. 1847; d. Dec, 1911; m. Alice Hull; .laii. IMitli. 



lived m 

8 .{6 









406. Richard, son of Abel Ward; m. July 16, 1828, Caroline H. Butler; d. 
Dec. 26, 1828; (2) July 2, 1829, Rita Ann, dau. of David and Maiy Barthelme) 
Morris, b. May 4, 1803, d. Aug. 24, 1867. He was a seafaring man, lived in New 
Haven, and died in Staten Island, Oct. 8, 1848. 

849. David M., b. Jan. 28, 1834. 

410. Luinan. son of Ira; ni. in Southington, Aug. 28, 1835, Mary, dau. of 
Samuel Johnson, a shoe manufacturer of Windsor, Conn. He served in the 
legislature. He d. March 3, 1885. She d. June 1, 1902. 

850. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1840. 

851. Harriet Esther, b. June 2, 1845; m. Nov. 28, 1883, Frank W. Cadwell. 

852. Emma Cornelia, b. Aug. 16, 1851. 

853. Alice Eliza, b. Jan. 18, 1853. 

854. George Whittlesey, b. Feb. 25, 1858. 

855. Carrie, b. May 23, 1862. 

414. Albert, son of Linus; lived in Montreal; m. in June, 1827, Abigail S. 
Mitchell. He d. April 22, 1828. 

856. Albert William, b. June 25, 1828. 

415. Edwin; d. June 18, 1874, m. May 24, 1833, Lucy Huntington Greene, of 
Vergenncs, Vt. A merchant in Montreal, Canada, where he is buried. She d. 
May 29, 1890. 

857. Henry WilUam, b. April 1, 1834. 

858. Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 25, 1836. 

859. Mary Amelia, b. May 20, 1850; unm.; d. March 26, 1925. 

416. Amelia; m. Jan. 29, 1831, Zimri Root, b. May 19, 1806; d. Oct. 8, 1872. 
A farmer of Williston, Vt., where both are buried. She d. March 5, 1877. 

Henry, b. Nov. 27, 1845. 

Charles Isaac, m. Eliza Marion Ward. Three children: Chester Ward, b. 
July 2, 1882; d. March 27, 1922; Marjorie King, b. Sept. 20, 1884; Nor- 
man, b. July 9, 1888. 

417. Isaac H., son of Linus; m. in Montreal Frances Hibbard. He d. Jan. 1, 
1848. Lived in Montreal. 

418. Hiram, son of Jonathan; m. 1830, Hannah Miner, b. April 29, 1806; 
d. Feb. 11, 1881. A farmer of Williston, Vt., and Norfolk, N. Y.; held offices 
of town clerk, justice of the peace, supervisor, and assessor. He d. June 23, 1871. 

860. Henry Miner, b. April 18, 1832. 

861. Edwin H., b. April 30, 1834. 

862. Lucius L., b. Sept. 4, 1836. 

419. Ambrose, son of Thomas; d. April 7, 1878; m. Sally L. Drew (dau. of 
Lem\iel and Polly Warren), b. July 4, 1831, d. Aug., 1870; (2) in 1871, Betsey 
Drew Connor. He was a carpenter and builder; resided in Burlington, where 
his will is recorded and both are buried. 

863. Edgar W., b. June 15, 1829. 

864. Osborn T., b. April 2, 1834. 

865. Charlotte Almira, b. March 19, 1836; d. Nov. 20. 1863; m. Dr. H. J. 

866. Elizabeth M., b. June 17, 1838. 

867. Henry Harrison, b. Jan. 13, 1840. 

421. Liiman K.; d. July, 1892; m. July 17, 1834, Ann Caroline Farnsworth 
(dau. of Moses and Eunice Mattoon, of Burlington, Vt. ) ; d. June 11, 1835; (2) 
May 9. 1856, Ann Huff Farnsworth, b. in Dorset, Vt., March 25, 1826; d. Jan. 
26, 1889; she was a cousin of first wife. An insurance and real estate agent in 
Grand Rapids, Mich. 

868. Mary CaroUne, b. Feb. 6, 1860. 

422. William Warren, son of Thomas; m. Dec. 12, 1842, Eliz, dau. of Joshua 
Barnes and Mary Alvord. He resided in Burlington, Vt. He d. Aug. 3, 1878. She 
d. April 21, 1879. 

869. Wilbur OUn, b. May 3, 1844. 

870. Florence Amelia, b. May 29, 1852; unm. 


4*S. Sarah, dau. oi f hinc-as; m. Feb. 9, 1839. Silas Holloway. She d. in 1882. 
He d in lf>i»4 

Harriet L... b. Sept. 21. 1840; m. Harvey Hood. They had two chil., Fred 

Hu!" ' -» b. in 1870. and Sarah Rose. b. in 1878. Fred H. m. in 1891, 

Ai. er. d. in 1915; two chil. Harvey, b. in 1896, and Catherine, b. 

- a in 1917. Harvev m. Wilniette Andrix; one dau.. Catherine Rose. 

\\ A., b Mav 12, 1843; d. 1913; m. Louise A. Young, b. 1849; d. 1906; 

rour fhil.. Ji.hnWilham, b. 1871; Clara, b. 186S; d. 1909; Calvin Lucius, 

b. 1869; Frank Stanlev. b. 1874. Clara ni. in 1894 Edward Illenden; two 

chil.. Jessie, b. 1897. and Mary, b. 1902. Frank S. m. in 1918 Daisy J. 

■ . -^on. Paul Cushing, b. in 1919. 

M. . . 24. 1845; d. Oct. 14, 1921; m. Dec. 27, 1866, Charles W. 

Bradley, b. March 27, 1842; d. May 24, 1918; two sons, Silas Foster, b. 

Fib. 5. 1869; m. May 6, 1923. Lodisa E. Sullivan, b. June 26, 1888; 

Charles W., Jr., b. Jan. 4, 1874, d. Sept. 5, 1874. 

Sa • ul. b. Oct. 4, 1850; d. May 25, 1895; m. Dec. 11, 1871, Daniel 

.Sinclair, b. May 25, 1849; d. Jan. 8, 1911; two chil.. Lulu Belle, 

b. April 23. 1877. and Edward Albert, b. Nov. 4, 1881. Lulu Belle, ni. June 

29, 1898. Albert Blakely Zimmerman, b. Dec. 3, 1869; two sons, Albert 

E<lward, b. June 28, 1905, and Daniel Sinclair, b. April 21, 1901; m. June 

19. 1923, Francis Pritchet, b. Jan. 24, 1899; one dau., Frances Eliza., b. 

Dec. 1. 1924. 

Lucius Lvon. b. June 3, 1854; d. Feb. 27, 1898; m. Sept. 9, 1880, Amanda C. 

Baker." b. Aug. 17, 1860. One dau.. Sarah Maud, b. Sept. 16, 1885. 

424. I^iiilsa. dau. of Phineas; m. Oct. 26, 1848. Lemuel S. Drew, of Bur- 
lington. Vt 

4'i5. Liu-iiiN. son of Phineas; m. July 20, 1857, Mrs. Harriet B. Whitnej^ d. 
Nov. 26, 1901. He d. Sept. 26, 1876. 

4*»6. (ornHhi I... dau. of Phineas; m. Oct. 30, 1855, William B. Moore; d. 
Jan 2. 1866; i2i F<b. 2U, 1867. Marcus Ansley, a nurseryman in Geneva, N. Y. 

4'i7. Fram-f«» M., dau. of William; m. Jan. 1856, Hon. Sidney Lawrence, of 
Moira. N. V. She d. in 1890. He d. May 19, 1892, aged 90. 

4"*8. CieurKe Kduin. son of William; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Francis H., dau. of 
Isaar Brownell and Abbie Caipenti'i-; b. Feb. 4, 1838. 

871. Jennie l^)uisa, b. Manli 17. 1870. 

872. Emma A., b. June 10, 1872. 

S73 Fannie Harris, b. Sept. 19. 1879. 

4i9. HIrani H., son of William, a physician in Burlington, Vt.; m. Maiga- 
retta M Waring. He d. Aug. 19, 1891. 

874. Albirt W,, b. Julv 24. 1861. 

875. Clara, b. May 21, 1S64; unm. 

876. Bertha, b. April, 1872; unm. 

877 Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1877. 

878 1-awrence W.. b. about 1880. 

450. Fn-di-rlrk .XiigtiHtiiH. sun of William; m. in Norfolk, N. Y., June 17, 

.1 dau. of Aerie G. Bradley and Hovey E. Winslow, b. Sept. 
a merchant and lived at Clearwater, Calif. He was a Major 
Md Illinois Volunteers, 1863 to 1865. 
'..-Iia, b. April 21. 18.58. 
la. b. Dec. 13, 1861.; m. Edward F. Gaines. 
Mi llubbaiU Gale, b. July 25, 1870. 

451. »Ulv«ard Dunbl. mn of William; lived in St. Paul, Minn.; m. 1862, Sarah 
• '"• ■' Jan. 9, 1867, Caroline A. Evarts. He d. April 7, 1882. 

20, 1868; m. Nov. 12, 1903, Daniel Parker Kilborn. 

11 ,. . 

i^". I im:in U.tm..rr. .son of William; d. Dec. 19, 1891; m. May 9, 1861, 

iau. of Robert and Elizabeth Pansons, of New York), 
"•"7 He was an artist (water colon and illustrator, 
he is buried. 


883. Frank Glasgow, b. March 2, 1862. 

884. Lyman William, b. Oct. 12, 1871. 

885. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1875. 

433. Sarah, dau. of Samuel; m. Dec. 25, 1842, Lyman Nettleton, of Orange, 
Conn. She d. Jan. 1, 1899. 


434. Eunice, dau. of Ebenezer; m. June 15, 1834, Isaac Taylor of Cheshire, 

435. Sarah dau. of Ebenezer; m. March 18, 1841, Mitchell Lombra of 
Cheshire, Conn. 

436. Joel, son of David; m. April 3, 1831, Sally Peck, of Southington. No 
children. He d. June 9, 1853. 

438. Olive, dau. of Isaac; m. April 9, 1823, Willis Hinman. They removed 
to Cambridge, 111., where he was a farmer and carpenter. She d. April 23, 1889. 

439. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac; m. Oct. 9, 1831, Enos Royce (Rice). 
He was a farmer in Bristol, and afterward in business at Hartford, Conn. He 
d. July 9, 1874; she d. July 10, 1887. 

440. Elnathan. son of Thomas; lived in New Haven; m. May 21, 1796, Ruth 
Caroline, dau. of Ebenezer and Rebecca Parmele, b. Nov. 21, 1774; d. Oct. 11, 
1853. He d. Feb. 27, 1845. 

886. Ruth C, b. April 29. 1799. 

887. Rebecca Shipman, b. Oct. 1, 1802. 

441. Jonathan Attwater, son of Thomas; lived in New Haven; m. Jennette 
Knox. She d. June 5, 1833, aged 56. He d. Jan. 22, 1852. 

888. John K., b. 1800. 

889. Norman M.. b. April 20, 1802. 

890. ElishaM.. b. 1811. 

442. Thomas, son of Thomas; m. Jan. 15, 1806, Sarah, dau. of Eli Beecher 
and Susannah Kimberly; b. Sept. 3, 1781; d. Jan. 31, 1852, aged 71 years. He 
d. Aug:. 25, 1828. 

891. Susannah Kimberly, b. April 11, 1807; m. Feb. 12, 1828, George Lewis. 

892. Mary B., b. Feb. 28, 1809; m. June 4, 1833, Theron N. Read. 

893. Elisha, b. Dec. 18, 1811. 

894. Nancy R., b. Nov. 9, 1816. 

895. Thomas B., b. Sept. 20, 1818. 

896. Sarah B., b. Sept. 7, 1824. 

444. Nancy, dau. of Thomas; d. 1852; m. July 1, 1801, Elihu Mix (.son of 
Mehitable Beecher and Ehsha Mix), b. 1775; supercargo and part ownei' with 
Captain Brintnal, of New Haven, on a sealing voyage to the Pacific and China. 
He d. at Owyhee in 1828. She m. (2) John Richards. She d. April 19, 1837. 

447. William, son of Deacon William; m. Lucy, dau. of Jabez and Naomi 
(Bristol) Bull, b. July 21, 1780, d. Sept. 30, 1843, aged 62. He d. May 16. 1839. 
Lived in Milford. 

897. James B., b. April 20, 1843. 

898. William. 

899. Elizabeth; m. W. H. Hammell. 

448. David, son of Deacon William; m. Sept. 13, 1799, Charlotte Pond, d. 
Eatonton. Ga., Sept. 14, 1847, aged 70. He d. Dec. 7, 1823. 

900. Charles W., b. Dec. 18, 1800. 

901. Charlotte, b. 1813. 

902. Sarah Pond, b. 1819. 

452. Charity I., dau. of William; m. 1812, Truman Pitkin, b. Nov. 22, 1787. 
She d. June 12, 1825. Truman Pitkin, farmer and deacon of the Congregational 
church, was a prominent figure in the commimity for many yeai\s. The record 
of himself, wife and descendants will bo foimd in the printed history of the 
Pitkin family. They lived at Rootstown, Ohio. 
Elnathan A., b. 1814; m. Lucy A. Seymour. 


V. 'cb. 11, 1818: d. April 11. 1861; m. Sophia Stilson. 

C 11. 1821: m. Anna M. Whitlock. 

t ne. b. Nov. 11, 1822; d. Sept. 13, 1879: ni. June 7, 1843, 

....... It Clark, b. March 16. 1822: d. April 27, 1898. R. H. Clark 

was a ' >us farmer living between Rootstown and Ravenna. Ohio. 

■■■ abeth Pitkin Clark d. from exposure while on a 
M, where she is buried. 
G.. b. May 4. 1844: d. Mav 24, 1861, U.S. Arniv. 

li. Lia Louise, b. July 18. 1845: d. Sept. 21, 1894: m. Sept. 2. 1869, 

George Washington Buell. b. Sept. 2. 1835: d. April 14, 1888. He was 
a teacher for a number of years. He d. in Colorado and she d. at 
London, Ohio, in an accident. 

J. Garfield, b. Nov. 6, 1880: m. June 13, 1908. Ethel E. Peeples. b. 
Aug. 19. 1883. He is an attorney and has many oil interests 
throughout the West. He lives at Tulsa, Oklahoma. 
Betty Jane, b. Oct. 15. 1915. 
Catherine Elizabeth, b. July 17. 1883: m. Aug. 7, 1905. Charles 
O'Connor, b. Oct. 26. 1878. He is a member of the law firm of 
O'Connor & Holden: lives in Tulsa, Oklahon.a. 
Lawrence Buel. b. July 12. 1908. 
J Buell. b. April 20. 1914. 
Juha Minerva, b. April 1. 1851; d. June 1894; m. Nov. 23. 1871, 
Willuni Leonard Slutz. b. Feb. 22. 1846. d. April 14, 1907. 

Merrill Clark, b. Aug. 19, 1872; m. 1907. Edna Hopkins. He 
is an attorney living at Cincinnati. Ohio. 
Helen Elizabeth, b. Sept.. 1908. 
Mabel Henrietta, b. April 27, 1875; d. Sept. 21. 1894. 
Raymoml Mahlon. b. Oct. 6, 1880. He is Professor of English 

of Ohio University. 
Earl Ransom, b. June 30. 1883; m. 1910. Edna Lee Davis. He 
IS District Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal 
church and is located at Cambridge, Ohio. 
Phihp Av.-ry. b. 1911. 
Leonard D.. b. 1914. 
Ralph, b. 1917. 
Helen Margaret, b. 1890; d. Sept. 21, 1894. 
Wilbert Ransom, b. Jan. 10, 1859; m. Sept. 15, 1886, Geitnuie L, 
Brewer, b. Feb. 28. 1867; li. May 12, 1915. For many years he 
was a successful farmer and shipper living in Colorado. He is 
now retired from active business interests and lives at Long 
Beach. Calif. 

I.sa.icir Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12. 1887; d. Dec. 21, 1918; m. Dec. 
12, 19(t6. Elmer Sly. 

Elizabeth Elsie.'b. Dec. 8, 1908. 
Clark, b. Sept. 1. 1909. 
Wilbert Ransom, b. April 17, 1911. 
Alfred, b. Aug. 13, 1913. 
Donald, b. Feb. 4, 1915. 
Gertrude L., b. Dec. 18, 1916. 
(Ji'orge. b. Nov. 29, 1918. 
Ralph, b Feb. 19. 1888; m. March 7, 1909, Stella Whisler. He is a 
farm<-r living near Eaton, Colorado. 
Th«-lm;i G<-rtrude. b. Sept. 2. 1911. 
C«M il .Maijorie. b. Oct. 26, 1912. 
Carol Mae. b. Dec. IS. 1914. 
Everett Ran.s.)m. b. Oct. 13, 1918. 
Vincel, b. Manh 9. 1923. 
VadH, b March 9. 1923. 
KIhI»' MHrj.irie, b. Aug, 25. 1890; m. June 6. 1917, J. W. Cobler. 
'' !)lr)V<Ml in a b.ink and lives at Long Beach, Calif. 

:ta Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1918. 

Jran, b. April 15. 1921. 
•' '• s I>M-. b June 12. 1925. 
L*- " >' April 14. 1892: m. Feb. 25, l'.nr>, Helen Elmer. He 

I in D«'nver, Col, 

July 22. 1920. 


Guy Cameron, b. Sept. 25, 1896; m. Mary Crew. He is a farmer 
living near Eaton, Col. 

Eula Lee, b. Sept. 17, 1918. 
Harry Ransom, b. Dec. 29, 1898; m. Dec. 5, 1919, Irene Nixon. He 
is a farmer near Eaton, Col. 
Lorree, b. Nov. 12, 1921. 
Elsie Marjorie, b. Aug. 16, 1923. 
Cora L., b. June 8, 1864. Teacher in Baltimore, Md. 
Carrie L., b. June 8, 1864. Teacher in Baltimore, Md. 

454. Abraham, son of Isaac; m. Ruth, dau. Josiah and Jemima (Dickinson) 
Cowles; b. May 11, 1766; resided in Poultney, Vt. 

903. Isaac Punderson, b. May 12, 1796. 

904. Alanson, b. May 26, 1803. 

905. Franklin Truman, b. June 24, 1805. 

458. Timothy Gh)ver, son of Timothy; m. Nov. 25, 1811, Merab, dau. of 
John Lee Hitchcock and Eunice Hudson. He was a farmer and lived in Cheshire. 
He d. Dec. 4, 1820. She d. Oct. 30, 1880. 

906. William Glover, b. May 22, 1814. 

460. Phineas; removed to Chenango County, N. Y.; m. Sept. 30, 1812, Sarah 
Flagg, b. July 25, 1793; (2) in 1848, Julia A. Mason, d. Sept. 24, 1844. He d. 
July 30, 1862. His children all died without leaving any male descent. 

907. Sylvester, b. Dec. 21, 1813; d. Feb. 14, 1844. 

908. Henry P., b. Feb. 3, 1829; d. May 2, 1853. 

461. Aaron, son of Timothy; m. Betsey Atsom; removed to Guilford, 
Chenango County, New York, where he d. May 6, 1854. She d. April 13, 1831. 

909. Esther Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1821; m. Norris Gridley; d. 1906. 

910. Abigail Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1823; m. Orrin Gridley; d. 1898. 

911. Lucinda FideUa, b. Jan. 9, 1828; d. Aug. 19, 1878; m. George Belmore. 

462. Fhimen, son of Samuel; Cheshire; m. Jan. 10, 1810, Orella, dau. of 
Jonathan Gorham and Desire (Brooks) Bristol, b. Aug. 4, 1791; d. May 13, 
1852. He d. May 13, 1863. 

912. Laura Ann, b. March 7, 1811. 

913. Samuel Augustus, b. 1813. 

914. Emily Mary, b. 1823; d. Nov. 15, 1881; m. Charles H. Preston. 

465. Patience; m. in Cheshire, Conn., Aug. 30, 1815, Isaac R. Sanford. They 
settled in Marion, N. Y., where he held many positions of trust, both in church 
and state. For more than two decades he held the office of justice of the peace, 
and was chosen as representative in the general assembly at Albany in 1844. 
He was a high-minded and honorable gentleman and a liberal giver. He d. July 
2, 1885. Mrs. Sanford d. Dec. 12, 1865. 

466. Ahijfail Ann; m. Sept. 30, 1819, Levi Bradley, of Cheshire, Conn. He 
was b. Nov. 11, 1792; d. March 18, 1877. She d. May 5, 1897. 

467. Lois Maria, dau. of Samuel; m. Oct. 8, 1829, Augustus, son of Joseph 
Hitchcock and Rachel Johnson, b. July 2, 1806; d. April 8, 1842. She d. Dec. 
26. 1866. 

46H. Khoda, dau. of Enos; m. Samuel Sanford, Nov., 1795. Samuel d. Sept. 
18, 1857. Rhoda d. July 3, 1860, at Mantua, Ohio. 

469. Amzi; m. Nov. 21, 1801, in Aurora, 111., Huldah Sheldon, b. Dec. 28, 
1785, in Suffield, Conn. She d. in Mantua, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1845. (2) Jan. 29, 1846, 
Mrs. Rebecca Paine. He d. June 14, 1851. 

915. Cleona, b. Dec. 14, 1802. 

916. Darwin, b. Sept. 11, 1805. 

917. Matilda, b. April 20, 1816. 

470. Jotham; m. April 3, 1803, Laura Kelloggs, at Hudson, Ohio. He d. 
Nov. 4, 1828. She d. Aug. 30, 1834. The family home was in Mantua, Ohio, a 
mile north of his brother's farm, on which grew up the thriving village of 
Mantua Station after the Mahoning (Erie) rail road was built. 


918. Silvia, b. Dec. 28, 1805. 

919. Juha. b. Jan. 14, 1813. 

920. Eliza, b. Jan. 16. 1816. 
921 Lucinda. b. May 17. 1819. 

471. l^lt»: ni. Jan. 24. 1805, Samuel Judson, at Mantua, Ohio. She d. March, 

4':-.». Miriulu: b. Jan. 7. 1788; m. at Mantua, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1805, David 
He d. May 31. 1827. Miriam d. Nov. 14. 1870. at Maynard, Iowa. They 
i.^r.j and he died in Mantua, Ohio. 

47S. Mar>-. dau. of Enos, b. Nov. 5, 1792; m. (1811) Hezekiah Hine. She d. 
Mav U> 1^46 After her death Hezekiah m. (2) Diantha Goodell Chapman 
■ Goodell I. He d. July, 1869. The residence of the Hinc fanuly 
..f, Ohio. 

474. Willlujn. son of Noah; m. Dec. 20, 1810, Harriet, dau. of Lemuel 
Pomerov and Lucy Lyman, b. May 23. 1787; d. Oct. 17, 1824. He was a gradu- 
ate of Yale, 1807;" settled at Westfiold, Mass., as a physician, and d. Nov. 20, 

922. Lucv, b. Sept. 16, 1813. 

923. William Lyman, b. March 3, 1820. 

924. Harriet P.. b. Nov. 26. 1822. 

475. Anna, dau. of Jason; m. James Peck (son of Capt. Ebenezer R. and 
'■ ' iMckermant. b. March 6, 1793; removed to Jeffersonville, Ind.. where 

476. l-xiward. son of Elisha; m. Sept., 1843, Ahniia F. Harrison, dau. of 
Deacon Harrison, of North Branford. They lived in Mendon, 111. 

925. Eunice A., b. Dec. 5. 1848. 

477. Ju»on. son of Asa; graduated at Yale, 1825, (studied TheoU)j;y at 
Yale I ordained to the ministry Aug. 26. 1829, pastor Congregational church at 

•V. Newtown and other places in Connecticut; m. May 4, 1837, 

Morse, b. 1809. She d. Feb. 13, 1844; (2) June, 1847, Susan Anns 

VVnght, b. Dec. 16, 1816; d. Dec. 1, 1897. He d. in West Haven, April 1, 1860. 

479. liflati. nun of Moses; m. Naomi Johnson; lived in Naugatuck. Conn. 
He d .May 7, 1859. She d. April 2. 1870, aged 80. 

926 Lucinda, b. April 3. 1820; d. April 26, 1873. 

9'J" -, b. 1812; m. 1832, Ansel Spencer. He d. Aug. 7. 1857, aged 61. 

■ d .N'ov. 8. 1842. 
928. flan.s.sa, b. 1815. 
929 .Miriam, b. Dec. 24. 1831. 

4H0. >latM*l, dau. of Moses; m. David M. Payne. They lived in Naugatuck. 
He d S.pl 30, 1860. aged 70. She d. Aug. 12, 1882. Their dau. Nancy, d. Sept. 
8. 187S, aged 52. 

48t. Ira, .son of Amos; live<l at corner of College and Crown streets. New 
Hiv. n Hi April 9, 1817, Hoanna, dau. of Ebenezer Buckingham anti Olivia 
b. Dec. 20, 1795; d. Sept. 28. 1873. He was a ship carpenter and 
H. d Sept. 6, 1849. 

.in M , h Aug, 18. 1821; m. Rev. James R. Mershon. 
UJJ. ■ nil, b. Jan. 8. 1823. 

932 . v. 4. 1824. 

933. Kinuy. b. Sept. 4, 1828; m. March 8. 1859. Samuel E. Baldwin. 

"" '•' •"' h Feb. 13. 1833. 

• H. b. Aug. 8. 1834. 
yJO, Ulivm Uounna. b. Feb. 6. 1836; m. William J. Atwater. 

m. Nov. 26, 1H23, Kldad Hotchkiss, of Water- 
b». : . d. Nov. 8, 1894. 

4M«. .\mtMi. son Of Amos: m. Dec. 28. 1820, Julia .M Ifoadley. He d. June 8, 
• ** ' '' ■ *■ I'igatuck, Conn., where both are buried. 


490. Anan, son of David; m. Rebecca, dau. of Benjamin Peck and Lucie 
Dickerman, b. Jan. 30, 1800; d. Aug. 18, 1868. They lived in Bethany. He was 
a farmer and d. Feb. 21, 1869. 

938. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1821. 

939. Marshall David, b. May 30, 1826. 

940. Margaret Augusta, b. Nov. 14, 1830. 

941. Adaline, b. Aug. 15, 1835. 

942. Franklin Benjamin, b. Aug. 14, 1837. 

495. <;arret, son of Jonathan; m. Dec. 30, 1827, Lucinda Carter. He d. 
March 10, 1879. She d. Sept. 27, 1893. They lived in Maine, N. Y. 

943. Emily J., b. Dec. 8, 1828. 

944. Abigail, b. March 2, 1833. 

945. Maria L., b. June 5, 1837. 

946. John J., b. Nov. 10, 1840. 

947. Olive A., b. Dec. 23, 1843. 

948. Charles G., b. June 12, 184 8. 

496. Hiildah. dau. of Holebrook; m. Hezekiah Thompson, b. Dec. 16, 1751; 
(2) Elijah Thompson, b. Dec. 16, 1751; d. Oct. 5, 1825. His will, proved 1825, 
names wife Huldah whom he made jointure before marriage. Elijah was imcle 
to Hezekiah, first husband of Huldah. 

497. Jonah, son of Holebrook, lived in New Haven; m. Abiah Macomber, 
bap. Nov. 13, 1743. He d. in Charleston, S. C, Aug. 26, 1824. 

505. Thaddeus, son of Stephen; m. Sept. 27, 1807, Annie Peck. He d. April 
16, 1817. 

949. Lucius, b. Nov. 13, 1811. 

507. Catherine; m. Feb. 1, 1808, Amos Trowbridge, b. Nov. 25, 1783; d. 
July 11, 1849. 

509. Rebecca Gorham, dau. of Stephen; d. May 17, 1845; m. March 14, 1826, 
James Hervey, son of Hervey and Nancy Bradley Mulford. He was graduated 
from Yale in 1794, and was a merchant of the firm of Bradley & Mulford, in 
New Haven, Conn. 

510. William Cutler, son of Jeremiah M.; d. Feb. 12, 1885; m. in New 
Haven, May 4, 1815, Harriet Hoadley (dau. of John and Elizabeth Watrous), 
b. Dec. 6, 1795; d. Aug. 18, 1873. His early Ufe was spent in New Haven; later 
he went to Georgetown, D. C, and latterly lived in New York, where he was a 
well-known wholesale commission merchant, his firm being known as Atwater, 
Mulford & Co. 

950. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1817. 

951. John Hoadley, b. Jan. 23, 1824. 

952. Sarah Watrous, b. Oct. 5, 1826. 

953. Harriet, b. Nov. 6, 1829. 

954. Jeremiah W., b. Sept. 16, 1832. 

511. Hannah Cutler; d. Nov. 8, 1866, aged 71; m. Nov. 13, 1817, Stephen 
Bishop, son of Daniel and Louisa Hotchkiss, b. Nov. 10, 1792; d. March 4, 1845. 

512. Susan Howell, dau. of Jeremiah M., m. July 26, 1824, Sidney Washing- 
ton Leete. He lived in New Haven and died Aug. 31, 1836, in New Orleans, of 
yellow fever. She d. March 26, 1873. 

513. Sarah, dau. of Joseph; m. Nov. 12, 1815, John D. Brown. She d. June 
7, 1854. 

514. Eliza, dau. of Joseph; m. July 23, 1817, Zelotes, .son of Joel Day of 
New Haven. He was a manufacturer and was prominent in city affairs there. 
He was b. in Hatfield, Mass., June 24, 1791, and d. in 1870. She d. June 4, 1894. 

515. Joseph, son of Joseph; m. Jan. 1, 1823, Rachel Duncan, of South Caro- 
lina, and removed to La Harpe, 111., about 1823. She d. Oct. 18, 1871. He d. 
Jan. 1, 1875. 

955. Marthena, b. May 5, 1824. 

956. Thomas, b. Nov. 23, 1827. 


957 James, b April 17, 1830. 
M^- w > ;tm E.. b. July 8, 1833. 
b Jan 29. i836. 

-. ' 3 1841. 
29. 1846. 

516 Vathuuirl Mix, son of Joseph: m. Dec. 10. 1823. Rhoda Curtis. He d. 
Aufj 17. 1825. Uved in New Haven. She prob. m. (2) Dec. 3, 1826, Alexander 

962 Sarah Thomas, b. Nov. 18, 1824. m. May 6, 1843, Paschal Fisher, of 
Sandusky. Ohio. 

' M Mi-fi. 1.1 son of Jo.seph. m. Oct. 10. 1823. Hannah B., dau. of 
.\. . : Hannah Thompson, b. July 22. 1805; d. Dec. 23, 1882. 

He d Manh 26. 1833. They resided in New Haven. 

^v. Jrrt'ir.iah John, b. Feb. 27. 1825. 

.. ; .1. a:., tit- Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1827. 

966 Lydia Anne, b. April 22. 1831. 

:.' - ' hn Starr, .son of Joseph; m. Oct. 7, 1829. Mary, dau. of Joshua Miller 

anl <:<'ugi', b. Jan. 3. 1810. He was a carriage manufacturer and d. in 

I •■ . . Dec. 4, 1866. She d. Sept. 8, 1893. 

:«.., ii.iiiv Lockwood, b. Nov. 24, 1833. 

967 Alfred E , b. Sept. 26. 1837. 
96S John Starr, b. June 29, 1845. 

M'< >»i. |ih.n llarriH, son of Benjamin; d. Nov. 15. 1865; m. Keziah. dau. of 
■1;.. _ ... Miphrt-y; d. 1832; (2) Azubah Brown, b. 1785; d. March, 1866. He 
wtk» a fanner and livtHl at Canton, Conn. 
969 James, b. May 8. 1824. 

5*0. Kovunnu, dau. of Benjamin; m. Nov. 15, 1815, Riley Loomis. She d. 
Marth Ifj. IhTu. in Troy. N. Y. 

5*1. Stirah. dau. of Benjamin; m. Sept. 26, 1816. Porter Fowler, of West- 
She d. Dec. 25, 1864. They had: Wells, Mary, Charles. John and 
1 :.. 

5iZ. Svlvlu. dau. of Benjamin; m. Orrin Bates. They lived in Springfield, 
Ma** whi-rt- both died. She d. April. 1864. They had: William. Mary, Sarah. 
Thoina*, Lucius, Almon J., Charles and Adelaide. 

i;- ~ ■ -ijamin: lived in Westfield. Mass.; m. Dec. 16, 1828, 

, a farmer and d. Feb. 23, 1861. She d. Feb.. 1846. 

K?u. t .M . h. April 28, 1832. 

»7L !•; i. Bhss. b. Jan.. 1834. 

.%-M Nr.:tti - ". of Benjamin; m. Feb. 10. 1835, Carohna A. Root, lie d. Jan. 
I. 1' . 15, 1895. 

it,^. \ i.t. 12. 1836. 

973 J I. June 19. 1850; d. June 17. 1871. 

AtA. .M.irv . ..! Ik-njamin; m. Almon J. Lloyd; 1j. April 7, 1803; d. Jan. 

1, 1857, «2 J Hmsdale; d. about 1872. Children by Lloyd, Jarvis James, 

Aimun anu Ciituitne. 

atJI. MoiM^. win of Mo.st's; livi-d in Canandaigua, N. Y.; graduated at Yale 
colirKc. m Mi- ^' "Kan-l Weist, 1852. Hi- d. Aug. 8, 1864. She d. Jan.. 1857. 
974. I k Tyler, b. Feb. 23, 1853; d. April 21. 1931. 

.%?» SiuiuM-l T>liT, son of Moses; m. July 16, 1839, Elizabeth Emerson, b. 
1812. d. April 11, 1878. They lived in Buffalo and Chicago. He d. May 

• He d. Mmrch 19. 1843. She m. (2) Samuel W. Cook. 

581. .Irrt-Miluh. turn of J»»«.l; hved in Westfiild; m. May. 1836, Nancy 

975 I • ■ - ;h. 

976 .1 


532. Laura, dan. of Joel: m. Dec. 28, 1834, Nehemiah Edson; (2) Mr. 
McLauder. She d. Dec. 29, 1891. 

533. Lydia, dau. of Joel; m. Dec. 29, 1829, Charles Gaylord; (2) Mr. Sperry. 
She lived in Pennsylvania and d. in 1889. 

534. Fanny, dau. of Joel; m. Nov. 10, 1829, Orrin Hotchkiss. She d. in 
Milwaukee in 1880. 

535. Joel, son of Joel; lived in Suf field. Conn.; m. Maria Brown. 

977. Sarah Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1838; d. April 25, 1886; m. April 19, 1879, 
John L. Hubbard. 

978. Mary Eliza, b. July 25, 1850. 

536. Sarah, dau. of Joel; m. Nov. 3, 1831, Milton Brookins, of Collinsville, 
Conn.; (2| Feb. 23, 1842, John Edson. 

537. Leonard, son of Joel; m. Oct. 3, 1839, Julia, dau. of D. Sackett and 
Tryphinia Loomis, b. Sept. 6, 1816; d. Oct. 12, 1842; (2) Jan. 3, 1849, Frances 
H., dau. of Dennis Hedges, b. July 19, 1825. He lived in Westfield, Mass., and 
was president of a whip company. 

979. Ellen M., b. July 11, 1843. 

980. Albert C, b. March 3, 1846. 
Issue by second marriage: 

981. Dennis H., b. Dec. 17, 1850. 

982. Leonard C, b. July 14, 1853. 

983. James B., b. July 3, 1858. 

984. Lucy F., b. March 3, 1861. 

985. Margaret C, b. Nov. 20, 1864. 

538. Joseph, son of Joel; m. March 14, 1858, Alniira Tiffany, b. Sept. 12, 
1835. He was a farmer and lived at Canandaigua, N. Y. 

986. Lydia Josephine, b. Aug. 4, 1860. 

987. Emma Bell, b. Nov. 4, 1864; m. Max Thaler. 

988. Anna Lovisa, b. Feb. 12, 1867; unm. 

989. George Leonard, b. Oct. 10, 1869. 

539. Joseph Hall, son of Joseph; m. Sarah . He d. Aug. 29, 1813, in 

South Carolina, but was buried in Cheshire. Conn. 

990. Joseph WiUiani, b. July 4, 1813. 

54L Truman, son of Joseph; m. Oct. 10, 1819, Palmyra, dau. of Abijah and 
Jermima (Cornwall) Beach, b. April 19, 1802; d. Nov. 11, 1822, aged 20. He 
d. Oct. 26, 1828. 

542. Cornelius, son of Abel; m. Eunice Bartholomew, who d. Feb. 25, 1803, 
aged 27. Thev removed to Pompey, N. Y. and returned to Shanesville, Ohio. 
He m. (2) Anna Barber, Feb. 2, 1804. 

991. Miles Barber, b. June 21, 1805, d. Dec. 26, 1878; m. Lydia S. Atwater, 
dau. of Ira and Philanda Stone. His will was probated Feb. 3, 1879. 
They had one son, William Alonzo. 

992. Enice Anna, bap. 1806. 

543. Chauncey, son of Abel; settled in the northeastern portion of Sheffield, 
Ashtabula County, Ohio, early in the year of 1817. He d. while still a young 
man, but his pioneer pluck, public spirit, and many virtues have left their 
imprint on the town he helped to settle. He d. May 20. 1834. He m. Nov. 30, 
1812, Johanna Judd, b. Dec, 1786. Later his wife was united in marriage to 
Wyman Hill, who was father-in-law to her oldest son. 

993. John T., b. Nov. 7, 1815. 

994. Lyman Chauncey, b. Feb. 4, 1820. 

995. Lama. 

544. Samuel, son of Abel; m. Jvme 20, 1820, Vintentia, dau. of Alexander 
Shankland and Vintentia Wilson, b. Feb. 20. 1802; d. June 27, 1863. A farmer 
of Birmingham, Iowa. d. Feb. 17, 1840. Both buried in Birmingham. 

996. Sarah A. E., b. Nov. 2, 1820; m. Oct. 10, 1839, William Beck. 

997. Selencia V. G., b. Dec. 25, 1827; m. Sept. 16, 1847, Adam Bott. 


. .- la :a S. A., b. Sept. 30. 1840: d. Oct. 5, 1882; m. Jan. 21, 1858, 

-on Pruett. One dau. m. Hanv Price, York, Neb. 

\' .iha M. M.. b. April 19. 1848. d. Feb., 1922: m. Sept. 14, 1874, 

Jci.i. W. Newman. Two daughters: Laura, ni. Emerson E. Rowley, 

had two chil.. Iva Margaret, b. 1896; Ivan Ernest, b. 1898. Dora 

Newman, m. Curtis Rogers: four children. 

&45. Lyman, son of Abel: m. in New York City, Jane Lockhart. Lived in 
A ' '-■' iA, Ohio, and Fulton. 111., where they both died. He d. in 1862. She d. 

iooU. Charles Abel. b. Oct. 20. 1824. 

1001. Mdes L . b. Oct. 25. 1825. 

1002. Lucius R.. b. Feb. 25. 1828. 

1003. Carohne E.. b. March 30, 1830. 
10(M. Marcus, b. 1831. 

1005. John Wesley, b. 1833. 

1006. James, b. 1839. 

1007. Eliza J., b. 1838; m. Neal Shogo. 

1008. William H.. b. 1841. 

1009. Zilah M.. b. 1846; d. 1919; m. Clay Fusen. 

.VI6. Marquis UifaM'tte. son of Stephen; ni. March 12, 1809, Melinda Fuller, 
:;i 1790 He d. in Whitington. Vt.. July 2, 1838. She m. (2) Elisha 
I .11. d. Mav 4. 1867. He d. Jan. 11. 1852. 

1010. Hollister. b. Oct. 9. 1820. 

Ml. Nancy, dau. of Stephen: m. Chester Balch; b. 1788; d. July 15. 1847. 
She d Sept. 11, 1860. 

.'>4K. K»ther, dau. of Stephen: m. Sept.. 1812, Ezra Cushman, b. May 22, 
. . - . Hf wa.s a farmer at Wilmington, Vt. 

S4a. t.unic*-. dau. of Stephen; m. Uri Mansfield, of Hamden. He d. Jan. 13, 
1813. She d. May, 1862. 

550. Jun-d. son of Samuel; m. Oct. 28, 1807. Lucy, dau. of Hezekiah and 
KhziiU-lh (Merrimant Hall. b. Oct. 9. 1792. He lived in Hamden, Conn. He d. 
(). I 13. 1850. She d. Aug. 30. 1870. aged 88. 

1011. I-aura. b. Dec 5. 1810. 

1012. Ruth Dickerman, b. April 11, 1812. 
1013 Betsey, b. Aug. 22. 1821. 

551. C'uthi-rine. dau. of Samuel; m. Sept. 19, 1810, Joel Dickerman, son of 
f^-:'-^ ■:,!; -ti:! Hannah Rice. b. May 25. 1775; d. Feb. 22, 1865, at Jewett, N. Y. 

: . • ; • ! ^<,i) 

i.V». SaiiuK-l. .son of Samuel; moved to Big Hollow, Catskills, Greene 
v.. III. Sept. 11, 1811, Julia, dau. of Joel and Sarah (Rice) Hou>;h, 
1787; d. 1818; (2i Jan. 3. 1820. Sarah Bronsun, b. July 28, 17!)5; 

d. 1' 

M'red. b. Sept. 23, 1812. 

: oe. b. Dec. 3. 1814; m. Lewis W. Baldwin, 
lulli. b .Manh 1, 1816. 

I«jiU« b) . iiiai I ia({f: 

1017. Jidia H . b March 31, 1821; m. H. R. Winter; (2) Moses Winter, 
i..iv. -,..,ih B., b. May 23, 1824. 

. M . b. June 21. 1827; m. John Beach. 
lUJu. . b June 15. 1832; d. June 10, 1905. 

1«21 t b June 12. 1836; m. I'latt Hitchcock. 

. . '. iHm iiiiiiii., dau. of .Samuel; m. Sept. 13. 1809, Amos White Sanford; 
b 1 ■ 1H50. She (1 April 1(», 1868. 

,. JH. 1814; 111. Khzal)fth Ba.s.seU: (2) Harml Austin; 
'^18: d. Sept. 23. 1854; m. Emily Banner. 

1822; d. March 25. 1882; m. Julius Gorham. 

15, 1825: d. Nov. 21. I H7 1 ; iii. .Inly, 1851, Ann 
iin. Nf» children. 


Samuel Dennis, b. June 20, 1827; d. March 1, 1906; ni. Mary Rogers. 
Catherine O.. b. Oct. 20, 1831; d. March 10, 1906; m. Jeremiah Leek. 
John White, b. Nov. 14, 1835; m. Phebe Wooding. 

Evelyn Augusta Babbitt, b. July 23, 1826; m. Richard Newman Atwater 
of Ledyard, N. Y. 

554. Stephen VVooster. son of Samuel; m. Oct. 12. 1816, Polly, dau. of 
Benajah Rice and Sara Hough, b. April 18, 1797; d. March 1, 1875. He d. May 
20, 1864. Lived in Jewett, N. Y., a farmer. 

1022. Samuel W., b. June 29, 1832. 

1023. Aurelia H., b. June 29, 1835. 

555. Mary, dau. of Sanuiel; m. Sept. 25, 1816, Ambrose, son of Samuel 
Baldwin and Lucinda Hill, b. June 1, 1795. Settled in Jewett, N. Y. 

556. Ruth, dau. of Timothy; m. Nov. 28, 1803, Randall Warner. They lived 
in Plymouth, Conn. 

557. Ehim, son of Timothy; lived in Plymouth; m. Dec. 6, 1804, Chloe, dau. 
of Benajah Camp. He was a farmer. He d. Oct. 16, 1819. She d. Sept. 18, 1819. 

1024. George Camp, b. Jan. 20, 1810. 

1025. Rutha Chloe, b. Aug. 22, 1815; m. N. S. Pond. 

558. VVyllys, son of Timothy; lived in Plymouth, Conn.; m. Feb. 26, 1813, 
Fanny, dau. of William Purdy, who d. in 1843; (2) May 27, 1844, widow Julia 
F. Curtis, b. June 19, 1813; d. Jan. 31, 1896. He was a farmer and d. April 18, 

1026. Henry, b. April 29, 1815. 

1027. Betsev, b. Aug. 11, 1824. 

1028. Willis, b. June 12, 1833. 

1029. Martha Richardson, b. Jan. 6, 1843. 

559. I^ydia, dau. of Timothy; m. Feb. 13, 1816, Elam Fenn, son of Jason 
and Martha Potter Fenn. She d. Feb. 3, 1873. He lived to a ripe old age and 
d. Aug. 21, 1884, in the same house where he was born. They celebrated their 
golden wedding Feb. 13, 1866. 

560. Timothy, son of Timothy; lived in Plymouth; m. Dec. 2, 1829, Eunice 
Ives, b. March 9, 1800, sister of Truman D. Ives. He d. Feb. 14, 1853. She d. 
Sept. 16, 1895. 

1030. Stephen, b. Aug. 29, 1830. 

561. James, son of John; m. April 6, 1806, Thankful, dau. of Benjamin 
Avery and Mary Burrows, b. Jan. 31, 1784; d. May 17, 1870. He d. Jan. 6, 1866. 
He was a teacher, farmer and storekeeper; resided at Ithaca. 

1031. Leonard, b. Nov. 25, 1808. 

1032. Nancy, b. Sept. 8, 1811. 

1033. Benjamin Avery, b. Sept. 9, 1815. 

1034. Frankhn, b. July 10, 1817. 

1035. Dewitt Clinton, b. July 30, 1819. 

1036. Fanny, b. Oct. 6, 1821. 

1037. David Dennison, b. Sept. 20, 1823. 

1038. Mary, b. July 15, 1825. 

1039. Edward, b. May 10, 1828. 

1040. Rufus King, b. Feb. 26, 1830. 

562. -John, .son of John; d. in Ohio, leaving two daughters. He m. Susannah 

1041. Susannah, m. John Remer; buried in Newark, N. J. 

1042. Laura, b. June 17, 1814. 

563. Horace, son of John; m. Sarah Goodyear. He d. Dec. 15, 1849. Lived in 
Genoa, N. Y. 

1043. Eliza Sutherland, b. 1821; m. Sylvester Childs. 

1044. Spafford L., b. 1828. 

564. Willis, son of John; m. Marilla Bradley. He d. in Genoa, N. Y., May 4, 
1849. They had two sons; both died young. 


565. tioodyear. son of John: m. Rhoda Tilley; Genoa. N. Y., where he d. 
April 14. 186y" 

li>45 John Romaine. b. Aug. 30, 1817. 

1046. -' ' b Dec. 9. 1821; m. Louisa Mallery. 

1047. b Mav 4. 1824. 

1048. Lu^y Jane. b. Sept. 19. 1826 

1049. Marv Anna. b. Dec. 15. 182.S 

1050. Timothy J. G., b. 1831. 

566. Launft. dau. of John: ni. Joseph McWhorter. He d. in Ithaca: she in 
Cuba. Allegany County. N. Y. They had one son. 

567. SuHan. dau. of John and second wife, Lucy Davis (dau. of Nathan 
Davis of Revolutionary faniei was born 1810: m. Gordon Gillett. She d. at the 
age i.f 95 in Kenosha. Wis., June 15, 1905. Two daughters and one son survived 
.. , .. ,,ther. When she was over 80 she took a trip east in company with her 

1 and a daughter who was a teacher in Chicago. Among other places 

■ •• national capitol — and at the Washington monument (she was 

11. and spry as a cricket i she said, although she could have 

up all right, she knew it would be too much for Mr. Gillett and Ann so 

ti the elevator. Susan. "Original Daughter" and member of the local 

D. A. R. of Kenosha, and also honored with a membership in the 

D A. K. state chapter of Wisconsin. 

56M. Sanih Ball. dau. of John: b. Sept. 4, 1821: m. Alfred Ward and .spent 
her married hie in Oshkosh, Wis. She d. April 3, 1917, at the age of 96 years. 

569. Itlrhard Newman, son of John: ni. Evelyn A. B. Sanford: b. July 23, 
lhl'6 >hv d Si-pt 12. 1912. He was drowned in Cayuga Lake in 1888. They lived 
m Ixdyard. .NV Y 

Ht51 Eugene L . h. Aug. 17. 1850. 

1052. Ella, b. March 6, 1862. 

1053. WilUam, b. Aug. 28, 1863. 

1054. Lucy A., b. Oct. 8, 1860. 

.'i7n l.^\\iH, son of John; m. Ann Price; (2) Cornelia Swift. He d. at his 

Mcster, Iowa, Sept. 17, 1896. He engaged in business for several 

a. N. Y. In 1869 he removed to Iowa where he had large landed 

-. In 1873 he entered upon the drug business with his son Frank, 

' xpenenced druggist, as partner. This continued until a few years 

ith. when he withtirew. Always an active, energetic, u[iiight 

he had a well earned name for unflinching honesty and fair 

made him a much honoretl citizen. His four children three 

one son. were all born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., by his first marriage. 

I'..... ."^iaiy, b. Jan. 8. 1843. 

1056. Frank 

lOr a; m. James Kelsey. She d. in Gainesville, Ga. Left one dau., 

.'•:i. Naiim. I. .,11 ,,f .lohn; m. April 21, 1851, Charlotte Sarah Carter. He d. 
Jan 10, IK ■ \ he .settled in Newark, N. J. She d. May 29, 1909. 

1058. lay. b. April 7. 1852. 

lOM. : I). Feb. 4. 1865; m. Willis B. Atwater. 

1060 Saji.ucl Nelson, b. June 24, 1869. 

• : ' .li.hn, son of John; m. in Angelica, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1873, Eliza Starr, 
t ' \ii..id and Sophia L. Starr, b. June 19, 1844, d. Feb. 26, 1921. A 
N. J. He d. at Angelica. N. Y.. Nov. 9, 1904. 
i-^.i .^..j.iua ljoui»a, b. Dec. 7. 1875; d. Jan., 1938. 

^ ■ ■■ ■ Ml. Feb. 8. 1815, MuIjcI C.oodvear, dau. of Capt. 

I. Mar. 26, 1788. Lived at IVrry, N. Y. He d. May 

<M. 1^*<«. 

1062. I.i .. ifi. ). Ik'c. 3. 1815. 
1063 Jan. 25. 1819. 

«.w#- • 

•iir h Feb. 27, 1823. 
Ill 12. 1825. 


574. Jeremiah, son of Caleb; m. May 9, 1813, Lucy Tilley, b. May 9, 1794; 
d. April 6, 1824; (2) March 22, 1832, Rachel King, b. March 22, 1800; d. April 
6, 1862. He d. June 26, 1848. A lumberman and farmer at Mecklenburg, N. Y. 

1066. Samuel T., b. March 19, 1814. 

1067. Anson A., b. Feb. 28, 1816. 

1068. Dwight. b. Oct. 15, 1817. 

1069. John B., b. Aug. 4, 1818. 

1070. Wilson, b. Nov. 7. 1821. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1071. Willis Goodyear, b. Aug. 8, 1832. 

1072. Darius Adams, b. Oct. 8, 1837. 

1073. Ambrose Cotter, b. April 23, 1839. 

575. John G., son of Caleb; m. March 26, 1804, Celia Gifford, b. May 22, 
1779. He d. Dec. 7, 1815. She d. March 20, 1865. He Uved in Genoa, N. Y. 

1074. Alonzo B., b. April 6, 1805. 

1075. Emily, b. Jan. 7, 1811; d. Feb. 6, 1868; m. Isaac Kniffen. 

1076. John G., b. April 21, 1815. 

578. Anna, dau. of Richard Newman; m. Sept. 13, 1809, David Warner, b. 
April 19, 1786; d. May 27, 1858. She d. Oct. 13, 1877. Plymouth, Conn, and Ohio. 

581. Neu-man, son of Richard Newman; m. Nov. 24, 1844, Emeline Butler. 
She d. Sept. 8. 1889. They had two daughters; both dead. 

1077. Ehza E., b. Sept. 15, 1845; m. Andrew Rheinhold. 

582. J(»hn Osborne, son of ophar; lived in Hamden; m. Mary, dau. of 
Ebenezer and Hannah Humiston, b. 1781. He was supposed to have been killed 
during the invasion of Canada in the summer of 1814. 

1078. Abigail Augusta, b. Sept., 1802. 

1079. Eliza Ann. 

1080. Emeline, b. June 4, 1807. 

1081. Daniel Leonard, b. March 4, 1800. 

1082. George Willard, b. Dec. 25, 1811. 

1083. John Elizur, b. Oct. 16, 1812. 

587. Charles, son of Zophar; m. Mabel, dau. of Amos and Ruth (Gilbert) 
Warner (2) June 11, 1824, Anna Tinker, d. Jan. 27, 1849. He d. Aug. 25, 1842. 
One dau., Mabel, m. George Way. She d. Aug. 19, 1901; one son, George. 

588. Fanny, dau. of Zophar; m. Leverett AUing, b. 1797; d. June 12, 1870. 
She d. Sept. 29, 1858. Lived in Hamden. 

589. Marcus E., son of Zophar; m. Susan . They lived in Pittsfield, 

Mass., where he was a manufactiu'er. 

1084. Raymond, m. Mary Hicock; one son, Frederick, b. April 24, 1850. 

1085. Lucy, b. Aug. 25, 1831. 

1086. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1837; m. Michael Connor. 

1087. Wilham E., b. 1840. 

1088. Benoni, b. 1846; m. July 4, 1869, Mary Hicock. 

590. Leverett, son of Ichabod; m. Abigail Hawley; (2) Mrs. Sarah Messen- 
ger. He d. Dec. 31, 1854, in Oberlin, Ohio. 

1089. Lucy Cordelia, b. Dec. 26. 1813. 

1090. Allen Hawley, b. Sept. 1, 1817. 

1091. Richard Bloomfield, b. April 16, 1826. 

1092. Esther Lemira, b. Dec. 16, 1830. 

1093. Sarah Abigail, b. Feb. 24, 1837. 

1094. Edwin Benoni, b. Dec. 19, 1838. 

591. I.,yman, son of Ichabod; m. Hannah, dau. of Ephraim Barber; d. at 98 
years and 8 month. He was a farmer and lived at Barkhamsted, Conn. 

1095. Josiah Wolcott, b. April 8, 1814. 

1096. Laura, m. Eli Barnes. 

1097. Sarah Louise. 


>, ( |. 1 ' habud: m. Xancv. dau. of Amos and Ruth (Smith) 

d May 17. 1850. He d. May 28. 1812. They hved at 
X Y.. where ihey are buried. 
.. i«8. Ruth Livia. b. Nov. 14, 1827. 

1099. Jared Allen, b. Aug. 19. 1832. 

1100. Edwin, b. July 25. 1835. 

1101. L)., b. June 28. 1837; m. M. H. Parmelee. She d. Mar. 12. 1915. 

59%. I»:ini.-I. son of Simeon; m. Nov. 9. 1816. Lois Stevens, b. June 27, 1795. 
1861. She d. the day before her husband. Both were buried in 
^ . .._V lived m Wells, VI. 

1102. David, b. May 2. 1821. 

1103. Lucuis. b. March 30. 1822. Went west. 

1104. ^'iK rates, b. Jan. 12. 1823. 

1105. U.uisa C. b. May 7. 1825; d. April 22. 1902; m. Aug. 30, 1881, John 
H. Park. 

1106. Laura, b. Dec. 1826; m. James Patterson. Lived in Iowa. 

1107. Nancv L.. b. March 11, 1830; m. Sept. 30, 1875, George W. Brown; 
d. at Wells. Vt. 

1108. Olive, b. April 3, 1833; m. July 13, 1870, Thomas J. Clark; d. at 
Wells. Vt. 

1109. Royal, b. April 30. 1828. 

1110. Asa. b. July 17. 1836. 

596. Jonathan, .son of Simeon; m. Dec. 16. 1819, Sabrina Perry. He d. May 
14. IsOh H. Uvi-d in Middletown. Vt. She was b. May 23. 1802. and d. Feb. 26, 

nil. Jonathan, b. Dec. 26. 1828. 

1112. Sabrina. b. Feb. 23. 1831; m. Feb. 23, 1877. Wm. Robinson, d. May 
24. 1891. 

Stifi. .sii'phen. son of Daniel; m. Patience Nichols. Removed to Wells, 
Rutland County. Vt. He d. Jan. 27, 1882. She d. in Middletown, Vt. 

1113. Susan, b. Jan. 7. 1825; m. Orrin Campbell. 

1114. Mary. b. July 18. 1826. 

1115. Sarah, b. April 11. 1828. 

1116. Lvnian, b. March 29. 1830. 

1117. Esther, b. Any. 8, 1837. 

♦MM luhn. son of Benjamin Todd; m. Feb. 16. 1809. Nancy Van Alstyne. 
17S8; d. March 13, 1862. He was a physician at Canajoharie, N. Y., 
_ ,1 1. 1847. 

1118. EInathan Reynolds, b. Dec. 15. 1815. 

1119. CorneliUH Rush. b. July 6, 1819. 

80?. Zfrc\iuh. dau. of Benjaiiun Todd; m. Kerley Johnson; b. Aug. 5, 1779; 
d Feb IH, iHUi She d. May 27. 1819. 

M5. I>ur«-UM, dau. of Benjamin Todd; in. Walter K. Fannin. He tl. Mai eh I, 
1853. aged 58. She d. May 30. 1857. 

•07. KIriiithan. mm of Benjamin Todd; m. April 15, 1815, Mary Bliss; b. 
May 17. llu:.. .1 Nov. 2. 1872. He d. Feb. 15. 1877. Lived in Brownsvill-, N. Y. 

1120. Hannah Eliza, b. March 20. 1818; m. Jo.seph Mefee. 
1121 ». Mav 13. 1820; d. 1880. 

Ml'? . h May 26, 1822; ni. Henry Divendorf. 

11- Jan. 18. 1829; m. Henrv Divendorf. 

n. ..,, i... ... b. Nov. 6. 1835. 

80H. Mrrcy, dau. of Bt-njamin Todd; in. Saniuol Shepard; h. Nov. 7. 1793; 
d Nov 8 1887 She d. De« 29. 1863. 

611. I'hllii .liiiKiin. Kon of James; m. 1826, Katherine, dau. of Isaac Race 

•• Thev lived in New Marlboro, Mass. He d. Nov. 2, 
aL'.-d 71. 
»> -pt, 6, 1827. 

11- • .<.. 1828. 

1127. ..ul 1834. 


612. Jamos Youngs, son of James; m. April 9, 1840, Lucretia, dan. of Solo- 
mon Fuller and Esther Gehart, b. April 18. 1819. He d. April 9, 1892, in 
Chicopee, Mass. A farmer of New Marlboro, Mass. She d. May 25, 1902. Two 
daughters, Julia H. and Mary S. d. unm. 

1128. Albert A., b. March 18, 1811. 

1129. George P., b. Dec. 10, 184 1. 

1130. Frances Louise, b. March 10, 1847. 

1131. Edward C., b. Feb. 5, 1858. 

«1S. Tuttle, son of Daniel; m. Mary Ann Griffin; b. 1800; d. Sept. 8, 1864. 
A blacksmith of Williamsburg, N. Y. He d. in Troy, N. Y. 

1132. Daniel A., b. Mav 1, 1882. 

1133. Emily, b. Jan. 23, 1834. 

1134. Albert, married, had son, George, living in Cohoes, N. Y. 

1135. Silas, reported as a deserter during Civil War, m. under assumed 
name, and settled somewhere near Fredcrickstown, Mo. 

1136. Eliza, m. Mr. Witham, and had several children. When she d. he 
m. her sister, Ruth. 

(516. Sarah, dau. of Daniel; m. Joseph Manning, b. July 7, 1800; <L in 1882. 
She d. Aug. 3, 1880. 

617. Jane, dau. of Daniel; m. John Hogeboom, who d. in Sandlake, N. Y. 
She d. Oct. 9, 1893, aged 80; in W. Stephentown, N. Y. 

624. James Lewis, son of Stephen; m. March 26, 1835, Harriet Hazard, b. 
Oct. 3, 1808. He Uved in Binghamton, N. Y., and d. Nov. 4, 1883. She d. April 
16, 1891. Three children died young. 

1137. Arlow Nelson, b. July 18, 1842. 

1138. Sally Rebecca, b. Aug. 18, 1844. 

1139. James Griffin, b. April 28, 1848. 

1140. Edward Payson, b. Sept. 17, 1850. 

625. Daniel Eber, son of Stephen; m. June 16, 1846, Amanda Malvina 
Foster, d. May 2, 1885. He d. June 18, 1901. Binghamton and Chicago, 111. 

1141. Uriah E., b. June 19, 1847. 

1142. Charles L., b. April 25, 1849; m. July 2, 1881, Anna Henry. No chil. 
Live in Lawrenceville, Penn. He d. Jan. 13, 1926. 

1143. Edward, b. Feb. 27, 1865. 

1144. Emma, b. Oct. 5, 1867; m. William Cole. 

626. Stephen, son of Mead; m. Oct. 10, 1840, Mary L. Weaver. On her 
mother's side — the Miner family — was a lineal descendant of Theophilus Eaton, 
one of the founders of New Haven Colony (dau. of Zebulon and Eunice W. 
Miner), b. March 5, 1816; d. May 19, 1894, at Batavia, N. Y.; buried in Provi- 
dence. A civil engineer about 1843-5. He d. April 12, 1855. 

1145. Edward Weaver, b. Jan. 5, 1842. 

1146. Richard Mead, b. Aug. 10, 1844. 

1147. Mary Alice, b. Nov. 22, 1851; unm. 

1148. Anne Carohne, b. July 10, 1853. 

627. Levi Hoajf, son of Mead; m. Aug. 29, 1844, Mary Matilda Crane, dau 
of Silas and Beulah Crane. They settled at Lockport, N. Y., where they lived 
several years, then on a farm in Somerset, N. Y., where his wife d. Feb. 2, 1872. 
He d. April 9, 1890. 

1149. William L., b. Oct. 8, 1847. 

1150. Elizabeth H., b. April 9, 1849. 

1151. Maria L., b. April 26, 1852. 

1152. Myra J., b. Dec. 14, 1855. 

1153. Stephen, b. March 21, 1857. 

1154. Sarah E., b. May 30, 1859. 

1155. Bertha E., b. May 8, 1862. 

628. Joseph H., son of Mead; lived in Providence, R. I.; m. Jan. 8, 1852, 
Elizabeth A. Harkness, b. Sept. 17, 1825; d. Oct. 8, 1883; (2) Oct. 7, 1886, Ellen 
M. Babcock. A mechanic, manufacturer, and minister in Quaker church. 

1156. Ida Dorcas, b. June 20, 1854. 

1157. Alfred L., b. March 26, 1866. 


6*9. Saruh Aliua. aau. of Mead; m. Oct. 31, 1860. Asa Kelsey (son of 
Wilhaiii and Pht-be Hallocki. b. May 23. 1839. in Pelham townsliip, Canada 
West. She d. in 1910. at Portland. Oregon. 

•90. John, son of Mead, resided in Chicago; m. June 4. 1851, Margaret 
iii^„ r,,! of Lars Larson and Martha G. Peerson. b. Sept. 2. 1825. He d. May 
he d. I>ec. 12. 1916. 
1. ■ ■ on. b. Aug. 7. 1852. 

11 :.e. b. March 3. 1858. Teacher in Chicago public schools. 

llbu. fcliiima Mabel, b. Oct. 4. 1868. 

631. Hulduh Hu-iK. dau. of Mead; m. Sept. 27, 1849. Thomas E. Hartley. 
He was a lanner and lived at Cardington, Ohio. She d. April 24. 1860. 

6S'i. Catherine, dau. of Titus; m. Dec. 25, 1840, Adolphus Craw, a farmer. 

633. Jtuiiet., .son of Titus; m. July 17. 1851, Jane L.. dau. of Cheney Taft 
and Lvdja Kennedy, b. Dec. 26. 1827. He d. Dec. 19. 1903. 
liei Willard Taft. b. Aug. 20. 1852. 
1162 Charles Nel.son. b. June 16. 1857. 

1163. Edwin Charlton, b. May 9. 1860. 

1164. Irving James, b. April 30, 1863. 

M4. Frnllv M.. dau. of Titus; m. Jan. 8. 1850. Nathan Hox.son. She d. Feb. 
17. 1898 

635. KnthiT. dau. of Titus; m. Marmaduke D. Hoy, of Woodstock. Ill; his 
third wife. 

636. na\ld. .son of Je.s.se; m. Oct. 22, 1801. Mary McKenzy, b. Oct. 12. 1781; 
1859. He d. Feb.. 1861. A tanner, shoemaker and farmer and lived 

N. Y. 

Charles, b. Jan. 28, 1803. 
Philander, b. March 17. 1805. 
Angelina, b. Jan. 2, 1808. 
Fidelia, b. Oct. 14. 1810. 
Marv Jane. b. Oct. 9. 1818. 
Che.sttr. b. May 31, 1821. 
.Sarah Maria, b. July 6. 1825. 
Ornn, b. June 22, 1829. 

631. SftM*-, iMin of Jesse; m. Lucretia Martin, b. May 20, 1791; d. July 31, 
1868. He d. June 6. 1866. He bought government land, settled in Elmhurst, 111. 

1173. Bet-sey, m. Dodge. She d. in California. 

1174. Kachel. b. Jan. 7, 1815; d. April 11, 1893; m. Eldredge. 

1175. .Ann. b Dec. 25, 1816; d. June 11. 1899; m. Reed. 

1176 a. b Nov. 11. 1822; d. Dec. 29, 1852; m. Whitloc k 

1177. ... iM. Benjamin Fuller. 

1178. William, disappeared and never heard from. 
11"' ■■ H., b. Feb. 20. 1829. 

11 uin. 111. Lucy J. lilark. Chil.: Elnora, Albeita, William. 

6SM. si.phiii. »on of Jesse; m. in 1809. Sophia, (lau. of Havid FiilUr, b. 
Apnl 6. 1784; UvchI in Oshtemo. Mich. He was a farmer ami d. Soj)!. 10. 1838. 
llKl r.hi. b. Dec. 21, 1809. 
11 .M.. b. Oct. 28. 1813. 

lloj. unvtr C . b Aug. 19. 1811. 

'I' IMi. t» • r. jamin; m. Jainos Connor. Lived in Hlakeley. Ponn. 

• 1 The children were Annis, Alice, Bushiod, Harriot, 

I). Dec. 26, 1800. and m. Jan. 2, 1822, Jonathan 

.v.-.j in V. *s uiiamson. N. Y. She d. Nov. 21, 1889. }Jr d. April 

643. f.nthe- ttnn ..f r.rntnmln: m. Mehitable Sheldon, who d. 1858. He d. 
IM7 1 

' Died Adrian, Mich. No issue. 


d. ( 

1. T 1 ( 

•t : 










1186. Theron, b. 1813. 

1187. Levi, b. 1814. 

1188. Lucy, m. Emmons Tremaine; d. Adrian, Mich.; 2 children. 

1189. Eliza, m. Jermainc Lathrop; d. Adrian, Mich. 

1190. Mary, m. Joseph Wear. 

1191. William, b. May. 1827. 

1192. Benjamin, one dau., Frances, Hillsdale, Mich. 

1193. Harriet, m. Wm. Jerdan; d. in Chiwasse Co., Mich. 

1194. Philetus, b. and d. in Williamson, N. Y. No issue. 

646. William, son of Benjamin; m. Martha Harding. Lived in East William- 
son, N. Y., where both d. and are buried. No children. 

647. Meliitable, dau. of Benjamin; m. Stephen Vaughn, of E. Williamson, 
N. Y. Descendants still live there. 

648. Zimri, son of Benjamin; m. Vashti Overton, d. April 1, 1857. Lived in 
Williamson, N. Y. and Lima, Ind., where he d. Aug. 7, 1859. 

1195. Loren, b. Feb. 15, 1821. 

1196. James Harmon, b. Sept. 2, 1822. 

1197. Annis, b. Nov. 18, 1824; m. Ezikiel Johnson. 

1198. Emily Lydia, b. May 27, 1829. 

1199. Nancy Cordeha, b. Dec. 29, 1893; m. Silas Boyd. 

1200. Marquis Lafayette, b. May 20, 1840. 

649. Benjamin, son of Benjamin; m. Feb. 24, 1822, Salo Hayden; (2) Feb. 
14, 1850. Mary Skinner; d. Aug. 9, 1854, aged 57. He d. Feb. 9, 1867. William- 
son, N. Y. One son, Marcus Earle, died young. 

1201. Frank Marion, b. Sept. 26, 1854. 

651. Caleb, son of Ebenezer; Circleville, Ohio; m. Diana Lawrence; (2) 
April 3, 1811, Behnda Butler. He d. March 13, 1846. He was born Dec. 25, 1778, 
in North Adams, Mass. He was graduated at Williams College in 1804, studied 
law, and became a successful practitioner. He moved to Ohio in 1811, where 
for some years he was a member of the state legislature and postmaster at 
Circleville. He was also Indian commissioner under Jackson. He published "A 
Tour to Prairie du Chien" (1831); -'Western Antiquities" (1833); "History of 
Ohio" (1838), and an "Essay on Education" (1841). An article on "The 
Writings of Caleb Atwater" is to be found in the Cincinnati "Western Monthly 
Magazine" for 1834. 

1202. Behnda, b. Nov. 12, 1813; m. Wm. Foster. 

1203. Richard D., b. March 16, 1816. 

1204. Dewitt C, b. March 23, 1819. 

1205. Am-elia P., b. April 7, 1823; m. Henry Coontz. 

1206. Lucy Maria, b. Feb. 23, 1829. 

653. Henry C, son of James; m. Sept. 19, 1831, Marianne Kimberly; d. 
April 26, 1834' aged 20; (2) Nov. 26, 1842, Catherine T. Pease. He d. July 7, 1845. 

1207. Anne B., b. Jan. 16, 1843; m. Edward Ingcrsoll. 

1208. Edward B., b. Feb. 26, 1845. 

654. Harriet, dau. of James; m. April 12, 1842, Rev. Dan Curtis Collins. 
He d. at Fort Howard, Wis., Aug. 9, 1883. She d. Oct. 11, 1844. 

655. Julia, dau. of James; m. Aug. 3, 1837, Amos Hitchcock Trowbridge, 
son of Amos and Catherine Atwater. He was b. Feb. 11, 1814; d. June 26, 1881. 

656. Edward M., son of James; removed to Buffalo, N. Y.; m. April 4, 1854, 
Marie G. Smith. He d. in 1897. She d. May, 1917. 

1209. Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1855. 

1210. Julia, b. April 22, 1856; unm. 

1211. James A., b. Dec. 8, 1857. 

1212. Lizzie B., b. Oct. 15, 1861. 

1213. Granger S., b. June 15, 1863. 

1214. Kate B., b. Nov. 2, 1868. 

657. Albert T., son of James; m. Nov. 15, 1845, Susan Bristol. He d. April 
22, 1865. She d. 1906, in Chicago, 111., at 87. They lived in New Haven. 


1-10. - b April 15, 1846. 

1216. .lb May 2. 1847. 

1217. tua Augusla. b. Feb. V. 1849. 
1218 Cai ne T.. b. Feb. 28. 1855. 

65H. FraiH-U J., son of James; removed to Buffalo, N. Y,; m. Harriet 
TwetHlv Evans, b. Nov. 16, 1831 ; d. April 5. 1896. He d. April 6, 1867. 

1219. s Jennie, b. Oct. 27. 1855. 

1220. . T.. b. June 20. 1859. 

659. ^arah. dau. of Charles; m. April 6, 1825, Matthias B,. son of Aaron 

: Philadelphia, b. in 1803, They lived at Quincy, 111., where she d, 

660. CharleH, son of Charles; lived in Ntw Haven; m. Sept. 22. 1836. Mary 
.\! r.Ti;<inu-ry. d. July 5. 1855; t2» Oct. 3. 1856. Kniilie IMontgomery. Both 

•rs of Joseph Montgomery and Harriet Howell. Emilie was b, Feb. 8, 
.-.._ .i Oct. 30. 1885. He d. Dec. 6. 1891. 

1221. Charles, b. Aug. 8. 1839. 

1222. Huwell. b. Sept. 4. 1841. 

1223. Harriet Montgomerv. b. Dec. 25, 1843; d. 1918; m. July 8. 1869, 
H.nry C. Ward. d. 1916. 

1224 Marv. b. Dec. 23. 1845. 

1225 EU-anor Root. b. Aug. 20. 1850. 
l.s.sue bv .second marriage: 

1226 ' William Montgomery, b. Oct. 28. 1858. 

1227. Annie Wilcox, b. Jan. 18. 1861. 

661. KIl/alH'th Badg.T. dau. of Charles; m. Nov. 22, 1836. ><'illiam Slater 
<•' y. h July 22. 1815; d. Jan. 24. 1888 (son of James H. Charnley and 

Slater t. He was a banker and manufacturer at New Haven. Conn. He 
a. ;ii unicago. She d. April 18. 1853. 

66-.'. Henry, .son of Charles; d. Jan. 22, 1862; m. April 6. 1841, Martha 
Slaii-t. dau of James Charnley, and Martha Ann Slater, b. Aug. 3. 1819; 
d Feb. 14. 1883. 1846. located in Derby. Bought one-third interest in firm of 
Abraham and Wni. Hawkins, manufacturers of springs and axles. Later this 
firm Ix'came Atwater and Hawkins. 1846 incorporator of Derby Savings Bank, 
i Birmingham Iron & Steel Works, became president. 1850 served 
itor. 1853 appointed postmaster. 1857, 1858, 1859 served three 
vearK a.s Warden of the Borough of Birmingham in the town of Derby. Coiiii 
Fourth Warden. 

1228. William Charnley. b. April 8. 1842. 

1229. Hi-nrv. b Sept. 14. 1843. 

1230 Martha Charnley. b. March 21. 1847. 
1231. Charles Elnus. b. Jan. 19, 1849. 
1232 Sarah Denman. b. Oct. 10. 1857. 

663. Iau\ Hoot, <lau. <.f Charles; m. June 19, 1839, Thomns, Jr.. son of 

Th"r- rt- K!-' .s aii.l Ly.iia C<»les, of Philadelphia, b. Aug. 23, 1818; d. Nov. 15, 

!aclurer at (Quincy, 111., and Senator and Congressman. She d. 

r.r.X I. imrii, tiau. of RoU-rt; m. Sept. 29, 1.^,'vl Kdwin Stivet, of East 
Hh .1 <)<t i:{. 1K82, in Boonton, N. J. 

Uti.j. (>«<(rt;i- (Kavniiiud), .son of Robert; m. July 2, IMU, Mary Cooke, dau, 
of Wm H Mali- and" Marv Brown (Cooke i. He d, Nov. 6, 1874, 

1233, • i> May 17, 1847. 

»2'" in. h (Jet. 15, 1849. 

b June 13, 18.56. 
„ b. Feb. 15. 18.59. 
1237 Holland, b. Jan. 1, 1863. 

12M. i.,.1 >s^iimn. b. March 12, 1866. 

'■'''' T '■■'■! H. v'll of Robert; m. May 27, 1817. Elizabeth W. 

■ |)t. 23. 1876. No children. 


667. Elizabeth Hunt, dau. of Robert; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 20, 1847, 
John T. Cowing, of Jamestown, N. Y., d. in Jamestown, Dec. 30, 1896. 

668. Robert Henry, son of Robert; b. in New Haven; m. June 20, 1850, 
Jane Weaver. No chilch'en. 

669. Sarah Southniayd, dau. of Robert; b. in New Haven; m. May 14, 1850, 
Joseph Beale Brush, eldest son of Jarvis Brush of Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. in New 
Yoik, April 29, 1895. 


670. Charles Henry, son of Lyman; m. Nov. 13, 1833, Caroline Gorham, b. 
1810; (1. 1840; (2) 1842, Elizabeth Ann Thompson (widow of Andrew Babcock), 
b. Aug. 28, 1805. He d. Feb. 5, 1851. Resided in New Haven. 

1239. Robert Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1834. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1240. Catherine Clarissa, b. April 22, 1843; unm. 

671. Lyman Hotchkiss, son of Lyman; m. Oct. 7, 1835, Susan, eldest child 
of Elihu Sanford and Susan Howell, b. Oct. 17, 1813; d. April 23, 1879. 

1241. Lyman Sanford, b. May 24, 1838; d. unm. March 27, 1889. 

1242. David Judson, b. Feb. 18, 1841. 

1243. Edward Sanford, b. Feb. 8, 1843. 

1244. Addison, b. Nov. 30, 1851. 

672. (Irace Clarissa, dau. of Lyman; m. Nov. 26, 1838, as her second hus- 
band, Elias Bradley, son of Ichabod Bishop, b. Aug. 5, 1795; d. June 18, 1866. 
He lived in New Haven. 

673. Susan, dau. of Lyman; West Springfield, Mass.; m. Jan. 3, 1841, 
Richard Bagg, b. March 20, 1812; d. Oct. 29, 1852. 

674. VVyllys, son of Lyman; m. July 3, 1855, Harriet, dau. of Elihu Sanford 
and Susan Howell, b. Aug. 2, 1828; graduated at Yale in '43, with fourth rank 
in a class of ninety-six members; taught school for four years at Fairfield, 
Conn., Brooklyn, N. Y., and Burlington, Vt., was a cashier of banks at South- 
port and Seymour, 1847-55; of the Tradesmen's Bank in New Haven, 1855-57. 
He d. Nov. 28, 1899. No children. She d. Feb. 3, 1920. 

676. Frances Jane, dau. of Medad; m. Nov. 3, 1836, Ezra Chidsey Rowe, 
b. July 26, 1815; d. Feb. 29, 1856. She d. Dec. 3, 1880. 

677. Mary Louisa, dau. of Medad; m. July 7, 1852, George Pardee Munson, 
of Wallingford, Conn. He was an engineer and steam boiler builder; d. Oct. 29, 
1874. She d. Feb. 26, 1895. 

678. Elizur Punderson, son of Medad; m. Oct. 3, 1849, Julia Augusta, dau. 
of Augustus Hemingway and Julia Blakeslee, b. Dec. 23, 1825; d. Nov. 25, 1899. 
He lived in New Haven and Cheshire, Conn., d. Dec. 9, 1899. 

1245. Juline Louisa, b. April 27, 1852. 
124 6. Hattie Blakeslee, b. May 10, 1860. 

1247. Nellie Adeline, b. Jan. 21, 1863. 

679. (leorge Medad, son of Medad; m. Sept. 9, 1863, Marietta, dau. of Bera 
Case and Sarah Humphrey, b. May 17, 1830. He lived in New Haven, Conn.; 
was a farmer, and d. May 28, 1900. 

680. Marvin, son of Heaton; m. Dec. 30, 1930, Alzina Brink, Greenwich. 
Ohio. He d. Dec. 25, 1889. 

1248. Charles Barnes, b. Sept. 8, 1831. 

682. Charles Townsend, son of Heaton; lived in Providence, Luzerne Co., 
Pa.; m. Oct. 29, 1834, Ehzabeth Snyder, b. April 12, 1812; d. Sept. 23, 1882. 
A merchant, and postmaster at time of his death; d. Oct. 22. 1852. He was a 
man of sterling honesty and respected by all his neighbors, irrespective of 
their class, creed or nationality. 

1249. Ellen Augusta, b. Sept. 22, 1835. 


i;^i<.» a 11 tJ April 13. 1837. 

1251 Y April 22. 1839. 

1252 ^ t> Jan 16. 1841. 

1253. C- :-. b, Feb. 25. 1843. 

1254. Frances Clarissa, b. March 18, 1845. 

1255. ^^ ■■ Marvin, b. July 27. 1848. 

1256. X: inelia, b. Sept. 9. 1852. 

6X8. ( hiirl.s \iiKii<»tus. son of Eldad, m. Margaret Ridder. (2) Vasie L. 
f - - -^1, aged nearly 59. Lawrenceville, Penn. One child, Emily; 

n> .-vi.iiw v...iu.i.«.i . .cil two sons. He d. Feb. 17, 1866. 

681. Anna Townsend. dau. of Eldad: m. Feb. 20, 1845. John Marion Alex- 
ander, b in Hi.iiier. N. Y.. Dec. 6. 1822. She d. April, 1912. He was a lawyer, 
and hved at Mmint Pleasant. Penn. 

Angela Hlaiuhe, b. March 14, 1848; m. Oct. 26. 1872, Capt. Frederick 

Emerson Waldron. Thev live in New York City. No children. 
Lizzie Barney, b. Jiilv 5," 1861: ni. Jan. 2, 1878, George A. Rhotiis. Two 
children, John A., b. Aug. 26, 1880: Clarence A., b. Oct. 17, 1882. Lives 
in Dallas. Texas. 

6HK. Julictt«- KHzab«-th. dau. of Eldad: m. William Wright, son of Dr. Ihial 
Wright. She d. May 9. 1882. Two sons, Hosmer Townsend, and Edward Au- 
gustus, who m. Clio Bass. Their children: 

Marv Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6. 1869; m. Aug. 20. 1896, N. J. Spencer. They live 
in' H..ru-.sdale, Penn. Two sons, Edmund Wright, b. July 20, 1895, and 
Call K.iward, b. June 10, 1897. 
Edith Bull. b. Oct. 1, 1885; m. Sept. 22, 1908. Edson R. Kreitner. They Uve 
in Scranton. Penn. Two sons, Elvert Wright, b. April 5. 1910, and 
Fr.-denck. b. Oct. 10, 1915. 
Anna M.. b. Oct. 27, 1886; m. Dec. 28. 1906, Linn M. Spencer. Live in 
Thompson. Penn. Two chil.. Helen, b. Dec. 25, 1911, and George, b. Oct. 
3. 1914. 
Hosmer Townsend. m. May 4, 1881, Carrie E. Bennedict. One daughter, 
Anna M.. b. Oct. 27, 1886. 

6M9. Kduurd Mortimer, son of Eldad: m. May, 1848, Catherine Stone, dau. 
of I'rial Wii^ht. M 1» , and Jerusha Spencer, b. Mar.. 1837; d. Sept. 15, 1880. 
He d Nov. 17. 19i)5. Thev lived in Pleasant Mt.. Penn. 

1257 Kallu-nnc, b. Nov. 5. 1852. 

1258 Anna. b. Mar. 27. 1860. 

1259 Minnie Evelyn, b. April 22. 1862. 

691. JohIuiu, .son of Ezra; m. Lucy Ann Tucker, b. Dec. 29, 1815; d. Nov., 
IH/,.'. n<- \\M- .( farnier: lived at Big Spring, Ind. He d. March 2, 1857. 
126U. < l.saac. b. Oct. 2. 1844. 

1261. \' B.. b. Oct. 15. 1845. 

1262. George E.. b. Nov. 10. 1851. 

6»4. Iiuittc. 8on of Ezra; m. Aug. 21. 1849. Permelia A., dau. of John San- 
tr ■ f , Bartlftt Smith, b. Oct. 16. 1820. A judge of the Superior 

< h.s. Minn. 

I2^ii ii.ttU-1, b. May 5, 1853; d. Jan. 3. 1890; m. April 2it, isso, .Mien 

C H.id. 
1264. John Blrdsey. b. March 23. 1855. 

7«Mi. Juhn Stone, nun of Ira; m. Nov. 19. 1855. Urania King, b. Nov. 3. 1824; 
d Apnl. Ih- " r,, 1887 Lived in Green. N. Y. 

126a 1 b March 29. 1860. 

70s I II. 111-.. Hon of Ell; m. Sept. 30, 1840, Mary Buckley. He was a Baptist 
I, N Y.. in 1892. 

.„ 20. 1847 

-Ml \\.iM.,„ ..... of Ell; in. Sept. 7. 1842. Ann Kliza iMjwlcr. 1j. .Jan. 25, 

<2) in 1H59. Sarah P. Clark. He lived at Point Douglas, 
"■'■'' T. idiiptcd the dau. of his sister, Betsey At- 

i • .«• May Atwaler, m. Henry C. Wilson. 


1267. Harriet Amanda, b. July 10, 1843; m. May 6, 1891, John Henry. 

705. Erasmus, son of Eli; m. Oct. 13, 1847. Betsea Louesa, b. Sept. 25, 1824. 
He d. Aug. 27, 1872. She d. Mar. 22, 1906. Lived in Throopville, N. Y. 

1268. Jonathan Squire, b. Aug. 10, 1848. 

1269. Lucius L., b. July 3, 1851. 

1270. Henry Erasmus, b. Aug. 29, 1854. 

1271. Allen Eli, ta. Aug. 22, 1857. 

1272. Lydia Blanchard, b. April 26, 1860. 

706. Betsey, dau. of Eli; m. William Palmer. They had one dau., Bessie, 
b. May, 1868. 'she was brought up by her uncle, William Atwater, and was 
called Bessie May Atwater; m. in June, 1893, Henry C. Wilson, a lawyer of 
Superior, Wis. 

Chailes Atwater, b. Aug., 1894. 
Katherine Martha, b. Jan., 1896. 
Helen Elizabeth, b. Mar., 1898. 
Marion Grace, b. June, 1901. 
Lawrence Henry, b. 1904. 
Evelyn Gertrude, b. 1905. 
Margaret Madelyn, b. 1908. 
John Foster, b. 1910. 

707. Thomas Judson, son of Eli; resided at Prescott, Wis.; m. July 4, 1850, 
Delia Van Schaick, b. May 6, 1828; d. Aug. 12, 1898. He was a farmer, also 
town treasurer and chairman county board. He d. April 15, 1892. 

1273. Julius Judson, b. April 6, 1851. 

1274. William Henry, b. July 26, 1858. 

1275. Helen Maria, b. Jan. 16, 1860. 

1276. Fred G., b. April 2, 1868. 

709. Juliet, dau. of Amos; m. July 24, 1836, Grant Goodrich, a lawyer and 
judge of Chicago. 

Hiram A., b. July 9, 1837; m. Theodosia Hamlin. 

710. Isaac Townsend, son of Amos; m. Amanda Jane, dau. of John Fox and 
Elizabeth Nimrick, b. Oct. 11, 1834. A distiller, miller and insurance agent; 
Mayor and alderman. Canton, 111.; Clerk of City and City Court; also Super- 
visor Town of Canton, 111. She d. April 24, 1921. He d. Oct. 12, 1901. 

1278. Amos Townsend, b. Jan. 6, 1854. 

1279. Charles Horace, b. Oct. 11, 1858. 

711. Hollis Jacob, son of Asa G.; m. March 23, 1854, Caroline Eunice, dau. 
of Erastus Skinner and Eunice Wiley. A farmer at Ganges, Mich. He d. April 
7, 1890. 

1280. Edwin Hollis, b. Sept. 9, 1856. 

1281. Charles Henry, b. May 18, 1860. 

718. Charles Fenn, son of Asa Goodyear; m. Sarah Johnson; d. at Indian- 
apolis, Indiana. 

715. Joseph Clayton, son of Joseph; m. Nov. 7, 1860, Lucy Euretta, dau. of 
Hiram Babcock and'Tacy Frink, b. Oct. 31, 1839. He was a teacher, and later a 
druggist in Homer, N. Y. He was 2nd lieutenant and captain of 157th Vols. 
Infantrv during the rebellion. He d. March 19, 1905. 

1282. Fred Clayton, b. Nov. 11, 1866; unm. 

719. Sarah L., dau. of Elijah; m. Oct. 5, 1843, William, .son of Jonathan 
Miller and Mary A. Secor, b. June 5, 1809; d. Sept. 7, 1883. He was a farmer 
at Enfield, N. Y. She died Oct. 6, 1907. 

722. Martha M., dau. of Elijah; m. Oct. 2, 1861, John Van Duyn. He was a 
coal dealer in Trumansburg, N. Y. She d. Fob. 5, 1870. 

726. Addison N., son of David; m. Sarah A. Roberts, b. Nov. 5, 1830; d. 
June 9, 1866; (2) July 24, 1870, Susan F. Taylor. He was born in the town of 
Enfield, N. Y., and when about twenty years old married Sarah A. Roberts, 
after which he moved to Bingham, Penn., where he lived nine years, thence to 



Weill Ik, 

., i Here he enlisted in Civil War, served nine months, and was 
: His wife died soon afterward. He developed a roving spirit and 
After a few years he moved to Kansas, then to South 
Dakota. -umestead and lived there until he died on Jan. 6, 1899. 

1283 \\ lUis D.. b. Oct. 29, 1S50. 

1284. Marv A., b. Dec. 19. 1856; m. Chet. A. Carpenter. 
1285 Belura A., b. Dec. 22, 1859: m. Horace Phelps. Long Beach, Calif. 
<n E.. b. Aug. 14. 1863. 
:.d marriage: 

1287. Euilh A., b. June 24. 1870: m. Edward Mattern. 

1288. Ida Lovena. b. Oct. 27. 1871; m. Ole Mattern. 

1289. Julia A., b. Sept. 25. 1878. 

1290 Charles Manning, b. Dec. 3. 1880. 

12t»l Clara A., b. Jan. 25. 1885; m. Arthur Van Valkenburg. Desmet, S. D. 

7. '7. lr\iu. son of David: m. Jan. 8. 1840. Mary E., dau. of Samuel R. Briggs 
and Emma M. Burghardt. He was a farmer in Franklin, Tonn. 
1292. Eva A., b. Sept. 3. 1865. 

1293 Jennie M.. b. June 1. 1872. 

Tin. Manning, son of David: m. Oct. 8. 1873, O. Louise, dau. of Ephraim S. 
I' th Williams, b. Feb. 28, 1845. He was a merchant and lived in 

T: ^ Y. She d. Jan. 17. 1916. He d. Dec. 28. 1918. 

1294 Mabel Amanda, b. Dec. 28. 1879. 

1295 Herbert David, b. April 4. 1882. 

7*9. Dttxid H.. son of David: m. May 3. 1897, Susie G. Dusling, probably 
his second wife. Thev lived at Ulysses, N. Y. 

1296 Jennie Mav. b. Nov. 10, 1882. 

1297 Bernice FVarl. b. Nov. 28, 1898. 

'ii). Klijuh Sanford. son of David; m. Jan. 26, 1876, Elizabeth, dau. of 
Rot>erl MiKeegan and Phebe Meeks. b. Jan. 24, 1858. Lived at Trumansburg, 
N Y H.- d. Mav 11, 1922. 

1298 Jennie B.. b. Oct. 18, 1876: m. Edward Pearsall. 
1299. Herman David, b. Dec. 16, 1875. 

731. Charlfs .Madison, son of David, m. June 10, 1907, Jennie B. Haverly. 
No children Livi- in Elmira, N. Y. 

7S2. fUluurd E.. son of Elihu: m. Aug. 9. 1844. Rebecca H. Dana. He was 
graduated from Yale in 1836. He d. Dec. 2. 1887. and was buried in New Haven. 
T 'her of our Atwater Genealogy. For article and picture .see His- 

tont ; "n. 

73:<. F.dRar I"., son of Stephen: m. Oct. 29. 1846, Frances, dau. of A. San- 
ford A Ml and manufacturer of Hamden, Conn, and Cleveland, Ohio. 
Ht- d F. -\n. she d. Feb. 20, 1891. 

l.'iiMi Franklin Sanford, b. Oct. 5. 1847. 

1301 Fo.ster Barker, b. Dec. 18. 1849; m. 1872. Hattit' liolrcml). Ur d. 
Jan 7. 1873. 

• ••• • b. Nov. 28. 1858. 

I. b. Dec. 4. 1861. 

7H4 Surah, dau. of Stephen; m. Oct. 17. 1840. Charles, son of Sidney Smith 
II : r b .Nov. 9. 1817; d. June 20. 1900. Thev lived in North Haven, 

i |.l 2. 1902. 

7S.- J.iuil\, dau. of Stephen; m. .May lu, 1848, Jeremiah nanuU. b. Sept. 
2 d .March 6. 1897. She d. Aug. 3. 1898. They lived in New Haven. 

787. III. I !i of James; m. May 2. 1844, Mary Ann Bas.sctt. He always 

I*'-' ' wa>i bcjrn on State street, in New Haven. He was a farmer. 

I! 7. She d. Julv 12. 1897. 

■ ■ b Nov. 1. 1846. 

■ ' I. Ajfiil 23. 18.50. 

Mctl, b. Feb. 6, 1858. 
b. July 5. 1862. 
I ."'■ <•, b. Feb. 1. 1867: unm. 


738. Charles G., son of James; m. June 13, 1849, Betsey, dau. of Jarcd and 
Lucy Atwater. He d. April 4, 1874. She m. (2) Ambrose, son of Ambrose 
Baldwin and Polly Atwater, her first cousin. 

739. AltxTt Ailing-, son of Jared; m. Jime 25, 1843, Mary, dau. of James W. 
and Deborah (Tomlison) Herrick; b. Jan. 1, 1822; d. March 10, 1860; (2) Oct. 
4, 1861, Jane, dau. of Stephen Atwater of New Haven, b. June 7, 1827. A 
farmer of Cleveland, Ohio. Farm contained seventy-five acr2s. wholly within 
the city limits. He was killed in a runaway accident May 26, 1899. She d. 
Nov. 23, 1906. 

1309. Huldah Deborah, b. Jan. 1, 1844. 

1310. Jared James, b. Aug. 12, 1845. 

1311. Sarah Emma, b. Aug. 4, 1847. 

1312. Ezra Ailing, b. Sept. 18, 1852. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1313. Schuyler Edgar, b. Dec. 28. 1867. 

740. Lewis B., son of Jared; m. Amanda S. Burham; lived in New Haven. 
He d. Oct. 15. 1853. She d. Nov. 13, 1894. 

743. Nathan S., son of Jared. 

1314. Andrew Lewis, b. April 8, 1853. 

1315. Arthur Edison, b. April 3, 1858. 

744. David l\, son of Jared; m. Mary Edgell; d. Dec, 1888; (2) Jan. 30, 
1890, Sarah Bunce. Lived at Hopkins and Lowell, Mich. He d. March 14, 1916. 

745. Lyman A., son of Jared; m. Jan. 11, 1863, Olive M. Round. He was a 
farmer at Hopkins, Mich., and d. March 14, 1915. 

1316. Olin Jared, b. April 10, 1866. 

1317. Ida Delia, b. Sept. 9, 1867. 

1318. Fred Round, b. Oct. 10, 1870; m. June 10, 1894, Jennie Brown. He d. 
Nov. 16, 1917. 

746. Henry Joel, son of William; m. Aug. 18, 1857, Ann Eliza, dau. of 
Anson Barnes" and Sarah Jane Sharpe, b. June 2, 1834; d. Nov. 14, 1912. He d. 
Sept. 1, 1881. They lived in New Haven. 

1319. May Olivia, b. May 12, 1861. 

1320. Lilla Barnes, b. Jan. 26, 1865. 

1321. Charlotte Ford, b. July 28, 1868. 

747. William Jared, son of William; m. 1858, Olivia, dau. of Iia Atwater, 
d. Oct. 20, 1859; (2) Mar. 29, 1862, Harriet M. Barnes, b. Feb. 6, 1839; d. June 
9, 1919. He was a wholesale paper merchant of New Haven. 

1322. Edward Irving, b. April 27, 1864. 

1323. Eliza Barnes, b. Aug. 8, 1867. 

749. John Maxwell, son of David; m. Feb. 21, 1861, Anna Mead, b. June 9. 
1841; d. Dec. 18, 1893; (2) Feb. 27, 1896, Adaline Palmer Byrd. He lived in 
Tampa, Fla. Ha d. March 9, 1919. 

1324. Lucius Bradley, b. June 4, 1868; m. Lydia Thompson; one dau., 
Dorothy; m. W. King Coleman. 

1325. Florence Ames, b. April 4, 1871. 

750. Emma Elizabeth, dau. of David; m. Feb. 21, 1867, Augustus J. Ricks, 
son of Charles F. and Regina Margaret Ricks. They lived in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Mary H., b. March 10, 1871; m. May 29, 1905, Ralph Stowell Rounds; two 
chil.: Ralph Stowell, Jr., b. June 9, 1906; Emma Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1908. 

751. Harry Elihu, son of David; m. Oct. 17, 1867, Catherine Maria, dau. of 
Lucius Bradley and Sarah Ann Van Tine. He was a merchant of New York City. 

752. David, son of Joshua; m. Nov. 8, 1858, Helen M., dau. of William 
Knapp, b. May 10, 1833. He was a merchant at Massilon. Ohio. He d. Aug. 16, 
1908. She d. July 9. 1915. 

1326. George S., b. Aug. 23, 1859. 

1327. Will K., b. April 13, 1861. 

1328. Charles M., b. Oct. 27, 1864. 


753. KlitM Ann, dau. of Joshua: m. May 17, 1855. Jacob L. Bachtel, who d. 
Aug 24. lS7i« Thev hved in Massilon. Ohio. 
Edward H.. b. Slarch 31, 1857. 

756. Junuthun \\'.. .>on ot Thomas: m. June 10, 1830, Harriet Hull, b. Aug. 
22. lS<K.i. d. June IM, 1S37; i2i Feb. 21, 1839, Delila Anne Brownell, b. Sept. 6, 
1814. Thev Ined at Waterford and Washington. Penn. 

1329 " £ara Anne Cimantha, b. March 29, 1831: m. Barr. 

1330 Thomas Josjah. b. Oct. 29, 1832. 

1331 Eiiuly H Matilda, b. Feb. 17, 1837; d. March 3, 1859: m. Phoenix. 
I>> If bv second marriage; 

J ' Marsha Renew, b. 1840. 
i..,.o Burnett Brownell. b. Sept. 29, 1850. 

1334. Viola Antoinette, b. Feb. 18, 1857; m. Calhoun. 

1335. Edith Eliza, b. Aug. 17. 1844. 

758. Aoaph. son of Thomas; b. May 20. 1807, was brought up in Rockdail. 
Crawford Counlv, Pa. He married at McKeesport, Pa.. Ann Sill, who was b. in 
1M4 am! d in 1864. He d. in 1856. They aie both buried in Versailles cemetery 

• Pa. Had 5 chil. The Atwaters were among the very first 
>. . iveesport and the family is still represented there. From a book 

entitled •'First One Hundred Years ofMcKeesport, 1794-1894, " I have gathered 
t' • ' aph Atwater was the third schoolmaster in the town where the earliest 
. le record of school teaching shows that the profession was engaged in 

long before a school house had been erected, Asaph Atwater 
lent to the year 1831. 
;••) William, b. 1835. 
iJo7. Martha E., b. 1839. 

1338. Thomas, b. Jan. 2. 1846. 

1339. Adelaide, b. March 8, 1837. 

1340. Irene b. Nov. 15, 1836. 

759. l.ucinda, dau. of Enos; m. James McCarioll, at Emily, Victoria, On- 
tario. Canada. He d. in 1857, and she d. in 1846. Their chil. were Eliza. Rebecca, 

•n Martha, Mary. Harriet, Lucinda, John, James, and William. The 
. his mother's name and call.-^ himself William L. Atwater. He 

waji a carjH'nter and lived in San Francisco. He m. April 19, 1875, Cornelia 
Jan«*. dau. of John G. P'letcher; d. in 1895. He d. in 1914. Their children are: 
Edna L.. b. Aug. 28, 1876; m. John Mahoney. She d. in 1908. 
' h. Dec. 15. 1878; m. and divorced. 

us G.. b. March 6. 1882; m. and no children. 

7UU. .Susiiii. dau. of Enos; m. March 26, 1840. Solomon Barnabas Williams. 
b. May 5. 1798; d. July 9. 1873. She d. Dec. 25, 1889. Lived in Sheffield. Ohio. 

"«'?. I l\sH«-ti. son of Enos; m. Jan. 5. 1840. Elizabeth Nichols; d. Oct. 24. 
. . Mai.h 28. 1877, Exumie Coville; d. March 8, 1885; (3) Nov. 19, 1885, 
\ I'.wey; d. April 18, 1898; (4) June 20. 1898, Marv Policy. He d. 
'•. He lived at Ashtabula, Ohio, 
ijii '.r. b. Julv 15. 1842. 

1342. . 1 ;ii/.abelh', b. May 11, 1844; m. Thos. Fay. 

1343. My tun Lewis, b. Dec. 8. 184 7. 
ir-.tl Mil. V l.ucina, b. July 4. 1850. 

HoKea. b. Dec. 8. 1857. 

76.1. .Mymn, Hon of Enos; m. Adelia Dyer; (2) 1875, Mrs, Susan Campbell, 
wh<i d »n I d. at W.matah, Laporte County, Ind., March 6. 1897. 

m*". no G.. b. Sept. 29. 1845. 

:.. b. Jan. 14. iv i : 
' ■ '■ ■''. IS.'.u 

b. April 22. 1853. 
l.;oO. Jan. 15, 1856. 

is.M !i 1.".. \y(Y^. 

'' ' (M . ,,i i.,!,,,., ,11. I8:i8, Norman B. Cro.ss. They lived 

■I " June 20. 1820. and d. in 1878. She d. in 1878, 


766. Emily Amelia, dau. of Enos; m. July 7, 1845, Archibald Reed Harper, 
b. Jan., 1815; *d. Jan. 2, 1894. She d. Oct. 11, 1894. 

767. Samuel, son of Enos; m. 1855, Mary J. Magill. A farmer at White- 
water, Wis. She was b. Oct. 30, 1840; d. Oct. 14, 1900. He d. May 25, 1902. 

1352. Eva Belle, b. May 31, 1862. 

1353. Archibald Jerome, b. July 5, 1864. 

769. Orrin, son of Arnold; m. July 6, 1835, Mary R., dau. of James Brooks. 
He lived at "Atwater's Mills," Southington, Conn., and d. Sept. 20, 1879. She 
d. March 28, 1904, aged 93 years. 

1354. James A., b. Nov. 15, 1842. 

1355. Orville A., b. Oct. 11, 1844. 

1356. Thomas B., b. March 7, 1846. 

1357. Walter C, b. April 4, 1849. 

770. John A., son of Arnold; m. Feb. 3, 1834, Cornelia, dau. of Anson and 
Lydia (Montague) Matthews. He lived at South End, just below the cemetery 
in Southington. He d. Jan. 10, 1899. She d. Dec. 14, 1874. 

1358. Charles N., b. Feb. 3, 1835. 

1359. William M., b. Nov. 9, 1836. 

1360. Heman R., b. Sept. 12, 1846. 

1361. John F., b. July 30, 1848. 

772. Clarissa, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 28, 1837, Rev. O. B. Butterfield, 
of Southbury, Conn. He d. Nov. 14, 1849, aged 45. She d. Jan. 16, 1871. 

773. William, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 15, 1842, Catherine Ault, b. May 
28, 1823. A druggist in New Haven; d. Sept. 10, 1877. She d. April 15. 1905. 

1362. Caroline Augusta, b. March 17, 1851; m. Frank M. Ward. 

774. John Phelps, son of Jeremiah; d. May 23, 1897; m. July 27, 1845, Lucy 
Jane Phelps (dau. of Charles and Eliza Houghton of West Townsend, Vt. ), b. 
Jan. 14, 1828; d. Aug. 26, 1897. He was a physician; lived in Cincinnati, O., 
New Haven, Conn., and Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he died, his will is pro- 
bated, and they are both buried. Four children died young. 

1363. Edward Storrs, b. April 10, 1853. 

1364. Lucy Jane, b. Aug. 10, 1865; unm. 

775. George Merwin, son of Charles; m. Oct. 31, 1841, to Minerva Merwin 
(dau. of Noble H. Merwin and Minerva Buckingham); d. June, 1843; (2) Oct. 
31, 1850, Harriet (dau. of Jacob Brodhead and Eliza Bleeker), b. Aug. 8, 1826. 
He was a merchant; lived in Springfield, Mass. He d. Jan. 14, 1902. She d. 
Jan. 15, 1900. 

1365. Harriet Brodhead, b. Nov. 8, 1853. 

1366. Mabel Bleeker, b. Nov. 28, 1857. 

776. David Fisher, son of Charles; m. in Sharon, Conn., Sept. 14, 1848, 
Sarah A. Sears (dau. of Dr. John and Almira Gould, of Sharon), b. June 5, 
1828; d. Feb. 13, 1910. He graduated from Yale College in 1839, and received 
the degree of M.D. from the same institution in 1842. He has practiced in 
Brooklyn, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio, Bridgeport. Conn., and Springfield, Mass. 
He d. May 2, 1916. 

1367. Mary Merwin, b. Jan. 25, 1852; unm. 

1368. Charles Brewster, b. July 4, 1857. 

777. James Chaplin, son of Charles; m. Oct. 16, 1845, to Christine S., dau. 
of Harvey Spencer, b. March 11, 1824; d. March 1. 1894. He d. Nov. 12, 1911. 
He was a merchant and lived in New York. No children. 

778. John, son of John; m. Mary, dau. of Jeremiah and Phoebe Rogers. 
Lived in Junius, N. Y. and Castalia, Ohio. He d. about 1876. She d. 1836. Both 
buried in Marquette, Ohio. He was a farmer. 

1369. John Henry, b. Nov. 18, 1825. 

1370. Miles. 

1371. Mary Jane. 

1372. Jeremiah. 


779. ThumuH. son ui John; graduated at Hobart College, Geneva. N. Y. He 
bevajv.e a lawyer and went West. He was with his untie Joshua at St. Louis, 
,V • time and settled afterwards at Hennepin, Putnam County, 111. He 

j>i... .... . .a.v m the same courts with Abraham Lincoln, the great liberator. 

He was a judge of the county court. He d. about 1845. 

^M. l)a\id C. son of John: m. April 4, 1833, Mary, dau. of Capt. Thomas 
r Ohve Benton, b. Aug. 14. 1812; d. Dec. 18, 1893. He d. Oct. 6, 1854. 

Ji ' and joiner at Warren. Ohio, and a town clerk of Bazetta, Ohio. 

1373. Martha Ann. b. April 8, 1834: d. March 1, 1855: m. Feb. 26, 1854, 
Norman P. Brown. 

1374. Silvanus B.. b. March 20, 1835. 

1375. Olive Moriah, b. Sept. 21, 1840. 
1376 Ethan, b. Feb. 23. 1844. 

7«l. Martha, dau. of John: m. Aug. 25. 1831. Ellis Pierce. He d. May 29, 
1874. She d. July 29, 1869. They lived in Southington. Ohio. 

785. Jtiliu Ann. dau. of Joshua: m. May 5, 1835, Edward Mitchell West. 
They hved m Edwardsville. 111. He d. Oct. 31. 1887. She d. March 3, 1877. 

787. Wlllluni Henry, son of George: m. Oct. 16, 1867, Hannah E. Carpenter, 
of Bristol. Cnn They* lived in New York. He d. May 19, 1914. 

1377. Augustus Wood. b. Aug. 27. 1868. 

1378 GtM.r-ia. b. Feb. 12, 1872. 

788. John t linton. son of George: m. June, 1883, Mrs. Helene Lowden. He 
d. Aug. 13, 1898. 

7H9. Kdward West, son of George: m. June 28. 1881, Grace, dau. of Jona- 
than and Marnlla Fowler, of Westfield, Mass. Brooklyn. He d. March 6, 1926. 

1379 Kuth A., b. June 10, 1886. 

7!Ht. < arlus. .son of Lucius: m. Hannah Larkin. Bristol, Conn. He d. Dec. 
11. 1875. She d. Dec. 31, 1871, aged 72 years. They had fourteen children, two 
pairs of twins, the survivors being as follows: 

1380. Marv, b. 1810: m. Orrin Treat: d. Aug. 25, 1878, aged 60. She d. 

June 24. 1893. 
1381 Mary Angehne. b. Dec. 19, 1819. 

1382. Harriet, b. 1820: d. Nov. 14. 1905: m. Jesse Farnsworth. 
13h:} Lucius E.. b. March. 1835. 
i:;m Lucian E.. b. March. 1835. 

79L LiiciuH. son of Lucius: m. Oct. 11. 1820. Angeline Norton, b. Nov. 10, 
1804; d. Feb 6, 1889. He was a farmer, of Berlin. Conn.: d. Dec. 2. 1878. 

1385 .Sophronia. b. March, 1821: d. March 26, 1848: m. Hiram Welch. 

1386 Brvan, b. June 7. 1826. 

1387. Lucuis. b. July 3. 1832. 

1388. Ang.hne N., b. April 14, 1841. 

79'i. Khuda. dau. of Lucius: m. Feb. 28, 1826, Allen Bunnell, laniage 

builder of Bnxlol. Conn. Hhoda d. Nov. 16, 1879. ( 1 i Caioline, iii. Fianklin 

Steele they had five chiltiren. (2l Charles Kollin, b. F^eb. 27, 1829; m. Annis 

Ii«jwen, b. May 21. 1829. d. July 7. 1908. He d. Feb. 25. 1918. (Dau.) Lillian. 

( -■■ . - i8r>4; m. Lester I^wis Lowrey. b. Feb. 25. 1851, d. PY'b. 22, 1911. 

n I>o\vrey. b. Mar. 24, 1889: m. Charles Porter Bacon, b. Sept. 27, 

iHT 29 1945 (Ch'ni Lillian. 1). Nov. 1, 1911; m. Cliff, of New 

i '"'inn William Kilgar. b. Mav 6, 1914. Pearl P^unice, b. Feb. 7. 1916. 

1 •harles, b. Oct. 11. 1918. Lewis Franklin, b. Dec. 6. 1922. Ernest 

I ■• b Dec. 5. 1925. Sterling Bunnell* . b. Sept. 12. 1841; m. June 28, 

Multby. d. Jan. 2. 1916. He d. May 19. 1931. Four children 

•al.-r. b. .Sept. 16. 1876; m. ( I ) C. H. Dunn, d. Sejil. 19. 1932. 

y. b Mar. 19. 1867 m Gla.sgow. Scotland. 

7»3. >lar\, dau. of Lucius; m. March 22, 1826. Sheldon Wooster Twitchell, 
of Oxford. Conn. He d. In Bristol. Conn.. Jan. 8. 1878. She d. Feb. 18, 1888. 

■''t rmlly, dau of LucIuh: m. Thomas Coe Hart. She d. Sept. 2;'>. 1837, 
Th«-v bad two children, one of whom was Watson Hart. 


795. Julia, dau. of Lucius; m. Aug'. 21, 1844, John Crandall. of Durham, a 
farmer, ta. Feb. 1, 1815; d. April 30, 1889. She d. March 28, 1900. 

796. William, son of Lucius; m. Dec. 25, 1840, Ehzabeth Ringhouse, b. Feb. 
20, 1824; d. Sept. 13, 1916. He d. Feb. 11, 1869. They lived in Havana. 111. They 
had twelve children, those growing up being: 

1389. Lewis, b. Jan. 30, 1846; d. Nov. 20, 1917. 

1390. Edwin Wm., b. Jan. 24, 1842. 

1391. Catherine, b. April 5, 1848. 

1392. Julia, b. Sept. 30, 1850. 

1393. John Peter, b. Dec. 18, 1853. 

1394. Sheldon, b. Jan. 16, 1856. 

1395. Emma Louisa, b. Oct. 5, 1859. 

798. Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb; m. Calvin Goddard. He was a pro- 
moter of several large enterprises and an accountant. He d. April 5, 1892. She 
d. June 8, 1928. 

800. EdjEfar, son of Caleb; m. Elizabeth Barry, his cousin. He resided in St. 
Paul, Minn., and Denver, Col.; was in the Commission business; d. Nov., 1920. 

1396. Huntington Choate, b. Aug. 4, 1885. 

1397. Garret Barry, b. May, 1891. 

801. Henry Day, son of Joshua; m. Oct. 10, 1866, Mary Louisa, dau. of 
Thomas Steele and' Mary Ritter. His occupation was comptroller of Savings 
banks in New York state. He lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., and d. Nov. 21, 1913. 
She d. July 6, 1923. 

1398. Henry Day, Jr., b. March 31, 1875. 

1399. Louise Sedgwick, b. Nov. 19, 1876. 

802. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua; m. Jan. 18, 1855, James Reed Spauld- 
ing-, of Catskill, N. Y. She d. June 10, 1898, leaving one dau., Mary Atwater. 


804. Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. Dec. 23, 1866, Reuben 
W., son of Nathaniel Chadbourn and Ruth Hill. They reside in Columbia, Wis. 

805. Thomas Cooke, son of Thomas Cooke; m. Nov. 6, 1866, Clara, dau. of 
George Parkin and Ann Broughall. He was a conductor and lived in Cleveland, 
Ohio. He served in Battery "D" (Konkle's Battery), First Ohio Volimteer 
Artillery, from Sept. 18, 1861, to Oct. 18, 1863. He d. May 24, 1913. 

1400. Anne, b. Jan. 6, 1868; m. Edward S. Worthington. 

1401. George Parkin, b. Sept. 8, 1874. 

1402. Harriet, b. Aug. 22, 1876. 

807. Harnet H., dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. July 19, 1870, Cassius M. 

808. Sarah Kirtland, dau. of Edgar; m. in 1868, Frederick Royal Manning, 
son of Royal and Sally Rose. He d. March 2, 1898, aged 71 years. He was a 
partner in the firm of J. S. Ward & Co., who had storehouses near Hamilton 
Ferry, Brooklyn, N. Y. He was connected with this firm for thirty years. She 
d. in 1921. 

812. Elizabeth Helfenstein, dau. of WiUiam; m. Lucius C. Ashley, a lawyer 
of Providence, R. I., and New York. He d. Feb. 27, 1842. No children. 

813. Laura Adelia, dau. of William; m. June 1, 1886, Walter Blunden Kirk- 
man, son of Rev. Thomas R. Kirkman and Eliza Anne Wright, b. Oct. 18, 1851; 
d. Dec. 25, 1899. 

814. Wm. Edward, son of Wm. Jesse; m. Jan. 20, 1885, Martha Lavernia 
Wilkes. Lived in Chattahoochee, Fla. He d. July 17, 1917. Hist, data, p. 127, 
Vol. 4. 

1403. Charles Jefferson, b. Nov. 30, 1885. 

1404. Eugenia Gertrude, b. April 16, 1887; m. Oct. 1, 1919, Oliver Evans 
McKeon. He d. April 28, 1944. 

1405. William DeWitt, b. May 30, 1889. 

1406. George Malcolm, b. Nov. 12, 1891; m. July 6, 1915, Etta Louise 
Nixen. He was a farmer; d. Nov. 14, 1938. 


1407. Margaret Mae. b. Dec. 14. 1894: m. Arthur J. Skinner; d. Feb. 10. 

1408. Elton Lunsford. b. Jan. 6. 1896. 

1409. Ressie Lucille, b. June 28. 1898: school teacher. 

815. C'harlfs Kobert, son of \Vm. Jesse; m. Nov. 15, 1892, Lillian Vera 
Opr\'. Both dead. 

'l410. ■ lola. b. Dec. 1. 1897; m. Nov. 27, 1917, Fitz Hugh Lee Douglas. 

1411. ne Oprv. b. Sept. 25. 1900. 

1412. Dora Elsie, b." Feb. 7, 1903. 

1413. Clarice Marguerite, b. Feb. 22. 1906. 

816. Frank Barton, son of Wm. Jesse; m. Feb. 21. 1891. Margaret S. Rives. 
He d. April 21. 1933. 

1414. Jessie Catherim-, b. Dec. 9. 1894; m. Feb. 5, 1914. Earle Moon. One 
child. Bobbie Earle. b. Nov. 28. 1916. 

1415. Frank B.. Jr., b. Oct. 24. 1896. 

1416. W. C. Rives, b. June 5. 1900. 

1417. George Switzer. b. Dec. 13. 1902. 

1418. Ralph Eilward, b. July 8. 1905; d. Sept., 1952. 

1419. Margaret Elizabeth, b. March 30, 1913; m. William Henry Butts, b. 
Sept. 5. 1915. 

M18. Henry Kiissell Attwater, son of Henry S.; m. Mary A. Coan. They took 
■ nee in Cedar \'ale. Kan. Their home was destroyed by fire soon 
.■■ : Attwater's father was ill in bed with double pneumonia, and 

was carried to a neighbor's house, but expired in a few hours. Of his mother 
he .says she was fairly educated, could paint and draw, was a good piano 
player and her writing was like copper-plate. Mr. Attwater visited his uncle, 
1 ' Norfolk, N. Y., when seven years old. He remembers often asking 

ither to see the scar in his breast when he was laid low by a British 
bullet when New Haven was attacked. He had been an educator since sixteen 
years old. and had been superintendent of public instruction in his county. He d. 
March 25. 1919. She d. Jan. 11. 1921. Both buried at Cedar Vale, Kansas. 

1420. H. Clarkson. b. March 15, 1875. 

H'ii. laiman, .son of Luman; m. Mary Jane Murphy. Guy.sboro, Nova Scotia. 
One .son, John, ni. Ida Randall, d. in 1893; (2) Harriet Strople. One dau., b. 
1893; m. James Johnson. No children. They lived at Bayfield, N. S. 

824. Kuf(i> William, .son of Luman; m. Priscilla Leighton. b. Dec. 20, 1818. 
They lived in Stc-uben, Maine. 

1421. Caroline P., b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. John Dunbar. 

1422. Mary Jane. b. Julv 12. 1816. 

1423. David G.. b. March 14. 1847. 

1424. Albert J., b. Feb. 15. 1849. 

1425. A.senath, b. Dec. 19. 1851; m. Wright. 

1426. Lydia. b. Feb. 22. 1854; m. William Hopkins. 

1427. Laura, b. Jan. 11. 1856; m. Walter Jones. 

1428. Charles P'remont, b. Jan. 27. 1858. 

1429. Anna Bell. b. May 5. 1860; m. Joseph Stanley. 

H'i't. .Iiihn Klisha. .son of Adolphus; m. Sarah Amelia Strople. He lived in 
Gu-. a Stotia. He d. Nov. 4, 1876. She d. April, 1882. 

■■ Mier Annabella. b. Aug. 18. 1848. 
I4ai. Henry Wellesley, b. July 3. 1851. 

M'»6. ItufuH Wllllaii). .son of Adolphus; m. Grace Lavinia . Lived in 

Ha- otia 

William, b. Feb. 17. 1846. 

827. .JiiM|ili .VdulpliiiH. .son of Adolphus; m. 1850. Sabrina Elizabeth Taylor. 
They lived near Hnvfi.ld. Nova Scotia. He d. Mav 8, 1894. She d. Feb. 3, 1910. 
14- • *• ry E . b. May 31. 1851; m. Feb. 3, 1886, John Myers. 
H dn A , b. Dec, 17. 1852; m. 1895. Donald McLean. 

H ■ F:,. b, Jan, 10. 18.')6: m. David Hood. 

11 E b. Jan. 19. 1860; m. David Sutties. 


1437. Sarah A., b. Jan. 6, 1861; m. Alex Pepper. 

1438. Henrv M., b. March 6, 1864. 

1439. Joseph G., b. July 31, 1868. 

1440. William R., b. Sept. 3, 1870; m. Oct. 14, 1891, Margaret Kenney. 

828. Stephen, son of Adolphus; m. Christena Frazer; (2) Esther, dau. of 
Thomas and Armenia Rice. They lived in Bayfield. N. S. He d. Oct. 22, 1890, 
aged 69 years. She d. June 22, 1912, aged 71 years. 

1441. Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1852; m. Jan. 11. 1876, D. H. Matheson. Three 
surviving- children, all married. 

Issue by second marriage: 

1442. Ella Christena, b. Jan. 14, 1866; m. Sept. 18. 1899, Kenneth John 
McKay, of Baddeck, N. S. Two children, Floyd Atwater, b. June 18, 
1894; Evelyn Esther, b. Mar. 1, 1905, d. Oct. 21, 1937. Floyd, m. 
Azilda Gray Young, Sept. 21, 1933, dau. of Zumenia Boucher and 
Thomas Young, of Mansfield, Wis. 

1443. Herbert George Chipman, b. Sept. 12, 1869. 

1444. Lewis Edwin, b. Feb. 22, 1869. 

1445. James Thomas Rice, b. Feb. 9, 1871; lives in Johannesburg, South 

1446. Emerson William, b. Jan. 2, 1874; d. July 7, 1886. 

1447. George Wilson, b. May 20, 1876 d. Oct. 8, 1878. 

1448. Harold Edgar, b. Jan. 16, 1881; m. Aug. 21, 1911, Jessie Sherman. 
Lives in Ottawa, Canada. 

1449. Aubrey W., b. Aug. 26, 1883. 

829. Thomas Henry, son of Adolphus; m. Aug. 1, 1860, Ann Milligan. d. 
1874; (2) Oct. 11, 1877, Margaret Kirby. By his first wife, who was from 
Liverpool, England, (where they were married) these children: 

1450. Margaret, b. Nov. 10," 1861. 

1451. Alexander, b. Oct. 1, 1867. 

830. Cieorge Adolphus. son of Adolphus; m. Mary McClarnan. Lived in 
Bayfield, Nova Scotia. He d. May 31, 1917. 

1452. Thomas, b. , m. Ann Guinan. Lives in New York. 

1453. Sarah, b. July 26, 1873. 

1454. Esther Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13, 1877; d. ; m. Wm. Dawson; (2) 

Wm. Shannon. 

831. James Randall, son of William; m. May 9, 1844, Mary J., dau. of 
Capt. Robt. Boles and Rebecca Ryel, b. June 7, 1824; Manchester, Guysboro 
County, Nova Scotia. He was postmaster for forty years. She d. Jan. 4. 1916. 
He d. Dec. 28, 1907. She was 92 years and he 90 years at time of death. 

1455. Elisha Randal), b. Nov. 24, 1846. 

1456. Charles James, b. Dec. 6, 1848. 

1457. Samuel Joshua, b. Oct. 1. 1851. 

1458. John Coggswell, b. Oct. 14, 1854. 

1459. Rebecca Boles, b. Dec. 22, 1858; m. Albin Macphie. 

1460. Frederick Porter, b. July 22, 1860. 

1461. Manson Bigelow, b. July 20, 1863. 

832. William Collins, son of William, m. Mar. 30. 1845, Susan A. Daniels; 
d. May 3, 1846; (2) June 3, 1848, Mary J. Grant, b. June 30, 1830; d. Sept. 15, 
1902. They lived in Sangerville, Me. 

1462. George W., b. 1846, living somewhere in Australia. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1463. Mary Susan, b. Mar. 22. 1849. 

1464. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 28. 1850. 

1465. Walter Grant, b. Oct. 19, 1853. 

1466. Catherine Josephine, b. Nov. 13. 1864. 

1467. Joseph Edgar, b. Feb. 12, 1871. 

1468. Lillian Lucinda, b. May 15, 1873. 

833. Joseph Babson. son of William, lives at Elks Falls, Elks County, 
Kansas; m. Jan. 19, 1872, Martha Green, dau. of Robert Bradford and Elizabeth 
Waddell, b. Oct. 1, 1840. 

1469. Con D., b. Dec. 15, 1874. 


1470. Baxter L.. b. Nov. 1, 1880. 

1471. Kalie F.. b. Sept. 18, 1883. 

1472. Coituna. b. Jan. 1, 1886; m. Fred A. Kassin; one dan.. Constant 
Buel, b. 1910. Lives in Genoa. Kansas. 

1473. Ethel R.. b. Sept. 28. 1891. 

M34. Constant lx»val Tuttle. son of William; lived in Newburyport, Mass.; 
2 1850, Sarah Ellen Barllett. b. April 4, 1834; d. June 27, 1859; (2) 
t.., .J. 1864. Ellen M. French Langley. d. Dec. 4, 1906. 

1474. Henry William, b. Dec. 17. 1851. 
Issue bv second marriage: 

1475. Bertha Josephine, b. Jan. 28, 1865; m. Howard Sherburne. 

1476. Lilv Clannda. b. Feb. 26. 1868. 
1477 Bradford Clark, b. Jan. 23, 1872. 

«3a. .Marv Ann. dau. of William; m. Sept. 8, 1858, Joseph Hall. Minneapolis, 
Mmn. She d.'Sept. 7, 1908. He was b. June 2. 1834; d. June 25, 1883. 
Joseph Edgar, b. Feb. 4, 1860. 
Alice Helen, b. July 5, 1862. 

«36. James William, son of Alvarus; m. May Padwau. He was a carpenter 
in Ogdensburg. N. Y.. and d. April 2, 1866. 

1478. John J. 

1479. Belle. 

837. Uilliam K.. son of Alvarus; m. Mary Gritney. They lived near Boyls- 
ton, N. S. He d. Mav 8. 1891. 

1480. John Joseph, b. Feb. 8, 1853. 

1481. Esther Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1854; m. Charles Abbott. 

1482. Alvarus Ward, b. March 15. 1860. 

1483. Abigail C, b. March 27. 1859; m. George Meyers. 

1484. William, b. March 2. 1861; m. Eliza Graham. Lived in Lynn. Mass. 

1485. Edward Steel, b. June 12, 1863; m. Minnie Sawer. 

1486. Hattie. b. 1868; m. A. V. Walker. 

1487. Margaret, b. 1867; m. Angus Ringer. 

1488. Charles, b. 1873; m. 1912. Lizzie Barton; no children. 

1489. Everitt. b. 1875; m. Jennie Hayden; no children. 

838. ("hiirles .\lverus, .son of Alvarus; m. Feb. 4, 1868. Almira Enini;iline 
Torrev. of IntervaK-. X. S. He d. Dec. 30. 1900. 

1490. Joseph Alverus, b. Jan. 15, 1869. 

1491. John Harvey, b. Oct. 21. 1870. 

1492. Charles Alonzo, b. May 27, 1872. 

1493. Emma Amelia, b. Aug. 14. 1876. 

1494. Margaret Abigail, b. Aug. 22, 1878. 

1495. James Henrv, b. April 6, 1883. 

1496. Man.son Bigelow. b. Nov. 14. 1884. 

1497. Sarah Almira. b. Aug. 30, 1889. 

H4(». Willluin .\.. son of Denni.son; m. Dec. 25, 1873. Emma Davidson: d. 
Nov. 27, 1903; (2i 1905, Catherine B. Cameron. On Salem police force for 
Iwenly-.s. ven years. He d. Jan.. 1923. 

H4L l.iiimu. dau. of Ward; m. Edward Skcllon. She d. Fcl). 7. liU)?. 
William Ward. 

84t. 8ur;ih .l;in.-. dau. of Ward; m. Duncan Kennedy. She d. Feb.. 1908. 
Their chlldr. n Llnora. Ward. Charlotte. Ella, Ida and Ina. 

IMS. C'hurlott«* A., dau. ol Ward; m. Henry Cole and had our .son, Uwight 
H. She m. i2i Daniel Kennedy, and had Frank, Clarence and Mildred. She 
d. 1^' •■ 

ri\ W illKuii l^.. .son i){ Ward; m. Calista Post. Lived m LaCrosse County, 
W|». He d. April 8, 1917. She d. April 10, 1918. 

1498 Elmer K., b. Nov.. 18.58. 

1499 Jamt'M T.. b. May T), 1861. 

• I F. b. Oct. 8. 1865. 
.M . b June 3, 18S0; m. Harry M. Jewett. 


845. Joseph E., son of Ward; m. Mar. 18, 1860, Henrietta Se^er. He was 
graduated from Appleton College, Wis. He was in the Civil War, joining Co. K. 
First Wisconsin Cavalry and was assigned a captaincy. He practiced law in 
Wisconsin and Oregon, in which state he settled in The Dalles, where he died, 
June 28, 1891. She d. Jan. 23, 1910. 

1502. Maude, b. July 20, 1861. 

1503. Mae, b. March 27, 1864. 

847. Harriet, dau. of Ward; m. Henry Robison. She d. in 1908. Their chil.: 
Leroy, Will, Fay, George, Mary, Tom, Archie, Raleigh, Bertha anti Ruby. 

849. David M., son of Richard; m. April 23, 1868, Lizzie A., dau. of George 
Field and Mary G. Leete, b. Feb. 5, 1844. He was employed in the New Haven 
Custom House. 

850. >Iary Elizabeth, dau. of Luman; m. Sept. 5, 1861, James H. Smith. 
One child, Harry Atwater, b. July 31, 1865; d. March, 1907; m. Feb. 12, 1907, 
Mary W. Peters. 

852. Emma Cornelia, dau. of Luman; m. June 19, 1872, Theodore W. Freeh. 
She lives in Boimd Brook, N. J. 

John Luman, b. July 2, 1873. 
Theodore W. Freeh, b. July 25, 1878. 

853. Alice Eliza, dau. of Luman; m. Jan. 24, 1870, Herbert L. Hubbard. 

854. George Whittlesey, son of Luman; m. Jime 22, 1910, Charlotte Arline 
Hemingway. A grocer and meat dealer in East Haven, Conn. He d. Oct. 27, 1925. 

855. Carrie, dau. of Luman; m. in New Haven, Oct. 2, 1894, William H., 
son of Jonathan Brooks and Abbie Savage, b. Dec. 5, 1859. An engineer in 
New Haven. 

856. Albert William, son of Albert; m. 1855, Julia Eliza, dau. of George 
Brush and Maria E. Seymour, of Montreal, b. June 20, 1834; d. Oct. 21, 1881. 
He was lost on the steamer "Pacific" in Feb., 1856. 

1504. Albert William, b. May 19, 1856; unm.; lives in Montreal, Can. He 
is an advocate and King's counsel for the city of Montreal since 
1898; Batonnier Montreal Bar, 1915-16; Batonnier General, Prov- 
ince of Quebec, 1916; Educ; McGill University; B.A., 1877; B.C.L. 
(Medalist) 1880; called to Bar, 1881; Alderman, Montreal, 1895-96; 
Member Legislature, Quebec, 1896-1901; Member of Government 
and Provincial Treasurer, 1896-97; one of Commission to prepare 
charter for City Montreal, 1898. Counsel for Montreal Board of 
Trade. Address: 160 St. James St.. and 425 Mackay St., Montreal. 

857. Henry William, son of Edwin; m. June 24, 1857, Emeline Mason 
Warren, b. April 11, 1833, of Providence, R. I., in Montreal. He d. May 6, 1903. 

1505. Hattie Childs, b. Aug. 30, 1860. 

1506. Emily Millard, b. Aug. 30, 1862. 

1507. Lucy Warren, b. July 21, 1864. 

1508. Edith Russell, b. Oct. 22, 1872. 

858. Sarah Jane, dau. of Edwin, m. April, 1860, C. S. Blackman, of New 
Haven. He d. Dec, -906. She d. June, 1909. 

Alfred A., b. April, 1861. 

860. Henry Miner, son of Hiram; m. 1859, Helen Mar Walker, in Norfolk, 
N. Y., d. San Rafael, 1921. He with his two brothers carried on their father's 
business. In the California gold rush he went to California in 1855, where he 
remained until 1859, when he returned to Norfolk to be married. Retiuned to 
California in 1881, where he took up farming. Died April 18, 1883, at Tomales, 

1509. Clara Lillian, b. July 11, 1861. 

1510. Lizzie Gertrude, b. July 18. 1863. 

1511. Jennie Emily, b. March 24, 1866. 
1511A. Edwin Lucius, b. Jan. 15, 1873. 


861. Edwin H.. son of Hiram; m. Oct. 22, 1860, Louisa C. Yale, b. May 3, 
1839 A nu-rchanl at Norfolk, N. Y., and town clerk. Justice of the Peace and 
sup«?r\isur He d. Jan. 30, 1903. She d. Nov. 10, 1913. 

1512. Horace G., b. June 14, 1873; m. Lucia C. Bradley. April 27, 1925. 

1513. Grace Y.. b. Aug. 26. 1875. 

862. Lucius Lyon, son of Hiram: m. Sept. 4, 1874, Emma Gordon Briley, 
dau. of William and Jane Briley. He d. Sept. 11. 1892. 

1514 Hiram Miner, b. Sept. 15, 1876. 

1515 Henrv Lucius, b. Dec. 28, 1884. 

1516 Fanny Louise, b. April 22, 1886. 

»63. Kdgar Warivn. son of Ambrose; m. Feb. 21, 1854, Martha G. Cline, b. 
June 25. 1832: d. Mav 12. 1914. He d. at Burlington, Vt., May 23. 1905. 

1517. Jennie M.." b. Sept. 10. 1856. 

H64, Osborn Thomas, son of Ambrose; lived in Burlington, Vt.: ni. Jan. 1, 
1856, Genevieve Husiner. He d. Nov. 14, 1867. She m. (2) Jan. 1, 1881, Homer 
F. Welherbv. 

1518. Ella, b. Oct. 10, 1857. 

866. Kliuibeth M., dau. of Ambrose; m. Dr. P. J. Kent. She d. Aug. 4, 1896. 
He d. May 4. 1919. Besides two sons, who d. in infancy there was born Arthur 
Atwater. b. Dec. 3. 1873. See historical section. 

A. Atwater Kent. Jr., b. May 2, 1908, m. Denyse S., b. Aug. 11, 1915, dau. 
of George S. and Suzanne Raingo Binon of Paris, France. Consult his- 
tory section. 

Suzanne Atwater, b. May 13, 1942. 
A. Atwater 3rd, b. Sept. 14, 1944. 
Christopher Brinton. b. June 12, 1949. Peter Alexander, b. July 8, 1952. 
Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1911. m. Aug. 8, 1932, WilHam L. Van Altn, b. 
Sept. 28. 1907. 

William L., Jr., b. Mar. 21, 1933. James L. 2nd, b. Jan. 4, 1935. 
Cas.sandra K., b. July 17, 1937. 
Virginia Tucker, b. April 7, 1915. (Mrs. Kent Catherwood is a rancher in 
Arizona. I (Chil. ) Virginia Tucker, b. Feb. 22, 1938; attends Foxcroft 
School, Middleburg, Va. 

867. Henry Harrison, son of Ambrose; m. April 27, 1863, Mary F., dau. of 
Hu^h and Agne.s Farmer McCafferty, of New York, b. in Savanah, Ga., April 
27. 1838. He d. March, 1921. She d. Aug. 17, 1921. 

1519. Charlotte May. b. May 29, 1865. 

1520. P'lorence L, b. July 25*. 1872; unm. 

1521. F:dith Roslyn, b. Oct. 21. 1873; m. Lvman W. Atwater. 

1522 Henry H.. Jr., b. Jan. 13, 1879. 

H6H. .Mar\ ( aroliiie, dau. of Luman R.; m. Oct. 11, 1888, Charles Bert 
Kflwey. She d. Au^. 23, 1915. They resided in Grand liaiiids, where he is cashier 
in the I'eopic'.s Savings Bank. Their dau.. Anni' Farnsworth, b. March 20, 1897; 
m. Jan. 19. 1920, Lind.say Stevenson McRae; one child, Mary Anne, b. March 
7, 1921. She m. (2l Jan. 12. 1925, Lieutenant C. M. Robin.son. 

869. Wlllitir Olln. son of William Warren, m. Aug. 26, 1874, Maicia, dau. 
of Abrani Woodaid Ht- d. Sept. 22, 1907. See historical section. 

1523 Helen Woodard, b. Mav 29. 1876. See historical section. 
1521 Charles Woodard, b. April 23, 1885. 

877. .Mary. dau. of Hiram H,. m. Sept. 8, 1904, Chas. Ahn.T y,\uk. They 
live in Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Margaret Waring, b. June 3, 1905. 

878. ljiuTfnc«' Wi'tmon', .son of Hiram H,. in. June l.""), 1914, Alice Wark 
Kirk Th.-v Iivf m l'.n..,klyn. .N'. Y. 

879. M. Il.i < <iriii-lia, dau. of Frederic Augustus; in. Anm- l(i, ISTO, .lames 
KingHbury. M.l^.. b. in Knmore, Newton, Sydney, Aus.. March 26, 1858. 

Ada Cornelia, b. Feb. 26. 1877; m. in Stanmorc, Sydney, Aus., Sept. 16, 
1902, W. A. Hunter. 


Stella Victoria, b. Nov. 6, 1883; m. in Enmore, Newton, Sydney, Aus., 

Dec. 29, 1919, T. A. Ferguson. 
Vera Naomi, b. Dec. 29, 1886; unm. 

881. Hubbard Gale, son of Frederick Augustus; m. April 11, 1894, Mattie 
Angelo, b. Sept. 25, 1874; divorced; (2) Beulah Dimmock. Los Angeles dentist, 
and operative teacher in the University of California; d. Feb. 25, 1948. 

1525. Lyndall Edris, b. Sept. 25, 1903. 

1526. Eugene, ta. Dec. 7, 1907. 

1527. Frederic H. B., b. Jan. 16, 1912. 

883. Frank Glasgow, son of Lyman Wetmore; m. Oct. 4, 1893, Hattie E. 
Camp, b. Dec. 6, 1866. He was employed in the Chemical National Bank, New 
York, for over forty years, and was a member of Co. H, 23rd Regiment, New 
York, from 1890 to 1895; d. June 17, 1937. 

1528. Constance, b. Dec. 21, 1894. 

1529. Frank G., b. June 22, 1896. 

1530. Eliot Camp, b. May 16, 1898; m. Aug. 14, 1926, Kathryn Cecelia 

884. Lyman VVilliani, son of Lyman Wetmore; m. Aug. 22, 1914, Edith 
Roslyn Atwater. He d. Sept. 4, 1937. 

88.5. Elizabeth, dau. of Lyman Wetmore, m. Oct. 15, 1906. Charles 
Delapierre. They live in New York. 
Dorothy, b.'Sept. 24, 1907. 
Robert Atwater, b. Sept. 4, 1910. 

886. Kuth C, dau. of Elnathan; m. Dec. 3, 1821, George Rowland, of New 

887. Rebecca Shipman, dau. of Elnathan; m. Nov. 7, 1825, Peter Spencer 
Shaw. He d. Feb. 22, 1840, aged 46. She d. Aug. 5, 1882. New Haven. 

888. John Knox Attwater, son of Jonathan; d. Nov. 4, 1844; m. July 16, 
1828, Charlotte, dau. of Abel Ward Atwater, b. Sept. 1, 1804; d. March 10, 1876. 
They had one son who was acting ensign on a monitor in the time of the Civil 
War. He went down in it and his remains were never recovered. He was 35 
years old. 

889. Norman ^Morrison Attwater, son of Jonathan; m. Jan. 19, 1832, Sarah 
Reed, b. in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1807; d. Dec. 17, 1898. He 
d. July 8, 1858. 

1531. Theron Skeel, b. Sept. 12, 1841. 

1532. Sarah, b. April 9, 1845. 

1533. Henry Green, b. Dec. 19, 1849. 

890. Klisha M. Attwater, son of Jonathan; m. Jime 5, 1834, Elizabeth Bud- 
dington, d. Oct. 24, 1858, aged 45; (2) Oct. 26, 1860, Phoebe Williams, b. 1829; 
d. April 5, 1879. He d. March 4, 1889. 

1534. Charles B., b. April 7, 1835. 

1535. Samuel Hobart, b. Feb. 10, 1846. 

1536. Anna K., b. June 7, 1849. 

893. Elisha, son of Thomas; m. May 18. 1838, Marga-.et Wright, b. Feb. 28, 
1821, of Mechanicsburg, Penn., and removed to Henry Co., Illinois. He d. Jan. 
15, 1884. 

1537. Eli Beecher, b. April 10, 1839. 

1538. Thomas Jefferson, b. Oct. 15, 1841. 

1539. George Wright, b. Aug. 10, 1843. 

1540. John A., b. Sept. 19, 1845. 

1541. Elnora Rebecca, b. Sept. 23, 1848. 
154 2. William Clark, b. June 5, 1850. 

1543. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1852. 

1544. Robert Wilson, b. Sept. 5, 1854. 

1545. Stephen Douglass, b. Nov. 6, 1858. 

1546. Frank, b. Oct. 15, 1860. 


8»4. \aiK-y Rit-hards, dau. of Thomas; ni. April *, 1818, Amos Foote 
Barnes, b. m U'atf rbiirv. Conn. A wholesale grocer in New Haven. He d. Oct. 
5. 1890; she d. April 15. 1893. 

895. Thomas Beet-her, son of Thomas; m. Nov. 20. .844, Hannah M.. dau. 
of Earl Stt-vens and Maria Buck, b. Dec. 20. 1824; d. Jan. 19, 1855; (2) Nov. 2, 
is57. Grace A., dau. of Alonson Bartholomew and Nancy Macumber. He d. 
July 11, 1875 

1547. Ella Maria, b. July 8. 1849; ni. Sept. 11. 1877, Lewis H. Patten. 

1548. Mary Bassett. b. April 4, 1852; m. March 22, 1874, Charles C. 
Stevens, son of David and Phebe Johnson, b. April 1, 1845. 

1549. Susan Lewis, b. June 15, 1865. 

H9«. Sarah B«'«-<her, dau. of Thomas; m. April 26, i853, William Wittsline 
Clark, b. in Middletown. Aug. 2. 1818. He was a captain of a whaling vessel 
and lived in New Haven. He d. July 28, 1868. She d. Oct. 12, 1865. 

897. James Bull, son of William; m. Anna Bond. Lived in Williamsburg. 
N. Y. Both dead. 

1550. James Bull. b. July 23, 1849. 

898. William, son of William; m. Dec. 15. 1852, Margaret A. Stackpole. 
She d. Nov. 4. 1879. He d. Mav 13, 1883. 

1551. Fanny Bradburn. b. Feb. 8, 1856; d. July 25, 1886; m. Dec. 21. 1882. 
Paul B. Cruger. 

1552. William, b. June 25. 1860. 

9(K). Charles \V., son of David; m. Dec. 23, 1832, Sarah, dau. of Abiathar 
Shirlt-y and Abigail Kansdell, b. Feb. 22. 1812. He d. April 12. 1859. She d. 
June 8. 1879. Huron. Ohio. Two unmarried daughters: Martha and Caroline, 
twins, b. 1848. 

1553. John. b. Oct. 17. 1838. 

1554. Abigail Shirlev. b. 1840. 

1555. Charlotte, b. 1844; m. April. 1870. Charles E. Kelley. 

uul. t harlutte, dau. of David; m. Adolphus Underwood, of Eatonton. Ga. 
She d. in 1882. Their children were Charles, Adolphus, d., John Atwater. David 
Alwater. Caroline Atwater. and Charlotte Elizabeth, d. 1903. 

9iri. Sarah I'ontl, dau. of David; m. James Maxwell DeVine. She d. in New 
Brunswick, N. J., 1865. Their children were: Charles. John, Mary Pond. 

WIS. iHaae TundiTson, .son of Abraham; m. Lucy Brace, dau. of Horace 
Brace and I'ollv Ambler. Poultnoy. Vt., and New Albany, Ind. 

1556. Horace Brae.-, b. May 19. 1820. 

1557. Frank Dwight. b. March 23. 1836. 
15.')8 Mary. 

9<)3. F'ranklin Truman, son of Abraham; moved from Vermont to Conneaut, 
Ohio. A silvcr.siiiilh. 

1559. Truman Franklin. 

fMMi. William (.lover, son of Timothy Glover; m. in Cromwell, July 6, 1835, 
Marii-ltu. daw of Samuel White and Betsey Smith, b. Nov. 6, 1817; d. Nov. 
27, 1852: (2( Jan. 12. 1854. Mary M.. dau. of Joel Hubbard and Phila Smith. 
A ! ' fif M<-nden. 

t'ar.ihne Elizalx'lh, b. Sept. 13. 1836. 
i5»l. George Atwell, b. Jan. 26, 1842. 

907. Sylvestrr B., son of Phineas; m. 1839. Frances Harriett Arnold, of 

'■ - ■ •:. Guilford Center. N. Y. He <1 Feb. 11, ISM. She was 

. pi. 12. 1872. 
1^>*j2. ii.-lia. b. Nov. 14, IK 11. 

15fi': I irnet. b. May 10, 1843; d. June 21. 1866; unin. 

•M • i.^iiira Aim, dau. of FlamoH; m. Nov. 8, 1830. Thomas H. Brooks. f)f 
<•, b Sept. 13, 1800; d. Sept. 7, 1874. She d. March 26. 1887. 


913. Samuel Aujjustus, son of Flamen; m. Sept. 17, 1837. Susan G. Preston, 
b. 1818; d. Feb. 8, 1851, aged 33; (2) Feb. 2, 1852, Hannah Bishop, d. Sept. 5, 
1902, aged 86. He d. July 2, 1859. 

1564. Edward Augustus, b. April 20, 1839. 

1565. Emerett Maria, b. Dec. 5, 1840. 

1566. Mary Corneha, b. Nov. 25, 1844. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1567. Abbie Louise, b. Dec. 30, 1855. 

915. Cleona, dau. of Amzi; m. Dec. 23, 1822, John Rudolph. She d. Nov. 8, 
1842. Garrettsville, Ohio. He m. (2) Mrs. Sallie Starks. He d. in Hiram, at the 
home of his son James, Oct. 30, 1882. 

916. Darv\in, son of Amzi; m. Harriet Clapp, b. Sept. 14, 1829. She d. Jan. 
28, 1854; (2) Mrs. Betsey W. Treudley, Feb. 7, 1855. He was born and lived at 
Mantua (later Mantua Station), Ohio, and d. May 28, 1873. 

1568. Orris Clapp, b. Sept. 6, 1833. 

1569. Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1835. 

1570. John Milton, b. June 3, 1837. 

1571. Amzi, b. Nov. 9, 1839. 

917. Matilda, dau. of Amzi; m. Noble Haven. Oct. 3, 1833. She d. April 9. 
1890. Noble Haven, b. at Crown Point, Essex Co., N. Y.. July 12, 1809; d. 
Sept. 15, 1896. 

918. Silvia, dau. of Jotham; m. Oct. 5, 1826, Dr. Homer Earle. She d. Oct. 
2, 1873. They went East after marriage, and lived at Paxton, Mass.; returned 
( ? ) 1831 to her mother's in Mantua after the death of her father, where he 
practiced medicine. They afterward (after the (?) mother's death, 1834) 
removed to Newton Falls, Ohio. Doctor Earle was born in ( ? ) 1799, and died 
at Monticello, Minn., in 1872. 

919. Julia, dau. of Jotham; m. Sept. 19, 1833, Simon Stough. She d. Dec. 
31, 1838. 

920. Eliza, dau. of Jotham; b. Jan. 16, 1816; m. Dec, 1842, Anson Bo.sworth. 
She d. Jan. 24, 1844. No children. 

921. Lucinda, dau of Jotham, m. May 17, 1819; m. March 7, 1841, Jacob S. 
Smith. He d. Sept. 21, 1897. They lived in Braceville, Ohio. 

922. Lucy, dau. of William; m. William Walter Woodworth. Had one son. 
William Atwater, b. July 4, 1844; m. Dec. 28, 1871, Elizabeth K. Willis. Lived 
at White Plains, N. Y. 

923. William Lyman, son of William; lives in Stockbridge, Mass.; m. Dec. 
7, 1847, Isabella A." dau. of Andrew McWilliams. She d. in Springfield, Mass., 
March 9, 1905. 

1572. James Fowler, b. Oct. 22, 1848. 

1573. Charles, b. July 10, 1854. 

1574. Lucy, b. Oct. 26, 1857. 

1575. Catherine C, b. Aug. 14, 1865; unm. 

924. Harriet P.. dau. of William; m. Jan. 7, 1864, George W. Campbell, of 
Pittsfield, Mass. He d. in Feb., 1880, leaving two daughters, Mrs. Grace Van 
Norden, of New York, and Elizabeth. She d. May 14. 1911. 

925. Kunice A., dau. of Edward; m. Aug. 1, 1889, J. R. Copelin, of Mendon, 
111. He is a retired farmer. She d. Feb. 19, 1904. 

926. Lucinda, dau. of Belah; m. April 28, 1838, Emery D. Mann. They lived 
in Naugatuck. He was b. May 8, 1806; d. Dec. 21, 1875. She d. April 26. 1873. 

928. Clarissa, dau. of Belah; m. March 28. 1836, Stephen H. Nichols; d. 
Dec. 29, 1841, aged 26. She d. July 5, 1862, aged 49. 

929. Miriam, dau. of Belah; m. Nov. 29, 1853, Wm. Burr Hoadley, b. June 
15, 1830. Resided in Naugatuck. He was a farmer. She d. March 18, 1894. He 
d. Jan. 28, 1909. 


931. Mrrritt Biukingham. son of Ira; m. May 22. 1845. Charlotte Smith, 
b. May 21, 1824; d. Apnl 24. 1899. He d. Feb. 22. 1898. 

1576. Wilham Clarence, b. Dec. 27. 1857. 

1577. Charlotte Rowena. b. Nov. 12, 1866. 

»3i. Williuni \V., son of Ira; m. Nov. 4, 1844, Mary Elizabeth Olmstead, 
b J !s2o H«- was a clergvnian; lived in New Haven: was a graduate of 

Ya.. ^e. and d. March I7,'l874. She d. June 27, 1883. 

1578. Wdham Olmstead, b. Nov. 22. 1848. 

1579. Francis Ebenezer, b. Jan. 5, 1851. 

1580. Ldhan Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1856. 

1581. Leonard Eugene, b. May 31, 1861. 

9S4. Charles Julius, son of Ira; m. Louise Hart Whittlesey, b. March 23. 
1847. He was a nierchant at Woodbury, Conn., and d. Nov. 14, 1887. 

1582. William Whittlesey, b. Sept. 7, 1880; m. Feb. 4, 1916. Bertha M. 
Van Dueson. Live in Oakland, Calif. 

93o. Frances Harrietta. dau. of Ira, m. Oct. 8, 1858, Horace D. Curtiss, b. 
July 24. 1842. a manufacturer of Woodbury. Conn. He d. Aug. 14, 1906. 

937. ( harles, son of Amos; m. Sept. 17, 1849, Caroline A. Merrill, b. Sept. 3, 
1835. He d. Dec. 7. 1863. She m. (2i Mr. Tuttle; (3) Sept. 26. 1879, David A. 

1583. Caroline M., b. July 30, 1851. 

1584. Noriden C, b. Aug. 21, 1854. 

1585. Julia C, b. Nov. 13, 1856. 

1586. Elsie L.. b. Julv 16. 1861. 

1587. F:inily P . b. Nov. 13, 1858; m. Wm. H. Ireganowan. 

938. ^la^^ Lli/.abith, dau. of Anan; m. April 24, 1843, William Nichols, of 
Walerbury, b. Jan. 26, 1817. He d. in Naugatuck, Aug. 13, 1851. 

939. .Marsha! David, son of Anan; m. Nov. 13, 1851, Eliza Rosalea Allen. 
dau. of Minot Mitchell and Catherine Allen, of Woodbury, Conn. She d. April 
23. 1852 He left New York. Nov. 20. 1855, on the steamer "Empire City," for 
California, arrived at San Francisco, Dec. 17; was engaged most of the time 
jn mining until May, 1862, when he went to Virginia City, Nevada, and was 
engaged in contracting to haul ore from, and wood and timber to, the mines 
on the Comstock. Went back to California late in 1869, where he engaged in 
farming, mostly wheat raising, but later in liairying and stock raising. In the 
s{)ring of 1870 he returned to Woodbury. Conn., and on April 27, 1870. m. 
Laura Angent-tt Allen, sister of his first wife. She d. Sept., 1925. He d. Feb. 7, 

The town of Atwat<»r, Calif.. wa.s named after liim. 

1588. Ehza Allen, b. Aug. 18, 1872; m. Dec. 20. 1899, Frederick William 
Henderson, a lawyer by profession of Merced, Merced County, Calif. 

940. Margaret .Vugiista, dau. of Anan; m. Oct. 8, 1850, in Bethanv. to Ervin 
Mix ..f W.illingford. She d. April 26, 1860. He d. April 14, 1896. 

UU. Adallne, dau. of Anan; m. Moses Sargent Stickney; he is dead. She d. 

Nov. 16. 1918. They had five children: Addie Rebecca, Walter, Henry Cowell, 

'■ ■ ' Jennie. Addie Rebecca m. Dwight Doolittle. and they had five 

■ I I, Helen, Charles, Frank and Clarence Atwatcr. Walter is 

1 und live.s in Derby, Conn.; had three children, one died. Jennie is 

I and has one rhild and has lost one. 

HI'?, rntnklln Benjainiu, .son of Anan; m. .Inly 1(», ISfi^t, Elizaljcth, dau. ol' 
Marv Barne.s. He was a farmer and <!. .June 18, 1891. She resided in 
I.. • ^he d Feb., 1906. 

Ilie Alice, b. Feb. 19. 1860. 
lO'."' <,. ■.;i. b Mav 12. 1864. 

1591 M.. 1 rank. b."Ai)ril 4, 1866. 

1592. lola. h Jan. 17. 1868. 

WS. Kmlly J., dau. of Garrett; d. April 7. 1910; m. Edward G. Cowles, 
d. Feb. 19, lUl.T Their children W( re Arthur; m. Frances Wells; William, m. 


Anna Taylor; Coia, m. Oct. 5, 1881, Benjamin A. Welch, has two sons. Leon 
Cowles, b. June 20, 1882, m. Edith S. Packard; and Harold Benjamin, b. May 
20, 1888; m. Elizabeth Brown. 

944. Abigail, dau. of Garrett; m. John Burges. Their children were Mary, 
m. Mr. Fair; Ella, m. Mr. Fessenden; Belle, m. Mr. Bullard, and Richard. 

945. Maria L.. dau. of Garrett; m. David Orcutt. She d. Sept. 24, 1861. Two 
sons, Fiank and R. D., both dead. 

946. John J., son of Garrett; m. 1861, Harriet Wiles, d. 1894; (2) Dec. 25, 
1895, Fanny Dayton. They lived in Maine, N. Y. He is dead. 

947. Olive A., dau. of Garrett, d. Dec. 26, 1907; m. Mracus Lewis, d. April 
18, 1909. One dau., Iva, m. Aug. 15, 1901, Clarence Conrad, and had two sons, 
Robert, b. Aug., 1913, and Clarence, b. July 5, 1917. Cortland, N. Y. 

948. Charles G., son of Garrett, m. Esther Mareaus. Lived in Maine, N. Y. 
One son, Floyd, dead, and one dau. Cora, m. Ralph Carley, who have four 
children, Roger, Esther, Howard and Ralph. He is dead. 

949. Lucius, son of Thaddeus; m. Sept. 29, 1883, Julia M. Downes. Lived in 
New Haven. He d. Aug. 10, 1872. Mentions son Edwin D., d. Sept. 2, 1834. 

950. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of William Cutler; m. June 13, 1843, George 
Hotchkiss, b. Oct. 15, 1812, son of Stephen Hotchkiss and Mary Griswold. He 
d. Oct. 5, 1899; she d. March 10, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss spent their 
lives in New Haven. 

951. John Hoadley. son of William Cutler; m. June 9, 1853, Jane Barber, 
b. July 22, 1828. He d. April 24, 1897. They lived in New York. 

1593. John Albert, b. Feb. 13, 1854. 

1594. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1855. 

1595. William Cutler, b. July 4, 1861. 

1596. Elsie Welling, b. June 26, 1866; unm. 

1597. Jane Leonard, b. July 17, 1870. 

952. Sarah Watrous, dau. of William Cutler; m. April 3, 1862, William E. 
Dickinson, of Algonquin, Ontonagon Co., Michigan. She d. at Algonquin, Jan. 
7, 1863. Mr. Dickinson remarried. 

953. Harriet Hoadley, dau. of William Cutler; m. Oct. 28, 1852, William 
Henrv, son of Wilhelm Gottfried Philip and Maria Marks, ta. in Brooklvn, Aug. 
15, 1829; d. in Brooklyn, Sept. 22, 1882. She d. Jan. 25, 1907. Mr. Philip was an 
artist of no mean ability. The earlier years of their married life were spent in 
Italy, where Mr. Philip studied sculpture and painting. After returning to this 
country they settled in Brooklyn. He made busts from life of Abiaham Lincoln, 
Admiral Farragut, General Grant and many other prominent people. 

Pauline, b. Aug. 3, 1860; m. Sept. 22, 1884, Edward Lapidge, b. in London, 
Eng., son of Edward Lapidge and Alice Staines. They have two daugh- 
ters, Alice Harriette and Mabel Grace, m. Edward Winans, of Arlington, 
N. J. They have one son, Clarence Ernest. 

Edward Lapidge, d. March 28, 1926. 

Eloise Virginia, b. Jan. 18, 1863; d. March 4, 1873. 

Mary Evelyn, b. Aug. 4, 1866; unm. 

Alice Atwater, b. June 1, 1870; m. Oct. 20, 1897, Thomas Oliver Davy. 
Live in Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. 

954. Jeremiah William, son of William Cutler; m. Oct. 25, 1855, Jane Louisa 
Carpenter, b. July 20. 1863. dau. of Charles Mead Carpenter and Charlotte 
Underbill, d. May 26, 1922. Riverside, Conn.; engaged in real estate business in 
New York City. 'He d. Aug. 10, 1902. 

1598. Jeremiah Charles, b. Oct. 12, 1866. 

955. Marthena, dau. of Joseph; m. Nov. 28, 1840, Isaac Harris. She d. 
Feb. 6, 1866. They had twelve children, all of which are dead except Ally E., 
b. June 8, 1859; m. Sept. 15, 1881, Warren Addison. 

Walter, b. Aug. 1, 1883; m. April 29, 1910, Pearl Showers. 


Kathlvn. b. April 9. 1911. 
Warren Earl. b. Aug. 8. 1918. 
Edward, b. Aug. 8. 1885: m. Mav 22. 1915, Clara Hester. 
Charles Edward, b. Aug. 8. 1916. 

956. Thuinas. son or Joseph; m. 1852. Sarah Duncan. Two children d. unni. 
Thev lived near La Harpe, 111. 

'l599. Xancv A., b. July 28. 1854. 

1600. Martha E.. b. Jan. 17. 1859. 

1601. Angelo. b. July 4. 1861. 

1602. Cordelia, b. Nov. 8, 1866. 

1603. Rachel Alice, b. Jan. 6. 1868. 

957. James, son of Joseph; m. March 26. 1854. Ann Hadleston, b. April 30, 
1830; d. March 26. 1904. He d. April 3. 1866. 

1604. Joseph, b. Aug. 23. 1859; m. Emma Grate. No children. 

1605. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3. 1855; m. Jan. 28, 1875, Samuel Lembach. 
Janus Z., b. June 4. 1877; m. Feb. 7. 1906, Clara Kern. 

Doren R.. b. Jan. 26, 190S. Ivan J., b. March 4. 1910. Mildred L., b. 
Jan. 19. 1916. 
Edward A., b. Sept. 20. 1881; m. Sept. 13. 1905. Ethyl Smeasy. 

Rosa L.. b. June 11, 1906. 
Merle M.. b. April 5. 1884; m. Oct. 16. 1907. Percy Viech. 

Max L.. b. Feb. 12, 1909. Kenneth F., b. Oct. 3, 1911. Jessie R., b. 
Nov. 18, 1913. 
Vesta A., b. Jan. 8. 1887; m. March 11. 1908, Ray Nordstrom. 

Ina E., b. Mav 11, 1909. Jcseph B., b. July 30, 1911. Guv R., b. Jan. 8, 
1914; d. Oct. 6. 1918. 
Lillie E.. b. Jan. 1, 1890; m. May 13. 1912. James Gallon. 

James L.. b. Nov. 29, 1914. 
Ruth A., b. Oct. 3, 1893; m. July 16. 1912. Joseph Huff. 

Irene E.. b. Jan. 2. 1914. 
Guv H., b. Sept. 24, 1896; m. March 27, 1917, Ruth Foote. 

Ernest E.. b. Oct. 3. 1917. 

1606. Lilly Jane, b. Feb. 23, 1862; m. Lewis Melvin. Their children: Virgie 
Garnet, b. Jan. 31, 1886; Frances Flossie, b. Sept. 5, 1888; Carr. b. 
Dec. 1890. m. Lydia Wolf; James Dewey, b. June 22, 1898; Holland 
Hollas, b. July 2, 1904; Lewis Dale. b. May 31. 1906. 

958. William K., son of Joseph; m. Nov. 28. 1858, Lucretia P. Timmons. 
He lived in La Harpe. 111. He d. July 13, 1877. Five children died uniuaniod. 

1607. James Lucius, b. Dec. 25. i860. 

1608. Ruby Josephine, b. May 28, 1866. 

1609. Mary Lurana. b. Oct. 24, 1868. 

1610. Frances Ida. b. Aug. 23, 1870. 

1611. William Henry, b. April 10. 1874. 
1612 Milhe Ellen. 

959. Mary, dau. of Joseph; m. Jan. 10. 1852, Cosby Duncan. Lived in Illinois. 

960. I^iraine, <lau. of Jo.seph: m. Sept. 15, 1859. William IMintan, h. S(>pt. 
3. 1841. Livfd in llhndis. 

Marthenia. b. Sept. 3. 1861. 

961. John J., son of Joseph; m. April 18, 1866, Mary, dau. of Obidali and 
Sarah Dunn IK- live.s in La Harpe, 111., i.s a farmer; also all of his son. 

1613. Jo.si-ph Lafayette, b. Mar. 8, 1867. 

1614. Durinda C. b. Jan. 31. 1869. 

1615. John JumcH. b. Mar. 2. 1872. 

1616. Arietta Permilda. b. PVb. 22. 1875. 

1617. William Lee. b. Dec. IS, 1877. 
161 H WilliH N.. b. N<.v. 28. 1882. 

1619. D.lbert. b. Feb. 7, 1885. 

1620. Fred R,. b. May 5. 1888. 

98S. Jer.Miilah John, .son of Job Mansfield; m. Nov. 3, 1849, Mary W. White, 
b. Oct. 10, 1827, d. Sept. 13, 1862; (2) March 28, 1861, Frances C. Moulthrop, 
b. Dec. 18. 1837. He d. Nov. 14, 1896. 


1621. Emily, b. March 15, 1865. 

1622. Frances Butler, b. June 2, 1867; d. Oct. 3, 1952. 

1623. Mary White, b. Aug. 27, 1869: m. Dr. H. F. Smith, of Hartford. She 
d. Feb. 21, 1923. 

1624. Catherine Rich, b. Jan. 23, 1872. 

1625. Grace, b. April 7, 1874; d. Oct. 22, 1930. 

1626. Georgine, b. March 3, 1877; d. April 24, 1951. 

1627. Jessie, b. Dec. 8, 1879. 

964. Jeanette Mary, dau. of Job Mansfield; m. June 17, 1851, Edward S., 
son of Samuel Tuttle and Lucinda Thorpe; he d. Jan. 9, 1856; (2) Jan. 1, 1862, 
Rev. Smyth Dayton. She d. Jan. 17, 1898. 

965. Lydia Anne, dau. of Job Mansfield; m. April 11. 1854. James Percival, 
son of Samuel Barker and Mary Ann Kirkham; b. May 2, 1831. A carriage 
maker of New Haven. He d. April 1, 1869. 

966. Henry Lockwood, son of John Starr, lived at Atlanta, Ga.; m. Oct. 5, 
1857, Delia Ventris, d. Aug. 13, 1913. He was a carriage dealer. He d. Feb. 
20, 1914. 

967. Alfred P]benezer, son of John Starr; m. Jan. 12, 1865, Mary Beatrice, 
dau. of James Ballard Sherrod and Mary Caroline White, b. March 31, 1842. 
He d. July 8, 1900. He was a carriage dealer. 

1628. Olivia Stansel, b. Feb. 25, 1871; m. Nov., 1893, Isaac S. Farish; 
d. Jan. 31, 1897. 

968. John Starr, son of John Starr, m. June 29, 1845; m. Nov. 14, 1870, 
Margaret Celia, dau. of Hezekiah Thomas and Margaret Stevens. She was b. 
Aug. 7, 1843, in Bethany, Conn., and d. Nov. 14, 1877. He d. Nov. 4, 1925. He 
was an accountant in New Haven. 

1629. Ellen Hattie, b. Nov. 16, 1872; m. Thomas E. Goudy. 

969. James, son of Stephen Harris; m. Oct. 3, 1853, Mary Grace Stewart, 
dau. of James Stewart and Anna Lathrop, b. May 6, 1828. His occupation was 
a farmer. She d. Oct. 19, 1902. He d. Nov. 24, 1905. 

1630. Clifford James, b. Nov. 8, 1858. 

1631. Clayton Welles, b. Jan. 23, 1864. 

970. Frances M., dau. of Titus; m. Aug. 20, 1860, William P., son of Royal 
and Harriet S. Fowler, of Westfield, Mass. 

971. Franklin Bliss, son of Titus; m. Sept. 3, 1860, Amelia J., dau. of Eli 
H. Osborn and Julia Blair. He was a farmer and lived at Westfield, Mass., 
where he d. March 9, 1893. She d. July 1, 1900; aged 59 years. 

1632. Frank Vincent, b. June 29, 1861; m. May 2, 1897, Regina de Solio, 
of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He lives in London. 

1633. Nellie Frances, b. Mar. 1, 1863; m. E. C. Bissell. She d. Dec, 1922. 

1634. James Holland, b. Sept. 16, 1869. 

1635. Henry W^ilson, b. Dec. 4, 1875. 

972. Wells, son of Noah; m. Frances Jane Aiken. He d. March 1, 1864, in 
Russell, Mass. 

97."). Dwight M., son of Jeremiah; m. Dec. 29, 1869, Ella, dau. of Leonard 
and Lucinda Bemont. Westfield, Mass. Was a whip manufacturer. He d. July 
17, 1917, in Oakland, Cahf. 

1636. Henry Cook, b. Sept. 26, 1874. 

976. James Henry, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 27, 1873, Tirzah, dau. of 
Horace Birge and Lucy E. Stiles, b. April 4, 1856. They lived in Westfield, 
Mass. She m. (2| Dec. 19, 1887. Frederick K. Rood. 

1637. Angelo Edward, b. Oct. 7, 1875. 

979. Ellen M., dau. of Leonard; m. Sept. 28. 1870, R. M. Cheslev. She d. 
Nov. 20, 1901. 

980. Albert Chamberlain, son of Leonard; m. June 4, 1866, Margaret 
Carswell, b. Oct. 15, 1845. Margaret d. Jan. 6, 1939. 


1638. Bert Leonard, b. March 7, 1867. 

1639. Waller Eldredge. b. Mav 30. 1870. 

1640. Helen Louisa, b. Dec. 15. 1872. 

1641. Marv C. b. Mav 15. 1878. 

1642. Margaret, b. Jan. 2, 1881. 

»«i. Dennis HetlKes, son of Leonard; m. Jan. 26, 1887, Ella C. Ryder, b. 
Aug. 23. Ib45. A traveling salesman of Red Bank, N. J. He d. Aug. 1. 1918. 

1643. Frances Eliza, b. April 4. 1888; unm. 

1644. Benjamin Leonard, b. May 13. 1890. 

98'i. Leomird Ct>rnelius. son of Leonard: m. Jan. 15, 1890. Hattie A. Moore, 
b. March 4. 1859. Westfield, Mass. His occupation was quarrying marble. He 
d. Jan 13. 1926. 

1645. Allen Moore, b. Oct. 28, 1891. 

1646. Leonard, b. Nov. 20. 1893. 

983. Jiunes Billings, son of Leonard; m. May 14. 1885, Lucy Gould Collins. 
He graduated from the Westfield High School in 1875; received his A.B. 
degree in 1879 from Williams College and in 1882, his M.D. degree from the 
Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. He was a 
!• of the American Medical Association, Massachusetts Medical Society, 

a . of the American College of Surgeons, the surgeon for the New York 

Central road at Westfield. consulting physician and surgeon to Noble Hospital 
and Shurtleff Mission, and for the period of the war with Germany, chairman 
of the Medical Advisory Board for district No. 6. State of Massachusetts. 

1647. Collins, b. Sept. 10. 1886. 

1648. Jeanette L.. b. Aug. 3, 1889; m. April 19, 1913, Harry M. Ives, of 
Danburv. Conn. He d. Sept. 1, 1914. 

1649. David, b. Nov. 3. 1894. 

9H4. Lufv Frances, dau. of Leonard; m. July 3, 1895, Rev. Lyman Horace 
Blake. She d' Jan. 10, 1908. 

958. Margan-t (lark, dau. of Leonard; m. Sept. 5. 1893, Dr. Gilbert Norris 
Jone.s. d. Jan. 26, 1924. She lives at Wellesly Hills, Mass. 

Margaret Norris, b. April 28. 1894; m. John Dutton Little. One dau. 
Margaret Gilbert, b. April 2, 1924. 

989. (iiMirge I^^'onard, son of Joseph; m. May 11, 1892, Maud D., dau. of 
Tnstem D. Brown and Maria Caple. b. Nov. 15, 1870. He was a tailor, hut is 
now a farmer in Canandaigua. N. Y. 

1650. Frances Almira. b. March 1. 1893. 

1651. Emma Capl.-. b. April 11. 1895. 

99<). Jusi'pli Willhun, son of Joseph Hall; m. Betsey Ann Buinham. He d. 
about 1854. He lived in Cheshire. Conn. 

1652. Kirtland W.. b. Dec. 25, 1840. 

1653. Truman, b. 1854; m. July 29, 1876, Emma J. Neal, d. May 7, 1878. 

9UI. Milfs ItarlMT, .son of Cornelius; m. Lydia S., dau. of Ira anti riiilanda 
Slone Alwaler. Shanesville, Ohio. He d. Dec. 26, 1878. She d. .I;in., 1879. 

993. John Tadd. .son of Chauncev: m. in 1834, Matilda, dau. of Capt. 
Wyman Hill, b. 1814. They lived in Sheffield, Ohio, where she d. in 1861. 
1654 Chauncey Wyman, b, April 15, 18.'56. 

1655. Aliiion B.. b."N<.v. 19. 1845. 

1656. John Wdbur, b. Aug. 4. 1848. 

<HH I s man ( haunci-y, 8on of Chauncey; m. Feb. 2, 1842, Honora Blood, 

anil in Kfllogg.sville. Ohio, only a few miles from the place of his birth, 

all ! . H«- <1. Feb. 8. 1901. She d. June 23, 1875. One son, Charles W., 

m .! wh(. d. in 1911. He d. in 1908. 

•iri.'i. i^aira, dau, of Chauncey; m. Hiram Covill. in the year 1855. when 

nl to the then far-off West, took up three hundred and sixty acres of 

■ • ' -' • . (if Topeka. in what was called "The Mission," (>rected 

. as the years went by built a more commodious one. 


Hiram Covill was among those who fell in battle during the Civil War and 
Laura Atwater was left a widow with one son, Allen, whom she educated at 
college, while she herself carried on the farm and later erected a fine brick 
residence. She d. in the winter of 1876. Her son Allen and his wife have been 
living on the old farm until within a few years. 

1000. Charles Abel, son of Lyman; m. 1845, Susan Jane Dawson, b. Nov. 
22, 1825. He d. Sept. 30, 1863. She m. (2) his brother, Miles L. 

1657. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1846; m. Thomas J. Dodge. 

1658. Julius Lloyd, b. Jan. 7, 1848; m. Mary E. Dodge. 

1659. Thomas Lyman, b. March 3, 1850. 

1660. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 16, 1853. 

1661. Mariah Eliza, b. Feb. 4, 1855; d. Feb., 1879; m. John Maclain. 

1662. Myron Scott, b. April 7, 1857; m. Clarissa Offord. 

1663. John L. C, b. Jan. 15, 1860; m. Nancy E. Dobbins. 

1001. Miles L., son of Lyman; m. March 1, 1849, Harriet, dau. of J. W. 
Baldwin and Liddie Wiseman, b. Dec. 8, 1831, d. Nov. 19, 1904, aged 73. (2) 
Susan Jane Dawson, widow of his brother, Charles. She d. in 1897. He was a 
farmer of Lewisville, Polk County, Oregon. He d. April 19, 1898. 

1664. Lewis H., b. March 12, 1850; d. April 13, 1927. 

1665. James L., b. Feb. 4, 1852. 

1666. Emma J., b. Sept. 4, 1855; m. G. T. Hollister. 

1667. John William, b. Sept. 20, 1861. 

1668. George, b. Sept. 21, 1869; d. May 29, 1933. 

1002. LiK'uis K., son of Lyman; m. March 14, 1855, Elizabeth C. Rounds. 
He d. Nov. 3, 1911. They lived in Ipava, 111. She was b. April 20, 1838. 

1669. Francis M., b. Dec. 4, 1856. 

1670. James A., b. May 28, 1859. 

1671. Harvey H., b. Nov. 21, 1861. 

1672. Ellsworth G., b. April 4, 1864. 

1673. Sarah J., b. Dec. 20, 1866. 

1674. Emma E., b. Feb. 14, 1870. 

1675. Burleigh E., b. March 16, 1874. 

1676. George O., ta. Nov. 9. 1876. 

1677. Laura C, b. Feb. 9, 1886. 

1003. Caroline E., dau. of Lyman; m. Isaac O. Smith, b. April 5, 1821. 
She d. Oct. 7, 1917. 

1004. Marcus, son of Lyman; m. Lucinda Dodge. He disappeared and was 
never heard from. She d. in 1861. 

1678. Lyman J., b. Feb. 25, 1861. 

1679. Frank F.; unm. 

1680. William H.; unm. 

1005. John Wesley, son of Lyman; m. Rose Thompson. 

1681. Harvey. 

1682. John. 

1006. -James, son of Lyman; m. Ellen Littlejohn. She d. July 26, 1907. 
Havana, 111. Had two boys and two girls, but all dead. He d. 1921. 

1010. Hollister, son of Marquis; m. Jan. 1, 1844. Frances M. Blanchard, b. 
at Whitingham, Vt., Mar. 10, 1821; d. Oct. 15, 1888. He d. Mar. 15, 1895. 

1683. Herbert Josiah, b. Feb. 5, 1845; d. Sept. 23, 1848. 

1684. Ella M., b. June 25, 1848. 

1685. Charles H., b. Jan. 11, 1857; d. Feb. 18, 1867. 

1686. Clarence Eugene, b. May 30, 1858. 

1687. Clara Adell, b. Jan. 24, 1860; d. March 24, 1861. 

1011. Laura, dau. of Jared; m. Oct. 24, 1833, Edmund Bradley, of Hamden. 
She d. Feb. 20, 1899, aged 88. He d. Oct. 1, 1863, aged 57. 

1012. Ruth D., dau. of Jared; m. Nov. 10, 1833, Leverett Hotchkiss. She d. 
July 9, 1835. Left one child, Mary Amelia. 


1013. Betsey, dau. of Jared: m. Jan. 13, 1849. Charles G. Atwater. who d. 
Apn! 4, 187-:. (2» Samuel A. Baldwin, of New York state, a carpenter by trade 
who d m November. 1893. She d. in 1904. 

1014. Alfred, son of Samuel; m. Dec. 31. 1835, Lucy B. Avery. She d. March 
4. 1897. He d. Dec. 13. 1892. 

1688. Juha A., b. Dec. 7, 1836; d. March 25, 1866; m. June 26, 1862, 
Dwight B. Hitchcock. He d. 1864. 

1689. AmeHa L., b. Mav 13. 1845; m. Oct. 2, 1867, Ransom B. Moore, 
d. March 4. 1873. 

1690. Samuel Henry, b. June 7. 1854. 

1016. Edwin, son of Samuel; m. Feb. 26. 1854. Ruth Ford. d. July 5, 1900. 
He was in the furniture business in Hunter. He d. April 6, 1876. 

1691. Helen, b. Oct. 9, 1856; unm.; d. 1926. 

1692. Viola, b. Julv 9. 1859; unm.; d. May 24, 1945. 

1693. Sidnevetta. b. Oct. 2. 1861; m. Oct. 9. 1898, Geo. McKeivie, d. Dec. 
27. 1901. She d. Nov.. 1937. 

1018. Sarah B., dau. of Samuel; m. Anson Hitchcock, b. April 9. 1820; d. 
in Windham. X. Y.. April. 1864. 

iU-»l. Knierett. dau. of Samuel; m. Mar. 13. 1856. Piatt Osborn Hitchcock, 
at Windham. N. Y. Se was b. May 10, 1832. He d. June 4. 1915. She d. Feb. 
12. 1917. 

Hi'i'i. Samuel \>(»i»ster. son of Stephen W^ooster; m. Feb. 4. 1857. Marietta, 
dau. of Eben Beers and Lois Johnson. He d. Nov. 21, 1869. She d. Mar. 7, 1903. 

1694. Frederick W., b. Aug. 31. 1858. 

1695. Lucina Hunt. b. Feb. 24. 1860. 

1696. Elmer Ellsworth, b. Jan. 20, 1862. 

1697. Piatt Romain. b. Oct. 31. 1863. 

1698. Alfred Eugene, b. Sept. 21. 1866. 

MtiS. .Vuri-lia H., dau. of Stephen Wooster; m. Sept. 7, 1868, Samuel Brown. 
She d. March 7. 1903. Lived in Jewett. N. Y. 

I (I'M. <;«iirKe Camp, son of Elam; lived in Plymouth and Bristol, Conn.; 
Ill Au^. 15. 1832. Atleline, dau. of Roger Norton and Almira Root, b. June 21, 
1813; d. April 25. 1893. He d. Nov. 9, 1885. Five children died without issue. 

1699. Almira Chloe. b. Nov. 13. 1832; m. Everett Horton. of Bristol. 

lOiG. Hi-nry, son of Wyllys; m. Oct. 1, 1837, Catherine, dau. of Benjamin 
Fenn and K.luiah Dunbar.'b.'Oct. 22, 1817; d. May 11, 1863. He d. Apr. 25. 1865. 

1700. Theresa, b. March 20, 1839. 

1701. Eugene, b. Sept. 8. 1843. 

1702. Dorence. b. Feb. 3. 1845. 

1703. Catherine, b. Nov. 24, 1849. 

1704. Kuhard. b. Feb. 23, 1853; d. Oct. 5. 1933. 
1705 F>ancis. b. Dec. 3, 1858. 

10'i7. ll««U<«y, dau. of Wvlly.s; m. April 7, 1841, Stephen K.iin, of IMviiiouth, 
Conn. She d. Nov. 5. 1895. 

ln.'h WilllH. son of Wyllys; m. Jan. 31, 1856. Marietta, <iau. of Riley Scott. 
I'lvmouth. Conn.; by trade was a carpenter. He d. Feb. "JX, 1911. 
• h 11. 1903. 
r7u«. Wesley H., b. Oct. 4, 1858. 

1029. .Martha ICichardMin, riau. of WvHvs; m. June 17, ISflf), Arthur 
I., WW, ',-,„.y ,,...,„|,.ii ,„ x»-vv Britain. Conn. Ho d. Oct. 1, litll. She d. 

lo.HO. St. pli.n. Hon of Timothy; m. Jane Tuttle. of Bristol, b. May 27, 1832, 
'2i H<-l<-n A. Billings, b. Oct. 27, 1840, d. Aug. 6, 1910. A 
'. Mi'h. 
iToT •, Dec. 29. 1862. 

lloh. < iiii-.i-i i,ii.< ii. b. Aug. 23, 1867. 


1081. Leonard, son of James; m. Nov. 25, 1833, Anna Maria, dan. of John 
Chatterton and Blondena Wright, ta. Feb. 11, 1810; d. Sept. 12, 1879. He d. 
Aug. 12, 1889. He was a merchant at Ithaca, N. Y. 

1709. Jane Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1835; m. Francis Norton. 

1710. Ellen, b. Feb. 15, 1837; m. Francis Norton. She d. Feb. 1, 1926. 

1711. Julia, b. July 20, 1838. 

1712. Frederick, b. July 1, 1842. 

1713. Edgar Avery, b. May 8, 1844. 

1714. Horace, b. May 5, 1846. 

1715. Sarah Emily, b. April 8, 1858. 

1716. William James, b. April 6, 1850. 

1717. Minnie Chatterton, b. March 15, 1853; unm. 

1032. Xancy, dau. of James; m. May 29, 1846, John R. Mitchell; b. Jan. 7, 
1802; d. Jan. 10, 1878. She d. March 7, 1873. He was a mill owner and lived 
at Ithaca, N. Y. 

Edward R., b. March 20, 1847. 

John J., b. May 24, 1849; m. Oct. 16, 1873, Lizzie Hol.sey. He is a druggist 
at Detroit, Mich. 

1033. Benjamin Avery, son of James; m. Oct. 15. 1840, Sarah Ann Phillips, 
niece of Gen. Isiael Putnam. He was a merchant at Ithaca, N. Y. He d. Nov. 5, 
1883. She d. Feb. 26, 1897. Five children died young. 

1718. Sarah Emily, b. July 12, 1841. 

1719. Agnes Christine, b. Sept. 26, 1842; unm. 

1720. Ledyard Jay, b. April 21, 1847. 

1721. Mary Cowdry, b. June 24, 1852; unm. 

1722. Joachim, b. Nov. 4, 1853; unm. 1918. 

1723. Clara, b. Nov. 29, 1856; d. May 15, 1915; m. Lincoln E. Paterson. 

1034. Franklin, son of James; m. Olive Martin. Both dead. They had two 
daughters, Susie and Frances. Susie, b. July 1, 1852; m. Feb. 6, 1878, James 
Emanuel Henriques. They have two sons. Frances had no children. She and 
her husband are both dead. 

1035. Dewitt Clinton, son of James; m. Jan. 20, 1847, Sarah, dau. of Isaac 
and Mary Magee Tichenor, b. Sept. 30, 1825. He lived at Waverly, N. Y.; was 
a merchant, veterinary surgeon, liveryman, town supervisor, alderman and 
trustee Presbyterian church. He d. Oct. 19, 1899. She d. Jan. 2, 1901. 

1724. Harriet Eliza, b. Dec. 7, 1847. 

1725. Isabella Tichenor, b. Sept. 26, 1850. 

1726. Ella Louise, b. April 29, 1854; unm.; trained niu'se. 

1727. Anna Jane, b. Dec, 1861. 

1728. Lewis DeWitt, b. July 26, 1864. 

1036. Fanny, dau. of James; m. John Penny. They had two daughters. 
Fanny and Alice. Both married and had children. Alice m. Burge H. Hurd. 
Fanny d. Jan. 20, 1891. 

1037. David D., son of James; m. March 28, 1849, Olive L., dau. of E. F. 
Simon and Abigail O. Marshall, b. Sept. 13, 1825. He, his wife and two daugh- 
ters lived and died at Cortland, N. Y. 

1038. Mary, dau. of James; m. Jan. 17, 1849. Luther Judson Sanford, b. 
March 5, 1825, d. 1910. She d. April 29, 1879. 

Charles Judson, b. March 20, 1850, d. Jan. 5, 1896; m. Helen Brown. 

Fanny Atwater, b. Feb. 9, 1855. 

Ella Louise, b. Dec. 25, 1856. 

James Atwater, b. Sept. 13, 1858; m. Ella Jones. 

Mary, b. May 28, 1867. 

1039. Edward, son of James; m. Cusan Martin. He served in Civil War. 
They had no children. 

1040. Kufus King, son of James; m. Sept. 23, 1858, Sarah Ledyard Jones, 
b. March 29, 1835. He was a merchant, and d. Dec. 6, 1887, at Riverside, Calif. 
She d. Sept. 20, 1920. 

1729. Hiram Wells, b. Oct. 1, 1861. 


1730. William Edward, b. April 8, 1864. 

1731. Wenona King. b. Jan. 17. 1867. 

1732. Lucy Avery, b. July 20. 1880. 

104-*. Laura, dau. of John; m. Lemuel Sutherland; b. May 22, 1819; d. 1847. 
She d Nov. 30, 1881. Lived at Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. 

John Atwater, b. July 11, 1833; m. Harriett Cleghorn, of Canada, b. June 

17. 1833; d. June 15. 1901. 
Susan Remer. b. Mav 22, 1836; m. Amos H. Green, b. Oct. 6, 1822; d. Mar. 

7. 1883; one son. Sutherland, b. Nov. 20. 1869; d. Feb. 12, 1878. 
Laura Lucetta, b. Mav 16. 1856; m. Samuel Fones Rice, b. July 25. 1852. 

Lived at Elmira. N.Y. One dau.. Bessie, b. Oct. 10. 1884. 
Margaret, b. Jan. 21. 1858; d. Dec. 11. 1896; m. Frederick Jones Bradshaw, 

b. Aug. 21. 1851. Lived at Columbus, O. Children: Harry James, b. May 

19, 1878; Fanny May, b. June 13. 1879. Harry J. m. Florence Jones. 

b. Feb. 13. 1879: Fannv May m. Douglas Alexander Ingraham. b. Oct. 

15. 1870; one dau.. Margaret, b. Oct. 15. 1903. 
Walter Blessner. b. Feb. 4. 1876; m. Frances Fralick; lives at Newark, 

N. J. One son. Edward Lewis, b. April 16, 1905. 

1(>43. Kli/a Sutherland, dau. of Horace; m. Sylvester Childs, who d. Sept. 
6, 1849. aged 32; (2i Harrison Tuan. Two children, Frances Josephine and 
Sylvester, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Childs. 

1044. Spafford L., son of Horace; m. March 20, 1850. Mary Spriggs, b. 
Oct. 27. 185U: d. Sept. 8. 1901. He d. March 7, 1911. 

1733. Atlas Worthington, b. March 27. 1851. 

1734. Lewis Spriggs. b. Mav 29. 1853; m. Mary Scully. 

1735. Edson Richard, b. March 27. 1855. 

1736. Willis Byron, b. Aug. 27, 1860. 

1047. JuliuK, son of Goodyear; m. Mary Anna Anthony. He d. Oct. 1, 1868. 
Their children were Charles. Emma and Julius. 

1048. Lucy Jane. dau. of Goodyear; m. Nov. 1. 1855. Elias Dodd. They lived 
in Venice. N Y Two .sons. Fred, b. May, 1857, and James M., m. Mary Hall. 

luiy. .Mar\ Anna, dau. of Goodyear; m. James Nichols. One ilau., Ada, 
m. Wilson Mosher. 

1(».>0. Tiinotliv .L (1., son of Goodyear; m. Phebe Jane Nichols; she d. Dec. 
24. 1889. 

1737. Minnie, m. Daniel Hunter, who have one dau., Edith. 

lO.'SI. Kuicene L.. son of Richard Newman; m. May 13, 1872, Rosotta 
Mali.soii He lives in Rochester, N. Y. 

1738. Clarencf, b. Feb. 26, 1878. 

1739. I. Zora. b. Feb. 3, 1885. 

1052. Klla, dau. of Richard Newman; m. Scott Malison. They live at 
WarKHw. N. Y. 

lO.VI. Lucy A., dau. of Richard Newman; m. Dec. 18, 1895, Clarence Gale. 
They live in Moravia, N. Y. 

Nina Atwater. b. Nov. 3, 1896. 
Mary Ani<lia, b. Feb. 27, 1899. 
Elh<-I I^.ui.si-, h. Feb. 9, 1904. 

I0&.'». Mary, dau. of Lewis; m. Sept. 18, 1862, Lyman Williams. Lived in 
Ilhara. N. Y. 

Klla. b. June 12. 1863: m. Dec. 27, 1893. William Iredell Smith One .son. 

Hexford Wjlliams. b. Oct. 31. 1894. 
Fanny .Mary. b. Aug. 11, 1870; m. .M.iv 9, 1891, Jerrv Williams Toiiitellot. 
She- d. N<»v. 6, 1913. Two dau.: Helen Williams," b. May 27, 1899; m. 
June 19. 1918, Laurenci- June; one son, Laurence, Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1919. 
Th«> jMTond dau.. Mary Margaret, b. Sept. 19, 1903; m. May, 1924, 
•Martm Donovan. 


1056. Frank J., son of Lewis; m. April 9, 1873. Ada CoiTiing. Lived at 
Manchester, Iowa. He d. Aug., 1898. 

1740. Lewis Corning. 

1058. Frederick Clay, son of Samuel; m. 1880, Verda Mont Kelsey. Newark, 
N. J. In the grocery trade. He d. Oct. 13, 1909. She d. Jan. 10, 1908. 

1741. Fred Clay, Jr., b. Aug. 28, 1881. 

1742. Nelson James, b. July 24, 1880. 

1743. Charlotte Belle, b. April 10, 1889; m. Clarence G. Yoran. 

1744. Julia Kelsey, b. April 12, 1896. 

1745. Joseph Young, b. Nov. 13, 1898. 

1060. Samuel Nelson, son of Samuel; m. Jan. 10, 1893, Katherine De Nye, 
dau. of Cornelius T. Williamson and Helen Schaffer, b. June 29, 1865. He d. 
April 13, 1907. 

1746. DeNye Williamson, b. Aug. 14, 1894; d. April 13, 1948. 

1747. Kenneth Nelson, b. Feb. 11, 1896. 

1748. Donald Williamson, b. Oct. 6, 1900; m. Dorothy Frances, b. July 10, 
1902, of Philadelphia, Pa., dau. of Howard Austin and Anna Helen 
Barrett Darling. 

1062. Lisette L., dau. of Jason; m. May 2, 1837, Dr. James H. Jerome, of 
Trumansburg, N. Y. She d. July 30, 1863. 

1063. >Iarv' G.. dau. of Jason; b. Jan. 25, 1819; m. Sept. 5, 1838, Sanford 
P. Allen; moved to Michigan; d. Dec. 16, 1847. 

1064. Stephen Decatur, son of Jason; m. May 1, 1850, Julia A., dau. of 
Isaac Beers. He d. Feb. 24, 1889. 

1749. Charles Hall, b. Aug. 4, 1852. 

1750. Fred Beers, b. May 4, 1854. 

1065. Jason J., son of Jason; m. May 4, 1844, Eliza C. Dunlop. He d. May 
19, 1864. 

1751. Minnie J., b. Dec. 25, 1844; m. W. W. Pierce. 

1066. Samuel T., son of Jeremiah; m. Sept. 1, 1841, Matilda, dau. of James 
Mead and Sabra Lester. A weaver and farmer at Lansing, N. Y. She was b. 
July 23, 1819; d. Oct. 7, 1900. He d. Nov. 18, 1897. 

1752. Emma, b. June 25, 1848. 

1753. Jennie, b. July 19. 1855. 

1068. Dwight J., son of Jeremiah, m. Almira Cook; (2) Mrs. Jane Lewis 
Curtis, d. Dec. 15, 1854; (3) Mary Lewis, d. Oct. 16, 1924. 

1754. Kate, m. G. L. Adams. 

1069. John Bowman, son of Jeremiah; m. Aug. 25, 1851, Lauretta Allen, 
b. April 14, 1829. He was a promoter and inventor and resided at Morgan 
Park, Illinois. 

1755. Arthur Jerome, b. May 8, 1858. 

1756. Edith May, b. June 13, 1865; unm.; d. Dec. 3, 1951. 

1070. Wilson D., son of Jeremiah; m. Jan. 12, 1846, Mary Clark, d. July 3, 
1898. He d. Feb., 1892, aged 76. 

1757. Ella E., b. Sept. 12, 1846; m. Nov. 1, 1882, William Tremaine, b. 
Nov. 20, 1861. 

1071. Willis Goodyear, son of Jeremiah; m. Oct. 6, 1858, Catherine Snyder, 
b. Sept. 10, 1833. He lived in Elmira, N. Y. He d. June 6, 1907. 

1758. Frank Dwight, b. Oct. 25, 1859. 

1759. Snyder Peter, b. June 4, 1862. 

1760. Clara Eveline, b. Sept. 27, 1868. 

1761. Floyd Alden, b. Oct. 13, 1875. 

1072. Darius Adams, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 13, 1860, Fidelia Jane Lyon. 
A carpenter of Elmira, N. Y. She was b. June 4, 1840; d. Nov. 13. 1877. He d. 
Dec. 29, 1891. 

1762. Burton W., b. July 11, 1862. 


1763. Una U.. b. Mav 2. 1869: d. Aug. 1. 1924; m. March 14, 1888. Levelle 

C. Mills. 
1764 Charles A., b. Dec. 20. 1871. 

1765. Lucia A., b. June 4, 1875. 

1766. Zora B.. b. Feb. 19. 1844; m. July 15, 1917, Noserwan Haraiyia. 

1073. Ambrose (.'otter, son of Jeremiah; m. July 4, 1883, Emma Baker, b. 
Mav 4. 1854. Groton. N. Y. He d. Dec. 19. 1913. She d. April 7, 1937. 

■ 1767. Lucv T.. b. Dec. 16. 1884. 

1768. Bertha, b. Feb. 28, 1886. 

1769. Eusent-. b. April 12. 1888. 

1770. Ralph A., b. Julv 14, 1892. 

1771. John B.. b. March 9. 1894. 
1772 Mary. b. Dec. 14. 1895. 

1074. Alonzo B., son of John G.; b. April 6, 1805; m. Nov. 24, 1825. Tainar 
E. Benjamin, b. Aug. 11. 1804; d. Sept. 24. 1888. He lived in Genoa. N. Y., and 
was a mason and farmer. He d. Feb. 14, 1878. 

1773. Alonzo M.. b. May 28. 1828. 

1774. Norman B.. b. Aug. 11. 1830. 

1775. Jason G.. b. Sept. 26. 1834. 

1776. Emilv C. b. Dec. 12. 1841; unm. 

1777. \V. Hudson, b. April 20. 1844. 

1076. John (1., .son of John G.; m. Sept. 9. 1841. Pamelia Goodyear, b. Aug. 
7. 1820; d. Nov. 23. 1857; (2i Aug. 6. 1858. Julia McGuigan. d. July 29, 1877. 
He was a farmer at Genoa. N. Y.. and d. April 12, 1890. 

1778. Lois Augusta, b. Nov. 12. 1843. 

1779. George Weston, b. Sept. 20. 1849. 

1780. Jesse Gifford, b. Feb. 14, 1853. 

1077. Fllza F:.. dau. of Newman; m. Sept. 14, 1871, Andrew J. Rheinhold. 
of Winsled. C(»nn. 

1078. .Abigail .Augustii, dau. of John Osborn; in. Oct. 3, 1832, Chester 
Atkms. of Hamden. Their children were Abigail and Louisa. He d. July 2, 1873. 

1079. Klizii .\iui. dau. of Jolin Osborn; m. Dr. .John Tulllo, of New York 
City; (2 1 William Peck. 

lOHO. Kini'linr, dau. of John Osborn; m. Nov. 29. 1829, Benjamin Warner. 
of Hamd«-n. He wa.s b. Aug. 29. 1801 : d. Jan. 25. 1860. She d. in Now Haven, 
April 25, 1897. 

lOHl. Danifl i>*onard, son of John Osborn; m. Aug. 22. 1830, Rosolia, dau. 
of E»>er and Clarrissa Brooks Blakeslee. b. May 8. 1810. He d. April 18. 1850. 
Hi.s widow, Rosolia. m. Nathan Tibbals, Dec. 28. 1852, and died April 18. 1889. 
17S1. Leonard Augu.stus. b. Nov. 9, 1831. 

I0«','. <;«*urg<- WiilanI, .sun of John Osborn; m. Nov. 28, 1830. Emcline 

Dorman. b. Nov., 1808; d. Oct. 13. 1885. He d. Feb. 5, 1862. Lived in New Haven. 

172. Jane Loui.sa. b. July 23. 1832; d. May 26, 1860; m. Henrv Woodruff. 

1783. G.orge I^vell. b. May 28. 1841. 

1784. Emma Lucinda. b. Aug. 22, 1843; m. Morgan Nichols Atwater. 
178.^ John Hiirton, b. March 12. 1846. 

IHx:;. .John Kli/.ur. .son of John Osborn; m. Mary .1. Hill in 1830; d. June 6, 
J I Din.-y Hill. He d. June, 1852. 
lia6. " ■■ ■ Is. b. Sept. 16. 1843. 

1787. ■ lu. b. Jan. 26. 1M7. 

lOHI. I( .V.....IKI, .son of Marcus E.; m. Marv Hicock. riLlsficld. Mass. 

1788. -k. b. April 24, 1850. 

Iom: Wtllhim K., 8on of Marcus E.; m. Dec. ,30, 1864. Eliza N. Ross. Pitts- 
., (2i Sept. 30, 1874, Charles Dickinson. 
Peter, b. Nov. 23, 1865. 


1090. Allen H., son of Leverett, b. in Riga, N. Y.; m. April 19, 1832, Eliza 
Ann, dau. of Phineas M. Parmelee and Mary Meigs Wood. He d. Oct. 3, 1889 
at Frankfort, S. Dak. He served four terms in the Wisconsin Legislature. 

1790. Berton Carlos, b. May 4, 1843. 

1791. Josephine, b. May 4, 1845. 

1792. Melina Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1847. 

1793. Emery Allen, b. Aug. 10, 1849; unm. 

1794. Regina Idalene, b. Oct. 15, 1851. 

1795. Horatio Ward, b. Julv 2, 1854. 

1796. Ichabod Hiram, b. Oct. 12, 1856. 

1797. Lillian Eliza, b. May 8, 1860. 

1095. Josiah Wolcott, son of Lyman; m. Fanny, dau. of Henry Blawnot; 
(2) Mahala, dau. of Titus Case and Amy Reed; (3) Clara, sister of Mahala; 
(4) Widow Sarah Dowd. He was a farmer at Barkhamsted, Conn. He held the 
offices of constable, grand juror, selectman and representative. 

1798. Josiah Wolcott, b. Dec. 16, 1838. 

1799. Harriet F., b. March 7, 1840; m. Asahel Humphrey. 

1097. Sarah Louise, dau. of Lyman; m. Sept. 4, 1838, Martin Rust. Lived 
at Barkhamsted. Conn. She d. Oct. 31, 1851. He d. Dec. 21, 1851. 

Lucinda, b. 1840; m. Sept. 27, 1854, Leonard Doolittle. 
Mary, m. Nov. 28, 1874, George Curtis. 
Martha, m. March 28, 1874, Frederick Driggs. 

1098. Kuth Livia, dau. of Jared; m. March 22, 1849, Ira, son of John R. 
Johnson and Lucy Tuttill, b. May 8, 1825. He was a farmer at Byron, N. Y., 
and d. Oct. 2, 1870. 

1099. Jared Allen, son of Jared; m. Oct. 8, 1856, Mary Jane, dau. of Amos 
G. Crampton and Prudence Tew, b. April 28, 1833. They lived in Leroy, N. Y., 
and he was a stone mason. He d. June, 1917. She d. April 27, 1909. 

1800. Lyman J., b. Sept. 28, 1858. 

1801. Jennie M., b. Feb. 26, 1865. 

1802. Nettie B., b. Aug. 26, 1866; unm. 

1100. Alonzo Edwin, son of Jared; m. Nov. 8, 1860, Sarah H. Hamblin, 
b. Julv 20, 1832; d. January 8, 1913. He d. June 3, 1910. 

1803. Flora E., b. March 26, 1863; rn. 1885, Ezekial Fordyce. 

Linnie Blanche, b. May 21, 1889. 
Fay, b. 1894. 

1804. Corles E., b. March 2, 1866; m. Lives in St. Louis, Mich. 

Virgil A., b. Oct. 26, 1889; m. 

1805. Jennie Ruth, b. Oct. 16, 1900. 

1102. David, son of Daniel; m. Dec. 29, 1842, Betsey, dau. of Paul Wilder, 
b. Jan. 30, 1820; d. Nov. 7. 1895. He d. Dec, 1873. They lived at Clarendon, Vt. 

1806. Alonzo D., b. Feb. 9, 1844. 

1807. Alfred H., b. Sept. 16, 1845. 

1808. Lorette F., b. Nov. 26, 1849. 

1809. Myron P., b. Feb. 28, 1852. 

1810. Charles W., b. Aug. 9, 1856. 

1811. Laura B., b. Aug. 24, 1861. 

1104. Socrates, son of Daniel; m. March 30, 1850, Lydia A. Wendover, dau. 
of Thomas and Margaret Levesee, b. July 17, 1831. They lived at Minden, Neb. 
She d. Feb. 2, 1893. He d. Jan. 4, 1905. 

1812. Erastus Wellington, b. July 8, 1856. 

1813. Orlando Dallas, b. Dec. 31, 1865. 

1109. Royal, son of Daniel; m. Sept. 24, 1854, Sarah F. McDowell. He lived 
in Franklin, "Penn., and later in Robins, Iowa. He was killed in a nmaway 
accident July 7, 1885. She was b. Aug. 13, 1831, and d. Oct. 14, 1893. 

1814. Daniel W.. b. Nov. 9, 1856. 

1815. Ayres B., b. May 30, 1858. 

1816. Laura M., b. Jan. 7, 1865. 

1817. Charles S., b. Nov. 15, 1866; imm. 


- :^ Louise C. b. Aug. 6. 1868. 
isiy. James R., b. Sept. 1, 1880. 

1110. Asa, son of Daniel; m. Dec. 25. 1877. Susan M. Brown. They lived at 
Wells. Vt No children. He d. Jan. 8. 1908. She d. Nov. 2. 1916. 

1111. Jumtthun. son of Jonathan; m. May 20. 1877. Flora E. Preston. Lived 
in Middletown, Vt. He d. Jan. 26. 1892. She m. (2) June 20. 1894. Wm. 
Cooper, of Wells, Vt. 

1820. Flora S.. b. Feb. 15. 1878; m. Oct. 9. 1895. Myrtle D. Cooper, b. May 

11. 1872. He is a farmer at Middletown, Vt. Their children are: Viola 
E.. b. Mav 26. 1898; Vera M.. b. Sept. 14. 1900; Hazel M., b. April 

12, 1902; Lee J., b. Aug. 3. 1903; Roy R.. b. Feb. 28. 1905. 

1114. Mary. dau. of Stephen: m. Orlando Tanner; removed to Illinois, 
where both died. 

1115. Sarah, dau. of Stephen; m. George Ware. They had two children. 
both married. 

1116. l.vinan, son of Stephen; m. Jane, dau. of Ephraim Gilmore and Laura 
Ingraham. b. Nov. 17. 1822; d. June 27. 1882. A farmer of Ludlow. Vt. 

1118. KInathan Keynolds, son of John; m. April 15, 1858, Rosa Patience 
Smith, b. Xuv. lit. 1835; d. July 12. 1896. A lawyer, clergyman, and editor of 
Christian Intelligencer; Brooklyn. He d. Nov. 29, 1899. 

1S21. Julia Lawrence, b. March 7, 1859. 
IM'J. Rosa Reynolds, b. Oct. 12. 1860. 
IM'.i Maria Louisa, b. Jan. 23. 1863. 

1824. Anna Grant, b. Juno 5. 1865; m. May 15, 1897, Lewis R. Knapp. 
H d. May 28, 1902. 

1825. Clara Parsons, b. July 16. 1869. 

1119. (■iirn«'liuN Kush. son of John; m. April 8, 1852, Mary Malvina Hull. 
b. Feb 24. ISL'T, <.t Tribes Hill. N. Y. He d. Feb. 12. 1887. She d. Jan. 21, 1917. 

1826. Maurice Hooker, b. Oct. 11. 1854. 

1827. Louise, b. July 8. 1856; unm. 

1828. Cornelius Rush. b. June 8, 1858. 

!1-»I. Nancy, dau. of Elnathan; m. 1837, John McFee. who d. July 15. 
Ih41; (2 I 1844.' James E. Shader. She d. 1887. 

1124. John B., son of Elnathan: m. Nov. 5, 1856. Sabrina, dau. of John 
Dillenbeck aiwl Maria Lintner, b. Mav 24, 1836; d. April 24, 1903. A fanner 
at Fulton. N. Y. He d. May 7. 1913. 

1829. Ida A., b. Dec. 5. 1858. 

1830. George Elnathan. b. Dec. 15. 1861. 

1831. John Clarence, b. Oct. 15. 1875. 

1832. Wilham Rice. b. Oct. 13. 1881; chief electrician American company's 
woolen mills. Fulton. N. Y.; m. May 4, 1918, Elsie Mcintosh. 

I !•»."». Mary l.ouKi-, dau. of Philo Judson; m. April, 1849, Alfred H. Alex- 
ander, of New .Marlb<.ro, Ma.ss. She d. Nov. 18. 1903. He d. Nov.. 1913. 
Alice, b. June 9, 1852; d. F.b. 29, 18.56. 

Ada, b. .May 31. 1858; m. Dec. 31, 1881, Harri.son H. Golding, .son of Levi 
and Mary Cunningham. They live in Mill River, Mass. 
AviM I., b. April 9, 1883; m. June 6. 1901, Arthur E. Haynes, and have 
Alfred M., b. April 7, 1902: Katherine Race, b. Sept. 4. 1904; Margue- 
nl.-. b. Oct. 2, 1906; Evelyn, h. Dec. 14. 1915; Alice Golding. b. 1892, 
m. 1914. R.-ginald H. Tuthill. and have Alexander H., b. Dec. 26, 1918, 
and Beverly I>jui.se, b. Sept. 22, 1923. 
Frc<!crlck G., b. July 27. 1862; m. Anna Huggins. No children. 

]\'J\. .l:iin«-». son of Phllo Jud.son; m. Catherine Bunt. He lived in Egre- 
mor.- ■ Dec. 10. 1896. She d. 1877. 

. - A, b. Dec. 12. 18.56. 

1834. Sherman G.. b. June 18, 1865. 

1835. Henry, b. Nov. 18, 1857. 


1836. Emma Stella, b. Oct. 1, 1862. 

1837. Hattie Louise, b. July 2, 1870. 

1127. Elias H., son of Philo Judson; m. 1864, Lucinda Marks. Highlands, 
N. J. He d. April 18. 1892. 

1838. Albert, b. Oct. 22, 1865; vmm. 

1839. Eliza, b. June 8, 1867; m. Robt. Lewis. 

1840. Moses, b. April 6, 1868; unm. 

1841. Frederick, b. Nov. 9, 1876. 

1128. Albert A., son of James Young; m. Nov. 4, 1863, Mary Alice Wood- 
ford, b. July 25, 1846. He was a whipmaker and lived at Westfield, Mass. He 
d. Jan. 18, 1899. 

1842. William E., b. Feb. 23, 1869. 

1129. George P., son of James Young; m. March 16, 1875, Dora, dau. of 
Edwin and Anna Hull. He was a whipmaker and lived at Westfield, Mass. 

1130. Frances Louise, dau. of James Young, m. Nov. 9, 1870, Henry C. 
Gallup. They lived in Holyoke. She d. May 25, 1902. 

1131. Edward C, son of James Young; m. Dec. 20, 1883. Carlo M. Weston 
of Bangor, Me. He was a sheet metal contractor. He d. June 6, 1932. 

1843. Juha Maud, b. Nov. 26, 1884. 

1844. Lucretia May, b. July 10, 1887. 

1845. Alice Mitchell, b. Nov. 8, 1889. 

1846. Edna Caroline, b. June 30, 1892. 

1847. Madora Louise, b. March 15, 1897. 

1132. Daniel A., son of Tuttle; m. Emeline Vickery. A farmer and mer- 
chant; d. 1896. She was b. May 1, 1810, and d. in 1864. Stephentown, N. Y. 

1848. Mary Eliza, b. June 10, 1844. 

1849. William Henry, b. Feb. 14, 1847. 

1850. Martha Ehnor, b. Nov. 7, 1850. 

1851. Emeline Priscilla, b. March 7. 1853. 

1852. Silas Isaiah, b. Aug. 19, 1855. 

1133. Emily, dau. of Tuttle; m. William M. Stillwell, of Portchester. Buried 
in Evergreen cemetery, Dec. 8, 1907. Had daughters, Ida, who married Jules 
Bonjour, and has serveral children, and also had daughter, Minnie, d. Nov. 16, 
1898, aged 32 years. Mr. Stillwell d. April 22, 1888, aged 57 yrs., 5 mo., 11 days. 

1137. Arlow Nelson, son of James Lewis; m. Martha Millspaugh. He d. 
Oct. 25, 1925. She d. Dec. 8, 1902. 

1853. Mary S., b. Sept. 28, 1873. 

1854. Louis M., b. Jan. 5, 1876. 

1855. Sarah M., b. Mar. 27, 1878. 

1856. Henry S., b. Sept. 27, 1882. 

1138. Sally Rebecca, dau. of James Lewis; m. Dec. 21, 1861. James Arnold. 
She d. Aug. ll'. 1870. 

Harriet, b. Oct. 6, 1868. 

1139. James Griffin, son of James Lewis; m. Oct. 4, 1871, Henrietta 
Snedeker. Lived in Binghamton, N. Y. 

1857. Grace Viola, b. April 8, 1873; m. July 27, 1895. Edwin Adelbert 

1858. Charles D., b. June 10, 1882. 

1141. I^riah E., son of Daniel E., m. Harriet Lambert. He lived in Elmira, 
N. Y. He d. May 2, 1915. 

1859. Harry R., b. Dec. 20, 1866. 

1860. Delia, b. May 13, 1876. 

1143. Edward, son of Daniel E., m. 1787, Mary Streeter. Chicago. 111. 

1861. Clifford Leroy, b. June 22, 1888; m., no children. 

1862. Esther, b. Aug. 27, 1898; m. Oct. 7, 1925, Edward Healy. 


114a. tUlvvard Weaver, son of Stephen: b. in Rochester, N. Y.: m. in Seneca 
Falls. X. Y.. Sept. 25. 1872. Fannie A. Langworthy (dau. of William and Sarah 
WVhxIi. ■ , 29. 1851; d. April H. 1885. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I, 
lirh R> ■. R. I. Volunteer Infantry and saw active service in Eastern 

'. •. From 1863 to 1871 he represented the American Wood Paper Co., of 

1 . — .. jice. R. I., at their Royersford, Pa., mill. In 1874 he lemoved to western 
New York, living in Palmyra four years and Fairport eight years, and in 1886 
-■ n Batavia. Genesee county. In 1886 he became connected with the 

J . Harvester Co., of Batavia. N. Y.. was elected trustee and treasurer in 

Itsifl. vice-president in 1898 and president in 1907, continuing- to hold the 
positions of president and treasurer up to the time of his death, which occunod 
on September 2, 1910. 

1863. William Langworthv. b. Aug. 15. 1873. 

1864. Edward Congdon, b. Oct. 9, 1876. 

1865. Ahce Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18. 1878. 

1866. Frances Randolph, b. Aug. 3. 1883. 

1146. Kiehurd Mead, son of Stephen; m. Sept. 30. 1867, Abby Sophia 
Greene, dau. of Christopher A. and Sarah Ann Chase, b. Dec. 12, 1844. Abby 
Sophia Greene is a lineal descendant of Roger Williams of Rhode Island. Hist. 
data p. 164, Vol. 4. He d. November, 1922. 

1867. Sophia Mead. b. Sept. 4, 1868. 

1868. Christopher Greene, b. Dec. 23. 1869. 

1869. Ethelwvn Morrill, b. July 14. 1871. 

1870. Richard Mead. Jr., b. Mav 16, 1873. 

1871. David Hastings, b. Nov. 8, 1875. 

1872. Anna Dorothea, b. June 27, 1877. 

1873. Maxwell Wanton, b. Dec. 10. 1878. 

1874. Elizabeth Arnold, b. June 14, 1880. 

1875. Marjory Garrison, b. Aug. 24, 1883. 

1148. Anne Caroline, dau. of Stephen; m. May 29, 1877, Rev. J. H. Mason. 
who in 1876, closed a seven-year pastorate with the First Baptist church in 
New Haven. She is the Caroline Atwater Mason who has attained considerable 
reputation as an authoress. 

Marv Atwater. b. Oct. 17, 1878. 
Ruth Little, b. Nov. 25, 1883. 

1149. William I^'vi, son of Levi H., m. Nov. 1, 1869, Emily, dau. of Harrison 
and Adeha Bennett of Somerset. She d. 1905. An architect and builder, later 
a grain dealer, and was for several terms supervisor of the town of Somerset. 
He d. March 4. 1919. 

Il.'.«» Kli/.aheth H.. dau. of Levi H.; m. March 10, 1869, Albert E., son of 
Henry H and Julia A. Frost, of Somerset, N. Y. She d. Sept.. 1932. 

Mary Julia, b. March 22. 1870; m. March, 1890, Jefferson L., b. Aug. 24, 
1H67. .s(jn of Jas. A. and Harriet J. Dickinson, of Newfane, N. Y. 
Bertha Clara, b. Dec. 4. 1890. 
Raymond Albert, b. Aug. 13, 1892. 
Dorothy Esther, b. Oct. 27, 1895. 
Wilfred Albert, b. July 2, 1871; m. March 17, 1897, Josephine, dau. of 
Theron and Hannah Dobbs, of Somerset, N. Y. He is a fruit grower and 
farmer, filling places of trust in the church and community. Has been 
master of the local grange and interested and active in educational 
IlncH. Children are: 

Clifford Elnmre, b. Dec. 28, 1899. 
Lillian Grace, b. May 28, 1902. 
llariiali Elizabeth, b. May 25. 1905. 
He: ig. b. Jan. 14. 1874; m. June 18. 1901, Mary Alice, dau. of Prof, 

ii W. T. Tultle of I.*af River, 111. Gradual (>d from Northwostorn 

I ly of Fvanslon, III., in 1901. Served several yeais as snperin- 

' I'rairie Sei. binary and other schools in Illinois, and is 

I' M. K. church at Fan-o. N. Dak. Children are: 

Wilfrul Tultle, b. Aug. 25. 1905 
Henry Hoag, b. Oct. 3. 1907. 
Arthur Atwater. b. Aug. 5. 1909. 


Anna Hoag, b. July 19, 1877; m. Sept. 9, 1914, Willis Thompson Mann, 
formerly of Somerset, now proprietor of "Grand River Orehai'ds," of 
Geneva, C, one of the leading fruit glowers of the state. She devoted 
some time to work in Buffalo Woman's Hospital as nurse, but her 
health giving out she went to Alaska with her sister, and there, becom- 
ing interested in similar work at Valdez, served a year or more in the 
Episcopal Hospital at that place. 

Grace Maria, b. Dec. 11, 1880, was graduated from Genesee Sem, at Lima, 
N. Y., in 1901. Spent several years in teaching in Illinois and m. Valorous 
Alderman Paine of Bay City, Mich.. Dec. 11, 1906. They have resided in 
Valdez and later in Juneau, Alaska. 

llol. 3Iaria Louise, dau. of Levi H.; m. Oct. 25, 1876, Horatio Berry, of 
Brooklyn, N. Y. She d. Feb. 28, 1881. 

Charles Atwater. b. Aug. 5, 1877, m. Carrie, dau. of Charles A. and Sophia 
Decker, Sept. 23, 1903. 

Elizabeth Atwater, b. Dec. 3, 1908; m. Randolph Irving Thornton, 
banker, b. Nov. 1, 1905. Hackensack, N. J. 

Elizabeth Kent, b. April 3, 1939. Randolph Irving Jr., b. Sept. 15, 
Catherine Vreeland, b. July 11, 1910, m. George Carl Mark, b. May 
3, 1903 in Belgium, son of Edward and Dorothy Seek Mark; both 
d. Chester, N. J. 
Charles Decker, b. Feb. 13, 1920, m. Rose Marie Kelley, b. July 21, 1920. 
Charles Thomas, b. July 10, 1945. Nancy Atwater, b. Sept. 21, 
1948. David Decker, b. June 20, 1954. Ridgewood, N. J. 
George Washington, b. Feb. 22, 1879; m. Oct. 12, 1903, Genevieve, dau. of 
Howard and Nettie W. Cadmus, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Donald Cadmus, b. Jan. 9, 1905; m. May 17, 1930 Helen Frances Oiler, 
dau. John B. and Adelaide Hartley Oiler. 

Donald Cadmus Berry Jr., 2nd Lt. U.S. Air Corps Res.; A.B. 

Williams College. With Chase National Bank. 
Linda Oiler Berry, b. Feb. 23, 1937. Wheaton College. 

1152. Myra J., dau. of Levi Hoag; m. Dec. 11, 1878, George Balderston. He 
is a nurseryman at Colora, Md. 

Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1879; d. March 12, 1949. 

Edward, b. March 21, 1881; m. 1910, Anna E. Dwight. They live in Frieda, 

N. D.; d. Feb. 24, 1954. 
Alice, b. Nov. 22, 1882. 

Jane Canby, b. April 21, 1886; missionary W. China; teacher, mathematics 
and education; m. Daniel Sheets, b. Feb. 7, 1884, son of Alonzo T. and 
Annie Middleswarts Dye and professor of physics; both of West China 
Union University. 
Bertha, b. Jan. 1, 1888; florist, Colora, Md. Anne, b. Sept. 11, 1889; for- 
merly Rockefeller Inst., N. Y. Levi Hoag, b. May 8, 1891; m. 1915, 
Anna E. Fcunner. 

Helen G., b. Aug. 5, 1916, m. Alton Bell on July 12, 1942. 

Sue Ann, b. Jan. 18, 1944. Kay Lynn, b. Aug. 12, 1947. Terry 
Alton, b. March 1, 1949. Robert Ellis, b. Dec. 7, 1950. 
Robert Levi, b. Sept. 24, 1917, m. Doris Fischer, b. July 17, 1924. 
Richard Atwater, b. April 24, 1951. Bruce Kenneth, b. Dec. 15, '53. 
Donald, b. May 13, 1923, m. Jane Martinis. 

Donna Jane, b. May 28, 1952. Stephen Lloyd, b. May 23, 1954. 
Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1892; m. 1915 Herbert Harker. d. 1943. 

WiUiam A., b. Jan. 20, 1916, m. 1942 Ellen Frances, dau. of George 
and Julia Mullins Jones of Germantown, Pa. 

George Randall, b. Sept. 26, 1943. Anne Ellen, b. Oct. 22, 1945. 
Allen Wilham, b. March 17, 1949. 
George B., b. Oct. 2, 1918, m. July 16, 1942 Janet. 

Bruce Roger, b. Dec. 7, 1943. Allen Butler, b. May 7, 1946. 
Candace Winston, b. Feb. 22, 1950. 
John, b. June 21, 1922, m. May 20, 1944 Isabelle, a WAC in W.W. II 
and dau. of Lynnford and Violet Evans Roberts. 

Scott Evan, b. May 5, 1945. Lynne, b. May 30, 1947. Michele 
Shelley, b. Jan. 24, 1951. John Roberts, b. June 6, 1952. 


Kate Butler, b. Nov. 5, 1924. m. Robert Vaughn on June 5. 1948. 
Robert Thomas Jr. b. July 23, 1951. William Lloyd, b. Sept. 5, 1954. 
Ruth. b. Feb. 7. 1895. teacher, m. John Edward Liffincott (d. July 4. 1951) 
Thomas Edward, b. Feb. 23, 1923. m. June 4, 1948 Betty Lee McFarlan. 
Thomas Edward, b. April 2, 1949. John Daniel, b. March 16, 1952. 
Mvra Atwater, b. Jan. 3, 1925. m. Nov. 9, 1946 Earl Barrett. 
Kathleen Ruth, b. June 8. 1948. Ellis, b. Feb. 8. 1953. 
Stephen Thomas, b. May 9, 1954. 
Jane Canbv, b. Nov. 6, 1935. Student Earlham College. 
George, b. June 19, 1896; banker. 

George Balderston Jr., b. June 21, 1924, m. Oct. 13. 1951 Margaret 

Ivv Smith. (Chil.) David Mark, b. July 13, 1954. 
Margaret Ellen, b. Julv 21, 1924, m. Kenneth Brownell. 1949. 

Robert Maxwell, b. Dec. 11, 1952. Eric Kenneday. b. June 21, 1951. 

1153. Stephen, son of Levi Hoag; m. Dec. 13, 1882. Henrietta P. Williams. 
Her father. Henry Williams, enlisted early in the Civil War and contracted 
fever of which lie died. Stephen was a young man of earnest Christian 
character and high principles. He was a Simday school superintendent of his 
church where he did conscientious work; d. Mav 14, 1899. 

1876. Henrv Levi, b. Feb. 28. 1884. 

1877. George Edward, b. Oct. 25, 1885. 

1878. Mary Cornelia, b. Nov. 17, 1890. 

1154. Sarah E.. dau. of Levi Hoag; m. May 14, 1883, Elwood Balderston. 
Was a member of the Maryland legislature 1916-17, secretary of the Cecil 
Farmers Club of Cecil Co.. Md., and a member of the Farmers National 
Congress, Washmgton. D. C. 

Mark. b. May 2, 1889. A graduate Haverford College. Pa., 1912, spent a 
year at Harvard and is now professor of Physics and dean of Guilford 
College. N. C; m. June 13, 1925 Anna Roberts, b. Feb. 26, 1894. 

Jean, b. July 9, 1927, m. May 13, 1925 Richard Hoag Wilcox, b. Sept. 
23. 1927, Woostcr. O., son of Hazel Mae Hoag and Raymond Boor- 
man Wilcox. 

Lloyd, b. Jan. 10, 1893. A graduate of Westtown school, spent two years 
Penna. State Ag. College, short course in agriculture, expert farm 
manager, Colora, Md. 
Pvichard Mead, b. June 16, 1898, graduate Westtown School, senior year 
Haverford College. Pa., 1918; m. June 21. 1923 Rachel McKee. 

Nancy, b. Feb. 13. 1927, m. Dec. 25. 1948 Leonard Wesley Conrad, ta. 
Sept. 8. 1923. (Chil.) Kay Lee, b. March 13, 1950. Jo Lyn, b. Sept. 
10. 1951. Eric Lloyd, b. Aug. 22, 1955. 

Il.V"). Ki-rtha K., dau. of Levi Hoag. m. Oct. 17, 1895. Cyrus Cooper, of 
Coluinbianna, Ohio. Minister of the Society of Friends. Have one son, Samuel. 

1156. Ida Dun ;is, (iau. of Joseph H.; m. Oct. 9, 1879, George Broome. She 
d. Jan. 7, 190U. 

Il.W. John LarKon, .son of John; resides in Chicago. 111.; m. Manh 25, 
1874, Emma Frances, dau. of Alfred Little Scranton and Mary Jane Lamb, 
b. Jan. 18. lh.'»4. He is a minister and manufacturer, and inventor of the Vive 
caiMcntH, which have become known all over the world. He was the first mayor 
of Wf.stern Si)nngs. III. Four children not mentioned are dead. She d. suddenly 
at Chi«aK«>. Nov. 22, 1923, 

1879. (;e<jrge Brooks, b. March 1, 1879; m. May 19, 1921, Minnie Schutz, 
of PoHtville, Iowa. 

1880. John Mead, b. Doc. 7, 1882; m. June 19, 1920. Claia Winifred Perry. 

1160. Rminu MhIm*!, dau. of John; m. P>b. 21, 1895, Charles Harvey Trues- 
dcll, a lawyer m La I'orle, Ind. He d. Jan. 15, 1912. 

M.irKarel, b. Fe»». 10, 1896; m. June 24, 1922, Donald Weir of La Porte, 

Ind. (dauM. I Margaret Cornelia, b. April 21. 1923; m. Richard Lee Wil- 

burn. b. Oct. 18. 1926; chemist. 

Jane Walr. b. - - ; m. Ralph Eugene, b. Dec. 10. 1926, Bayshore, N. Y., 

Bon of Adelaide Anna ami Karl Judson Miner (deceased); Administra- 


tive Analyst, (son) Donald Earl, b. Jan. 15, 1955. Charlotte, b. Dec. 
20, 1898. 

1161. Willard Taft, son of James; m. Aug. 10, 1881, Sarah Ella, dau. of 
Joseph Shepard Pierce and Matilda Weaver. He was treasurer W. S. Nott Co., 
of Minneapolis, Minn. He d. Aug. 15, 1911. 

1881. James, b. June 8, 1882. 

1882. Florence Fay, b. April 28, 1885. 

1883. Helen Louise, b. March 4, 1887. 

1884. Pierce, b. May 17, 1896. 

1885. Lois Taft. b. Oct. 19, 1898. 

1162. Charles Nelson, son of James; m. Sept. 12, 1888, Mary, dau. of Dr. 
Thomas Snowden and Catherine C. Wood, b. Aug. 4, 1865. He was a naval 
officer. He d. April 22, 1919. 

1886. Katherine Snowden, b. Nov. 3, 1889. 

1887. Mary Taft, b. March 31, 1892. 

1163. Edwin Charlton, son of James; m. Oct. 17, 1888, Alice Newton, dau. 
of Thomas N. Van Valkenburg and Frances Amelia Lewis, b. May 5, 1865. He 
is manager of the Nott-Atwater Refining and Belting Co. of Spokane, Wash. 

1888. Thomas Van V., b. Oct. 24, 1889. 

1889. Dorothy Sylvia, b. June 1, 1891. 

1890. Irving Taft, b. Nov. 2, 1892. 

1164. Ir\-ing James, son of James; m. June 24, 1890, Florella. dau. of Henry 
C. Tucker and Clara Warren, b. June 24, 1865. He d. March 12, 1927. 

1891. Claire, b. Sept. 29, 1891; writer with National Geographic Society. 

1892. Eleanor Hay, b. Dec. 31, 1893. 

1893. Elizabeth Tucker, b. May 24, 1895. 

1894. Lucia, b. Nov. 19, 1897; insurance agency, established over 60 years 
ago by James Atwater. 

1165. Charles son of David; m. July 3, 1826, Sally Blair, b. May 27, 1803; 
d. April 14, 1830; (2) Sept. 1, 1830, Sophronia Blair, b. April 19, 1810; d. 
March 27, 1883. 

1895. Harry, b. March 10, 1827. 

1896. Mary, b. April 9, 1832. 

1897. AdaUne, b. Nov. 2, 1833. 

1898. Martha Jane, b. Dec. 25, 1835. 

1899. Isaac Edgar, b. Oct. 8, 1839. 

1900. Davd H., b. April 12, 1842. 

1900. David H., ta. April 12, 1842. 

1901. Benjamin, b. Nov. 3, 1845. 

1902. Sally, b. Jan. 19, 1848. 

1903. Charles J., b. July 10, 1852. 

1166. Philander, .son of David; m. Sept. 11, 1831, Mary Underwood. She d. 
1882. Ithaca, N. Y. One son, Jerome, m. Betsey Kenyon, d. April, 1910. 
Chenango Forks. Had one son, George W'.. who m. Sept. 15, 1872,DeEtta Prince. 

1167. Angelina, dau. of David; m. Noah Spalding Billings. She d. in 
Aurora, 111., in 1874. He was sheriff of Kane County, 111. 

1168. Fidelia, dau. of David; m. Nov. 13, 1831, Benjamin Rogers, b. Feb. 23, 
1801. Lived at W^hitney Point, N. Y. Had seven children. 

1169. Mary Jane, dau. of David; m. A. Knapp. She d. Sept. 15, 1847. 
Lived near Whitney Point, N. Y. 

1170. Chester, son of David; m. Anna Eldridge. They lived at Whitney 
Point, N. Y. He d. 1912; she d. 1915. No children. 

1171. Sarah IMaria, dau. of David; m. Curtis Mead Butler, b. in 1817. 

1172. Orrin, son of David; m. Polly Cole, of Binghamton, N. Y. 

1179. George H., son of Jesse; m. Phebe Willis. Lived at Elmhurst, 111. He 
d. Feb. 18, 1898. 

1904. Alfred I., b. Feb. 28, 1854. 


IIHO. WilliiUii Edward, son of Benjamin F.; ni. Edith Marie Brown. Ethel 

M.. b Oct. 3, ; ni. Donald E. McLennon. The McLenion twins wore born 

Sept. 1, 1928: Robert E. and Barbara Ruth. Ruth m. Ray Harding Wagner. 
1 Children) James Ray. b. Dec. 17. 1948; Donald Luther, b. Dec. 6. 1950. 

1181. Edric. son of Stephen: m. about 1835, Polly Aldrich. They lived in 
Kalamazoo. Mich. He d. Jan. 9. 1892. 
:\'<'-. i: iAm, b. Aug. 19. 1838. 
1^" >. .\\ij;on. b. 1840. 
: ' '7 Ann, b. 1845. 

1908. John. b. 1849. 

H«'i. Lydia >!.. dau. of Stephen; m. Albert T. Pearsall. Both buried in 
Lawr.-iuf, Kan.sa.s. 

Kulla. Angehne, Hannibal. Eugene, m. Elizabeth Sowders. Two children, 
Charlotte Meadows and Alice Adeline, m. William Henderson Noe; Elsie, 
m. George. 

..:!t!n Van Buren, m. Lucinda Fleming; chil., Eugene, Frank, Mrs. A. T. 
Ibbetson, Mrs. Albert Young, Mrs. AUie Bray, Mrs. William Grove, 
Albert and Roy. 
Cornelia, m. ^^ — ; one dau., Mrs. Chas. Stineberger. 

1183. Oliver C, son of Stephen; m. Emily C, dau. of Benjamin Hale, b. 
March 23. 1819. A farmer of Oshtemo, Mich. He d. Jan. 10, 1895. 

1909. Ellen M., b. July 27, 1847. 

1910. Frederick W.. b. Jan. 1, 1851. 

1911. Charles H.. b. March 9, 1854. 

1912. Harriet, b. Oct. 14. 1859. 

118."). Thuiuas S., son of Luther; m. Hannah Enos; d. Nov. 25, 1875, aged 
71 years and 6 months. He d. Sept. 25, 1870. They lived at Howe, Ind. 
" 1913. Margaret, b. May 7, 1834. 

1914. Mvron. b. Oct. 27. 1841. 

1915. Charles Lvman, b. April 1, 1843. 
1916 John E., b. 1845; d. Aug. 15, 1895. 

IIHG. III. Ton. son of Luther; m. 1842, Annie Scullon. He lived in William- 
son. N. Y.. and d. 1871. 

1917. Olive L.. b. 1844. 

1918. Orrin, b. Feb. 27. 1849. 

1919. Alonzo, b. 1851. 

1920 Willis A., b. 1855. 

Il«7. lA-\i, son of Luther; m. 1846, Margaret Waldron. He d. 1858. She d. 
1880. Lived in Sodus, N. Y. 

1921 Emma Caroline, b. 1849. 

1922. Jennie AmeHa, m. Lewis Bishop; one son, Harvey Gore, Brig. Gen. 

U.S. Army. 
1923 Gilbert L.. b. April 5, 1850. 
19_'l Harriet Hortence. 
192r>. Anna l^nii.se, m. Chas. Travis. Weavcrville, N. C. P'our chihiren: 

C'ida Marion. Jennie, and Waldron. 

ll'M Williaiii, son of Luther; m. Feb., 1854, Martha A. Craven, ol Leeds, 
b May 9. 1834. She d. April 20, 1903. He d. Jan. 4, 1918. They lived 
111 .-.iiij.>hewana. Indiana. 

1926 Alue Adella, b. Nov. 1, 18.55; m. Nov. 16. 1873, Jacob S. Lupoid. 

1927 Addle N.. b. Oct. 26, 1866; m. Nov. 14, 1894. Charles Eaton. 

1928 Alida Viola, b. Oct. 16. 1871; m. Dec. 19. 1896. Harry Machan. 
1929. VAi^ur v.. b. Feb. 12. 1862; m. Sept. 27. 1896. Belle Havs; one son. 

CMlH, b. Oct. 12. 1904. 
1930 Clara Belle, b. Nov. 4. 1859. 

II9.'». I»ri-n. son of Zinin m. Elizabeth . They lived in La Porte, Ind. 

He d iHfc. 

1931. i' I' 'i t ii< <*. 


1186. Jumes Harnion, son of Zimri, m. Amanda Rice. He d. Feb. 17, 1892. 
She d. Oct., 1899. Lived at Howe, Ind. 

1932. Frank B., b. Dec. 20, 1850. 

1933. VVm., b. Oct. 31, 1857. 

1934. Harriet L., b. Sept. 12, 1879. 

1935. Edward E., b. May 31, 1862. 

1936. James Benjamin, b. Jan. 21, 1864. 

1198. F:mily Lydia, dau. of Zimri; m. March 1, 1850, Allen Morse. He d. Nov 
27, 1857; (2) Feb. 18, 1860, Omar A. Kimball. They lived at Howe, Ind. She d. 
May 27, 1910. They had one dau.. Lillian, who m. N. A. Parkham. Howe, Ind. 

l'H)i. Frank Marion, son of Benjamin; m. April 12, 1876, Ellen A. Goodnow. 
Williamson, N. Y. and afterwards at Oswego, N. Y. He d. June 6, 1907. 

1937. Grace, b. April 15, 1879; m. Sept. 7, 1898, Charles A. Rogers. Have 
three bovs; two girls. 

1938. Laura Ella, b. July 14, 1882; m. March 28, 1906, Geo. W. Slight. 
Have one boy; one girl. 

1939. Ivy May, b. March 2, 1884; m. Oct. 21, 1911, Edmund Culver Morse. 
Have two girls. 

1940. Alice B., b. June 13, 1886. 

1941. Jeannette, b. Oct. 14, 1887; m. Jan. 28, 1914, Merritt J. Belden. 
Have one girl. 


1203. Kichard D., son of Caleb; m. Lydia Grace, b. Sept. 27, 1813; d. Feb. 
2, 1895. Lived in Circleville, Ohio. He d. Dec. 28, 1852. 

1204. Dewitt C, son of Caleb; a physician in Concordia, Cloud Co., Kansas; 
m. Aug. 17. 1856, Susan M. Sheldon. He d. March 21, 1880. 

1942. Aurelia Jane, b. Oct. 16, 1857; m. April 26, 1873, Nathan C. Tenney. 

1943. EveUne Henrietta, b. April 29, 1859; m. May 12, 1878, Eugene E. 

1944. Florence, b. Feb. 27, 1861; m. Julian H. McGeorge. 

1945. Douglas S., b. Jan. 28, 1867. 

1946. Lucy Brown, b. Oct. 30, 1868; m. July 4, 1885, George W. R. 

1947. Anna Behnda, b. Jan. 4, 1871. 

1948. Laura Estrella, b. Sept. 22, 1872. 

1949. Ulysses Grant, b. Dec. 7, 1879. 

1206. Lucy 3iaria, dau. of Caleb; m. May 17, 1853, David Meeker Brov\-n, 
b. June 3, 1817; d. Feb. 11, 1873. He was a merchant at Cincinnati, Ohio. She 
d. in Indianapolis. April 3, 1915. 

Douglas Atwater, b. Feb. 12, 1854. 

Lewis, b. June 4, 1855; Episcopal clergyman at Indianapolis, Ind. 

1209. >Iaria Granger, dau. of Edward M.; m. in Buffalo, Oct. 13, 1875, John 
B. Lyman. She d. 1925. 

Edward A., b. Sept. 17, 1876; m. June 1, 1903, Genevieve Lynan. 
Katarine, b. Aug. 17, 1881; m. Lyman Gillis. 
Katharine, b. June 6, 1906; secretary. 
James Watson, b. Sept. 8, 1910, m. Mildred Mitchell. (Chil. i Susan 

Lvman, b. Sept. 8, 1948 
Jeanette Gillis, b. March 20, 1913, m. Dr. Charles L. Yuile, b. Aug. 22, 
1906. (Chil.) Kathrine, b. July 7, 1941. Martin Lyman, b. April 
19, 1944. 
John Beattie, b. May 17, 1883; m. (1) Margai-et Maxwell Bingham, b. 
May 30, 1883. deceased; m. (2) Jane Shreeves Watson of Blairstown, la. 
John Beattie Jr., b. Oct. 21, 1907; television producer; m. Sally Roses 
Miller, b. April 10, 1912. His stepdaughter, Sally Ann Miller, b. 
Aug. 10, 1933, 
Margaret Maxwell, b. Oct. 7, 1911, m. James Sherman Foster, b. 
Feb. 13, 1910. 

James Sherman Jr. b. June 2, 1933; m. Carlene Shaw. (Chil.) 
James Sherman Foster 3rd, b. June 19, 1953. Margaret Max- 
well, b. Feb. 8, 1937. 


r»ll. Janu>!» Arthibahl. son of Edward M.. m. Oct. 16. 1892. Virginia Sage. 
l^Mt Grace Virginia, b. Dec. 16. 1893; m. Chester B. Williamson, of 

New Rochelle. N. Y. One son Chester B. 
'•^''l Madalaine. b. Feb. 1. 1895: m. Donald B. Warren. One son. James A. 
. Georgia, b. June 22. 1896. 

lili. IJzzie Bliiir. dan. of Edward M.; m. in Buffalo, April 20, 1882. 
Thomas G. Perkins. Buffalo. 

Manon. b. Aug. 29, 1883: m. di — Spaulding: (2l Goodyear. 

jChil. I Marion Spaulding Gurney. Allen Perkins Spaulding. Stephen 
Spaulding and Samuel Spaulding. all three men fought in WW II. The 
latter, b. Mav 4. 1915: m. Susan Urban, b. Sept. 20. 1923; their children: 
Samuel S. Jr.. b. Jan. 27. 1942. William V., b. April 20, 1950. Susan G., 
b. June 15, 1953. 
Allen Seymour, b. July 4, 1885; d. 1904. 

Mildred, b. Sept. 29. 1887; m. John W. Townsend. Jr.. Sept. 12. 1912. 
Mildred d. Noy. 14, 1938. (Chil.) J. VV. III. b. June 18. 1913; m. Mary E. 
Unvis. I Chil. 1 John William IV. b. 1942. 

Elizabeth Perkins, b. March 5. 1916; m. Oct. 5. 1940, Lane Taylor, 
paper mfg., b. June 11. 1911. (Chil.) Elizabeth S.. b. April 13, 1944, 
Lane Jr.. b. May 8. 1942, Jonathan, b. Jan. 20. 1947 and Priscilla, 
Thomas Perkins, b. March 28. 1917; C.P.A. Texas. Gulf Sulphur Co.. 
m. Laura Trench. (Chil.) Stewart Trench, b. Dec. 29. 194 1. Joanne 
Perkins, b. Sept. 8. 1943; Thomas Goodman, b. Oct. 22, 1945. Hunter 
Scarlett, b. April 24, 1947. Elizabeth Perkins, b. March 22, 1953. 
Mary Sharpe. b. May 19, 1918; m. W. Chattin Wetherill, Jr., June 
9, 1939. 

1213. (Jranger Smith, son of Edward M.; m. Feb. 22, 1889, Edith Graham, 
b. Oct. 15. 187u: d. Oct. 12. 1951. He d. March 4, 1920. 

1953. Granger Smith, Jr., b. Aug. 2. 1889. 

1954. Maud Liyingston. b. Nov. 18. 1891; m. April 17, 1920, Raymond K. 
Sterling. No children. 

1955. Edward Macomber. b. March 13. 1905. 

r»l4. Kate Boughton. dau. of Edward M.; m. in Buffalo, Oct. 10, 1894, 

Edward Ingalls, Edward Ingalls. Jr.. b. June 8, 1903; was trustee-mayor of 

Scarsdale, N. Y.. from 1947-51; m. Laura Caddcll, dau. of John B. and Anne 

Forbes Caddell of Brooklyn, N. Y., on Nov. 30, 1930. Laura b. March 17, 1901, 

Edward Caddell, b. Feb. 19. 1934, Yale student, class of 1957. 

ril.'j. Ilt'ury Charles, son of Albert T.; m. Dec. 10, 1879. Amy Margaret 
Corey, b. April 3, 1863. in Liverpool, Eng. He conunenced his business career 
a^ clerk in a bank in New Haven, Conn., was bookkeeper and salesman in a 
wholesale fruit house, and in 1878 went to Florida, raised an orange grove, 
which was destroyed by the "great freeze" in 1895. He d. in Waldo, Fla., 
Aug 4, 1910. 

1956. Ella A., b. Sept. 29. 1880; m. James Armistead. 

1957. Edith H.. b. Dec. 29. 1890; m. Calvin Silcox. 

• s Susie Jane. b. Jan. 4. 1892. 

• .'• Albert T.. b. Oct. 10. 1895. 
'".M Mary L.. b. May 7. 1897. 

:■'•;! H. my C , b. Dec. 25. 1898. 
I'".:' I..n.inn liali)h, b. Nov. 8. 1910. 

lim. William AUMTt. son of Albert T.; m. Nov. 25, 1880, Ida Norman 
WcMxl, b. Aug. 31. 1859. d. Dec. 31. 1925. A dry goods merchant at Lincoln, 
Neb ■'), 1925. 

ihy Fay, b. Jan. 6, 1884: m. Harry T. Jones. 
H»t>l JunicB Wood. b. Dec. 22. 1892; unm. 

I'il7. Klla .\ugMsla, ^lau <>{ Albert T.: m. James T. King. Lived a1 .I.ick- 
iM.nvdli-, III .%■■. < luMi.ii .'^Ih- d Ndvember, 1906. 

I'ilM. < iirrl.' T.. H«u. of Albert T.; m. Oliver C. Simmons; (2) E. C. Kings- 
bury I„: Shf d. May 1, 1916. One dau.. Susan Atwator Simmons. 
ni E R . 1^ :„ewood. N. J. Two daughters. Barbara and Caroline. 


1219. Frances Jennie, dau. of Francis J.; m. June 20, 1877, William E. 
Albertson of Norristown, Pa.; d. Aug. 12, 1880. 

1220. William Tweedy, son of Francis J.; m. April 27, 1886, Minnie Frances 
Greene. Lived in Buffalo! He d. March 3, 1919. 

1965. Margaret W., b. Aug. 22, 1888. 

1221. Charles, son of Charles; m. Oct. 8, 1863, Josephine, dau. of Harvey 
Montgomery and Mary E. Rochester. A merchant of Denver, Col. He d. 
Aug. 12, 1876. 

1222. Howell, son of Charles; m. April 28, 1864, Harriet Stark, dau. of 
Benjamin Wiggin Chase and Anne Williams. She d. Oct., 1919. He d. May, 1920. 

1966. Harriet Howell, b. April 23, 1866. 

1967. Benjamin Chase, b. May 19, 1867. 

1968. Theodora, b. Aug. 17, 1870. 

1224. Mary, dau. of Charles; m. May 31, 1866, Edward G. King, of Provi- 
dence, R. I. He d. Sept., 1871. She d. Jan., 1872. They had four children. 

Fredericka, b. Feb. 19, 1867; Edward, b. April 5, 1868; and WilUam. 
Fredericka married George R. MacCleod and had two daughters, Fred- 
erika and Kathleen. She divorced Mr. MacCleod and has since married 
in California, where she now lives. Edward King married his first 
cousin, Howell's daughter Theodora. They had two sons. They were 
divorced and Edward married again. Theodora lives in Lutherville, Md. 

1225. Eleanor Root, dau. of Charles; m. July 13, 1870, Charles Shelton. 
Lived in New Haven. (2) Henry M. Keyes, of Amherst, N. H. She d. April 

13 1924. 

Anna Louise Casilear, b. May 6, 1871; m. Dec. 4, 1890, George B. Woodson. 
Live in Naugatuck, Conn. Chil. : Elinor Casilear, b. Feb. 1, 1893; Marga- 
ret Montgomery, b. Nov. 13, 1898, (m. March 19, 1921, John J. Z. Darby 
of Philadelphia, have one son, John Ziegler, b. Nov. 21, 1922); George 
Brainard, b. May 16, 1910; Montgomery Atwater, b. Jan. 23, 1912. 

William Roderick, b. Oct. 26, 1891. 

1226. William :\Iontgomery, son of Charles; m. July 6, 1892, Emma Benton 
Hayden, b. April 25, 1872. Live at Miami, Fla. 

1969. William, b. June 4, 1903. 

1970. Margaret, b. June 29, 1904. 

1971. Montgomery, b. Jan. 18, 1906. 

1972. Charles Francis, b. Jan. 7, 1913. 

1227. Annie Wilcox, dau. of Charles; m. Jan. 2, 1887, David Daggett. New 
Haven, Conn. She d. Oct. 19, 1934. 

David Lewis, b. April 9, 1888; senior attorney Daggett, Colby & Cooker, 
New Haven, m. on April 26, 1919 to Frances White Gamble of Haver- 
ford, Pa. 

David, b. Oct. 16, 1921, m. Laura King of West Hartford, Conn., in 

1944. (Chil.) David L., 4th, b. May 6, 1947. Alexander King, b. 
Nov. 18, 1949. 

Frances, b. Dec. 9, 1923, m. Richard Steere, son of Richard S. and 
Janet Innis Aldrich. Born Providence, R. I., Dec. 28, 1923. Yale, 

1945. Infantry Captain 1942-46, served two years in Italy. Invest- 
ment banker" at present and living in Paula, Brazil. (Frances at- 
tended Miss Porter's school in Farmington, Conn., 1939-41. 

Frances Gamble, b. April 31, 1945. Richard Steere, b. Feb. 19, 
1947. Abby Pierce, b. Aug. 25, 1949. William Stuart, b. Feb. 
14, 1955. 

1228. William Charnley, son of Henry; m. Feb. 14, 1864. Mary Bryan 
Bassett, b. Dec. 31, 1842; d. March 14, 1875; (2) Oct. 19, 1876, Isabella Canfield 
Sterling. He was in the insurance business in Derby, Conn., and had held the 
offices of mayor of Derby, judge of probate and selectman. He d. March 19, 
1909. She d. Dec. 6, 1917. 

1973. Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1866. 

1974. Thomas Elmes, b. Dec. 17, 1867. 

1975. James Bassett, b. June 30, 1871. 


Issue bv second marriage: 

1976.' Marv Sterling, b. July 21, 1878. 
1977. K ■ • ella. b. Dec. 5. 1879. 

1978 \'. .j;. b. Feb. 4. 1886. 

1229. Henry, son of Henry; m. Feb. 13, 1867, Josie Boyd, dau. of Harmon 
K. Wells and Caroline Bogart, b. March 19, 1844. In early life he was pay- 
master on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, and then went to 
Detroit, Mich., and entered the hartlwaro trade which he mastered successfully 
until the death of his father when he returned to Birmingham. Conn., to man- 
age the big iron and steel business his father had established. Later he estab- 
lished the Bridgeport Malleable Iron Company, retaining his connection with 
it fn '■"'' until his retirement in 1905. He was police and fire commissioner 
in B: : t for twenty years, and also a member of the board of Apportion- 

nu-nt inui taxation, and a member of the Connecticut Legislature in 1877. He 
was trustee for fifteen years of the People's Savings Bank and was for four 
years its president. He was a Mason of high standing and one of the oldest 
members of New Haven Commandery. Knights Templar. He d. March. 1921. 

1979 Fred. b. Dec. 28. 1870. 

I'iMi. .Martha C harnlev, dau. of Henry; m. April 7, 1875. James Bull, son 
of Asa Bassett and Lucy'Bull; b. Oct. 14, 1841; d. Sept. 29. 1877. He was a 
merchant and lived in Derbv, Conn. (2i Feb. 18. 1892, Edward Morton Oldham. 
Jan.es Bull. b. Nov. 8. 1877. 

i-.iai. I harle> Klim-s, .son of Henry; m. Nov. 2, 1875, Helen Genoin. dau. of 
\Vm. E. Downes and Jane Maria Howe, b. March 29, 1852. They lived in New 
Haven. He d. Aug. 2, 1908. She d. Feb. 20, 1915. 

1980. Jean Howe, b. Sept. 7, 1876. 

1981. Helen Charnley, b. May 11, 1879. 

1232. Sarah Deninaii, dau. of Henry; m. Jan. 19, 1882, Edward (Jr.), son 
of Edward Lewis and Lucy M. French, b. Feb. 18, 1849. 

Martha Charnley Atwater. b. May 9, 1888, m. June 23, 1909, Gerald Beck- 
wilh Curtis, b. Feb. 22, 1882. Columbia 1906. Formerly owner ami head 
master Curtis School for Boys. Biookfield Center, Conn. 

Sarah Lewis, b. Feb. 25, 1911, Danbury; m. July 9, 1938, Burr Harding 

Curtis; Columbia 1932, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Med. 

Center, N. Y. City 1935. During \V\V II. Commander in U.S.C.G. 

Public Health Department. 

Frederick Whiting, b. Aug. 4, 1912. m. April 3, 1937 to Nancy Carolyn 

Brunner of Br«»okland, D. C. 

Gerald Brunner, b. Sept. 29, 1940. Peter Tallman. b. May 11, 1943. 

Frederick Lawrence, b. April 5, 1947. 

Nancy, dau. of Marion Eleanore Yoder and Fredereck James Brunner, the 

• • died May 5. 1942 ami was buried in Aiiington National Cometeiy. 

1 11 Atwater, b. Aug. 17. 1919. m. Beiiihaid lUissiil Henry on June 

13. 1941. a comdr.. U.S.C.G. 

Sarah Atwater. b. May 9. 1945. Susan Elizabeth, b. March 2, 1948. 
Biirbara Atwater. b. March .30. 1891; m. May 17, 1913, Horace Barnes 
H- I ,. 27. 18S9. d. July 25, 1920. Barbara Atwater graduated 

C"' ■ isity Teachers College; is Dean, Hillliou.se High Scliool, 

New Haven, Conn. 
Burburu Ix-wis. b. Derby. Conn.. March 30, 1914; m. Freti Hcniy Schultz, 
Jr.. of Kockford, III.. Dec. 28. 1940; attended Mt. Holyoke "and Yale 
V. ' - from both. Henry Carthage College and I'niveisity of 

<" apt. Air Corps. WW II. 

I, h. July 27. 1915, .served in Pacific Zone, WW II, from 

..'..; to 1946; attended Amherst College 1932 to 1936, B.A. 

fk'Kree; Yale 1939 to 1941, M.A. Now head public relations dept. of 
A ■ Mfirried Mary Kstelle. <iau. Grace P^airmau antl Edward 

T >i I attorney. ( heyenno. Wyo. ) on June 21. 1939. Mary was 

!;• intung i'rovince. China, Feb. 1, liUC). 

. . ;..ll. b. Feb. 13. 1943. Pottstown. Pa. 
th Bane. b. July 7, 1944, Cheyenne, Wyo. 


1233. Isabel Taylor, dan. of George; m. Aug. 2, 1866. Henry Elliott Thacher, 
son of Capt. John Thacher, of Cape Cod, and Hannah (Elliott) Thacher, of 
Philadelphia. He d. Feb. 24, 1867. (2) June 10, 1880, Sylvester G. Whiton, son 
of Ashbel and Jerusha Whiton, of Westford, Conn. She d. March 1, 1890. 

Walter Humstone, b. July 2, 1881. 

Helen Atwater, b. June 22, 1888; d. Dec. 25, 1921. 

1235. Helen Frances, dau. of George; m. Oct. 19, 1881, Clarence Eugene 
Kirby, son of Caleb and Margaret (Myers) Kirby. 

Wallace Myers, b. Sept. 17, 1887; m. Oct. 12, 1921, Wilnian Vaughan; one 
dau., Sibyl, b. Dec. 31, 1924. 

1236. Percy George, son of George; m. Oct., 1884, Ellen Kelley. He d. 
June 17, 1896. 

1982. George Percy, b. June 22, 1885. 

1983. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 22, 1887. 

1984. Helen Ida, b. . 

1237. Frederick Holland son of George; m. July 31, 1888, Florence Boorum, 
dau. of John Lowe Boorum and Eliza Van de Water (Whiting) Boorum, dau. 
of Mason Whiting. Florence is a lineal descendant of Rev. Jonathan Edwards 
on the mother's side. He d. March 26, 1901. 

1985. Raymond Edwards, b. July 29, 1891. 

1238. Ida VVynian, dau. of George; m. Nov. 20, 1890, Richard Howard 
Carstens, son of Mathias Carstens, a native of Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, 
who came to America in his sixteenth year, and of Sarah ( Isaacs ) Carstens. 

Arthur Hale, b. Jan. 2, 1894; m. June 4, 1919, Marjorie Madder; one child, 
Janet Hale, b. April 4, 1923. 


1239. Robert Henry, son of Charles Henry; m. June, 1858, Caroline Au- 
gusta, dau. of Major L. A. Sykes. He d. October, 1899. 

1242. David Judson. son of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. Sept., 1884, Eliabetb 
Smith, of Bethlehem, N. Y. He d. Nov. 6, 1891. No children. 

1243. Edward Sanford, son of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. Juno 7, 1876, Gertrude 
Vanderpoll, dau. of Dr. Lewis William Oakley and Henrietta Baldwin, b. 
Aug. 12, 1854. He died at Elizabeth, N. J., June 3, 1913. She d. Oct. 12, 1922. 

1986. Henrietta Baldwin, b. April 1, 1879. 

1987. Edward Sanford, b. April 30, 1882. 

1244. Addison, son of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. Nov. 15, 1888, Amelia Hay- 
wood, eldest child of Thomas Fletcher Wright and Susan Jane Haywood, b. 
April 4, 1858. He d. in the summer of 1898. 

Lyman Hotchkiss, b. March 30, 1890. 

1245. Juline L., dau. of Elizur P.; m. Sept. 28, 1882, Chester Case Lord, 
son of Benjamin Lord and Antoinette Case. They removed to Montreat, N. C, 
where she d. in September, 1900. 

1246. Hattie B„ dau. of Elizur P.; m. Oct. 15, 1891. Charles Coit Tyler, son 
of Lemuel Tyler and Mary Danielson Coit. They reside in Bridgeport, Conn. 
She d. March 13, 1932. 

1247. Nellie Adeline, dau. of Elizur P.; m. Sept. 28. 1892, William Harmon 
Carrier, b. Sept. 21, 1867. They live in Glastonbury, Conn. 

1248. Cliarles Barnes, son of Marvin: m. Jan. 1. 1852, Bloumv C. Kniffir. 
Lived in Greenwich, O. She d. July 19, 1908, aged 74. He d. Nov." 17, 1889. 

1988. Ceceha Jane, b. March 17. 1853. 

1989. Frances Josephine, b. May 3, 1856. 

1990. Lydia Alma, b. Nov. 6, 1858. 

1991. Luella Ardell, b. June 22, 1860. 

1992. Charley Brink, b. June 22, 1860. 


1993. Alfred Ellsworth, b. Feb. 6. 1868. 

1994. 0.scar Starin. b. Nov. 13. 1869. 

1995. George Henrv Peck. b. Aug. 4. 1872. 

1996. Marvin Ray.b. Feb. 19. 1876. 

1S49. Ellen A., dau. of Charles Townsend; m. Nov. 25, 1854, Charles Law, 

of Pittston, Penn . where he was a merchant. He was b. Oct. 30, 1833; d. July 

11 19!<> They had ten children, eight of whom were living in 1918: there were 

:it grandchildren, twenty-one now living, ten great grandchildren, 

.pj.: ;. .. iiving. On Aug. 3, 1917, their combined ages aggregated 1,000 years. 

Archibald Falconder. b. June 21, 1856; m. Sept. 25. 1878, Eva Brenton. He 

was vice-president Temple Iron Coal Co., Scranton, Penn., and d. Julv 

18. 1894. 

Frank Earl. b. Dec. 17. 1882; m. Dec. 25, 1917, Janet MacMillan. Lives 

at Cresson, Penn. 
Grace Brenton. b. July 25. 1884; m. Sept. 3. 1908. Frank E. Rutter, of 
Scranton, Penn. Both killed Sept. 2, 1913. New Haven R. R. wreck. 
William Henry, b. May 1, 1858; m. Dec. 10. 1881, Jennie Kenyon. Book- 
keeper for Simpson & Watkins Coal Co. Burned to death Dec. 14, 1897, 
while putting papers in vault to save tium fire. Chil. : Bessie Grey, b. 
Oct. 21, 1883; Charles Benham. b. Aug. 20, 1885; Wm. Kenyon, b. Aug. 
20, 1886; m. Julv 3, 1913, Rebecca Watsinger; they had Rebecca, b. 
July 29. 1914, and Adeline, b. Aug. 17, 1916; Harry S. Law. b. Dec. 30, 
1890; m. July 3. 1913. Alma Reese Scranton; Royal E. Law, b. May 16, 
John Howell, b. April 5, 1860; m. in 1883, Laura Hileman, d. Sept. 30, 1909. 
Lived in Pittston. Penn. Is in insurance business. Ruth Hileman. b. May 

19. 1885; m. Oct. 4. 1910. Robert Bonney, of Pittston. 
Gretchen Helen, b. Feb. 2. 1887, Wilson college graduate. 
Jo.seph. b. Dec. 1, 1891. 

Elizabeth Cornelia, b. April 8, 1862; m. May 22, 1884. Thomas Hamer 
Watkins, of Pittston. Penn. He is an extensive coal operator. 

Charles Law. b. Feb. 11. 1886; Yale graduate; served in an ambulance 
coips in France. 1916-1917 and won Croix de Querre. Volunteered 
for further service in 1917; m. Feb. 22, 1919, Marie Mathilde Bader; 
one son, Thomas Hamer. b. March 25, 1920. 
Gladys Marian, b. Sept. 22, 1887; m. May 4, 1911, Charles Seymour, 
of New Haven, Conn. He is a professor of history at Yale college. 
Three chil.: Charles, b. Feb. 10, 1912; Elizabeth, b. Fob. 26. 1914; 
Sarah, b. Julv 4, 1916. 
Mary Sherman, b. Sept. 10, 1864; m. March 21, 1887, Geo. W. Cross, of 
Moundsville, W. Va. 

Lorine May, b. April 16, 1889; m. June 1(». 1911, Edward K. Morse. 

Lived in Brooklyn. Chil.: Margaret Evelvn, b. Aug. 2, 1915. 
Ellen A., m. Aug. 10, 1915, J. Harper Fuller.son, of Plainfield. N. J. 
One son, Stuart Harper, b. Mav 12, 1916. 
Charles P.. b. May 2. 1867; m. May" 14. 1890, Minnie Perry. Represents 
Busser Tank Co.. of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lives at Kingston. Penn. 

Marjorie F:ilen, b. June 7. 1895; m. Feb. 15, 1917, Roscoe Frantz, 
wholesale grocer of Kingston, Penn. Chil.: Malcolm Perry, b. Oct. 
13. 1897; enlisted in aviation service at 19; receiveti four promotions 
in nine months; embarked for France in Sept., 1917, in charge of 
1.200 men. 
Kenneth Watkins. b. Sept. 26, 190:5. 
Ellen M . b. Dec. 16. 1S69; m. PVb. 7, 1K9I, Herman A. Waiiier of Pittston, 
P'-nn Removed to Decorah, Iowa, where he is a merchant. 
l^iirton Kerr, b. Nov. 18, 1894. 
CharleH Law, b. Aug. 23, 1896. 
■ "■ •■ •'lijiin, b, June 21, 1872; unm. 

ti May 27, 1874 ; unm. 
Ja: 5, 1875; m. July 4, 1901, Annie Estelle Lewis. He is with 

l;. . i.;.^jneenng Co.. of Carbundale, Penn.; d. May 18, 1929. 

Elizabeth, b. May 30. 1909; Gordon Warner, b. June 6, 1911. 

I'i.Vi. Il«nr\ lieatiin, .son of Charles Townsend; m. May 3, 1856, Addie A. 
Dally. They lived in Pelaluma. Calif. He d. Aug. 10, 1897. 


1997. Frank H., b. Jan. 15, 1857; m. July 25, 1882, Carrie S. Cadwell. 

1251. ?]Iizab<>th, dau. of Charles Tovvnsend; m. Nov. 21, 1857, Solon Wood- 
ward. Sandwich, III and Carbondale, Pcnn. He d. Sept. 25, 1882. She d. Jan. 
15, 1919. 

Archie Clark, b. Aug. ; m. Jiuie 29, 1898, May Frances Gove. Chil.: 

Frances May, b. June 14, 1901; Lloyd Gove, b. March 14, 1903. 

Carrie Angeline, b. July 29, 1864; m. Dec. 23, 1894, Harry C. Robinson. 

Vellie Marian, b. Nov. 29, 1869; m. Nov. 3, 1898, Dr. W. A. Spencer. Chil.: 
Walter Alan, b. Oct. 16, 1912. Live at Carbondale, Penn. 

John Willis, b. Feb. 14, 1872; m. March 20, 1895, Anna Liston. 

Herbert Solon, b. March, 1870; m. Oct. 5, 1912, Frances Knapp. One dau. 
d. in infancy. 

1252. Angeline IMaria, dau. of Charles Townsend; m. Dec. 27, 1857, Wm. C. 
Gurney. She d. Jan. 10, 1863. Had three children, oldest one, Fred, lives in 
Binghamton, N. Y. 

1253. Charles Landon, son of Charles Townsend; m. Sept. 24, 1866, Mary, 
dau. of Chauncey Derby and Esther P. Carey, b. July 23, 1843; d. Feb. 14. 1895. 
He was a merchant at Scranton, Penn. He d. May 29, 1916. 

1998. Etta May, b. July 22, 1867. 

1999. Nellie Lozena, b. March 18, 1871. 

2000. Charles Edward, b. Feb. 15, 1873. 

2001. George Miner, b. Jan. 26, 1875. 

2002. Ina Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1883. 

1254. Frances Clarissa, dau. of Charles Townsend; ni. July 5, 1867. George 
Woodward. They lived in Moline, 111. She d. Oct. 30, 1887. One surviving son, 
Robert Atwater, a jeweler, lives in Sandwich, 111. 

1255. William Marvin, son of Charles Townsend; m. Nov. 6, 1872. Angeline 
Saunders. They lived in Pittston, Pa. He d. April 28, 1919. She d. Sept., 1924. 

2003. Archibald Law, b. Aug. 10, 1875. 

2004. Robert Ernest, b. Jan. 18, 1880. 

2005. Oscar Severson, b. Jan. 3, 1883. 

2006. Benjamin Harry, b. Jan. 13, 1892. 

1256. 3Iary Cornelia, dau. of Charles Townsend; m. Oct. 6, 1875, John J. 
Ryman, of Dallas, Penn. She d. Dec. 23, 1885. He d. May, 1919. 

Edith, b. June 1, 1878; m. Sept. 7, 1905, Albert G. Stone, of Ithaca, N. Y. 

He is cashier of Tompkins County National Bank. 
Edna M., b. Aug. 11, 1880, m. Oct. 10, 1906, Lloyd G. Gage, of Butte, Mont. 

He is a mining engineer in Aregripa, Peru. She d. Oct. 1, 1912, leaving 

one dau., Mary Cornelia, b. Aug. 6, 1908. 

1257. Katherine, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. Jime 17, 1877, Rudolph 
Harmes, M.D., b. June 3, 1856. He d. Feb. 15, 1883. They lived in Hallsted, Penn. 

Edward Atwater, b. July 16, 1880; m. June 5, 1912, Jessie M. Callender. 
Their chil.: Margaret Callender, b. June 2, 1914; Edward Atwater, Jr., 
b. March 4, 1916; John MacNair, b. Feb. 21, 1922. 

1258. Anna, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. Dec. 28, 1881, George W. 
Phillips, son of Thomas and Ann Williams; b. March 10, 1855; superintendent 
of schools, Scranton, Penn. She d. March 7, 1913. He d. Nov. 28, 1923. 

1259. Minnie Evelyn, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. Oct. 29, 1885, Henry 
M. Kessler, of Cleveland, Ohio. He is a chemical manufacturer. They live at 
Fayetteville, N. Y. 

Charles Raphael, b. June 27. 1889; m. Oct. 20, 1911, Edna A. Kollmer. 

Katherine Atwater, b. Aug. 10, 1895; m. May 6, 1921, Stanier; one 

son, Henry B., b. Feb. 14, 1922. 

1260. Charles Isaac, son of Joshua; m. Dec. 14, 1862, Mary J., dau. of 
Milton Coombs and Elizabeth Crawford, b. Sept. 11, 1846; d. Oct. 14, 1873; 
(2) 1884, Amanda J., dau. of B. F. Hughes. 

2007. William H., b. Dec. 30. 1863. 

2008. Sarah E., b. May 7, 1866; unm. 


Ii»sue bv second marriage: 

2009." Lilly May, b. Sept. 13. 1885. 

2010. Grover E.. b. Jan. 12. 1887; m. and d.. leaving dau., Nellie, li. at 6. 

2011. Albert Earl. b. Feb. 13. 1891. 
2012 l^na I^oti. b. July 23. 1898. 

liGl. \Miiiain Brewster, son of Joshua; m. May 30. 1870, Florence Addie 
Libbv. Thev hved at Long Beach. Calif. He d. Oct. 14, 1916. 

2013. "William B.. b. Feb. 22. 1872. 

I'iB'i. tiforge K. L., son of Joshua; m. Nov. 9, 1870, Eva, dau. of Hiram 
Forbes and Caroline Chapman. He lives at Nampa, Idaho. She d. Oct. 6. 1915; 
m. (2 I Mrs. Phoebe Wickoff. She d. Nov. 6, 1924. 

2014. Daisv M.. b. Feb. 28, 1875. 

2015. Edward Francis, b. Jan. 18. 1881; m. Feb. 14. 1911, Fay Gwendolyn 
Xesbit. He d. Dec. 6. 1924. One dau.. Marguerite, b. Feb. 18, 19 i5. 

lit^i. John Birdseye, son of Isaac; m. Sept. 20, 1889, Miriam Cahill. He is a 
graduate of Yale '77, and practiced law at Minneapolis. Minn. 

ri65. Itanditlph Kin^, son of John Stone; m. June 26, 1889, Grace Leonine 
Garnu'r, b. ^ept. 11. 1870. He d. Julv 1. 1912. He lived in Green. N. Y. 

2016. Madeline Thelma, b. May 10, 1891; d. Sept. 5. 1930; m. April 5, 1922, 
James I. Norton. 

2017. Gerald King. b. April 23. 1893. 

2018. Grace Irene, b. Oct. 2, 1897; m. Oct. 15, 1923, Charles F. Philley. 

2019. Marjorie Gamier, b. Aug. 14. 1908. 

r»66. Kli. .son of Lucius; m. Dec. 25. 1865, Martha M.. dau. of Chauncey P. 
Turner and Martha M. Congdcn, b. July 10, 1845. He d. July 10, 1873; was a 
farmer at Prescott, Wis. She m. (2) Jeffrey W. Gardner. 

2020. Lucius Chauncey. b. Dec. 23. 1868. 

2021. Mary Minerva, b. Sept. 27. 1870. 

1268. Jonathan .Squire, .son of Erasmus; m. Nov. 23, 1870. Alice Jane. dau. 
of George Alveo and Charlotte Hitchcock. He lived in Thioopsville, N. Y. 
He d. Oct. 25, 1916. in Zimmerman. Minn. She d. June 29, 1914. 

2022. George Erasmus, b. April 15. 1880. 

2023. Mary Sibyl, b. April 8, 1883. 

riG9. Lucius Luther, son of Erasmus; m. Jan. 28, 1897. Mabel Frances, 
dau. of Htniy Kl.son and Sarah Randley. b. Sept. 26, 1871. A general insurance 
agent in Rochester. N. Y. She d. Feb. 7. 1911. He d. Sept. 2, 1911. 

2024. Agnes Mary. b. Dec. 18, 1897. 

2025. Frederick Elson, b. Aug. 26, 1899. 

2026. Allen Munroe. b. July 11, 1907. 

I ■.'70. Henry KraHinuH, son of Erasmus; m. Oct.. 1874. Addie, dau. of Joseph 
Bcnllcy and Harriet Dt-an. He was a fanner. He d. in 18.S2. Thioopsville, N. Y. 
2027 Jo.seph, b. Sept. 13, 1875; whiioaliouts unknown. 

I .'"I. Alli-n Kll, .son of Erasmus; m. July 11, 1877, Lizzie Chatfield, dau. of 
' 'iins and Delia Ursula Cannon, b. April 16. 1859. He is a Methodist 

:.. five years general .secretary Y.M.C.A.; town superintendent of 
state Huperintendent of Junior Epworth League. He is dead. 

I'iTi. I..yillii iil:inrh:ir<l, ilau. of Erasmus; m. Dec. 8, 1880. Louis P'ugene 
Flerr.. .1 Auk 22, IMM). She <1. March 27. 19.55. 

I'ilii. Jiiliiiit JudM>n, son of Thomas Judson; m. Oct. 24, 1871, Julia Frances 
Bt-ll, b. March 22, 1851. He is a carpenter and lives in Yakima. Wash. 

2028. Elizabeth, b, Aug. 4. 1873. 

2029. Ornn Truman, b. July 13. 1877. 

'■• ;u Alia I>«iretla. b. Dec. 25. 1880; m. John D. Raher. 

r.'<4. Wllliiiin Henry, .son of Thomas Jud.son; m. Aug. 19, 1889, Nettie A., 
dau. of F. H .M. iMiniin. b. Oct. 17, 1871. He lives at Yakima, Wash., and is a 
railroad po.stal < k-rk. 

20ni Byrel E.. b. April 1.'". 1H!M 


1275. Helen Maria, dan. of Thomas Judson: m. July 26, 1881, Charles 
Wilson, son of Andrew Jackson West and Martha Ellen Alverson, b. Nov. 19, 

Harry Atwater, b. June 18, 1885. 
Merle Judson, b. Aug. 15, 1890. 
Charles Ehvin, b. 1900. 

1276. Fred G., son of Thomas Judson; m. Dec. 27, 1890, Edith M., dau. of 
William Leavitt and Mary Smith. Prescott, Wis. Has been town treasurer and 
disti'ict clerk. 

2032. Ethel May, b. March 29, 1892. 

2033. Charles WiUiam, b. Aug. 18, 3 896; m. Aug. 6, 1921, Louise M. Veth. 

2034. Leon Judson, b. Sept. 29, 1897; m. April 12, 1925, Ulah Upper. 

2035. Graydon Francis, b. Sept. 4, 1899. 

1278. Amos Townsend, son of Isaac Townsend; m. Feb. 12, 1884, Addie 
Doddridge, dau. of William Doddridge Plattenburg and Margai'ct Irene Ward, 
b. Aug. 2, 1859. He lived in St. Louis, but was in the live stock commission 
business in Chicago. He was secretary Evans-Snyder-Buel Company, of St. 
Louis, Chicago, Kansas City and Omaha; president St. Louis Live Stock Ex- 
change; secretary National Cattle and Horse Growers' Association of the 
United States, both in St. Louis. Mrs. Atwater and daughter now live in 
Alhambra, Calif. 

2036. Margaret Ward. b. May 20, 1890. 

1279. Charles Horace, son of Isaac Townsend; m. Oct. 11, 1883, Lizzie Lee, 
dau. of Ozias G. Strong and Bethena Pavy. He was a cashier and bookkeeper 
in Quincy, 111., and d. Sept. 23, 1892. She d. in spring of 1896. 

2037. Mary Louise, ta. Sept. 10, 1886; m. Roy Fanning. He was killed in 
France. One dau., Elizabeth. 

1280. Edwin Hollis, son of Hollis Jacob; m. Nov. 16, 1882, Nettie, dau. of 
Richard Mack and Amanda Frost. He is a farmer at Ganges, Mich. 

2038. Hollis Mack, b. Nov. 14, 1886. 

2039. Charles Edwin, b. Jan. 30, 1889. 

2040. Leon Webster, b. July 26, 1892. 

1281. Charles Henry, son of Hollis Jacob; m. March 15, 1887, Nancy J., 
dau. of Clark W. June and Elizabeth Reynolds. They live at Kalamazoo, Mich. 

2041. Bertha May, b. Sept. 30, 1891. 

2042. Warren Webster, b. Sept. 22, 1896. 

1283. Willis D., son of Addison N., b. Sept., 1881, May Wheeler; d. Aug. 10, 
1908; (2) Mrs. Viola Douglas. Lives at Camp Douglas, Wis. 

2043. Ella, dau. by first wife. 

1286. Reuben E., son of Addison N.; m. Dec. 26, 1888, Carrie Phelps. 

2044. Minnie, b. Nov. 10, 1885; m. Kenneth Owen. 

2045. Irving C, b. Nov. 28, 1886. 

2046. Addison J., b. Nov. 29, 1889. 

12K!>. .Julia A., dau. of Addi.son N.; m. Jan. 26, 1898, O. C. Harrington. 
Lives in Cliicago, 111. 

Maud E., b. Aug. 15, 1901. 
Velva, b. June 3, 1902. 
Myrtle, b. Dec. 30. 1904. 

1290. Charles IManning, son of Addison N.; m. Dec. 6, 1906, Maude Manger. 
Lives in Camp Douglas, Wis. 

2047. Dora, b. May 29, 1908. 

2048. Richard E., b. Dec. 15, 1909. 

2049. Loyd Elmer, b. July 10. 1911. 

2050. Ruby Alice, b. June 21, 1913. 

2051. Curtis Lyle, ta. Feb. 10, 1915. 
Mildred Arline, ta. May 22, 1918. 

1292. Eva A., dau. of Irvin; m. in 1888, Henry R. Ferris, of Franklin, Tenn. 
Nellie M., b. Oct. 8, 1888. 


1S9S. Jennie M.. dau. of Irvin; m. Dec. 1. 1897, E. A. Spaikman, of Frank- 
lin, Tt-nn. No children. 

r»95. Ht-rbert Duvid. son of Manning; m. June 29, 1910, Elizabeth Case 
Teed. He is a druggist in Elmira. N. Y. 

2052. Robert Eugene, b. Jan. 7. 1913. 

2053. Elizabeth Louise, b. July 27, 1914. 

2054. William David, b. July 28. 1916. 

1298. Jennie B.. dau. of Elijah Sanford; m. Oct. 6, 1898, Edwin Pearsall. 
Laves at Truinansburg. N. Y. 

Vi99. Hemian David, son of Elijah Sanford; m. Feb. 20, 1902, Minnie E. 
Vaun Live.s al Truniansburg, N. Y. 

."'.5 Helen M., b. Nov. 23. 1905; unm. 
2v:^6. Sanford Howe, b. July 8. 1908; unm. 

ISOO. Franklin Sanford. son of Edgar F.; m. June, 1891, Mary Estella 
Foote, b. Aug. 14, 1859, dau. of Walter Foote and Jane Tanner. He d. Aug. 7, 
1901. Lived in Chagrin Falls. Ohio. Mary d. 1930. 

2057. Edgar Foote. b. July 19, 1893. 

2058. Walter Sanford, b. March 8. 1897. 

2059. Emma Estelle. b. Sept. 15. 1898. 

130'». .\rthur Stanley, son of Edgar F.; m. May 28. 1891, Anne E., dau. of 
Daniel Howe and Margaret Frances. An electrician of Cleveland. 

2060. William R.. b. April 28, 1901. 

13(»3. C'larenee Kluood, son of Edgar F.; m. Dec. 2, 1891, May Marks, 
b. Sept. 7. 1863. 

2061. Frederick Richard Tupper, b. Dec. 29, 1892. 

2062. Julia Harriet Tupper, b. Jan. 13, 1902. 

13(K4. James Mitchell, son of Horace; m. April 24, 1872, Elizabeth Martha, 
dau of Ogden Price and Martha Church. Lived on State street. New Haven, 
and was a market gardener. She d. Dec. 17, 1920. He d. May 15, 1933. 

2063. James Horise. b. May 9, 1873. 

2064. Charles Ogden. b. July 11, 1875. 

2065. William Church, b. Sept. 30. 1877. 

1305. Edwin Bassett, son of Horace; m. April 24. 1872, Sarah Janet, dau. 
of Ogden Pme ami Martha Church. He lived on State street, New Haven. 
They celebrated their golden wedding, April 24, 1922. 

IS06. (ieorge Bi'nnett. son of Horace; m. Nov. 7. 1883. Florence Edith 
Story, d. Feb 28, 192u. Lived on State street. New Haven; d. Jime 10, 1930. 

2066. George Franklin, b. March 28. 1888. 

2067. Ruth Marjorie, b. June 8. 1891; unm. 

1307. I>*wih Klihii. .son of Horace; m. Aug. 30, 1898, Mary Siedenthal. They 
live at Riverside, California. 

1309. Hiiltiah Deborah, dau. of Albert Ailing; ni. June 11, 1873, George L. 
Stanley; <1, S.pt. h. l<»2.'i. He was a contractor in cement work in Ashtabula, 
Ohio. She d. Nov. 3. 1926. 

Ix'lta Atlanta, b. Sept. 9, 1877; m. Clark Cadle; d. March 24, 1903. 

Arba Porter, b. March 18, 1881; m. Lulu Shingledecker. 

Edgar Albert, b. Nov. 25, 1882; m. Edith Fae, dau. of Eri and Fanny 
GnmeH Watson, b. Dec. 4, 1884. Was a leading architect in Youngstown, 
Ohio. Two chil.: Lctta May, b. May 3, 1914 ; Richard Eri, b. Sept. 25, 1922. 

1310. Jared Jamen, son of Albert Ailing; m. Aug. 14, 1867, Hattie, dau. of 
John I» Root an<i Sarah P. Harmon; d. Jan. 8, 1922. He was a farmer and 
lived at Bovnton. Fla. He d. Dec. 29. 1918. 

2068. .Mling. b. May 27. 1868, 

2069. . Helk-. b. Jun<- 3, 1870. 

2070. Harmon <;ordon R»Jot. b. Sejjt. 19. 1877. 

2071. F"rank Edward, b. Nov. 25. 1879. 

2072. Fiinnle Emily, b. Nov. 25, 1879. 


1311. Sarah Emma, dau. of Albert Ailing; m. April 2, 1889, Seldon Cone. 
He d. Jan. 25, 1892. She d. Aug. 18, 1919. 

1312. Ezra Ailing, son of Albert Ailing; m. Corda C. Philips; d. Aug. 5, 
1925. He lived in Cleveland, Ohio. 

1313. Schuyler Edgar, son of Albert Ailing, m. June 19, 1906; Mira Bell 
Herrick. He d. July 13, 1917, leaving no children. 

131,"). Arthur F:dison, son of Nathan S.; m. Nov. 3, 1878, Clara M. Collester, 
b. Jan. 7, 1858. He d. Jan. 18, 1884. 

2073. LaVerne Nathan, b. Feb. 13, 1883. 

1316. Olin Jared, son of Lyman A., m. Jan. 1, 1889, Isabell McKinnon; 
(2) May 6, 1914, Jennie Marie Mclntyre. He lives in Hopkins, Mich. 

2074. Veria Perle, b. Nov. 22, 1890; m. July 7, 1910, Fred C. Walter. 

1317. Ida Delia, dau. of Lyman A.; m. Jan. 19, 1887, Otis A. Parmelee. 
Hazel B.. b. Jan. 4, 1892; m. Oct. 12, 1912, James H. Wilcox. She d. April 

22, 1916, leaving a son, Roger W., b. March 26, 1916. 
Wayne A., b. May 9, 1894; m. June 15, 1915, Maida Miller. 
Olive C, b. Dec. 23, 1898. 

1319. >Iay Olivia, dau. of Henry J.; m, May 18, 1890, Rev. Charles Lincoln 
Morgan, a graduate of Beloit College in the class of '71 and of the Yale 
Divinity school class of '75, then pastor of the First Congregational church of 
Moline, 111., and later of the Central Congregational church of the Jamaica 
Plain district of Boston, Mass., now of the First church of Elgin, 111. Their 
children have been: 

Reginald Atwater, b. July 3, 1891. 
Miriam, b. July 15, 1892. 
Bany Lincoln, b. July 29, 1894. 

1320. Lilla Barnes, dau. of Henry J.; m. June 21, 1888, Frederick Sanford 
Calhoun, a graduate of the Yale class of '83, and who until his death on Nov. 
23, 1899, was engaged in the wholesale drug business in New Haven; (2) July 
18, 1903, George Marston Weed of Newton, Mass., a graduate of the Harvard 
class of '86, and the Boston University Law School of '89. 

Donald Atwater, b. June 15, 1895, at New Haven. 

1321. Charlotte Ford, dau. of Henry J.; m. April 20, 1896, Alonzo Rogers 
Weed, who in 1904 was elected mayor of Newton, Mass. He was a graduate 
of the Harvard class of '87 and of the Boston University Law school, class of 
'90, where he has since been one of the lecturers. Under the firm name of 
Weed & Weed he practiced law with his brother, George M., in Boston, Mass. 

Ann Atwater, b. Jan. 22, 1899. 
Alonzo Rogers, Jr., b. Jan. 16, 1904. 

1322. Edward Irving, son of William J.; m. Eliza Mather Brooks. 

2075. Margaret Brooks, b. Nov. 30, 1891; m. Dec. 29, 1915, George Albert 

1323. Eliza Barnes, dau. of William J.; m. Harry Lardner Sterrett, b. Nov. 
12, 1864. Live in Bridgeport, Conn. 

1325. Florence Ames, dau. of John M.; m. Frederick W. Rutty. Two dau., 
Millicent B. and Anna Atwater, who m. Walter R. Comfort, who had one dau., 
Millicent Barnes, m. Clarence F. Milheiser. 

1326. George S., son of David; m. Dec. 18, 1884, Elizabeth, dau. of William 

2076. Cecil Brown, b. July 26, 1886. 

2077. Marie Helen, b. Feb. 15, 1888. 

2078. Jessie Dunn, b. Jan. 1, 1890. 

1327. Will K.. son of David: m. Florence Hurthal. No children. Lives in 
Massillon, Ohio. 


1S2«. Charles M.. son of David; m. April 2, 1891. Alice M. Fowies. She d. 
May 21. 1901 : t2i Dec. 9. 1902. Arline E. Sibila. b. July 1, 1882. Lives at 
MassiUon. Ohio. 

2079. Karl W.. b. May 12. 1892. 
Issue bv second marriage: 

2080." Helen Louise, b. Jan. 21, 1905. 

2081. Mary Virginia, b. June 14. 1913. 

2082. David Austin, b. July 28. 1915. 

isao. Tlioimi.s Josiah, son of Jonathan W.; ni. Josephine Sherwood; (2) 
Mi-s S. A. Cowen. He d. March 20, 1914. He was a finisher of shovel handles 
and later was a farmer. He lived in Edinboro. Penn. His widow lives in 
Portland. Ore. 

20S3. Frank Wetherbee. b. May 19. 1863. 

1333. Burnett Hrownell, son of Jonathan W.; m. Eliza James, of Reno, 
Penn. He d. in 1903. The family consisted of three daughters, one deceased. 

133.->. K«lith Kli/.a. dau. of Jonathan W.; m. Nov. 2, 1864. Robt. H. Ferry. 
Thev livfd m Shippenville. Penn. 

'Jonathan, b. June 16. 1866; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Cora Updegraff, b. July 21, 
1870. Thev have two chil.: Wm. Leroy, b. Oct. 2, 1891; James Wayne, 
b. May 5, 1894. 

1336. William, son of Asaph; m. Amanda Sharp Dravo. He d. on July 6. 
1886. and she un March 19, 1895. Both are buried in Versailles Cemetery at 
MiKeesport, Pa. He was quartermaster sergeant of the McKeesport Rifle 
Gravs. Si.xtv-third Penn. Regiment, serving from Aug. 1. 1861, to Sept. 1, 1862. 

"2084. Asaph Sherwood, b. March 30. 1871. 

1 338. Thumas, son of Asaph; m. Jan. 9, 1878, Sarah Field. Lives in Los 
Angeles. Calif. 

2085. Samuel H., b. Feb. 17. 1881. 

i:vil. Sylvester, son of Ulysses; m. Martha Dawe. Had two daughters, 
Jennie and May. Jennie, m. Frank Whitney. She d. of consumption, leaving 
twu daughters. May, m. William Fay and left at her death one girl named 
Cora. Sylvester m. (2» Caroline Ford. They have three boys. 

1343. .Myron L., son of Ulysses; m. Oct. 26. 1867, Ella. dau. of Isaac 
Starkwi-ather and Jenett Downing. 

2086. Nettie E.. b. Dec. 28, 1869; m. John Gilbert. 

2087. Nellie, b. May 24. 1871; m. 1888, George Hallam. 

2088. Ralph, b. May 6. 1875. 

2089. Dora Bell. b. March 19. 1878; m. Alfred Berg. 

2090. Jay. b. July 30, 1888. 

IS44. Mary Lueina, dau. of Ulysses; m. July 4, 1870. Owen Cunningham. 
An iron niolder of Ashtabula. 

I.i».">. saiim.l li(.sf;i. son of Ulysses; m. 1874, Elmina Blasbie. Akron, Ohio. 
She d. May 8. 1914. 

I.HIfJ. .Ius4-phine (iertrude, dau. of Myron; m. 1871. Wright Long, of Beth- 
any Mi.. She d. Nov. 30. 1897. 

Sylvia, b. Jan. 9. 1872. Bertha Bell. b. Oct. 7. 1873; d. Oct., 1874. Alphonzo 
W., b. Jan 12. 1875. Carlos Adelbert, b. Feb. 6, 1877. Izola Estelle, 
b. July 16. 187H. Ht'.s.sie Luella, b. June 16, 1881. 

I .HI". Maria L., dau. of Myron; m. James Speer, of Crescent, Calif. She 
d. 1906. They had one son and one daughter. James and Erleta. 

I.'MM. FIuKene A., son of Myron; m. June 11. 1879, Nellie A., dau. of Leonard 
Bailey He waj* a photographer at St. Louis, Mo. 

1549. Adelaide llortense, dau. of Myron; m. March 25, 1SS3, James Powell, 
of Brr.wnHvill' Or.- Livi at Crescent. Calif. Have one daughter, who m. Frank 
'• four chil.: Ida May, b. March 30, 1911; Dora Adelaide, b. 
. --. ;.arlcs Franklin, b. May 3, 1914; Lester, b. Julv 22, 1917. 


1350. Lewis Frederick, son of Myron; m. March 9. 1875, Annie Laura 
Pierce, d. Oct. 28, 1913. Residence Selma, Calif. He d. May 20. 1920. He was 
educated in the public schools of Indiana, and graduated from the business 
college of Painsville, Ohio. He was a teaclier for a number of years, later tak- 
ing up newspaper work, which vocation he continued to follow. In 1899 he 
moved to Tennessee, and in 1904 to Newcastle, Calif. In 1911, he founded the 
"Signal" at Atwater, Calif., with his son, "the blind editor," assisting him. His 
wife d. Oct. 28, 1913. In 1917 he moved to Selma, where he and his son edited 
the "Selma Enterprise" until his death in 1920. 

2091. Mae, b. Feb. 12, 1876; m. Feb. 12. 1898, G. E. Howe. She d. Oct. 7, 
1921, at Savoy, Mont. 

2092. Myron L., b. Jan. 7, 1893. 

1351. Ernest E., son of Myron; m. Nov. 24, 1892, Zadie I. Winslow, b. Sept. 
9, 1864, d. April 4, 1924. Historical data, p. 190, vol. 4. 

2093. Nellie Joy, b. Feb. 26, 1897. 

1352. Eva Belle, dau. of Samuel; m. Oct. 22, 1880, James Parkins. Live at 
Independence, Kansas. 

Fannie M., b. 1882. 
Ethel Hattie, b. 1885. 
Madge Glen. b. 1887. 
James Clifford, b. 1889. 
Archie Grey, b. 1892. 
Grace Maria, b. 1894. 

1358. Archibald J., son of Samuel; m. Oct. 13. 1885, Elizabeth, dau. of 
Edward J. Van Swearinger and Martha J. McAllister, b. Nov. 25, 1869. He 
was a grocer at Long Beach, Calif. He d. Nov. 26, 1916. 

2094. Edna Mabel, b. July 16, 1886. 

2095. Dwight Samuel, b. July 15, 1894. 

2096. Marian Katherine, b. May 18, 1898; m. Hugh R. Etzell. 

2097. Hubert Maxwell, b. Oct., 1907. 

1354. James A., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 3, 1867, Ellen L. Curtis, who d. Nov. 
27, 1875. Lived in Plantsville, Conn. He d. March 15, 1920. 

2098. Mary A., b. April 28, 1874; m. Sept. 20. 1905, Dr. Clinton B. Knapp. 

13.55. Orville A., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 11, 1871, Alice N. Powell, d. April 
4, 1920. Lived in Plantsville, Conn. He d. May, 1924. 

2099. Florence E., b. Aug. 16, 1874; unni. 

1356. Thomas B., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 18, 1893, Bessie E. Brown. Lived in 
Southington, Conn. She d. Sept. 27, 1908. He d. Dec. 22, 1925. 

1357. Walter C, son of Orrin; m. Nov. 18, 1873, Carrie T. Bemis. Lived in 
Plantsville, Conn. He d. Aug. 1, 1909. She d. Feb. 14, 1910. 

1358. Charles N., son of John A.; m. Oct. 24, 1866, Flora Ann Covert. They 
lived in Unionville, Conn. He d. March 28, 1903. 

2100. Rosabel, b. Feb. 21, 1868. 

1359. William ^Mortimer, son of Arnold; m. Dec. 25, 1861, Jane E. Martin, 
b. Sept. 25, 1841; d. May 25, 1890. He lived in New Haven and was an under- 
taker. He d. Jan. 17, 1905. 

2102. M. Mortimer, b. March 28, 1867. 

1360. Herman K.. son of John A.; m. May 27, 1874, Mary Ella Sherman. 
They lived in Seymour, Conn. He d. Jan. 16, 1926. 

2103. Mabel Effie, b. Sept. 9, 1884. 

1361. John F., son of John A.; m. July 18, 1878, Mary K. Blocher. They 
live in Southington. He is dead. 

2104. Cornelia M., b. June 27, 1879, m. Howard Edward Ives. 

1362. Caroline Augusta, dau. of William; m. Nov. 30, 1880, Frank Minott 
Ward. He d. at Los Angeles, Calif., March 3, 1895. She d. Jan. 8, 1900. 

Frank Atwater, b. Feb. 8, 1882, m. July 18, 1906, Beata McDowell. 


1863. Edward Storrs. son of John Phelps, m. Jan. 20, 1880. CaroUne Park 
Swift, dau. of Charles \V. and Mary S. Messier, of Poughkeepsie, b. Nov. 17, 
1857. Thev lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He d. March 31, 1922. 
2105.' Morton, b. Jan. 11. 1882. 

2106. Lucv Lovell, b. March 30, 1883. 

2107. Ehot Doremus, b. March 28. 1886. 

2108. Evelyn, b. May 17, 1891. 

13do. Harriet Brodhead. dau. of George M.; m. Sept. 30, 1880, George 
Walter Green, of New York. He d. in Springfield, Mass., Dec. 13, 1903. 
Walton Atwater. b. Nov. 4. 1881; m. June 23. 1904, Eleanor Munroe. 
Horace b. Oct. 30, 1888. 

i;>66. -Mabel Bh-«'ker, dau. of George M.; m. Dec. 19, 1893, Albert Weaver, 
of New York Cjty. 

Howard Atwater. b. Sept. 1, 1894. 

1368. Charles Brewster, son of David Fisher; m. Jan. 19. 1892. :Mary 
Granger Stebbins. dau. of James and Eunice Sylvia Alvord, of Springfield, 
b. Mav 5, 1863. Springfield. Mass. 

2i09. Margaret Sylvia, b. Nov. 2, 1894. 

1369. Jolin Henry Hobart, son of John; m. Agnes Shay, of Castalia, Ohio, 
b. in 1825; d. Dec, 1852. He was a carriage maker, and lived in Vacaville, 
Calif. He d. March 8, 1911. 

2110. John H.. b. April 27. 1852; m. Jan. 13. 1880, Annie, dau. of C. H. 
Ransom and Susan Slaughter. 

\3Ti. Jeremiah, son of John; m. Mary Jane Button. Castalia. Ohio. 

2111. Charles. 

2112. Sallie. 

1S74. Sil\aniis B.. son of David C; m. May 1, 1861. Sarah A., dau. of John 
Roberts and Mary Shields. A farmer and teacher in New Boston. 111. He d. 
June 13. 1908. She d. Dec. 17, 1887. 

2113. Mav, b. Api-il 13, 1862. 

2114. Clio. b. Nov. 3, 1868. 

1381. .Murv Angeiine. dau. of Carlos; m. Julv 22. 1839. Orrin Roger Treat, 
b. March 28. 1818; d. Aug. 25. 1878. 

Joseph Orrin. b. April 25. 1843; m. May 16, 1866, Ada Maria Woodworth. 

1383. Lucius K.. .son of Carlos; m. April 6, 1862, Elmina D. Matthews. Lived 
in Forestville, Conn. He d. Sept. 8. 1889. She lives in Forestville, Conn. 

2115. Nma D., b. Oct. 23, 1867. 

2116. Hattie E., b. Jan. 5. 1870. 

2117. Louis R.. b. July 17. 1873. 

I3H4. Lucian K., son of Carlos; m. April 13, 1871, Sarah Louisa Beldon, b. 
Dec. 12. 1841. Ljved in Forestville, Conn.; d. Dec. 18, 1882. She d. in 1907. 

2118. Jes.se P'arnsworth, b. Sept. 18, 1876. 

13X6. Br>an, son of Lucius; m. Oct. 1. 1849. Mary Jane Sage. He w;is a 

furiner in Berlin. Conn. She was b. May 5, 1829; d. July 2, 1902. He d. July 
21. 1903 

2119. Mary Eleanor, b. Aug. 17. 1852. 

2120. Carrie I.sabel, b. Sept. 13. 1854. 

2121. Grace Emeline. b. April 10. 1857. 

2122. Bryan Hoadley. b. Nov. 11. 1859; unm. 

2123. Walter Lucius, b. July 22, 1865; in. April 5. 1893, Flora C. nuilinont. 

1S8M. Angelina Ndrlun, <l;iu. of Lucius; m. Oct. 2. 1860. James H. Aindld, 
of Berlin, <<iiiii . \>. Feb. S. 1839; d. a prisoner of war at or near Goldsboro, 
N. C, Feb. 27, 1865. agel 26 years; (2l May 2, 1868, Hiiber Bushnell, son of 
Hiram Bunhnell and Beulah M. Case, b. May 1. ixi:5. Berlin, Conn. 

1390. Kdwin \Vm.. .son of William; m. Sept. 10, 1868. Ellen Cynthia White, 
b. Feb 21. IH.M AlbKin. Neb. He d. Aug. 24. 1919. 


2124. Mildred, b. Jan. 7, 1869. 

2125. Bessie, b. Aug. 7, 1871. 

2126. Arthur Theodore, b. Aug. 5, 1874. 

2127. Lulu Maud, b. Feb. 7, 1876. 

2128. Edna Mabel, b. Sept. 11, 1877. 

2129. Nellie Esther, b. Feb. 26, 1879. 

2130. Edwin, b. Nov. 17, 1883. 

2131. Wilfred Milton, b. June 4, 1885. 

2132. Emma May, b. Dec. 13, 1886. 

2133. Ethel Gertrude, b. June 3, 1889. 

1391. Catherine, dau. of WilUam; m. 1869, George Todd. She d. Jan. 17, 1886. 
Eva Lillian, b. July, 1870; d. 1890. 
Emma Estella, b. Aug., 1875; m. 1897, Frank Thomas. She d. in 1907. One 

dau., Frances Ethel, b. Oct. 12, 1899. 
George Herbert, b. May 28, 1884; electrical merchant; m. (1) Aug. 10, 

1908, Mina M. Roise, d. June 30, 1930. (2) April 28, 1936, La Verne M. 

Paul Herbert, b. Aug. 11, 1909, Major U.S. Air Force. 

1392. Julia, dau. of William; m. 1872, Nathan B. Douglas. She d. May 11, 
1880. They had five children, three dying in infancy, Ida May and Stephen A., 
twins, were b. Sept. 4, 1873. Stephen A. d. in 1908. Ida May m. March, 1916, 
R. L. Vauters. Montezuma, 111. 

1393. John Peter, son of William; m. in 1877, Joetta Dare. They reside in 
Havana, 111. 

2134. Nellie, b. 1879. 

2135. John F., b. 1881. 

2136. Carl L., b. 1883. 

2137. Pearl E., b. Oct. 25, 1885. 

2138. Harry L., b. May 1, 1887. 

2139. Walter B., b. 1889; m. Nov. 25, 1920, Brcnda W. Flick. Live in 
Indianapolis, Ind. 

2140. Eva D., b. March 4, 1893. 

2141. Maria E., b. 1895. 

2142. Eugene L., b. 1897. 

1394. Shelden, son of Wilham; m. Iris L. Jones, b. March 31, 1858; d. Oct. 
30, 1913. He lives in Havana, 111. 

2143. Viola E., b. Feb. 26, 1881. 

2144. Erma Pearl, b. Aug. 19, 1883. 

2145. William, b. Oct. 6. 1885. 

2146. Herly, b. July 7, 1887. 

214 7. Mabel Golden, b. June 26, 1889. 

2148. Garnet, b. Jan. 23, 1893. 

2149. Shelden Jr., b. Nov. 15, 1897. 

1395. Emma Louisa, dau. of William; m. Jan. 29, 1880, Charles Woodford 
Rountree. See Historical Section. He d. April 7, 1908. 

Ardaline, b. Jan. 9, 1881; m. Oct. 16, 1898, Albert Wills; d. 1938, Stan- 
hope, Iowa. 
Emma C, b. Aug. 12, 1899; m. Sheldon Atwater (:tt2149) Paul Vernon, 
b. Jan. 17, 1921; m. Jan. 27, 1942, to Marrietta McDonald, (dau.) Diane 
Lee Atwater, b. March 31, 1946. 

Verla Joan, b. Jan. 17. 1930; m. Orley W^elker, Jr., May 26, 1950. 
(son) Robert Dale, b. Feb. 3, 1955. 
Loona, b. Sept. 3, 1901; m. LeRoy Clabaugh, b. Nov. 5. 1900. Stanhope, 
Iowa. Darlene Lee, b. Sept. 18, 1925; m. Donald Lowell Berry, b. Sept. 
5, 1921. 

Connie Sue, b. Feb. 26, 1945. Janet Elaine, b. Nov. 20, 1946. Donnie 

Leroy, b. Feb. 22, 1949. Duane Donald, b. Feb. 5, 1953. 
Richard Leroy, b. Feb. 19, 1928; m. Janet Marion Strain, b. Jan. 3, 1928. 

Richard Douglas Clabaugh, b. Feb. 20, 1951. 
Doris Lorene, b. April 26, 1932; m. Benjamin Edward Franklin, b. 
July 17, 1931. Doris Kay, b. Nov. 12, 1951. 


Muriel L., b. s>t;pi. _', 1903; m. Clifford J. Neese. b. 1899, retired farmer, 
Stanhope. Iowa. 

Helen Arlene. b. 1925; banktellor, m. Oliver Bayard Williams, b. 1923, 
asst. cashier, Boone State Bank. Boone. Iowa. 
Clifford Dale. b. 1930. 
Darrel J., b. 1932. 
Audi-ev Ann. b. 1937. 
Carol Lvdia. b. 1910. 
Lester R.. b. July 19. 1905. 

Sterhng C. b. Sept. 9. 1907; m. Eline S. Craig, b. April 19, 1909. 
Barrv A., b. June 18, 1940. 
Barbara Ann. b. April 30, 1943. 
Sallv Ann. b. Feb. 27, 1946. 
Ralph Ed^ar. b. Jan. 16, 1910: m. Mary Jane, b. .Ian. 20, 1922. 

Twins — Jack Jay and Jill Jane, b. Oct. 7. 1950. 
Caroline A., b. Aug. 10. 1913; m. Everett L. Fuller, b. Nov. 29, 1912. 
I sons I Ralph Everett, b. June 6, 1941. Ronald Keith, b. April 21, 1944. 
Lois I., b. Sept. 7. 1918; m. LaVerne G. Varland, b. March 17, 1916. Chil.: 
Marilyn Kay. b. June 10, 1941. Wayne Allan, b. Sept. 2. 194 2. Larry 
James, b. Dec. 21, 1943. Kenneth LaVerne, b. July 18, 1948. 
La Vonne, b. Jan. 18, 1921; m. Melford A. Hove. b. Sept. 18, 1915. 
Helen Joann. b. Sept. 15, 1941. 
Marv Lee. b. Feb. 23, 1945. 
Paul Albert, b. Dec. 23, 1946. 
Harold LaVerne. b. March 17, 1949. 
Roger Arnold, b. June 29. 1955. 
Harriet Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17. 1882; m. March 21, 1906, John Allison 
Henry, b. May 29, 1880, d. Feb. 22, 1944, Havana, 111. 

MUdred Velma, b. Jan. 1. 1907, d. Nov. 21, 1951. (dau. ) Nancy Lee 

Miller, b. Sept. 30. 1934. 
Charles William, b. April 20. 1910, d. Dec. 18, 1954. 
Frances Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5. 1915; m. Harry Ernest Miller. Janet 

Evelyn, b. July 30. ; James Frederick, b. Feb. 18, 

Charles J., b. July 16, 1887; m. June 15, 1916, Amy Alice, b. Jefferson Co., 
April 12. 1894, "dau. Ezra and Bell Marts Hoffman of Kansas. 

Elsie Marie, b. June 12, 1917; m. Lloyd Ronald Sutton, b. Feb. 22, 
1912. Chil.: Ronald Lee. b. Nov. 11, 1947. 

Dorothy Helen, ta. Feb. 23, 1922; m. Wheelock. 

Velma A., b. Nov. 10, 1894; m. Nov. 19, 1914, Samuel J. Henry; d. 1923. 

Genevieve Kathrine, b. Nov. 20, 1916, m. Lawrence Albert Miller, 

father of Nancy Lee and former husband of Mildred Velma Henry. 

Ru.ssell Woodford, b. June 26. 1919; chemical engineer; m. Irene 

Harding b. Oct. 13, 1921. (Chihircnt Susan Lee, b. March 24. 1947; 

Mary Kathrine, b. May 19. 1949. Russell Harding, b. April 29, 1951. 

Emma Evelyn, b. Jan. 29. 1922; m. Elmer Hairison Halloik, Jr., b. 

Dec. 10, 1916, Saranac Lake. N. Y., son of Elmer Harri.son and 

Mary Margaret Berg Hallock. (Children) Peter Harrison, b. Jan. 

16, i953. Michael David, b, Sept. !. 1954. 

1396. Iliintingtnn (hnate, .son of Edgar; m. June 5, 1911. .Anita Tiumtmll 
D<h1k<- Livi- III Wluli- I'lams. N. Y. 

2150. Jean Trumbull, b. June 14. 1912. 
2151 Wdliam Choate, b. July 18. 1917. 

IS97. (iarrtt! Harry, son of Edgar; artist, Santa Fe, X. M.: m. Wilhelminah 

2152. Garrett Barry, Jr. 

2153. Carol Mary. 

IS9H, Henry Day, son of Henry D.; m. Dec. 17. 1902, Jessie Rhoades, dau. 
of William Car.-y Clarke an<l Mary Hawkin.s. b. May 15. 1878. He d. Feb. 8, 1940. 
21M. Wdliam Clarke, b. Jan. 25. 1905. 
2\r,r, Mary Khoadcs, b. April 10. 1906, 

I'vi'i ! Miitse Si-ilKuick, ilau. of Henry D.; m. April 27. 1903, Edwin Lendon 
• f Joliii I), and Mary Snedekir, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Louise d. 1925. 


Lendon, b. Oct. 10, 1904; graduated Harvard Medical School; ni. Elizabeth 
Frothingham. (Chil. ) Nancy, Margaret (Mollie), Jean and John. 

Margaret Louise, b. July 24, 1906; m. Robert M. Parker. (Chil.) Robert J., 
b. ; Huntington, b. ; Carol, b. . 

Sedgwick, b. April 11, 1909; lawyer. Shearman, Sterling & Wright, N. Y.; 
m. June 28, 1940, Anne Carll Parke, of New York City. (Sons) Thomas 
Steele, b. Sept. 28, 1941. William Drew, b. April 7, 1945. James Phyfe, 
b. March 25, 1948. 

1401. George Parkin, son of Thomas Cooke; m. Nov. 19, 1901, Marie Louise, 
dan. of David M. Carey and Rebecca Dorsey. An Episcopal clergyman, rector 
of Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. He spent his early years in Cleve- 
land, Ohio. He graduated from Kenyon College in 1895, receiving the degrees 
A.B., 1895; A.M., 1899, D.D., 1918. The University of Akron conferred the 
degrae of Literary Doctor in 1924. Immediately after his ordination by Bishop 
Leonard of Ohio, he became rector of the Church of Our Saviour, Akron, Ohio, 
which had only about fifty commimicants and today has more than 1,000. 
During Dr. Atwater's rectorship a new church and parish house were erected. 
For five years Dr. Atwater was grand prelate of the Grand Commandery of 
the Knights Templar of Ohio. A member of the national commission for the 
revision of the prayer book and represented the Diocese of Ohio at four general 
conventions. He has written three books, "The Young Crusaders"; "The Young 
Crusaders at Washington"; "The Episcopal Church; Its Message for Men of 
Today." He has contributed articles to the Atlantic Monthly and other maga- 

2156. David Thomas, b. Aug. 22, 1902. 

2157. Mary Fi'ances, b. July 16, 1911. 

1402. Harriet, dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. Nov. 26, 1901, Rev. Jay Johnson 
Dimon, of Washington, D. C. He d. April 7, 1945. 

Philip W., b. Sept. 9, 1902, lawyer, m. Donna Leslie Ford in Washington, 
D. C, April 20, 1929, who was b. April 20, 1904. 

Sonia Donna, b. Julv 17, 1932, m. Ernest Albert Coleman, in Washing- 
ton, D. C, Aug. 22, 1953. 
Thomas Ford, b. July 11, 1936. 
Anne Leslie, b. Nov. 20, 1944. 
Richard Atwater, b. July 27, 1904, m. Avis Mary Withers, b. April 18, 
1905, in Washington on June 13, 1928. He is an electrochemist. 
Diane, b. Oct. 19, 1929. 
Richard Atwater, b. July 16, 1931. 
Mary Isabel, b. Dec. 6, 1935. 
Anne Marie, b. Jan. 9, 1907, m. Frederick W. Doerman in Washington on 
June 27, 1927. 

Anne Constance, b. Jan. 14, 1930, m. Philip L. Hanst on May 28, 1949. 
(Chil.) Anne Marie, b. Nov. 23, 1951. Katherine May, b. Oct. 31. '53. 
Margaret Phyllis, b. Dec. 2, 1931. 

1408. Charles Jefferson, b. Nov. 30, 1885, m. Sadie Greene, b. Sept. 6, 1886. 

5001. Opal Greene, b. Aug. 16, 1913, high school teacher until m. to Bart 
Edward Sullivan, lawyer, with outstanding military service record 
in World War II- holder Bronze Star, rank majoi- with criminal 
investigation div. and chiefly responsible for solving famous Hesse 
jewel theft. ( Chil. ) Michael Atwater, b. Dec. 2, 1953. 

5002. James Rosburn, b. Nov. 8. 1927, m. Mary, dau. of Webster and 
Estelle Steadman; b. June 23, 1927. 

Patricia Marie, b. Feb. 15, 1948. Martha Susan, b. Aug. 7, 1952. 
Ann Leigh, b. Dec. 17, 1953. 

1405. William Dewitt, son of William Edward; m. May 25, 1922, Lulu Mittie 

2158. Leida Helen, b. June 22, 1924. 

2159. Martha Hentz, b. July 16, 1925. 

1408. Elton Lunsford, son of William Edward; m. Dec. 29, 1915, Claudia 
Ethel McKeown; d. Apiil 13, 1950. 

2161. William Edward, 2nd, b. Nov. 24, 1919. 

2162. Marjorie Fletcher, b. Oct. 3, 1923. 


1409. Kossle Lucille, dau. Wni. Edward: m. Homer Balfour Hirt. Jr. (Lt. 
1^. V S Navy, on board U.S.S. Saufley E. C. ) 

1415. Frank Bowman, m. Era B. Garner Aug. 29, 1923 at Gainesville. Fla., 
b. May 20, 1909. dau. of Dolphus W. and Margaret Dyal Garner, of Lake 
Butler, Fla. 

5003. Frank B.. Jr.. b. March 16, 1925, m. Elsie Mae Thomas, dau. of Joe 
and Thomas of Zephvhills, Fla. Chil.: Gloria Jane, b. July 11, 1944. 
Cynthia Gail, b. Feb" 16. 1948. 

Frances Lawavne, b. Jan. 14, 1926, m. Owen Harry Allen, at Dillon, 
South Caroline. (Chil. t Robert Harry, b. Sept. 20, 1944. Margaret 
Patricia, b. Jan. 19, 1934, student at University of Tampa. 

1419. Marjfaret Kli/alH-th, dau. of Frank Barton. 

14',*0. H. (larkson Att water, son of Henry Russell, was educated at St. 
John's Military School, Salina. Kansas; Kansas State University, Lawrence, 
Kansas; Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minnesota. Ordained Deacon in 
Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas, by Bishop Frank Rosebrook Millspaugh, 
D.D.. Trinity Sunday, June 2, 1901; Priest (ditto) Feast of the Ascension, 
Mav 8, 1902"; Archdeacon Northern Kansas 1902-05, Rector St. Peter's, Pitts- 
burg. Kansas. 1905-07; St. Peter's Detroit, 1907-1918; St. Matthias', Detroit. 
September. 1918. Built churches at Cedar Vale, Blue Rapids and Washington, 
all in Kansas. Married to Mary Ellen Cheney, teacher in the College of the 
Sisters of Bethany, Topeka, Kansas, in College Chapel, by Bishop Millspaugh, 
on Feast of the Circumcision (Jan. 1st), 1902. 

L'HJ.'i. Julia Margaret, b. Oct. 25, 1902. 

•_M»)4. Paul Ku.ssell, b. June 10, 1904. 

2165. William Clarkson, b. April 11, 1908. 

2166. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 2, 1911. 

1423. David (J., son of Rufus William; m. Aroline Harriman Ross, b. April 
12, 1854; d. March 10. 1918. Steuben, Maine. 

2167. William Luman, b. Sept. 3, 1874. 

2168. Elden Roberts, b. Oct. 12, 1882. 

2169. Ralph Staples, b. Sept. 15, 1888. 

2170. Lulu. b. Sept. 2, 1890; m. Nov. 23, 1890, Bickford. 

1424. AllMTt J.; m. April, 1859, Marie G. Leighton; (2> Dec. 31, 1881, 
Catherine E. Wills. He first engaged in seafaring life, but later learned the 
trade of a mason. Lynn. Mass. He d. July 3, 1915. 

2171. Cott L.. b. Sept. 25, 1874; m. June 1, 1899, Lillian Gabehnan, one son, 
Aremas. b. Oct. 3, 1900. 

2172. Clara B., b. Feb., 1881; m. Arthur Harris. 

2173. Leroy WelLs. b. June 5. 1886; m. June 17, 1911, Gertrude C. Higgins. 
He is an electrical engineer and lives in Boston. 

2174. Harold Doughty, b. July 28, 1898. Is an automobile engineer. 

1 428. Charles Fremont, son of Rufus William; in. Ruth K. Dri.^ka. h. June 
12. 1868. H.- .i. Ainil 9, 1908. 

2175. Frances Priscilla, b. March 23, 1892; m. Allen. 

2176. Lila Violet, b. Sept. 15, 1896; m. Jordan. (Chil.) Violet Marie, 

Ruth Frances (Grndchil.) Brenda, b. 1943, Sheila, b. 1946, Robert 
b. 1950. 

2177. Charles Fremont, b. Aug. 19, 1902. Deceased. 

2178. Iniia Mane. b. Aug. 6. 1904. 

2179. Pauline Margaret, b. Sept. 15, 1907. 

14.S0. Knther .Xnrahi-IIa. dau. of John Elisha; m. Neil SulhcMland. She d. 
Feb. 1, 1H9:{ 

Cc< • .y Alwat.i, b. Oct. 3, 1878; in. Edna E. M. Ciindley. .lum- 15, 

!■ • < i\ IS presiil«'nt of Johnstone Walker. Limited; est. 1886 dcpart- 

nienl «tore. Edmonton. 

Mury F:Hther, b. Feb. 11, 1913; m. Dec. 27. 1940, Lawrence Duncan 
Palithorpe, b. Nov. 24, 1915, Montreal, Que., .son of Mary A. and 
.I'lhri L. Palfthor|)c. Ins. Mgr. (Chil.) Donald .Sidncv, b. April 28, 
I'.Ml. Brenda Mary, b. July 4. 1943. John .Sutherland, ij. P'eb. 11, 1948. 


Thos. Sidney Atwater, b. Aug. 8, 1915: m. Lois Campbell Eraser. 
(Sons) Robert Sidney, b. July 1, 1952. David Gordon, b. May 10, '53. 
Lillian Margaret, b. Dec. 27, 1921; m. R. O. Soley. 
Claude Keble, b. Sept. 6, 1880; C. E.; m. Etha, b. Ottunnva, Iowa, April 24, 

1899, dau. of Sarah Nee and Anthony Leinhauser. 
Edna Sarah Amelia, b. March 6, 1883; school teacher; d. Nov. 10, 1954. 
Claire, b. Jime 27, 1887; m. William Stuart, b. March 6, 1874, son of Mary 
Ann Houston and John Fleming of Carleton Place, Ontario. ( Chil. ) 

Kathleen, b. Jan. 19, 1916; m. . 

Robert Atwater, b. Feb. 28, 1918. 

Alice, b. Oct. 23, 1919; m. McQuarrie. 

1431. Henry Wellesley, son of John Elisha; m. Nov. 4, 1878, Mary Elizabeth 
Pratt, of New' Ross, N. 's. He d. Oct. 31, 1925. He was educated at King's 
College, Windsor, N. S.; ordained deacon 1875, at St. Luke's Pro-Cathedral, 
Halifax, N. S.; priest, 1877, by the Bishop of Nova Scotia. Appointed (1) 
Incumbent of St. Bartholomew, Louisburg, C. B. ; (2) Incumbent of Christ 
Church, New Ross, N. S.; (3) Rector of St. John's, Port Medway, N. S.; (4) 
Incumbent of St. John Baptist's church, Barbadoes, B. W. I.; (5) Principal of 
Girdon's Indian Boarding School and Priest-in-charge of the Mission of St. 
Luke, Gordon's Indian Reserve, Sask., Canada. See Vol. 4, page 199. 

2180. Flora Amelia, b. Feb. 6, 1880; m. Nov., 1903, A. E. Pitfield, of Eng- 
land. She d. 1927. 

Jessie Beatrice, b. Jan. 3, 1906; m. John Franklin, b. April 26, 
1903, Kinlough, Ont., son of Catherine Grummett and David 

James Basso. (Chil.) Doris Marion, b. June 7, 1926; m. 

Agnes Winona, b. Jan. 29, 1928; m. Martel Louis Poisson of 
Kimberley, B. C. David Keith Poisson, b. Feb. 4, 1953. 
Beatrice Darlene, b. Aug. 21, 1954. Marcel's parents — Pauline 
Corinne Sicotte and Noel Paul Poisson. James Edward Basso, 
b. Sept. 1, 1929. Raymond Stanley, b. May 25, 1931. Edwin 
John Basso, b. Aug. 26, 1933; m. Grace Irene McFadzen, b. 
Aug. 4, 1936. (Son) John Edwin Bass^., b. Feb. 26, 1955. 
Rita Doreen, b. Nov. 7, 1936. 
David Wayne, b. Feb. 14, 1940. 
Derer Franklin, b. Oct. 23, 1942. 
Myrna Darlene, b. April 27, 1944. 
Dennis Keith Basso, b. Aug. 21, 1945 
Thomas Wellesley*, son of Flora, b. May 29, 1916; m. Helen 
Eileen Wilson of Winn, b. July 3, 1915. (Son) Warren 
Dexter Pitfield, b. May 26, 1949. 

2181. Beatrice Mary Stuart, b. Feb. 1, 1881; former .aatron of Gordon's 
Indian Boarding School; now retired. 

2182. Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1888; former teacher, Gordon's Indian Board- 
ing School. 

2183. John Gapper, b. Dec. 29, 1882; farming in Walkerburn, Man. 

2184. Edna Leonora, b. March 24, 1892; m. Aleck Branconnier. 

1432. George William, son of Rufus William; m. Nov. 15, 1883, Mary A., 
dau. of William Miner and Alary Cunningham. Somerville, Mass. He d. Dec. 
24, 1913. 

2185. Harry Arthur, b. July 7, 1887, 

2186. Ralph Wright, b. June 12, 1891. 

2187. Roy Miner, b. May 4, 1894. 

2188. Inez Marian, b. May 19, 1900. 

1438. Henry Morrie, m. Margaret Drake. 

5004. David H., b. April 9, 1904; m. Eva V. Dyer, b. Feb. 21, 1921, Port- 
land, Mo. 

5005. David A. N., b. April 30, 1942. 

5006. April Dawn, b. May 5, 1943. 

5007. Peter Eugene, b. Oct. 17, 1944. 

5008. Richard Merlin, b. Oct. 6, 1946. 

5009. Robert Jonathan, b. May 11, 1948. 

5010. Mervin Bruce, b. April 26, 1952. 

5011. Joseph Carlton, b. Aug. 13, 1954. 


1439. Joseph Ci., son of Joseph Adolphus: m. Dec. 19. 1901. Alma Johnston. 
Thev hve i: lei. N. S. 

2189 i- ..d Lee. b. Aug. 7, 1903. 

' :cl Crealman. b. June 26, 1905. 
_ . i:..-nna Louise, b. Sept. 12. 1909. 
. -• Alma May. b. Aug. 15. 1912. 
. ; Clarice Jean. b. June 3, 1914. 
_ ! Xoiman Millard, b. Dec. 11, 1916. 

1443. Ht-rlMTt (;eorge C'hipman. son of Stephen; m. Feb. 9. 1901, Dottie, 
dau. oi Matthais H. and Rose G. Stamer. He was killed in Mexico in April. 1915. 

2195. Herbert George Chipman, b. Jan. 2. 1902; m. June 5, 1923, Hazel 

1444. l^ewis Kdwin. son of Stephen; m. 1889, Mary O'Sullivan, m. (2» June 
12. 1893, Melhe Fenton. dau. of Edmund and Emma Rice; m. (3) June 3, 1925, 
Amelia Eunice Semple. He lives in Los Angeles, Calif. 

2196. Alfred, b. 1891. 
Issue bv second marriage: 

2197." Herbert Edwin, b. June 8, 1894. 

1449. .\uhn-v W.. son of Stephen; m. July 26, 1911, Esther Mason. (2) 
Dolores SchaU-r 42, of Akron. Ohio, in 1949. 

2198. Ella Marv. b. May 27. 1912. 

2199. Alberta Agnes, b. Nov. 23. 1915. 
5U12. Bruce Mason, b. Aug. 30, 1921. 

1450. MarBuret, dau. of Thomas Henry; ni. July 14, 1885, James Harvey. 
Brooklyn. N. Y. 

1451. Ah'xaiuler T., son of Thomas Henry; m. Bridget Agnes Hanley, Aug. 
4. 1887. He served for twenty-two years in the police department in Brooklyn, 
N. Y.. and when he died, Nov. 11, 1915, was a sergeant. His death was due to 
injuries received while endeavoring to stop a pair of runaway horses. 

2200. Nora, b. June 17, 1889; m. Nov. 26, 1913. Francis \V. McCarthy; one 
dau., Elizabeth, b. Fob. 22, 1915. 

22<il Thomas A., b. March 22, 1891. 

22n2. Sadie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3. 1896; unm. 

2203. Veronica, b. May 15, 1902. 

14.">.">. Klislia Kandali, son of James Randall; m. Edith McKeough. New- 
port. R. I. 

22U4. Charles R.. b. June 20, 1888. 

!4.-)«. ( liarl.s .lames; m. May 16. 1883. E. Hope, dau. of Rev. H. B. Schaff- 
her and Emma J. DcLapp. b. March 23, 1866. Boylston, Nova Scotia. 

2205. Harry Barlow, b. Dec. 11. 1885. 

2206. Emnia M. DeLapp, b. June 8, 1887. 

2207. Bernanl Frederick, b. April 21. 1889. 

2208. Charl.s Willoughby. b. Sept. 30. 1893. 

2209. Florence Schaffher. b. Dec. 21. 1897. 

2210. Ralph Best. b. July 7. 1904. 

1457. Suinuel J.; m. 1882. Evalena Dunbar. Norwalk. Conn. 

2211. l><>uis R.. b. March 28, 1883. 

2212. Warren C. b. Sept. 18. 1886. 

2213. Kva C. b. Nov. 6. 1888. 

2214. Elsie M.. b. Feb. 3. 1897; m. March 2, 1918. Willard Silcox. 
2215 (Jludys P.. b. Jan. 2. 1900. 

I43H. John ('oKK**^vell; m. Miss Barlow; (2) Lillian P'oster. Lived in New- 
port, R. I. No chiMren. He d. Feb. 5. 1920. 

1460. Frederick rnrter; m. Oct. 16, 1893, Nellie B., dau. of Wm. A. .1. Mac- 
Donald and Margaret A. McRhie. Boylston, Nova Scotia. 

??Ar. kiIm-i Hope. b. July 28, 1894; m. Earle McMinn. 

y Kathleen, b. Nov. 19, 1899; m. John Ander.son. 
^.^in, Anna Margaret, b. 1908. 


1461. Manson Bigolow, son of James Randall; m. Isabella H. McDonald. 
Newport. R. I. 

2219. Rollo T., b. Jan. 1, 1900. 

1468. :Mar.v Susan, dau. of William Collins; m. July 3, 1870. William Rufus 
Edgeily; d. 1810. They lived in Sangerville, Me. 

Addie J., b. April" 29. 1871; m. April 28, 1888, Clarence Eugene Richards. 
Susie Alta, b. May 10, 1891; m. Chester Clayton Moulton, one son, 

Clarence Chester, b. May 14, 1917. 
Inez Purinston, b. Jan. 26, 1893. 
George William. 
Grace Bell, b. Nov. 29, 1873; m. June 20, 1891, M. J. Edward Bearce. 
Vera Iris, b. July 23, 1893; m. Maurice Eug-ene Skilling. 
Elwyn Eugene, b. May 25, 1914. 
Grace Edna, b. Aug. 20, 1916. 
Dorothy Ava, b. March 4, 1918. 
William Or'rin, b. Oct. 23, 1879; m. Sept. 30, 1902, Ethel Mason; one son, 

Frank Lloyd. 
John Merton, b. Nov. 2, 1883. 

Harold Chauncey, b. Jan. 8, 1890; m. Nov. 14, 1914, Octavia Clair 

Helen Maria, b. July 15, 1915. 
Arthur William, b. Oct. 23, 1916. 
Jime Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1918. 

1464. Charles Henry, son of William Collins; m. Feb. 17. 1882, Eldora 
Blake. Lived in Dexter, Me. He d. Dec. 20, 1913. 

2220. Charles Elbridge, b. Feb. 20, 1885. 

2221. Geneva Melessa, b. Oct. 25, 1888. 

1465. Walter Grant, son of William Collins; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Ella E. 
Watson, b. Dec. 10, 1855; d. April 21, 1892. He d. April 1. 1904. They lived in 
Bangor, Me. 

2222. Ethel May, b. Nov. 29, 1879. 

2223. Aria Fern, b. May 12, 1887. 

1467. Joseph Edgar, son of William Collins; m. Eva Sanborn, of Abbott, 
Me. Have a large family of boys and girls. 

1474. Henry William, son of Constant Loyal Tuttle; lived in East Orange, 
N. J.; m. Oct. 15, 1873, Eliza Gage, dau. of General John Gray Burns and 
Mary Kimball. He was a manufacturer of steel tools. He d. Oct. 10, 1910. She 
d. June 5, 1916. 

2224. W'illiam John, b. Feb. 17, 1878; was a book publisher in New York; 
m. Oct. 25, 1903, Henrietta Kempner. He d. Oct. 27, 1921. 

2225. Elizabeth Ellen, b. March 30. 1883. 

1476. Lily Clarinda, dau. of Constant Loyal Tuttle; m. Dec. 24, 1888, George 
Preston Phillips. Amesbury, Mass. He d. March 30, 1913. 

Nellie Florence, b. Aug. 1, 1890; m. 1907, Warren O. Titcomb. Chil.: Lillian 
Natalie, b. June 14, 1908; CHfford Warren T., b. Jan. 1, 1920. 

Karl Tristram, b. June 25, 1895; m. April 30, 1921, Loui.se Marion Kendall; 
Chil.: Robert Kendall, b. March 15, 1922; Priscilla, b. March 15, 1922. 

1477. liradford Clark, son of Constant Loyal Tuttle, lives at 7 Collins St., 
Newburyport. Mass.; m. June 16, 1894, Anna Emma Eaton, b. Oct. 8, 1872. 

2226. Constant Loraine, b. Dec. 3. 1897. 

2227. Arthur Clark, b. April 22, 1899; m. Sept. 1, 1923, Vonita Louise 

1478. John J., son of James W.; m. in 1855, Belle Dewar. b. in 1822; d. Jan.. 
1868. He d. March 16, 1862. He was a carpenter at Ogdcnsburg, N. Y. 

2228. Minnie, b. Sept., 1856. 

2229. Thomas, b. Sept., 1856. 

2230. Joseph, b. April 1, 1858. 

2231. WilUam, b. April 1, 1858. 


1480. John Joseph, son of William R.; m. Miss O'Hara. Lives in Glasgow, 
N. S. Their chiMit-n are Harry and Stanley, both married; Clarence, Joseph, 
Charles. Blanche, Ethel and Canev. Blanche, b. Sept. 18. 1891, m. Percy Grant. 
Chil.: Estelle Vivian, b. May 23. 1930. 

1482. Alvariis Want, son of William R.: m. April, 1885. Jennie A. Ferguson, 
b. Feb. 8. lhJ>6. dau. of Alexander Ferguson and Mary McKinzey. He d. Nov. 
13. 1912. Lived in Guvsboro, N. S. 

2232. Eva M.. b. Aug. 5, 1890; m. Oct. 14. 1917, Albert Cuboe, son of 
Adolph Cuboe and Eva Heinz. 

2233. Florence A., b. Feb. 25, 1892. 

2234. Winifred E.. b. July 13. 1896. 

1490. .]()<v4ph .Vlverus. b. Jan. 15, 1869 in Boylston, Guysboro Co., Nova 
Scotia, m. Nov. 28, 1893 Emily Maria McPherson.'b. Nov. 22, 1867. 

Edith Lyle, b. Nov. 15, 1894; secretary. 

Sullivan. He is a carpenter at Gloucester, Mass. 

2235. Charles J., b. April 3. 1896. 

2236. Maigai-et M., b. June 22, 1897. 

2237. Daniel H., b. Dec. 27. 1899. 

1491. .I..I111 H:ir\fy, son of Charles Alverus; m. June 16. 1895. Nellie 

1493. Kmma Amelia, dau. of Charles Alverus; m. Oct. 9, 1902, Charles 
Milton Cunningham. H d. July 24, 1949. Emma lives in Truro, N. S. 

Helen Muriel, b. Jan. 16, 1904, m. Fred Audas. Chil.: Emma Anne, b. 
March 24. 1938. Charles Alfred, b. Sept. 10, 1939. Richard Pearl, b. Oct. 

29, 1945. 

Manford Wolfe, b. Sept. 15. 1905, m. Prudence Whilemina Rudolph, b. 
Dec. 3, 1907 at Spanish Ship Bay, N. S. Chil.: Emma Pauline Louise, 
b. Jan. 13. 1929. m. Vincent Agastine Furlotte, b. July 7, 1925, son of 
Simon and Margaret Lavoillette Furlotte. 
Robert Thomas, b. Aug. 2. 1948. 
Richard Anthonv, b. July 1, 1951, d. Dec. 31, 1951. 
Randall Nathan, b. May 29, 1953, d. Sept. 27, 1953. 

Audrey Jennie, b. June 28, 1931, m. Walter David, son of William Paul 
and Sarah Elizabeth White Curran. 
David William, b. Mav 27, 1951. 
Judith Ann, b. Sept. 2, 1953. 
Margaret Alice, b. Sept. 24, 1934, m. Scott McNair of London, Ont., 
b. Oct. 3, 1933. 

Beverly, b. June 29, 1953. 
Scott, Jr., b. July 14, 1954. 
Charl.s Alexander, b. Sept. 24, 1907. Unm. 

Jennie May, b. Sept. 24, 1907; m. Percy Howard Thompson, b. April 8, 
1901. Chil.: Martha Emma Lillian, b. Sept. 7, 1931. John Charles, b. 
March 17, 1934. 
Ha/.«n llayiiu)nd, b. Nov. 3, 1909. Unm. 
Laura Gertrude, d. 1912. 

1491. Margaret .M.igall. dau. of Charles Alverus; m. Dec. 26, 1899. George 
Cunniiigliaiii. (;oldenville. Nova Scotia. He d. 1920. 

Mvrtle Mav, b. Oct. 23, 1900, m. Fritz Williams, b. Oct. 5, 1898, d. Nov. 

30, 1952. 

AiKlrey, b. Aug. 27, 1922, m. Percy Gaylord, dairy farmer at Tweed, 
Ont., b. Dec. 6, 1922. Chil.: Joan, b. Dec. 6, 194 3. Fritz, b. Nov. 8, 
1946. Jean. b. Nov. 6, 19.53. 
Inez Sarah, b Oct. 25, 1924, m. John Peter Hayes, b. April 10, 1918. 
Chil : Marilyn Ida. b. Nov. 27, 1944. Lynda Dawn, b. Aug. 29, 1951. 
Ida Margaret, b. Nov. 25, 1924, m. Gordon Bechsted. Chil.: Dawn, 
b. June 14, 1946. 
,-..., .-..,.. .. f, ,„ne 24. 1902; d. April 23, 1920. 
b Aug. 3, 1907. d. Jan. 5, 1914. 

I !».'>. .lainis II. iiry, Hon of Charles Alverus; m. May 29. 1912, Rosie Emma 
Carter, of Yarmouth, N. S. Thev live in Gloucester, Mass. 
223« John H.-nry. b. Jan. 4," 1913. 


2239. Mary Sadie, b. Sept. 31, 191-1. 

2240. Charlotte Roslie, b. June 17, 1916. 

1497. Sarah Almira, ni. Edmund James Hayden. 

Everett Leon, b. Sept. 3, 1909, m. Mae Hull. Chil.: Shirley Mae, b. Jan. 19. 
1938. Pearl Naomi, b. Nov. 1, 1939. Ruth Mildred, b. Sept. 27, 1940. 
Ruby Marie, b. Sept. 1, 1944. Grant Lawson, b. June 1, 1947. 
John Edmund, b. April 4, 1911, m. Hazel Morron Bi-ymer. 
Jennie Almira, b. July 5, 1912, m. Elmer Benjamin Morrow, b. Aug. 12, '11. 
Glenn Allison, b. Nov. 21, 1939. 
Carol Diane, b. May 28, 1942. 
Nancy Heather, b. May 31, 1949. 

Briant Kent and Brenda Gail, b. May 18, 1952 twins. 
Edith Mae, b. June 12, 1916, m. Orrin Simpson. Chil.: Kenneth Orrin, b. 

Oct. 24, 1947. Terrence Hayden, b. Jan. 17, 1951. 
Naomi Gertrude, b. April 27, 1919 — teacher; m. Louis William Hughes, 

b. Nov. 9, 1919 
Florence Elizabeth, b. April 27, 1919, m. Abner Alexander MacMaster, b. 
March 20, 1918. Chil.: Joan Marilyn, b. April 24, 1943. Neil Truman, b. 
Feb. 15, 1946. Garry Alexander, b. Dec. 23, 1954. Hazel Lillian, b. Sept. 
26, 1924^secretary. 

1498. Elmer E., son of William B.; m. Ella Stevens. He d. April 21, 1881, 
from drowning. 

2241. Dora, b. Feb., 1881; m. Guy Lindsay. 

1499. Joseph Truman, son of William B.; m. Nov. 27, 1887, Estella M. 
Pettingill, d. July 3, 1898; m. (2) Oct. 30, 1902, Mary W. Jones. 

2242. Mildred G., b. March 20, 1891; m. Oct. 17, 1915, Elmer G. Edes; one 
son, Alfred W. 

2243. Ansell E., ta. Aug. 1, 1894. 

2244. Estella M., b. June 3, 1898; m. Aug. 22, 1917, Amil G. Mullikin. Two 
dau., Mabel A., b. Sept. 4, 1921, Elizabeth J., b. Sept. 11, 1923. 

2245. Marie R., b. Feb. 16, 1904; teacher. 

1,>(H). Leonard F., son of William B.; m. April 4, 1888, Linnetta Frank. 

2246. Leshe, b. July 26, 1889. 

224. Lenore, b. July 18, 1896; m. April 1917, A. E. Kirst; one son, Robert 
B., b. Dec. 13, 1920. She m. (2) June, 1924, Harry E. Privett. 

1502. Maude, dau. of Joseph E.; m. Nov. 30, 1882, William C. Edden. She 
d. Sept. 19, 1919. They lived in The Dalles, Ore. 

Bessie, b. May 2, 1884; m. April , 1917, Emerett Roscoe Lvda. One son, 

Wood Lyda, b. Sept. 25. 1918. 
Retta, b. Nov. 16, 1888; m. Aug., 1910, Harold L. Edmonds. Two dau., 
Maude, b. Dec. 15, 1916; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1921. Live The Dalles, Ore. 
Ralph, b. Aug. 15, 1886; m. Myrtle Robinson. 

150.S. Mae, dau. of Joseph E.; m. Sept. 19, 1894, George F. Ross. Live in 
The Dalles, Ore. 

Frederick Atwater, b. Oct. 7, 1895; m. Edith Hooglund. 
Agnes Leona, b. Sept. 20, 1901. 

1505. Hattie Childs, dau. of Henry William; m. Jime 24, 1885, Charles 
Edmund Scarff. Lives in Montieal. Canada. 

Elsa Marjorie, b. March 29. 1886; m. April 16. 1913, Harold G. D. Ellis of 
St. Johns, N. B. Two children: Marjorie Warren, b. May 27, 1914; Harold 
Robertson Scarff, b. April 18, 1916. 

Alfrida Mildred, b. Jan. 23, 1888; m. Feb. 4, 1914. Wm. R. Dean. One dau., 
Barbara Warren, b. March 30, 1916. 

Sylvia Warren, b. Dec. 29, 1893. 

Edith Atwater, b. May 25, 1895. 

1506. Emily :MiIlard. dau. of Henrj- William; m. June 4, 1904, Andrew 
Henderson Thompson. She was president of the Montreal (Canada) Y.W.C.A. 

1507. Lucy Warren, dau. of Henry William; m. July 24, 1885, James Henry 
Sherrard. Lives in Montreal, Canada. 

Edwin Atwater, b. March 17, 1900. 


1509. Clur-a IJIlhin. n.. Henrv William Fletcher. Dec. 2, 1880; d. May 9, 
1S96 He li. Jiilv 27. 1929. 

Clara Belle, b. Dec. 20. 1882; d. June 28. 1921. 

Luther Edwin, b. Sept. 15. 1886, m. Sept. 25. 1912. Minnie Kallstedt, 
b. Feb. 28. 1891. 
K. V \\!U'::iin, b. July 24. 1913. d. Dec. 24, 1927. 

Kuili I'kiif, b. June 13, 1916. m. June 14, 1941 Robert Hasselbaum, mana- 
ger of J. B. Reed & Co. 

Diane Lynn. b. Nov. 4. 1944. Janet Sue. b. Sept. 21, 1950. 
Henrv Charles, b. June 26, 1919. Vice-Pres. Merchants Nat. Bank, Aurora, 
N.Y. On April 27, 1946, m. Maxine Larson, b. March 24. 1926. 
Ann Christine, b. April 7. 1948. 
Jeanne Ellen, b. Oct. 20. 1950. 
James Henrv. b. Sept. 1. 1953. 
Robert Clarence, b. Sept. 13. 1928. m. Eleanor Carlstedt (b. Dec. 3, 1932) 

of Downers Grove. 111., on Sept. 5, 1953. 
Helen Marr. b. April 24. 1893. m. Eugene T. Scott. 

Mildred Frances, b. Nov. 6. 1920, Newspaper Reporter; m. Harold 
Burton Jenkins, b. Nov. 21, 1915. 

Carole Mildred, b. June 5. 1941. Harold James, b. Oct. 24. 1945. 
William Earl Fletcher, b. Dec. 6. 1894. m. Ethel Kall.stedt, b. Dec. 22. 1902. 
liichard Willis, b. Jan. 25. 1934. Joyce Ann, b. Oct. 21, 1937. 

i')\{t. Lizzie liertrudf, dau. of Henry Miner; educated at Potsdam. N. Y., 
graduated from the State Normal school, then u'ent to San Rafael, Calif., 
where she engaged in teaching and public school work. Married Jamos W. 
Cochran, an attorney, b. at Newark. N. J.; d. at San Rafael, 1921. He was 
District Attorney of "Marin Co., Calif, when thev m. on Dec. 23, 1890. 

Clare Atwater, b. Aug. 21, 1891. m. Clayton William Hollis, Sept. 16, 1916, 

div. 1928. (2) Cecil Charles Coleman, a member of "Little Blackdevils' 

Regiment from Winnipeg and was wounded. Sept.. 1916, on the Somme 

front. Clare graduated in 1914 from Stanford University Hospital. 

Evelvn Elizabeth, b. March 2, 1894. m. Hany Alfred Barbier, of 

Chicago. 111., on Dec. 17. 1920, who was b. Jime 9. 1890. 

Children: Clare Atwater. b. Jan. 27, 1922 at San Rafael, Calif.; m. Donald 

W. Duflley, b. May 2. 1923 at Sausalito, Calif. 
Harry Alfred Babier. Jr.. b. Jan. 27. 1922; Engineer, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.; 
ni. Marion Eleanor Murray, b. Feb. 5, 1921. 

Harry RonaUl, b. Jan. 27, 1949. Alan Richard, b. Aug. 26, 1952. 
Constance, b. March 30, 1895; d. July 4, 1895. 

Lenore Gertrude, b. at San Rafael, Oct. 10, 1896; m. Norman S. Halsev II, 
in Fairfield, Calif.. 1915. 

Norman S. III. b. Feb. 19. 1919 at Ross, Calif.; m. Lucia P. Anderson 

on Feb. 27. 1953. 
James Richard, b. Jan. 29, 1920, m. Adrianna Little Antrobus in Reno, 

Nevada, in 1951. 
Ev.lyn P:iizabeth. b. June 23. 1921; m. David Geo. Stephens, San 
Rafael, Calif., 1944, .son of l^Iiriam Dotszauer and Theodore Pierson 
.'^■li*i)hi'ns, President Aurora College. Evelyn, graduate of Marin 
College and Calif. School of Fine Arts, was a ship's draftsman for 
three years during World War II. 
I^'.slie Halst'V, b. April 16, 1947. 
Mark Hal.sey. b. June 5. 1950. 
James William, b. Nov. 17, 1900. m. Marie Loui.se, dau. Michael Joseph and 
I^jui.sa Mario Labadie Hart. Oct. 6. 1926. 

Children: Lueianne Edwina, b. Feb. 11, 1918. adopted; m. Leland 
William Hadl.y. 

Franklin C.torge MilL^r, b. Oct. 31. 1910; in. Feb. 13. 1948. 
Sn.- Eileen Hadley. b. Dec. 11. 1943. Edwin Ku.s.sell Miller. Polly 
Loui.se. b. Feb. 28. 1950. Carlen Marie, b. Feb. 24. 1951. Eliza- 
b'-th Anne. b. March 15. 1952. Wilona Margaret, b. April 27, 
IM .3. Michael Frances, b. F»b. 22. 1955. 
Nancy Louise, b. Aug. 26. 1927 at Ro.ss. Calif.; m. Jan. 9. 1918. Bill 
— -. son of Welbv Robert am! Edith Grieves Wright, b. in Hollis, 
f)k!n . April 4. 1926. 

Edith Louise, b. Oct. 26. 1954. 


James William III, b. Dec. 20, 1928, at Ross, Calif., m. Jan. 30, 1949 
Alice Loree, dau. Ruby Lee Young and Virgil Jones Stockton, b. 
Julv 21, 1930. James Michael, b. Aug. 24, 1951. Patrick Steven, b. 
April 17, 1952. Timothy David, b. Sept. 10, 1953. 

I.")!!. Jennie Emiiy, dau. of Henry Miner; m. Thomas Abies, of Tomales. 
Calif.: d. Jan. 22, 1894! Jennie d. Nov. 18, 1936. 

William Henry, b. July 1, 1892, m. Edna Pauline, dau. Pauline Ernestine 
and Henry Dietrick Bloese. b. Jan. 22, 1893. 

Helen Elizabeth, b. Tomales, Calif., March 21, 1894, m. Waldemar 
Wind, Aug. 24, 1912. 

Robert Grant, b. June 17, 1913 m. Cloella Miffin of Dallas, Texas, 
b. June 4, 1916, on March 13, 1937. 

Robert Mifflin, b. Feb. 22, 1943 at Oakland, Calif. 
Howard Nelson, b. June 22, 1914, m. Sept. 3, 1939 to Beatrice FoUmer, 
b. Feb. 5, 1914, dau. Beatrice and Albert Ardess Higgins. 
Walter Ardress, b. April 23, 1942. 
Marjorie Evelyn, b. June 6, 1918, m. Frank Williams, May 15, 1937. 
Chris Suzanne, b. April 1, 1946, S. F. Kathy Lynn, b. Oct. 14, 
1947, S. F. 
Jacqueline Margretta, b. April 29, 1920, m. Sept. 2, 1945 Louis Harry 
Dydo, ( now divoi'cod ) . 

Alicia Ann Dydo, b. Nov. 7, 1949. 

1511 A. Edwin Liieus, son of Henry Minor; m. Josephine A. Millette. about 

(dau.) Isabel Nettie, b. March 22, 1899; m. Feb. 10, 1917 at Martinez, 
Calif., to Leonard Morris, b. May 27, 1878, son of Sarah Frances Morris 
and George Clinton Johnson. 
Norma Frances, b. Aug. 17, 1919; m. Boleslaus Przybycien, b. April 29, 
1909. By former marriage^ Norma's son; Robert Leland Holloway, b. 
Oct. 10,' 1941. Dennis Dale Przybycien, b. April 12, 1946. 

1518. (Jrace Y., dau. of Edwin H.; m. Aug. 26, 1902, Alfred Y. Soule. Lives 
in Los Angeles, Calif. 

Lucy Maria, b. Aug. 15, 1903. 
Edwin Atwater, b. July 17, 1905. 

1514. Hiram Miner, son of Lucius Lyon; m. in 1900, Caroline Babcock, 
dau. of Simon and Minnie Burdick. They live in Massena, N. Y. 

2248. Edwin Hiram, b. Feb. 1. 1902. 

2249. Helen Minnie, b. July 6, 1903. 

1515. Henry Lucius, son of Lucius Lyon; m. Aug. 4, 1908, Mollie E. Wilson, 
dau. of Thomas G. and Hannah Cook. They live in Massena. N. Y. No children. 

1516. Fanny Louise, dau .of Lucius Lyon; m. June 30, 1915 to William 
Elsworth Maxfield, attorney, b. July 9, 1887, son of George Henry and Eiuma 
Sutton of Butler. N. J. 

Virginia Atwater, b. April 18, 1916, served in WAVES W.W. II, Pearl 
Harbor, cited for service. 

George Elsworth, b. July 21, 1918. Designer for stage and television. 
Columbia Dramatic School. 

Mary Woodford, b. Feb. 17, 1927 at Suffern, N. Y., grad. (B.A.) St. Law- 
rence Univ., 1949; m. Ro.swell Herbert Smith, b. Dec. 1, 1923, son of Rev. 
George Jason and Beulah Stanton Smith of Fabius, N. Y.; grad. Syra- 
cuse Univ. In Navy W.W. II at Pearl Harbor. 

Constance Margaret, b. Oct. 29, 1953. 

1517. Jennie M.. dau. of Edgar Warren; m. March 25. 1881, Edwin Horace 
Ladd, of Milwaukee, Wis. He d. Dec. 13, 1903. 

Melvina Horace, b. May 2, 1882; m. June 16, 1917. Ethelwyn Lelin. One 

child, Janet Virginia, b. July 10, 1917. 
She d. Oct. 2. 1920. 

Herbert Hosmer, b. Jan. 17, 1886. 

Mabel Annette, b. April 1, 1887; m. March 9, 1910, Wm. O. Welch. Two 

chil., Nancy Atwater, b. Sept. 18, 1911; Margaret Ann, b. Jan. 20. 1914. 


1518. Klla. dau. of Osborn Thomas: m. Sept. 12, 1883, Frank S. Warren. 

1519. Charlotte .May, dau. of Henry Harrison; m. Jan. 28, 1892. Frank H. 
VanDike. She d. Jan. 2, 1917. 

Karl Skillman. b. Dee. 8. 1892; m. Oct. 26, 1917. Lua Stuart Docking, of 
Westerly. R. I. One dau., Mary Louise, b. Sept. 16, 1922. 

Henry Alwater. b. April 17, 1894; ni. Sept. 18, 1917, Genevieve Bertha 

I5'i'i. Henry Harrison, son of Henry Harrison, ni. Jan. 12, 1904, Grace 
Magie. He d. July ol, 1906. 

1524. Charles Wnodard, son of Wilbur O.; m. Oct. 7. 1911. Alice Caroline 

2250. Catherme Mernam. b. Jan. 19, 1913. 

2251. Robert M.. b. June 12, 1916. 

2252. Charles W.. Jr., b. Jan. 11, 1920. 

1525. Lyndail, b. Sept. 27, 1903; m. King. 

1526. Kugene. b. Dec. 8. 1907; electrical engineer. 

1527. Frederick Holmes, son of Hubbard Gale; dentistry since 1938; m. 
Yuma, Ariz., April 18, 1935 to Jacqueline, b. Oct. 16, 1915, dau. of Erma 
Martm, b. Dec. 9, 1899, and Ralph LeRoy Young, b. June 2, 1890. 

5U13. Suzan Gayle, b. March 7. 1939. 

5014. AUesandra, b. Feb. 28, 1943. 

5015. Frederick Holmes, Jr., b. Aug. 30. 1949. 

1528. Constance, dau. of Frank G.; m. Aug. 5, 1922, George Frederick 
Ayles separated, (dau.) Virginia, b. May 8, 1925. m. Walter S. Oliwa, en- 
gineer, b. Oct. 17. 1918; separated. Chil.: Linda Ann, b. March 8, 1950. Walter 
Richard, b. Jan. 31. 1951. 

1529. Frank G., Jr., son of Frank G.; m. Alay 7. 1921, Rettie Worrall. (2) 
Madine I. , San Antonio, Texas. 

2253. Dorothy Turner, b. Oct. 5, 1922; m. Russell G. Allen. Lucy S. Allen, 
b. Sept. 14, 1944. Allison Allen, b. Feb. 23, 1953. 

5017. Judy, dau. of F. G., Jr.. b. Dec. 23. 1947. 

(Editor's note: Frank G., Jr.. has had an enviable career in the U.S. Mili- 
tary, in many departments, from June 1917 to June 1919. as a radio 
operator; in the Signal Corps and in the Air Services, with over 1000 
flying hours. » 

1.530. Kllot Camp, .son of Frank G.; m. Lillian Dorothy Cable, b. Oct. 6. 
1910 in .Moorhead, Minn. Eliot has had active military service in U.S. Navy, in 
World War I, as a radio operator, copying German code from the German 
Station at Nauen. for the U.S. Govt. Has just completed 26 years of service 
with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 

15:^1. Iliirnii sKeel, .soil of Nomian Morri.son; m. Sept. 3, 1868, Elmyra 
Maria Donold.son. He d. Feb. 19. 1906. at Plainfield. N. J. She d. May 24, 1925. 
■J-jr,\. Theron Skeel. Jr., b. Nov. 23, 1869; d. Nov. 11, 1925, at N. Y. Citv. 
_'J .:. Henry G., b. March 26, 1879; d. 1951. 
22r>H Lulie Adele. b. July 30. 1885. 

IS32. .Sarah, dau. of Norman Morri.son; m. Nov. 24, 1874, John James 
Cocke, of Peler.sburg. Virginia. He was a lawyer. He served in tlie Confederate 
Army when 17 years old. He d. in 1906. 
Im!;,, I, ^,-{,1, H, 1875. 

(mi I, .ha Collins, b. Oct. 30, 1876; m. Alexander Hamilton, b. Aiuil i), 1877, 
lawyer. Chihiren: 

Sarah Alwater. b. June 26, 1904; m. James Dunn Ma.son. .Ir., b. 1902; 
Chil.: JamcH Dunn III, b. 1925, doctor. Alexander Hamilton Mason, 
b. 1927. C.P.A., m. Eugenia S. Ellis, b. March 16, 19.30. (Cliil.ii Eu- 
genia Hamilton, b. Aug. 5, 1953. Sarah Atwater, b. 1946. 
Mary Stewart, b. June 26, 1904; m. Edward Tillah Smith. Chil.: 
Cornelia Cocke. Claudia Tillat. 


Alexander Hamilton II, b. ; m. Mary Bernard. Chil.: Alexander 

III, b. ; George Bernard, b. . 

Virginia, dau, of Cornelia, b. Oct. 16, 1912; m. Roy Tripp Evans, Jr., 
b. Feb. 7, 1911 in Pawtucket. R. I. Col.. U.S. Army. Chil.: Roy III, 
b. Sept., 1935. West Point cadet. John Gradwell, b. Oct. 28, 1936. 
Alexander Hamilton, b. July 30, 1939. 

Herbert Cocke, b. . Unm. 

Herbert Claiborne, b. Jan. 16, 1878. Deceased. 

Norman Atwater. Chil.: Norman Atwater Cocke. Jr., b. May 8, 1914; 
S. Mgr., America Viscose Co. William Booth, b. Nov. 5, 1918; Pres. 
Laundry Co. John, b. May 25. 1925; employed U.S. Air Force. 
Alexander Reed, b. June 30, 1890; accountant; m. Alice Rogers, b. Sept. 
10, 1908. Chil.: Edith, b. June 24, 1932; m. Richard Alfred Jones, b. 
Nov. 24. 1929. Sarah Atwater, b. Jan. 22, 1935. 

1533. Henrv G., son of Norman Morrison; m. Jan. 14. 1880, Anna Maria 
Drury, dau. of Le Baron and Eliza S. Drury, at Brunswick, Ga. He d. July 
16, 1904. 

2257. Philip Drury, b. March 17, 1881. 

2258. Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1884. 

2259. Margaret, b. June 26, 1889. 

1534. Charles B., son of Elisha M.; m. June 6, 1860, Helen A. Williams, who 
d. April 14, 1905. He d. Nov. 1, 1864, while in service of United States Navy. 

2260. Edward Montgomery, b. Dec. 28, 1862. 

2261. Charles E., b. April 13, 1865. 

1535. Samuel Hobart Attwater, son of Elisha M.; m. on Thursday, Nov. 10, 
1870, Louisa Edith, dau. of Eliza Mitchell and Commodore Babcock; b. Oct., 

2262. Charles Hobart, b. July 14, 1884. 

Samuel Hobart, d. Feb. 18, 1884. 
Louisa Edith, d. March 9. 1923. 

(Editor's Note: As a young man, Elisha. my grandfather, established a 
large business as a ship-chandler. His quarters occupied an entire ware- 
house of three and one-half stories and basement on the corner of Burling 
Slip, New York City. Elisha also controlled a "Packet Line" between New 
York and North Florida. His interests were far-flung throut the world — 
as he outfitted ships for many distant lands. Financing many of these 
ventures made him a very wealthy man. Before he was forty years old, 
he sold out and retired. 

Later, Elisha acquired large properties in the Bronx and finally a 
very beautiful estate at Huntington, L. I. I have been told by one of the 
chief executives of the Telephone Company, that when the first dial 
system was being tested, his nanie — with the names of other prominent 
old families of New York — was picked for the experimental try-out of 
the new system. When I doubted this because my grandfather always 
used three '"t's" — the executive exclaimed: "Well, we just dropped one 
of them." 

My grandfather was not a teetotaler neither am I. However, I am 
convinced his record would be as clean as my own — for never having 
imbibed to the state of intoxication. He did have an elaborate wine cellar 
at Huntington. This, in the eyes of my good mother — bless her soul — was 
the work of the Devil. 

My father, Samuel Hobart, died five months before I was born. With- 
out having had the opportunity of placing my innocent childish clutches 
in the old gentleman's heart, he passed away when I was five, leaving me 
the mvmificent sum of one dollar. 

A high-hatted, slick lawyer, by the name of Rock, settled with the 
estate for sizable sums, over a foiu' year period, without my innocent 
mother being aware of the situation. While eventually, I had newspaper 
notoriety, when a judgment was secured against the lawyer and he was 
sent to jail — not even the dollar ever reached me or my mother. 

There were others involved. Besides, I don't know the old gentleman's 
side of the triangle. He should not be condemned without a hearing. 
Despite the odious memories attached to my paternal side, at eight years 


of agf. wiihsianiiing considerable pressure from those innocents surround- 
ing me. I flatly refused to change my name to Charlie Bates. 

1536. Anna K., dau. of Elisha M.; m. June 30, 1875, John Quincy Adams. 
Harriet E.. b. Aug. 8. 1876. 

1537. Kli Beecher. son of Elisha; m. Jan. 18. 1862, Nancy Ann Petteys. b. 
Aug. 8. 1S46; d. Jan. 22. 1871. He d. Jan. 21. 1872. 

2263. Frank. Deceased. 

1538. Thomas Jefferson, son of Elisha; m. Nov. 5. 1868, Susan Y. Boyd. b. 
July 11. 1842. He was in the Civil War and lost a limb. Died Jan. 23. 1872. 

' 2264. Susie L.. b. March 25. 1870; unm. 
2265. Thomas J., b. Oct. 15. 1871; unm. 

15S9. (ieorge W., son of Elisha; m. Jan. 23, 1866, Harriet M. Showers, b. 
May 28. 1848; d. Nov. 29, 1916. Resided in Kewanee. Cambridge, Illinois, 
Webster City. Iowa, and Superior, Neb. He d. April 20, 1919. 
226H Cora Lvnn, b. Dec. 6. 1866; deceased. 

2267. Estella"Mav. b. Aug. 8, 1871; m. Edward D. Hill. She d. Nov. 30. 

2268. Gertie Louella, b. March 15, 1876; d. June 8, 1919; ni. Harry 

2269. Charles Barge, b. March 4. 1879; m. Jan. 18. 1903, Rose Collette; 
.1. April 19, 1919. 

154t». .John .\., son of Elisha; m. Sept. 7, 1873. Pheby L. Rector, a native 
of Ohio. Thev reside in Wayzata, Minnesota. 

2270. Arthur E.. b. March 29. 1879. 

2271. Fn-derick, b. Eept. 22. 1882. 

2272. George, b. June 19, 1884. 

1541. KInora I{«-bec-ca. dau. of Elisha; m. Jan. 1. 1866. Norton Robinson 
Penny, a native of Long Island. They reside in Wallace, Idaho. 

Slargarel PZlizabeth. b. April . 1872; m. Jan. 8. 1894, Robert Lee Notting- 
ham. Lives at Davton, Washington. 
William Kennard, b. Nov. 8, 1894. 
Virginia Lee. b. Jan. 3. 1896. 
Margaret Anna. b. Sept. 15. 1897. 
Nora Ella. b. Dec. 26. 1873; m. July 15. 1897, Grant S. Potter. 

One child. Elnora Bina, b. Oct. 18. 1899. 
Gertrude Azalia. b. Sept. 19, 1881. 
Norton Eli.sha, b. Jan. 1. 1883. 

I54'». William (lark, .son of Eli.sha; m. Dec. 19. 1872, Eliza A. Mock. b. 
Nov. 16, 1852; d. April 23, 1923. They resided in Cambridge. Illinois. He d. 
Nov. 17. 1914. 

2273. Fannie Belle, b. April 23. 1875; m. Robt. Scott. Burbank. Calif. 

2274. liny Mock, b. Nov. 4, 1882. 

1543. Mary Kli/.aheth. <iau. of Elisha; m. Oct. 7, 1869. Horatii) N. Boyd, 

b. Wilmmgton. Del.. July 29. 1844. Belleville. Kansas. He served four years and 

four months during the Civil War; was twice wounded; once pri.soner of war. 

Gf(.rgiana Boyd. b. Nov. 10. 1872; m. April 4. 1901, Arthur K. Limes. 

Fri'iiiont. Nebraska. 
Mary E., b. Aug. 29, 1876; m. March 6, 1901. Edwin D. Randall. 

One child. Bon Alona. b. April 22. 19()2. 
Mabel Portia, b. Aug. 26. 1880; m. Feb. 4, 1904, Rev. .1. H. C^iaven, 

Webster. Kansas. 
Ivel Moody, b. Dec. 14. 1893. 

' ' ' KolMTt Wilson, .son of Elisha; m. Feb. 21, 1881, Mary Belle Mc- 
•i II) ';<-ins«u. 111. Logan. Kansas. 
■ rt Earl. b. Nov. 15. 1882. 
l;. .Mc Ellen, b. Nov. 8. 1887. 
Maruarct Belle, b. Oct. 27, 1890. 
' ' • ■ ' :■ • ' rude, b. .Iun<' 20. 1897. 
' 1 • !;■ .it rice, b. Nov. 12, 1903. 


1546. Frank, son of Elisha; m. Nov. 1-1, 1902, Anna Bowen. Lived in Des 
Moines, Iowa. He is dead. 

2280. Frank, lives in Rock Island, 111. 

1549. Susan Lewis, dau. of Thomas Beecher; iii. June 15, 1882, Henry E. 
Foot, of Mt. Carmel, Conn. She d. Nov. 7, 1883. 

Grace Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1883. 

1550. James Bull, son of James B.; m. Aug. 9, 1875, Jennie R. Studwell. 
He d. Aug. 9, 1876. Lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. 

2281. Anita Bond, b. Dec. 3, 1876. 

2282. Eugene Sutton, b. March 28, 1880. 

2283. William Bull, b. June 21, 1881. 

2284. Jeannette, b. Dec. 10, 1882. 

1552. William, son of William; m. July 24, 1885, Frances Ellen Miller. 
William Claire, their son, graduated from Harvard College as a mechanical 
engineer. In 1917 he joined the engineer corps, U.S.A., was appointed 2nd Lt. 

2285. Edith May, b. Dec. 29, 1887. 

2286. William Claire, b. Aug. 10, 1889; unm. 

2287. Ruth, b. Aug. 3, 1891. 

2288. Frances Miller, b. Dec. 10, 1893. 

2289. James Grier, b. Jan. 24, 1902. 

1.553. John, son of Charles W.; m. Dec. 25. 1866, Patience, dau. of Levi 
Peck and Orelia Flower, b. Oct. 20, 1846. He enlisted in the Civil War, Seventh 
Regt., O. v.; was wounded at battle of Winchester and also at Port Republic. 
He was afterward a lieutenant in the 179th O. V. I. 

2290. Charles Levi, b. Dec. 9, 1867. 

2291. John William, b. Nov. 18, 1869. 

2292. Maurice Peck, b. April 7, 1872. 

2293. Leon Emerson, b. Oct. 10, 1875. 

1554. Abigail Shirley, dau. of Chailes W.; m. July 22, 1867. James Maxwell 
Devine of New Haven, Conn. 

1556. Horace Brace, son of Isaac Punderson; m. Aug. 31, 1843, Julia 
Sophia, dau. of Truman Hill and Althea Hull, b. Aug. 25, 1819; d. May 15, 
1894. He d. Dec. 13, 1880. 

2294. Mary Ella, b. April 16, 184 8; m., 1867, G. L. Lawrence. 

2295. Walter Hull, b. Dec. 2, 1856. 

2296. Charles Clark, b. Feb. 2, 1859. 

1557. Frank Dwight, son of Isaac Punderson; m. Nov. 9, 1864, Elizabeth 
Barclay Garnett, of Columbus, Mo., m. April 25, 1836. He was a banker in 
St. Louis, Mo., and a cotton broker in New Orleans, La. He d. Feb. 1, 1875, 
in Canton, Mo. 

2297. Lucy, b. Sept. 13, 1865. 

2298. Mary Virginia, b. Sept. 4, 1867. 

2299. John Garnett, b. Jan. 26, 1869. 

1559. Truman Franklin, son of Franklin Truman; m. Mary Evelyn Slaugh- 
ter. He d. 1847. Lived in Ohio. 

2300. Samuel C, b. Oct. 22, 1846. 

1560. Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of William Glover; b. Sept. 13. 1836; m. 
June 6, 1856, George W. Brainard; d. Apiil 9, 1858. (2t April 10, 1862. Gamaliel 
F. Snow, b. Sept. 30, 1820; d. March 25, 1892. She d. April 19. 1906. 

1561. George Atwell, son of William Glover; m. Dec. 24, 1898, Ruth Merline 
Graham, of Albanv, N. Y. He d. at Bayonne, N. J., Feb. 8. 1921. 

2301. Florence Graham, b. Nov. 19, 1900; d. June 24, 1931. 

2302. William Graham, b. Jan. 6, 1903. 

2303. Mary Rutherford, b. March 17, 1905; d. June 12, 1931. 

1562. Susan C, dau. of Sylvester B., m. Dec. 21, 1869. Edward T. Hooker. 
He d. at Salem, Wis., Oct. 2, 1886. She d. Oct. 21, 1923. 


Geo Lyman, b. April 19. 1872; m. Nov. 5, 1904. Bertha Charlotte Bork, b. 
May 16. 1882. They live at Elnihurst, 111. Their chil. are Lyman Kay. b. 
June 8. 1906; Edward Trumbull, b. Jan. 17, 1911; Samuei Huntington, 
b. Nov. 13. 1920. 

Sarah Frances, b. March 4, 1874; m. Carl G. Krueger. They live in Wausau, 
Wis. Their chil. are: Gretchen Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1902; Rhoda Ed- 
wards, b. Feb. 18, 1905; Richard Hooker, b. July 6, 1909. Gretchen E.. 
m. June 25. 1923. Donald Hurlbut Hickey; one child, James Robert, 
b. Feb. 24. 1925. 

Susan C, b. Nov. 4, 1876. 

Cornelius H.. b. Oct. 4, 1878; m. Aug. 20. 1907, Mary T. Williams. Children: 
Marv Ellen, b. March 5, 1911; John William, b. Aug. 9. 1914. 

Charles Garfield, b. March 5, 1881; m. Sept. 16, 1914, Evelyn Francis Wil- 
son. Chii.: Susan Jean. b. April 3. 1916; Gerald, b. Jan. 21, 1920; Alice, 
b. June 22. 1921. 

1564. Edward Augustus, son of Samuel Augustus; m. April 20, 1864, Julia 
L. Hills. Resided at Cheshire. Conn. He lived on the land. 118 acres, bought of 
Henry Cook, by Jonathan Atwater. in February, 1702, descending to Abraham, 
to Samuel, to Flamen, to Samuel Augustus, and now to George Edward, in all 
seven generations. The old house was demolished, but a now and more modern 

2304. Edith Lois, b. Jan. 30. 1866. 

2305. Preston Henry, b. Sept. 9. 1869. 

one stands on the same cellar. She d. June 28, 1918, aged 76. He d. April 12. 1908. 

2306. Mav Clark, b. Mav 13, 1873; m. H. H. Learned. She d. Nov. 5, 1910. 

2307. Ruih Gertrude, b. Feb. 15, 1881. 

2308. George Edward, b. Dec. 3, 1883. 

1565. Knierett M., dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 22. 1861, John W. 
Blakeslee. of Wallingford. 

Emma A., b. April 3. 1865. 
Mary A., b. April 24, 1871. 

1566. .Mary Cornelia, dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 22. 1836. John A. 
Peck, of Cheshire, Conn. He d. Jan. 5. 1886. 

1567. Abble L.. dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 24, 1883, Jacob D. 
Walter, of Cheshire. Conn., and has one daughter, Nellie B., unmarried. 

l.")6«. Oriis ( lap|). .son of Darwin; m. Sept. 3. 1862, Huldah A. Jackson, at 
Amherst, Ohio. b. March 20. 1834. 

2309. Ellen Be.ssie. b. Dec. 15. 1868. 

1569. .Marv, dau. of Darwin; m. Jan. 22, 1870, George W. Neely. lie d. 
Sept. 20. 1899. She d. April 12, 1900. 

I. '.Til. .luiiii Milt., II. son of Darwin; m. Oct. 1. 1863, Harriet M. Smith, at 
Oberlm. Ohio. Harriet d. Sept. 9, 1887, at Wichita. Kansas; ni. (2) Jan. 30, 
1892. Anna Robin.son. John d. Jan. 17. 1900, at Cleveland. Ohio. 

2310. Ernest Richmond, b. Aug. 20, 1865. 

2311. Bertha Mabel, b. Oct. 20, 1869. 

2312. Frederick Eugene, b. May 6, 1872. 

I.">7I. \iii/i. son of Darwin: m. Aug. 8, 1870. Cortenia C. Munson. A min- 
i.stti m ihf Christian church and professor in the Indiana State University at 
Blooiiiington. Ind. 

2313. Munson Darwin, b. Jan. 22, 1873. 

lUTi. JiinifH F., son of William L.; m. Feb. H',. issi. .land C. Muirav, of 
New York. She d. Feb. 25, 1923. 

2314. William Lyman, b. Jan. 31. 1882. 

2315. Janet l.sabella, b. Oct. 21, 1883. 

2316. G.-orK"' Campbell, b. Aug. 20. 1885. 

1.'>7.H. ( harli-s, .son of William Lvman; lived in I'ittsfield, Mass.; m. June 
20. 1888, Alice M., dau. of Thomas" Allen, b. Jan. 2, 1864. He d. in London, 
Eng., May 1. 1898. 

2317. Allen KuhhcH. b. June 6, 1889. 


2318. Wm. Bradford, b. Oct. 22, 1891. 

2319. Alice Laura, b. May 17, 1893. 

2320. Judith Pomeroy, b. Dec. 29, 1895. 

1574. Lucy, dau. of William Lyman; m. Oct. 6, 1885, Dr. Matthew D. Field. 
He d. March, 1895. They lived in Stockbridge, Mass. 
Elizabeth Campbell, b. Sept. 21, 1891. 
Rachel Lyman, b. Sept. 19, 1894. 

1576. William Chuvnce, son of Merritt Buckingham; m. June 15, 1890, 
Allis Pingree, b. Nov. 7, 1859; d. Feb. 5, 1891. Dealer in land and lumber. 

2321. Clarence Buckingham, b. Feb. 15, 1891. 

1577. Charlotte Kowena, dau. of Merritt Buckingham; m. Jime 25, 1890, 
Louis Augustus Pratt, son of Charles R. and Esther Emmons, b. Nov. 14, 1851. 

Louis Atwater, b. April 25, 1894. 

1578. William Olmsted, son of William Woodruff; m. Jan. 12, 1871, Ellen 
Whipple Sanford, who d. at Newton, Iowa, Nov. 14, 1871; (2) April 5, 1873, 
Emily S. Baldwin, of Honolulu, who d. in 1891; (3) March 17, 1892, Annie 
Eckfeldt Benner. He was general secretary of the postal bureau of Hawaii. He 
d. May 17, 1908, at Honolulu, of Bright's disease. She d. Feb. 12, 1922. 

2322. Dora Benner, b. Jan. 23, 1893. 

2323. Juliette Olmsted, b. Jan. 27, 1895. 

2324. William Olmsted, b. Jan. 6, 1897. 

2325. Miley Benner, b. Oct. 10, 1898. 

2326. Curtis Eckfeldt, b. Oct. 10, 1898. 

1579. Francis Ebenezer, son of William Woodruff; m. Jan. 1, 1885, Lillian 
Charlotte Baldwin, b. Oct. 25, 1858, dau. of David Dwight and Lois Gregory 
(Morris). They live in Haiku, Maui, Hawaii. As a P. S. Mr. Atwater writes: 
"My brother, W. O. Atwater's second wife was the sister of D. D. Baldwin, my 
wife's father. He was a graduate of Yale college, class of '57, and found his 
wife, Lois G. Morris, in Bridgeport, Conn. She and W. O. A.'s mother were half 
sisters. Some mixup of relationship as you will see." He d. Jan. 28, 1919. 

1580. Lillian Elizabeth, dau. of William Woodruff; m. April 6, 1876, Charles 
Lambert Blake, b. Oct. 8, 1850. Harwinton, Conn. She d. May 23, 1912. 

1581. Leonard Eugene, son of William Woodruff, d. June 7, 1911; m. Jan. 
9, 1892, Ida B., dau. of Capt. James Lyle of Honolulu. 

2327. Myrtle Lyle, b. Sept., 1893; m. June 16, 1915, Arthur James Gull- 
man, of Berkeley, Calif. 

1583. Caroline M., dau. of Charles; m. Edwin Young. Plainville, Conn. 
Alfred L., b. May 18, 1872. 

Charles E., ta. Nov. 12, 1873. 
Ida May, b. July 9, 1876. 
Nellie Ray, b. July 25, 1878. 
Carrie, b. Jan. 18, 1881. 

Geo. H., b. April 14, 1887; m. May, 1916, Fanny Belle Wallace. Is in the 
naval service. 

1584. Noriden C, son of Charles; m. Cora Stone; (2) Minnie Ryder; (3) 
June 1, 1893, Estelle S. Spencer. An engineer. Meriden, Conn. 

2328. Bertha Idelle, b. Sept. 27, 1878. 

2329. Carl Walter, b. April 3, 1884. 

2330. Wallace, b. Oct. 3, 1882. 

1591. Marshal Frank, son of Franklin Benjamin; m. in 1889, Mary Warner, 
of Ansonia. Lives in Bridgeport, Conn. 

2331. Elsie May, b. Nov. 8, 1889. 

2332. Frank, b. March 26, 1891. 

2333. Clayton Warner, b. July 15, 1899. 

1593. John Albert, son of John Hoadley; m. Jan. 26, 1884. Frances Woodley 
Foster, dau. of William Conway Foster and Susan Matilda Alden. She was b. 


Jan. 15. 1862. Occupation, bookkeeper. This is his second marriage. His first 
wife, who is now living in Springfield, Mass., was Clara Matilda Worthington. 
2334. Albert Worthington, b. Dec. 23. 1880. 
Issue bv second marriage: 

2:':^>r)." Jane Woodley, b. Aug. 31, 1884. 

'. Carrie Frances, b. Nov. 10. 1887. 
....:. John Hoadley, b. May 15, 1889. 

15M. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of John Hoadley: m. Nov. 11. 1878. Wilfred 
Smith, b. Aug. 31. 1851, son of Theodore Edward Smith and Hannah Louise 
Campof Norwalk. Conn. Brooklyn. N. Y. She d. May 22, 1925. 
Leonard Atwater, b. May 26, 1879. 

1595. William Cutler, son of John Hoadley: m. May 1, 1889, Ida Wilson 
Hav, dau. of Jacob Hay and Anno Wilson, b. Oct. 11. 1859. He d. Feb. 2, 1946. 
" 2:53X. William Cutler, b. July 18, 1890; d. Feb. 21, 1940. 
2o::i'. John Jacob, b. May 22", 1893. 
•_'.!" Margaret Hav, b. Sept. 11, 1894. 
_';il. Iiavid Hay. b. Nov. 9, 1898. 

1597. Jane Leunard. dau. of John Hoadley; m. Nov. 16, 1898, Harry Clay 
Perrine, Jr., b. March 8, 1869. South Amboy, N. J. 

Emma LaRue. b. Dec. 18. 1899; m. Kenneth William LeRuier, b. Aug. 11, 
1900; div. 1947. Chil.: Kenneth Jr., b. June 2, 1921. Harry Perrine, b. 
July 27, 1922. 
Charles F., b. Feb. 20, 1903; clay mining; m. Margaret Rollins, b. July 

17, 1907. 
Elsie Atwater. b. Feb. 18, 1907; m. James Francis Thointun, b. Jan. 28, 
1907; Thornton Bros., wholesale paper. 

James Francis, Jr., b. April 11. 1933; student l^M.I. 
Jane Perrine, b. Nov. 10. 1938; student at Fairfax Hall. 

1598. Jeremiah Charles, son of Jeremiah William; m. Jan. 1, 1901, Esther 
Chaphn Keeler. b. May 10, 1869. dau. of David Luke Keeler and Jeanette 
Noble Allen; d. Julv 9," 1915. He is dead. 

234 2. Charles keeler, b. Nov. 1, 1901. 
2343. Katharine Louise, b. March 3, 1904. 

1599. .\an<-\ .\nn. dau. of Thomas; m. Feb. 19, 1880. Millard Duncan. 
Charlie L. Duncan, b. Aug. 28, 1884; m. Aug. 30, 1905. Bertha E. Dukes. 

Ifiirj. Cordelia, dau. of Thomas; m. Jan. 26, 1888, Angelo Freeman. 
Allivd. \i. Oct. 27, 1888. 
Judd, b. March 7, 1890. 

Rubv. b. 26, 1892; m. Nov. 25, 1913, Fred St. Cla'r. 

Bi-.s.sie. b. April 2. 1894; m. April 5, 1908, Lee Melvin. 
Lydia. b. Sept. 17. 1896; m. Nov. 25, 1912, Allie Long. 

16(17. Jami-s Lucius, son of William E,; m. Oct. 4, 1883, Kate C. Ritchey. 
2:;u. Jaims C. b. July 4, 1886. 

2315. Vertie M.. b. Nov. 19, 1888. 

2316. f)r»-tta B.. b. May 9, 1891. 

2317. Amanda B., b. Sept. 2, 1S94. 
2.34 8. Henry Z.. b. Sept. 20. IWtfi. 

2349. Lasel R.. b. Nov. 23, 1898. 

2350. Ritchey C, b. July 3. 1901. 

HiOK. ICiih.N .Ius.|iliin.-. <iau of William K.. in. Dec. 20, 1883, Freeman D. 

Juanita, b. Feb. 27, 1885; d. Aug. 1, 1900. 

ThoniaH Leon. b. April 9. 1887. 

I>«-ola L.. b. Oct. 15. 1891; m. Dec. 31. 1915, James Roy Sayr. 

Milo OrKf.n. b, Oct. 2. 1896; d. April 9, 1897. 

1«((9. M:ir\ Luraim. dau. of William E.; m. Feb. 27, IHXT. Hem v D. Blythe. 

Valda I>e»ter. b. May 14. 1888; m. April 26. 1913, Mary p:iizaboth Alton. 

Two chil.: Leola Idell. b. Sept. 20. 1915; Keith Alton, b. April 9, 1918. 


Henry Leslie, b. Nov. 24, 1894; m. Dec. 2, 1916, Vera Ireta Hubbard. One 

son, Laurence Hubbard, b. Nov. 17, 1917. 
Alfred Chester, b. Feb. 25, 1897. 
Kenneth Leroy, b. Nov. 23, 1901. 
Mary Lurana, b. Aug. 1, 1905. 

mH). Frances Ida, dau. of William E.; m. Feb. 1, 1891, Wilford P. 

Lillie Ellen, b. Dec. 7, 1892: m. June 26. 1912. Orville F. Emery. Three 

chil.: Ruth Irene, b. Sept. 12, 1914; Edna Mae, b. July 12, 1915; Olen 

Arthur, b. July 12, 1917. 
Vernon Otis, b. June 1, 1895; m. March 6, 1915, Mattie Hickman. Two chil.: 

Frances J., b. July 29, 1916; Maxine R., b. Jan. 27, 1918. 
Clifford Kenneth, b.'Sept. 15, 1900. 
Albert Lloyd, b. Sept. 2. 1904. 
Daniel Smith, b. Jan. 18, 1906. 
Ida Mae, b. Dec. 15, 1909. 

1611. William Henry, son of William E.; m. Nov. 30, 1897, Ida Oma Hetric. 

2351. Henry Dale,'b. May 4, 1899. 

2352. Irene Delores, b. April 9, 1908. 

1612. Millie Ellen, dau. of William E.; m. Feb. 22, 1899, Etheram Dorothy. 
She d. April 11, 1911. 

Coy C, b. Dec. 3, 1899. 
Eveit L., ta. Oct. 1, 1903. 

1613. Joseph Lafayette, son of John J.; m. Aug. 23, 1896, Laura Bessie 
Anguish; b. Aug. 23, 1878. 

2353. Roy, b. June 7, 1897. 

1614. DiiriiMla, dau. of John J.; m. Feb. 1. 1888, Charlie W. Cassingham, 
b. March 26, 1865. 

Ray, b. Nov. 8, 1889; m. Dec. 23, 1911, Cressie Huff, b. Mai'ch 28, 1894. 

He d. Sept. 19, 1912. 
Clarence, b. Nov. 25, 1891; m. April 25, 1917, Belle Farr, b. Aug. 20, 1890. 

1615. John James, son of John J.; m. May 2, 1897, Ora May Black, b. 
Sept. 15, 1876. 

1616. Arietta Permilda, dau. of John J.; m. March 29, 1893, John Hamilton 

Blanche Isabelle, b. April 27, 1894 ; m. Peter Hyhouse, b. March 20, 1891, 
at Kloosterburen Groningen Province, Holland, son of Jacob and Chris- 
tina Hyhouse. 

Mary Alice, b. Nov. 9, 1920; m. William Hoyt Williams, b. Sept. 15, 
1917. Chil.: Patricia Jean, b. Feb. 3, 194 7. Robert Wesley, b. Feb. 
27, 1949. 

Helen Marie, b. March 20, 1923; m. Zemlicka. 

Jamie Atwater, b. Sept. 2. 1904; m. Mary Aileen Zinmicrlin. b. Sept. 15, 

1902. Chil.: Ila Kathryn, b. Aug. 2, 1926; m. 
Jamie Wakefield, b. May 14, 1928. Barbna-Jcanne, b. Nov. 2, 1929; d. Nov. 
17. 1934. Marilyn Joan, b. March 3, 1932; m. Lee Clark Rice, b. Oct. 31, 
1928. Chil.: Claudia Jeanne, b. Aug. 26, 1950 and Clark Jamie, b. Aug. 
26, 1953. Lauretta Ray, b. Sept. 15, 1937; m. Lester Lav.-rence Platte, Jr., 
b. Oct. 13, 1934. 

1617. Wniiani Lee, son of John J.; m. Oct. 4, 1904, Elsie May Sears, b. 

Aug. 6, 1884. Lives at LaHarpc. 111. 

2354. Lee Estes, b. April 8, 1905. 

2355. Mary Irene, b. Aug. 16. 1908. 

2356. Lloyd Russel. b. April 30, 1913. 

1618. Willis N.; son of John J.; m. July 31, 1918, Ada Hunter, b. Sept. 
3, 1883. Burlington, Iowa. 

1619. Delbert, .son of John J.; m. Oct. 24, 1904, Goldie Sears, b. Sept. 4. 
1889. Lives at LaHarpe, 111. 


2357. Dale. b. Aug. 24. 1913. 

16»0. Frt-il K.. son of John J.; m. May 6, 1908, Ina Trout, b. April 24. 1886. 

16'il. Kinily. ilau. of Jeremiah John; ni. July 12, 1891. Willouj^hbv Mavnard 
Babcoek. Emily d. Nov. 18, 1945. He d. June 12, 1925. (Son) Willuuyhby "May- 
nard b. July 27, 1893; curator — Minnesota Historical Soc; m. Nov. 25, 1946, 
Grace, b. Starch 1, 1895. dau. of Charity Shouse and Americiis Fernando 


16-i9. Kilcn Hattie. dau. of John Starr; m. Sept. 13, 1903, Thomas Eugene 
Goudey, son of Rev. George Goudey, of Beverly, Mass. New Haven. Conn. 

1630. Clifford -lames, .son of James; m. March 26, 1890, Jennie C, dau. of 
Henry M. Taylor and Elizabeth Perry, of Seymour, Conn., b. July 26, 1869, in 
London. Eng. Tax collector and justice of the peace 32 years in Seymour, Conn. 

Hj;si. Clayton Wells, son of James; m. Nov. 3, 1887, Mary Louise Conant, 
dau. of Ruel K. Conant and Julia A. Curtis, b. Nov. 3, 1861. A nurseryman at 
Agawam, Mass. 

2358. Harold Conant, b. Sept. 17, 1889. 

2359. James Clayton, b. Jan. 3, 1896. 

1635. Hi-nry Wilson, son of Franklin B.; m. Aug. 20, 1898, Sarah E., dau. 
of Juhn W. and Elizabeth Cook. Mad carrier in Westfield, Mass. 

2360. Wdliam H., b. March 22, 1901. 

1637. Anurin Ktlward. son of James Henry; m. June 18, 1902, Ann Eliza, 
dau. of Robert H. Faist, and Harriet I. Rood. b. Oct. 10, 1875. Cleveland, Ohio. 

2361. Robert Edward, b. June 2, 1915. 

1 638. Bert I^'onard. son of Albert Chamberlain; ni. April 25, 1900, Blanche 
Cox. of Chicaj^o. He is vice-president Wm. Wriglov. Jr.. Co., offices, 87 35th 
Street. Bruuklvn, N. Y. Resides in Garden City, L.' I. 

2:i62. Helen Blanche, b. Aug. 30, 1901. 

2363. Olive Cox, b. July 21. 1907. 

2364. A. G. Cox. b. Aug. 19. 1910. 

1639. Walter Kldredgi-. .son of Albert Chamberlain; m. Oct. 30, 1901, Jessie 
Clark Wells, h. Julv 8. 1879, at Milwaukee, Wis. 

2365. Margaret, b. April 8, 1903. 

2366. Katherine, b. Dec. 12. 1906. 

2367. Suzanne, b. May 6, 1920. 

1640. Helen Louise, dau. of Albert Chamberlain: m. April 18, 1900, Charles 
C. Shrader 

Hill. Mar> C. dau, of Albert Chamberlain; m, Jan. 25, 1905, Di-. Frederick 
G. Carl.son. They live in Mason City, Iowa. 

Walter Atwater. b. March 8, 1906; m. Loretta Myrtle, dau. of Viacacia 
and Burton Bradley, b. April 5, 1906 at Cedar Springs, Mich. Chil.: Peter 
Bradley, b, April 29. 1933 at Manilla, P, I, Gretchen, b. Nov. 16, 1908, 
m, Oct. 29. 1935 Harlan W. C.irton in Ma.son Citv. Iowa. She d. June 7. 
1950. Chil.: Robert C. b. Jan. 18, 1938. Judith Ann, b. Ainil 12, 1940. 

164'». Margaret, dau. of Albert Chamberlain; m. Nov. 29, 1905, George M. 
Ingham Margai.-t died Jan, 2. 1951, 

Gordon M., b. June 17. 1907. Consulting geologist. On Jan. 18, 19.30, Gordon 
legally adopted the name of his mother, becoming Gordon Ingham 
Atwater. See Historical Section, m. Emogene, b. Oct. 12, 1907, dau. of 
I'earl Hirier and Horace P. Chapman, of Durant, Iowa. 
< I »au I Marilyn .lean, b. May 9, 1931. 

Kill, i'x'iijiiiiilne Leonard, son of Dennis Hedges; m. Ruth Ely, b. Sept. 2, 
1899, d. Jiuw 15, 1943. Ruth, at present, executive director. Cancer Soc, Mon- 
mouth County, New Jer.sey. 

5016, Carolyn Ryder, b. Oct. 2. 1923. 

1616, l/fonard. .son of I>«'onard Cornelius; m. Oct. 7. 1915. Dorothy Hastings. 
- .'js. George Hastings, b. June 9. 1918. 


1647. Collins, son of James B.; m. May 1, 1916, Helen Betts Shipley, b. 
Nov. 30, 1892, dau. of Murray and Martha ( Betts ) Shipley, of Cincinnati, Ohio. 

2369. James ColUns, b. Feb. 17, 1921. 

2370. Samuel Shipley, b. March 13, 1922. 

2371. Elizabeth Anthony, b. Jan. 4, 1926. 

1652. Kirtlaiul VV., son of Joseph William; m. Dec. 7, 1864, Augusta, dau. 
of Frederick Smith, b. June 5, 1843; d. Feb. 5, 1896; (2) Caroline, dau. of 
Harvey Holcomb, of Sharon, Conn. Plantsville, Conn. 

2372. Henry Davidson, b. Nov. 8, 1869. 

2373. Ada Maria, b. March 28, 1872; m. Lawrence Watkins. 

2374. Ida Bell, b. Dec. 11, 1878; m. William Witham Kensington. 

2375. Fred Smith, b. June 9, 1876. 

dau. of John Kemp. He d. June 8, 1885. Sheffield. Ohio. She d. Jan. 8, 1907. 

1654. Chauncey Wyman, son of John Todd; m. May 1, 1854, Elizabeth, 

2376. Mettie E., b.' Sept. 16, 1856. 

2377. Mary H., b. Feb. 23, 1857. 

2378. John J., b. Nov. 9, 1863. 

2379. Ehzabeth K., b. May 29, 1866. 

1655. Almon B., son of John Todd; m. Jane Thompson, of Southfield, Fort 
Erie, Ont., July 2, 1872. Pasadena, Calif. 

1656. John Wilbur, son of John Todd; m. April 24. 1867, Frances, dau. of 
Wm. Peebles and Anna Wildes. For many years he made agriculture a 
specialty. In 1890 he leased the farm and moved to Kingsville, O., entering into 
the employ of the McCormick Co., of Chicago, 111. For several years was also 
engaged in business in Cleveland. Later he became general agent for the Ohio 
Farmers' Insurance Co., of Ashtabula, Ohio. He died very suddenly, Feb. 7, 
1914, while visiting in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

2380. Jennie Maude, b. March 4, 1872. 

2381. Almon L., b. Jan. 13, 1875. 

2382. Carleton Williams, b. June 19, 1885. 

1659. Thomas L., son of Charles A.; m. Sept., 1871, Marguerite Pointer. 
Abingdon, 111. 

2383. Ida, b. Jan. 10, 1874; m. Dec, 1890, Walker Bellemy. 

2384. Effie, b. Sept. 25, 1875; m. June 10, 1895, William Morrison, 
Abingdon, 111. 

2385. Julius Atwater, b. Oct. 19, 1877; unm. 

2386. Clyde W. Atwater, b. May 4, 1888. 

2387. Emeline, b. Dec. 14, 1891; m. Hobart Jones, Abingdon, 111. 

2388. Ernest Elmer, b. Jan. 15, 1893. 

1660. Mary Ann, dau. of Charles Abel; m. Feb. 24, 1870, Perry Clark. Erie, 

Elmer Willard Ross, b. June 6, 1876. 
Manda, b. May 29, 1871. 
Orren, ta. Dec. 22, 1872. 
Magnolia L., b. May 11, 1878. 
Marshall Leon, b. July 21, 1882. 

1664, Lewis Henry, son of Miles L.; m. Jan. 3, 1882, Malinda Catherine 
Zumwalt; d. May 29, ^925. Lived at Monmouth, Ore. He d. April, 1927. 

2389. Charles M., b. Oct. 26, 1885. 

2390. John Miles, b. Nov. 11, 1888; m. Aug. 19, 1917, Pearl Butts. 

1665. James L., son of Miles L.; m. Amelia Zumwalt. He d. in 1912 in a 
runaway accident. Lived in Monmouth, Oregon. 

2391. Essie, b. May 6, 1886; m. George Rhodes. 

2392. Hattie E., b. Oct. 15, 1888; m. Philip Schweizer. 

2393. Mamie, b. Oct. 23, 1892; m. Frank Schenk. 

2394. Wilma, b. Oct. 21, 1903; unm.; d. May, 1954. 

1667. John William, son of Miles L.; m. June 10, 1884, Dorothea, dau. of 

Henry Peterson, b. July 29, 1864. He d. Feb. 21, 1904. 

2395. Arthur Albert, b. Jan. 16, 1886. 



2396. Gertrude, b. April 16. 1888; m. Nov. 12. 1912. George B. Derreck. 

Lives at Los Angeles. Calif. 
George B.. b. Feb. 16. 1914. 
John William, b. May 3. 1917. 

1669. Franris M., son of Lucius R.; ni. Jan. 1. 1877. G. M. Offord. Their 
children: Oscar, Elsie. Etta. 

1670. James A., son of Lucius R.; m. March 4,' 1880. Cinthy C. Limebaugh, 
d. Sept. 12. 1890. Their children: Minnie. Musie, Lloyd. Maxime. 

H)7I. Harvey H., son of Lucius R.. m. Nov. 5, 1885. Mary F. James. She d. 
Dec. 22. 1910. Their children: Roy. Eva. 

1672. KIKwurth (■.. son of Lucius R.; m. March 29, 1884. Lizzie E. Hale. 
They live in Ipava, 111. Two sons, Charles, Frank. 

1673. Sarah J., dau. of Lucius R.; m. Dec. 25. 1884, Henry W. Hale. Their 
children: Harlie, Bert. Robert. Adda. Dottie, Eva. 

1674. Knuna E.. dau. of Lucius R.; m. March 10. 1887, Frank Shaw. They 
live in Ipava. 111. Chil.: Ray. Don. Archie, Harley, Dorothy, Dwight Archie. 

\(i',:i. Hurleigh K., son of Lucius R.; m. Oct. 13. 1896, Delia Gilson. Ipava, 
111. Rav. deceased. Orlie Kenneth Atwater. b. Oct. 9. 1902; m. Edith Mae, 
b. 1908, d. Oct. 17, 1953. 

Joanne, b. May 10. 1929: m. Robert VanEtten. 
Juanita. b. June 10. 1931: m. Robert Clark. 
Jeannette, b. April 21. 1933; m. Dean Hulvey. 
Larry, b. Nov. 16. 1934. Serving with U.S. Navy. 
Marcia. b. June 15, 1937. Student. 

Harlev Atwater. b. Dec. 3. 1904: m. Margaret, b. Nov. 15, 1904. Children: 
Arlan. b. May 8. 1936. Marilee. b. Nov. 20, 1938. Bobby, b. March 8, 
1942. Terrv, b. Feb. 7, 1946. 

Martha bell, b. Aug. 20, 1930: m. Bloyd. 

Dorothv, b. Dec. 21. 1914: m. Russell Foutch, b. March 3. 1912. Children: 
Delbert. b. Mav 31. 1936. Delores, b. Nov. 12, 1939. Sandra, b. Dec. 16, 
1942. Edward, "b. March 23, 1947. 
Wilmadean, b. April 23. 1918: m. Gerald Sears, b. July 31, 1917. Children: 
Rony. b. April 12, 1948. 

1677. I>aura C. dau. of Lucius R.; m. Feb. 21, 1898. Fred Kelly. One 
daughter. Eiiith. 

16XJ. Klla M.. dau. of Hollister; m. Egbert N. Coy, d. 1919. She d. Dec. 
15, 1922. 

Jessie May. Herbert Starr. Harry. 

I6H6. ( laniuc E., son of Hollister: m. 
Walton, b. Aug. 12, 1860. dau. of Rev. John 
1941. Clarence d. 1931. 

2397. Eugene Henry, b. April 27, 1879. 

Grace Edith, b. Feb. 19. 1882. 

Bertha Agnes, b. Feb. 25, 1884. 

Julia A.l.-ll. b. Sei)t. 26. 1886. 

John Hollisti-r, b. Jan. 4, 1889. 

Charles Clarence, b. Feb. 10. 1892: d. Jan. 

Henry Herbert, b. Nov. 8. 1894: d. Feb. 13 

July 18. 1878, Catherine Naylor 
Walton and Mary Reid: d. Dec, 










27. 1897. 

Fn-d.lie Clark, b. March 1. 1897: d. Feb. 13, 1909. 
< . Walton, b. Sept. :5(t. 1899. 

I I'.l.iuchard, b. Julv 16. 1903. 

Hi"" -- iiiuii-l ll«iir\. son of Alfred: m. .Inly 10, 1878, Selina Myers. Colo- 
rado . Col. 

2lu.h. '.' . b. June 1. 1880; unm.: d. April 29, 1929. 

2409. I: .1). Aug. 6. 1892. 


1694. F'rederick VV., son of Samuel Wooster; m. Oct. 7, 1884. in Jewett, 
N. Y., Mary L. Chase. He organized the Catskill Mountain Telephone Co.. in 
1888, and has been its president ever since. He lives in Jewett, N. Y. 

2410. George H., b. Feb. 25, 1887. 

2411. Hiland Chase, b. Jan. 1. 1890. 

2412. Rodger Frederic, b. May 21, 1892. Deceased. 

1695. Lucina Hunt, dau. of Samuel Wooster; m. May 25, 1882, John S. 

Patterson, of Windham, N. Y. 

Helena M., b. July 11, 1884. Graduate Columbia University with the degree 
of Bachelor of Science. Died May 15, 1954. 

1696. Elmer Ellsworth, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 7, 1887, Frances 
A., dau. of Henry P. Lacy and Alathea Pond, b. July 20, 1856. Jewett, N. Y. 

2413. Leola M., b. Jan. 14, 1888. 

2414. Florence A., b. April 18, 1890. 

1697. riatt Komain, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 18, 1886, Annie S. 
Rice. Jewett, N. Y. She d. July 15, 1919. 

2415. Leroy W., b. Nov. 11, 1886. 

2416. Arthur P., b. Dec. 2, 1889. 

2417. Gertrude K., b. Oct. 2, 1895; d. Sept. 30, 1949. 

2418. Doris Lucina, b. Feb. 17, 1907. 

169«. Alfred Eugene, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 16, 1892, Nettie B. 
Worden. New Britain, Conn. 

1699. Alniira Chloe, dau. of George Camp; m. Everett Horton, of Bristol, 

Frederic Algeron, b. Oct. 2, 1854; m. Oct. 30, 1893, Annie Cody. 
Bertha Adelaide, b. Nov. 3, 1860; m. Dec. 31, 1878, Frank S. Judd. 

17(»(). Theresa, dau. of Henry; m. Aug. 22, 1858, Henry S. Minor, b. July 17, 
1834. Resided in Terryville, Conn. She d. March 21, 1910. He d. May 29, 1914. 
Evangeline, b. June 15, 1873. 

1701. Eugene, son of Henry, lived in Southington; m. Oct. 15, 1866, Alice 
Hitchcock. He d. Dec. 14, 1878. 

2419. Aleen Mazy, b. 1868; d. 1923; m. George W. Bennett. 

2420. Ernest B., b. Aug. 9, 1870. 

24 21. Chfford E., b. Nov. 1, 1871; unm. 

2422. Eugene D., b. March 23, 1874. 

1702. Dorence, son of Henry, resided at Tahiti, Society Islands; m. 1875, 
Moetia Salmon. He d. Nov. 28, 1910. 

1703. Catherine, dau. of Henry; m. Jan. 15, 1873, Orson Dikeman, who d. 
Juno 8, 1900. She d. Sept. 13, 1934. 

Caioline Agnes, b. May 20, 1875; m. George Elmer Benjamin, b. July 7, 

1878, son of Albert Mills and Emma Cornelia Dann Benjamin. 
Kitty Mabel, b. Nov. 15, 1882; m. Howard Francis May, b. Aug. 24, 1880, 
d. Feb. 9, 1947. 

Howard Dikeman, b. July 24, 1912; m. Evelyn Eure. b. Feb. 15, 1919. 
Chil.: Barbara L., ta. Feb. 6, 1947. Katherine A., b. March 6, 1948. 
Richard Howard, b. July 6, 1950. 
Dorence Keith, b. Oct. 9, 1914; m. Ann Humanson. Chil.: Lincoln H., 
b. Oct. 15, 1942. Carolyn, b. Feb. 25, 1948. 

1705. Francis, son of Henry. In 1879 m. Helena J. Sellew, to whom was 
born. May 10, 1880, a son, Dorence Keith Atwater, who was drowned at Kenne- 
bunkport. Me., Aug. 23, 1900. Francis d. Nov. 25, 1935. See Histoi-icsl Section. 

1706. Wesley Hubert, son of Willis; m. Dec. 10, 1884, Minnie, dau. of 
Stephen Fernald and Martha Lev/is, b. Aug. 10, 1865. She d. Oct. 12, 1928. 
He d. May 14, 1932. 

2423. Hubert Fernald, b. Dec. 5, 1887. 

2424. Charles Willis, b. March 5, 1892. 

2425. Edna Mabel, b. Aug. 10, 1890; m. Aug. 19, 1919, Eldridge Brooks. 

2426. Belle Louise, b. Nov. 11, 1894. 


1707. Charles Ives, son of Stephen; m. Nov. 30. 1887, Minnie A. Dickinson. 
Shelby. Mich. 

2427. Wayne I., b. June 4. 1892; traveling auditor Bell Telephone Co. 

2428. Earle D.. b. Oct. 10. 1893; clerk State Treasurer's office, Michigan. 

2429. Charles L.. b. Dec. 17, 1896; soldier. Allied cause. 

1708. C'liffurd Kibert. son of Stephen; m. Dec. 10. 1894, Ida Brott. Fenn- 
ville, Michigan. 

2430. Clarence. 

2431. I>orence. 

2432. Kuth M.. b. Oct. 3. 1888. 

1709. Jan«- Maria, dau. of Leonard; m. Nov. 7, 1867. Frances Norton. She 
d April 24. 1877: (2i Nov. 7. 1878. Ellen Atwater. He d. Feb. 12. 1901. She 
d. Feb. 1. 1926. 

Charles Ladd. b. Dec. 11. 1870. 

1711. JuUa, dau. of Leonard; ni. Jan. 7. 1874. Joseph C. Burritt. He d. May 
24. 1889. She d. Nov. 6. 1928. 

Joseph Atwater. b. June 7, 1876; ni. June 7, 1905, Sarah Annie McGowan. 
He d. June 9. 1925. 

Joseph Randall, b. Feb. 22. 1907; ni. Sept. 15. 1928 Mildred Florence 
Morgan of Frodonia, N. Y. He graduated 1933 Cornell U.; profes- 
sional engineer with U.S. Air Force, Dayton. Ohio. Chil.: Edward 
Curtis, b. March 6. 1938 adopted Oct. 1, 1938. 

Anna Atwater, b. Feb. 28, 1912; m. Samuel Wallace McCochrane, b. 
July 17. 1909; radio sales— Troy, N. Y. Chil.: Cynthia Pearl, b. 
Feb. 9. 1943. Sylvia Ellen, b. Jan. 15. 1947. Deborah Ann, ta. May 
6, 1951. 

1712. Fri'derifk, son of Leonard; m. Jan., 1871. Ella Sausman. He d. March 
24. 1917. Ithaca. N. Y. 

2433. Frederick H., b. Jan. 25, 1872; d. Nov. 22. 1950. 

2434. Alice Hixon. b. Dec. 20, 1874. 

2435. Anna Maria, b. April. 1887. 

1713. Kdgar Avery, .son of Leonard; m. Jan.. 1872, Caroline Buirilt, who d. 
Aug. 5, 1898; (2( Oct. 28, 1917, Mrs. Julia Kelsey Cunningham. Manchester. la. 

2436. Horace Burritt. b. Feb. 17. 1874. 

2437. Laura Ellen, b. March 1. 1876. 

2438. Fhiience Belle, b. April 27, 1879. 

1714. Horace, son of Leonard; m. Aug.. 1874, Emma E. Walkley, b. June, 
1852. He d. June. 1886. at Alma, Nebraska. 

2439. Horace Hazelton. b. Oct. 22. 1882. 

2440. Isabelle. b. Feb. 12. 1886. 

1715. Sarah Kmily, dau. of Leonard; m. May 31, 1876. George S. Ranklin. 
They lived al Ithaca,' N. Y. He d. Dec. 7, 1915, aged 69. 

Mary Everett, b. June 14, 1878. Deceased. 

Robert, b. March 23. 1882; m. Florence Hilda, b. June 1. 1899, dau. of 
Alfred Ernest and Florence Blackmore Rigby. 

Virj^inia Sherwood (Jilli. b. April 1, 1934. at Bradford Junior College. 
Hilda Page (Robin), b. June 20, 1929; d. Sept. 9, Ht;{7. 
See historical section. St. Catherines, Ontario. Canada. 
George Atwater, b. Oct. 7. 1884; Cornell 1907; retired chemist, formerly 
with geophysical laboratory, Carnegie Institution; Pittsburgh Plate 
rjla.s.s Co. and Chemical Warfare Service, U.S.A.; m. Dorothy Polk, b. 
F.-b. 2, 1888, at Yardl»-v. Pa., dau. of William S. and Maiic Louise Poll; 
Taylor. Falls Church. Va. 
Everett Horace, b. Oct. 10. 1890; Corni'll 1912; Standard Vacuum Oil Co.. 
Indonesia and India; Board of Economic Warfare; Retired; m. Louise 
Spieker, d. 1851. Ludlowville. N. Y. 

1716. William .lanns, .son of Leonard; m. Feb.. 1879, Louise Cornelius. 
BeH.sonu-r. N ^ 

17IM. Sarsih Kmily, dau of Benjamin Avery; m. Sept. 16. 1861, Don Alonzo 
WilhamH. son of John and Christine Davis. She d. April 28. 1883. 


Fanny Wenona, b. Aug. 31, 1862; m. Lincoln E. Patterson. Ithaca, N. Y. 

1720. Ledyard Jay, son of Benjamin Avery; m. June 15, 1871, Adaline 
Peck Paret, b. May 20, 1850. He was a dealer in trees and shrubbery at Wash- 
ington, D. C. He d. April 12, 1924. 

2441. Emily Paret, b. Aug. 17, 1873. Writer of books of nature stories for 
children and also stories, poems and articles for many magazines. 

2442. Bertha, b. Aug. 11, 1874. 

2443. Charles Ledyard, b. Feb. 2, 1879. 

1723. Clara, dau. of Benjamin Avery; m. Aug. 21, 1890, Lincoln Elliott 
Patterson, son of David W'illiam and Helen Maiia Lincoln, b. Dec. 13, 1885; 
she d. May 15, 1915. He m. (2) April 10, 1918, Fanny W. Williams. 

1724. Harriet Eliza, dau. of Dewitt C; m. May 30, 1872, James E. Guyer, 
of Highland, Pa.; in coal business in Waverly; d. April 15, 1915. 

Charles Atwater, b. June 6, 1873; m. (1) Dec. 16, 1900 Maud Wright, b. 
1874; (2) Sept., 1903 Esther Jones, of Charlotte, N. C. 

Charles Reynolds Jones, b. Sept. 15, 1904; m. Lucille Winsor, b. July 
10, 1907. Chil.: Reynolds Winsor, b. Sept. 1, 1935. Charles Guerdon, 
b. Sept. 2, 1940; d. Dec. 26, 1945. 
Elizabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1874; m. June 26, 1907 William Willis Uttley, an 
attorney of Lewistown, Pa. 

John Guyer, b. Nov. 9, 1912; m. Mildred P., b. March 4, 1908. 

John Guyer, Jr., b. Nov. 28, 1944. Thomas McKee, b. Nov. 4, 1946. 
William Frederick, b. May 4, 1948. 
Jane C, b. June 22, 1876; m. April 5, 1905 Edwin Griggs Adams. Lived 
four years in Nintsiu, China. 

Harriet Mary, b. June 28, 1906; m. Nov. 30, 1928 Henrv James Sidford, 
b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1904. 

Jane Sidford, b. Sept. 9, 1929; m. John Kimball Torell, b. May 3, 

1925. Chil.: Tekia, b. April 24, 1955. 
H. J. Sidford, Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1934. 
Polly Sidford, b. May 25, 1938. 
Edwin Grigg, Jr., b. Sept. 7, 1908; m. Frances Jones, b. Nov. 21, 1913. 
Edwin G. HI, b. Oct. 3, 1939. Arthur Woodruff, b. Oct. 21, 1942. 
Fiances Erringer, b. Dec. 13, 1946. 
Saraha H., b. June 18, 1882; m. Raymond E. Brooks. 

James Guyer, b. July 7, 1909; m. Helen Mixer, b. Sept. 7, 1909. 

James, Jr., b. April 5, 1941. Sarah Mixer, b. June 2, 1938. 
Jane Elizabeth, b. 1912; m. Harold Edwin Holbrook, Jr., b. 1910; 

Patricia Jane, b. 1934. Sandra Ann, b. 1936. 
Harold Edwin HI, b. 1944. 

1725. Isabella Tichenor, dau. of DeWitt Clinton; m. Harvey George Fessen- 

den, b. July 26, 1844, son of Rev. William Lathrop Fessenden, at Waverly, 
N. Y.; he d. Feb. 19, 1901. Isabella d. May 10, 1937. Both buried in Atwater 
plot. Greenwood Cemetery, Waverly. 

Wenona Atwater, b. Nov. 10, 1880; m. (1) June 27, 1905 Duncan G. Stan- 
brough, b. Dec. 2, 1878; d. Jan. 18, 1929. (2) Rudolph G. Grant. 

Constance Atwater, b. April 23, 1907; m. Thomas Burke. Constance 

was an artist and Pres. W^omens Club, Santa Fe, N. M. 
John B. Stanbrough, b. April 19, 1909; d. Sept. 27, 1909. 
DeWitt Harvey, b. Sept. 25, 1884; m. at Yonkers. N. Y., Aug. 17, 1915, 
Elsie Amelia Miller, b. Jersey City, Dec. 19, 1895. DeWitt educated as 
an architect — Cornell 1908; publisher of "The Sketch Book Magazine"; 
now advertising executive. 

DeWMtt Miller, b. Oct. 3, 1916; m. Maud Barth. 

Elsie Atwater, b. Feb. 17, 1918; won women's swimming meet. Palm 

Beach pool — Cannes, France 1933. 
Betty May, b. May 1, 1926. Artist and laboratory technician. 

1727. Anna Jane, dau. of DeWitt Clinton; m. Jan. 20, 1901, Charles C. 
Strong, druggist at Waverly, N. Y. One dau.. Marion Atwater, b. Mar. 30, 1903. 


1T»8. I^ewis DfWitt. son of DeWitt Clinton; m. July 25. 1888, Isabelle 
Douglas, dau. of Moses Lyman and Ella Augusta Douglas, b. March 21. 1867. 
Waverlv, N. Y. He has been a banker most of his life. 

2444. Dorothy Douglas, b. Sept. 18. 1889; m. Granville Reed Swanv. She 
d. Jan. 7, 1926. Left one son, Donald R.. b. June 19. 1919. 

2445. Donald Lewis, b. July 23, 1896; m. April 11, 1925, Mary Gladys 
Kinyon and lives in Newark Valley, N. Y. 

n*9. lliram Wells, son of Rufus King; m. June 16, 1887. Alice, dau. of 
David Carey and Annetta Wright, b. March 19, 1867. He d. Feb. 25, 1918. 
Alice d. Jan. 18, 1955. 

2446. Arthur Carey, b. March 16, 1890. 

2447. Daniel Carey, b. Jan. 27, 1901. 

1730. William Eduard, son of Rufus King; m. March 8, 1891. Gratia Maud 
Hall. Pasadena, California. 

2448. Lucile Hall, b. Feb. 19. 1892; d. May 7. 1933. 

1731. Wenona King. dau. of Rufus King; m. Nov. 26, 1908. Charles William 
Ekins. Riverside. Calif. She d. Jan. 16, 194 2. 

1732. Lucy .-Vvery, dau. of Rufus King; m. May 2. 1906, William Leavens 
Jencks. Glendale, Calif. Two chil., Robert William, "b. March 22, 1915; Pauline 
Lucile, b. July 16. 1917. 

1733. .Atlas Wttrthington, son of Spafford L. ; m. May 3, 1888. Luella Susan 
Crouch, b. Aug. 16, 1867. 

2449. Horace Goodyear, b. Oct. 27, 1891. 

2450. Susie Greene, b. Aug. 14, 1897. 

2451. Milo Kline, b. July 4. 1899; m. Dec. 6, 1917, Alice Jennie Snyder. 

1735. Kdson K.. .son of Spafford L.: m. Nettie Buchanan. Cortlandt. N. Y. 

1736. Willis Byron, son of Spafford L.; m. Dec. 20. 1888. Lilly P.ellc, dau. 
of Samuel AtwateV. He d. Nov. 19. 1924. 

2452. Elizabeth Carter, b. Oct. 3, 1889. 

1738. Clarence, son of Eugene; m. March 17. 1904. Beatrice Daly. 

1748. Donald Uilliarns.)n. b. Oct. 6, 1900, Newark. N. J. Engineer; m. 
Dorothy P'rances. b. July 10. 1902, Philadelphia, Pa., dau. of Anna Helen 
Barrett and Howard Austin Darling. 

1749. Charles Hall, .son of Stephen Decatur; m. Oct. 6, 1878. Luella A., 
dau. of Nathaniel Halsey, of Ithaca. Resides in Ithaca, N. Y. 

2453. Fred Hal.sey. b. Oct. 3, 1879. 

2454. Clarence Moffett. b. Feb. 6. 1885; m. Josephine Teeter. 

17.")it. i'red B<-ers, son of Stephen Decatur; m. Nov. 27, 1884, Nellie Wright. 
Hi- wa.s a dry goods merchant at Ithaca. N. Y. 

24.55. Freida. b. Oct. 6. 1887; m. Brayton A. Porter. 

I7."»l. Minnie •!., dau. of Jason J.; pi. W. W. Pierce, local miitoi- of State 
Register, Des Mcjines, Iowa. 

fc^ljzabeth Dana, b. May 20. 1871; m. Louis J. WiLtner, ulLurney at Des 

Moines, Iowa. 
Charles N.. b. Doc. 25, 1872; wholesale dealer at Des Moines. 
Enuna May, b. Oct. 24. 1875; tea<her in Irving school. Des Moint^s. 

17.')2. Knitna, tiau. of Samuel T. ; m. Dec. 2. 1868. Amos S. Hurlbut. He is a 
merchant and farmer at Scipio, Cascade, N. Y. 

I7.".:{. .I.nni.-, dau. of Samuel T.; m. Sept. 8, 1880, Walter S. Havens of 
Nortli Lan.sing, N. Y. She d. Aug. 24, 1909. 

1755. Arthur .feri>nie. son of John Powm.in; m. Nov. 10, 1886, May Helen 
Purdv. h. O.t. 21, 1859. He .1. Dec. 6. 1919. May d. May 23, 1934. 

24.56. Harry Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1889. 
2457. Elame Laurette, b. May 25, 1893. 


2458. George Wilson, b. July 19. 1895. 

2459. Corde Althea, b. Sept. 7, 1897. 

2460. Maxine Helen, b. July 30, 1901. 

1758. Frank Du ifjht, son of Willis Goodyear; m. Sept. 14, 1881, Alice Irene 
b. Feb. 19, 1857, dan. of James P^olison and Livinia King. He lives in Elmira. 
N. Y. She d. April 9, 1931. 

2461. Cora Anna, b. Sept. 28. 1884. 

2462. Bertha Grace, b. Feb. 25, 1888; m. June 30, 1923, Lucian Salvaggio. 
Former head of French Dept., Lynbi'ook ( L. 1. 1 High School. 

2463. Clara Catherine, b. June 25, 1890"; m. Dec. 1. 1923, Gordon H. Sheedy. 

2464. Agnes Alice, b. May 4, 1892; m. Sept. 1, 1919, Frank Manning; d. 
Jan., 1940. 

2465. Mildred Eleanor, b. Nov. 6, 1902; m. Feb. 4. 1921, liobert M. Blais- 
dell; (2) Philip G. Cowley, Elmira, N. Y. 

1759. Snyder Peter, son of Willis Goodyear; m. Aug. 23, 1887, Mary Row- 
land. He is a member of Atwater Bros., in Elmira, N. Y. 

2466. Edna Belle, b. Nov. 1, 1888; m. Sept. 22, 1909, Arthur Vogt. (2) 
Arthur A. Kendall, Eau Gallie, Florida. 

1760. Clara Eveline, dau of Willis Goodyear; m. Oct. 14. 1885. Fremont 
Van Derzee; b. Sept. 14, 1856. He d. June 18, 1928. She d. Jan. 5, 1930. 

Mabel Rachael, b. June 14, 1887. 

Leon Martin, b. May 8, 1889; m. April 12, 1915 Elizabeth Wixon. He d. 
April 18, 1932. 

Clair Eugene, b. May 17, 1918; m. Betty Jean, b. March 22, 1923. 
Chil.: Walter Edwin, b. Sept. 19, 1942. Mary Eugene, b. Nov. 18. 
1950. Randy Spencer, b. July 6, 1952. 
Lloyd Duane. b. Jan. 29, 1921; m. Nancy Cardinial, b. Feb. 15, 1931. 

Chil.: Marcia Kay. b. June 25, 1953. 
Keith Martin, b. Nov. 14, 1922; m. Helen Teeter, b. June 8. 1923. Chil.: 
Leon Harold, b. Aug. 25, 1946. Jack Martin, b. July 16, 1949. 
Thomas Keith, b. Sept. 25, 1953. 
Elmer Parker, b. Nov. 10, 1925; m. Mary Elizabeth Gunning, b. June 
17, 1930. 
Ruth Anna, b. Feb. 27, 1892; m. Aug. 25, 1928 Paul K. Sterigere. b. June 
11, 1892 in Williamsport, Pa. 

Jane Marie, b. Nov. 27, 1930; m. James Joseph Shannon, b. July 
29, 1927. 

1761. Floyd Alden, son of Willis Goodyear; m. June 17, 1899, Leona Kohn. 
He was with" Fiank D. (Atwater Bros.) doing largest creamery business in 
Elmira, N. Y. Died Feb. 2, 1952. 

2467. Alta Leona, b. April 28, 1900. 

2468. Dorothea Olive, b. Dec. 31, 1901. 

2469. Catharine Aldene, b. Nov. 2, 1905. 
24 70. Ermina Clair, b. Aug. 17, 1909. 

2471. Bernice Mabel, b. Nov. 17, 1912. 

1762. Burton VV., son of Darius Adams; ni. April 20, 1882. Addie B. Dodge. 

2472. Zolman, b. 1884. 

2473. Ruth, b. 1893; m. Thanksgiving day, 1917, Charles Baughman. 

1764, Charles A., son of Darius Adams; m. Oct. 24, 1899. Lena E.. dau. of 
Martin Cahill and Mary White. He is a clerk and lives at Hector. N. Y. He 
served as sergeant of Co. L, 3rd Regt., N. Y. Vols. Infantry, in the Spanish 
War. Later was sergeant of the 30th separate Co., N.G., N.Y. Deceased. 

1765. Lucia A., dau. of Darius Adams; m. March 28. 1894, Kelsie E. 
Lawrence. Their children: Earl C, Lavelle and Gladys. Deceased. 

1767. Lncy T., dau. of Ambrose Cotter; m. Feb. 1, 1913. Philip Crim. She 
d. May 6. 1919. He d. July 31, 1951. 

Reginald Atwater, b. March 21, 1914... m. Edna Shaw, b. June 8. 1917. 
Chil.: Lucy Edith, b. May 12, 1935. 


Eugene Baker, b. May 6. 1919: m. Margaret Ann, b. July 29, 1923, dau. of 
Henrv Leo and Anna Maguire Duffy. Saranae Lake, N. Y. Chil.: Robert 
Eugene, b. May 3. 1944. Glenn Philip, b. May 25, 1945. Paul. b. June 16, 
1946. Donna Marie, b. Oct. 3, 1948. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 9. 1950. 

1768. Bertha, dau. of Ambrose Cotter: m. Aug. 11, 1909, Archie R. Gillen, 
of Grolon. X. Y. 

1769. Kiigeiie B., son of Ambrose Cotter: m. Aug. 23, 1921 Helen, dau. of 
Bnnk Garrett and Margaret Smith Mapes. b. May 22. 1899. Chil.: Catherine 
Mary. b. Oct. 11. 1927. 

lITit. Kalph A., son of Ambrose Cotter: m. April 19, 1917, Ida Elaine 
Putnam, a descendant of Israel Putnam: b. May 18, 1885; formerly head of 
English Dept. 

2474. Lucella W., b. Jan. 20. 1918. 

2475. Ambrose, Jr., b. Nov. 16. 1919: d. Jan. 31, 1926. 

2476. Dorothy Louise, b. Sept. 3. 1922. 

1772. -Mary. dau. of Ambrose Cotter: m. Aug. 4, 1945. John P. Grimley, d. 
May 27. 1948. Mary operates nursing home in Palo Alto, Calif. 

1773. Ahin/.o M.. son of Alonzo B.: m. Dec. 14. 1851, Mary Pickering, in 
Lock Haven, Penn.: m. (2) Jan. 21, 1876. Alice M. Broughton. He d. March 
20, 1898. 

2477. Alonzo Hudson, b. 1877. 

2478. Emily Harriet, b. 1881. 

1774. Norman B.. son of Alonzo B.: m. May 31, 1852. Phebe B. Tompkins. 
dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth Lawrence, b. Sept. 19. 1832. He was a farmer and 
produce dealer in Genoa. N. Y.. and d. May 15, 1888. 

2479. Marv E.. b. May 24, 1853. 
24 80. Norman J., b. June 16. 1855. 

2481. Willis W., b. April 29. 1859. 

2482. Elizabeth T.. b. Sept. 14. 1867. 

1775. Jason (J., son of Alonzo B.: m. March 11. 1862. Mary Elizabeth, dau. 
of Jonathan Tilton and Sophia Tourette, b. Feb. 16, 1838. He is a produce 
dealer and fanner at King Ferry. N. Y. 

2483. Fred T., b. March 31, 1864. 

2484. Dwight J., b. Aug. 21, 1866. 

2485. Roy A., b. April 1, 1870. 
24 86. Ward B., b. Nov. 9, 1874. 
24 87. Suphia, b. Aug. 19, 1876. 
2488. Dayton B., b. Feb. 16, 1879. 

I7~7. W . Hudson, son of Alonzo B., m. Ellen Brown: d. witliout i.ssue. 

1778. Lois .Augusta, dau. of John G.: m. Oct. 24, 1865, Adelbert M. Sniitli. 
of Owegii, N. Y. She d. 1924. 

P^ranklin Atwater, b. Nov. 3, 1866: m. Aug. 7, 1899, Kate Dean. 

Lois Jo.sephine. b. April 7. 1892. 

Dean Ha.sbrook. b. Dec. 5. 1894. 
Otis Lewis, b. July 26, 1868: m. Nov. 16. 1898. Lena Milks. No. children, 
Harv«-y Weston, b. March 26, 1870: m. Dec. 13, 1891, Bessie Rtillwell. 
Paiii.-lia Augusta, b. Dec. 6. 1871: m. Sept. 5, 1894, Warren Couiisell. 

•Mil.lred Augusta, b. Feb. 9, 1899. 
.Martm Wesley, b. March 29, 1876: m. July 11, 1900. Martha Hewitt. He 

d. April 19, 1933. 
W.iltr-r r.ardner, b. Jan. 8, 1878. 
Arthur Dwight. b. Oct. 25, 1879. 
Kdith Florence, b. June 25, 1882. 
U)iH Adck-, b. Oct. 18, 1888: d. F'tb. 17. 1890. 

1779. rn'orgfe Weston, .son of John G.: m. Nov. 29, 1871. Elizabeth, dau. of 
David Tuthill ;ind Sarah li. King. b. Aug. 23, 1851. She d. Sept. 21, 1916. He 
lived all hiH life in Southern Cayuga county. He taught school in Genoa and 
Lan.sing for eighteen years and was a school commissioner six years. He was 


always a staunch Republican in politics, past master of the Genoa Masonic 
lodge, LansingA'ille grange and of Genoa lodge of Odd Fellows. He d. Oct. 7, 

2489. Ellis King, ta. Aug. 26, 1872. 

2490. Asa Jay, b. Sept. 5, 1874. 

2491. David Tuthill, b. Sept. 13, 1879. 

1780. Jesse Clifford, son of John G.; m. Feb. 3, 1875, Rachel Sill; d. Oct. 28, 
1877; (2) Sept. 27, 1882, Helen Aurelia Hall; (3) June 4, 1913, Mrs. Mary 
Beach-Curtis. Auburn, N. Y. 

2492. Leland Weston, b. Dec. 22, 1875. 

2493. John Sill, b. Oct. 4, 1877; m. Edna M. Neal. He d. March 19, 1933. 

2494. Harry Hall, b. April 28, 1884. 

1781. Leonard Aujjustiis, son of Daniel Leonard; m. Nov. 9, 1851, Harriet 
E., dau. of William and Sally R. (Conley) Lawrence, of Meriden, Conn. He d. 
Aug. 25, 1858. His widow m. Philo Bristol, July 16, 1859, and d. June 23, 1903. 

2495. Augusta R., b. Feb. 28, 1856; m. W^m. L. Grant. 

1788. C.eorg^e Lovell, son of George Willard; m. May 16, 1865, Mary Jane 
Blakeslee. New Haven. He d. May 20, 1908. 

2496. George Levi, b. March 5, 1866; m. Irene Russell. He d. Aug. 7, 1931. 

2497. Mary Emeline, b. Oct. 16, 1869; m. June 4, 1888, Richard Graham. 

1785. John Burton, son of George Willard; m. July 10, 1876, Charlotte, 
dau. of Peter Graham and Angeline Fox, b. April 6, 1856. He lived in New 
Haven, and d. Dec. 1, 1900. 

2498. Charlotte Louise, b. July 2, 1877; m. Jan. 1, 1903, James Ernest 

1786. Morgan Nichols, son of John Elizur; m. Oct. 24, 1873, Emma L. 
Atwater; d. March 9, 1931. They lived in New Haven. She d. Dec. 17, 1910. 

2499. Berta May, b. Aug. 21, 1874; m. John Brooks. 

1787. Castine Euretta, dau. of John Elizur; m. June 14, 1865, George M. 
Ailing, of Highwood, Conn. She d. Aug. 27, 1897. 

William H.. b. April 7, 1866. 

Cora May, b. July, 1868. 

Harry Dibble, b. March 30, 1878; m. Dec. 31, 1902, Mabel F. Wood. Two 

sons, George Crane, b. Dec. 13, 1903, and Frederick Wood, b. Dec. 19, 


1789. James Peter, son of William E.; m. Dec. 25, 1890. Minnie A. Timbers. 
He d. at Milton Center, Ohio, Dec. 14, 1913. She m. (2) Rollo Miller. 

2500. Maurice B., b. Dec. 24, 1891; m. May 22, 1913, Stella Grace Bush. 
Chil.: Flora Jean, b. Sept. 28, 1915; Faylene, b. July 12, 1917. 

2501. Paul E., b. March 11, 1896; m. Aug. 27, 1918, Zelina Miller. 

2502. Adelia May, b. Dec. 12, 1900; m. June 4, 1919, Reville R. Regenold 
of Swanton, Ohio. 

1790. Berton Carlos, son of Allen H.; m. Feb. 5, 1871, Louise Jones. No 

1791. Mary Josephine, dau. of Allen H.; m. Sept. 28, 1872, Jared G. 
Hickley. No children. She d. July 11, 1879. 

1792. Molina Elizabeth, dau. of Allen H.; m. Sept. 20. 1871, Lee Clark. 
Frank L., b. Sept. 2, 1872. Fred A., b. March 8, 1884. 

1794. Kegina Idaline, dau. of Allen H.; m. Oct. 14, 1874, Aaron Hoover. 

Mary Alice, b. Oct. 4, 1875. Nellie Irene, b. July 2, 1878. 
Honier Atwater, b. May 9, 1885. Harold V.. b. Sept. 14, 1896. 

1795. Horatio Ward, son of Allen H.; m. Feb. 5, 1882, Emily E. Hatch. 
Lives in Chicago. 

2503. Maud J., b. Nov. 6, 1882. 

2504. Ward D., b. March 25, 1886. 

2505. Allen H., b. Oct. 1, 1891. 


1796. Ifhahod Hiram, son of Allen H.; m. Oct. 5, 1893. Ada A. Mothwig. 
She d. Api il 22. Ihyit. 

2506. Emerv W.. b. Nov. 17, 1894. 

2507. Effie E.. b. Feb. 17. 1897. 

1797. Lillian Kliza. dau. of Allen H.; m. Aug. 18. 1898. Jared G. Hinckley. 

1«00. Lvman J., son of Jared Allen: ni. Dec. 22. 1887. Margaret Isabell. 
dau. of Pett-r I. Brodie and Christy A. Campbell, b. Aug. 31. 1862. He was a 
stock and grain broker and lived at Grand Lodge. Mich.; d. May 22, 1916. 

2508. Lvman Peter, b. Nov. 15. 1888. In real estate business in Detroit. 

2509. Biodie T.. b. Sept. 2. 1891. 

l«tn. Jennie .Marie, dau. of Jared Allen; m. Aug. 2. 1882, Charles Frederick 
Brown, of Murrislown. N. J. He is an expressman. 

Lewis Allen, b. May 17. 1889; m. Jan. 26, 1910, Carrie O'Brien. Three chil- 
dren. Joseph, b. Jan. 6, 1911; Marion, b. May 20. 1912; Allen, Jr.. b. 
June 5, 1914. 
Russell Clarence, b. Dec. 31. 1893; ni. June 5, 1915, Catherine Murray. 
George Hobart. b. Sept. 7. 1897. 

1H<>6. Alon/o I)., .son of David; m. Jan. 2, 1867, Mary D., dau. of Henry 
Tuttk- and L)iadama Ware, b. Feb. 8, 1850. He was a farmer at Clarendon. 
Vermont. He d. July. 1924. 

2510. Edwin Henry, lives in Weston. Vt., b. May 9. 1869; m. Ella Russell, 
d. and has one child. Osa Mary; m. — Moore. 

1807. -Alfred H.. .son of David; m. Feb. 15. 1867, Saniantha Shippy; d. 1922. 
They lived in Wells, Vt. He d. Nov.. 1921. 

2511. Lois, b. 1868; m. Egbert Hale of Weston, Vt. Their children are: 
Jennie, b. Nov. 20. 1894; m. May, 1914, Ray Joslyn; one son, Merrell, 
b. Dec. 29, 1915. 

John. b. Feb. 22, 1903. 
RoUin. b. Feb. 20. 1906. 

1«(»X. Ivorette F., dau. of David; m. March 3, 1874. Moreland E. Lane. Resi- 
dence. Wallingford, Vt. He d. May 7, 1917. 

Rollin C, b. Oct. 28, 1877; m. Feb. 8, 1905, Ethel M. John.son. She d. Feb. 
20, 1916; m. twice. Chil.: Clayton R., b. Feb. 18, 1906; Howard B.. b. Jan. 
15. 1914; Milton E.. b. Feb. 13. 1916. They qlive in Leominster, Mass. 
Bertha M.. b. Sept. 8, 1865; m. Feb. 28, 1907. Herbert G. Savery. Live in 
Wallingford. Vt. 

1809. .Myron I'anl. son of David; m. March 3. 1875, Hannah J., dau. of 
Sardinus Snulh and Louise March; (2) m. May Frances. Liveti at Wells, Vt. 
He d. March 9. 1920. 

2512. Alta L., b. June 22. 1879; m. Albert A. Lamotte, Mechanicsville. 

2513. Ida May, b. Nov. 11, 1880; m. Feb. 22, 1905, James Alywaid 

2514. Iva Dell, b. Jan. 28. 1885; m. May 30. 191U. I'alnur Isles, Mechan- 

2515. Mae W.. b. March 5, 1888; m. Feb. 26, 1915, Edgar Parks. 

IMIO. Charles \V.. son of David; m. Dec. 24, 1879, Mary Eastman. Lives in 
West Rutland, VI. 

2516. Harley. m. Mabel Fish. Live in Rutland, Vt. Oiu' ilaughter. Hazel. 

IMIl. Laura B.. dau. of David; m. Jan. 22. 1882. Elisha Leffenw.U, 1). Oct. 
11. \hty2 They live in Middletown, Vt. 

Erne.sl M.. b. May 27, 1S84. Charles D., b. May 31, 1886. Ole B.. b. May 4, 
1891. Norris W.. b. May 16. 1894. Clayton E.. b. Sept. 30. 1892. 

1812. KniHttiH WeiliiiKtoii. .^i.ii (if Socrates; m. May 24. 1887, Levina Eleanor 
Collma. b. Mhv 28. IH.'iH. Thev live at 91,'') Fulton .St ..Minneapolis, Minn. 

2517. Edna Mabel, b. Feb. 5. IHito. 

2518. I>eona Sylvia, b. Dec. 29, 1K91. 

2519. Celia Irene, b. Aug. 2. 1894. 


1813. Orlando Dallas, son of Socrates; m. Oct. 15, 1891, Laura, dau. of 
James Wylie, b. May 10, 1874. They live at Mindcn, Neb. He d. March 23 1933. 

2520. Charles Edward, b. Oct. 26, 1892. 

2521. Buford Wellington, b. Oct. 26, 1894. 

2522. Leo Roberts, b. Feb. 13, 1897; d. Sept. 1, 1918. 

1814. Daniel W., son of Royal; m. March 7, 1878, Lillian A. Kent, who d. 
Dec. 31, 1888; (2) Feb. 4. 1890. Abigail F., dau. of Charles Burns and Sarah 
Schultz. He d. Nov. 2, 1932. 

2523. Henry Kent, b. Feb. 20, 1883. 
By second marriage: 

2524. Florence, b. Nov. 13, 1891. 

2525. Ralph, b. Aug. 7, 1891; m. June 26, 1926, Edith Yount; d. 1929. 

1815. Ayres B., son of Royal; m. Oct. 12, 1887, Chloe A., dau. of Warren 
Marsh and Harriet Nye. He is a stock raiser and farmer at Marion, T>inn 
County, Iowa. 

2526. Olive B., b. Sept. 14, 1888. 

2527. Donald M., b. June 11, 1890. 

2528. Josephine F., b. April 13, 1893. 

1816. Laura M., dau. of Royal; m. Oct. 1, 1884, M. D. Pember, b. June 1, 
1860. He lives at Woodlawn, Ore., and is a stone and brick mason. 

1818. Louise C. dau. of Royal; m. April 1, 1900, George Sines, b. Jan. 22. 
1870. Sarah, b. Aug. 21. 1904. All deceased. 

1819. James K., son of Royal; m. April 9. 1904, Emily Marie, dau. of Wm. 
Hawks and Ellen Ann Downey. He resides at Atlantic City. N. J. 

2529. Flossie Ellen, b. Oct. 1, 1905. 

1825. Clara Parsons, dau. of Elnathan Reynolds; m. Nov. 11, 1891. James 
Turner Ackerman. 

Rosa Ackerman, b. Aug. 31, 1895. Mabel Reynolds, b. June 5. 1898. 
Elsie Louise, b. May 26. 1900. James Atwater. b. Sept. 20. 1902. 
Clara Turner, b. Feb. 13, 1905. Wendell Elnathan, b. Nov. 30, 1908. 

1826. IMaurice Hooker, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Oct. 30, 1879, Isabel B. 

Brown, b. Sept. 7, 1856; d. Sept. 12, 1905. No chil. Live in Greenville. N. Y. 

1828. Cornelius Rush, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Aug. 6. 1879, Martha M. 
Bellows, b. Sept. 17. 1858. Live in Greenville. N. Y. He is a farmer. 

2530. Elnathan R.. b. Sept. 22. 1883. 

2531. David H.. b. Nov. 11, 1886. 

2532. Nancv V.. b. July 23, 1881. Nurse, now at Richmond. Va. 

2533. Kenneth C. b. Nov. 15. 1890. 

2534. Robert T.. b. Sept. 16, 1897; m. Aug. 24, 1918, Margaret Scott Adt, 
b. Oct. 12, 1897. of Richmond, Va. 

1829. Ida Anselia, dau. of John B.; m. Dec. 19, 1877, Eugene Wallace 
Parker of Brownsville, N. Y. She d. Aug. 22. 1917. 

Grace Bell. b. July 30, 1880; m. Nov. 12, 1901, Edward B. Everleigh. 
Lola Louise, b. Nov. 5, 1884; m. Louis B. Bartlett. Adams, N. Y. 
Bina Adelia, b. April 18, 1887; m. Miles Gouseth. 
George Henry, b. Dec. 30, 1888; m. Miss McEvoy. 
Rose Wallace, b. Sept. 30, 1891; unm. 

1830. George Elnathan, son of John B.; m. Jan. 1, 1889, Sarah Francis, dau. 
of Albert T. Norris and Mary E. Messier, b. Jan. 9. 1870. George d. July 4, 1943. 

2535. Helen Francis, b. Jan. 28. 1897; m. Dec. 21, 1917, Edgar Foreman. 

1831. John Clarence, son of John B.; m. July 11. 1900, Viola Mae, dau. of 
Geo. F. Hills and Lozane M. Salisbury. John d. Nov. 10, 1954. 

2536. Marguerite, b. May 4, 1905; d. May. 1924. 

2537. John Ronald, b. June 21, 1907. 

2538. Leah Elisabeth, b. Jan. 18. 1911. 

1833. Jessie A., dau. of James; m. April 16, 1879, Charles Buckbee. He is 
a farmer and they reside at Alford. Mass. 


Jennie Eliza, b. Sept. 15. 1880. 

1834. Sherman G., son of James; m. Sept. 9, 1890. Mabel, dau. of Levi H. 
Stafford and Enieline A. Ford. She d. Sept. 14. 1894. He lives near Siiffield. 

2539. Verne L.. b. Feb. 24. 1892. 

1835. Henry, son of James; m. Sept. 14. 1890. iMabel C. Stafford; (2) May 
31, 1909. Florence Briggs. They live in Feeding Hills, Mass. 

1836. Kmniu Stelhi, dau. of James; m. Jan. 7, 1886. William Palmer. They 
live at Van Duesenville. Mass. 

Alonzo. b. Sept. 30. 1886. Ruth. b. July 28, 1893. 

1837. Hattie l^niise, ilau. of James; m. March 15. 1892. Ephraim BaUhvin. 
They live at North Egreniont. Mass. No children. 

1841. Frederick, .son of Elias H.; m. July 2. 1897, Ellen Cosgrove. They 
live in Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 

2540. Fred, b. April 1, 1898. 

2541. Mabel L.. b. Sept. 27. 1899; d. 1922. 

2542. Harriet B., b. Nov. 19. 1900. 

2543. Hannah A., b. Aug. 6, 1903. 

2544. Lucinda, b. Aug. 24. 1906. 

2545. Evelyn Marv. b. May 26, 1912. 

2546. George H., b. Nov. 3, 1913. 

2547. Jav Cosgrove. b. Oct. 17, 1915. 

2548. Robt. Lewis, b. May 6, 1918. 

1842. Uilliani K., son of Albert A.; m. Oct. 21, 1916, Georgianna Bates 
Viets of East Granby, Conn. He is in the hardware business in Westfield, Mass. 

1844. Lueretia May. dau. of Edward C; m. June 20, 1912, Samuel G. Camp. 
Deceased. Canaan, Conn. 

Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1913; present name Holmes, with dau. Elsie Lucretia, 
b. Jan. 13, 1937; Smith College. 

1848. Marv Kli/.a, dau. of Daniel A.; m. June 10. 1865, Henry M. Chapel, of 
Sedaha, Mo. He was born Oct. 28. 1839. 

William, b. Sept. 12, 1868. Charles, b. Aug. 28, 1870. 

Lillian, b. April 1, 1874. Floyd, b. Sept. 6, 1879. Maud, b. May 6, 1884. 

1849. William Henry, .son of Daniel A.; m. Jan. 13, 1876, Ella B. Haynes, 
b. July 5. 1819. Live.s in Garfield, N. Y. He d. Feb. 28, 1920. 

2549. Gertrude, b. Nov. 10. 1877. 
255U. Calvin Haynes, b. Oct. 4, 1881. 

2551. William Henry, b. Oct. 14. 1883. 

2552. Blanche Ella, b. July 5, 1886. 

2553. Daniel Augustus, b. April 13, 1888. 
.1 J(jhn Haynes. b. April 22, 1894. 
1."). .Mary Emeline, b. April 2, 1898; unm. 


1850. .Martha Klinur, dau. of Daniel A.; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Reuben H. Finch, 
of Chatham. N. Y. He d. Jan. 15. 1899. 

Sue Ennna, b. June 10, 1879; m. June 15, 1904. Ernest L. Mather. Two 
chil.: Helen F'rances, b. Sept. 28, 1906; Grove Aldennan. b. Aug. 15, 1908. 

1851. Kmeline I'risiilhi, dau. of Daniel A.; m. Albert Cross, of Stephen- 
town. NY. 

1852. Silas Isaiah, .son of Daniel A.; m. Sept. 26. 1883. Agnes L. WOodwai d. 
No children. Lives in New York. He d. Feb. 24, 1933. 

I «."«:•{. Mary .Seward, dau. of Arlow Nel.son; m. Signumd M. Constinc. 
Felix A.. 'b. April 22, 1900; m. Sept. 1, 1923, Elizabeth Gabriel. Charles 
Gabriel, b. June 22. 1921; m. Jan. 11. 1947. Dorothea Harri.son. (Dau.) 
Candice Ann. b. Dec. 16. 1950 (See Honor lioll WW II). Janet Eliza- 
beth, b. Sept. IS. 1928; Graduate Syracu.se Univ., Fine Arts, 1950; ni. 
Lyman J. Larrabee, Jr., Aug., 1951. (Dau.) Terry Ann b. July 6, 1953, 
Blnghamton, N. Y. 


Dorothy, b. July 10, 1905; m. 1930 to James McBride. 

Dorothy Mary, b. May 30, 1932; m. Claude Doble Schrauger. Chil. : 

Stephen Douglas, b. Dec. 1, 1952. 
Jean Marie, b. Nov. 21, 1934; m. George Albert Sager. b. April 11, "32. 
James Theodore, b. June 6, 1937; Norma Eilen, b. Aug. 27, 1942. 
Lewis John, b. Oct. 9, 1909. 

Sarah Constine, b. Feb. 18, 1912; m. Theodore Fischer, 1930. He is dead. 
Sarah is in Research — Sperry-Rand. 

1854. Louis M., son of Arlow Nelson; m. March 30, 1902, Ellen M Gale 
Ruth M., b. May 11, 1903. 

John M., b. Oct. 28, 1905. 
Roger W., b. July 17, 1909. 

1855. Sarah IM., dau. of Arlow Nelson; m. Dec. 27, 1894, Frank S. Miller- 
d. Aug. 11, 1948. Sarah d. Jan. 22, 1951. 

Harold A., b. Aug. 22, 1895; d. Jan. 7, 1944. 

Linden J., b. Aug. 18, 1898; m. Edna Searles, b. Oct. 11, 1897. Linden is a 
manufacturer. Chil.: Marilyn, deceased. 

Linden Francis, b. Aug. 24, 1922; m. Doris, b. Aug. 7, 1922, dau. of 
Pansy Spiatt Springer. 

Chil.: Robert Lynden, b. Dec. 13, 1944; Wayne Loren, b. Jan. 5, 
1950; Laurel Ann, b. Jan. 27, 1954. 
*Edna Searles, while in Federal Gov. was personally requested, in 
May 1921, by President Thomas Woodiow Wilson to type a letter 
for him on White House Stationery, which he signed personal and 
requested Edna to mail. 
Gertrude, b. Sept. 2, 1902; d. May 11, 1929. 

1856. Henry S., son of Arlow Nelson; m. Martha Harper; (2) Cora Hill, d. 
June 16, 1917; (3) Nov. 12, 1918, Pearl Browning, b. Aug. 20, 1882. 

Ethel Roscelia, b. March 22, 1904; m. Melvin Robert Graham, b. Jan. 3. 
1905. Chil.: Rita Jean, b. May 26, 1926; m. Oct. 15, 1949 to Reese Charles 
Lewis; d. May 19, 1951. 

Lottie Marie, b. June 21, 1933; m. Glenn William Shimer, b. Sept. 27, 
1929. Chil.: Melvin William, b. April 24, 1952; Roger Paul, b. April 
25, 1954, Birchardville, Pa. Melvin Robert, Jan. 1, 1942. 
Martha Jane. b. Jan. 16, 1910; school teacher; m. Paul Weldon Hartley. 

b. Aug. 13, 1903, own business, electric water systems. 
S. Maude Atwater, b. July 28, 1912; m. James F. Houlihan, b. Sept. 19, 
1913, d. July 19, 1950. (Son) Robert Lewis Parke, b. April 11, 1926 in 
I.B.M. Maude in Chemical Div. Gen. Aniline & Film Corp. 
Ralph H., b. April 8, 1923; m. Sept. 1, 1945, Evelyn Crawford. 

1858. Charles D., son of James Griffin; m. Dec. 2, 1903, Marguerite D. 
Smith; d. April 8, 1945. Charles d. April 29, 1949. 

Delos Griffin, b. April 13, 1906; m. Helen I. Janoski, b. July 11, 1912. 
Chil.: Barbara Elaine, b. July 16, 1938; Norman Edward, b. Feb. 3, 
1943; Donald Eugene, b. Sept. 3, 1948. Binghamton, N. Y. 
Shirley Arlouine, b. Sept. 1, 1909; m. Benjamin L., b. Nov. 22, 1906, son 
of James and Josephine Santose. (Witherbee, N. Y. ) 

Chil.: Arlouine May, b. Sept. 19. 1939; Charles John, b. Jan. 12, 1948; 
Claude Albert, b. March 15, 1917; m. June 25, 1938; Gladys, b. July 
23. 1915. (Dau. I of Lvdia Scheiber (dec.) and Arnold Gardei. Chil.: 
Robert Scott, b. Mav 18, 1939; Gerald Ross, b. Nov. 15, 1941; Charles 
Arnold, b. June 29, i943, Claudia Anne, b. Oct. 30, 1946; Kimberly 
Kaye, b. Dec. 12, 1951. Tucson. Ariz. 

1859. Harry K.. son of Uriah E.; m. Sept. 12, 1894, Viola Reckles, b. July 

16. 1871. Lives in Los Angeles, Calif. 

2556. Marsden R.. b. April 8, 1897. 

2557. Elliott B., b. Dec. 19, 1898. 

1863. William Langworthy, son of Edward W.; m. July 6, 1898, Mary 

Mulvaney of Quebec. She d. in East Kingston, N. H., Feb. 27, 1918; m. (2) 
May 6, 1919, Katherine Mulvaney. They live at Landover, Md. 

2558. WiUiam Langworthy, b. Feb. 14, 1921. 


2559. Edward Clapp. b. April 15, 1921. 

2560. Kalherine Mulvaney, b. June 26. 1925. 

1864. Edward Congdon, son of Edward W.; ni. June 26. 1901. Linda Urpha 
Perrin, dau. of Andrew S. Perrin and Belinda S. Williams. He graduated from 
University of Rochester. 1898: member Society Mayflower, Descendants in the 
state of New York. Admitted New York state bar 1901; secretary Massey- 
Harris Harvester Co.. Inc. Residence, Batavia, N. Y. He d. Sept., 1925. 

2561. Edward Perrin, b. July 5, 1902. 

2562. Helen Hastings, b. March 30. 1905. 

l«ti."). Alice Kli/.aheth. dau. of Edward W.; m. April 9, 1901. E. Dean 
Hickox. He d. March 31. 1918. Alice d. May 6, 1954. 

Rayn.ond Atwater, b. July 24. 1902: m. Margaret B.. b. May 13, 1908. 
(Son) David B., b. July 25. 1935. Student Wesleyan Universitv. 

Richard Dean, born July 24, 1902: m. Elizabeth Chapin. b. Oct! 20. 1906, 
graduate Syracuse Univ.: Richard — Un of Rochester. Chil.: Barbara L., 
b. Jan. 25. 1930; St. Lawrence Univ.. '51 M. Dean C. b. Oct., 1934; 
Cornell Univ.. '56. Jane A., b. Sept. 2, 1936; St. Lawrence LTniv., '58. 

Barbara Atwater. b. Feb. 11, 1914; dau. of Alice Atwater Leadley and 
Edward H. Leadley; m. Roy Sheorn, jeweler, b. Sept. 1. 1916. Children: 
Barbara, b. Sept. 20. 1914; Roy DeLoache. b. June 6. 1945. 

1«66. Frances Randolph, dau. of Edward W.; m. Feb. 26. 1916, William 
D. Clapp. Rochester, N. Y. Emily Ramsdell, b. Oct. 14. 1917; m. Charles 
Coulaton Gillispie, b. Aug. 6, 1916, Asst. Prof. Princeton University. Stephen 
Atwater, b. April 9. 1919; m. Janet Leeroyd. 

186X. Christopher (ireene, son of Richard M.; m. May 5, 1903, Jane Power 
Dunnell. Tarrvlown, N. Y. See vol. 4, p. 241 
2.563. Janet Dunnell. b. Sept. 6. 1905. 
2564. Sylvia Mead, b. March 18, 1907. 
2.565. Abby Wanton, b. Feb. 12, 1911. 

1869. Kthelwyn .Murrill, dau. of Richard M.; m. Aug. 29, 1895, Arthur H. 
Cleveland. She d. Feb. 2, 1900. 

Arthur Horton. Jr.. b. Jan. 20. 1897; d. Jan., 1950; m. Arabella Burns 
Clark, June. 1937. 

Chil.: Arthur Horton IH; b. July 4,. 1938; Arabella Bin n.s. b. Oct., 
Ethelwyn Atwater. b. Jan. 31. 1900; m. (II Kirk Meadow Croft. 1920 Div. 
Lucy Kirk. b. April 25. 1921; m. Arthur Sherman Beaman 1942 Div. 
Amanda Chaffee, b. Jan.. 1943. (2) m. Willis Ballance Rice, April 28, 
Chil.: Ethelwyn Ballance. b. Jan. 20, 1933; m. June 6, 1953. Edwin 
Garrett Hardin. 

1870. lUchard Mead, son of Richard M. See Historical Section. 
2r>W. Leigh Richmond Brewer, b. Jan. 26. 1899. 

2',r,-:. Richard .Mead HI, b. Nov. 5. 1901. 

1 8" I. I>a\id Hastings, .son of Richard M.; m. April 6. 1904. Beatrice, dau. 
of Charles W Harilcen and Fallen Palmer Dickerman. His preparation for 
I' as received in the schools of Berlin, Germany, and Syiacu.s(\ N. Y. He 

ai : Brown University for two years, then entered the Medical School of 

Syracu.se University, where he graduated in 1900 with the degree of M.D. He 
paMKC'd two years as interne and house physician at the Columbus Hospital, 
New York City, then established him.self in practice in Rochester, N. Y. In 
June. 1918, Dr. Atwater joined the U.S. Aiiiiy Medical Corps, went through 
the Iraming course at Camp Gn-enleaf. Chattanooga, was commissioned lieu- 
tenant and went abroad in September, 1918. He was in charge of a camp 
hoKpital at LfK-hes, F'rance; d. 1949. 

2568. David Hastings, b. July 25, 1908. 

1872. .Anna Dorothea, .lau. of Richard M.; m. Oct. lO, I9()l, Edward Wan- 
ton Smith, son of Henjanun R. and Esther P'isher Wharton. Chemical En- 
gineer. Univ. of Penna. Awartled many patents. Died 1940. 


Sarah Anne Greene, b. May 29, 1906; graduate Wellesley '27; secretary 

Pennsylvania Historical Society. 
Esther Fisher, b. Aug. 11, 1908; graduate Wellesley '29; ni. John Howard 
Benson, sculptor and author. 

Thomas Tew, b. July 28, 1936; John Everett, b. Oct. 8, 1939; Richard 
Mead Atwater, b. Nov. 8, 1943. 
Anne Dorothea, b. Feb. 16, 1910; m. Patrick Hodgkin. d. July 18, 1939. 
Ann graduated Friend School and Mt. Holj^oke College. 
William Wharton, b. March 1, 1912; Friends-Havcrford College and 
M.I.T.; m. 1943 Dorothy Gilpin, dau. of Bernard G. and Mildred Whitall 
Chil.: Marjory, b. June 3, 1945; W.W. HI, b. Jan. .5, 1947; Robert, 
b. Nov. 29, 1950; Daphne, b. May 11, 1952. 
Deborah Wharton, b. Nov. 9, 1913; Friends School, Wheaton College; m. 
Frank Carson Lutman, M.D., of Burlington, Vt. 

Chil.: Richard Atwater, b. Nov. 7, 1943; Christopher Greene, b. Feb. 
1946. Sally Anne, b. Aug. 23, 1952; Edward Lloyd, b. Aug. 23, 1953. 
Edward Wanton, Jr., b. Dec. 15, 1920. Grad. Friends, M.I.T., Lt. U.S. Army 
1945-46, Chemical Engineer. 

1873. Maxwell Wanton ,son of Richard M.; m. May 14, 1903. Mary A. 
Meigs, of Keokuk, Iowa. He was general manager of the Davis Daly Copper 
Co. of Butte, Mont. He d. June 4, 1919. See vol. 4, p. 242. 

2569. Montgomery Meigs, b. Oct. 21, 1905. 

2570. Elizabeth Joan, b. Feb. 29, 1907. 

1874. Elizabeth Arnold, dau. of Richard M.; m. Dec. 23, 1901. Norman W. 
Bardeen, b. July 17. 1877. Kalamazoo, Mich. 

Maxwell Dickerman, b. May 1, 1903; m. (1) Katharine Bennet. 

Chil.: Helen Bennet, b."Oct. 3, 1928; m. Mileta Andrejivic, April 30. 

Charles William, b. June 4, 1931; m. (2) Virginia Pratt,. 
Chil.: Evlyn Hull, b. July 17, 1938. 
Maxwell Dickerman, Jr., b. May 17, 1949. 
Norman II, b. Aug. 17, 1950. 
Norman W., Jr., b. May 21, 1910; m. Maribel Dayton. 
Chil.: Abtay Atwater, b. March 31, 1939. 
Virginia Streeter, b. Oct. 16, 1943. 
Elizabeth Atwater, b. Oct. 13, 1913; m. Ernest Venable Sutton, Jr. 
Chil.: Ellen Bardeen, b. July 5, 1942. 
Pamela Venable, b. Jan. 5, 1951. 

1875. Marjory Garrison, dau. of Richard M.; m. May 1, 1905, Edward 
Collins Rossmassler. Reside at Scarsdale, N. Y. 

Richard, b. 1906; d. June 5, 1918. 
Edward Colhns, b. 1907; d. June 5, 1918. 

Deborah Ward, b. 1909; m. Sept. 9, 1933, Richard Warren Berry, b. Dec. 
6, 1909, son of Annabelle Ledlie and Warren Taylor Berry; executive 
United Fruit Co. 

Chil.: Marjory Atwater, b. Aug. 10, 1936; Silvia Warren, b. Oct. 30, 

1938; Prudence Howland, b. June, 1942, Plainfield, N. J. 
Ogden Wood, b. July 30, 1912; m. Kenneth Richard Younger, b. Aug. 
3, 1908, son of Edna Collins and George Henry Younger. 

Chil.: George Henrv, b. Sept. 30, 1939. Peter Rossmassler, b. Aug. 
6. 1944. 
Stephen Atwater, b. Jan. 15, 1920; m. Mildred, b. Jan. 16. 1918, dau. 
of Ruth Harriet Knight and Edward William Lang. 

Chil.: Richard Lang, b. Aug. 17, 1946; Maxwell Peter, b. Aug. 
11, 1951. 
Selma Rossmassler, b. Aug. 2, 1922; physicist. 
Maxwell Atwater, b. Nov. 4, 1923; d. Nov. 6, 1923. 

1876. Henr>' Levi, son of Stephen; m. Alice Jesson, dau. of John Jesson of 
W. Somerset, N. Y.; b. Feb. 6, 1885; d. April 20, 1950. 

2571. Robert Mead, b. June 26. 1905. 

2572. Fred Stephen, b. Oct. 16, 1910. 

2573. Myra Henrietta, b. April 29, 1912. 


2574. Donald Elwood. b. Jan. 10. 1915. 

2575. Kenneth William, b. Oct. 22, 1916. 

1877. George Edward, son of Stephen; m. April 16, 1913, Adah, dan. of 
Ezra and Cora Coates Martin, of Somerset, N. Y.; Adah d. June 20. 1945; 
(2i Lena Sharpsteen. 

2576. Stanley Norman, b. Jan. 13, 1914. 

1878. Mary Cornelia, dau. of Stephen; ni. Nov. 22, 1911, Harold Lewis, 
b. Nov. 13. 1888. son of William Henry and Arietta M. Gaskill of Wilson. N. Y. 

Raymond Gifford. b. Sept. 9, 1912; landscape contractor, in. Alice Frances 
SicAvoy, b. Nov. 22, 1915; teacher. 

Chil.: Garv Richard, b. Aug. 17, 1949; Raymond James, b. Nov. 8, 
1950; Jack Edward, b. June 17, 1952. 

Mary Atwater. b. Sept. 13, 1913; m. Stevenson. 

Margaret Ruth, b. April 2, 1915. Reg. Nurse in Barcelona. Ven. 
Dorothv. b. Sept. 3, 1917; m. Clarence A. Inderman, b. April 29, 1912. 

Chil.: Cheryl Ann, b. Oct. 4, 1944; Daniel Richard, b. March 31, 1938. 
Lucia, b. Sept. 5, 1918; m. Willard Herman, b. July 16, 1914. son of Mary 
Klumpp and Frank Klumpp Kroff. 

Chil.: Marv Jane. b. Aug. 12, 1936; Willard James, b. Jime 20, 1937; 
Nancv Carol, b. Sept. 15, 1938. 
Richard Lewis, b. June 5, 1920; m. Marv Tutone, b. Mav 11, 1923. 
Chil.: Sharon Lea, b. Sept. 7, 1944; Judy Gail, b. Sept. 8, 1952. 
Jean, b. May 27, 1923; m. G. Melvin Goetz, contractor. 

Chil.: Douglas Melvvn. b. Dec. 16, ; Dennis Ravmond, b. May 

13, . 

Lawrence Arthur, b. Aug. 6. 1925; Operating Eng.; m. Marjorie Howell, 
b. Sept. 26, 1926. 

Chil.: Susan Jane. b. Feb. 18, 1953. 

1««1. Junies. son of Willard Taft; m. Nov. 16, 1910, Ruth Marie Belmeur. 
He IS Branch manager of the Pennsylvania Rubber Company of America, at 
Mmneapoli.s. Minn, 

2577. James, Jr.. b. Aug. 15, 1911. 

2578. John Belmeur, b. Jan. 28, 1913. 

1882. Florence Fay, dau. of Willard Taft; m. May 7, 11)12. Wilhaiu Benja- 
min Pieper. 

Benjamin Atwater, b. May 19, 1913 

Jane Atwater. b. Jan. 22, 1915; (ll Howard Andreas Stubfors, b. Jan. 6, 
1915. Chil.: Sharon Atwater, b. Oct. 27. 1942. (2) Warren Eugene*, 
Lawyer, b. Feb. 19, 1920; son of Matilda Grove and Eugene Ward 
Winton. Education: Wisconsin State College and Ph.D., Univ. of Wis- 
consin, A.sst. Dist. Atty., Washburn Co., Wisconsin. 
David Atwater. b. July 1. 1920; Arleen. b. 1921. 

Chil.: Barbara Faye, b. 1946; Bonita Blu, b. 1948; Mary Paulette, 
b 19.'".2 

1HH3. H.-I.ii I.oiiisr, dau. of Willard Taft; m. May 21. liUli. John Ernest 

John Atwater. h. April 24, 1911; m. Helen Hostettir, b. March 14, 1911. 
Chil.: Elizabeth Ann. b. May 10, 1940; Mary Helen, b. Jan. 5, 1942; 
Su.san Ivouise, b. Nov. 13. 1943; Virginia, b. March 7, 1947. 
Willard Atwater, b. Sept. 8, 1912. 

.N'ancv. b. March 27, 1917; m. Advertising Artist, Vicente Hulting. h. Oct. 
21. 1915. 

Chil.: Jeffrey V., b. April 5, 1945; Susan Nancy, b. April 16, 1948; 
John Tatam. b. Nov. 18, 1952. 
Judith, b. March 27, 1919; m. Roger M. Holt. Uir. of Advertising, b. Dec. 
26, 1917. 

Chil.: Roger Micha.l, b. Sept. 14. 1942; Ricb.inl David, b. July 13, 
UHi. Stephen Thomas, b. Aug. 28. 1947. 
Margaret, b. Dec. 8, 1920; m. Donald Nyquist Duncanson, Engineer, b. 
Julv 2. 1918. 

Chil.: Archie Vail. b. Nov. 23, 1942; Margaret Ann. b. Jan. 4, 1945; 
Teresa, b. June 18, 1952, Los Angeles. Donald attended Minn. Univ. 


1884. Pierce, son of Willard Taft; m. May 1, 1920, Althea Heitsmith. 

2579. Pierce, Jr., b. April 2, 1921. 

2580. Howe, b. June 7, 1926. 

1885. Lois Taft, dau. of Willard Taft; m. May 2, 1923, James McRae. 
James McRae III, b. May 24, 1925. (2) Arthur Helm. 

1886. Katherine Snowden, dau. of Charles Nelson; m. April 20, 1912, 
Lybrand Palmer Smith; chief engineer of the U.S.S. Colorado. 

Damaris Elizabeth Snowden, b. May 3, 1915; m. Col. Albert Joseph 
Shower, b. June 16, 1910, Madison, Wis., son of Walter J. Shower, b. 
1884, d. 1917, and Hattie M. Strebor, b. Nov. 9, 1883. 

Chil.: Katherine Esther, Dunbarton College, b. Sept. 8, 1936; Albert 
J., Jr., b. Oct. 12, 1937; Rosalind Anne, b. Oct. 6, 1940, d. March 
31, 1942. Holly Marie, b. Dec. 13, 1945 (adopted), Washington, D. C. 
Katherine Towneley, b. April 20, 1918; ni. Warren Rohscnow, b. Feb. 12, 
1921; Winner ASME Gold Medal 1951; Yale '52 Assoc. Prof. M.I.T. 
Chil.: John Snowden, b. July 31, 1941; Brian Towneley, b. May 20, 
1944; Damaris Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1947; Sandra Lee, b. June 15, 1950; 
Ann Atwater, b. Nov. 2, 1952. 
Rosalind Atwater, b. Dec. 14, 1925; m. Robert Leslie Neyman, Naval 

Chil.: Constance Ann, b. Sept. 2, 1944; Katherine Louise, b. Oct. 8. 
1946; Russell Scott, b. Dec. 10, 1948; Roger Paul, b. Nov. 9. 1950; 
Roy Alexander, b. Oct. 1, 1953, Washington. D. C. 

1887. Mary Taft, dau. of Charles Nelson; m. March 16, 1921, George 
Albert Makinson. He is a Retired U.S. Consul General. 

Lt. Robert Taft, b. Dec. 16, 1922; bachelor. 

Mary (Rosemary) Snowden, b. Sept. 16, 1925; m. Leonard Allen Franz, 
b. Sept. 10, 1920 at Portland, Ore., son of Hazel Hammond and Bernard 

Chil.: Christopher Snowden, b. June 3, 1947; dau. at Annapolis, Md. 
Allen Robert, b. March 16, 1949; son at Long Beach, Calif. 

1888. Thomas Van V., son of Edwin C; m. July 10, 1915, Sarah Elizabeth, 
dau. of David Munroe and Lydia Elizabeth Williams. She was b. Sept. 11, 1892. 
Spokane, Wash. 

2581. Thomas Van V., b. Jan. 8. 1919. 

2582. David Charton, b. May 12, 1917. 

2583. Barbara, b. Julv 17, 1922. 

2584. Richard Marshall, b. May 14, 1926. 

1890. Irving Taft, son of Edwin C. ; m. Dorothea Alice Smith. Lives in 
Spokane, Wash. 

2585. Robert Taft, b. Oct. 1, 1922. 
Nancy Jane, b. April 14, 1932. 

1895. Harry, son of Charles; m. May 27, 1845, Abby C. Wiley, b. Sept. 17, 
1832; d. March 8, 1904. They went to housekeeping on a farm in the town of 
Hinsdale, N. Y., where they both died and where their son still lives. He d. 
Sept. 10, 1913. 

2586. Lillian E., b. Aug. 8, 1854; m. June 18, 1890, Edgar F. Halliday, b. 
March 9, 1853. Live at Clean, N. Y. 

2587. Chester, b. Feb. 11, 1871. 

1896. Mary. dau. of Charles; m. William Swarts. who died in the Civil 
War; (2) Daniel Bradford. There were five Swarts children: Omar E., m. 
Rosette Keeslar, had Alice and Abraham; (2) Katy Skives. 2 Elva m. James 
Keeslar, who had Elmer, George, Ward, Fred, Stella, 3 Ida, m. Oct. 8, 1877. 
Edward Osgood, who had Elinor, b. Aug. 23, 1879; d. Feb. 18, 1905; m. June 
14, 1899, Martin Eldridge; Mabel, b. Oct. 8, 1882; m. June 8, 1899. Frank Hill 
and had Nellie Pernilla, Louis Frank; Ruby, b. March 2, 1885, m. June 18, 1901, 
Joseph Warters, and had Harry Francis, b. Oct. 4. 1902; Evalin, b. Sept. 14, 
1903; obtained a divorce and in 1917 m. Frank Barker; Benjamin H., b. Aug. 
12, 1888, m. Dec. 2, 1912, Nellie Byron. 4 Elmer, m. Bertha Woolhizer, and 
had Nellie, Clara, Mary, Orin. Irena, Bethel, Lena and Mildred. 


1897. AdalvJie. dau. of Charles; m. Edward Eldridge. They had six chil.: 
2ienaw, Clarence. Frank. Murton, Eunice, and Floia. Lived at Whitney Point. 
New York 

1«9«. .Marl.ia Jane, dau. of Charles; m. Geoige Harvey, and had four chil.: 
Willis. Wesley, Fred and Cora. She d. Jan. 19. 1873. 

1899. iMiac F^dgar. son of Charles; m. Harriet Radley. They moved to 
Michigan, where she died. He returned to Olean, N. Y., and d. Jan. 7, 1906. 

1900. David H., son of Charles; ni. Margaret J. Cooley. They lived in 
Pueblo, Colo., where he d. April 3, 1903. 

2^.'^s Fred. b. March 28. 1882. 
L':.^;' Harry. 

IJMU. Uiiijaniin, son of Charles; m. Mary E. Jordan. He was a mail 
carrier in Alaska for many years. 

2590. Lee, living in Alaska. 

2591. Charles. 

2592. Uruna. Living in Cascades, Idaho. 

190"». Sally, dau. of Charles; m. James Z. Besecker. He d. March 29, 1904. 
They adopted her sister, Martha Jane Haivey's daughter, Cora, who m. F. W. 
Magner. They live in Meridian, Iiiaho. and have one daughter, Etta. 

John, b. Sept. 13, 1872; m., lives near Erie, Pa., and has four children: 

One boy, Clifford A., b. Nov. 12, 1899. 
Blanche, b. Mav 28, 1876; m. James Darkwood; have a hardware store at 

McCall. Idaho. 
Hav. b. Feb. 17. 1883; m. May 6, 1908, Diana E. Jones. 
Mae, b. Sept. 27, 1887; m. April 23, 1913, Bernard Bayles. Lives on a 
ranch near Caldwell, Idaho. 

1908. ( liarles J., son of Charles; m. June 12, 1882, Harriet Brooks. He lives 
at Franklinville, New York. 

2593. William, b. Aug. 2. 1883. 

2594. Alta, b. April 28. 1888. 

2595. Pi-arl. b. Sept. 28, 1894; m. Nov. 25, 1916, Arthui- DcWitt. 

2596. Bessie, b. July 19, 1896. 

2597. Wesley, b. March 17, 1898. 

1904. .Alfred 1., son of George H.; m. Addie Stevens; d. Dec. 11, 1899. He 
m. a second tune May 26. 1900. He lived on land that hail been in the family, 
bought by his grandfathei- from the Government in p]lnihur.st, 111. 

2598" Nelson O., b. April 28, 1880; m. and d.; left one daughter. 

2599. Elva. b. April 22, 1882. 

260(1. Je.sse, b. June 13, 1883. 

2601. George Henry, b. Feb. 27, 1901. 

2602. Berton. b. Aug. 11. 1904. 

2603. Helen, b. July 29. 1906. 

19(»."». Ktluin, .son of Edric; m. March 13, 1867, Nettie Andrews, b. June 30, 
1838. They liv.d in Oshtemo. Mich. He d, April 16. 1906. 

2601. F:ut^ene Beethoven, b. Feb. 6. 1868; unm.; lives at Oshtemo, Mich. 

191)6. .NrUnn, son of E:dric; m. Nov. 30, 1861, Melissa M. Barney, b. May 
15, 1844. He d. June 23. 1904. She lives in Paw Paw, Mich. 
■.'•■"'. Lillian, b. Dec. .30, 1865; m. Fretl H. Beard.slee. 
- ' '. Jay, b, Jan. 7, 1869. 
:.''."7 Clara, b. 1872. 
J'.MH B<rtha. b. 1875. 
J'.'i!». Flora, b. 1878. 
26 Ut Klla, b. 1881. 
2611 Burl. b. 1884. 
2612. Vem N.. b. Sept. 13. 1888. 

1907. Ann. dau. of FZdric; m. 1861, Monroe Barnes. She d. 1897. Anna m. 
Richard Commcrs of Kalamazoo, Mich. 


1908. John, son of Edric; m. about 1870, Marian DeWater. He d. 1887. 
Lived at Wayland, Mich. 

2613. Mabel. 

2614. Bertha. 

2615. Harry. 

2616. Fred. 

1910. Frederick W., son of Oliver C; m. Feb. 15, 1873. Hattie. dau. of 
Joseph Morgan and Sarah Vile, b. Feb. 22, 1856. He is a machinist and lives 
at Kalamazoo, Mich. 

2617. Lena, b. July 27, 1876. 

2618. Grace, b. Oct. 3, 1878. 

1913. Margaret, dau. of Thomas; m. July 17, 1855, Andrew C. Leighton. 
They lived in Elkhardt, Ind. He d. May 22, 1911, aged 77 years, 8 months. 

Burton A., b. Oct. 7. 1858. 
Harriet A., b. July 26, 1861. 
Charles S., b. March 22, 1864. 
Andrew Y., b. Nov. 27, 1867. 
Ada A., b. July 2, 1869. 
Nettie L., b. Oct. 29, 1879. 

1914. Myron, son of Thomas; m. Feb. 11, 1867, Ann Brinley, d. Jan. 8, 
1908; (2) Jan. 6, 1913, Mrs. Laura Schrock. He was a farmer and lived in 
Lagrange, Ind. He d. March 6. 1921. Two children died young. 

2619. NeUie, b. May 29, 1867. 

2620. Thomas, b. March 1, 1869. 

2621. Mary E., b. April 27, 1872. 

2622. Walter W., b. April 18, 1877. 

2623. Jesse. 

2624. Grover J., b. March 17, 1885. 

1915. Charles Lyman, son of Thomas; m. Sept. 1, 1870, Sarah Minerva 
Boor, b. July 4, 1850; d. Nov. 1, 1889. He d. June 13, 1917. Howe, Ind. 

2625. Arthur S., b. June 14, 1871. 

2626. Augusta A., b. July 8, 1872. 

1917. Olive L., dau. of Theron; m. 1867, Matthew Kitchin. She d. 1883. 
Clara, m. John Rhea; lives at Paris, Mich., and has one daughter. 
Eva, m. Wm. Moore; lives at Huron, N. Y.; five children. 

1918. Orrin, son of Theron; m. April 29, 1875. Annette Leroy, b. Nov. 2, 
1853. He d. Dec. 30, 1878. She d. Juiy 24, 1881. 

2627. Edna M., b. Jan. 12, 1876; m. Jan. 12, 1896, John A. Goetzmann. 
West Webster, N. Y. One daughter, Anna, b. June 6, 1898. 

1919. Alonzo, son of Theron; m. 1882, Lavina Soudan. They live in Web- 
ster, N. Y. He d. Aug. 15, 1934. 

2628. Maynard L., b. 1893; m. Sept. 20, 1924, Vera Henion. They live in 
Rochester, N. Y. 

2629. Leland A., b. 1897. 

1920. Willis A., son of Theron; m. 1879, Sarah A. Thomas. They reside at 
West Webster, N. Y. 

2630. Inez E., b. 1881; m. W. E. Allen; (2i Arnold E. Guyot; one son, 
Willis E. Allen, b. 1903. They live in Douglas, Kan. 

2631. Ethel A., b. 1883; m. 1912, Leonard H. Skelton; lives at Elmira, N. Y. 

2632. Esmond B., b. 1894. 

1921. EB«ma Caroline, dau. of Levi; m. William L. Bliss. She lives in 
Burlinganie, Calif. 

William Gilbert; d. 1915; m. Edith Woodman. Two sons. Myron, b. 1908; 

Gilbert, b. 1910. Live in Chicago, 111. 
Helen Arnold, m. Dec. 12, 1911, Robert G. Herda. One dau., Jane Helen, 

b. Nov. 11, 1913. They live in Burlingame. Calif. 

1923. (Jilhert Luther, son of Levi; m. March 2, 1882, Ella Victoria Friend. 
They live in Philipsburg, Mont. Three children died young. 


2633. Lillian Pearl, b. Dec. 17, 1882; m. Sept. 7. 1910, Adolphus A. Rounds. 
Lives at Pullman. Wash. Two sons, Wilbur Atwater. b. Juno 28, 
1911: Waldron Pinnev. b. July 23. 1915. 

2634. Edna Myrtle, b. April 8. 1887: m. Dec. 23. 1909. George Miltonberg, 
Jr. Lne at Salt Lake City. 

2635. William Waldron, b. Nov. 29, 1904: ni. Jan. 10. 1924. Mary G. Brown. 

19"*4. Harriet Hort«'nce, dau. of Levi; m. John Souerby. Three chil.: Fred 
W., lives m Hollywood. Calif., three chil.: Marshall. Grace and Fred: Florence, 
m. Robinson, lives in Atlanta, Ga.: Guy Gilbert, lives in Hinsdale. 111. 

1929. Otis Win., born. Oct. 12, 1904: m. Regina Simonis, d. 1933. 
Son: Donald Edgar, b. Dec. 30, 1927: m. Josephine V. Friedman, b. March 
27. 1927: Donald is a Research Analyst U.S. Navy. 

Chil.: Susan Jean, b. March 18. 1950; Lou Ann, b. May 1. 1953. 

I93<K Clara B.-lle, dau. of William; m. Oct. 14, 1888, Dr. William E. Fowler, 
b. Mav 28. 1867: d. Aug. 5, 1914. Grand Rapids, Mich. 

Leona Atwater. b. Aug. 3, 1889: ni. Nov. 7, 1910. Alfred Gustafson. Two 

chil.: Clara Luceil. b. May 23, 1912: Gerald Edward, b. Aug. 2, 1914. 
Maurice William, b. June 8, 1895. 
Hewhtt Beese, b. March 28, 1897. 
Hasey Scott, b. Dec. 10. 1899. 
Iinogene Verzine, b. Oct. 4. 1901. 

1932. Frank B., son of James Harmon; m. Oct. 15, 1873, Augusta Rock- 
wood. Lives in Coldwater. Mich. 

2636. Catherine, m. Arch Niverson. 

1933. William, son of James Harmon; m. Marietta Winchell, d. Nov. 26, 
1914: (2 I April 15, 1917, Cora Prince. Lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. Is a cabinet 

1934. Harrli't L.. dau. of James Harmon; m. Elisha Burr. Lives in Detroit, 
Mich. Two boys, Charles and Edwin. 

1935. Edward E., son of James Harmon; m. Lunetta Britton. Lives at 
Galesburg, Mich. 

1936. Jaint's Benjamin, son of James Harmon; m. Alta Stevens. Lived in 
Grand liapids, Mich., and was accidentally killed Sept. 18, 1907. 

2637. Grace, m. May 18, 1904. Roy Reed, of Grand Rapids. Has one dau., 

2638. William, b. Nov., 1889; ni. Grace Church. Two boys, James and 

2639. Ruth, b. June, 1902. 

194."). I><iiiglas S., son of DeWitt C; m. Dec. 23, 1891, Laura B., dau. of 
Isaac C. Powell and Mary A. Dotson. b. Feb. 22. 1872. He is City Constable of 
Concordia. Kansas. 

2640. Carl E.. b. March 18. 1893. 
2r,4 1 Dai.sy E., b. Jan. 15, 1896. 

1 ;).".!. 'M;ulalain<-. dau. of James Archibald; m. Donald B. Warren. Both 

Jame.s Atwater. b. ; unm. 

Virginia Mary. b. Nov. 23, 1926; m. Robert Vin.cnt. b. July 13, 1925, son 
of Mary and Michael Jo.seph Neary. 

Madeleine Virginia, b. June 30, 1952. Robin Ann, b. Jan. 21, 1954. 
Robert represents International Business Macliines. 

19.'.2. i)«.ri.tJiy, dau, of James Archibald; b. June 16. 1909: m. (1) Leslie 
Thoma.s. Dec. 5. 1929. divorced 1944 (soni Leslit- Thomas. Jr., b. Oct. 16, 1930; 
m. Joan Straus. Oct. 12, 1951. (Soni Cheryl Diane, b. Jan. 17, 1953. 

Dorothy m. (2» Sigurd Schmedes, mechanical engineer, b. April 2. 1899, 
in I )enmark. 

I9.'>3. dranKer Snillh. Jr., .son of Granger Smith; m. .Jun<' 19, 1931, Emilie 
Gertrude, b. Aug. 27, 1899, dau. of August Andersen ami Linna Krenipler. 


1965. Margaret W., dau. of William Tweedy; m. March 7, 1910, Richmond 
Dana Moot, of Schenectady, N. Y. (2) Nov. 15, 1916, Edward B. Green of 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

Dorothy Atwater Moot, b. Oct. 24, 1912. 

1966. Harriet Howell, davi. of Howell; m. March 14. 1888, Frederick W. 
Paramore of St. Louis, Mo. He d. Oct. 28. 1917. She lives in Pasadena, Calif. 

Helen Montgomery, b. Dec. 31, 1889; m. Apiil 15, 1918, Lynn Lloyd Rowan; 
divorced 1921. One son, Lynn Lloyd, b. Jan. 19, 1919. 

1968. Theodora, dau. of Howell; m. April 4, 1894, Edward G. King, of 
Providence, R. I.; div.; m. (2) J. Howard Atterbury. 

Edward, Jr., b. June 9, 1895; Certified Public Acct., m. Helen R. (Son) 
Edward G. Ill; m. Elizabeth S. Chil.: Edward G IV; Camille Diana 
King, Baltimore, Md. 
Howell Atwater, b. Sept. 8, 1896; General Agt., m. Gladys Passano. b. 
May 18, 1899. Chil.: Charlotte Howell, b. Sept. 29, 1920. 

Mary Louise Attwater, b. Nov. 26, 1921; m. Watkins; (daus.i 

Patricia Marie, b. April 24, 1947. Mary Louise Howell, b. April 
20, 1950. 
Gladys Theodora, b. March 6, 1926; m. Robert Lewis Cole, b. June 16. 
1923. Chil.: William Parington, b. April 2, 1950; Howell Atwater 
King, b. June 3, 1951. 
Arabelle King, b. Feb. 2, 1928; m. Warren James Rowe, Insurance 
Broker, b. Aug. 25, 1923. Chil.: Gladys Randolph and Margaret 
Lynn, b. July 8, 1949; Barbara Ann, b. Feb. 23, 1952. 
Theodora Howard Atterbury, b. May 22, 1907; m. H. F. Swope, Jr. (2) 
Robert E. Hopper, Metallurgist, b. June 3, 1909. (Dau.) Helen Selden 
Swope, b. June 19, 1925; secretary. 

1973. Henry, son of Wm. Charnley; m. Oct. 11, 1891, Lenora A., dau. of 
Wm. E. Cole, b. Aug. 21, 1872. Henry d. Dec. 24, 1953. 

264 2. Marion Cole, b. July 19, 1895. 

2643. Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1900. 

1974. Thomas Elmes, son of Wm. Charnley; m. May 13, 1896, Charlotte S., 
dau. of Clement D. Finley and Lillie Blair. Died Mav 10, 1954. 

2644. Wm. Charnley, b. Feb. 20, 1897. 

2645. Clement Finley, b. Feb. 15, 1902. 

1975. James Bassett, son of Wm. Charnley; m. Api'il 12, 1895, Sarah 
Holmes, dau. of Henry Blair and Eliza Shade, b. May 21, 1859. Sarah d. Oct. 
30, 1926. See Historical Section. 

2646. Sarah, b. April 13, 1896. 

1976. Mary Sterling, dau. of William C; m. June 12, 1907, Frank M. Clark. 
Mary d. Oct. 24, 1942. 

Charles Merritt, b. March 7, 1909; m. Georgette Anderson, May 29, 1931. 
Officer Birmingham National Bank, Derby, Conn. 

Merritt Charnley, b. June 20, 1934. 

Patricia Sterling, b. Aug. 6, 1938. 
Sterhng Clark, b. June 28, 1912; m. Helen Quinn, April 11, 194 2. 

Ronald Sterling, b. Sept. 7. 1945. 

Peter Atwater. b. April 9, 1948. See Roll of Honor. 
Richard Charnley, b. June 9, 1915; m. Lydia Johnson, Oct. 8, 1938. 

Lydia LaBaron, b. Jan. 15, 194 1. 

Richard Charnley, b. Jan. 8, 1946. 

Nathaniel Goodwin, b. Feb. 28, 1953. See Roll of Honor. 

1977. Katherine Isabelhi, dau. of Wm. Charnley; m. (1) John S. Stone, 
Sept. 20, 1904. Divorced. 

Katherine Atwater, b. July 7, 1908; m. Richard Rhodes Klinck, b. Nov. 
19, 1907, on Oct. 22, 1927. 

Donald Rhodes, b. Nov. 28, 1930. 

Stephen Atwater and Pwichard Stanley, b. June 2, 1933. 
Louise Sterling, b. March 8, 1941. 
(2) m. of Katherine Isabella to Ralph Hodge Clark on March 1, 1918, who 
was son of Lillie Hawkins and Charles Edward Clark. 
Philip Shelton. b. June 19, 1920. 


1978. \Vm. Sterlinjj. son of Win. Charnley; m. Emma Smith Kemper on 
Feb. 21. 1910: En. ma b. May 26, 1885; d. May' 10, 1926. 

2647. Wm. Sterling, Jr.. b. May 11. 1915. 

Charnlev Kemper, b. Juiv 24, 1919; killed in action Second World 

War, d. March 19. 1944". 
t2i m. Marian Lillian Koch, June 14, 1928. Wellfleet, Mass. 

1979. Krt'd. son of Henry; m. Oct. 24, 1894, June Lyon of Naples. N. Y., 
b. Jan. 10. 1870. When he was 16 years old he entered his father's office in 
the Bridgeport Malleable Iron Company where he served twelve years. He was 
ne.xt employed by the Burns, Silver & Company, and in 1903 organized the 
Columbia Nut and Bolt Company of which he has been vice-president ever 
smce. He served eight yoars on the Permanent Paving and Sewer Conmiission 
and was Mavor of Bridgeport. Conn., years 1922-23. He d. Feb. 23. 1933. 

2648. Henrietta, b. Oct. 28, 1896; m. Jan. 5. 1918, Lieut. Joel A. Gold- 
waith of Boston, Mass. Have Joel Cabot, b. Nov. 14, 1918, David 
Atwater. b. Nov. 7, 1921; June Lyon, b. Aug. 5, 1924. 

2649. Louise, b. Jan. 30, 1899; m. Jan. 14, 1922, Craig Douglas Munson, 
of Wallingford, Conn.; Craig Douglas, b. Dec. 13, 1923, Marjory 
Jeane. b. Nov. 14. 1925. 

1980. Jean Howe, dau. of Charles Elmes; m. Sept. 17, 1918. James Herbert 
Morse. (2i Dr. William B. Dunning, July 18, 1945. 

1981. Helen Charnlev, tiau. of Charles Elmes; m. Dr. Ettore Ciampolini, 
Ph.D.. H.S.P.H., b. in S^iena. Italy. July 28, 1876. 

1985. Ka.Muond Fxlwards, son of Frederick Holland; m. May 16, 1923, Lucy 

2650. Adele Boorum, b. April 8, 1924. 

1986. Henritta Baldwin, dau. of Edward Sanford; m. May 17, 1906, Herbert 
Underwood Farrand, b. Sept. 8, 1877, d. 1937. 

Sanford Atwater, b. June 28, 1910; m. Gortrude Groves, b. Sept. 5. 1913, 
(Gr. Chil.t Carroll Groves, b. April 9, 1940. Patricia Sanford, b. Dec. 
4. 1942. 

John Carroll, b. Aug. 31, 1912; executive secy.; m. Doris M., b. Feb. 15, 
1919. (Daus.) Jean Oakley, b. Oct. 21, 1941. Terry Louise, b. Jan. 27. '53. 

Jane Oakley, b. Sept. 22. 1917; d. 1937. 

1987. Edward Sanfctrd, son of Edward Sanford. m. Feb. 20, 1909, Jeanette 
Sheldon Brown, graduate Princeton and N.Y. Law School 1906. 

Edward Sanford III, b. Dec. 14. 1909. 

Charles Brown, b. Mav 19, 1914; m. Helen Emmens, b. Sept. 11, 1914. 

Chil.: Christine Kederich, b. Feb. 20, 1942; Charles Brown. Jr., b. April 

11. 1945; Sheldon Brown, b. Sept. 23. 1951. 


1988. Ce<-«'lia Jane, tlau. of Charles Barnes; m. March 1, 1877, .John K. 
Hester. She d. Aug. 11, 1914. They had one dau., Annie Amelia Summer. 

I •»««). I ran«<-s .J., dau. of Charles Barnes; m. June 22. 1875, Hanford Terry. 
GrtH.-nv.ich. (Jhio. Dau.. Lulu M.. b. Aug. 9. 1876. He d. May 4, 1901, aged 77. 
She m, (2i Oct. 19. 1904. William Ellard; d. Sept. 13. 1911. 

I»9(». I,.\(iia ,\liua. dau. of Charles Barnes; m. Nov. 30. 1873, P'rank 
Tittcrly; d. July 9. 1904. 

'"' -i Caroline Elsie, b. Sept. 9, 1878. Grace Sherwood, b. 1881. 

Jf).s.-ph. h. Nov. 20. 1889. Burnice Olive, b. July 6, 1890. 

I'MM. I.ui !l:t Ard. II, dau. of Charles Barnes; m. Dec. 6, 1884, Henry Miller. 
He d. at FoHloria, Ohio. Sept. 1, 1914, aged 78 years. 

1994. Owar Starln, son of Charles Barnes; m. March 3. 1890, Sophronia 
Noble. They lived in Greenwich. Ohio. He d. Dec. 10. 1808. 


1995. George Henry Peek, son of Charles Barnes; m. Jan. 27, 1904, Mary 
Hacket. Sons: Charley Brink and Alfred Ellsworth. 

1996. Marvin Kay, son of Charles Barnes; m. May 2, 1897, Christina 

2651. Earl, b. Aug. 20, 1901. 

1998. Etta :^iay. dan. of Charles L.; m. March 21, 1887, Fred L. Steenback, 
at Scranton, Pa. 

Arthur Leroy, b. May 6, 1888. 

1999. Xellie Lozena, dau. of Charles L.; m. Sept. 30, 1890, William Grant 

Smith. Dunmore, Penn. 

Edna Ethel, b. Nov. 18, 1891. George Irvin, b. Aug. 9, 1893. 
Fannie Myrtle, b. Aug. 7, 1895. 

Mabel Gretchen, b. Dec. 10, 1896. Helen Augusta, b. Nov. 23, 1898. 
Charles Edward, b. Feb. 9, 1903. 

2000. Charles Edward, son of Charles L.; m. March 4, 1901, Mary Agnes 
Blackburn, at Huntington, Ind. Detroit, Mich. 

2652. Ina Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1902. 

2653. Charles T., b. June 11, 1908. 

2001. George Miner, son of Charles L.; m. Nov. 13, 1895, Mary Bossom. 
They lived at Dunmore, Penn. He d. Feb. 9, 1902. 

2654. Blanche, b. June 25, 1896. 

2655. Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1898. 

2003. Archibald Law, son of William M.; m. Dec. 28, 1898, Minnie Ash, 
b. Aug. 30, 1874. Live at West Pittston, Penn. 

2004. Robert Ernest, son of William M.; m. May 30, 1905, P^lcanor Owens, 
b. March 23, 1878. West Pittston. 

2656. Mary E., b. June 19, 1910. 

2005. Oscar Severson, son of William M.; m. Feb. 1, 1907, Elizabeth Neat, 
b. March 24, 1895. West Pittston, Penn. 

2657. Irwin W., b. Nov. 12, 1907. 

2658. Marion E., b. Jan. 22, 1910. 

2659. Elinor, b. Aug. 31, 1919. 

2660. Ruth. 

2006. Benjamin Harry, son of William M.; m. May 19, 1913, Elizabeth 

Straehan. Live at West Pittston, Penn. 

2661. Audrey S., b. March 28, 1915. 

2007. William Horace, son of Charles Isaac; m. April 25. 1886, Anna Louise, 

dau. of E. A. Nesbit and Henrietta Faters, b. Feb. 16, 1868. 

2662. Irma Brewster, b. July 25, 1887. 

2663. Harold E., b. June 11, 1889; d. April 4, 1931. 

2664. Marion Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1896. 

2009. Lily May, dau. of Charles Isaacs; m. W. G. Baskette, deceased; (2) 
W. L. Burkh'art. Chil.: Blanche Baskette, b. Jan. 9, 1906; m. Richard Bruno, 
b. May 11, 1900, son of Emma and Max Melzer of Germany. Imogene Burk- 
hart Donham, b. July 2, 1923, of Long Beach, Calif. Dorothy Inez Burkhart, 
b. May 26, 1924 of San Diego. Helen Louise Burkhart Paparelli, b. Apiil 10, 
1927, "of Chicago. Harold Neil Burkhart, b. March 9, 1930. Joan Burkhart 
Weight, b. June 20, 1931. 

2011. Albert Earl, m. Fanny Taylor; ordained Baptist minister; d. Dec. 2, 
1948. Children: 

George Howard, b. Jan. 12, 1911. 
Mildred, b. May 20, 1913. 
Clara, b. Jan. 16, 1916. 
Juanita, b. March 9, 1919. 
Frances, b. Oct. 25, 1921. 

Marie, b. March 8, 1924 ; m. Koehler. 

Albert Earl Jr., b. Oct. 9, 1926. 


201?. Lemi I^'oti. dan. of Charles Isaac: m. Robert B. Miller, Oct. 15, 1915. 
Carthel Mcidison. b. Aug. 10, 1916; Capt. Fire Dept.; ni. Janice Vidla. b. 

May 15. 1921. Chil.: Bobby Lloyd, b. Sept. 29, 1940. Brenda Joyce, b. 

April 23. 1947. Karl Stanley, b. Dec. 14, 1948. 
Waymon D.. ni. Naomi Holt. Chil.: Mary Lee, b. Dec. 3, 1943, and Martha 

Anne. b. in Johannesburg, South Africa. Nov. 14, 1951. 
Robert Orlan, minister, of Jackson. Miss.; m. Dec. 11, 1942, Marjorie 

Marie Cheshier. Chil.: Ronald Franklin, b. Dec. 14. 1947. Twins Barbara 

Joyce and Rebecca Loyce, b. Feb. 14. 1951. 

2013. Williiini B., son of William B.; m. Marguerite Carter: (2) Dec. 2, 
1902, Daisy Delphine Lander. Lives at Long Beach, Calif. 

2665. "Alice Violet, b. Nov. 1. 1897. 
By second marriage: 

2666. Vernon Leon, b. Aug. 10. 1902. 

2667. Lucille, b. May 29, 1904. 
266S. F. Adeline, b. Jan. 7. 1906. 

2(H4. Daisy M.. dau. of George Edward; m. June 16, 1897, Loren P. 
Biddick. They live at Meridian. Idaho. 

2015. Edward Francis, son of George E.; m. Feb. 14. 1911, Fay Gwendolyn 
Nesbit. He d. Dec. 6. 1924. 

2669. Marguerite, b. Feb. 18, 1915. 

2017. <ierald King, son of Randolph King; m. Oct. 2, 1923, Ruth G. Brown. 
Senior V.P. Marine Midland Trust Co. of Southern New York: '51 Navy — Pac. 
World War II. 

5025. John Randolph, b. July 30, 1927; Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. 

5026. Gerald King, Jr.. b. June 8, 1931; W & M Class '53; 1st Lt. Marine 

2018. iinu'v Iren.-, b. Oct. 2, 1897; m. Charles F. Philley. b. Jan. 4, 1896, 
of Hornell. X. Y. 

2019. Marjorie (Jarnier. b. Aug. 14, 1908; m. Waltci- A. Watkins. Rochester, 
N Y. Children ; 

Robert King, b. Sept. 7, 1927; m. Mary Frances, Elmira, N. Y. 
Joyce Garnier Filkins. 

Suzanne Atwater. b. Feb. 27. 1933; m. Ronald Louis Gross, b. March 
23. 1929. 

Deborah, b. April 9, 1952; Rhonda Mary, b. Sept. 16. 1954. 
Richard Gilbert, b. Jan. 21, 1940. 

2(12(1. LiM-iiiH C. son of Eli; m. Oct. 20, 1910, Florence May Andrews. He 
is a real estate dealer in Rochester, N. Y. 

2671. Frances Elton, b. Dec. 22, 1912. 

2021. Mar\ Miii. r\a. dau. of Eli; m. Dec. 28, 1898, William H. McClelland. 
They lived in Syracuse, N. Y. 

2022. Cieorjfe Krasniiis, .son of Jonathan Squire; m. June 11, 1910, Clara 
Knut.son in Sioux Falls. South Dakota. Di.d Nov. 11. 1953. 

2672. Earle Raymond, b. Jan. 22. 1912. 
267.'',. lialph Ernest, b. June 15, 1913. 
2674 Lloyd Ey.-rett, b. July 7, 1915. 
2675. Verne Edward, b. Sept. 20, 1917. 

2023. Marv SihNl. .Iau. of Jonathan Squire; m. Aug. 16, 1904, F. J. DeWitt. 
Auburn. .N*. Y. 

Fn-d.-ric James, b. Oct. Id, 1906; m. Margaret E. Flint. He i.s I 'resident. 
Tropical Paint Co.. Bay Village, Ohio. Children: 

Margaret Ann. b. 19.38; Elizabeth Flint, b. 1940; I'lidiiic James 111, 
b. 1943. 
Paul Atwal.-r, b. Aug. 3. 1908; m. Frances Tatuiii. h. March 6, 191.'). Chil.: 

I'aul Francis, b. May 11, 1952. 
George Allen, b. Oct. 1. 1912; m. Mary Honion Harris, dan. of liaymond P. 
and Mary Daley Harri.s of Newburyport, Ma.ss. 


2024. Ajfnes Mary, dau. of Lucius Luther; m. Aug. 3, 1918, (1) Floyd 
Andnis, Baptist minister 

Robert Floyd, b. April 19, 1920; m. Jean Campbell in 1941. Chil.: :\Iary 

Lou, b. Sept. 19, 194 2. 
Walter E., b. Sept. 19, 1922; engineer; m. Doris Farnham 1943. Childien: 

Barbara, b. Jan. 11, 1945; Kenneth, ta. Sept. 26, 1948. 

2025. Frederick Elson, son of Lucius Luther; m. 1919, Thelma Harps, b. 
April 9, 1900; d. March 26, 1954 of M.S.; body to medical science that others 
may live! (2| Carolin Montgomery, b. Jan. 21, 1912. 

Chil.: Alvene, b. May 3, 1920; m. Frank Kolb. 

Chil.: Wanda, b. Dec. 3, 1943; Wendy, b. Sept. 1, 1946; Frank, b. 
Jan. 16, 1949. 

2029. Orrin Truman, son of Julius Judson; m. Feb. 21, 1904. Alai'ia Edna 
Green, b. Dec. 29, 1879. He d. Oct. 10, 1919. They lived in Montclair. N. J. 

2676. Albert Judson, b. June 9, 1905. 

2677. Frances Marjory, b. Sept. 15, 1908. 

2678. Orrin Truman, Jr., b. May 3, 1911. 

2679. Donald John, b. Oct. 21, 1915. 

2046. Addison J., son of Reuben E.; m. Dec. 25, 1914, Joan McDonald. He 
is a dentist at Eugene, Ore. Joan b. Dec. 30, 1890. 

2680. Jessie Ray, b. Oct. 15, 1916. 

2681. PhyUis, b. May 24, 1918. 
Charles David, b. Dec. 10, 1929. 

2057. F]ds:ar Foote; m. Jan. 26, 1916, Helen, dau. of Edna Price and Erastus 
Edick of Garrettsville, Ohio, b. Oct. 25, 1896. He is a designer at Warner 
Bros. Studios. 

2682. Cleon Everal, b. Feb. 25, 1917. 

2058. Walter Sanford, son of Franklin S.; m. June 1, 1922, Vada Eleanor 
Lawrence, dau. of William Law^rence and Sarah McDougal, b. Aug. 1, 1899. 
They live in Berwyn, 111. 

'2683. Susan Irene, b. April 28, 1923. 

2059. Fmma Kstelle, dau. of Franklin S.; m. June 17, 1925, Robert L. 
Wolcott. Suffield, Ohio. 

Robert Franklin, b. July 22, 1926, m. Marilyn Terrebonne, b. Feb. 6, 1930. 
Robert served in two wars. B.A. '49, Kent Univ. Newspaper Editor. 
(Dau.) Jean Marie, b. Aug. 16, 1955. 
Richard Atwater, b. Dec. 15. i930. Marilyn, b. April 12, 1929; in. Gordon 
O'Neal Kilgore, b. Feb. 22, 1925. 

Chil.: Patrick Gene, b. Aug. 28, 1948; Michael John, b. Oct. 5, 1949; 
Curtis James, b. May 31, 1953; Joyce Ellen, b. March 20, 1955. 
Gordon is a radio announcer; Margery L., b. June 17, 1936. Emma 
Estelle lives 10 miles from Atwater, Ohio, named after her grand- 
parents, Edgar F. and Frances Sanford Atwater (No. 733). 

2061. Kichard Tiipper Atwater; d. Aug. 21, 1948; m. Florence Carroll. (See 

Who's Who early 30's. ) 

Chil.: Doris," b. March 30, 1922; Margaret Carroll, b. May 24, 1925. 

2062. Julia Tupper Atwater, Chicago, 111. Clerk U.S. Treasury. 

2063. James Horace, son of James Mitchell; m. March 11, 1896, Elsie Dell, 
dau. of J. H. Miller. She d. Feb. 28, 1953. Coachella, Calif. 

2684. Edwin Miller, b. Oct. 22, 1897. 

2685. Jesse Kilborn, b. April 26, 1899. 

2686. Horace Logan, b. Nov. 6, 1900. 

2687. James Winchel, b. June 23, 1906. 

2064. Charles Ogden, m. Oct. 11, 1899, Laura Barker Quigley. She d. Jan. 
5, 1950. (2) m. Mabel Root, Oct. 9, 1950. He is a retired teacher. 

2065. William Cliurrh m. Sept. 25, 1901, Christine B., dau. Margaret Thom- 
son Bryden and Melvin D. Curtis. Hollyhill, Fla. 


2688. Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11. 1903. 

2689. Leonard Bryden, b. Sept. 14. 1914. 

2066. George F., son of George B.; m. Nov. 22, 1911, Ida Louise Simpson. 
Thev live in New Britain. Conn. 

"2690. Franklin S.. b. Aug. 24. 1916. 
2690a. Annette L., b. April 5. 1920. 

2068. Albert Ailing, son of Jared James; m. Nov. 13, 1901. Emily C. 
Daniels. She is mother of Emily Daniels, m. to Harmon G. Atwater. He is a 
ci\il engineer. Live at Boynton. Fla. No children. 

2069. Huttie Belle, dau. of Jared James; m. July 5. 1901, Herman Hotze. 
Lives in Clevtland. 

Harriet Louise, b. Mav 1. 1902; m. Norman Leo Hawn, civil engineer. 
She d. Feb. 8, 1940. " 

Chil.: Mary Jane. b. March 26, 1934. Student at Ohio University. 

2070. Hiirniun (iordon Koot, son of Jared James; m. Oct. 27, 1902, Emily 
Daniels. Cleveland, Ohio. Contractor and builder. Emily d. July 14. 1952. (2) 
Cathrine Hallada Koch. b. Feb. 28. 1887. 

2691. Gordon Albert, b. Feb. 9. 1904. 

2692. Windsor, b. Feb. 25, 1905. 

2693. Frances Emily, b. Feb. 3. 1908. 

2071. Fnink Edward, son of Jared James; m. June 19. 1906. Bertha Ken- 
nedy. He d. Jan. 22, 1917. leaving no children. 

2072. Fannie Emily, dau. of Jared James; m. Julv 22, 1903. Alva R. Statler. 
I'orothv Elmore, b. Feb. 24, 1906. 

Allen Jared, b. June 16, 1909. 
Frank Edward, b. April 10, 1911. 

2073. La Verne Nathan, son of Arthur Edison; m. June 27. 1905. Susan L. 
Mohler. dau. of Richard Mohler. b. June 2. 1881. Live at Grand Rapids. Mich. 

2694. Russell La Verne, b. Oct. 14, 1910. 

2076. ("e«-il Brown, son of George S.; m. May 9. 1911. Carrie L. Creaser of 
Biookhne. Mass. They live at Natick. Mass. 

2695. George Robert, b. July 25, 1913. 

2077. Marif Hrlcii, dau. of George S.; m. Louis D. Hunter. He is a Financial 

Elizabeth Hunter, b. March 14, 1913; m. Rev. Frederick G. Hicks, Episco- 
palian, b. Dec. 31, 1905. 

Chil.: David Hunter, b. Dec. 30, 1937; Donald Luckhaid. b. Dec. 7, 
1938, Lorain, Ohio, 
lif.bert Louis, b. July 4. 1916, Corp. Official, m. Barbaral, b. Nov. 4, 1916. 
Chil.. Barbara Ann. b. Oct. 3. 1942; William Robert, b. Oct. 6. 1946, 
Newton. Mass. 
Ruth Hunti-r Johnson, b. July 13. 1922, Boston, Mass. 

2078. Jessie Dunn, dau. of George S.; Whitney Ilul^bard, aiclnlecl. of 
Newton. Ma«s. 

Marion Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30. 1916; m. Richard Herman Stresau, Ji T^hysi- 
cisl in U.S. Navy. 

Chil.: Jan Klizabeth. b. Sept. 21, 19:59; Jacqueline, b. Sept. 10, 1941; 
Richard Whitney, b. Dec 29, 1913; Ann Patricia, b. July 5, 1945; 
Steven Sidler, b. April 15. 1954. 

2079. Karl \\ .. .son of Charles; ni. Oct. 17. 1916. Ruth Segner; b. April 19, 
1892. Karl d. Auk- H. 1927. Ma.ssillon. Ohio. 

2696. John lioberl. b. Oct. 15, 1919. 

2697. Stephen Knapp. b. Jan. 26, 1924. 

20H0. Il.l.n Louis.-: m, Sept. 27. 1929. Ben W. Schrader. b. April 12, 1895. 

20M1. Mary MrKinla; m. May 26, 1938. N. Preston Kerr, b. Sept 12, 1912. 
Chil.: Nancy Atwal. r. b. July 16. 19.39. 


2082. David Austin; ni. June 15. 1940, Maxine Reighart, b. Nov. 14, 1916. 
Chil.: Lorrie Jean. b. Dec. 7, 1948; David Clyde, b. April 3, 1954. 

2084. Asaph Sherwood, son of William; m. April 29, 1896, Margaret Mary 

McGettigan, b. Oct. 12. 1872. He is a printer and lives at McKeesport. Penn. 

2698. Irene Mary, b. May 25. 1897. 

2699. Margaret Josephine, b. March 19, 1899. 

2700. Neil William, b. Jan. 6, 1901. 

2701. Asaph Aloysius, b. July 27, 1910. 

2702. Elizabeth Amanda, b. Sept. 6, 1912. 

2085. Samuel H., son of Thomas; m. Aug. 23, 1907, Anna Friedel. 

2703. Walter. 

2088. Ralph, son of Myron L.; m. May 4, 1893, Lena. dau. of S. T. and 
Lena Hoyt. Geneva, Ohio. 

2704'. Clarence, b. Feb. 19. 1894. 

2705. Floyd. 

2706. Boyd, b. April 29, 1899. 

2094. Edna Mabel, dau. of Archibald J.; m. F. M. Parkins. 
Mildred Jannita, b. May 25, 1908. Alethea M., b. March 27, 1910. 
Robert Francis, b. Dec. 5, 1912. Dwight Atwater, b. March 27, 1914. 
Marjery Aloea, b. Feb. 14, 1918. 

2102. M. ^lortimer, son of William Mortimer; m. April 27. 1897, Nellie, 
dau. of B. F. Durbin and Sarah Jane Holmes. Miles d. April 25, 1935. 

2707. Marguerite Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1898. 

2708. William Benjamin, b. Aug. 9, 1901. 

2709. Helen Dorothy, b. April 17, 1906; d. Dec. 13, 1920. 

2104. Cornelia M., dau. of John A.; m. Oct. 25, 1899, Howard E. Ives. 
Edward Atwater, b. Sept. 16, 1901. 

2105. Morton, son of Edward Storrs; m. March 20, 1915, Catherine Stewart 

2710. Ehzabeth Vail, b. March 6, 1916. 

2711. Damaris, b. Dec. 24, 1923. 

2106. Lucy Lovell, dau. of Edward Storrs; m. Sept. 19. 1908, Dr. Eben 
Clayton Hill. 

2107. Eliot Doremus, son of Edward Storrs; m. Sept. 18, 1915, Kathleen 
Bain. Lives in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

2712. Carol Swift, b. June 19, 1916. 

2108. Evelyn, dau. of Edward Storrs; m. Sept. 8, 1915, Dr. Alexander 
Griswold Cimimins. 

2113. May, dau. of Silvanus B.; m. May 23, 1899, John P. Hardin, son of 
Minervia and Benjamin L. Hardin. May d. 1939. 

Wm. Atwater, b. May 6, 1891. 

Sarah Marshall, b. Feb. 14, 1893; m. Philip Malory Jones, b. Dec. 27, 1892. 
Both Sarah and Philip are teachers. (Dau.) May Katherine. b. Dec. 7, 
1929; m. Oct. 11, 1952, Henry Walker, son of Maude Allen and Thomas 
Addison Calhoun, b. May 10, 1922; served U. S. Navy W.W. II. (Son) 
Thomas Addison Calhoun, b. Sept. 14, 1953. 

Harvey Humbert, b. Oct. 15, 1894. 

2114. Clio, dau. of Silvanus B.; m. March 6, 1895, Edward J. Fulton. 
Clinton Atwater, b. March 7, 1896. 

Violet Irene, b. Aug. 25, 1903; m. Dec. 28, 1921, Larence David Dodson; 
two children: 

Larence Dean, b. Jan. 7. 1923. 
Shirley Eyleen, b. Dec. 20, 1924. 
Thompson Roioert, b. Dec. 20, 1905. 
Edward James, b. Aug. 3, 1910. 


2117. Ixtuis K.. son of Lucius E.: m. June 9, 1897, Sylvia Hart, who d. April 
28. 1915. Lives near Plainville. Conn. One dau., b. March 4, 1898: m. Oct. 24, 
1916. Dwighl Tuttle. of Southington. Conn.; one dau.. Laslie M., b. May 8, 1918. 

2118. Jesse Farnsworth, son of Lucian E.; ni. Rose Fusaris. They live in 
New Britain. Conn. 

2713. Lillian Rose, b. April 7. 1905. 

2714. Hazel Virginia, b. Aug. 31, 1907. 

2120. Carrie Isabel, dau. of Bryan, m. Sept. 13. 1885, William H. Riley, b. 
Dec. 18, 1854, d. Mav 16, 1894. 

Pauline S.. b. July 29. 1886: m. July 14. 1917, Norman E. Bigelow. 
Bryan Atwater. Chil.: Lawrence Charles, Randy Gifford. 
Janice Bigelow Carrigan. Chil.: Michael Stuart. 
Anne Marie, b. Nov. 21. 1888: m. June 19. 1913, Albert Newton Scripture. 
Pauline, b. Oct. 20, 1916 m. Philip C. Judd. Chil.: Philip Corbin, 

Barbara Dale, Virginia Anne and Florence Elizabeth. 
Virginia, m. John Wav. Chil.: John Way III, West Hartford, Conn. 
DeWitt Atwater, b. Feb. 19, 1891: m. Helen Eaton, b. Oct. 22, 1898, dau. 
of Wm. Stanlev and Bertha Hamlin Eaton. 

William Eaton, b. Sept. 10, 1920: d. July 19, 1947. 
DeWitt Atwater. Jr., b. Mav 1, 1927: m. JoAnn Wells, b. Sept. 27. 1929. 
Chil.: David Wells, b. Nov. 6, 1951. Wayne Eaton, b. Nov. 6, 1953. 

2121. <ira<«' Knu-line. dau. of Bryan: m. May 17. 1884. Dr. Charles A. 

Charles Hoadlev, b. Feb. 21, 1885. Deceased. 
Richard Walter, b. June 13, 1887: d. Aug. 6, 1887. 
Grace Salena, b. Nov. 12, 1894; d. March 16. 1895. 

2124, Mildn-d, dau. of Edwin Wm., m. William Gibbs Mattison, b. Feb. 2, 
1861: d. Oct. 2U, 1954. 

Edwin J., b. March 3, 1894; m. Laura Krous, b. Sept. 28, 1892. 

Richard James, b. Mav 15, 1925; m. Patricia Kratt, b. Dec. 18, 1923. 
Phvllis. b. March 10,' 1927; m. Rodney D. Moss, b. April 9. 1927. a 
chemist. (Child I Barbara Kay, b. July 22, 1953. 
Rav H.. b. Jan. 23, 1907; m. Doris, dau. of Carl and Goldie Feldman. 
Historian. Chil.: Robert Frank, b. Sept. 5, 1946, died. Carol Mildred, b. 
Jan. 31. 1947 (adopt.). Mary Goldie. b. Dec. 23, 1948. (adopt.) 
Mabel, b. July 30, 1912; m. Robert Frank Roberts, b. Dec. 20, 1912, d. 
Oct. 24. 1944; killed in action, W.W. II. She is a teacher. Chil.: Patricia 
Jean, b. May 10, 1937. Karen Joyce, b. May 6, 1939. 

212."). Bessie, dau. of Edwin Wm., m. Frank Gross. 
Haz.l, b. 1891. m. Dick Dunker. b. 1886. d. Oct. 4, 1916. a druggist: (2) 
George Martin Naughtin, b. 1893. 

Margaret Edna Dunker, b. 1911; m. Mr. Underwood, a Capt. in Army. 

Shirley Anne Dunker. b. 1915, m. Mr. Dobesh. 

Georgie Ro.se Naughtin, b. 1920, m. 1938, Forrest L. Graham. (3 chil.). 

Patricia Annie Naughtin, m. Harry H. Adam.son. i2 chil.). 

Howard Marion Naughtin, b. Nov. 28, 1924; m. Caroline Marvella, b. 

July 9. 1925. See Honor Roll. Chil.: Christopher George, b. Sept. 

11. 1952. 
Phyllis Violet Naughtin. b. Dec. 17, 1927; m. Foy Dean, b. Feb. 5, 

1922. a construction examiner for F.H.A. and in Nair Air Arm. 

(Child) Catherine Bess, b. May 6, 1948. 
Bessie, b. June 29. 1900; m. Charles Woods DeForest. She d. April 2, 1939. 
Truman Victor, b. Feb. 11. 1920; Executive V.P. Chamber of Com- 
merce at Fargo. N. D. ; m. Jeanne Mary, b. May 6. 1917, dau. of 

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bahl of Hayes, Kan. Chil.: Robert Charles, b. 

.Mav 12. 1940. James Lee, b. Feb. 28. 1943. Thomas Truman, b. 

March 13. 1950. 
Elaine, b. ; m. Professor Roland B. Welch. Chil.: Benny, Ronda 

Elaine and Charles. 
Jeanne, b. Mav 5. 1923; m. Daniel E. Dorse, b. July 17, 1!»17, ;in Acct. 

Chil.: Daniel E.. Jr.. b. Feb. 18, 1948. Timothy B., b. May 21, 1949. 

Terence E.. b. July 15. 1951. 


Virginia, b. Sept. 12, 1924; m. Sam Richard Zaiss, b. Jan. 12, 1918. an 

advertising exec. Chil.: Richard Joseph, b. Aug. 5, 1950. John De 

Forest, b. Sept. 10, 1953. 
Charlene, b. April 14, 1928; m. Dale Harry Orth, b. March 10. 1926, a 

teacher. Chil.: Susan K., b. Jan. 7, 1948. Sandra K., b. Aug. 9, 1950. 
Frances Eliner, b. April 13, 1904; m. (1) Dewey A. Ganzel, div. 1940; (2) 
Aug. 2, 1941, Charles Woods DeForest. 

Bessie Lee Ganzel, b. Oct. 1, 1923; m. Dec. 8, 1952, James F. Harding, 

Jr., a lawyer. 
Dewey A. Ganzel, Jr., b. July 5, 1927 — Chicago University. 

2126. Arthur T.. son of Edwin W.; m. Dec. 25, 1898, May A. Edlin. 

2715. Bernard LeRoy, b. Oct. 4, 1901. 

2716. Archie. 

2127. Lulu M., (lau. of Edwin Wm., m. David Coleman Sabin, b. June 28, 

Thomas Lyle, b. Oct. 19, 1898; m. Beulah Elizabeth, dau. of James and 
Alice Welbourne, b. Sept. 19, 1899. 

Leland Marcine*. b. Nov. 23, 1926; m Oct. 1, 1950, Marthena, dau. of 

Nellie and William Zillig, b. July 31, 1934. 
Leta Jane, b. Feb. 26, 1934. 
Leta Mae, b. March 5, 1900; m. June 19, 1925, Edward Anton Trepal, b. 
May 28, 1902. a building contractor. 

Jean Marie, b. Sept. 28, 1926; m. Herman Everett Barlow, b. Jan. 16, 
1919. Chil.; David Edward, b. Dec. 11, 1951. Glenn, b. Nov. 22, 1952. 
Bruce Sabin, b. March 29, 1954. 
Helen Gertrude, b. Oct. 3, 1928; m. Aug. 30, 1953, Frank Ralph Yulo, 
b. Aug. 1, 1929, a teacher, grad. of New Haven Teachers College; 
2nd Lt. in Conn. Nat. Guard. She is grad. U. of Conn.; dietition. 
Dorothy Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1930; art teacher. 

Elaine, b. July 29, 1932; m. Lowell Alfred Mannhardt, b. April 28, 
1931. She is graduate of the University of Connecticut. 

2128. Edna Mabel, dau. of Edwin Wm., m. Jan. 4, 1912, F. H. Gillett. Their 
children are Horace and Kenneth. 

2129. Nellie Esther, dau. of Edwin Wm., m. Frank I. Houtz, b. Aug. 5, 1876. 
Winifred E., b. June 5, 1900; m. Elsworth Stevenson, b. Feb. 13, 1888. She 

d. Nov. 10, 1951. Chil.: Weldon, b. Dec. 30, 1927. See Honor Roll. Mildred, 
b. June 13, 1929. Elwin, b. Sept. 1. 1931. Marian, b. Nov. 28, 1932. Leon- 
ard, b. Aug. 23. 1935. Robert Louis, b. Oct. 18, 1943. 

James R., b. Sept. 12, 1911 — a cattle breeder. 

LaVern, b. Dec. 20, 1920; m. Floy Allene Covey, b. Dec. 9, 1922. He is 
minister, teacher and grad. of Harding College and U. of Kentucky. 
Chil.: Annette Louis, b. Aug. 25, 1945. Elsie Verlene, b. June 10, 1947. 
Vernon Duane, b. Dec. 24, 1949. James Ronald ,b. April 9, 1952. 

2130. Edwin William, son of Edwin Wm.; m. Dec. 25, 1906, Bertha M. 

Mildred M., dau. of Edwin Wm., m. John Harold Clipston, b. Feb. 3, 1905. 

Chil.: Kathrvn Irene, b. May 30, 1935— a teacher. Donald Dale, b. June 

11, 1941. 
Melvin and Merlin, twins, b. Sept. 29, 1914. 

2131. Wilfred Milton, son of Edwin Wm., m. (1) Lulu B. Maxwell, d. Aug. 
2, 1942; (2) Newell White, b. April 10, 1893. 

2132. Emma 3Iay, dau. of Edwin Wm., m. Sept. 19, 1905, Martin Walter 

Bonnie Edwina, b. Nov. 12, 1906; m. May 25, 1930, Paul Fauguet, an 
attorney. She is a teacher. Chil.: Joyce Aleen, b. Feb. 18, 1935. Laurence 
Joseph,' b. Sept. 10, 1936. Phyllis Jane and Philip John, b. Oct. 17, 1941. 
Danny Emile, b. March 24, 1953. 

Edna May, b. May 6, 1909, d. May 7, 1909. 

Shirley Allison*, b. May 19, 1916; m. Aug. 24, 1940. Dorothy Mann, a 
teacher. Chil.: Deloris Margaret, b. July 1, 1953. Patricia Elaine, b. 
Nov. 16. 1954. 


Edwin Joseph, b. April 19, 1922; m. Nov. 9, 1943, Constance Treadway. 

See Honor Roll. Chil.: Pamela Kay, b. June 30. 1946. 
Leta Veriine. b. Mav 12. 1925; m. Jack Stengel. Chil.: Trudy Ann. b. July 

13. 1945. Lvnn Jovce. b. Aug. 10, 1947. Nancy Lee. b. Sept. 23, 1950. 

Joann Sue.'b. April 5. 1952. Joe Charles, b. Jan. 26, 1955. 

•il33. Kthel (iertriuU*. dau. of Edwin \Vm.; m. Albert Davis. Chil.: Wilfred 
E.. b. Nov. 27. 1909: m. Lorene J., b. Sept. 2. 1913; child.: John Kyle, b. Sept. 
29, 1940. Warren A., b. . m. Gladys. 

2134. Nellie, dau. of John Peter; m. 1900, John E. Patchen. He d. Sept. 1, 
1917. She resides in Peoria. 111. One son died in infancy. 

2135. John F,, son of John Peter; nu 1902. Edna Thomas. They reside at 
Washington. 111. 

2136. Carl L., son of John Peter; m. 1907. Enuiia Sams. They reside in 
Dwight. 111. 

2717. Richard, b. 1908. 

2137. IVarl. dau. of John Peter; m. George Day. Feb. 17, 1904. 

Lora E.. b. Oct. 2, 1904; m. July 8. 1928, Paul R. Gregory, b. Dec. 10. 1904. 
She is a nurse. 

Richard Dean, b. Oct. 16. 1929; m. Joan Turner on Juno 6. 1953, b. 
April 22. 1931. Chil.: David Allen, b. Aug. 20. 1954. 
Jack Lee*, b. May 7, 1933. 

Carole Kav, b. Dec. 29, 1934. m. Jack K. Shilling on Jan. 31, 1953. 
(Child) Terry K., b. Dec. 26, 1953. 
Carl. b. , m. . 

213H. Harry L.. son of John Peter; m. July 4, 1907. Addie Dew. They reside 
in Havana, ill." Died Oct. 10, 1918, World War I camp, of influenza. 

2718. Myrtle M.. b. April 9. 1908. 

2719. Elsie Pearl, b. March 9. 1910. 

2720. Helen May. b. May 12. 1912. 

•;I4((. Kvalyn 1)., m. Wendell E. Cable, b. May 29, 1897, an attorn. y with 
the United States Government. 

Marcia J., b. April 8. 1930; m. W. R. Adkins. b. Sept. 4, 1929. a Sgt., U.S. 

Marines. (Child) Perrv Lee, b. May 23, 1952. 
William C, b. Feb. 18, i934. 

2141. Marhi K., dau. of John Peter; m. 1917, Clifford Switzer. They reside 
in Canton. Ill 

•.'I4.'. I.uu«-n.- L.. .sun of John Peter, U.S. Army Sept. 2. 1917 to May 7. 1919. 

i\4'A. \iola K., m. James Smith. 
AlKi- F.rn. b. April 18. 1901; m. June 30. 1923. Howard Crum. 

Viola Maxine. h. Jan. 10. 1924. Jame.s Alvin*. b. Feb. 19. 1925. John. 

b. Dec. 19. 1927; m. Charlene Delight, b. June 21. 1930. Chil.: John 

Randall, b. Sept. 18, 1949. Gary Stephen, b. Jan. 15, 1951. Linda 

Su.san. b. May 25. 1953. 

Howard Jr., b. Sept. 9. 1929. 

Mary Ellen, b. Sept. 24. 1931. a nurse. Kathleen N.. b. Aug. 30, 1933; 

HI. Ffb. 12. 1955. David Lee Morgan. 
Itobcrt Wayne, b. Aug. 1. 1935. Joan Marie, b. Sept. 13. 1937. 
Vernon Eugene, b. May 11, 1941. Betty Jean, b. June 5, 1945. 
Jaine8 Wilfred, b. Sept. 8. 1906; m. Feb. 11, 1929, Edna Meyer. Children: 
Kathleen Jean. b. May 11. 1929. 

2144. Krma I'rarl. <lau. of Shehion. m. Aug. 26, 1903. .Inhn D.nni.s Hell, b. 
Aug. 19, 1883. She d. June 19. 1940. He d. May 11, 1954. 

Lucy I^vona. b. June 6, 1904; m. April 25, 1923. Arthui- Fredrich. 
Sylvia IVarl. b. Au^. 4. 1924; m. Sept. 1. 1919, Lcui F. liowe. 
Arthur Ii()b«'rt, b. April 9. 1929. 

IriM Faye, b. April 25, 1930; m. Oct. 23, 1949. Dale L. Turner, b. June 
15, 1928. He was in medical branch of ar)iied forces. 


Janice Lavona, b. Juno 16, 1935. Wayne Dean, b. Oct. 30, 1935. 

Lloyd Francis, b. Jan. 9, 1940. 
Elva Myrthe, b. Jan. 31, 1906; m. June 2, 1926, Emmett Arthur Smith. 

Marilyn Kaye, b. Sept. 27, 1933 (adopt.) m. July 22, 1951, Robert Alan 
Alig. He is m-aduate of Knox College and in U.S. Navy. ( Child i Jef fery 
Alan. b. April 20, 1954. 
Pearl Irene, b. Oct. 24, 1907; m. Oct. 24, 1925, Oliver Walter Reynolds. 

Dennis Oliver, b. May 1, 1926 d. May 3, 1926. 

Erma Irene, b. June 6, 1927; d. Sept. 12, 1927. 

Edwin Harvey, b. Feb. 19, 1934; m. Sept. 26, 1952, Betty Joan Turner. 

Hazel Jeanette, b. Aug. 15, 1938. 
Pauline Elizabeth, b. June 3, 1909; m. Carl Edward Barndollar. 
Hazel Flora, b. July 18, 1918; m. Oct. 31, 1936, James Edward Steele. 
(Child) Gloria Joanne, b. July 3, 1939. 

2145. William, son of Shelden; m. Jan. 19, 1908, Edith Edna Carpenter, b. 
Nov. 23, 1889. He studied at Eureka College, Eureka, 111., for the ministry. 
Teacher in the public schools: d. Oct. 16, 1929. Edith m. Frank Vogel Dec. 
26, 1928. 

2721. Charles Wilbur, b. Aug. 26, 1917. 2721a. Edwin W. 

2721b. Shirley Jane. 

2146. Hercv, son of Sheldon, m. Verna Ringhouse. 

5032. William Shelden, b. Oct. 19, 1915. 

5033. Kenneth Eugene, b. April 13, 1918; unm. 

5034. Francis Hercy, b. Dec. 19, 1921. 

2147. IMable Ciolden. m. Herman Gebard Messman, b. March 24, 1882. 
Viola Marie, b. April 27, 1911. Edna LaVona, b. Jan. 22, 1913; m. Sept. 21, 

1953, Raymond Willard Tennant. Harold Herman, b. Aug. 17, 1914; d. 
June 28, 1917. Lester Gerhard, b. July 29, 1916; m. Mabel Marie Morris 
on Aug. 2, 1941. John Shelden, b. May 31, 1918, d. June 25, 1918. Flor- 
ence Lucille, b. June 20, 1919, m. Stanley Victor Noll. Chil.: Stanley 
Herman, b. June 23, 1937. Janet Marie, b. June 6, 1939. Jean Mane, b. 
Aug. 25, 1943. 

Raymond LeRoy, b. Feb. 10, 1922; in. Oct. 5, 1946, Darlene Kathryn Hack- 
man, b. May 16, 1928. Chil.: Allen Ray, b. Feb. 12, 1951. Roger Lee, b. 
Aug. 3, 1953. 

Alta May, b. Jan. 3, 1924; m. Melvin Fornoff on Dec. 25, 1948. Children: 
Marilyn Kay. b. Oct. 23, 1949. Kenneth Melvin, b. July 20. 1951. 

Dorothy Marie, b. Jan. 18, 1926; m. April 17, 1949, Henry Garlisch. (Child) 
Larry Allen, b. Aug. 29, 1950. 

2148. Garnet, dau. of Sheldon, m. Feb. 14, 1912, Jacob Hinnen, b. Oct. 14, 
1882. She d. Dec. 24, 1954. 

Dorothy Magdalena, b. Aug. 29, 1913; m. Jan. 1, 1933. Laurence Adrian 
Nicholas, b. Jan. 29, 1907. 

Daryl Bolton, b. May 7, 1934; m. Oct. 30, 1954, Carolyn Jo Purdy, b. 
Dec. 17, 1936. 
Helen Marie, b. April 26, 1917; m. Oct. 26, 1934, Lester Funk. He d. Jan. 
11, 1942; (2) Lyle Milton Miller on Sept. 26, 1951. 

Norma Jean Funk, b. June 6, 1935; m. Dec, 1954, Robert John 
Lugenbuhl, b. June 19, 1934. 
Charles Jocob*, b. Oct. 29, 1923; m. Nov. 10, 1915. Rosabell McDonald, b. 
March 12, 1927. 

Alan Gene, b. July 5, 1946. Milton Ray, b. June 17, 1948. 
Richard Melvin, b. Dec. 14, 1925; m. Sept. 24, 1950, Ruth Arlene Porch, b. 

May 14, 1933. See Honor Roll. 
Wendell Eugene*, b. Dec. 24, 1928. 

2149. Shelden, son of Shelden, m. Emma Wills on Jan. 27. 1920, b. Aug. 
12, 1899. 

5040. Paul Vernon, b. Jan. 17, 1921. 
5042. Verla Joan, b. Jan. 17, 1930. 

2150. Jean Triinilnill, dau. of Huntington Choate, m. W. Lynwood Heaver, 
b. Jan. 8, 1910; div. 1945. (2) Howard^ Harry Battin. b. Nov. 21. 1895. an 


architect. Chil.: Barrv Atwater Heaver, b. Feb. 7. 1941. Carolyn Choate 
Heaver, b. Sept. 10, 1942. 

•»15**. Garrett Barrv. Jr.. son of G. B., is an actor. 

iiys. Carul Klizabeth. dau. of G. B., m. John Robert Moore, b. Doc. 8, 1907. 
a Capt. in U.S. Navv and graduate of U.S. Naval Academy. (Child) Cynthia 
Lee. b. Nov. 30. 1937. 

•*1.>I. Win. Clarke, son of Henry Day, m. Feb. 12. 1944, Mary Marren 

•iloo. Mar\ Khoades, tlau. of Henry Day, in. June 26. 1934, Eric Hartmann. 
Chil.: Wm. Dav, b. July 10. 1936. Erica, b. Nov. 3. 1939. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 
26, 1940. 

2157. Mary Francis, m. Herbert Mvles Garratt, b. June 5, 1908. Children: 
David Kenison. b. Feb. 14, 1939. Gail Atwater, b. Sept. 30. 1940. 

■il.58. Lt'ida llfitii, dau. of Win. DeWitt. in. July 11, 1951, Eugene Morgan 
Wisenbaker, b. Nov. 1. 1926, a naval pilot. Chil.: James DeWitt, b. Feb. 1. 1953. 
Katherine Anne. b. Aug. 28, 1954. 

2159. Martha Hentx, dau. of Wm. DeWitt. m. Albert Eugene Bass, b. April 
23, 1921. a building contractor. Chil.: James Michael, b. Jan. 17. 1952. Wm. 
DeWitt. b. June 26. 1953. 

2160. .)oann, dau. of Wm. DeWitt. in. June 18. 1949, James Lloyd West, Jr., 
b. Autr. ::(>. 192."). 

.'1 01. William Kdward*. m. Sept. 14, 1946, Claire Bettie Chamberlain, b. 
April 26. 1919. He is grad. U. of Florida. She is grad. of E. Wash. State 
Teachers College. 

5043. William Edward, b. Dec. 6, 1948. 

5044. Susan Chamberlain, b. Dec. 15, 1950. 

2162. Marjorie Fletcher, m. William Mack Nettles, b. 1924, a C.P.A. Chil.: 
Kathryn J.-an.tte, b. Dec. 19. 1953. 

2163. .Julia .Margaret, dau. of Henry Clarksun. in. Robert Eininet Buik. 
Robert Attwater. (2 dau.) Noel. Stephanie Ann. 

Julie Martin, m. Dent. (Child) Melina. 

2164. Taul Kussell. son of Henry Clarkson, m. Anna Lou Jones. 
5or»4. I'aul Ru.s.sell. 

5046. Anna Carrine. 

5047. Mary Elizabeth. 

216.'>. Willhun ClarkKon, son of Henry Clarkson, ni. Mildred Florine May. 

5048. Rosemary, b. Sept. 11, 1943. 

5049. Nancy Joy. b. Feb. 8, 1946. 

2166. Mar\ .lane, dau. of Henry Clarkson. 

217 1. Ilariild Doii^htv, .son of Albert James, m. Evelyn Locke, b. Jan. 7, 

SO.'JO. Florence Louise, b. Aug. 17, 1920. 
5051. Phyllis Elizabeth, b. Dec. 21, 1921. 

21K.'>. Harry Arthur, son of George H., m. Louise S., h. .Inly 1, 1893, He is 
an EhkIisIi profr.s.sor, 

5ii,',_' (H-orgc, b. Aug. 25, 1919; a te.icher. 
5u.j.;. Harry Albert*, b. Jan. 10. 1921; physicist. 
5054. Virginia l^jui.se. b. Oct. 25. 1922. 
50.%. Elizabeth Mane. b. Sept. 10, l<)24. 

2IK6. Ralph WrlKht. .son of George William: m. Oct. 15. 1920. Dorothy 
Mae Atkin.siiii H'- i.s a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers 
and the Arnenran (,'oncrete Institute. 

2722. Donald Rogers, b. PVb. 17, 1924. 


2187. Roy Miner, son of George William; m. Dec. 27, 1919, Louise Dexter 


2723. Ruth Marion, b. Sept. 13, 1922. 

Richard Allen, b. Oct. 27, 1926; teacher, art supervisor — Bergenfield. 
Roy Miner, Jr., b. Nov. 1, 1928; d. July 12. 1949. 

2188. Inez M., dau. of George H., a teacher and student counselor at 
Lasell Jr. College, Auburndale, Mass. 

2197. Herbert Edwin, son of Lewis Edwin; m. June 29, 1916, Gertrude 
Donaldson. He d. March 18, 1920. 

2724. Marion Rena, b. April 12, 1917. 

2198. Ella Mary, dau. of Aubrey W., ni. William M. Robertson, b. May 10, 
1911; in W.W. II, Royal Canadian Navy. Ella member Eastern Star chapter. 

2199. Alberta Agnes, dau. of Aubrey W., m. Sept. 24, 1941, Alvin Edward 
Johnston, b. Sept. 9, 1917, son of Albert E. and Mable Johnston, served in 
U.S.A.F., W.W. II. Chil.: Alan Bruce, b. July 10, 1947. Arlene Elouise, b. Oct. 
21, 1949. Arthur Edward, b. June 17, 1951. 

2199a Bruce Mason*, son of Aubrey W., m. Oct. 9, 1948, Ellen Marie 
Premo, b. Dec. 13, 1931. He is grad. of Bemidji State Teachers College; high 
school teacher. 

5056. Steven Bruce, b. Nov. 15, 1949. 

5057. Suzan Gail, b. Oct. 31, 1951. 

2204. Charles K., son of Elisha Randall; m. Cecelia M. Dever. He is an 
insurance solicitor. Lives at Newport, R. I. 

2205. Harry Barlow, son of Charles James; m. June 21, 1911, Ida Brown. 

2725. Charles Manson, b. 1915. 

2206. Emma M. DeLap, dau. of Charles James; m. May 15, 1914, Ernest 
Edwin Ross. Live in Edwinton, Ottawa. 

Grant Hilton, b. 1916. 

2211. Louis K., son of Samuel J.; m. Sept. 10, 1907, Edith Stacey. Lives 
at Bridgeport, Conn. 

2212. Warren C. son of Samuel J.; m. Aug. 24, 1911. Freda M. Mulvihill; 
d. Aug. 7, 1954. 

2726. Gordon W., b. Feb. 15, 1913. 

2727. Joseph J., b. Nov. 19, 1915. 

2728. Samuel J.; b. Nov. 9, 1916. 

2729. Harriet M., b. March 22, 1918. 

2730. Warren C, b. June 11, 1922. 

2731. Francis X., b. Feb. 1, 1924. 

2225. Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of Henry William; m. July 16, 1910, Harold 
Edwin Gvmter. They live in Pattei'son, N. .1. 

Elizabeth Esther, b. Feb. 2, 1912. 
Philip Edwin, b. April 14, 1913. 

2226. Constant Loraine, dau. of Bradford Clark; m. Oct. 17, 1921, Kenneth 
Penn Varney. 

Barbara Loraine, b. Sept. 7, 1924. 

2233. Florence A., dau. of Alvarus Ward; m. May, 1910, George Ryder, son 

of Charles Ryder and Eligia Nichols. 
Eligia J.', b. 1911. 

2234. Winifred E., dau. of Alvarus Ward; m. May 12, 1917, Henry J. 
Sheehan, son of Edward Sheehan and Eleanor Feltz. 

Donald H., b. Oct. 30, 1918. 

2235. Charles Joseph, son of John Harvey, m. . He d. Sept., 1940. 

5062. Charles Joseph, Jr., b. . 


•»237. Danifl Harvey, son of John Harvey, ni. Lillian Rose, dau. of Francis 
and Marv Luther. She is a nurse. 

5063' Eileen Rose, b. Jan. 13, 1938. 

5064. Margaret M., dau. of John Harvey, m. Madonna. 

'I'iU). C'harlott»- Kosalie, ni. Clifton Tracy Pope, b, July 11, UU5; experi- 
mental technician. Children: 

Andrew Tracy, b. Aug. 9. 1945. Jonathan Clifton, b. Sept. 4. UM8. 

2241. Dora, dau. of Elmer E.; m. Guy William Lindsey. Chil.: Margaret, 
b. July 13, 1915. Frances Jane, b. June 30. 1919. Marjorie, b. July 16, 1921. 

Tl4'i. .Mildred (J., dau. of Joseph Truman, m. Edes. She is a librarian. 

Allied Wavne. b. Feb. 16. 1916. m. (child) 

Rochelle. b. Feb. 24, 1940. 

2243. Ansell E., son of Joseph T.; m. Sept. 14. 1915, Elsie Cobb. 

2732. Dorothv J., b. June 27, 1916. 

2733. Donald A., b. Feb. 16, 1918. 

2734. Marjorie M., b. Nov. 16. 1919. 

2735. Mary E., b. Sept. 24, 1921. 

2246. I^'slie, son of Leonard F. ; m. in 1912, Ida Anderson. 

2736. Lilah M., b. Dec, 1912. 

2737. Leonard E., b. Dec, 1915. 

2738. Jovce M., b. Dec. 1917. 

2739. Ida Mae, b. July, 1921. 

224H. Kdulii Hiram, son of Hiram M.; m. Dorothy Alden. 

5065. Pwulh L.. b. Oct. 15, 1941. 

5066. Laurence L., b. April 27. 1943. 

5067. Richard A., b. Oct. 16, 1944. 

2249. Helfn .Minnie, dau. of Hiram M.; m. Earl Douglas Kelly, son of 
Solomon and Florence Kelly, b. April 22. 1907. 
Earl Atuater, b. Aug. 26, 1931; pharmacist. 
Robert Edwin, b. May 28. 1937. 

22.50. CatlH-rine .Merriani, dau. of Charles Woodaid: in. John Kenneth 
Galbraith, professor of economics. Harvard Univ. Chil.: John Alan. b. July 3, 
1941. ivter Woodard. b. Dec. 31. 1950. James Kenneth, b. Jan. 29. 1952. 

ft'tl. Kttberl .Merriam, son of Charles Woodard; m. Nancy, dau. of Fred- 
erick C. and Clara L. Walker, b. Feb. 4. 1921. He is a chemical engineer. 

5068. Candia W.. b. May 4, 194 3. 

5069. Robert W., b. Sept. 17, 1945. 

22rj.">. Henry (i., .son of Theron Skeel; m. June 5. 1912, Elinor D'Arcy, dau. 
of George Victor D'Arcv Armstrong and Edith Greetham. He d. Julv 20, 1950. 

2740. Henry G.. Jr., b. Sept. 16, 1913. 

2741. Darcy Elmyra, b. Dec. 4, 1914. 

22.">6. I.iillir .\(li|i-, dau. of Theron Skeel; in. Aichibald l)inuan UuHu'. b. 
April 13, 1892. He is C.E. with N.Y.C.R.R. Co. 

Elmyra Adele, b. Dec. 1, 1915; m. MihoUen. 

Virginia, b. Dec. 23. 1916; m. James Henry Putnam, son nl Ahiania and 

Maud Putnam, b. Sept. 28. 1912. Chil,: James Hemy, Jr., b, .Junf 1. 1939. 

Barbara, b. Aug. 17, 1951. 
Cornelius R(»o.sevelt, b. Aug. 20, 1920; m. Glen. dau. of Lowell K. Kern of 

I'ortland. Ore., b. Oct. 6. 1931. Chil.: Cornelius Roosevelt, Jr., b. Dec. 

28. 19.'S2. John Kern, b. Nov. 23. 1953. 
Nancy Ixjiiise. b. N<jv. 27, 1923; m. William Weyman Shuster. son of 

William Christian and Jessie Brewster Shuster, b. Dec. 10, 1917. She is 

grad. of Middh'biirv College and Yale Univ. He is Assoc. Prof, of Chem. 

Engr. R.PI, Chil.:" Dale Allen, b. June 7. 1949. William Christian, b. 

Aug. 6. 1952. rtobcrt Duncan, b. Feb. 22, 1954. Roberta and Flora 

ftwInHl. b. Feb. 3. 1950; d. Feb. 3. 1950. 


2257. Philip Driiry, son of Henry G.; m. Florence, dan. of Thomas Sheffield 

and Florence Morison. b. July 16, 1887. 

2742. Margery Sheffield, dan. of Philip Drury, m. Ralph Thonip.son Crane, 
Jr., b. June 23, 1913. He was in W.W. II, U.S. Navy— Lt. Comdr. of 
Fleet Tug. ChlL: Ralph Thompson III, b. Nov. 26, 1940. Margaret 
Atwater, b. May 18, 1944. Philip Drury, b. July 5, 1950. 

2258. Henry, son of Henry G.; m. March 29, 1909, Adeline B. Lobdcll; 
divorced March 29, 1920; ni. i2) Jo.sephine J. ; b. Oct. 9, 1893. Manufac- 
turer's agent. 

2743. Edith, b. April 29, 1911; actress. 

2744. Barbara, b. June 30, 1912. 

Mrs. H. H. McDowell, b. May 5, 1916; Rosemont, Pa. 

2259. Marjfaret, dau. of Henry Green; m. Feb. 7, 1911, Frederick Augustus 
Preston, son of Frederick Avigustus and Mary C. Preston, b. March 10, 1884. 
He d. June 8, 1947. 

Frederick Willard, b. June 27, 1912; m. Gertrude Eldrcd Bradford, )). ,Iiilv 
13, 1922. He is an M.D.- -Yale Univ., Northwestern Med. School, Mayo 
Clinic, U. of Minn. See Honor Roll. Chil.: Frederick Willard, Jr., b. 
Aug. 29, 1943. David Eldred, b. May 10, 1948. William Blackmore, b. 
Aug. 28, 1952. 

Charles Drury, b. June 10, 1914; m. Sept. 20. 1947, Sylvia, dau. of William 
F. Peter*. Lawyer, grad. of Yale Univ. and Harvard Law School. Chil.: 
Margaret Atwater II, b. Aug. 28, 1949. Marion Mason, b. April 24, 1951. 
Caroline Drury, b. June 25, 1953. 

Henry Atwater.'b. Oct. 9, 1919; m. March 21, 1942, Eleanorc Louise, dau. 
of Boylston Adams Tompkins, b. May 3, 1921. Lawyer, grad. of Yale 
Univ. and Harvard Law School. See Honor Roll. Chil.: Henry LeBaron, 
b. Nov. 8, 1943. James Marshall, b. June 1, 1945. Julia Drury, b. May 
29, 1951. 

226(>. Edward Montgomery Attwater, son of Charles B.; m. Nov. 15, 1887, 
Ella Hill. 

2261. Charles Ellsworth Attwater, son of Charles B.; ni. Dec. 8, 1902, Mary 
E. Crosson, of New York. 

2745. Mary Dorothy, b. Nov. 18, 1903. 

2746. Helen Irene, b. Jan. 5, 1906. 

2262. Charles Hobart Attwater, son of Samuel Hobart; m. July 3, 1909. 
Jessie Lockwood, b. Dec. 27, 1884, dau. of Emma Lockwood and Henry Coke 
Eraser. Orator, educator and poet, Jessie founded "Femina" a magazine for 
thinking women. Died Nov. 30, 1955. Charles Hobart ed. Heffley and Pratt 
Institute; Law School of St. Lawrence University; founder member Evarts 
Chapter, International Legal Fraternity of Phi Delta Phi; at twenty-one 
opened brokerage office and maintained Wall Street office as a specialist until 
1940. Residence for 25 years Trails End, a 200-acre estate in Putnam Co., N. Y. 

2266. Cora Lynn, dau. of George W.; m. Aug. 12, 1891. Jerry J. Hadley, 
of Osco, Illinois. She d. Sept. 18, 1904. 

2268. Gertie LoueUa, dau. of George W.; m. Feb. 20, 1903, Harry L. Bosse- 
meyer. She d. June 8, 1919. He d. Feb. 20, 1933. (Child) George Ernest, b. Dec. 
19,1909; m. May 8, 1947 Ethel H. Fay. 

2269. Charles Barge Attwater, son of George W.; m. 

5070. Harlen H., b. Nov. 14, 1904. 

5071. Robert Barge, b. Dec. 7, 1909. 

5072. Don Edwin, b. Aug. 20, 1916. 

2274. Koy Mock Attwater, son of William Clark: m. (li .inly II, 1922, 
Esther M. Nelson. She d. Dec. 15, 1953. (2) May 8, 1954 Margaret Woolridge 
Williams, dau. of John and Frances Woolridge, b. June 28, 1895. 

2747. Mabelle Marchial, dau. of Roy Mock, m. 1944 Robert Irey. Chil.: 
Robert Alan, b. July 7, 1946. Steven Roy, b. June 4, 1950. 


•'•^81. Anita Bund. dau. of James Bull: m. Oscar D. Avers. 
Anita Aluater. b. Dec. 26. 1894. Herbert, b. Sept. 3. 1896. 
Marvin, b. Dec. 5, 1905. 

'i'i»'i. Eugene Sutton, son of James Bull; m. Dec. 31. 1906. Mary O'Sullivan. 
2748. Mary. b. Oct. 19. 1908. 

2283. William Hull, son of James Bull; m. Nov. 8. 1911. Mrs. Lillian Piatt. 
He was un insiruclor m France of aviation and was the first to introduce the 
hydroplane into China. 

22H4. .leannette. dau. of James Bull; m. July 15, 1915, Wright S. Mussen. 
He d. Nov. 2. 1918. 

William Atwater, b. July 18, 1916. 

2285. Kdith. dau. of William; m. Henry John Brandt, attorney of Chicago. 
John Roderick, b. March 4. 1923, m. Sarah Elizabeth Remick, b. Aug. 28. 

1925. Chil.: Christine Louise, b. Nov. 10. 1948. Henrv John, Jr., b. Aug. 
10. 1951. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 15, 1954. 

2286. William CUiir". b. Aug. 10. 1889; grad. of Bellevue College, Harvard 
School of Engineering. 

2287. Kuth. dau. of William; m. Arthur Sonderegger, a nurseryman. 
Phylis Ruth, b. Aug. 29. 1916; m. Robert Boyd Gage, son of Guy Glen and 

Minnie Elizabeth Gage, b. Mav 24, 1918. Manager of Booth Fisheries. 

Chil.: Richard Allen, b. April 26, 1944. William Robert, b. May 13, 1946. 

James Arthur, b. May 4. 1947. 
Virginia Ellen, b. July 2. 1918; m. 1941 Lloyd Eli Wright. He was in 

service 1944-46, owner Beatrice Super Mkt., was Pres. of Beatrice 

Chamber of Commerce. Chil.: Tom Atwater, b. May 16, 1942. Linda 

Lee, b. April 14. 1944. Monica Jane, b. May 8, 1947." 
William Arthur, b. Nov. 7, 1925; m. Leoda Fern, dau. of Edgar Paul and 

Lela Nispel. b. Feb. 11. 1926. See Honor Roll. Chil.: Kurt William, b. 

May 22, 1949. Ted Michael, b. April 2. 1951. 

2288. Frances .>Iilli'r, dau. of William, m. Jesse Elmer Day, b. Aug. 27. 
1897, a teacher. 

Virginia Ruth. b. April 13, 1928; teacher; m. Jack Kirkland Wayne, son 
of Dessel and Forrest Wayne, b. Jan. 20, 1929; Boy Scout executive. 

2291. John William, son of John: m. Dec. 25, 1902, Ethel Be.ss, dau. of 
William F. 1 )i.\(in and Rebecca Washburn, b. Jan. 20, 1883. He is a dealer in 
land at Netawaka. Kansas. 

2749. Frances Cora, b. Sept. 21, 1905. 

2750. John William, b. Feb. 28, 1913. 

2292. Mauric- I't-ck, son ol .lolui; in. Feb. 27, 1907, Alice Gill. 

2751. Charles Kenneth, b. Nov. 21, 1907. 

2752. Olan Maurice, b. Feb. 14, 1913. 

2293. l>'on Knicrson. sun of John; in. Sept. 10, 1902. Lucille Eva, dau. of 
William F. Di.xon and Rebecca Washburn, b. July 24, 1879. He was chief clerk 
in a laml office at St. Joseph. Mo. He d. Oct. 3. 1906. 

2753. Dorothy Lucille, b. March 6. 1905. 

229.">. Walter lliill, .son of Horace Brace; m. June 11. 1896. Rerllia Lord, 
dau. of Pr,l,.ii .\Iuirison and Fayette C. Lord, 1). Oct. 5, 1865. 

2754. liuth, b. June 29. 1897; m. J. T. French. 

Robert Morrisson, b. Dec. 12. 1900; d. Mav 25, 1940. 

Mary. b. ; d. 1940. 

'■'■77 Lydia. b. Sept. 8. 1904; m. Norton Cotteril. 
. '^ Horace I'.rewster, b. June 19, 1902. 

2299. .lolin (•arnett. .s<m of Frank Dwighl; m. in Kiikwood, Mo.. .June 11, 
1895. Margaret Elizabeth, flau. of John Justice Matthews, b. March 11, 1870. 

2755. John (Jarnett, b. Oct. I't, 1K97. 


2300. Samuel C, son of Truman Franklin; m. Jan. 15, 1866, Hannah Gar- 
rett, b. in England, Jan. 25, 1850. Died May 28. 1925. 

2756. Charles F., b. Sept. 17, 1867. 

2757. Mary Evaline, b. April 10, 1869. 

2758. Sarah, b. June 25. 1871. 

2759. Clarisa M., b. Aug. 26, 1873. 

2760. William F., b. Dec. 11, 1875. 

2761. James O., b. Aug-. 10, 1877. 

2762. Hannah Luella, b. Feb. 10, 1880. 
Issue by second marriage: 

2763. Florence M., b. May 31, 1891. 

2764. Ida M., b. March 21, 1893. 
Issue by third marriage: 

2765. lantha Ruth, b. July 31, 1911; d. July 3, 1954. 

2766. lowatta, b. April 1, 1913. 

2302. William Ciraham; m. Aug. 24, 1942, Virginia Woodford, dau. of John 
E. and Jessie M. Day, of Binghamton, N. Y. 

2304. Edith Lois, dau. of Edward A.; m. C. L. Williams, of Guilford, Conn. 
She d. Doc. 27, 1953. 

Lester Atwater, b. Jan. 20, 1900; m. Harriet Griswold. 

Harold Griswold, b. Feb. 28, 1921, m. Virginia Mary Dohna, b. May 1, 1921. 

Carleton Allan, b. Aug. 25, 1945. 

Kathleen Ann, b. Sept. 22, 1946. 

Melanie Jane, b. April 16, 1946. 

Heather Mary, b. May 11. 1952. 
Edith Lois, b. March 8, 1922, m. Capt. William Brusie Stone, b. Nov. 9, 
1916. He is foundry owner and Past Master of Masons. 

Nancy Elizabeth, b. Dec. 3, 1942. 

Eliot Wyllys II, b. Sept. 15, 1944. 

William Leete IV, b. Dec. 6, 1947. 

Mardi Jean, b. July 17, 1951. 
Marjorie Elizabeth, b. May 21, 1924, m. Anthony Joseph Moiasixy, 1). May 
20, 1921. He is foundry operator and owner. 

Abbie Louisa, b. June 9, 1953. 
Robert Edward, b. May 2, 1930. 
Dorothy, b March 5, 1904, m. William T. Robinson, b. Jan. 9, 1894. 

2305. Preston H., son of Edward A.; m. Minnie Watson. They live in West 
Plantsville, Conn. 

2767. Myrtle Juha, b. April 23, 1892. 

2768. Jessie Louise, b. Sept. 24, 1894. 

2769. Frederick Watson, b. Aug. 7, 1896. 

2770. Frances Mary, b. Sept. 11, 1898. 

2771. Ralph, b. July 25, 1900; m. June 17, 1925, Estelle Newell. 

2772. Edward S., b. March 16, 1905; m. July 17, 1926, Audrey Cook. 

2307. Uuth (Jertnule, dau. of Edward A.; m. April 20, 1910, Ernest Hart. 
Ruth d. Nov., 1945. 

Fay, b. March 12, 1915. 

2308. George E., son of Edward A.; m. May 27, 1913, Leah B. Jones. They 
live in Cheshire, Conn. 

2773. George Willard, b. July 16, 1914. 

2310. Ernest Hirhmond, son of John M.; m. June 27, 1888, Jennie Evelyn 
Pond, b. Sept. 14, 1865, dau. of Rev. C. N. Pond. She d. Nov. 25. 1896, at 
Fenchou-fu, Chansi, China; (2) at (?) Liman, Lizzie Graham. This whole 
family, consisting of parents and four children, was ma.ssacred in China during 
the general uprising in that country in July and August. 1900. 

2311. Bertha Mabel, dau. of John M.; m. June 26, 1895, Charles B. Taylor, 
b. Dec. 27, 1867. 

2312. Frederick Eugene, son of John M.; m. Aug. 14, 1900. Sadie Gibson, 
of New York; d. May 3, 1901. 


'i'ili. William Lyman, son of James F.; Roman Catholic Priest. Father 
Atuaier was ordained by the late Cardinal Farley in St. Patrick's Cathedral. 
He has been Chaplain cit" St. Joseph's Hospital, Mishawaka, Ind., for 18 years. 

•i315. Junt't Isabella, dau. of James F.; m. Harris. 

Janet Atwater. b. June 30. 1906; m. Dec. 20. 1929. William Evans Berwick. 

Betty Blanche, b. April 20. 1922; m. J. B. Contner. 
James Atwater, b. Jime 12, 1947. 
Raymond F.. b. May 19, 1943. 
John Hutchison, b. Aug. 20, 1926; 1st Lt., U.S. Air Force; m. Loretta 
Williamson Rogers of Miami, Fla. 
John H.. Jr., b. Jan. 29, 1953. 

'i'm. Alh'H Kussell, son of Charles; m. June 6, 1914. Conway Lilly, dau. of 
John and Vugmia C. of Indianapolis; d. Sept.. 1933. 

5081. Allen Russell, Jr.. b. April 19, 1920; m. Harriet, b. Oct. 23, 1916, 
dau. of May Wickersham and J. Pyle Crawford. tSoni Allen Rus- 
sell HI. b. "Nov. 5, 1945. 

•^318. William Bradfttrd. son of Charles; m. March 23, 1913. Clare Heck- 
man. She d. June 23, 1917, in Paris. 

2774. Zita Edith Allen, b. Oct. 30, 1914; d. Dec, 1938, in Algiers. 

Sun, Maurice Albert Leanori, of Algiers, N. Africa, b. April 9, 1937. 
William's (2) wife. Emerence Walgraff. b. in Tirlemont, Belgium, Dec. 28. 
1896; d. Oct., 1951. 

Flova Atwater Strandberg. b. Paris, France, July 2, 1923. 
" Ann Floya, b. April 13, 1953, Old Greenwich. Conn. 

2819. Alice Lorna, dau. of Charles; m. Thomas Allen 111, d. 194 7. Alice 
teaches in the Cazenovia Junior College. 

'.J3'.J0. Juditli I'onieroy, dau. of Charles; m. Attorney Allen II. Meniluud. 
retired, b. Feb. 29, 1884.' 

Priseilla, b. May 13, 1920. 

Beatrice Memhard. b. May 30, 1926. 

Richard Clow. b. Jan. 21, 1930; in Naval Reserve. 

Charles Pomeroy, b. Nov. 18, 1930; Air Force. 

23'.J2. Dora Benner, dau. of William O.; m. at sea off the coast of Salvador, 
Central America. Aug. 18. 1917. James Cunningham Wallace. He d. 1935. 
Doris, unm. 

James Cunningham Wallace, Jr. 
William Atwater Wallace. 

23'.i3. Juliette Olmsted, dau. of William O.; m. Aug. 18, 1918, Stanley 
Lyman King, traffic manager of one of the Pacific Telephone stations of 
San Francisco. 

Stanley Lyman, b. May 8, 1921. 

Juliette Kin;^. b. June 23. 1922. 

'i'A'i'>. Mili-.\ Keniier. twin son of William O.; m. Grace P. 

5083. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 9, 1924; iii. .John Aiitliony Messmer, 1). March 
20, 1923. 

Michelle, b. Jan. 20. 1949. 

5084. Marilyn Benner, b. Aug. 23, 1927; m. Frederick G. Moynahan. 

("'henlvn, b. Feb. 22, 1953. 
Pamela, b. June 21, 1954. 

2326. C'urtlH K«kfel<lt. .son of William O.; m. July 22, 1922, Gladys Valegra. 
No children 

232H. Birllia Idelle, dau. of Noriden C; m. Oct. 3, 19U0, Howard P. Stone. 
They live m Meriden, Conn, 
litchard, b. May 29. 1901. 
liayiiiond Charles, b. July 8. 1905. 

ITta. ( arl Walter, son of Noriden C; m. Oct. 7, 1908, Mary Hults. They 
live m Hartford, Conn. 


2775. Ethel M., b. July 15, 1910. 

2776. Roland Carl. b. Nov. 3, 1913. 

23:iO. VVallace, son of Noriden C; m. .July 3, 1913, Lena Fritz. They live in 
Hartford, Conn. 

2777. Eleanor Fritz, b. March 15, 1914. 

2778. Estelle M.; b. Aug. 7, 1916. 

2779. Bertha Idella, b. Dec. 12, 1917. 

2780. Lucy Eva, b. Dec. 12, 1917. 

2334. Albert Worthington, .son of John Albert; m. June 9, 1906, Sarah Ida 
Grove, b. July 18, 1880, of Newark, Ohio, dau. of George W. Grove and Sarah 
Francis Parr. Chattanooga. Tenn. 

2781. Grove Worthington, b. March M, 1910. 

2335. Jane Woolley, dau. of John Albert; single; Brooklyn, N. Y. 

2336. Carrie Frane«'s, m. Wni. Percy Momeyer. 

233S. VVilliam Cutler, -Jr., son of William Cutler, graduated from New York 
Law School in 1916; m. June, 1917, Marion Reed, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. William 
Reed, of Biooklyn, N. Y.; d. Aug. 22, 1919; (2) April 27, 1923, Eveline S. 
Foster, dau. Charles Leonard, b. Aug., 1859, d. Oct. 12, 1931, an attorney of 
the firm of Butcher, Tanner & Foster, and Evelene Mathilda Smith, b. April 
26, 1866. d. Aug. 6, 1947. 

5094. Priscilla Foster, b. April 24, 1928, m. Carleton Lewis Marsh, Jr., b. 
Oct. 9, 1922. 

David Carleton, b. Jan. 6, 1952. 
Anne Parry, b. Feb. 15, 1954. 

5095. William Cutler III, b. July 29, 1930; University of Miami, U.S. 4 th 
Signal Corps. 

5096. Doris Evelene, b. Dec. 21, 1937. 

2339. John Jacob, son of William Cutler; graduated from Amherst College 
in 1915, president of class, sophomoie, jvmior and senior years; president Stu- 
dent Council, Inter-fraternity league, member of the football team and glee 
club; m. April 26, 1917, Maijory Wilcox, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. 
Wilcox, of Fall River, Mass. 

John J., Jr., b. June 3, 1919; m. Julia Papai, of Dellway, O., Feb. 21. 1945. 

5097. John J. Ill, b. March 28, 1948. 

5098. Julianne, b. June 7, 1950. 

5099. Stephen Peck, b. Nov. 24, 1953. 

Janet Virginia, b. Mav 1, 1934. m. Beriah Anthony Wall. Jr., of Porto 
Rico. Nov. 2, 1945. 

Beriah Anthony III, b. Feb., 1947. 
John Tugley, b. July 26. 1948. 
David Cutler, b. Jan. 19, 1951. 
Nancy Alden, b. April 4, 1952. 
Marjory Ann, b. Nov. 14, 1954. 

2340. Margaret Hay, dau. of William Cutler; m. Nov. 9, 1914. George 
Daniel Olds, Jr. Her husband enlisted in the U.S. Navy at Newport in Dec, 
1917. Was made an ensign in May, 1918, and Sept., 1918, graduated as highest 
honor man in a -special class of 550 at the Naval Academy. 

George Daniel III, b. Dec. 23, 1915; m. Catharine Cratty of Detroit, in 1939. 

Jeffrey Palmer, b. Oct. 3. 1946. 

Catharine Lelend. b. April 6, 1948. 
Margaret Atwater, b. Jime 23, 1917; Doctor of Medicine; m. William 

Eric Russell, b. Aug. 3, 1953. 

2341. David Hay, son of William Cutler; m. Aug. 10, 1918, Eleanor Wilder 
Bartlett. He graduated at Andover, Mass.. and sailed for France April 28. 
1917, in American field service. Arriving in Paris, at request for volunteers 
entered the camion service under the French army and with his brother John 
was one of the first one hundred men in an American fighting force in France. 
He was first class camion diivcr from the early part of May to the first of 


August, when he was transferred to the ambulance service and from August 1, 
to November 1 saw active service in the campaign at Verdun, where he was 
gassed and repeatedly under fire. His section of eighteen men on one occasion, 
in which one man was killed and three were injured, received a citation by the 
Fi-ench Government for bravery. At the end of his service the 1st of November, 
he had six bullet and shrapnel holes through his ambulance, which had gone 
through It while he was driving. 

2782. David Hay. Jr., b. June 10. 1920. 

2783. Damaris Savre. b. Sept. 15. 1921. 

2784. Sally Anne, b. Feb. 26. 1926. 

5085. Eleanor Atwater, b. Nov. 30. 1927. 

5086. Nathaniel Bartlell. b. Jan. 26. 1936. 

'Z'H'i. ("harh'?» Kceler, son of Jeremiah Charles, Radio Engineer; m. Ann 

5087. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 11. 1937. 

5088. Juiiith Christine, b. March 23, 1940. 

'iSA'A. Katharine Ix)uise, dau. of Jeremiah Charles; m. Prof. Thomas McKey 
Folds, b. Aug. 8. 1908, now Chairman, Dept. of Art. Northwestern University. 
David Atwater. b. Dec. 17. 1940. 
Charles Weston, b. May 4, 1938. 

•3344. James C, son of James Lucius; m. Nov. 19, 1907, Inez Norden. 

2785. Earl. b. Oct. 3. 1910. 

2786. Elsie, ta. July 7. 1908. 

2345. \ertie M., dau. of James Lucius; m. Oct. 2. 1907, Alfred Freeman. 
Vertie Mercium, b. Feb. 11, 1917. 

•i^^A^i. Oretta B., dau. of James Lucius; m. Aug. 28, 1912, Elbridge Fletcher. 
Velma M.. b. Dec. 22, 1913. 
Fioy L., b. Dec. 9, 1915. 

2:^47. Amanda B.. dau. of James Lucius; m. Aug. 13, 1911. Robert Langton. 
Jereld E.. b. Aug. 29. 1912. 
Dora L, b. Dec. 14, 1916. 

2348. Henry Z., son of James Lucius; m. Dec. 25. 1917. Ethel Thompson. 
No children. 

•>3">4. L.-.- Kstes. son of William Lee; m. April 28, 1905. School Admin. 

235.">. -Mary Irene, of La Harpe. 111., b. Aug. 16, 1909. Teacher. 

VAr,ii. Lloyd KuHsell. of Macomb, 111., b. April 18, 1913. State worker. 

'i:ir>H. IlaritUi Conant, .son of Clayton Wells; m. April 2, 1917, Margaret 
Atkins, of Madi.son. Conn. 

2787. Patricia Marian, b. Aug. 7. 1918. 

2788. Margaret Jean, b. June 28, 1919. 

2789. Harold Conant, Jr.. b. Jan. 4. 1921. 

2790. Cl.iytr)n Clifford, b. March 31. 1924. 

f.nm. William Ht-nry. .son of Henry William, m. Vesta Buffum Gannett, b. 
Nov. 30. 1902. 

5089. James David, b. Oct. 25, 1928. 

2S6L Kobert Kiluard, .son of Edward Angelo; m. Oct. 1, 193K, Mary Jane 
PMilh, b. April 13, 1907, dau. foCora Isabel, (d. Nov. 5. 19501 ami Koscoe 
JaiiH's Ollis. of (Jobdcn. 111.; Mary is Chairman of Grade School on Boaid of 
Edinatii»n and Secretary of Women's Assn. liobert attended Greenbier Mili- 
tary School and Case Institute of Technology. Grail. Metallurgical Engine^-. 
Now Senior at Westinghou.se Electric, Buffalo, N. Y. Ma.son, Church Elder 
and member many organization. His mother, Ann Eliza Rust, d. Nov. 7, Ht."").^). 

'ilWi. Il.jin lilamli.-, dau. of Bert Leonard; m. March 26, 1918, Garden 
City, Long Island, Philip Knight Wrigley. He is president nl the Win, Wrigley, 
Jr. Co., of Chicago. 


Ada Blanche, b. April 19, 1923; m. William John Hagenah. Jr., son of 
W. T. and Florence Doyor Hagenah; b. Aug. 3, 1920; grad. Princeton 
1942. War service until 1945, then joined Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. 

William John, b. Washington, D. C., Sept. 23, 1944. 

Philip Wrigley, b. April 16, 1947. 

Blannv Avalon, b. Dec. 15, 1950. 

John Arthur, b. May 1, 1953. 
Dorothy Atwater, b. Aug. 7, 1925; m. Sept. 14, 1946, George Rich III, b. 
Jan. 5, 1922, son of Fritzie Margarita Lemcke and George Matthew- 
Rich, who were m. Oct. 25, 1917. 

Helen Atwater, b. Dec. 6, 1948. 

George Thomas, b. July 26, 1952. 
Dorothy, President Junioi' League of Chicago. 
William Wrigley, b. Jan. 21, 1933; Grad. Cum Laude from Deerfield Acad- 
emy, June, 1950. Graduated B.A. Degree from Yale University, June, 
1954 — member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and Wolfshead Society. Ensign 
in U.S. Navy. 

2368. Olive Cox, dau. of Bert Leonard; m. George Fulmer Getz, Jr., b. Jan. 

4, 1908. Manufacturer. 

George Fulmer III, b. March 24, 1934. 
Bert Atwater, b. May 7, 1937. 

2364. A. G. Cox, son of Bert Leonard; m. Betty Ann Bergman, March 
15, 1932. 

5091. Claire Blanche, b. Jan. 31, 1933. 

5092. Albert George, b. June 25, 1943. 

5093. Bert Leonard II, b. March 16, 1946. 

2365. Margaret, dau. of Walter Eldredge; m. Horace M., b. Juno 1, 1902, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kinne; with Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. 

Katherine Sue, b. Aug. 15, 1935. 
Margaret Jane, b. Feb. 25, 1942. 

2372. Henry Davis, .son of Kirtland W.; m. May 4, 1896, Lucy Alberta, dau. 
of Blinn Francis and Lucy Hait, b. Nov. 23, 1869. He is a carpenter and lives 
in North Guilford, Conn. 

2791. Ruby Louise, b. Nov. 28, 1896. 

2792. Esther Lillian, b. March 13, 1898. 

2793. Henry Francis, b. Feb. 15, 1903. 

2794. Homer Hart, b. Aug. 9, 1904. 

2795. Louis Charles, b. June 23, 1906. 

2796. Emerson Joseph, b. Sept. 25, 1907. 

2797. Truman Burton, b. March 3, 1909. 

2798. Warren Raymond, b. June 15, 1912. 

2375. Fred Smith, son of Kirtland W.; m. Sept. 4, 1897, Nellie Greager. 

Lives in Plainville, Conn. 

2799. Gladys Ada, b. Nov. 2, 1898. 

2800. Clifford Fred, b. Nov. 12, 1900. 

2801. Harold August, b. Oct. 27. 1903. 

2802. Frederick Smith, b. Dec. 4, 1907. 

2376. Mettle E. Atwater Hunt. b. Sept. 16, 1856; d. Aug. 11, 1888, m. Ora 

5. Hunt, Feb. 12, 1879; b. Nov. 5, 1856; d. Oct. 18, 1925, Cleveland. Ohio. 

Grace Ethel (adopted by Mary and Richard Mayberry) b. Oct. 27, 1880; 
d. Oct. 14, 1931; m. Homer J. Jones, Conneaut, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1906. 
Geraldine Atwater, b. Aug. 25, 1908, College B.S. Miami U.; m. Robert 
C. Marcy, June 16, 1934. 

Robert Bruce, b. April 4, 1937. 
Susan Grace, b. April 1, 1941. 
Helen Elizabeth, Utica, N. Y., b. Oct. 21, 1912, College B.S. Ohio State 
U.; m. Edward B. Darnell, Aug. 24, 1943. 
Candace Elizabeth, b. March 31. 1948. 
Howard Mayberry, Dallas, Texas, b. Dec. 14, 1913. College B.S. Elec- 
trical Eng., Ohio State U.; m. Elizabeth Dawson, June 29. 1940. 
Thomas Howard, b. Jan. 12. 1944. 


Clement Wvman Hunt. b. April 7. 1884: ni. Ethel Hummer, Aug. 29. 1912, 
b. March"25, 1883. B.A. Oberlin, 1909; M.Ed., Columbia, 1918; Executive 
Director Capitol Hospital Service. Harrisburg, Pa.: Past President 
Community Chest, Harrisburg, Pa.; Elder Presbyterian Church, Camp 
Hill, Pa. National Committee Ministerial Relations, Presbyterian 

Whitelaw Hummer, b. Nov. 29. 1913; m. Ruth Jean Hockenberry, 
June 11, 1938. b. Oct. 26. 1913. B.A. Pennsylvania State U.. 1936. 
Theta Xi Litt. M. University of Pittsburgh. 1937; Fellow American 
College Hospital Administrators 1951; 32 degree Mason Valley of 
Camden, N. J. Director University Hospital, Augusta, Georgia, 
Deacon Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, Augusta. George. Ruth 
Jean. A.B. Pennsylvania State U., 1934; Kappa Kappa Gamma. 
Whitelaw Hummer, b. Aug. 31, 1942. 
Wvman Harvev. b. Feb. 7. 1944. 
Winston Hugh. b. Nov. 3. 1947. 
Cynthia Jean, b. Oct. 4. 1950. 
Gladvs Anjuline. b. Mar. 14. 1916; m. Horton Lumas Murray. M.D.. 
Mar. 27. 1943, b. Jan. 22, 1917. Gladys: A.B. Oberlin, 1938. Horton: 
B.A. Syracuse; M.D. Syracuse 1943; Diplomate American Board 
Orthopedic Surgery; Fellow American College of Surgeons; U.S. 
Army Medical Corps Pacific Theatre: Instructor of Orthopedics, 
State University, Syracuse. 

Alice Carroll." b. April 14. 1945. 
Horton Lvnn. b. April 15. 1947. 
Clement Hunt. b. Oct. 16. 1954. 
Robert Atwater. b. Jan. 12. 1921; m. Jean Handwerk, Feb. 12. 1944, 
b. Oct. 18. 1920. U.S. Army European Theater, German Prisoner of 
War; Assistant Regional Parts Manager, Chevrolet, Washington. 
D. C. 
Jean: A.B. Lebanon Valley College, 1942. 

•>S77. Marv H.. dau. of Chauncey Wyman; m. Jan. 18, 1883. Richard D. 
Mayberry. of "Conneaut, Ohio. He d. Feb. 7. 1916. She d. Sept. 29, 1924. 

James Graham, b. Sept. 17. 1888; m. Jessie M. Sanford Jan. 5. 1911. James 
d. Dec. 27. 1951; Jessie d. May 5, 1954. 

Laura June. b. May 17. 1912. 

Richard I)., b. Nov. 8. 1914. 

James G., Jr., b. March 14, 1923. 
Laura June. b. May 17. 1912; m. Edward Connolly. 

Marilvn. b. March 18. 1935. 

Edward, b. Nov. 24. 1936. 

James, b. Oct. 19. 1941. 

David, b. Dec. 23, 1943. 
Richard D.. b. Nov. 8. 1914; m. Dorothy Paxton. April 17. 1937. 

Richard D. Mayberry, Jr.. b. April 15, 1938. 

Theodore Thomas, b. Nov. 12. 1941. 
Jam.-s G., Jr., b. March 14. 1923; m. Betty Jean Reynolds, June 10. 1947. 

Linda Ruth, b. Nov. 13, 1948. 

Diane Yvonne, b. Nov. 21. 1951. 

2:<7«. .lohii .lanii-s. son of Chauncey Wyman; iii. Nov. 22. 1886. Rachel 
Burlinghaiii. They lived near Ashtabula, Ohio. He was a farmer. He <i. Aug. 
21, 1908. 

2803. Maiza Lilbeth. b. Oct. 9. 1891; m. March 23, 1918. Hans Hoberstad; 
(2i E. J. Herman. 

2804. J«.hn James. Jr.. b. Oct. 30. 1893. 

2;<7». F:il/al..Ui K.. 'iau. of Chauncey Wyman; in. Sept. 16. 1886, Harry 
U. Hunt; Conneaut. Ohio; d. Feb. 28, 1934. 

Sylvia Eliza, b. Kelloggsville, Ohio. March 27. 1892, m. Austin Ahjiity, still 

living in Phiia(lelj)hia. Pa. 
Mettif E<lith. b. Conneaut. O.. April 28. 1895. m. George E. Gibson; d. 
June 27. 1930; buried at Conneaut, (Jhio. 

Harry H.. m. Hetty MacMullen, July 11, 1942; div. April 23, 1953; 
reside Clearwater, Fla. 


Doris Lenore, b. May 31, 1901, Conneaut, O., d. Dec. 21, 1949, buried 
Kelloggsville, Ohio. 

2380. Jennie Maude, dau. of John Wilbur; m. Aug. 4. 1896, Thomas Dough- 
erty, d. Nov. 28, 1899; (21 m. Sept. 27, 1907, Dr. Wm. B. Gerow; educated 
Baptist New Lynne Institute. 

Frances Marion, b. March 8, 1913, m. Arthur F. Grant. 
Twins: Linda and Roger. 

2381. Almon Lee, dentist, m. La Verne Perle Fitch, (dau. adopted I Jane F. 

2382. Carleton William, son of John Wilbur; m. June 1, 1910, Mary Baron, 
dau. of Dr. J. R. Spencer, and Eliza Becker, of Cincinnati. Ohio. See Historical 

2805. John Spencer, b. Oct. 12, 1913; delivered by grandfather. Dr. John 
Reed Spencer. 

Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1919. 

2386. Ciyde W., son of Thomas L.; m. Sept. 15, 1910, May Cripps, d. Jan. 
20. 1917; (2') June 29, 1918, Cora M. Eiter. They live in Ft. Wayne, Ind. 

2806. Marguerite B., b. Nov. 29, 1911. 

2807. E. Juanita, b. March 30, 1913. 

2808. Wanda May, b. Sept. 1, 1915. 

2809. Sidney Virginia, b. Jan. 18, 1918. 

2389. Charles M., son of Lewis Henry; m. Sept. 8, 1922, Ottilie Hoffman, b. 
Nov. 1, 1891; he d. July 29, 1941. 

5100. Charles David, b. July 9, 1931; m. Patricia Ellen, b. July 3, 1934, 
dau. of Naumi Davis and Fred White Wilson, Naumi now m. to 
William Marshal Cummings. 
5101. Kenneth David, b. Jan. 26, 1954. 

2391. Essie, dau. of James L. ; m. George Rhodes. 

Alma Rhodes, b. Feb. 28, 1906; m. Claude Bennett, March 1, 1930. 

2392. Hattie E., dau. of James L.; m. Phillipp Schweizer, now deceased, 
was Master Mason, Past Master Lyon Lodge. Hattie was Past Matron of Adah 
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. 

Annetta H.; m. Walter W. Jenks. 
Ella B.; m. Herbert D. Scheink. 

2395. Arthur Albert, son of John William; m. May 22, 1905, Nina Frances 
Bell. Hopewell, Va. 

2810. Arthur Charles, b. March 5, 1906. 

2811. Elizabeth Dorothea, b. Dec. 9, 1907. 

2812. Joyce Nina, b. Jan. 18. 1909. 

2813. Bernice Vivian, b. July 26, 1911. 

2814. Gilbert Bell, b. March 18, 1914. 

2815. Frank Vernon, b. March 31, 1915; d. Aug. 11, 1915; deceased. 

2816. Donald DeWalt, b. Sept. 13, 1917. 

2397. Eugene Henry, son of Clarence E.; m. Dec. 24, 1898. Cynthia Eliza- 
beth, dau. of Chauncey and Mary Kingman Shepard, b. at Lakeville, N. Y., 
May 21, 1883; d. Jan. 11, 1949; Eugene d. Aug. 11. 1929. 

2817. Ethel Mae, b. Feb. 13, 1900. 

2818. Clyde Eugene, b. Aug. 11, 1902; m. June 27, 1923, Hazel Hoyt. 

2819. Claude Hastings, b. March 5, 1909. 

2820. Mary Catherine, b. Nov. 17, 1911; d. Dec. 14, 1931. 

2399. Cirace Edith, dau. of Clarence E.; m. Sept. 1, 1910, William Cline 
Rugg, son of Melvin and Aurora Rugg. b. Dec. 13, 1881; d. May 9. 1953. 

William Donald, b. Oct. 23, 1915; m. Aug. 28. 1940, Mabel Kysor, b. April 
3, 1918. William (Ph.D.) is a Research Director at Princeton, N. J. 
Robert Donald, b. July 13, 1942. 
Susan Dorothea, b. July 12, 1945. 
Clarence Atwater, b. May 27, 1917; m. Aug. 30, 1941, Margaret, dau. of 
Rev. James Bisgrove and Josephine Goodspeed, b. June 27. 1920. Co- 
lumbus. Ohio. 


Donald Clarence, b. July 31, 1942. 
Nancy Jean, b. Feb. 10. 1944. 
Marilvn Joyce, b. Dec. 4. 1945. 
William James, b. Dec. 18. 1946. 
Bonita Louise, b. June 4, 1949. 
Patricia Ann. b. May 25. 1953. 
Clarence and Margaret are leaders in Church, Masonic anil Eastern Star 

•»4(M>. Bertha Agnes, dau. of Clarence E.; m. Dec. 29. 1908, Raymond Daniel 
Nichols, b. April 1, 1882. 

Walter Erwin. b. Feb. 5. 1913; d. April 25. 1930. 
Grace Elinor, b. Jan. 12. 1915; d. Sept. 13. 1941. 

Raymond Eugene, b. Oct. 9, 1917; m. Marion Dollivcr, b. Nov. 28, 1917, 
Lima. N. Y. 

Joan Eleanor, b. Mav 11. 1945. 
Elizabeth Ann. b. June 29, 1949. 
Raymond James, b. Feb. 27, 1952. 

2401. Julia Adell. dau. of Clarence E.; m. Aug. 29, 1907, Clyde Smith 
Nichols, son of John and Sarah Nichols, b. Jan. 24. 1879. 

Clyde Harold, b. April 8, 1909; m. June 1. 1935, Olga King. 
Olga Julia, b. Nov. 27, 1937. 
Clyde Christian, b. May 22, 1943. 
Richard Everett, b. Nov. 6. 1911; m. Sept. 19, 1933, Norma Jairel. 
Carmi Joyce, b. Sept. 25, 1934. 

'i4ii'i. John Hollistor, son of Clarence E.; m. Aug. 24, 1911, Irnia Lsadore, 
dau. of B. J. and Nellie Griswold. b. Nov. 6. 1890. 

2821. Kathrvn Mae. b. Nov. 3, 1918; m. Parker. 

2822. Helen Bata, b. March 16, 1925; m. Brown. 

2406. Clarence Walton, son of Clarence E. ; m. April 3, 1918. Henrietta, 
dau. of Francis and Alta Bentley, b. Sept. 13. 1895. 

2823. Francis Trevor, b. April 9. 1919. 

2824. Clarence Gordon, b. June 1, 1921. 

24(»7. Francis Hlanchard, son of Clarence E.; m. May 20. 1922. Florence, 
dau. of A. W. and Catherine Albaugh. b. March 24, 1899. 

5102. Frances Barbara, b. Sept. 5, 1927. 

2409. Kejfinald Myers, m. July 10, 1919, Charlotte Martin, dau. Martha 
.Martin and liev. Thornton Bancroft Penfield, D.D. of Englewood, N. .).; h. 
Jiin*' 20. 1895. Reginald is a physician and Executive Secretary American 
Public Health Association. 

2825. Caroline Penfield, b. Feb. 6, 1921. 

5103. Martha Martin, b. Oct. 14, 1923, in Changsha, Hunan, China. 

5104. Constance Avery, b. April 25, 1927. 

5105. John Bancroft, b. Aug. 25, 1929; Medical student at Yale. 

5106. DavKl Sterling, b. July 16. 1932; student, I )t'nison rniversity. 

24 iu. <.iM.tg.- H., son of Frederick W.; m. Sept. 22, 1908, Gladias M. 
Osborn. He is general manager of the Catskill Mountain Telephone Company 
at Jewett, N. Y. 

2411. inland Chase, .son of Frederick W.; m. Oct. 21, lin;;, Helen G. 
Thomp.son; h .Man h 25. 1889. 

2826. H .Morns, b. Aug. 14, 1914. 
2K27. .Margaret C. b. Oct. 29. 1916. 
2828. John F-rederick, b. Feb. 16, 1919. 

2414. Florence A., dau. of Elmer Ellsworth: iii. Nov. 1 IMi i. ,|,,lin K. Hait, 
a farmer at Hobart, N. Y. 

Martin Kiiii.-r, b. June 21. 1916; m. E. Vera Burton, b. Feb. 6, 1930. 
.N'ancy Klhn. b. Dec. 27, 1950. 
(Jordon Elliott, b. June 2. 1954. 
Kenneth Walter, b. Nov. 14, 1917; m. Florence M. Cochrane, b. Aug. 4, 1925. 
Dougla-s Wayne, b. Dec. 21, 1944. 


Lawrence Dwight, b. April 5, 1947. 

Beverly Dianne, b. May 25, 1950. 

Ronald Allan, b. Nov. 8, 1952. 
Clayton F., b. Dec. 25, 1922; m. Sept. 19, 1946, Katherine McKee, b. Jan. 
26, 1929. Clayton d. Feb. 12, 1950. 

Wilhemina Jean, b. Oct. 6, 1948. 

Janice Eilene, b. Aug. 2, 1950. 
Donald D., b. March 25, 1926; m. Katherine Halt, widow of Clayton F. 

Jaqueline Anne, b. Aug. 16, 1952. 
Harold J., b. Feb. 4, 1927; ni. Sept. 29, 1951, Margie A. Miller. 

Lynn Harold, b. Jan. 15, 1953. 
Frances J., b. Feb. 26, 1928; m. Oct. 15, 1947, Theodore E. Dibble, b. Aug. 

8, 1922. 
Herbert W., b. May 19, 1931; m. Jan. 20, 1952, Mary L. Reed, b. Sept. 23, '33. 

Allan Douglas, b. Aug. 16, 1952. 

Patricia Dawn, b. Jan. 28, 1955. 
Leslie A., b. Dec. 8, 1920; unm. 

2415. Leroy Wcltz, son of Piatt Romain; m. Gertrude Christine Higgins, 
Court Reporter. 

5107. Robert, b. April 19, 1919. 

5108. Joan M. Atwater of Hartford, Conn. 

2416. Arthur P., son of Piatt Romain; m. Nov. 4, 1914, Jessie C. Lindsley, 
dau. of Hanford and Josephine Disten. He d. Sept. 23, 1948. 

2829. Eunice Rice, b. Sept. 15, 1916. 

2418. Doris Luoina, dau. of Piatt Romain; m. Earl Haye.s, b. July 29, 1903. 
Frances Annie, b. Jan. 4, 1934; m. Charles Franklyn Layman, b. Feb. 
16, 1930. 

Roberta Lucina, b. March 30, 1952. 
Charles Earl, b. April 2, 1954. 

2420. Ernest B., son of Eugene; ni. Nov. 24, 1892, Carrie E., dau. of Lsaac 
Jones and Sarah Newton, b. Sept. 9, 1872. He is a mechanic and livr.^^ in 
Southington, Conn. 

2830. Earle B., b. Feb. 21, 1898. 

2422. Eugene D., son of Eugene; m. May 5, 1903, Nellie Winne. Eugene d. 
June 1, 1953. Nellie d. Feb. 8, 1948. 

2831. Dorence W., b. July 27, 1904. 

2832. Charles L., b. Oct. 20, 1911. 

2423. Hubert Fernald, son of Wesley; m. Oct. 11, 1911, Deane Miller Smith, 
b. Dec. 19, 1887; d. Oct. 17, 1919. (2) June 15, 1921, Daisy Eleanor Person, b. 
Aug. 21, 1888, d. 1935. (3) Aug. 8, 1936, Ann Elizabeth Rhoderick, b. Jan. 
13, 1894. 

2833. Eleanor Deane, ta. June 21, 1913, dau. of Hubert; m. March 11, 1944 
at St. John's Episcopal Church, Montclair, N. J. George Henry 
Farrell, General Cont. of Bay Short, L. I. 

David Atwater, b. Oct. 27, 1945. George Terrence, b. March 11, 1951. 

2834. David Hubert, b. Aug. 24, 1919, son of Hubert; m. (1) June 22, 1943, 
Emihe Carleton. Div. Oct., 1946. (2) m. July 12, 1947, Mary Grace 
Spencer. David is with Eastern Airlines. 

2433. Frederick H.. son of Fred; m. (1) Elizabeth Smith, b. June 2, 1897; 
d. 1924. (2) Anna Howell Ludlow on May 19, 1926. 

2434. Alice Hixon, dau. of Frederick; m. 1901, Edwin A. Wilcox. Alice d. 
Sept. 4, 1953. 

Frederick Atwater, b. Feb. 19, 1902. Accountant; m. Helen Lucille, b. 
Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1913, dau. of Harry La Motte and Nellie 
Mercer. Hanlon Ames, b. Oct. 6, 1880, Coshocton, Ohio. Chil.: Edwin 
Ames, b. Dec. 17, 1938. Frederick Atwater, Jr., July 15, 1942. Helen 
Jean, b. March 23, 1947. Ithaca, N. Y. 

Harold Edwin, b. Oct. 25, 1904; m. Antonette Read 1927. 


Read. b. Sept. 14. 1931: Cornell University: m. Marrill Marion Burns, 

1951. (Son I Michael Re<id Wilcox, b. 1952. 
Natalee, b. 1934. Atwaters Corners. Ithaca, N. Y. 

2435. Anna .Maria, dau. of Frederick: m. June 26. 1918. William E. 

Edward Atwater. b. May 5, 1918: m. Geneva Larkin. Dec. 24, 1943: b. 

Oct. 19, 1922. Chil.: Sara Margaret, b. July 15, 1950. Cynthia Anne, b. 

Julv 6. 1951. Marv Ellen, b. April 24, 1921, m. May 24, 1942. William 

F. Brandes. b. Mav 11, 1922. George Allen, b. Sept. 1. 1946. Gordon, b. 

June 10. 1949. 
Elizabeth Jane, b. April 7, 1924, m. Edwin B. Millard. Supt. Masonic 

Orphanage. La Grange, 111.: b. Aug. 8, 1924. 

Kathleen Lee. b. March 6, 1948. Richard Paul b. June 15, 1950. 

2436. Horaci' Burritt, son of Edgar Avery; m. Oct. 12, 1899, Pearl Chase 
Burdick, b. Nov. 6, 1874. 

2836. Robert Burdick. b. June 28. 1901. 

2837. Ruth Janet, b. Sept. 1, 1906. 
2s:;8. Everett Horace, b. Nov. 8. 1908. 
2s;;9. Josephine Shirley, b. March 7. 1917. 

2437. l^iura Klh-n, dau. of Edgar Avery: in. June 9, 1897. J. F. Jackson. 
He is connected with the traffic department of the Georgia Central Railway 
Co., at Savannah. Ga. 

Helen Esther Hooker, b. Dec. 24, 1899. 
Jes.se Atwater. b. May 23. 1901. 
Laurance Frisbie, b. Aug. 7, 1906. 
Mary Atwater, b. June 5, 1908. 
Margaret Clow. b. June 5, 1908. 

2438. Florence Belle, dau. of Edgar Avery: m. Dec. 14, 1905. Will Kennedy 
Trippet, He is a civil engineer, graiiuating from Montana College at Deer 
Lodge. He worked on the original government survey of Montana. Is now city 
engineer and water commissioner for the city of Whitefish. Mont. 

Frank Howard, b. Dec. 2, 1906. 

Will Atwater, b. June 11, 1908. "Has been in Service." Harriet Belle, b. 
Dec. 2. 1913: m. Robert Laurence, son of Klva Pearl Fleming and James 
Ross Wil.son. of Kansas City, Mo., b. April 19. 1909. Chil.: John Robert, 
b. July 17, 1938. Carol Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1940. 

2438('. Harriet Belle Trippet, b. Dec. 2, 1913: ni. Robert Laurence, b. April 
19, 1908. son of Elva Pearl Fleming and James Ross Wilson of Kansas City, Mo. 
John Robert, b. July 17, 1938. 
Carol Ann. b. Dec. 28, 1940. 

2439. Horace Ha/.<lt(»n, son of Horace: m. Sept. 1. 1909. at North Hiook- 
field, Mass.. Elizabeth Felt ham. He is a salesman for the Underwood Type- 
writer Co. and lives at Caldwell, N. J. 

2442. Bertlia. dau. of Ledyard Jay: m. Feb. 20, 189.''), Frank J. Kessler. 
F3riii!v Atwater. 

Nel.sun Thomas, b. Jan. 23, 1896: m. Russie May Cole, b. Dec. 25, 1896. 
Mary Alice, b. May 19. 1923: m. George Lass, Law Student, b. April 1928. 
(Dau.) Carol Ann, b. April 10, 1954. Pennington, N. J. 
William Harvey, b. Sept. 18, 1900: m. lOlla Buckley. 

Frank Jo.seph. William, Jr. 
Donald Charles, b. July 13, 1905: m. Irene Zellii.i 1. May L' 1 , 1900. 

Hh/.abeth Ann, b. iH-c. 22, 1938. 
Milnor Paret, b. Dec. 18, 1908: m. Marie Hart, of York, S. C, b. Aug. 
6. 1918. 

Milnor Paret, Jr.. b. May 5, 1948. 
Nel.son Thomas II. b. April 18. 1951. 
Jo.s.ph Hart. b. Sept. 8. 1955. 

2443. ( harlis I... .son of Ledyard Jay: m. June 22. litK). H(l< n M., dau. of 
Che.ster Wilson and Annie Maria Laughman. He is vicar of the Church of 
Advent al Baltimore, Md. 


2840. Helen Janet, b. April 9, 1912. 

2841. William Paret, b. Sept. 16, 1916. 

2842. Charles Chester Wilson, b. Feb. 3, 1917. 

'^446. Arthur Carey, son of Hiram Wells: Insurance Broker; d. Oct. 6, 1951; 
m. Florence Renner, (b. Jan. 13, 1901). Oct. 11. 1922; now m. to Merritt A. 

5109. Richard R., b. Oct. 3, 1924. P. Acc't— Artesia, N. M. 

5110. Virginia, b. Oct. 18, 1925; m. July 14, 1948. Oral B., Jr., son of 
Bernadine Hilten Bi'and and Oral B. Dold, Sr. (Sons) Terry Alan, 
b. Aug. 26. 1952. Jeffrey Thomas, b. March 2, 1955. 

5111. Roder D., b. Feb. 26, 1932; U.S. Air Force. 

2447. Daniel Carey, son of Hiram Wells; m. Feb. 24. 1923, Vera Edith 
Lasher, b. Sept. 13, 1900. 

5112. Daniel Carey, Ji., h. Oct. 11, 1923; m. Virginia Malone, b. Dec. 
12, 1922. 

Michael Carey, b. April 1, 1946. 
Patiick Carey, b. March 31, 1948. 
Kristie Jean, b. Nov. 24, 1950. 
David Malone, b. May 4, 1952. 

5113. Jack Carey, b. Jan. 30, 1927; m. Marilyn Graff is. Both Jack and 
Marilyn are teachers. 

2456. Harry Arthur, son of Arthur Jerome; m. May 9, 1917, Laura Marie 
Gurr. He was educated at Morgan Park Academy, Lewis Institute (Chicago), 
Cornell University, M.E. 1912. He is a member of American Society of 
Mechanical Engineers, Engineers Club of Kansas City, Ararat Temple, A. A. 
O. N. M. S. 

5332. Jane Patricia, b. April 25, 1918. 

5333. William Gurr, b. Jan. 15, 1922. 

2457. Elaine Laurette, dau. of Arthur Jerome; m. Jan. 15, 1916, Benjamin 
Garritt Windsor. (He d. Jan., 1920.) She d. Nov. 20, 1944. 

Robert Thomas, b. Nov. 7, 1916; d. Dec. 25, 1946. 

2459. Corda Althea, dau. of Arthur Jerome; m. Richard Sandring Fryer; 
d. Feb., 1948. (2) Michael J. De Laurentis. 

Richard Standring, Jr., b. Oct. 23, 1923; m. July 23, 1945, Lois Adams. 

Nancy Sue, b. April 4, 1949. Richard Gale, b. April 9, 1952. 
George Arthur, b. Sept. 5, 1925; m. George is in U.S. Navy. 

2461. Cora Anna, dau. of Frank Dwight; unm., retired. Teacher of Voice, 
Mansfield State College, Pa. 

2467. Alta Leona, dau. of Floyd Allen; m. Sept. 20, 1919, Glenn H. Young, 
b. Breeseport, N. Y., son of John and Emma Breese Young, Felx 2. 1897; 
plumbing and heating contractoi'. 

Elizabeth Marie, June 6, 1921; m. Victor E. Schriock, Dist. Ser. Mgr. 
Remington Rand, Inc., at Seattle, Wash. 
Vicki Lynn, b. Jan. 1, 1944. 
Jeri Lee, b. Sept. 28, 1947. 
Randon Douglas, b. Sept. 16, 1951. 
John Floyd, b. Aug. 24, 1923; m. Helen, b. Oct. 26, 1924, dau. of William 

and Laura Jones. 
Marguerite Alta, b. March 4, 1926; m. Carl Adolph, b. Jan. 15, 1924, son 
of Eleanor Larson and Gustave Adolph Lundgren. Eng. with I.B.M. 
Carl Adolph, Jr., b. Jan. 19, 1949. 
Christopher Jon, b. June 11, 1951. 
Johana Marie, b. Julv 3, 1953. 
Judith Anne, b. Nov. 27, 1954. 
Glenn Hudson, Jr., b. March 4, 1931; m. Mary Lillian, b. April 8, 1932 at 
Rew, Pa., dau. of Lillian May Blaisdell and Karry Mclvin Ewing. 
Debra Marlene, b. June 30, 1953. 
Marguerite Elizabeth, b. March 9, 1955. 
Alta Leona is Medical Records Librarian at Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hos- 
pital, Elmira, N. Y. 


2468. Dorothea Olive, dau. of Floyd Alden; m. June 17. 1926 James Nor- 
man, b. Dec. 7. 1S98. son of Emma Breese and John N. Young. 

William Albert, b. Sept. 23. 1932; m. Sept. 19. 1953 Delores Mae Jones. 
William served on U.S.S. Intrepid. 
James Norman. Jr.. b. June 29, 1934. 
Robert Tracv. b. Jan. 21. 1938. 
Nancy Arlene. b. Nov. 30, 1940. 

2469. Catharine Altlene, dau. of Floyd Alden; m. Albert Mathis, b. Oct. 
7. 1896. son of Mary Elizabeth Mathis and Louis Kossuth Weber. Albert. Civil 
Eng.. LaFayette University. Geodetic Survey. Washington. D. C. 

Richard Atwater. b. Nov. 20, 1934; former page in U.S. Senate — University 
of Virginia — U.S. Map Service; m. Nov. 16, 1953 Marion Cain. b. May 
26, 1936. 

Robert Lewis, b. July 17. 1940. 

2470. Krmina Clair, dau. of Floyd Alden; m. Sept. 22. 1934 Seward Charles 
Locke. Univ. Illinois and now Athletic Director Prattsburg Central School, 
New York. 

Laurance. b. Aug. 14, 1909. (See Honor Roll. I 
Charles Atwater. b. April 23, 1941; d. Oct. 28. 1943. 

2471. Bernk-e Mab«'l, dau. of Floyd Alden; m. Sept. 10, 1932 Lewis Allen, 
Lt. in Fire Dept.. at Elmira. N. Y.. b. July 25, 1907. 

David Atwater. b. Sept. 26, 1939. 
Jeanne Marilyn, b. May 19, 1942. 

2472. /alnion deUov, son of Burton W.; m. Elizabeth Frost; d. 1917. 

2843. Eleanor, b. 1913. 

2844. Henry Francis, b. May, 1917. 

2473. Ilnth. dau. of Burton W., m. July 2, 1930. Frank Mitchell. 

2474. Luc»-lla W.. dau. of Ralph A., ni. Nelson M.,* b. March 20. 1912, son 
of Mamie B. White and Elmer Stillwell. 

2476. Dorothy Louise, m. Frederick Letson. 
Mary Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1949. 

2477. Alonzo lIu<lson. son of Alonzo M.; m. in 1906, Mary E. Elliott, of 
Bav Citv. Mich., d. Feb. 13, 1920. 

2845. Cyrus Bert, b. Oct. 27. 1911. 
2H46. Harold Clarence, b. June 28, 1913. 
2XJ7. Wilbert Ru.ssell, b. July 12. 1916. 

2848. Thelma Ella. b. May 7, 1919. 

2478. Kinily Harriet, dau. of Alonzo M.; m. Joseph Kertoonis. They live at 
Auburn. Mali. Their chiUiren are: Julia, Alice. Emily, Margaret, Robert L. 

2479. .Mary K.. dau. of Norman B.; m. May 24, 1853; m. June 28, 1871, 
George li. Checseman. of Auburn, N. Y. She d. Feb., 1920. 

Maud A., b. March 23. 1876; m. June 9. 1908, An.son B. Shaw of Aiil)uiii. 

New York. 
Mabel C, b. Oct. 14, 1877; m. Harry A. Tidd. 

Harry Seward, b. April 21. 1901; m. Eleanor Franc Crandall, b. June 
24. . Chil.: Lois Marilyn, b. Aug. 25, 1929; m. Michael Radick. 

(Son) David Michael, b. Feb. 11, 1955. Gene Seward, b. Dec. 
29, 1939. 
Howard Stanley, b. Dec. 14, 1902; m. Gladys D., b. Aug. 1 1. lit()2, dau. 
c»f Minnie and George W. Craver. Loriaine J., b. June 6, 1927; m. 
Frederick Geibel, b. Sept. 17. 1924, with N. Y. Telephone Co. 

24H«). .Niinnan .1., .son of Norman B.; m. Dec. 12, 1877, Lucy E. Young. 
Atwater. N. Y. She d. Sept. 26, 1929. Norman d. Oct. 7, 1942. 

2849. Ralph W.. b. Aug. 1. 1881. 

2850. Ruth Lucv, b. March 6. 1883. 

2851. Phebc S.. b. Dec. 13. 1885. 

2852. Esther, b. July 13, 1894. 


2853. Gladys, b. April 8, 1896. 

2854. Evelyn D., b. Oct. 29, 1898; d. Dec. 21, 1948. 

2855. Charlotte Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16. 1901. 

2481. Willis VV., son of Norman B.; m. June 20, 1888, Anna J., dau. of 
Joseph Newberry and Almira C. Haskell, b. Jan. 20, 1861; d. Oct. 22. 1899; 
(2) Nov. 18, 1903, Ella L. Wager, of Genoa, N. Y. He d. July 14, 1926. He lived 
at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2856. Norman B., b. Feb. 6, 1890; m. June 30, 1914, Juanita M. Stowe. 

2857. Joseph N., b. Dec. 28, 1892; m. June 15, 1921, Jennie Ford. 

2858. Florence M., b. Jan. 15. 1895. 

2482. Elizabeth T.; m. Feb.. 1887, James I. Young. Atwater. New York. 

2483. Fred T., son of Jason G.; m. Jan. 6, 1886, Florence Bradley. 

2859. Emily E., b. Oct. 24, 1886. 

2860. Ward, b. Sept. 5, 1888. 

2861. Anna, b. Dec. 16, 1903. 

2484. Dwight J., son of Jason G.; m. March 21, 1888, Jessie Chase. Lives 

at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2862. Louise H., b. March 31, 1889. 

2863. Marion E., b. Feb. 9, 1895. 

2485. Alonzo Roy, son of Jason G.; m. Sept. 25, 1906, Katie Wood. King's 
Ferry, N. Y. She d. Feb. 11, 1915. (2) June, 1925, Lizzie A. Drake. 

2864. Jason G., b. July 5, 1912. 

2486. Ward B., .son of Jason G.; m. Jan. 17, 1910, Florence Phillips. They 
live in Ithaca, N. Y. 

2865. Carlton W., b. Nov. 30, 1910. 

2866. Ronald P., b. Aug. 11, 1912. 

2487. Sophia, dau. of Jason G., m. Nov. 22, 1900 Walter Lynn Franklin, b. 
March 27, 1878. 

Harold Atwater, b. Dec. 12, 1903; m. Nov. 26, 1932, Helen Catherine 
Muldoon. King's Ferry, N. Y. 

Mary June, b. June 30, 1933. Secretary, Cornell University. 

Roberty Lynn, b. Oct. 31, 1936. 

Irene Helen, b. Feb. 3, 1938. 
Dana Gibbs, b. Oct. 28. 1907; m. Leorah. b. Feb. 13, 1914, dau. of Lettie 
and Roy N. Carmer. 

(Dau.) Sandra Lee Franklin, b. May 19, 1939. Pittsford, N. Y. 
Roswell Tilton, b. Oct. 4, 1909; m. Carolyn D'Aquix, b. Aug. 7, 1916. 

Stephen Dana, b. Jan. 4, 1944. 

Cheryl Ann, b. Feb. 4, 1947. 

Dole Margaret, b. May 28, 1948. 

Patricia Carol, b. Aug. 27, 1952. 
Jason Dwight, b. May 31, 1916; unm. 

2488. Dayton B., son of Jason G.; m. March 1, 1899, Lucy Culver, b. May 8, 
1876. Lives in King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2867. Frances C, b. July 11. 1900. 

2868. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1903. 

2489. Ellis King, .son of George Weston; m. Oct. 14, 1891. Mattie L. Lisk; 
d. Aug. 2, 1893; (2) March 14, 1896, Daisy N. Reynolds. They live at Auburn, 
N. Y. Is foreman in a contracting and building concern. 

2869. George Burnett, b. Aug. 14, 1897. 

2870. Kenneth Revnolds, b. Oct. 24, 1898. 

2871. Ellis K., b. June 9, 1908. 

2490. Asa Jay, son of George W.; m. April 18, 1901, Florence Moore; d. 
Sept. 3, 1903; (2) Nov. 18, 1906. Margaret B. Godfrey. Live at Phoenix, Ariz. 

2872. Asa Godfrey, b. March 8, 1909. 

2873. George Jay, b. Sept. 2, 1911. 

2874. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1913. 


2491. David Tuthill. son of George \V.; m. May 15, 1901, Ella May New- 
some. He is ticket agent at the Union Pacific Transfer station at Council 
Bluffs. Iowa. 

2875. Cleo Elizabeth, b. Mav 22. 1902. 

2876. Jack Hairy, b. June 20. 1905. 

•»4yi. 1^'hind Weston, son of Jesse Gifford; m. Dec. 14, 1904, Marian Potter, 
b. July 23. 1874. He lives in Auburn, N. Y.. and is a guard in the state prison 

2877. Howard J., b. Nov. 7. 1906. 

2878. Sarah Rachel, b. Dec. 20, 1908. 

24M. Harry Hall, son of Jesse Gifford, Y'ale, A.B., 1905; Yale Law school, 
1907; member of the law firm of Clark, Hall & Peck. New Haven, Conn.; m. 
Julv 1, 1908, Martha Elizabeth Russell, dau. of Alexander Watson Russell 
I Civil War Veteran. 38th N. Y. State Vols., Scott Life Guards, Co. E), and 
Maria Louisa Meyers, of Wallingford. Conn. They live in New Haven, Conn. 

2879. Russell, b. April 9. 1909. 

2880. Bruce Hall. b. Aug. 26, 1913. 

2881. Elizabeth Hall. b. Sept. 22, 1921. 

2495. .\uguHta K., dau. of Leonard A.; m. March 28, 1875, W'illiam L. Grant. 
He d. June 25. 1884. Mrs. Grant and Miss Grant reside in New Haven. 

2499. Berta May, dau. of Morgan Nichols; m. John Brooks. Lives in 
Wallingford. Conn. 

Viola Li'ona, b. Feb. 10. 1895. 
Robert Weldon. b. Sept. 20. 1896. 

2517. Kdmi .Miibrl, dau. of Erastus Wellington; m. March 15. 1908. Ray- 
mond Julius Clark. One daughter, Sylvia Irene, b. Jan. 27, 1910. 

2518. I^'ona Sylvia, dau. of Erastus Wellington; ni. Dec. 4, 1913, Gustavus 
R. Zieman. Two chil., Levina Vivian, b. Aug. 11, 1915; Laurance Wellington, b. 
Sept. 1. 1917. 

2519. t »lia Irene, dau. of Erastus Wellington; m. Dec. 30, 1915, Ralph 
Phillips. Have one daughter, b. Feb. 3. 1917. 

2523. Henry Kent, son of Daniel W.; m. Nov. 15. 1913, Christine Caroline 
Britenrester. See Historical Section. 

2882. Henry Kent, b. Sept. 8. 1915. 

2883. Christine Elizabeth, b. March 10. 1917. 

2524. Fl«»renee, dau. of Daniel W'.; ni. June 26, 1913, Thomas Davis Jenkins 
of Punxsutawney, Penn. 

2526. <>li\e B., dau. of Ayres B. ; m. Sept. 11. 1915. Jerome Curtis Burns. 
(2i m. P'rank Herbert Gravt's of Dow. Iowa, a descendant of Thomas Graves, 
who came to America from England in 1645. 

Taylor Atwater, b. June 13. 1916; m. May 16, 1949 Mabrey Dixon of 

Norton, Va. 
Keith Coleman, b. Sept. 27, 1917. m. Pauline Carol, b. Nov. 21. Children: 
Kevin I^wis. b. Nov. 11. 194 7. 
Curti.ss Scott, b. Jan. 12. 1952. 
Nancy Carol, b. June 1, 1954. 
Thom'as Keith, b, July 1, 1955. 

2.V27. Donald M., .son of Avres B.; m. Sept. 27, 1916. Ethel Irene Kensinger. 
5114. (J«M>jgf lionald, b. j'ulv 24. 1917. 

5117. I.sabelle Elvira, b. April 28, 1919. 

51 18. Harohl Elery, b. Nov. 25, 1926. 

252«. Josrphim- V., dau. of Ayres B.; m, Oct. 12. 1914, Harry Paul Black- 
ford, .Marion, lnv.a 

Paulme E.. b. Nov. IS. 1917; m. Gilmore. 

Raymond, b. May 21, 1919; m. Arlene, b. April 26, 1924. Chil.: Juditlo- b. 

Feb. 2, 1946. Samuel, b. March 2, 1950. 
Gerald E., b. June 14, 1931. 


2530. Elnathan K., son of Cornelius Rush; m. 1910, Ella Layman, b. Jan. 

24, 1887. Lives in Greenville, N. Y. 

2885. Marjorie L., b. Sept., 1911. 

2531. David H., son of Cornelius Rush; m. Sept., 1910, Florence Mae 
Stickels, b. May 30, 1881. No children. Farmer at Greenville. N. Y. 

2533. Kenneth C, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Oct., 1915, Edith C. McClure, 
b. July, 1896. Is a teacher in the public schools of Albany, N. Y. 

2535. Helen Frances, dau. of George Elnathan; m. Foreman. 

2537. John Ronald, son of John Clarence; m. Jill McLaughlan, of Bradford, 
Pa., b. April 6, 1908. 

5122. John Ronald, Jr., b. Oct. 16, 1936. 

5123. Wm. McLaughlan. b. June 5, 1941. 

2538. Leah Elisabeth, dau. of John Clarence; m. George Boyerturn, b. Feb. 
3, 1908. son of Elizabeth Anne Boyer and Harold De Pew Turn, of Falls, Pa. 

Penelope Elisabeth, h. April 26, 1943. 

2540. Fred C, Jr., son of Frederick; m. Amelia B. Van Kirk, b. July 29, 

5124. Fred James III*, b. June 12. 1930. 

5125. Amelia (Nelhe) b. March 12, 1932; m. John Wunsch*. b. May 7, 

Louis, b. June 27, 1952. 
Jay C. served in Gen. Patten's 3rd Armored Division antl Robert L. 
Atwater as Medical Asst., both received Silver Star for bravery. 

2549. Gertrude, dau. of William Henry; m. Oct. 27, 1899. Benjamin Hoag, 
b. March 15, 1865; d. Sept. 9, 1932. No children. Live at Garfield, N. Y. 

2550. Calvin Haynes, son of William Henry; m. Oct. 15, 1901. Elsie L. 
Snow, b. June 22, 1881. No children. 

2551. William Henry, son of William Henry; m. May 30, 1910, Emma 
Adams, ta. Sept. 28, 1888. Lives at Stephentown, N. Y. 

2886. William E., b. March 1, 1911. 

2887. Thelma M., b. April 18, 1912. 

2888. Virginia, b. Jan. 11, 1914. 

2889. Julia A., b. Nov. 18, 1915. 

2890. Mary A., b. March 11, 1917. 

2552. Blanch Ella, dau. of William Henry; m. Jan. 29, 1905, Frederick V. 
Hall, b. Sept. 16, 1878. She d. Sept. 18. 1912. 

Irene E., b. Sept. 7, 1906. 
Doris G., b. Nov. 3, 1907. 
Donald F., b. July 11, 1909. 
William F., b. Jan. 15, 1911. 

2.553. Daniel Augustus, son of William Henry; m. Dec. 14, 1914, Hallie 

Miller, b. Dec. 15, 1883. 

2891. Royce M., b. Aug. 22, 1916. 

2554. -lohn Haynes, son of William Henry; m. May 13, 1917, Hazel L. 
Hayes, b. Dec. 20. 1895. 

2892. John, Jr., b. April 22, 1922. 

2893. Calvin Benjamin, b. Jime 22, 1926. 

2558. William Langworthy, son of William Langworthy; m. Virginia Sulli- 
van, b. April 22, 1923. 

5126. Karen Kea, b. May 9, 1945. 

5128. Carol Ann, b. Dec. 13, 1948. 

5127. William Langworthy III, b. Nov. 7, 1953. 

2559. Edward Clapp, son of William Langworthy. Report, r. m. Sept. 15, 
1951, Josephine McNulty, b. Jan. 22, 1924. 

5129. Thomas William, b. Dec. 11, 1952. 


5130. David Weaver, b. June 5, 1954. 

2561. Edwin IVrrin, son of Edward Congdon; banker. Batavia, N. Y. 

5130. Edwin Cungdon. b. Feb. 6. 1926; medical student. 

5131. M. Ruth Mary Prole, b. March 24, 1923. 

5132. James Perrin. b. April 17, 1928. 

5133. Julian Washburn, b. May 8, 1931. 

'i56'i. llfU-n Hu.stings, dau. of Edward Congdon; ni. Richard Walter, b. 
Sept. 26, 1891, son of Arthur and Grace Crampton Heurtley, of River Forest, 

Helen Atwater, b. June 15. 1929. 

Charles Arthur, b. May 29. 1931. 

John Crampton. b. May 22. 1935. Sharon, Conn. 

2563. .Jan»'t Dunnt'll, dau. of Christopher Greene; m. Cornelius Garrison 
Burre. Writer, b. Jan. 17. 1903. See Roll of Honor. 

•.»564. Svlvia .Mt-ad, dau. of Christopher Greene; m. 

( 2 I Berthold William Bothe 

(li Anne Wight MacMillan, b. Nov. 19. 1929; m. Lt. Wni. Adams Thom- 
son, (chil.) John Atlams, b. Sept. 10. 1951. Caroline Anne, b. Dec. 4, 1952. 
(2) Berthold Christopher Bothe, b. June 17. 1950. 

2565. Abby Wanton, dau. of Christopher Greene; m. Aug. 23, 1934, James 
Nixon, b. Aug. 30, 1909, son of Ethel Almira Storms and James William 
Hadlev. James N. Columbia Univ. 1933 anthropologist Earlliam College. 
.Martha Jane, b. June 4, 1937. Susan Greene, b. Feb. 12, 1940. Gail Atwater. b. 
June 28, 1946. 

2566. lA'\f;h Richmond Brewer; Ed. St. Paul's and Horace Man and Wil- 
liams College. Coast Guard Service, W.W. I; m. Grace Draper, b. Jan. 31, 
1920, dau. of Genevieve Laurens and Richard Grimshaw Smith. 

5134. Jane Brewer, b. Sept. 2. 1920. 

5135. Leigh, Jr.. b. April 19. 1926. 

2.")67. Kiehard .Mrad III, b. Perth. Aust. W.W. I. French Ambulance Corps, 
Royal Air Service; m. Marguerite Henly of Joplin, Missouri. 

2569. -MontgonnTv Meigs, son of Maxwell; Avalanche Researcher, Author; 
m. Alic- Rutland, b. Oct. 28, 1910. 

5136. James Rutland, b. Sept. 22, 1946. Salt Lake City. 

2570. Kli/.alM'th Juan, dau. of Maxwell; m. Oct. 9. 1937. Clarence Frederick, 
son of Ethel Washburn and Frederick Christopher Biehl. Garneill, Mont. 

Mary Alici-, b. Dec. 15, 1940. 
Elizabeth Joan, b. Nov. 19, 194 3. 
David Montgomery, b. March 22, 1917. 
Clarence Christopher, b. Oct. 30. 1950. 

2572. In(l Stephen, son of Henry Levi; m. March 21, 1936. Gladys Mae 
Stellachl, b. Nov. 20, 1912, Buffalo, N. Y. 

5137. Suzanne Jean, b. March 10. 1937. 

5138. Frederick Henry, b. Mav 11. 1938. 

5139. Nancy Carol, b. Oct Ifi." 1940. 

257.S. .Myra Henrietta, dau. of Henry Levi; m. James Riggs 
Philip James, b. Sow 5, 1935. 

Philip James 11, b. June 2, 1953. 
Sharon Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17, UJ.'U). 

liilth, riau. of Henry Levi; ni. Raymond V. Ball. b. Dec. 12, 1916. 
K. nneth Henry, b. Oct. 14, 194 2. 
.Mary Anne Hall, b. April 17, 191 1. 
Lu< ille Faith, b. Nov. 13. 1945. 
Dorothy Elaine, b. Jan. 24. 1948. 


2576. Stanley Norman, son of George Edward; Farmer, Grad. Cornell '36, 
B.S.; m. B. Leone Hetherley. b. Feb. 17, 1915. 

5141. Lana Mae, b. Feb. 26, 1940. 

5142. Barbara Jeanne, b. Dec. 30, 1942. 

5143. Norman George, b. May 17, 1947. 

5144. Richard James, b. April 9, 1950. 

5145. William John, b. Sept. 12, 1951. Barker, N. Y. 

Ehvood Martin, son of George Edward, b. Feb. 27, 1922; m. Loretta 
Voelker, b. April 27, 1922. 

5146. Bonita Lee, b. Feb. 22, 1943. 

5147. Jeffrey Chris, b. June 17, 1950. 

Melvin George, son of George Edward, b. Nov. 12, 1931; U.S. Army ( Lt. i ; 
m. April 3, 1954. Shirley Siitch, b. Feb. 20, 1932, dau. of Thelma Gray and 
Myron Sutch, Melvin Grad. Cornell, 1953, B.S. degree. 

5148. Terry Lee, b. Jan. 23, 1955. 

2577. James, Jr., m. Alice Starke, Jan. 1, 1941. 

5149. James John, b. May 1, 1944. 

257«. John Belmeur, son of James, Sr., m. Katheryn McClain, May 27, 

5150. John B., Jr., b. Jan. 28, 1952. 

2579. Pierce II, son of Willard Taft; Office Manager; m. Jan. 17, 1952, 
Raquel de Anchondo. 

2580. Howe, son of Willard Taft; Executive; m. Jane Oblender, b. Aug. 
28, 1948. 

5151. Charlotte, b. Nov. 3, 1949. 

5152. Richard Howe, b. Oct. 14, 1951. St. Paul, Minn. 

2581. Thomas Van V., Jr.; A.sst. Prof. M.I.T.; m. Sept. 6. 1944. Jean Lang- 
ston, dau. of Earl K. and Virginia Minshall Langston, b. June 24, 1923, Bill- 
ings, Montana. 

5153. Thomas, V. V. Ill, b. Jan. 27, 1949. 

5154. Ann Langston, b. Nov. 19, 1951. 

2582. David Charton, son of Thomas V. V., Sr.; History Teacher; m. 
Jeanne Alice, Med. Lab. Technician, b. Nov. 19, 1925, dau. of Hazel Shipley 
and Thomas Vern Ferris. San Parlo, Calif. 

2583. Barbara, dau. of Thomas V. V., Sr.; m. Cor. Charles Franklin Weiss, 
b. Aug. 1, 1918. 

Stephen Atwater, b. April 23, 1947. 
Charles Van Valkenbuigh, b. July 2, 1951. 

2588. Fred Kobert, son of David H.; m. Ellen Willbanks, b. Sept. 17, 1904. 

5155. Bret Byron Rogers, b. Jan. 7, 1923. 

2589. Harry, son of David H.; m. June 26, 1889; m. Pearl, b. May 3, 1894. 

2594. Alta, dau. of Charles J.; m. Feb. 17, 1904. Frederick A. Barry. 

Viola Pearl, b. April 4, 1907. 
Iniz May, b. April 19, 1911. 
Gordon, b. Aug. 23, 1914. 
Charles Wesley, b. Nov. 30, 1917. 

2606. Jay, son of Nelson; m. 1890, Rose Eassom. He has been employed 
twenty-five years as operator and freight agent of the grand Trunk railroad 
at Jackson City, Mich. He adopted his sister Clara's daughter, Roba H., b. 
1887, who married Walter J. Scott of Jackson, Mich. 

2607. Clara, dau. of Nelson; m. 1888, Bert Glidden. They lived at Matte- 
wan, Michigan. 

Eula, b. 1889. 

Ola, b. 1892. 

Roba H., the mother dying at her birth. She was adopted by her uncle. Jay. 


•J608. Bertha, dau. of Nelson; m. in 1892, Ralph Smith. They live at Paw 
Paw. Michigan. 

Gail. b. 1894: m. in 1916. Sid Steinaman. 
Carl. b. 1896. 

*»609. Flora, dau. of Nelson: m. 1909, Robert Bangs. Resides at Paw Paw, 

Dick. b. 1911. 
Martha, b. 1915. 

WIO. Ella. dau. of Nelson: m. 1899. Mead Hill. d. Dec, 1901; (2) 1909, 
Harry Morrison. 

•»611. Burt, son of Nelson; m. Louise Pabst. They live in Salt Lake City, 

2894. Marjorie. b. 1909. 

'iiili. \ «-rn N., son of Nelson; ni. Gladys Broom, of Almena, Mich. They 
live at Lawtor, Mich. 

2895. Clifford, b. 1911. 

2896. Morrice, b. 1916. 

•,•619. -Nfllie, dau. of Myron; m. July, 1891, Albert J. Yoder. Lives in Hall- 
way, Iowa. No children. 

'id'H). Thomas, son of Myron; m. June, 1891, Flora Morris. They live at 
Sublette, Kansas. 

2897. Clarence, b. Jan. 13, 1892. 

2898. Elsie Mildred, b. Oct. 10. 1893; m. May 18. 1917. Milburn Baker. 

2899. Ro.scoe. b. Jan. 11, 1904. 

2900. Mvron, b. Aug. 2. 1907. 

2901. Lillian Ann, b. March 8, 1909. 

2902. Winter, b. Dec. 28. 1912. 

2903. Marv Rachel, b. May 30, 1914. 

2904. Walter Donald, b. Aug. 23, 1917. 

•i6Jl. .Mary K., dau. of Myron; ni. May 6, 1906, St. Elmo Neely of La- 
grange. Indiana. 

Elizabeth, b. Oct.. 1908. 

26'2'>. \Valt«T \V.. son of Myron; m. Dec. 23, 1900, Clara Lotte. 
290."). Mavnaid, b. July. 1901. 
2906. Marvin, b. Jan. 31, 1917. 

2623. Ji'sse, son of Myron: m. March 9, 1898, Norma Zimmerman of 
Lagrange, Ind. No children. 

2624. (;rover J., sun of Myron; m. May 28. 1911; Oakie Marchand. Lives 
at La>^ range. Iiul. 

290. Kenneth, b. March 11. 1915. 

262r>. .Vrthur S.. son of Charles Lyman; m. Feb. 15. 1895, Katherine Shirley. 
They live in Howe, Ind. 

2626. Augusta A., dau. of Charles Lyman; m. Oct. 25. 1893. James E. 
Zo<jk. They live in Lagrange. Ind.. where he is assistant cashier of the 
National Bank of Lagrange. No children. 

2632. KhujuikI I'... .son of Willis A.; m. Jan. 7. 1919, Hazel Gaylord. They 
live at En<li(«)tt. N. Y. 

:"tf'k Hc-len Janis. b. Feb. 7. 1921. 

' Charles Thomas, b. April 4. 1923. 

2642. .Marion < nir. dau. of Henry; m. Nov. 24. 1920, Win. Mcar Norton, b. 
Sept. 18. 1899. Wm. ih retired. Nancy Jane, b. Nov. 19. 1925, Beverly Hill.s, Cal. 

2613. Ili-nrv .Vtwater, Jr.; m. Nov. 10. 1926, Harriet Elizabeth Wyatt of 
Caxpei. Wyo.. b. Sept. 6, 1901; d. Oct. 9. 1951. 


5156. Joan, b. May 13, 1928, m. June 23, 1951 John Gaylord Colton. Linda 
Susan, b. July 26, 1952: Robert Gaylord. b. June 29, 1954. 

5157. Henry Wyatt, b. Nov. 22, 1932. 

2644. Win. Charnley*. son of Thomas Elmes; m. Sept. 22, 1945, Catherine 
Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1912. Wm. is a designer and builder. 

5158. Lindsay, b. March 16, 1949. 

2645. Clement Finley. m. May 3, 1928, Jane, dau. of Louise Cole and Frank 

Sanborn of Astoria, Oie., b. June 24, 1906. 

2646. Sarah Blair, dau. of James Bassett; m. May 7, 1918, John Schenck*, 
b. Feb. 20, 1893, son of Mary Stebbins and John Schenck Yoorhees. James 
Atwater, b. March 28, 1921; m. Sept. 4, 1948, Mary Wilcox; d. Sept. 14, 1948. 
(2) Jean Schryver on April 29, 1950 of Colorado Springs, Colo. Karen Jan. b. 
Jan. 30, 1953. Frederick DeHart, b. May 21, 1924. 

2647. Wm. Sterling, Jr., ni. July 29, 1941, Edwinna Bradford Hazelton, b. 
Feb. 26, 1921. 

5159. William Sterling III, b. Sept. 5, 1944. 

2648. Henrietta, dau. of Fred; m. Lt. Joel A. Goldwaith. Joel Cabot, b. 
Nov. 14, 1918; David Atwater, b. Nov. 7, 1921; June Lyon, b. Aug. 5, 1924. 

2649. Louise, dau. of Fred; m. Graig Douglas Munson, b. Feb. 16, 1899. 
son of Mary Atkinson Clark, (d. 1927) and George Douglas Munson, Walling- 
ford. Conn!; d. 1927. Craig Jr., b. Dec. 13, 1923; m. Anne MacGowan of 
Mondair, N. J., June 10, 1944, b. April 9, 1924. 

Chil.: Craig Douglas III, b. Sept. 21, 1945; Mary Louise, b. Sept. 21, 1948; 
Joanne, b. July 29, 1954, Wallingford, Conn.; Marjory Jeanne, b. Nov. 
14, 1925; m. Russell Hughes W'eldon, Jr., on June 5, 1954. Louise 
Atvi^ater, b. March 11, 1930. 

2669. Fay Marguerite, dau. of Edward Francis; m. (1) Roy Franklin 
Feathers- -Annulled. (2) Aug. 19, 1954 to James Morris Clyde, son of Alnion 
and Electa Clyde of Wendell, Idaho. Fay graduated with a B.A. from Occi- 
dental College, 1936. 

2672. Earl Raymond, son of George Erasmus; m. Feb. 7, 1948, Dorothy 
Westall. Earl is foreman in Construction Company. 

5160. Jack W^estall, b. Oct. 8, 1950. 

5161. Jerry Earl, b. March 12, 1953. 

2673. Ralph Ernest; m. March 11, 1939, Margaret Peters in Watertown, 

5. D. Construction Superintendent. 

5162. Linda Jean, b. Nov. 27, 1942. 

5163. SueEllen, b. Dec. 9, 1946. 

5164. Nancy Jane, b. Feb. 23, 1950. 

2674. Lloyd Everett; m. Sept. 4, 1938, Montana W'ertz in Missoula, Mont. 
Pontiac auto dealer. 

5165. Joanne, b. Sept. 23, 1942. 

5166. Mary Ellen, b. July 15, 1945. 

5167. Thomas George, b. May 6, 1948. 

2675. Vern Edward*; m. Margaret Lucus in San Francisco, Calif., b. Nov. 

6, 1916. 

5168. Robert Wayne, b. March 15, 1947. 

5169. Jay Douglas, b. June 20, 1949. 

5170. Carol Ann, b. May 16, 1951. 

5171. Howard, b. April 27, 1920; m. March 27. 1943. Phyllis Hofer. b. 

Jan. 29, 1921, dau. of Zora Sutherland and Jushua D. Hofer, in Wau- 
kegan. 111. Howard is a dental technician. 

5172. Susan Claire, b. Jan. 12, 1946. 

5173. Kevin Dean E., b. Dec. 2, 1950. 

5174. Wayne Allen, son of George Erasmus, b. Nov. 6, 1922; employee 
Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City, S. D. 

2680. Jessie Rae, dau. of Eddison J.; m. John Frederick Amsberry*, b. 
June 22. 1909. James Neil, b. Apiil 24, 1943; Christine, b. Jan. 4, 1946. 






I'hvllis Jane. m. Aug.. 1942, Edward R. Volkstorf. 
Charles David, son of Addison J., b. Dec. 15, 1929; m. May 5, 1951. 
Anita Belle, b. Aug. 24. 1930. dau. of Violet Linnea Loo and Clar- 
ence Lane Frost, of Glasgow, Mont. 
. Steven Ward, b. Sept. 29. 1952. 
Nancy Loo. b. May 17, 1955. 

268*i. C'leon Everal, son of Edgar Foote; m. June 30, 1941, Jane Carlson. 
b. Dec. 22, 1917. dau. of Josephine Olschner and Joel Carlson of Chicago, 111. 
Cleon is Supervisor of Music, Beverly Hills Schools. See Roll of Honor. 

5178. Thomas Eugene, b. May 8. 1947. 

5179. Kathleen Jane, b. Oct. 2. 1950. 


mm. Kdwin -Miller, son of James Horace; m. Oct. 21, 1923. Margaret, dau. 
of Oswold Kelsey. Divorced 1935; (2) Sybil Irene Hudnall on Dec. 24, 1938. 
2910. Margaret Jean. b. Sept. 8. 1924; m. Oct. 6, 1945, Charles August 

Lindner, Jr. 
5179a. Harry Edwin, b. March 10. 1928. 

•»6H6. Hiirace I^ogan, son of James Horace, m. in Los Angeles June 5, 1935, 
Sarah Hazel, dau. of Jessie Mai Williams and John Daniel Smith. 

5180. Kathleen Ruth, ta. Aug. 24, 1937. 

5181. Paul Horace, b. Feb. 10, 1946. 

2687. James \Vin<-hell, son of James Horace; m. Charlotte M., b. Aug. 17, 
1909. I'lUKipal LA. City Schools. 

5182. James. Jr., b.'june 28. 1931. 

5183. Donald Duane. b. July 16, 1932; m. June 26. 1954, Shirley Ann 
Conley. b. Sept. 1. 1932, dau. of Mrs. Herva Conley. James* grad. 
Papperdine College and organized Westchester Y.M.C.A. Both 

5183a. Robert Kendrick, b. Feb. 16. 1942. 

2688. Helen Eli/alw-th, dau. of William Church; m. William Whytal Ben- 
nett, Julv 28. 1926. (1) Edith Camille. b. Orlando, Fla. Julv 29, 1928; m. 
Richard H. Weinberg Nov. 9, 1946. Chil.i Richard H., Jr., b. Jan. 4, 1948; Ann 
Leslie, b. May 8. 1949; Chiistine. b. June 9. 1953. (2) William. Jr., b. Nov. 25. 
1931. (3i Gayle, b. April 22, 1938. 

2689. I^-onard Bryden, son of William Cliurch; m. Sept. 2, 1938 Edwenna 
G. Hamilton. 

5184. Annctta Chri-stine. b. Aug. 23. 1939. 

5185. Judv Lynne. b. Dec. 14. 1943. 

5186. Leonard B., Jr., b. Sept. 20. 1947. 

5187. William C.. b. Jan. 9, 1949. 

2690. I- ranKlin .Sinips(»n. son of George F.; m. May 9, 1917 Maiion .lane 
Brian, b. May 16, 1919. Franklin is co-author of Production Control, Industrial 
Organization & Management and Es.sentials of Industrial Management, Pub- 
lished by M((;raw-Hill. 

5188. Marv-Jane, b. Nov. 11, 1948. 

5189. Brian Franklin, b. Sept. 18. 1951. 

5190. Sally Ruth. b. Oct. 14, 1953. 

26{Nhi. .Vnnette Ionise, dau. of George F.; m. George Henry, Jr. h .June 
27. 1919, .son of Margaret L. and George H. M. Rountree of Brooklyn. N. Y. 
Chil.; (ieor^e Henry MacLagan III, b. Oct. 8. 1949; Anne Louise, b. June 7, 
1952; David Atwater. b. Oct. 4. 1954. 

269L (M.rdon .Mlwrt, .son of Harmon; m. Edith, b. April 16, 1906, dau. of 
Lulu DiUard and Dalla.s Irwin F(jrtney. Gordon is a Management Consultant. 

5191. Edith Loree, b. Julv 25. 1931. 

5192. Gordon. Jr., b. Dec. 1, 1935. 

2692. Windsor liarnion, .son of Harmon; m. Mildred Emily Zarnos. 


5193. Wayne Gordon, b. June 22, 1933. 

5194. Joyce Evelyn, b. June 16, 1940. 

2693. Frances Emily, dau. of Harmon; m. George William Drescher. Di.st. 
Mgr. Thomp.son Prod., "inc.; b. May 10, 1908, d. April 28, 1950. Chil.: Dan 
George, b. April 20, 1946. 

2696. John Robert, son of Karl; m. 1947 Elizabeth B. Braden, b. Dec. 9, 

5195. Stephen Karl, b. Jan. 10, 1948. 

5196. Susan Gwen, b. Oct. 10, 1950. 

5197. Anita Ann, b. Sept. 23, 1952. 

2697. Stephen Knapp, son of Karl W.; m. June Ann of Mosince, Wis., b. 
Jan. 10, 1926, dau. of Clara Thomas and Ermin Armin Smith. 

5198. Stephanie Ann, b. Nov. 20, 1948. 

5199. Thomas Knapp, b. April 28, 1950. 

5200. Janet Claire, b. Nov. 4, 1951. 

2699. Margaret Josephine, dau. of Asaph; m. Adrian C. Witt. Children: 
Adrian C, Jr., of Santa Monica, Calif.; Thomas, Mary Adelaide, Robert and 
Edward of Crafton, Pa. 

2700. Neil William, son of Asaph; m. Mildred Schmidt, b. Oct. 3, 1900. 
Neil Production Engineer, Mergenthaler Linotype Co. 

5201. Mildred M. (Mimi). b. Feb. 11, 1929. "Mimi" is associate food editor 
(McCall's Magazine), Montclair, N. J. 

5202. N. William, b. July 28, 1934. 

5203. M. Christine, b. Aug. 12, 1937. 

2701. Asa Aloysius, son of Asaph; m. Theresa, dau. of Mary and Peter H. 
Bies. Asa is Labor Editor of the Pittsburgh Press. 

5204. Mary Therese, b. 1941. 

5205. Asa Lawrence, b. 1943. 

5206. Joanne, b. 1950. 

2702. Elizabeth Amanda, dau. of Asaph; unm. Dr. Atwater is a faculty 
member Potamac State College, Keyser, W. Va. 

2707. :Marguerite Jane, dau. of Miles; m. Aug. 27, 1927 Aaron M. Snyder, 
b. July 18, 1876, retired Professor. Marguerite is a Psychologist. Marynell 
Atwater, b. Sept. 19, 1931, m. Feb. 22, 1952 James L. Kelley, b. April 26, 1932; 
Their child.: James Lowell, Jr., b. July 8, 1953. Virginia Helen Snyder, b. Sept. 
30, 1934, college student. 

2708. William Benjamin, son of Miles; m. Aug. 10, 1929, Hazel Virginia 
Kirk, b. Feb. 12, 1895. 

2715. Bernard, son of Arthur T.; m. Fern Mary, b. Albion, Nebr., May 7. 
1904, dau. of Mary Whiting and Charles Henry West. Fern grad. Central 
Washington and Eastern Washington colleges. 

2718. Myrtle M., dau. of Harry L.; medical technician; m. (1) James 
Pennell, June 11, 1928; div. April, 1932; (2) James Lavan, April 3, 1943; div. 
Jan.. 1946; (3) Elmer Tuttle, Sept. 1, 1946; d. Oct. 8, 1946. 

2720. Helen May, dau. of Harry L.; m. Yaunk. 

2721a. Edwin W., b. Dec. 1, 1919. son of William (2145); m. Annabelle 
Louise dau. of Albertal and William E. Clark, b. Decatur, 111., Feb. 28, 1921. 

5208. Edwin, Jr., b. Dec. 13, 1943. 

5209. Anna Lou, b. Feb. 19, 1947. 

5210. Paula Jeanne, b. Oct. 15, 1953. Edwin Sr. is an auto manufacturer's 
representative, Abilene, Texas. 

2721b. Shirley Jane, b. June 18, 1924, dau. of William (2145) m. Donald 
Richard Clark, h. Oct. 16, 1923, Supervisor, Illinois Power Co. Donna Jane. b. 
April 27, 1944; Judith Kay, b. Dec. 16, 1945; Donald, Jr., b. Aug. 19, 1947; 
Susan Marie, b. Aug. 23, 1953. 


5211. Virginia Louise, b. Oct. 25, 1922, dau. of Harry Arthur (2185) m. 
Ralph Albert, b. Oregon City. Ore., Aug. 17, 1923. son of Mabel Weis 
and Chiistopher C. Crusius, Engineer of Dobbs. Ferry, N. Y. Carolyn 
Jean. b. Sept. 6. 1947, Richard Alan, b. Jan. 9, 1950. 

5212. Elizabeth Marie, b. Sept. 10. 1924. dau. of Harry Arthur; m. William 
Lamb, b. Nov. 1, 1916 son of Mary Lamb and William Lamb Copi- 
thorne. William. Jr.. former teacher and aiitlior with stories in 
magazines: Atlantic, Town & Country, Tomorrow, New Yorker, etc., 
1946-54. Robert Stephen, b. July 10. 1950. David Atwater. b. June 
IS, 1953. 

'iTi'i. Kuth Marion, dau. of Roy Minor; m. Batson. Allen Roy. b. July 

6. 1948: Clifton Ross, b, Jan. 25. 1953. 

•>726. (lordon Walter, son of Warren C. 

lir,. .Joseph J.; m. Adaic K.. b. Nov. 25, 1920. 

5213. Daniel W.. b. Feb. 9, 1939. 

5214. Roberta S.. b. May 21, 1942. 

2730. Warren C, Jr.; m. Myrtle L.. b. June 4. 1931. 

5215. Warren C. IH. b. Feb. 19. 1949. 

5216. Linda Lee, b. Jan. 8. 1948. 

5217. Lonnie E. and Bonnie E.. March 31. 1951. 

5218. Gordon W.. b. Nov. 25, 1953, Miami, Fla. 

273'». Dorothy, dau. of Ansell E.; m. Clifford Bass of Dallas, Wis.; b. Aug. 
26. 1915. Feed Merchant. Gerald Sanford. b. June 25. 1939; Patricia Ellen, b. 
Dec. 20. 1943; Steven Clifford, b. April 22. 1949. Dallas. Wis. 

2733. Donald Ansel, son of Ansell E.; m. Anne Bernard. 

5219. Bernald Donald, b. Nov. 13, 1940. 

5220. Duane Edward, b. Nov. 29, 1941. 

5221. Douglas James, b. Nov. 4, 1943. 

5222. Richard Lee. b. Nov. 15. 1947. 

5223. Donald, Jr.. b. Sept. 16, 1951. Milwaukee. Wis. 

2734. Marjorie >I., dau. of Ansell; m. Arnold Lawson. Judith Lawson. 

273."). .Mary E., dau. of Ansell E.; m. Harry Gloyd. Nancy Ann. 

5224. Nancy, b. Oct. 5. 1929. dau. of Ansell E.; m. Alison, b. Oct. 15. 1926, 
son of Martha Hostmann and Haiold English. Dennis Hu.uh, b. 
Sept. 17. 1951; Bruce Michael, b. Jan. 7, 1954 all of Merrill, Wis. 

274(1. Ilfiiry (J., Jr., son of Henry G.; m. Oct. 24, 1912. Janet Love Hum- 
phrey, b. Dec. 31. 1919. Henry is an Engineer with I.B.M. 

5225. Janet Love. b. Jan. 5, 1945. 

5226. Ju(hth Elinor, b. Oct. 13, 1947. 

5227. Henry G. HL b. Feb. 28, 1950. 

5228. Jonathan David, b. Oct. 26. 1951. 

2741. Darcy Klmyra, dau. of Henry G.; m. William Hunt, r reny, Jr., b. 
Aug. 21, 1910. bept. Head. Franklin Tech. Inst., Boston. 

Christopher Lincoln, b. April 6, IfM.H. 
Curtis, b. Sept. 21. 1945. 

2742. .Maru«Ty .Sht-flirld, dau. of I'lulij) Dniry; m. Ralph Thompson, 1). June 
23, 1913. son of I^ois Johnson and Ralph Thompson Crane, Sr. Ralph III, b. 
Nov. 26, 1940; Margaret Atwater, b. May 18, 191 1 : riiilii. Prury, 1). .Inly T) 19.^)0. 

2743. Idith, dau. of Henry. 

27 H. I'.;irl.ar:i. dau. of Henry; m. (1) James A. Drain; (2l Philip B. Maher, 
Architect, Chicago, 111, Anne Whitley Drain; David LobdfU Drain. 

27.'»4. Kuth. rlau. of Walt.r Hull; m. Jan. 25. 1921. John Fayler French, of 
Boston. (Son) Robert Fayler, b. Dec. 28, 1924. 


27o4a. Robert Morrison, m. Lois Healy, b. July 14, 1901. 

5230. Ann, b. March 25, 1930. 

5231. John M., b. Nov. 24, 1934. 

5232. Ehzabeth Reeve, b. June 5, 1937. Robert, Sr., d. May 25, 1940. 

2754b. Lydia, m. Norton Cottcril. 

2756. Charles V., son of Samuel C; m. Sept. 18, 1888, Rose Detman. Lives 
at Oak Harbor, Ohio. 

2911. Luella, b. 1892; m. 1913, O. P. Rosenberger. 

2912. Hazel, b. 1899; m. 1915, C. Feterman. 

2913. Arthur, b. Oct. 25, 1902. 

2914. Harold, b. Nov. 22, 1906. 

2757. Mary Kvaline, m. 1888, Fred Windnagel, Mary D.. Oct. 10, 1947 (ll 
Alice Adelaide, b. Oct. 16, 1888; ni. Otto W. Meister, Account. ( Daus. ) Marga- 
rete, b. Dec. 24, 1907; m. William A. Bennett, b. Nov. 1, 1902, Temple City, 
Calif. Chil.: Donna Mae (Wegman), b. April 20, 1929; Shirley Jean, b. Nov. 
12, 1930. 

Alice (Pedersen) b. . Toledo, Ohio (Son) James Pederson. 

(2) Nellie Melvina, b. Jan. 30, 1890. 

(3) Cora May, b. Feb. 6, 1895; m. Clarence J. Haefner, b. July 28, 1897; was 
Chief Clerk, N.Y.C.R.R., d. Nov. 10, 1953. Chil.: Wayne John*, b. Oct. 5, 1920, 
m. Maryl, b. May 20, 1918. Ruth Ann, b. Dec 9, 1924; m. Arthur R. Ketcham, 
b. Sept. 21, 1920. TV Engineer, NBC, Hollywood, Calif. Thomas R. Ketchum, 
b. July 6, 1949; Linda Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1953. 

(4) Leonard Frederick, b. Aug. 30, 1898, d. June, 1942. 

(5) Walter Wesley, b. March 26, 1906. 

2758. Sarah, dau. of Samuel C. ; m. Frank Wolf (1) Frank Ludwig, b. 
Oct. 15, 1895; m. Dec. 29, 1919 Margaret Ellen Duer, b. Toledo, Ohio Oct. 28, 
1897. Frank is Awning Mfgr. (Chil.) Franklin Alonzo, b. Oct. 11, 1926 m. Dec. 
26, 1947 Phyllis O. Elliott b. Dec. 8, 1928, Columbus, O. dau. Diane Patricia, b. 
March 16, 1951; Robert Parke, b. ; B.A. and M.A., Fine Arts, Ohio State. 

(2) Girl. 

(3) William Samuel, b. Nov. 9, 1898; m. Myrtle M., b. Nov. 25, 1899; d. 

(2) Nettie M. b. Feb. 25, 1899. William, Jr., b. Sept. 6, 1917; m. Thelma. 
Chil.: Gary b. March 3, 1938, Dennis, b. Dec. 8, 1946; Evelyn M. b. Feb. 13, 
1919; Richard Wallace, b. Oct. 16, 1921; m. Rosalie May, b. April 5, 1923. Chil.: 
Pamela Kay, b. May 28, 1946; David Lee, b. Oct. 13, 1949. 
Franklin C.*, b. March 6, 1924; Wendell D.*, b. Aug. 16, 1928. 

2759. C'larisa, dau. of Samuel C; m. James Love, b. March 3, 1877, son of 
Elzia and Jame Love of Leeds, Eng. He d. May 12, 1933. (1) Edith Luella, b. 
May 2, 1899; m. Wm. Eckart, d. (2) Margueritte Tone, b. June 7, 1901. (3 1 
Esther, b. Dec. 1, 1903, m. Lee Bush; (4) Irene Florence, b. Aug. 4, 1906, m. 
Canby Dempsey. 

(5) Beatrice, b. June 13, 1912, m. Albert Janes. 

(6) James Samuel, b. July 21, 1916; m. Marion, b. July 19, 1917, dau. of Helen 
Krabenhoft and William Carl Wussow, Sabin, Minn. Chil.: Susan Arlean, b. 
Jan. 28, 1941; James Frederick b. Sept. 2, 1943; Robert William, b. Aug. 20, 1949. 

(7) Virginia Margaret, b. March 10, 1923; m. George Gochis. 

2760. William F., son of Samuel C; m. Oct. 26, 1899, Louise Maring. Live 
at Oak Harboi', Ohio. 

2915. Wilton S., b. Jan. 5, 1902. 

2916. Raymond W., b. Aug. 14, 1904. 

2917. Morton V., b. Feb. 1, 1917. 

2761. James Orlen, son of Samuel C; m. 1900, Clara Vogel, b. May 28, 1878, 
d. 1940. 

2918. Beatrice, b. Mav 22, 1901. 

2919. Luella, b. Dec. 19. 1902. 

2920. Crystal, b. Aug. 26, 1907. 

2762. Hamiali Luella, dau. of Samuel C; m. 1889. Howard Hoffman. 
Hannah d. July 10, 1935. 


Mildred, b. 1900; m. Rollin Cole. 

Chester, b. 1901. d. 

Leslie, b. May 21. 1903: m. June 3. 1925 Edith Rossman. Chil.: Rita Joan. 

b. March 5. 1934; m. Gordon Masters Aug. 1. 1953. (Dau.) Linder Kay, 

b. Aug. 4. 1954; Morris Ross b. May 18. 1937. 
Doris, b. 1903; m. Edward Bourns. 
George, b. June 26, 1911; m. Mildred Jones, b. Feb. 3. 1912. Chil.: Garry, b. 

Oct. 5. 1936; m. Mona L.. b. April 21, 1936; (son) Michael Scott, b. Jan. 

31. 1954. Gerald, b. Jan. 29, 1938; George, Jr.. b. July 10, 1940, d; Luetta. 

b. Oct. 18. 1941; Glenn, b. May 18, 1945; Gregory, b. Sept. 27. 1950. 

276;^. Florence .May. m. J. D. Hoffman d. Norman Douglas, b. April 7, 

1915; m. Dorothy Dawn, dau. of Lucy M. Herbert Leighton, former Supt. Mich. 

Schools for 48 years. Norman Douglas, Chem. Prof, at General Motors College 

of Technology. Chil.: Allandale. b. Dec. 7. 1938; David Douglas, b. Sept. 18. 1945. 

Don Crowel. b. May 13, 1917; m. Lennalee McClure. Chil.: Neil Atwater, 

b. June 28, 1941; Kathleen Nan, b. June 5, 1943; Patti Lynn, b. Dec. 

26. 1951. 

2764. 1(1:1 M.; m. Finke. 

276.">. laiitha, m. Haynes; (son) Robert. 

2766. lowatta. dau. of Samuel C; m. Gressman; 2 daughters. 

2767. Myrtle Julia, dau. of Preston H.; m. Feb. 5. 1911, Ralph W. Hurlbut. 
ThfV live in Waterbury, Conn. 

Ruth. b. Sept. 8, 1911. 
Dorothy, b. Jan. 12, 1913. 
Viola, b. Oct. 8, 1915. 
Howard, b. Nov. 25, 1918. 
Robert, b. Nov. 2, 1920. 
Marjorie, b. Oct., 1923. 

2768. Jessie Louise, dau. of Preston H.; m. Jime 14. 1916, Lyle Terrell. 
Thev live in Cheshire, Conn. 

"Richard, b. July, 1920. 

2769. Frederick Watson, son of Preston H.; m. Feb. 9. 1917, Hazel N. 
VVelton, b. Jan. 19, lh98. Southington. Conn. 

2921. Dwight Preston, b. Jan. 13, 1918. 

2922. Virginia, b. April 19, 1920. 

2923. June, b. Oct. 7. 1921. 

2770. Frances .Mary. tiau. of Preston H.; m. Sept. 16, 1920, Frederick Lines. 
Muriel, b. Aug. 28. 1921. 

Evelyn, b. April 16, 1923. 

28L (irove \N orthingtcm. son of Albert W.; m. Evelyn H.. b. July 16, 1910. 
5235. Dau., Barbara Jean, b. Sept. 30. 1946. Lookout Mt., Tonn. 

27K2. David Hay, Jr., Ships Store, Inc. (Nautical) Barrington. R. I., m. 
Therese. b. Junt- 25. 1928, Berkeley. Calif., dau. of Lydia Hyde and John 
Lawrence Pagen. 

52.36. David III, h. July 28, 1950. 

52.37. Jennifer Hyde. b. Oct. 15, 1951. 

'i'M. Sall\ \MiK-. dau. of David Hay, Sr.; m. Battle. Bryn Mawr. Pa. 

27K4a. Kleaiior Hartlitt, dau. of David Hay, Sr. ; m. Randolph, .Ji., b. 
Milton, Ma.ss.. Oct. 6, 1927, son of Margaret Cooke and Randolph Kunliaidt 
Byer.s. p:iizabeth. b. Dec. 26, 1952; Bartlett Cooke, b. Oct. 7, 1951 and uauud 
after his two living great-grandmothers, each aged 89 years. Wilton, Conn. 

27Hlb. Nathaniel Kartletl. .son of David Hay, Sr., b. Jan. 26. 1936. 

27M7. I'alri«ia Marian I'ipe, Frgeburg, Maine. 

27KK. MatKarei .lean, <iau. of Harold Conant; Laboratory Technician, Phil- 
adelphia, I 'a. 


2789. Harold Conant, Jr.. m. Elizabeth Dow. 

5239. Harold III, b. March 17. 1950. 

5240. Stephen Michael, b. April, 1953. 

2790. Clayton Clifford; m. May 15. 1948 June, b. b. May 8. 1927. dau. of 
Margarie Larder and Wiliam Dowell Oake. Agawam, Mass. 

5241. Gary CUfford, b. Nov. 12, 1949. 

5242. Susan Wendy, b. Dec. 12, 1952. 

2791. Kiiby Louise, dau. of Henry Davis; m. Sept. 10, 1914, Otto Massicotte. 
Div. June, 194'8. (2) David Rubelman on Oct. 16, 1948. Florence (Atashiani b. 
Sept. 21, 1915. Wesley, b. Oct. 13, 1918, d. Oct. 6, 1941. Irving, b. Aug. 7, 1923: 
Shirley, b. Sept. 3, 1929; Priscilla Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1933. 

2792. Esther Lillian, m. Homer Appell, b. Sept. 21, 1889, d. May 23, 1923. 
Willard Wesley, b. Nov. 11, 1915; Merwin Arthur, b. June 3, 1918; George 
Gaylord, b. June 30, 1920; Marilyn (Ohono), b. June 3, 1921; Dorothy ( Schelp- 
er), b. Nov. 17, 1922. By 2nd ni. Andrew White: Andrew, Jr.; Thomas Atwater; 
Eleanor Lorraine; Hattie Mae. 

2793. Henry. 

2794. Homer Hart ( d. Oct. 12, 1946) m. Mabel Fay, b. Nov. 15, 1909. 

5243. Carleton Wayne, b. May 18, 1935. 

5244. Kirtland Byron*, b. Nov. 17, 1939. 

2795. Louis Charles. 

2796. Emerson Joseph, son of Henry Davis; m. Elaine Goodrich, b. Nov. 3, 
1916 at Windsor, Vt. 

5244. Edward, b. Nov. 9, 1933 at New Haven, Conn. 

5245. Mildred Lucy, b. at N. Brandford, Conn., Feb. 11, 1935. 

2798. Raymond Elliot, son of Henry Davis; m. Mae Josephine, b. Nov. 28, 
1909, of Hartford, Conn., dau. of Annie Troter and Ernest Aston. 

5330. Janet Mae, b. Dec. 24, 1928. 

5331. Laura June. b. June 21, 1931. 

2802. Frederick Smith, son of Fred Smith: m. Myrtle Alma. b. Nov. 28, 
1903, St. Petersburg, Fla., dau. of Martilla Haynes, b. Wadestown, W. Va., 
Jan. 28, 1880 and Edward Durant, b. Oct. 1, 1869 in Halstead, Sussex, Eng. 
Fredeiick is a minister and on faculty of Trinity College, Clearwater, Fla. 
(Son) Harold Jeems, b. Dec. 15, 1930; m. Mary Edwina. 

2804. John James, son of John James; m. Feb., 1912, Mary Johnston. 
2924. John James III, b. April, 1914. 

2805. John Spencer, son of Carleton WiUiam; m. July 29. 1939. Laura 
Virginia ZippUes, b. Sept. 30, 1917. See Historical Section for data concerning 
Dr. John. 

5248. John, Jr., b. Sept. 14, 1944. 

5249. Paul Carleton, b. July 14, 1946. 

5250. Elizabeth Baron, b. July 9, 1951, Atlanta, Ga. 

2805a. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Carleton WiUiam; m. Dec. 17, 1943, Charles 
Lavaughn Smith, Professor, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. 
Charles II, b. March 30, 1951.. Mary Carol, b. Jan. 12, 1953. 

2810. Arthur Charles, son of Arthur Albert; m. Mable May Collier, b. 1913. 

5251. Jeannette and Jean Dale, b. 1938, twins. 

5252. Robert Albert, b. 1943. 

5253. Agnes Elizabeth, b. 1948. 

2811. Elizabeth Dorothea; teacher, educator; m. Cameron. 

2812. Joyce Nine Holladay. trained nurse. 

2813. Bernice Vivian; secretary; m. Allen. 


•»«14. Cilhtrt Bell; Mgr. \V. T. Grant Co.. Tampa. Florida. 

•,»«16. Donald DtWalt; Machinist. 

5254. Virginia Hope; ni. Parr. 

5255. Grace Hammer, b. Nov. 7. 1920, dau. of Arthur Albert; m. James 
Marshall, b. Feb. 5. 1918, son of Margrote Ann Stone antl James 
Marshall Renn, Sr.. at Dinwiddie, Virginia. James is a Corii'ctional 
Officer at the Federal Reformatory, Peteisburg, Va. Militai v Serv- 
ice. (U.S. Xavv 1936-1940 China Service I U.S. Naval Const. Batt. 
No. 48 1942-1945. 

Chil.: Marshall Morton, b. Jan. 18, 1942. Guilford Gilbert, b. July 
15. 1943. Frank Allen, b. Julv 5, 1946. Rov Richard, b. Feb. 11, 1950. 

5256. Franklin William, b. 1923. 

5257. Marion Dale. b. 1925; m. Williams. 

5258. Norman Neil, b. 1928. 

2817. Kthi'l .>Iae, dau. of Eugene Henry; m. Raymond W. Montodo, b. Oct. 
1, 1900. Ethel d. July 24. 1932. Juan, b. June 7, 1930; m. Paul A., b. Sept. 9, 
1926, son of Marian Whitmarsh and Paul Alfred Dickinson. 

Chil.: Cynthia Gayl. b. April 13, 1950. Deborah Kae, b. May 11. 1953. 
Charles Samuel Montodo, b. July 14, 1932. N.Y.S. trooper. 

2818. C'lydi" Eugene, son of Eugene Hemy 

2819. (laud.- Hastings, m. Sept. 27, 1928, Lucille Herman, b. March 5, 1907 
at Rochestti. X. Y. Eugene Arthur, b. Nov. 18, 1929; m. Pearl June. b. June 
3, 1925. dau. of Ro.se Alf and A. Clarence Ropeter. 

5259. Charles Robert, b. April 3. 1937. 

5260. Ronald Gordon, b. Nov. 19, 1941. 

2821. Kathryn Mae, dau. of John Hollister; m. Howard Parker. (Dau.) 
Joan. b. Oct. 3. "l918. 

2822. Hficn Bata. dau. of John Hollister; m. Robert W. Brown, James- 
town, X. Y 

Randy. Sherry. 

2823. Francis Trevor, son of Clarence Walton; m. Floris Rider, b. July 2, 
1919. dau. of Ida Ridi-r and Jacob Brown, of South Gate, Calif. 

5261. Floris Loraine. b. June 24, 1941. 

5262. Clarence Eugene, b. Feb. 18. 1952. 

2824. Clarem-e (iordon, son of Clarence Walton: ui. Vaughan Eda. 
.026:i. Pn-scilla Jean. b. June 14. 1940. 

5264. Dorian Gordon, b. Aug. 16, 1948. 

5265. Dennis Lee, b. Dec. 3. 1951. 

5266. Debia Suzanne, b. Nov. 10, 1953. 

.")267. Frances Barlmra, <iau. of Francis Blanchard; in. Milton, Ji.. Pliotog- 
rapher, b. Nov. 8, 1925, son of F^lizabeth Ryan and Milton Theotiore Shelgien. 
Sr., of Jamestown. N. Y. Susan Snow. b. Dec. 14, d. Dec. 31, 1951. Peter Nels. 
b. Sept. 19, 1953. 

2825. (arrdinr i'cnfii-hl, dau. of Reginald Meyers; m. Edwin Slater Leonard. 
Jud.son Slater, b. Aug. 28, 1945. 

Charlotte p:iizabeth. b. Nov. 27. 1948. 
Timothy Edwin, b. Dec. 4, 195 J. 

2826. lliland Morris, son of Hiland Chase; iinm. 

2827. .Margaret (base, dau. of Hiland Chase, m. Paul M. Brubaker, elec- 
frii;il engineer, b. Maicli 15. 1915. 

Janet Helen, b. March 23. 1947. 
.Mary Su.san, b. March 3. 1951. 

2828. John lYi-derick. son of Hiland Cha.se; m. Marv Hannah Young, b. 
April 6, 1920. 

2829. Eiinlc- Hire, dau. of Arthur P.; m. Jan. 11. 1938, Weldon C, b. March 
3, 1915. Hon of Iva Conin<' anfl Ralph Banks. 


David Atwater, b. March 23, 1940. 
Wayne Arthur, b. May 22, 1942. 
Jarvis Allen, b. Dec. 10, 1944. 

2830. Earle B., son of Ernest B.; m. Oct. 14. 1922, Dorothy Elizabeth 

Baumgart. Lives in Southington, Conn. 

2925. Janet Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1924. 

2831. Dorrancp \V., son of Eugene; m. Aug. 11, 1926. Florence G. Gade. 
b. 1904. 

2832. Charles L., m. Aug. 21, 1937, Alice L. Anderson. 

5276. Marshall A., b. Feb. 14, 1940. 

5277. Frances Ruth, b. July 22, 1941. 

5278. Phillipe, b. Dec. 12, 1945. 

2833. Eleanor Deane, dau. of Hubert F.; m. George Henry Farrell, b. Dec. 

19, 1913. Bayshore, N. Y. 

David Atwater, b. Oct. 27, 1945. 
George Terrence, b. March 11, 1951. 

2834. David Hubert, m. Mary, b. May 17, 1918 in Woburn, Mass., dau. of 
Mary Jones and Robert H. Spencer. 

2836. Robert Burdick, son of Horace Burritt; m. Nov. 28, 1924, Elizabeth 
Jane, b. Nov. 8, 1898, dau. of Jean Rogers and James G. Mines. 

5279. Ruth, b. ; m. Ensign James H. Johannsen. 

5280. Jane Carolyn, b. . 

2837. Kuth Janet; m. Huber; div. 

2838. Everett Horace; m. Dorothy . 

2839. Josephine Shirley, dau. of Horace Burritt; m. 1938, Joseph J., b. Sept. 
27, 1912, Cascade, Iowa, son of Anna Duschen and Jeremiah J. McCabe. 

Mary Kay, b. Jan. 22, 1940. 
Donna Marie, b. Nov. 7, 1941. 
Ann Marie, b. Sept. 18, 1944. 
William Joseph, b. June 25, 1947. 
John Michael, b. Nov. 15, 1950. 
Thomas James, b. Feb. 28, 1953. 

2841. William Paret, son of Charles L.; m. Mildred Peabody, b. Sept. 8, 1922. 

5281. Mildred Helen, b. July 27, 1944. 

5282. Wilham, Jr., b. May 11, 1947. 

5283. Charles Gale, b. Jan. 11, 1952. 

5284. Elizabeth Ann, b. June 3, 1954. 

2843. Eleanor Adelaide, dau. of Zalmon de Roy; m. Dillon. 

2844. Henry Francis, in U.S. Army. 

2845. Cyrus Bert, son of Alonzo Hudson; m. Irene Blanch, b. Oct. 28, 1914. 

5285. IDoris Eileen, b. June 4, 1933; secretary. 

5286. Elaine Ro.se, b. Jan. 13, 1935. 

5287. Robert Arthur, b. May 20. 1937. 

5288. Clifford Boyd, b. May 18, 1939. 

5289. Thomas Dale, b. Nov. 25, 1941. 

2846. Harold Clarence, m. Genevieve Rose, m. March 25, 1915, dau. of 
Elizabeth Girard and George Woods (deceased 1918). Elizabeth now Mrs. 
Frost. Harold is dist. sales mgr.. Industrial Brown Hoist Corp. 

5290. Harold Eugene, b. Oct. 12, 1933. 

5291. Toby Evelyn, b. May 2, 1936; d. 1937. 

5292. Ronald George, b. June 21, 1938. 

5293. Dorothy May, b. July 12. 1939. 

5294. Arlene Helen, b. May 7, 1948. 


2849. Ralph W., son of Norman J.: m. Aug. 20. 1902, Cliarlotle Johnson, of 
Bradford. Pa.; b. Aug. 6, 1882. Syracuse, N. Y. Surgeon. Crane Irving Hos- 
pital. Died Dec. 9. 1944. 

2926. Eula Louise, b. Oct. 18, 1905. 

2927. Ralph Willis, b. May 12, 1907. 

2928. Carl Frederick, b. Sept. 4. 1910. 

2850. Kuth Lucy: m. Sept. 5, 1906, Charles F. Lewis of Auburn. N. Y. 
Ernia Ruth, b. ' ; m. Carroll F. Reynolds, b. Nov. 24, 1908. 

Judith, b. Aug. 8, 1940. 

Marilvn. b. Sept. 27, 1943. 

Beverly, b. Sept. 15, 1945. 
Maud Grey, b. June 13, 1912; ni. Richard L. Gray*. 

Patrick, b. Sept. 1. 1937. 

Richard, b. May 2, 1939. 

Jon, b. . 

Lucv. b. March 15, 1919; (1) Hale. (2) Walter Coughenout. 

Charles Hale. b. Feb. 24. 1948. 

Karen Ruth. b. March 3. 1953. 

•>H.")1. PhelH' S., dau. of Norman J.; m. Aug. 20. 1907, William J. Bunnell, 
of Lansing. N. Y. 

Donald J., b. Nov. 3. 1908; m. March 26. 1932. Elizabeth Wells. 
Donald J.. Jr.. b. Oct. 25. 1933. 

iH'i'i. Esther, teacher, grad. Cortland State Normal. 1917. B.S. Columbia 
T. C. 1931. M.A. 1935. See Roll of Honor. Now cashier at Cornell University. 

2853. (Jhidys, m. De Alton L. Hunt. b. May 30. 1897. Jean L., b. March 16, 
1930; m. July 12, 1952, Wm. B. McClurg* of Painted Post, N. Y.; both gradu- 
ates of Alfred University. 

Eileen R.. b. Oct. 9. 1936, at home. 

28.-).-!. Charldtte E.. m. Leslie B. Hunt, Genoa. N. Y., Dec. 29. 1920. (Dau.) 
Emilv Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1922; m. Ralph Riiick of Kingferrv, N. Y. Chil.: 
Carole, b. May 21, 1941. Lucille Eleanor, b. Aug. 9, 1942; Joan, b. July 28, 1943. 
Robert and Ralph, b. Jan. 17. 1947. Marjorie, b. Jan. 23, 1953. 

5295. Nurnian Willis, son of Norman B. ; m. Jan. 11, 1947, Marion Jane, 
b. July 23, 1925. Totowa, N. J., dau. of Beatrice Burrows and Richard Daley 
Van Houton. Norman is Ph.D.; research chemist. 

5296. P.ichard Stowe. b. Oct. 3. 1949. 

5297. Mark Andrew, b. Feb. 1, 1954. 

2858. 1-lon-iue .>].. dau. of Willis W.; m. Ivan J. Streeter. 
Willis B.. b. June 16. 1921. 

Robert I., b. Oct. 5. 1924; m. 1947 Marian Ellis, b. March 10. 1928. 

Chil.: Barbara Carol, b. Jan. 15, 1948; Gary Robert, b. Jan. 23, 1951; 
Richard James, b. Oct. 9, 1953. 
Stanley J., b. Oct. 18. 1926. 
Ruth J., b. April 11. 1928; Medical Laboratory Technician. 

2859. Kiiiliy E., dau. of Fred T.; m. Harry C. Ehler. Emily is a teacher. 

2860. Ward B.; .salesman. 

2861. .Xniia, m. Dr. Jacques Tyler Baker, b. .I;in. 29, 1908, in Summit. N. J., 
son ot Anna S. and Wesley L. Baker. 

Jacques. Jr.. b. Dec. 25. 1936. 
Lynn I'>radley. b. Oct. 31. 1938. 
Anthony Atwater. b. Nov. 1. 1941. 
.Margaret Ann, b. Oct. 30, 1945. 

2862. LoiiIm- II., dau. of Dwight J.; ni. Chester. 

286H. Mari.iri K., m. Bradley. 

2861. Jason (■., .son of Alonzo Roy; m. Janice W. Nittleton. Children: David 
Roy, b. Jan. 5. 1942: Dorothea Belle, b. Dec. 23, 1945. 


2865. ('arlton W., son of Ward B. 

2866. Konald P. 

2«()7. Frances C, dau. of Dayton B.; m. Lawrence E. Faba, b. Nov. 5, 1903. 

2868. Elizabeth Tilton, dau. of Dayton Belknap: teacher, Tarrytown. N. Y. 

2869. George Burnett, son of Ellis King; m. Dec. 28, 1922, Vera M 
Ketcham, b. Jan. 2, 1899. 

5298. Nancy Lou, b. July 13, 1927; m. Aug. 6. 1919 Donald George, son 
of Wanda Carey and Dr. William Tate Paterson (Presbyterian 
minister) Batavia, Ohio. 

Chil.: Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 16, 1950. Nancv Lou, b. April 25, 
Betsy Ann, b. Sept. 4, 1932; m. Dec. 29, 1954, W. Alan, .son of Anne 
Osmond and William Isphordine, of St. Petersburg, Fla. 

2870. Kenneth Reynolds, son of Ellis King; m. Aug. 29, 1925, Doris Hem- 

2929. Donald Kenneth, b. June 22, 1926 m. Anabel Purtelle, May 11, 1952. 
Son: Edwin Donald, b. May 17, 1954. 

5299. Bruce Reynolds, b. Dec. 19, 1929. 

2871. Ellis K.; m. Ruth Mock, March 1, 1929. 

5300. Joan Lois, b. Oct. 7, 1930; m. May 1, 1953, Lt. Willie A. Kundert. Jr. 

5301. David Bruce, b. Sept. 27, 1933; m. Mar., Joanne Casler, Jan. 19, 1952. 
5312. (Son) David King, b. Aug. 17, 1952. 

5302. Ellis K., Jr., b. March 12, 1939. 

2872. Asa Godfrey, son of Asa Jay; m. Oct. 23, 1931, Martha Alice, b. Dec. 
20, 1908, at Eldorado, Ark., dau. of Annie White and Andrew Thomas Ellison. 
See Historical Section. 

2873. (Jeorge Jay; m. Helen Kerr, b. Oct. 29, 1913. 

5303. Jay Kerr" b. Aug. 16, 1946. 

5304. George Barkley. 

2874. Elizabeth Ann; m. A. C. Beall. 

2875. Cleo Elizabeth, dau. of David Tuthill; m. Louie Henry, b. June 12, 
1898, son of Dora Jergens and Henry Clinton Crowl. 

(Dau.) Carol Lou Crowl, b. July 24, 1937. 

2876. Jack Harry; m. (1) Hannah Irene, b. Oct. 25, 1908. Div. (2) Mildred 
Hays in 1942. 

5305. Jack Lee, b. June 22, 1930. 

5306. David Heath, b. Aug. 1, 1933. 

5307. Cleo Patricia, ta. Sept. 29, 1935. 

2879. Kussell Hall, son of Harry Hall; m. Sept. 11, 1934, Lucie Eleanor 
Voorhies. Russell is an attorney. 

5308. Russell WiLson, b. April 25, 1937. 

2880. Bruce Hall; m. June 12. 1937, Carol Benjamin Manwaring. 

5309. Bruce. Jr., b. Sept. 12, 1940. 

5310. Robert Manwaring, b. Feb. 11, 1942. 

5311. Carol Bradford, b. Jan. 29, 1944. Encino, Calif. 

2881. Elizal>eth Hall; m. June 6, 194 2, Alden Wellington Hammond. 

Martha Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13. 1946. 

John Alden. b. Dec. 2, 1944. 

David Atwater and Stuart Oliver, b. May 18, 1949. 

2882. Henry Kent. Jr.. m. Wilma A., b. 1913. dau. of Lon Bess. 

5313. Christine-Anita, b. 1945. 

5314. Cherry Lynn, b. 194 7. 

5315. Colleen Bess, b. 1950. 


2883. Christine Eli/.alM'th; m. Alford Escoffiev. 
t Son I Alford. 

2891. Kovc«* M., son of Daniel Augustus; m. Ginerva Innosenzi, b. 1917. 

5316. Marilvn G.. b. 1943. 

5317. Sandra Gale. b. 1944. Salem. N. Y. 

2891a. Blanche E.. b. 1920, dau. of Daniel; m. Ross William Powell, b. 
1920. Civil Service editor. Blanche is a court reporter. 

2915. Wilt(»n S., son of Samuel C; unm. 

2916. Kavnutnd \V.. m. Opal Worthington. b. Feb. 4, 1907. 

5318. Donald R., b. Aug. 15. 1927. 

5319. Audrey Atwater. b. June 12. 1929; m. Donald \V.. son of Robert F. 
Thayer of Oak Harbor; b. Nov. 27, 1927. Audrey and Donald are 
teachers. (Dau.) Kathy Ann. b. July 17, 1953 in Japan. Miamis- 
bury, Ohio. 

2917. "Murtun \.*, son of Samuel; farmer at Oak Harbor. 

2918. Beatrice, dau. of James Orlen; m. (1) George Wood; (2) Fred J. 
Moore divorced. Beatrice was a medical social worker with Wayne Co. dept. 
of social welfare for past 17 years. She d. April 8, 1955. 

2919. Ivonelhi, m. Michael C. Wirries, b. Dec. 10. 1903. 

Donald Atwater*. b. April 11. 1930. Student. Universitv of Detroit. 
Paul Michael, b. July 11. 1933; m. Leona Fern. b. Aug. 8. 1933. Children: 

Michael Andrew, b. June 21, 1952. Virginia Mary, b. Julv 26. 1953. 

James Allan, b. June 29, 1955. 
Claranne, b. Feb. 19, 1938; music teacher. 
Angela Katherine, b. June 12, 1944. 

2921. Dwight Preston*, son of Frederick Watson. 

2922. >irginia, m. Cowan of Samariscotta, Maine. 

2923. .lune, m. Cowan of Samariscotta. Maine. 

2924. John Terrill. son of John James (1649-1703), b. in Ashtabula, Ohio. 
m. Mildred Morse, b. April 26, 1922. Direct descendant on mother's siiie from 
Samuel B. John.son and on father's side from Sanuiel B. Morse; b. Steubenville, 
Ohio. John is a member of Sigma Nu, National Sales Executive Club, Mer- 
chants & Mfgrs. Assn. and American Concrete Institute. 

5320. Le.slie Ann. b. March 21. 1948. 

2926. Euhi, dau. of Ralph W.; m. Jacob L. Schoch. 

Caroline Atwater, b. Dec. 24. 1932; m. Lt. O. Haytien Owens. Jr. 

Peter Wolcott. b. Oct. 29, 1934. (U.S. Navy) Sarah Jane. b. March 30, 1937. 

2927. IJalph Willis, Jr., m. Marie Nellis, b. June 19. 1908. 

Charl(jlle, b. July 26, 1928; m. Alison Darrow. Chil.: Barbara Charlotte, 

Robert Alli.son, Shervl Llyn. 
P.aij)h Willi.s III. b. Aug. 16. Ut.'iO; m. Beatrice Jane Duxbury, b. March 17, 

1931. dau. of Alyce Rosina Granish and Charles Duxbuiy. 

5321. Ralph IV. b. Aug. 13. 1950. 

5322. Charles Kevin, b. Aug. 22. 1951. 
5324. Craig Kimberly, b. Sept. 24. 1953. 

2928. ("arl rre<leri«k. son of Ralph W.; m. Ruth Hurdonan, 1). Oct. 22, 1911. 

5325. Marion, b. March 2, 1932; m. Jud.son Horton Greene, b. Sept. 10, 
1927. (Dau.) Jennifer Sue. b. Dec. 21, 1952. 

5326. Nancy, b. 1931. 

5327. Sally, b. 1933. 

5328. Clay. b. Oct. 9, 1950. 

2»2». Donahl Kenneth, son of Kenneth Reynolds; m. Anabelle, b. Oct. 26, 
1927. dau. <.f Frances Dalbrink and Edwin C. Purtell, in Los Angeles. Donald 
is with Burroughs Corp. Menlo Park, Calif. 

5329. F:dwin Donald, b. May 17, 19.54. 


5016. Carolyn Kyder, dau. of Benjamin Leonard, m. Kenneth Gerald, son 
of Florence Grossmack, of Thornville, Ohio and Gabriel Merland Critton of 
Columbus, Ohio. (d. 1944) (Chil.) Kenneth Gerald, Jr., b. Nov. 20, 194 7. 
Benjamin Atwater, b. Sept. 2. 1952. 

5027. Frank, son of Wilfred Milton, m. Helen , b. Aug:. 7, 1923. 

5028. Franklin W., b. Oct. 7, 1942. 

5029. Helen J., b. May 2, 1946. 

5030. Marian L., b. March 6, 1948. 

5031. Gail Anne. b. June 7, 1951. 

50.32. William Sheldon, son of Hercy, m. March 13, 1938, Evelyn Barnes. 

5035. Judith Ana, b. Nov. 29, 1938. 

5036. Shirley Jean, b. Nov. 4, 1941. 

5037. Elva May, b. May 23, 1945. 

5038. Ronald William, b. Nov. 13, 1946. 

5039. Gary Lee, b. Aug. 26, 1949. 

5034. Francis Hercy, son of Hercy, m. Hazel Eileen, b. July 17, 1918. 
Pamela Gay, b. Nov. 21, 1947. 

5040. Paul Vernon, son of Shelden, m. Marietta McDonald on Jan. 27, 194 2. 
5041. Diane Lee, b. March 31, 1946. 

5042. Verla Joan, dau. of Shelden. m. Orley Wolker on May 26, 19.50. 
( Chil. ) Robert Dale, b. Feb. 3, 1955. 

5050. Florence Louise, dau. of Harold D., m. Ryder. (Child) Evelyn 

Grace, b. Jan. 9, 1942. 

5051. Phyllis Elizabeth, dau. of Harold D., m. April 20, 1946, Herman 
Franklyn Parker, Jr., b. March 13, 1922, an auto engr. & in WW H. Children: 
Douglas Byron, b. Jan. 14. 1949. Christine Louise, b. Oct. 31, 1953. 

5054. Virginia Louise, dau. of Harry A., m. Crusius. Chil.: Carolyn 

Jean, b. Sept. 6, 1947. Richard Allen, b. Jan. 9, 1949. 

5055. Elizabeth >Iarie. dau. of Harry A., m. Capithorne. Children: 

Robert Stephen, b. July 10, 1950. David Atwater, b. June 28. 1953. 

5059. Alexander T.. son of Thomas; m. Mildred, b. Feb. 7, 1928. 

5064. Mary Barbara, b. June 29, 1950. 

5065. Patricia Ellen, b. March 10, 1953. 

.5060. Affnes Mary, dau. of Thomas; m. Herbert Joseph Marryatt, son of 
Herbert and Agnes f. Marryatt, b. Feb. 12, 1918. (Child) Deborah Geraldine. 
b. May 13, 1954. 

5061. Veronica E., dau. of Thomas, m. James Herbert Wallace, b. April 
21, 1925. (Child) Gary James, b. Aug. 26. 1952. 

5070. Harlen H., son of Charles Barge, m. Delma B.. b. Nov. 29, 1908. 

5073. Joanne Rose, b. Dec. 29, 1934. 

5074. Donna Marie, b. Dec. 29, 1937. 

5075. Theresa Kay, b. Aug:. 20, 1940. 

5071. Robert Barge, son of Charles Barge, m. Ruth Davis, b. April 10, 1912. 

5076. Robert Charles, b. Jan. 15, 1939. 

5078. Horace Brewster, son of Walter Hull, m. Eleanor Davenport, dau. of 
Henry Wireman and Ellen Davenport Cook. b. June 17. 1907. 

5079. Horace Brewster, Jr., b. April 19, 1931. 

5080. Eleanor Davenport, b. Aug. 24, 1934; d. Aug. 3, 1951. 

Horace Brewster, Sr., President Scott-Atwater Mfg. Co., Outboard Motor. 
with Bail-A-Matic, Minneapolis, Minn. 

5091. Claire Branche, dau. of A.G.C. (2364); b. Jan. 31. 1933; m. — 


5337. David Scott, b. April 14, 1954. 









5103. Martha Martin, m. Aug. 17. 1946; John Bodine Duncan, b. Jan. 12. 
1918, son ut Mathena Beeknian Bodine and John Peter Duncan. 

Martha Beekman, b. Sept. 23. 1947. 
Elizabeth Penfiekl, b. Feb. 25, 1950. 
Ann Sterhng. b. June 9. 1952. 
Robert Atwater. b. Feb. 11. 1955. 

5104. Constance Avery, July 10. 1949 m. Dr. Edwaid, Jr., b. Dec. 11, 1926. 
son of Helen Burt and Dr. Edward Joseph Bowser of York, Pa. 

John Joseph, b. Sept. 11, 1951. 
David Burt, b. Dec. 17, 1953. 

5105. John Bancroft, b. Aug. 25, 1929. 

5106. David Sterling, b. July 16, 1932, sons of Reginald Myers. 

liobert. b. April 19. 1919. son of Leroy; m. Muriel Thompson, b. Feb. 

Robert Thompson, b. May 31. 1940. 
David LeRov, b. April 7, 1941. 
Cheryl Jane, b. May 20. 1944. 
Frederick Matheson. b. Sept. 3, 1946. 
Carl Barrett, b. Feb. 3, 1950. 

5114. Cieorjje Konald, son of Donald M.; b. July 24, 1917; m. Esther Maxine, 
b. Dec. 27, 1920, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Booth of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 

5115. Sharon Marie, b. Jan. 20. 1943. 
Lloyd Wayne, b. April 23, 1946. 

5116. LaVerne George, b. Dec. 10. 1952. 

5117. Isahcllc Khira, b. April 28. 1919; m. Robert G., b. Aug. 5, 1917. son 
of Peter Chadin of Marion. Iowa. 

Cheryl Lee. b. Jan. 24, 1944. 

5118. Harold Klery, son of Donald M.. m. Nov. 29, 1917, Inez Marie, dau. 
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Zenisek. 

5119. Donald Ernest, b. Nov. 14, 1948. 

5120. Kenneth James, b. May 24, 1950. 

5121. Dianne Marie, b. March 2. 1953. 

5122. Marcia Jean. b. March 20, 1955. 

5207. Nora .May, b. Sept. 15, 1926, dau. of Bernard LeRoy, m. William 
Eugene Olson, son of William and Virginia Olson, b. Aug. 23, 1925. Children: 
Roger Paul, b. June 3, 1946. Sherlee Ann, b. Dec. 19, 1948. Susan Carol, b. 
Oct. 21. 1952. 

5208. .Mary Bess. b. Aug. 11, 1931. dau. of Bernard LeRoy, m. Carl W. 
Bellamy, Jr.. .son of Carl W. and Glena Bellamy, b. March 13, 1925. a teacher 
and coach. U.S. Army, WW II. Chil.: Larry Atwater, b. Feb. 7, 1950. Maria 
Fern, b. Nov. 14. 1951. Candace Diane, b. Oct. 2. 1952. 

5330. Jam-t .Mae, b. Dec. 24, 1928, m. George Francis, b. 1928, .son of Helen 
.Matthews and George Francis McKnight. 

5331. Laura June, b. June 21, 1931; m. Donald John Blakeley. Korean War 
Veteran, woiindf<l at Piunkcr Hill; received l'uri)le Hcait; Presidential Citation; 
U.S.A. Pres. Unit Citation, etc. 

Donna June. b. March 16. 1954. 

5332. Jane Patrlchi. b. April 25. 1918; B.A. University of Kan.sas, 19:59: 
Gamma Phi P«ta Sorority; m. April 19. 1941. James McClure. b. May :{(), 1918. 
son of Margaret Mabie and James McClurr Tinklepaugh of Kansas City, Kan. 
Janie.s, Jr., insurance adjuster; B.S. University of Kansas, Mem. I*hi Delta 
Theta an<l Blue Goo.se International. 

John Harry, b. March 21. 1944. 
David James, b. .June 4, 1946. 
Ann Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1949. 


5333. William (lurr, b. Jan. 15, 1922, son of Harry Arthur: m. Virginia 
Poteet, b. Feb. 3, 1924, dau. of Allan A. Poteet, b. Kansas City, Mo. Virginia 
has an A.B. from Univ. of Missouri, 1945; Wellesley, 1941-1942; Junior League, 
Kansas City. William was Lt. Commander, USNR. World War II 1942-1946; 
presently Executive Officer reserve Attack Squadron; City Councilman im 
Charter 1951-53; B.S. University of Kansas, 1947. 

5334. Richard Windsor, b. July 21, 1948. 

5335. Susan Allan, b. Sept. 18. 1950. 

5336. Carol Jane, b. Feb. 17, 1953. 


2930. Moses Atwater, son of Titus; m. Amy Wilson, b. in 1775; d. Dec. 11, 
1852. She was the dau. of John Wilson. According to the probate records in 
Hillsboro, N. C, her children deeded to their brother Jehiel "land tliat was be- 
queathed their mother by John Wilson, her father." This was in 1838. Moses 
lived near Hillsboro on a farm he bought from Titus, and d. Sept. 13, 1836. 
They are buried in the family plot not far from Cedar Grove, N. C. 

2931. Wilson, b. Dec. 3, 1797. 

2932. Edmond Brower, b. May 27, 1804. 

2933. Lois, b. Jan. 25, 1809. 

2934. Jahaza, b. March 10, 1810. 

2935. Celia, b. 1815. 

2936. Jehiel, b. March 17, 1817. 


2931. Wilson, son of Moses; m. Dec. 23, 1819, Eleanor McCauley. He was 
a local preacher, M. E. church. South. He d. July 31, 1885. 

2937. Wesley, b. June 14, 1821. 

2938. Martha, b. April 28, 1823. 

2939. Matthew, b. April 28, 1825. 

2940. Jane, b. April 11, 1818; m. Britlain Edwards. 

2941. Mary Christena. b. Dec. 29, 1829. 

2942. CeUa, b. Jan. 5, 1883; d. 1905, unm. 

2943. Lois Elizabeth. 

2944. Eliza Amy. 

2945. John F., b. Aug. 2, 1839. 

2946. Sarah A., b. Maich 2, 1841. 

2932. Edmund Brower, son of Moses; m. Martha Snipes, b. June 15, 1808; 
d. April 23, 1858; (2) Sept. 27, 1860, Nancy A. Moore, b. Dec. 19, 1822; d. 
Nov. 10, 1900. He d. Jan. 1, 1893, in Thomaston, Ga. Before the Civil War he 
had amassed a large fortime, but the devastation swept it away, but his 
indomitable energy prevailed and at the time of his death he had recovered 
so much he was in comfortable circumstances. 

2947. Emeline, b. Sept. 7, 1825. 

2948. James W., b. June 24, 1827. 

2949. John W.. b. Aug. 16, 1830. 

2950. Mary J., b. Aug. 14, 1832. 

2951. Thomas J., b. July 1, 1835. 

2933. Lois, dau. of Moses; m. John Snipes Strowd, b. Jan. 31, 1809; d. 
Nov. 26, 1861. She d. Oct. 25. 1877. 

Rosanna, b. Oct. 29, 1830; m. David Dixon. 
Moses B., b. May 21, 1832; m. Mary Oldham. 
Sarah M., b. Sept. 1, 1835; m. John Allen. 

Salina, b. Aug. 9, 1837; d. Aug. 22, 1874; m. Andrew Jackson Wilson, b. 
Dec, 1829; d. Nov., 1906. 

Sally E., b. July 20, 1857; m. Nov. 11, 1874, Alexander Snipes. They 
live in Burlington, N. C. 


Hattie. b. Aug. 25, 1876: m. March 24, 1895, James T. Webster; 

live at Silver City, N. C. 
Jeter, b. Aug. 30. 1878; m. March 3. 1901. Ruth Godfrev. Chil.: 
Prince Hubert, b. Aug. 3. 1902; Wm. Clarence, b. March 26. 
1905; Marvin Lee, b. Aug. 26. 1907; Allen Gordon, b. Dec. 5. 
1909; Minter, b. Feb. 1. 1914; Otto Franklin, b. June 11. 1916; 
Henrv. b. March 8, 1918. 
Nona. b. Dec. 29. 1880; m. Sept. 19, 1906, Wm. M. Glosson. He d. 
April 25, 1913. One son. James Albert, b. Oct. 12, 1907. She ni. 
(2) Nov. 25, 1914, Thomas M. Moore. One son, Thomas Howard, 
b. April 14. 1916. 
Martha, b. May 7, 1883; m. Walter Ivey. 
Ola. b. Dec. 27. 1885; m. A. L. Pickard. 

Flovd. b. April 28. 1890; m. Aug. 30. 1919, Campbell. 

Benjanun. b. Nov. 25. 1892. 

Josephine, b. Feb. 5, 1876; d. Aug. 6. 1909; m. Nov. 11. 1896, C. K. 

Wrenn. Lived Silver City. N. C. Chil.: Earl Reid. b. Aug. 20. 

1897; Nancy Lois. b. Aug. 12, 1899; m. March 23, 1918. John 

W. McCauley, merchant. Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Alma Harrold. b. Sept. 15, 1902; Mary and Margaret, b. Sept. 22, 

1905. Lena Frances, b. June 8. 1908. 
Jennie, b. Oct. 20, 1875; m. Robert T. Lea. contractor. Norfolk. Va. 
Ella B.. b. March 18. 1861; m. March 15. 1882, A. A. Lambe, mechanic; 
lives at Siler Citv. N. C. Children: 

Bessie, b. July" 20. 1883; m. July 28, 1912. O. E. Shaw, cashier. 

Bank of Broadway. N. C. Chil.: Winifred and Mary Elizabeth. 

Lovic Lelon. b. April 15, 1886; m. April 15. 1912, Lelia Headen. 

He works in Coca-Cola bottling works, Charlotte. N. C. Chil.: 

Lelon, Lesley and Martha Louise. 

Clara Irene, b." April 4. 1889; m. June 22, 1911. Rev. E. B. Craven, 

N. C. Conference. Chil.: E. B., Jr.; Jack and Mary Stroud. 
Mary Byrd, b. Feb. 25. 1892; m. April 1, 1919, Lt. Eugene Allison, 

lawyer. Lives at Brevard, N. C. 
Mabel", b. Sept. 25, 1894. Trained nurse, Kingston, N. C. 
Dwight Wilson, b. Aug. 6, 1897. Graduate Trinity College, now 
teller in bank at Broadway, N. C. 
Lulu, b. June 22, 1869. 
Frank L., b. Sept. 1, 1871; m. Mamie Bradshaw; merchant at Dunn, 

North Carolina. 
Charles E., b. Oct. 13, 1873; d. June 15, 1914; m. Cora Long. Chil.: 
Lina, Foy. Charles and Woodrow. 
Martha A. E., b. Nov. 27, 1839; m. Carney Clegg. 
Marv J., b. Nov. 22. 1843; m. William Petty. 
Sidney Snipes, b. July 23. 1846; m. Martha C. Snipes. Children: 

Lizzie Lee. m. James F. Womble, no chil.; Fletcher K., b. May 19, 
1874. m. Sept. 10, 1902, Willa M. Tysor; he d. April !1. 1!M1. 

Mary Lee, b. Jan. 4, 1904; John Sidney, b. April 1, 1905; Fletcher 
Eugene, b. May 15, 1907. 
Carl H., m. Feb. 25, 1903, Margaret B. Atwater. 

John S., b. Dec. 10, 1881; m. Wilhelmina Craft. Chil.: Eleanor Craft. 
Annie Oliver, b. Dec. 24, 1903, Joseph W. Mann. Chil.: Kathryn, 
Elizabeth, Annie S., Joseph W., and Mary; living at Greensboro, 
N(jrth Carolina. 
Clarene.-. b. Sept. 2, 1889. 
James Harvey, b. March 8, 1892; m. April 25, 1917, Esther A. Taft. 

•J934. .I;ili;i/;i, son of Moses; m. Nov. 11, 1883, Sally Stone. Lived in 
in (Jrange luunty, N. C. He died rather suddenly at the home of his son, John 
W. Atwater, while in the prime of life. His wif«' died several years prior to this. 

2952. Lois A., b. Aug. 25, 1836. 

2953. Carney C, b. Oct. 5. 1838. 

2954. John W., b. Dec. 27. 1840. 

VXirt. ( .11:1. dau. of Moses; m. Charles Pinkney Strowd. They lived near 
Chapel Hill. N. C. He d. in the fall of 1888. She d. about 1898. 


Isaac, m. Emily Mann. 
Edmund, m. Sallie Foust. 
Lou, m. John Maynard. 

Johnston, m. Adeline Quackenbush, sister of William Quackenbiish. a 
noted educator of North Carolina, to whose memory the people of 
Scotland county erected a beautiful monument on Court House Square 
at Laurinburg, N. C. He was one of the faculty of Bingham School in 
this state for a number of years before this. 
Annie Amy, b. July 20, 1834; m. William T. Turrentine, b. Aug. 23. 1822; 
d. at his home in Orange county, N. C, Oct. 6, 1884. At the age of 
nineteen he embraced religion, soon joined the Methodist church, and 
continued a consistent member to the end of his days. 

Lou Emeline Turrentine, b. Nov. 20, 1857; m. Thomas M. Weaver. 
whose children are Mrs. Lizzie Freeland and Miss Lota Weaver, 
all living. 
Felicia Eliza Turrentine, b. 1859; m. Leroy Craig. Their children: 
Ella, Margaret, Gilbert, Johnson and Annie. The mother and son 
Johnson are dead. 
Samuel Bryant Tiurentine, b. Nov. 15, 1861. 

William Ednumd Turrentine, b. Feb. 9, 1865; m. Nora Maynor. Their 
children: Vernon and Lena, the latter having married a Mr. Burns. 
The mother and father not living. 
Eugene Oscar, b. March 17. 1868, m. Miss Docia Riggsbee. Their chil.: 

Ernest and Pearle, all living. 
Minnie Celia Turrentine, b. April 28, 1871; ni. Malcolm C. Blackwood. 
b. May 9, 1872. Their chil.: W. Clarence Blackwood, b. Dec. 26, 1899; 
S. Lawrence and A. Louise Blackwood, b. May 5, 1905 ( twins i. 
Eugene M. Blackwood, b. Sept. 25, 1907. 

2936. Jehiel, son of Moses; m. Dec. 10, 1840, Martha C. dau. of Nathaniel 
Warren and Sallie Shaw, b. Aug. 10. 1824. He was a farmer at Chapel Hill. 
N. C, and d. Jan. 17, 1876. 

His father died when he was quite a youth. He was left to manage his 
own and his mother's estates and he proved himself capable of the imder- 
taking. His mother lived with him the remainder of her life. He was a notable 
peacemaker. He was a big-hearted man, and delighted to relieve the distressed 
and unfortunate. At his burial a man was heard to say "The poor man's 
friend is gone." 

2955. Edmund Warren, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 

2956. Sophronia Jane, b. Aug. 19, 1843. 

2957. Rufus Henry, b. July 14. 1845. 

2958. Mary Catherine, b. May 31, 1850. 

2959. John N., b. Aug. 7, 1858. 

2960. Martha Virginia, b. April 15, 1861. 

2961. James Bobbitt, b. July 16, 1864. 


2937. Wesley, son of WiLson; m. Julia Horton. b. April 24, 1819; lived in 
North Carolina." No children. He was killed by a runaway hor.se and d. June 
24, 1893. She d. May 10, 1896. 

29.38. Martha, dau. of Wilson; m. Aug. 11. 1842. Manly D. Stroud. They 
lived in North Carolina. 

Lethia Ann. b. March 7. 1844. 

Mollie, b. Oct. 27, 1847; m. H. W. Floyd. 

Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 24. 1850. 

Emma, b. Oct. 31, 1852; m. E. C. Thompson; d. 1854. 

Wellons, b. Aug. 24, 1857; m. Dec. 25. 1889, Maggie Thomp.son; d. Aug. 

7. 1890. , ., J 1VT 

Thomas, b. March 25, I860: m. June, 1908, Katie Edmond.son. He d. Nov. 

12, 1915. 
Matthew b Feb. 10, 1862; m. Dec. 23, 1885, Delia Andrews. 
Martha, b. Jan. 1, 1869; m. Dec. 30, 1888, M. G. Bishop. 


2939. Matthew, son of Wilson; m. about 1846. Emily Snipes: d. July 14. 
1862; (2» July 9. 1865. Martha Snipes: d. June 19. 1887: (3i Mary Smith, d. 
Dec. 20. 1908. He d. May 17. 1904. He lived in Orange county. N. C.. near the 
first Atwater settlement. He descended from an ancestry representing the 
best yeomanry of the Old North State. He had a large vigorous body, strong 
mind, clear thought and sound judgment, positive conviction and im.swerving 
determination. His even balanceti temperament avoideti extremes in thought. 
word and deed. His program of conduct could havo been expressed in the 
motto. "A day's work in a day's time." His well balanced gift of heart and 
mind made him a leader in his community. As county commissioner, as state 
legislator, and temperance advocate, school official and church worker, he 
occupied a position standing unequivocally for what he tliought to be right 
and for the public welfare. He was a public spirited citizen. Throughout his 
long life he exemplified the sterling traits of character represented bj' the 
worthy reputation of the Atwater name. 

2962. William B.. b. July 13, 1848. 

2963. Marietta, b. Aug. 5, 1850. 

2964. Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 22. 1855. 

2965. Sophronia Ida, b. Jan. 17, 1857. 

2966. Martha Josephine, b. April 10. 1859. 

2967. Emil Anzonetta. b. Nov. 1. 1861. 
Issue bv second marriage: 

2968." Thomas A., b. Nov. 12. 1866. 

2969. Margaret Lulu. b. May 30. 1869. 

2970. James M., b. May 15. 1872. 

2971. Nellie A., b. Nov. 25. 1876. 

2941. Miiry Christena, dau. of Wilson; m. Jan. 18. 1859, Samuel Tyson 
Womble. She d. Jan. 20. 1908. He lived to be 81 years old. He was a prosperous 
farmer and lived in Chatham County. North Carolina. 

Rufus Philmer. b. Nov. 16. 1859; m. Sept. 8, 1886, Margaret Lulu. dau. of 
Matthew Atwater. They live at Moncure, N. C. 

James Flov. b. Aug. 30, 1889; m. June 26, 1916, Nettie MrCnllcns. 

One child. May Atwater, b. April 14, 1918. 
Martha Roberta, b. July 27, 1892; m. July 23, 1914. Rev. Ernest C. 
Durham, of the N. C. Conference M. E. church. South. Two sons, 
Ralph Kilgo, b. May 17, 1915; d. Oct. 11. 1916; Dwight Womble, b. 
P>b. 20. 1917; Ruth Arden. b. June 27, 1919. 
Matthew Guy, b. June 20, 1901. 
Joseph Wil.son. b. July 14, 1862; a farmer in Chatham County, N. C; m. 
Oct. 18, 1905, Maggie Clegg, dau. of John anti Bettie Atwater Clegg. 
Joseph Wilson d. 1949. 

Mary E. Womble, b. Aug. 24, 1907; m. Willie Williams, tobaconnist. 
Jo.seph Wil.son Womble, Jr., b. Jan. 29, 1911; m. Pauline Wright, 

school teacher, b. Oct. 10, 1905. 
Harvey Clegg. b. Feb. 15, 1913; m. Eleanor Schwien. 
Richard Liddell. b. Jan. 24, 1946. 
Margaret Elaine, b. Dec. 3. 1949. 
James Liddell. b. April 29. 1915; deceased. 

Lois Womble. b. Aug. 12. 1917; nur.se. m. Fred Patterson, merchant. 
David Dwight, b. April 28, 1919; m. Bertha Reeves. 

Earl Atwater, b. Sept. 5. 1924; m. Gladys Oldham, b. Sept. 12, 1926. 
(Step-child I James Larry Poe, b. Nov. 13, 1945. 
James Fletcher, b. Oct. 13. 1866; a farmer in Lee county; m. Nov. 19. 
1892, Lizzie, dau. of Sidney Stroud, of Chatham county. N. C. 

294.H. LoIh KH/.abeth. dau. of Wil.son; b. Oct. 23, 1833; m. April 19, 1853, 
Jehu Josiah Womble. He d. May 16. 1865. She then m. Nov. 25, 1883, William 
Jesse Womble. brother of her first husband. He d. Nov. 20. 1916. 

Cornelius Wil.son, b. .March 21. 1851; a farmer an<i merchant in Chathain 
county, N. C. ; m. May 25, 1876, Delia, dau. of Alvis Snipes of Chatham 
county. N. C. He died Dec. 30. 1938. Delia d. Dec. l.'J, 1921. 

William Clement, b. P"eb. 12, 1880; m. Nov. 18. 1904. Lillian Owen, d. 
Oct. 8, 1949. Itetired merchant, Winston-Salem. N. C. ( Daus. ) Lois, 
m. Fiobert (]reen. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Abernethy of Alexis, 
N. C. Chil.: Susan Woinble and Lois Owen, students. 


Juanita, b. May 12, 1910; m. iD Theron L. Snider*, died in 
service — South Pacific, Jan. 1946. A building "Snider Hall" 
named in his honor and memory at request of his outfit 1018 
Engineers. (Dau.) Janet Anita, b. Oct. 2, 1940. (2) James 
Green, b. Nov. 10, 1948; son of Mary Green and John Thomas 

Alvis Marvin, farmer and merchant at Goldston, N. C; b. May 12, 
1881; m. Nov. 12, 1904, Enuiia Paschal, Goldston, N. C. 
Sarah Louise, b. Nov. 13, 1905. 
Linda, b. Oct. 6, 1911. 

Mary Byrd, b. Jan. 10, 1883; m. Nov. 28, 1903, Thomas A. Moore, a 
farmer of Rockingham county, N. C. She d. Nov. 23, 1919. 

Ivev Womblc, b. Sept. 9, 1904; m. Charles Frederick Burton, b. 
June 20, 1899. Chil.: Charles, Jr., b. Feb. 18, 19.30. .service in 
Korea; senior, Guilford College — business major. John Matthew, 
b. May 25, 1933; High Point College; Duke Divinity; student 

Mary Womble, b. May 3, 1939. 
William Benjamin, b. Jan. 17, 1907; m. Nellie Sheffield, b. April 
23, 1907, a teacher. William is School Supt. (Son) William 
Benjamin, Jr., b. May 10, 1945. Trenton, N. C. 
Lucy Delia, b. Feb. 5, 1909; twin to Mary Jewell who d. Aug. 27, 
1914. Lucy m. Dec. 26, 1928, John Lee Ross, tobacco farmer, b. 
July 8, 1908. Children: 

George Thomas,* b. Feb. 4, 1930. m. Virgie Wil.son June, 1955. 
William Lee*, b. Aug. 10, 1931. 
Betty Jean, b. Oct. 23, 1933; nurse. 
John Lillington, b. June 4, 1935. 
Wilson Moore, b. March 5, 1937. 
Rachel Ann, b. Jan. 12, 1939. 
Guy Steward, b. Nov. 2, 1940. 
Douglass Wainwright, b. June 16, 194 2. 
Thomas Anderson, Jr., b. July 10, 1913; m. Helen Stone, teacher, 
b. Feb. 18, 1923. Thomas Anderson Moore III, b. Nov. 11, 1955. 
Annie Olivia, b. April 15, 1915; m. Floyd Nathan, b. April 9, 1920. 
son of Lena Davis and Nathan Rich, postal employee; WW H 
veteran. Chil.: Ann Olivia, b. Aug. 12, 1948. Nathan Floyd, b. 
Sept. 24, 1952. 
Mary Byrd, b. Nov. 2, 1919; m. Billy B. Gilbert. She d. Feb. 2, 1945. 

Seaton Jehu, hardware merchant, Wagram, N. C, b. March 4, 1885; 
m. June 18, 1913, Edith Arey of Iredell county, N. C. 

Edwin Cornelius, b. Oct. 8, 1915; m. Lena Adelaide Thompson, 

b. Oct. 1, 1916; physician. Chil.: Andrew Cornelius, b. Feb. 25. 

1948. Marvin Seaton, b. March 9, 1952. Thei-on Thomp.son, b. 

April 19, 1955. 

Delia Frances, b. Sept. 20, 1917; m. Spencer Marion Kulp. b. 

June 6, 1915. 
Edith Arey, b. May 27, 1920. Mary Atwater Boland, b. May 29, 
1927, teachers. Lottie Raynor, b. Jan. 11, 1934. 
Frank Wilson, farmer, Chatham county, N. C; b. July 28, 1886; m. 
Jvme 19, 1918, Fannie Douglass, of Durham county, N. C. 

Wilson Douglass, b. Aug. 20, 1919, m. Montese Walker, Jan. 18, 

1947. (Son) Wvatt Donald, b. Feb. 8. 1948. 

Fannie Eloise, m. July 27, 1946, Lantham Edwards Lattie. Chil.: 
Paul Womble, b. April 29, 1947. Mark Lantham. b. Sept. 24. 

1948. Lois Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1949. 

Lois Jewell, b. Feb. 8, 1889. She was educated at Davenport College. 
Lenoir, N. C; m. Aug. 1, 1918, Edward M. Harris, a merchant of 
Goldston, N. C. 

Edward Milton, Jr., b. June 30, 1919. 
Beulah Olivia, b. July 8, 1890, was educated at Davenport College, 
Lenoir, N. C; m. June 21, 1912. J. Graham Abernethy, a druggi.st 
of Lenoir, N. C. 

Olivia Abernethy, b. June 19, 1913; physician of Elkm, N. C. 


Margaret Abernethy, b. Aug. 4. 1918. Former Y.M.C.A. secretary; 
111. George Lawrence Miller, b. Dec. 5, 1916; American Red 
Cross. (Sons) Richard Graham, b. Nov. 11, 1952. George. Jr., 
b. April 30. 1955. 

Theron S., b. June 1, 1892; m. Gladys Nelson, b. Sept. 5, 1899, school 
teacher, dau. of Leona and John Fenner Nelson. Theron retired 

Annie Lucille, b. Aug. 12, 1895; m. June 21, 1921, Rev. John Hoyle, Jr.. 
b. Aug. 3. 1896; of the Glenwood Methodist Church, Greensboro, 
N. C. Annie is Sec. of Women's Society of Christian Service. (Son) 
John Wniiani III. b. June 23, 1927, m. March 24, 1951, Jean Holroyd, 
b. June 13, 1927. 

Cornelius Wilson. Jr.. b. July 6. 1903. 

Mary Ann, b. Oct. 4, 1856; was noted for her solid piety. Christian en- 
thusiasm and good business judgment. She ni. Nov. 3, 1881, John 
Barringer, a merchant and miller of Moncure, N. C. To them was born 
one son. Paul Jehu Barringer, b. Sept. 19. 1884; m. Tempe Cornelia 
Boddie. educated at North Carolina College for Women. Paul educated 
at Trinity College — Duke University, class 1906; one term as chairman 
Lee County (N. C. ) Board of Commissioners; Sanford City School 
Board, also Pres. Sanford Rotarv Club. Paul is a manufacturer. Chil.: 
Paul Jehu, Jr., b. Sept. 4, 1921. John. b. Oct. 12. 1924. 

William Fletcher, b. Feb. 21, 1859; was licensed to preach and joined the 
Western North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
South, in Nov.. 1891. and has .served the following chaiges: Wentworth 
Circuit 1892-1895. Lincolnlon Circuit 1896-1898. Shelby Circuit 1899- 
1902. Newton Circuit 1903-1906. Morganton Station 1907-1910, Reids- 
ville Station 1911-1913. Hendersonville Station 1914-1917, Lincolnton 
Station 918, Mount Airy District 1919. He was one of the originators 
of and a member of the first board of managers of the Methodist Mutual 
Fire Insurance Company of North Carolina which was organizeii to 
insure church property at actual cost. He m. May 15, 1881, Olivia, dan. 
of Alvis Snipes, of Chatham County. 

Bunyan S., b. May 2. 1882. Educated at Trinity College and Columbia 
University; m. April 29, 1914. Edith Willingham of Macon. Ga. 
Lawyer, member of firm of Womble. Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice; 
member North Carolina Legislature 1925, State Senate 1927 and 
1929; member North Carolina Budget Commission 1929-1931; Presi- 
dent North Carolina Bar Ass'n. 1936-1937; Chairman Public School 
Commi.ssioners of Winston-Salem, N. C. 1933-1943; Director Emeri- 
tus and member Executive Committee of Wachovia Bank & Trust 
Co.; Director and member Executive Committee of Security Life & 
Trust Co.; member Board of Trustees and Executive Conmiittee of 
Duke University; member Boarti of Trustees and Executive Com- 
mittee of Children's Home. Winston-Salem. N. C. ; member Board 
of Trustees of Methodist Home for the Aged. Charlotte, N. C. Chil.: 
Lila, b. Aug. 23, 1915, m. F. Gaither Jenkins, lawyer. Winston- 
Salem, N. C. F. Gaither. Jr., Gordon W., Lila, Jr. 
William F., b. Oct. 29, 1916. Lawyer, member of firm of Womble, 
Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice, Winston-Salem, N. C. member of 
North Carolina Legislature 1953 ami 1955; member of General 
Statutes Commi.ssion of North Carolina 195,3-1955; lucniber of 
North Carolina Commission on Higher Education; member of 
Board of Trustees of High Point College; m. Jane Gilbert. Chil.: 
William V.. b. Sept. 21. 1942. Jane, h. Hoc. .30. 1946. Russell 
cjilberl. b. Jan. 22. 1951. 
Olivia, b. Aug. 17. 1918. m. Max Bickford Long. Chil.: Max Bick- 

ford, Jr., Calder W.. Laurenie W., Edith. 
Edith, b. March 31, 1920. m. Jo.seph L. Dyer. Chil.: Edith Lynn, 

Calder W., b. June 25, 1922, Lawyer, member of firm of Womble. 
Carlyle, Sandridge & PJce, Winston-Salem, N. C\, ni, Martha 
Hanes. Chil.: Ralph Hanes Womble, b. P^eb. 9, 19.54, 
Ruth, b. Feb. 26, 1928, wife of Laurence F. Lee, Jr.. who is Execu- 
tive Vice-President of I'eninsnlar Life Insuiance Co., home of- 


fice Jacksonville, Fla., and President of British-American Life 
Ins. Co., home office Nassau, Bahamas. Chil.: Laurence F. 
Lee III, Edith, Ruth. Jr. 
Jehu Josiah, b. June 11, 1865; is a farmer and miller at Moncure, N. C. 
He m. Dec. 22, 1886, Emma Cook, of Chatham county. She d. Nov. 30. 
1901. He m. June 18, 1903, Ida VVomble of Moncure. N. C. No children 
by last marriage. Four children were born to the first marriage. 
Thomas F. is ni the railroad service. He was b. Oct. 1. 1887; m. Nov. 17. 
1909, Elizabeth Bradshaw, of Moncure, N. C. They have one son, Thomas 
F., Jr., b. Jan. 10, 1911. 
Mary Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1889; m. Dec. 4. 1907, John Ellis McCargo, b. 
Aug. 11, 1879 of Rockingham Co., N. C. Children: 

Lucy Frances, b. Sept. 6, 1908, teacher, m. William Alexander lian- 
kin*, b. Aug. 24, 1883. Children: 

William Alexander, Jr., law student. Phi Beta Kappa U.N.C. 
Twin of Thomas McCargo*, b. Nov. 24, 1930; m. Gypsy Lee 
Yount, b. Aug. 19, 1936. Society editor, Reidsville Review, 
N. C. (Son) Thomas McCargo Rankin, Jr., b. May 12. Utf).'-). 
Mary Lois, b. Dec. 2, 1910; secretary; m. Walter Glenn Lewis, 
Insurance Agent. Children: Edith Ray, b. Aug. 12, 1938. Charles 
Glenn, b. Aug. 23, 1949. 
Nellie Ruth, b. July 21, 1913; Baptist; m. William Henry Fisher. 
Chil.: William Henry, Jr., b. Aug. 31, 1938. John Fisher, b. 
June 25, 1947. 
John Ellis, b. Feb. 23. 1918; P.O. Dept.; m. Margaret Smith 

Vinson, Acct. 
Jehu Womble, b. Feb. 23, 1918; m. Elkara Cox. (Son) Joseph 
W^omble, b. Nov. 14. 1949. 
Cora Olivia, b. May 16, 1891; was educated at Littleton Female College; 
m. March 25, 1914, James Travis, a farmer of Caswell county. 
Emma, Guynn, b. March 16, 1915. 
Julia Womble, b. July 16, 1916. 
Emma Frances, b. Maich 27. 1901: m. July 6, 1916, Curvy Gunter, of 
Sandford, N. C. 

Catherine Estell, b. March 28, 1917. 

2944. Eliza Amy, dau. of Wilson; m. Jan. 15, 1856, William John Womble. 
She d. March 12, 1883. They lived in Chatham county, N. C. 

Nancy Eleanor, b. Dec. 16, 1871; m. Feb.. 1896. James J. Ratliffe. a 

prosperous farmer of Rockingham coimty. They have no children. 
Samuel Wilson, b. Oct. 30, 1876; a farmer of Lee county. N. C; m. Dec. 
26. 1900, Carrie Barringer of Moncure, N. C. To them were born seven 

Eleanor Louise, b. Oct. 22, 1901; m. Jan. 29, 1919, Ivan Thomas, a 

farmer of Haywood, N. C. 
Amy Eliza, b. July 14, 1903. 
William Jesse, b. Dec. 31, 1905. 
Ruth, b. Oct. 21, 1908. 
Carrie Male, b. Aug. 30, 1910. 
Samuel Wilson, Jr., b. Aug. 17. 1912. 
John Barringer, b. Oct. 10, 1914. 
The descendants of the three Atwater sisters, Mary, Lois, and Eliza, who 
married the three Womble brothers, are nine children, thirty grandchildren, 
and thirty-one great-grandchildren now living. All that are old enough are 
members of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, except Mary F:iizaboth 
Womble, who joined the Methodist church in childhood, hut after her marriage 
to Ellis McCargo, she joined the Baptist church with her husband. No one 
has ever been accused of crime; none of them are dissipated; none of them 
use profane language; none of them are wealthy; but all of them are honest. 
industrious, thrifty, Godfearing, law-abiding people, and have the respect and 
confidence of those with whom they live. The three Womble brf)thers were 
sons of Cornelius Womble, a farmer of Chatham coimty. North Carolina. 

2845 John Fletcher, son of Wilson; m. March 19. 1861, Nancy C. Bynum. 
b. Sept. 4. 1839. She d. Jan. 13, 1880. (2) Dec. 2, 1880, Elizabeth Long. She d. 
May. 1894. He d. April 19, 1892. They were members of the M. E. church south 


and frequently entertained the minister. He was a reg:ular attendant and 
active in church work. He served in the Civil War with the Fifth N. C. Cavalry, 
fought in many hard battles and was made lieutenant. He returned to his 
farm, was an energetic worker and maintained it imtil his death. He was 
devoted to his motherless children. 

2972. Thomas F.. b. Feb. 15, 1862. 

2973. Mary E.. b. June 27. 1864. 

2974. Margaret E.. b. June 5. 1867. 

2975. Wilson Bynum, b. Dec. 28. 1871. 

2976. Julia Olivia, b. Mav 26, 1874. 

2977. Luther Edmund, b. Nov. 13. 1876. 

2346. Sarah Ann. dau. of Wilson: m. Nov. 20, 1860, Wm. H. Moore; (2) 
Feb. 10. 1866. Durant Moore. She d. March 25. 1904. 
William, b. August. 1864. 

MaiKar.n E., b. Aug. 19. 1867; m. Nov. 7. 1888, T. B. Crowder. Lives in 
Raleigh. N. C. Chil.: Lottie M.. b. Nov. 14, 1890; Ralph H.. b. Aug. 18. 
1892; Raymond, b. May 14, 1894; Margaret M.. b. Dec. 29. 1906. 

2947. Kmeline, dau. of Edmund B.; m. Thomas Rose. She d. Aug. 20, 1862. 
Their chil.: John T.. d.; Edmund W.. Atlanta, Ga.; James W.. d. 

2948. James \V., son of Edmund B. ; m. Nov. 10, 1850, Antoinette Carolina 
Halloway: d. Nov. 22, 1860; (2 1 Nov. 2, 1871, Antoinette Eugenia Respcss, d. 
April 11, 1916. Thomaston. Ga. James W. d. Dec. 24, 1913. The Thomaston 
Times in its obituary notice said: 

The deceased was eighty-seven years of age, and is survived by his wife, 
Mrs. Antoinette Respess Atwater; one son. Capt. James F^. Atwater. and six 
daughters. Mrs. J. Hinry Smith, of Griffin; Mrs. Fred P'arris, of Atlanta; 
Mrs. George R. Turyin. of Macon; Mrs. William P. Leonard, of Talbotton; 
Mrs. Roland W. Spain, of New York city, and Mrs. A. J. King of Macon. 

Besides being one of the oldest and wealthiest of Thomaston citizens, he 
was one of the most prominent, influential and highly esteemed. Not only did 
he stand high in the affection of his home people but wherever he was known 
men respected and loved him. A citizen of another city who is one of the most 
prominent men in the state and who was a business associate of Captain 
Atwater's said of him: "Few men have lived to better purpose, or have had 
higher regard of their friends and acquaintances than Mr. Atwater." 

Captain .Atwater was a man of strong convictions and once he took a 
stand in a matter he was almost unshakable. It is said of him that above all 
things he despised a hypocrite and hated all manner of shams. He was also a 
man who loved his friends and would stop at nothing to aid them. There aie 
many wh(j owe their business success to his assistance and counsel. 

Captain Atwater .served through the Civil War with ihstinction. He was 
noted for his bravery in battle and his efficiency in military tactics, being 
made captain of five different companies to perfect their organization. Many 
of his comrades who are still living gratefully hear testimony to his valorous 

After the conflict ended he was active in the politics of ITp.son county 
serving as county commissioner for twelve years, during which terms of 
service he was one of the first men in the state to refuse a permit for a cross 
road saloon. 

Cai)tain Atwater was also one of the founders of the R. E. Lee Institute 
of Thomaston. and for twenty-three years acted as chairman for the board of 
trustei'S for that well known institution. 

For years Cajjtain Atwater was a leader in every movement looking to 
the upbuilding and betterment of his town and county. 

2978. Sarah Elizabeth, b. April 25. 1852. 
Is.sue by .second marriage: 

2979.' James liobert, b. Aug. 16, 1873. 

2980. Ada Gynum, b. Oct. 3. 1874. 

2981. Carrie Payn<'. b. Dec. 3, 1876. 

2982. Susan Euginia. b. June 17. 1880. 

2983. Katharine Chenev. b. July 30. 1886; m. Dec. 16, inoo, Fn-d Farris; 
d. Mav 1940. She d. 19.35. 

2984. Naomi, b. April 19. 1891; m. March 28. 1913. Roland W. Spain; 
d. June 13. 1939. 


2949. John \V., son of Edmund B.; m. Sept. 4. 1853, Martha G. O'Neil b. 
Nov. 1, 1833; (2) March 18, 1901, Sallie Butts. He lived in Thomaston Ga., 
and d. Feb. 21, 1915. 

2985. Mary Emeline, b. Feb. 1, 1856; d. Dec. 23, 1896; m. Nov. 2 1892 
Rev. J. W. Bailey. 

2986. Charles M.. b. Dec. 23, 1858. 

2987. Martha E., b. Oct. 18, 1860. 

2988. George E., b. July 26, 1854. 

2989. Abia Cordelia, b. Oct. 28, 1865. 

2990. Julia Caroline, b. Sept. 30, 1868. 

2991. Edmond Brouder, b. Oct. 30, 1871. 

2992. John Peterson, b. Oct. 21, 1874. 

2950. Mary J., dau. of Edmund B.; m. Jabez M. Dallas. Ho d. Jan. 26, 1892. 
She d. Jan. 31, 1913. Their chil.: Thomas Edwin, John, Lee, Griffin, Ga.; Mattie, 
m. J. B. Stamps, Thomaston, Ga.; Willie, d.; Charlie, Sallie, m. Smith: 
Daisy, m. Dobbs. 

2951. Thomas J., son of Edmund B.; m. Falva Dawson; d. Sept. 5, 1879; 
(2) Nov.. 1880, Ellen Preston; d. Sept., 1914. She was Widow Scarborough 
previously. He resided in Andersonville, Ga., and d. Feb. 22, 1919. 

2993. Geraldine Phereba, b. Oct. 29, 1860; m. Dec. 1. 1880, J. Wesley Allen. 

2994. Hull Ashbery, b. Jan. 29, 1869. 

2995. Ezekiel Robartus, b. Oct. 18, 1865. 

2996. Martha Patterson (Dollie), b. July 26, 1870; m. Jan., 1887, Sam 

2997. Mary Emeline, b. Aug. 1, 1875; m. Sept., 1894, R. R. Russell. 

2952. Lois A., dau. of Jahaza, b. Aug. 25, 1836; m. April 18, 1861, William 
Franklin Strowd, who was born in Orange county, N. C, Dec. 7, 1832. He d. 
March 12, 1911. His wife survived him until Feb. 7, 1917. She was a devout 
Christian woman, a Methodist of the old school, and highly esteemed by all 
who knew her. Her declining years were spent with her son at Chapel Hill. 

Robert Lee, b. Feb. 1, 1864; m. April 27, 1886, Fannie Headen. They live 
in Chapel Hill, N. C, where he is an honored and respected resident. 
He is vice-president of the Bank of Chapel Hill. 

W. F., July 1, 1887. 

W. H., b. June 2, 1889. 

Bruce, b. Aug. 18, 1891. 

Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 2, 1895. 

Grace, b. July 30, 1897. 

Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1902. 

2953. Carney Conipton, son of Jahaza; m. 1862, Amelia A. P.aldwin. He d. 
Jan. 18, 1878. 

2998. Sallie Lenora, b. March 24, 1864. 

2999. Cora Julia, b. April 20, 1866. 

3000. Minnie Burnett, lives at 140 College St., Greensboro, N. C. 

2954. John Wilbur, son of Jahaza; m. (li April 25, 1861, Eugenia E. 
Farrington, b. Aug. 11, 1845; d. Jan. 8, 1880; i2) 1883, Alice Farrington, b. 
Nov. 28, 1849; d. May 14, 1888; (3) 1887, Sophronia J. Baldwin, b. Oct. 4, 1835. 
He d. July 4, 1910. 

3001. Alfred Sidney, b. Oct. 17, 1862. 

3002. John Bimyan, b. Nov. 16, 1868. 

3003. Harriet Lee, b. April 1, 1871. 

3004. Addie Siusan, b. Dec. 18, 1874; m. T. J. Burroughs. 

3005. William M., b. Nov. 20, 1876. 

2955. Edmund Warren, son of Jehiel; m. Dec. 5, 1861, Margaret A., dau. of 
Carney Bynum and Margaret Clegg; b. Sept. 5, 1841; d. June 9. 1908. He d. 
Nov. 7, 1916. He lived at Riggsbee, N. C, where he was a fainiei', and held 
the office of the justice of the peace. Answering the call of his country he 
served in the Confederate army as orderly sergeant and to the end of his life 
loved the comradeship of the "old veterans," often attending their reunions. 
After the war he moved to Chatham coimty where he .spent the greater part 
of his life. He joined the Methodist church in early life at Cedar Grove. He 
was most loyal to his Lord and church; a strong, constant friend to ministers; 


called himself his pastor's assistant and it was true. He was far-seeing, clear 
cut in his processes of thought and of a philosophic turn of mind. One writer 
said of him: "I have always regarded Mr. At water as one of the most genuine 
Christians that I have ever known. He was ripe and ready for the gainer. 
Doubtless he had his defects, but all in all. I have known very few men who 
stood out and above the multitude as distinctly for Christ as he did. The 
spiritual stream of his life ran smooth and deep, and he never allowed the 
straws that floated upon the surface to disturb the serenity of its depths." 

3006. Sallie Warren, b. Oct. 1, 1862. 

3007. Martha Sophronia. b. Oct. 5, 1867; m. Prof. D. M. Weatherby. One 
son. Bruce Atwater, b. Nov. 20, 1897. 

3008. Marv Eliza, b. July 4. 1869. 
oi;09. Julia Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28. 1873. 

3010. Fannie Vuginia, b. July 28. 1877; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Rev. N. M. 
Watson. Two chil.: Neil McCoy, b. Jan. 9. 1909; Frances Atwater, 
b. March 19, 1911. 

3011. Carney Bynum. b. March 2. 1879. 

•^956. Sophronia Jane, dau. of Jehiel; m. March. 1861, Luther Bvnum, of 
Bynum, N. C. She d. Oct. 1. 1892. 

Mr. Bynum was a man always interested in the good of his country and 
church. Mrs. Bynum was unusually timid and retiring, yet won the love and 
admiration of all who knew her. She delighted in helping any in need or 
suffering. She was proverbially known as "the widows' friend." Her only son 
lives in California. 

Oliver Clegg, b. May 10, 1864; m. Cora Julia Atwater. 

"3957. Kuf.is Henry, son of Jehiel; m. April 25, 1867, Eliza Cora Page. He 
moved from Iturham, N. C. to Missouri in April, 1889. He was a type known 
as an old-fashioned southern gentleman. He joined the Confederate army and 
remained until the close, a member of the Fifth N. C cavaliv. \lo died March 
15, 1905. He lived at Liberty, Mo. 

3012. William Anderson, b. March 15, 1868. 

3013. Amma Frances, b. June 28, 1869. 

3014. Lucy Warren, b. March 16, 1871. 

3015. Orian High. b. March 5. 1873. 

2958. Mary Catherine, dau. of Jehiel; m. Sept.. 1867. Catnev W. P.vnuiii. 
b. May 28, 1844; d. Aug. 31, 1909. 

Cornelia Warren, b. Jan. 19, 1872; m. Dec. 27, 1899, Garland O. Green, a 
Methodist minister. He d. Sept. 24, 1903; one son. Garland O., b. April 
21, 1901; (2( June, 1912. Wm. Seaton Rives. They live in Raleigh. N. C. 
She was educated in Greensboro College for Women. After teaching for 
a while in hei- home town, she was happily luaiiied to Rev. Garhmd O. 
Gieen. of the North Carolina Conference. 

Henry Atwater. b. March. 1874; m. Annie Lutteilah. Chil.: lliurv Luller- 
lah". b. May 4, 1905; Carney Washington, b. Jan. 19, 1907; Mary Delia, 
b. Nov. 13, 1908; Annie Lutteilah, b. March 14. 1913. 

Annie Bangs, b. May 1, 1881; m. April 21, 1903. Dr. .1. N. Tavior. Tluv 
live in Graham. N. C. Chil.: James Bvnum, b. March 6, 1904; Wm. 
Feree, b. Feb. 26, 1905; Henry Wallace, b. March 25, 1909; Joseph 
Miller, b. Oct. 19. 1913. 

2959. John .Nathaniel, .son of Jehiel; in. .Ian. .i, 1SS3, Lillie Cannon. They 
live in liakM^h, N. C. 

3016. Mary Harris, b. Jan. 25. 1884. 

3017. Wilii.im Brings, b. March 8. 1885. 

3018. Charles Bynum. b. July 22. 1887. 

'i960. .Martha V.. dau. of Jehiel; in. Sept. 3, 1903. Rev. .1. \V, .l.nkins of 
the North Carolina conference. M. E. church south. He d. July 4. 1906. She 
wa.s educated in Greensboro Woman's College. Greensboro. N. C. Throughout 
her whole life there was an earnest desire to do .some kind of mission work. 
iJiscouraged by her frienrjs on account of her delicate health the idea and 
ambition still clung to her. She felt that she must do .soiuclhing in a worth- 
while way, as she walked along life's road. When, without any effort on her 
part, she was elected as first matron of the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh, 


N. C, she accepted, believing that her opportunity had conio. Later, when she 
gave hei- hand in maniage to Rev. J. \V. Jenkins, founder and superintendent 
of the orpiaanage, she knew that this was her hfe work, and together they 
worked with unceasing labor until, from a feeble beginning, the orphanage had 
grown into proportions that promised perpetuity. Then Mr. Jenkins laiti down 
his beautiful life, and bound more closely than ever to the product of their 
united efforts, she has mothered the little orphan children who have been 
denied the love and care of fathers and mothers, and brought to tht-m the 
light and joy of real home life. 

Slight, small, frail in body, but great in soul, Mattie Atwater Jenkins has 
given her whole life for the happiness of otheis. With a sympathetic mind, a 
hand skilled in helpfulness, a heart that loves wisely, an unusual measure of 
ability in managing and controlling she has shared the hopes and heartaches 
of hundreds of boys and girls who delight to call her mother, and in whose 
lives "Miss Mattie" is a beacon light. She d. Oct. 28. 1925. 

2961. James Bobbitt, son of Jehiel; m. Nov. 17, 1878, Nellie Eastwood 
Page. He is a farmer, merchant and cotton buyer. From childhood Mr. Atwater 
has been an indefatigable and conscientious worker. Han(Hcapped by frail 
health in his early young manhood, he worked on amid difficulties. After 
taking a business course he became, when quite young, bookkeeper for the 
Odell Manufacturing Co. at his home. From that time on he has filled 
responsible positions in church, state and business, representing his county in 
the legislature and his church in every important position a layman can hold. 

Mr. Atwater married Miss Nell Page, who comes of a distinguished and 
representative family. She is a cousin and foster sister of the amhas.sa<lor. 
Hon. Walter Page. They have eight children, four of whom are living. Tlic 
oldest son volunteered in the world war. 

He received an academic education in coimty schools in Chatham, and 
took a business course at Eastman National Business College, Poughkeepsie, 
N. Y. Spent most of his life at Bynum, his present home, serving fii-st the 
Bynimi I\Tanufacturing Co., cotton manufacturers, as bookkeeper, later book- 
keeper and general manager, for the J. M. Odell Manufacturing Co., operating 
cotton mill and general store. Now engaged in mercantile business and operat- 
ing roller mill and ginnery. In public matters he has seived his county as 
county commissioner, member of board of education, representative in the 
state senate, member of the "Local Exemption Board" in 1917-18. and "Chair- 
man of County Board of Equalization" under "New Valuation Act," 1919. In 
church relations he belongs to Southern Methodist church, serving as steward, 
trustee, district steward, Sunday School superintendent and member of North 
Carolina Conf. S. S. Board. Like most of his kinsmen, he also owns a farm 
and delights in agriculture, hog and cattle raising. 

3019. Frank Page, b. Oct. 7, 1899. 

3020. Warren Eastwood, b. Nov. 13, 1903. 

3021. Robert Bynum, b. May 5, 1916. 


2962. William Basoom, son of Matthew; m. June 1, 1870, Mai t ha Helen, 
dau. of David and Eliza Clegg, b. Dec. 20. 1848. He d. Aug. 5. 1908. Thomas A. 
Atwater writes of him as follows: "For many years he was one of the com- 
mimity's leading citizens and a most successfid farmei-, living near his father's 
home "in Chatham county. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 
early boyhood, at old Cedar Grove church, at which place he remained a 
consistent member the rest of his life; was for many years a steward and a 
faithful teacher in his Sunday school. He was of a jovial disposition, always 
looking on the bright side of life; beloved and respected by all who knew him. 

3022. Dora Alice, b. May 7, 1871. 

3023. Lizzie Bynum, b. May 5, 1873. 

3024. Mary Olivia, b. May 16, 1877. 

3025. Margaret Blanche, b. Feb. 20, 1879. 

3026. David Marvin, b. Oct. 31, 1881. 

3027. Carney Bennett, b. Sept. 20. 1882. 

3028. Flora Lerma, b. Oct. 10, 1884. 

3029. Mattie Lillian, b. Oct. 24, 1888. 


2963. Marietta, dau. of Matthew; m. March 6. 1867, H. Clay Clegg. Live at 
Moncure. N. C. 

Emily E.. b. March 1, 1871; m. Nov. 17, 1889. Charles J. Knight. Live at 
Moncure. N. C. 

Clarence B.. b. Oct. 20. 1890; m. Dec. 20. 1916. Jonnievan Dittniar. Live 

at Fort Pierce, Fla. One son, Albert Charles, b. Aug. 30. 1919. 
Wallace B.. b. Nov. 26, 1892. 
Hayniond R., b. Dec. 26, 1894. 
Jaint'S Ralph, b. April 5, 1897. 
Marv Clav. b. Oct. 3, 1899. 
Fnzelle L., b. Feb. 2, 1902. 
Emma Lee, b. April 9, 1904. 
Mattie Edna. b. Jan. 9, 1906. 
Charles H.. b. Dec. 8, 1908. 
Katherine L., b. Aug. 6, 1911. 
Swindell R.. b. May 5, 1914. 
Elizabeth M., b. April 17, 1873. 

Lois J., b. Dec. 26, 1875; m. Dec. 1. 1897, N. A. Perry. Live at Pittsboro. 
N. C. Chil.: Lorene, b. June 2, 1902; Mary, b. July 5, 1907; Eiiwin, b. 
Feb. 15, 1912. 
Cornelia B., b. March 18, 1883; m. June 29, 1910, Rev. F. S. Love. Went 
as missionary to Brazil; d. Sept. 13, 1916. Chil.: Cornelia, b. Mav 9, 
1912; Mary Harvey, b. July 25. 1914. 
Olivia Lulu, b. Sept. 10, 1885; ni. Dec. 26, 1906. W. C. Henderson. Live at 
Pittsboro, N. C. Chil.: Kiah, b. Feb. 23, 1908; Cornelia, b. Sept. 25, 1909; 
Grady, b. Dec. 25, 1910; Harry, b. July 4. 1912; Leon, b. June 28, 1914; 
Marv Atwater, b. March 26. 1916; Lois, b. March 21, 1918. 
Frank R., b. Jan. 28, 1888; m. Nov. 26, 1916, Lizzie Cole. 
Ernest R., b. Julv 18, 1890. 
Henry C, b. Sept. 8, 1894. 

2964. Sarah Kli/.al)»'lh, dau. of Matthew; m. Dec. 20. 1871, John B. Clegg. 
Moncure, N. C. He was b. May 20, 1850. 

Cornelia E., b. Sept. 17, 1872; m. Nov. 26, 1908, R. A. Speed. 

Robert W., b. April 18. 1880; m. Aug. 7, 1915, Ethel Peterson. One dau., 

Margaret Starr, b. Aug. 10, 1917. 
Maggie W.. b. Aug. 4. 1882; m. Oct. 18, 1905, Joseph W. Womble. Chil.: 

Mary E., b. Aug. 24, 1907; Samuel Baxter, b. Oct. 25, 1909, d. Nov. 13, 

1909; Joseph Wilson, b. Jan. 29, 1911; Harvey Clegg, b. Feb. 15, 1913; 

James L.. b. April 29, 1915; Lois, b. Aug. 29, 1917 
Alvis B., b. March 19, 1884; m. Feb. 7. 1915. Ollie Gunter. One son. John 

Carlton, b. Feb. 28, 1917. 
Mary E., b. April 3. 1887. 
Grace L. b. June 20, 1892. 
Thomas B.. b. May 9, 1894. 

2965. Suphronia Ida, dau. of Matthew; m. Sept. 28, 1876, George T. Morrow, 
of Mebane. X. C. 

Luther William, b. June 10. 1878. 

Myrtle Emih-y. b. June 5. 1880; m. Nov. 22. 1910. Vanie Sykes. One dau., 

Mvrtle Ruth, b. Aug. 4, 1918. Lives at Savannah, Ga. 
Calvin Newton, b. Oct. 18, 1884; m. Oct. 8, 1912, Bonnie Mooie. Live at 

Mebane, N. C. Chil.: Katherine K., b. July 5. 1913; Mvrtle, h. March 13, 

1916; Wm. Henry, b. May 13, 1918. 
Thomas Lacy. b. Aug. 12, 1888; m. Aug. 25, 1917, Kllul Kilroy. 

'HHiH. .Martha -loHephine, dau. of Matthew; iii. in 1877, Robert G. Morrow. 
She d. Nov. 19, 1904. He d. Sept. 16, 1908. 

Jehiel B.. b. Dec. 2, 1878; m. Dec. 12, 1906. Lillie N. Crawford. Chil.: Ada 
F.. b. Nov. 6. 1907; Robert G., b. July 11, 1909; Herbert G., b. June 14, 
1911; Pvali)h W., b. Ai)ril 6. 1914; Dw'iglit M., 1). Julv 8, 1916. 
I-rrne.st K.. b. Jan. 18. 1881. 

Mary K.. b. June 28, 1883; m. March 27, 1918, David Henry Stewart. Live 
at Whit.sett, N. C. One .son, David Henry, Jr., b. Sept. 28, 1919. 

2967. Kmily An/.onetta, dau. of Matthew; married Isaac Walter Pritchard 
He i.s a retired manufacturer and lives at Chapel Hill, N. C. He is respected 
in the community as an upright citizen and has a devoted family. 


Mary Eleanor, b. Nov. 22, 1883. 
Olivia Josephine, b. July 1, 1885. 
Thoma.s Benjamin, b. Nov. 8, 1886. 

Julia Maud, b. Dec. 6, 1888; m. Aug. 16, 1916, Arthur P. Bristow, super- 
intendent of schools in Virginia. 
William Grady, b. May 28, 1896; m. Sept. 25, 1926, Sarah Holland Hester. 
Vera. b. Feb. 27, 1899; m. Oct. 23, 1926, St. Julien Lachicotte Springs. 
Margaret, b. Nov. 4, 1901. 

2968. Thomas A., son of Matthew; m. Nov. 12, 1890, Annie M. Siler. b. 
Jan. 21, 1869; d. Jan. 15, 1898; (2) Jan. 3, 1906, Isa F., dau. of James and 
Catherine Fulmer, b. Dec. 16, 1883. He was educated at the Thomp.son military 
school, Silver City, N. C, where he met his first wife. He .sellk'd on a faiiii. 
near his father's home in Chatham county, where he lived until the death of 
his wife. Leaving his children in the care of relatives he became traveling 
salesman for the Pomona Nursery of Greensboro, N. C. He canvassed Virginia, 
South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana and Arkansas and was very 
successful. After his second marriage he located in Lazoo City, Miss., but on 
account of the malarial condition, he returned to North Carolina. His father's 
death occinred two years before, so he bought the old homestead with two 
adjoining farms. 

3030. Samuel M., b. Sept. 13, 1891; m. March 30, 1913, Lillian Llovti. Two 
chil.: Clyde L., b. Oct. 20, 1914, and Annie L., b. March 6. 1918. 

Issue by second marriage: 

3031. Wade H., b. Oct. 4, 1906. 

3032. Martha A., b. Jan. 19, 1908. 

3033. Jeff D.. b. Oct. 3, 1909. 

3034. Charles C, b. March 11, 1911. 

3035. Thomas A., Jr., b. July 1, 1913. 

3036. Matthew W., b. July 10, 1915. 

3037. Herman C, b. Oct. 11, 1917. 

3038. Naomi Catherine, b. July 27, 1919. 

2969. Margaret Lulu, dau. of Matthew; m. Sept. 8, 1886, Rufus P. VVomble. 
Live in Moncure, N. C. 

James Floy, b. Aug. 30, 1889; m. June 26, 1916, Nellie L. McCullers. Live 

in Kansas City, Mo. One dau.. May Atwater, b. April 4. 191 S. 
Martha Roberta, b. July 27, 1892; m. July 23, 1914, Rev. E. C. Dinham. 

Live at Goldsboro, N. C. Two sons, Ralph Kilgo, b. May 17. 1915; d. 

Oct. 11, 1916; Dwight Womble, b. Feb. 20, 1917; Ruth Arden, b. June 

27, 1919. 
Matthew Guy, b. June 20, 1901. 

297(K James M., son of Matthew; m. Lillian Anderson. He lives in Bur- 
lington, North Carolina. 

3039. Annie May, b. July 14, 1898. 

3040. Henry Anderson, b. Nov. 6, 1899. 

3041. James M., Jr., b. Jan. 6, 1902. 

3042. William Edward, b. March 5, 1914. 

2971. Nellie A., dau. of Matthew; m. Jan. 6, 1897, Robert L. Patterson. 
They live in Greensboro, N. C, where he is one of the leading grocers. 

"Frank Atwater, b. March 11, 1898. 
Eugenia, b. Sept. 22. 1900. 
Robert Houston, b. Nov. 19, 1903. 
Mary Louisa, b. March 6. 1910. 

2972. Thomas F., son of John F.; m. Nov. 25, 1886. Annie H. Pugh. He d. 

July 2, 1890. 

3043. Varnie S., b. Oct. 21, 1887. 

2973. Mary E., dau. of John F.; m. April 3. 1881. Thomas R. Cole; d. April 
7, 1900; (2) Aug. 3, 1910, J. W. Elliott; d. March 22, 1924. (3) Nov. 7, 1925. 
J. T. Lambe. Mebane, N. C. 

Julia, b. March 13. 1882; m. June 7, 1906, Dr. Roy M. Brown. 

Thomas Wiley, b. ; m. Mildred Parker. Chil.: Kenneth Wiley; 

Margaret Elizabeth; Mildred Sue. 


Battle, b. 1913; m. Ruby Elliott, b. Sept. 1, 1913, dau. of Mary Cole. 
Marv Olivia, b. Dec. 17. 1883; m. Dec. 6. 1906. H. C. Elliott, d. Aug. 12, 
1929; Mary d. Aug. 1. 1929. 

Horace C. Jr.. b. Jan. 27. 1908; m. Dorcas Callahan, vice-pres. Citi- 
zens Mfg. Co.. b. July 1. 1911. Horace is chief. Kutherfordton Vol. 
Fire Dept.; member First Baptist Church. Kiwanis. 1st vice-pres. 
Western N. C. Fireman's Assn.. past master Western Star Masonic 
Lodge No. 91. 1953. and noble of Oasis Temple A. A. O.N. M.S. of 
Charlotte. N. C. since 1954. Children: 

Avis. b. Aug. 11. 1929; ii;. Mack Henrick; dau. Margaret Anne. 

b. Dec. 11, 1952. 
Jane. b. Sept. 30. 1930; m. James E., Jr.. insinance adjuster, b. 
Aug. 16, 1929, son of Elma Anderson and J. E. Bridgers. de- 
ceasetl. ( Dau. » Mary Karen, b. Nov. 5, 1953. 
Sarah Patricia, b. June 1, 194 3. 
Mary Louise, b. May 19. 1911. d. Aug. 4. 1924. 
Ruby, b. Sept. 1. 1913; m. Battle Brown, son of Ruby's Aunt Julia. 
Eugenia Grace, b. April 5. 1916. 

Robah Ernest, b. Dec. 27. 1886; m. Frances Omega Dickey, b. Julv 12. 
1886; d. Sept. 12. 1945. (2» Lucy Johnson, of Burlington, N. C. Robah 
d. June 30, 1952. 

Lucille Roney. b. Dec. 26. 1908; teacher; m. Robert G. Collier. Chil.: 
Gene Glenn, b. Sept. 29. 1937. David Elwood. b. Sept. 21, 1942. 
Stephanie Frances, b. Nov. 11, 1944. 
Thomas Chelsey, b. April 8. 1915; m. Jessie Beatrice Brudner. b. Oct, 

15, 1914. (Child) Thomas Lloyd, b. Sept. 18. 1938. 
Robah Ernest Jr.. b. Jan. 8, 1919; m. Wyma Farlow, b. Aug. 22, 1918. 
Chil.: Michael Allen, b. Jan. 23. 1946. John Ernest, b. Feb. 25. 1954. 

John Pendleton, b. Dec. 18. 1888; m. June 19. 1912, Sallie I. McCauley. 
John, Jr.. b. June 25, 1913; m. Gladj's Creech Welbaum. See Roll of 

Honor for John. (Son) John P. III. b. Feb. 11. 1937. 
Virgilia. b. Feb. 5. 1917; m. Joseph Daniel Moore, b. Sept. 16, 1916. 
Dan. Jr., b. Oct. 12, 1942. William Stacy, b. April 19, 1944. Sallie 
Lou, b. Dec. 9, 1947. Virgilia Gill, b. Jan. 25, 1950. 
Nellie Atwater, b. April 26, 1892; m. Dec. 17. 1914, John Fenly Spear, Jr.. 
deceased. Chil.: Louise, b. April 7. 1917, m. John Garland Mcirill. James, 
Jr.,* b. June 30. 1922. 
Thomas R.,* b. Sept. 29, 1895; m. Mary P. Arker, b. Dec. 18, 1898. in New 
Bern, N. C. 

Jesse W..* b. May 1, 1924; d. Nov. 26, 1944. 

Mary Jane, b. May 16. 1928; m. Richard Killian Wor.sley. certified 
public accountant, b. Aug. 13, 1927. Chil.: Cynthia Ann.b. Feb. 28, 
1952. Stephen Cole, b. Oct. 13. 1953. 
Betty Reid, b. June 27. 1932; m. Jack Tyler. (Son) Gerald. 

2974. .Margaret K., dau. of John F.; m. Feb. 11. 1885. James Mauh Dur- 
ham, b. Dec. 6. 1860. d. Feb. 27. 1945. Margaret d. Dec. 21, 1937. Chaj..! Hill. 
North Carolina. 

Carney Eugene, b. July 12, 1886; m. April lo. 1918, Mrs. Ella Louise 
Craven, b. Jan. 30. 1881. dau. dI' Elizabeth X'umannon and John Tyson 
Williams. Carney has acted as town treasurer and justice of peace but 
spent most of his life in commercial activities. Ella died of cancer on 
Aug. 6. 1949 and is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Greensboro, N. C. 

U'wis Wil.son.* b. May 4. 1920; m. May 3, 1946, Martha, dau. of John 
Allen, of Farmville. Va.; b. Jan. 8, 1919. 

Karen Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1951. John Mark. b. Voh. 15. 1955. 

Carney Banks.* b. Sept. 25, 1925. 

Nora Olivia, b. Sept. 8, 1887; m. Mav 3, 1908. Rev. William Judson Hack- 
ney, b. Feb. 13. 1880. Ncwburn, Ti"-nn., d. March 19, 1955. He .served the 
N. C. Conference and the Methodist CIuik h in Cliai iolte, N. C in his 
later years. Children: 

Mary Eunice, b. Sept. 5, 1909; teacher; m. May 3, 1934, Charles B. 
Rca. (Son) Lewis Judson Rea, b. April 28, 1936. 


Raymond, b. Jan. 10, 1913; A.B„ Wofford College. S. C; m. June 13. 
1946, Laura Ellen Canipe; teacher; grad. Greensboro College. N. C. 
See Roll of Honor. Children: 

Ellen Gail, b. Nov. 24, 1947. Raymond. Jr.. b. Aug. 13. 1950. 
Maiy Elizabeth, b. Feb. 17, 1915, d. July 18, 1917. 
Wilson Durham*, b. Oct. 11, 1918; m. Jan. 4. 1946, Robbie Jane 
Collins, b. April 23, 1922. Chil.: Robert Wilson, b. Jan. 12. 1947. 
Michael Durham, b. Sept. 19, 1951. 
David Marvin,* b. Feb. 4. 1922; m. July 23. 1949 to Rachael Burton 

Delancy, b. Oct. 12, 1925. (Son) Weston Burton, b. Jan. 21. 19.''>3. 
Ruth Inez, b. Jan. 27, 1924; m. April 8, 1944, Heath A. Mf.lhn. Chil.; 

Chailes Edward, b. Jan. 11, 1945. Bonnie Lynn, b. Jan. 4, 194H. 
Edwin Atwater, b. Feb. 5. 1929; awarded George B. Hiss scholarship; 
Phiffer College and Duke University — A. B. 1952. B.D. 1955. Rev. 
Edwin now serving in Bakersville area; m. Sept. 5, 1953. Eula Fave 
Kennedy, b. July 18, 1926. 
Kemp Pearce, b. Nov. 15, 1889, d. Nov. 3, 1890. 

Vira Ellen, b. Aug. 18, 1891; m. June 30, 1921. William David Callaway 
from Montgomery, Ala. (Son) William Howaid. b. Dec. 9, 1924; m. 
Virginia Biidsong of Macon, Ga. See Roll of Honor. 
Jacob Holt, b. Aug. 15, 1893, d. July 7, 1914. 

Samuel Rose,* b. Aug. 25, 1895; m. Jan. 24. 1922, Ivah Jane Fanning, b. 
June 18, 1887 in Somers, N. Y. Children: 

Samuel David, b. Jan. 1. 1924; m. July 30, 1949, Margaret Virginia 

Evens. (Son) Stephen Carl, b. Feb. 20, 1950. 
Phillip O'Day, b. June 2, 1925; m. Mildred Lamont Blake. (2 ehil. i 
Phillis Jane, b. Feb. 2, 1948. Samuel Rose, b. March 2. 19.50. 
Carey Winston,* b. Dec. 4, 1897; grad. Duke School. U.N.C.. four years 
Geo, Washington Univ. Medical, grad. June 7, 1927. One year internship 
each at Emergency Hospital, D. C. and Central Carolina Hospital, San- 
ford, N. C. Mason. Member of Am. Med. Assn., Am. Academy of Gen. 
Practice, N. C. Guilford Co., and Greensboro Med. Soe. Presbyterian. 
m. Nov. 28, 1928, Alberta Emily Rodgers. teacher, of Washington, D. C. 
(Son) Rodger Winston, b. Dec. 31, 1941. 
Harvey Irving, b. Dec. 10, 1899; realtor; m. Dec. 6, 1924, Mabel Claire 
Hambright, b. Feb. 4, 1900. (Son) Harvey, Jr., b. Aug. 9, 1931; while a 
senior in the Lee Edwards High School he died of lymphatic leukemia 
on Sept. 28, 1948. Asheville, N. C. 
NeUie Alma, b. Feb. 10, 1902; grad. Durhambus College, m. April 22. 1929. 
Joseph A. Martocollo. b. April 22. 1890. consulting eng. refrigeration 
industry; many patents, including production of clear ice; member of 
many organizations including Benjamin Franklin Institute for Inven- 
tors. Died Oct. 19, 1949. Children: 
Joseph A., Jr., b. Feb. 1, 1930. 

Eloise Durhain Caroline, b. Feb. 11, 1933; d. Feb. 9, 19;:9. 
Lewis Manley, b. Oct. 28, 1906; grad. B.A. George Washington ITniversity; 
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. See Roll of Honor, m. Jan. 27. 1945, Betty Jane. 
b. Maich 15, 1917, dau. of Florence Longden (Worthy Matron of the 
Eastern Star) and James Bedford Ainsley (32nd degree Mason) all of 
Masontown, Pa. 

Maiy Lynn, b. Jan. 24, 1948. Alfred Ainsley, b, April 19, 1949. 
Grady Watson, b. June 28, 1908; m. Feb. 11. 1933. liachel Crawford, b. 
June 8, 1913. Children: 

Jane Crawford, b. Aug. 5, 1934; m. Dec. 22. 1954. Lt. Benjamin P'rank- 

lin Wilson. Jr., b. March 15, 1931. 
Gerry Watson, b. Aug. 22, 1940. 
Walter Brexton, b. Dec, 5, 1947. 
Paul Reid, b. May 3, 1911; see Roll of Honor; m. Stella Gwindolyn. b. 
1923, dau. by adoption of Mary J. Richarfison and C. L. Black of Trinity. 
N. C. (Son) Shelton Reid, b. Jan. 23, 194 7. 

2975. Wilson Kymim, son of John F.; m. April 2. 1902, Lillie Laiiibeth. Live 

in Greensboro, N. C. 

3044. Julia Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1903; d. 1919. 

3045. Margaret Lee, b. March 5, 1905. 

3046. John Lambeth, b. May 10, 1908. 


•»976. Julia Olivia, dau. of John F.; m. March 20, 1895. Walter A., son of 
Wagstaff and Julia Rice Mavnard. b. April 12. 1863. 

Reid Atwater. b. Sept. 24. 1896; grad. Univ. of N. C: m. June 16, 1922, 
Grace Moore, b. July 20. 1938. Chil.: Donald R., b. June 28. 1928; grad. 
Princeton and Harvard. With Standard Oil Co.. Bayonne, N. J.; m. 
March 28, 1952. Julia Steed. 

James Walter.* b. Feb. 19, 1932; grad. Univ. of N. C. 
Janet Moore, b. Julv 20. 1938. 
Julia Bynum. b. March i6. 1899; m. June 29. 1923. Virgil L. Warren, drug- 
gist of Mebane. N. C. Julia high school principal. 
Walter. Jr.. b. Oct. 24. 1909; m. Hazel Harris, b. Aug. 7. 1910. teacher 
of Burlington. N. C. 

'*977. Luther K., son of John F. ; m. July 20. 1899, Mamie Garrison. 
304 7. Annie Lea. b. Nov. 30. 1900. 

3048. John Wilson, b. Dec. 6, 1901; m. Oct. 20, 1926, Carolyn Booth. 

3049. Luther Edmund, b. April 10, 1911. 

3051. Robert Nathaniel, b. March 24, 1914. 

3052. Mary Tuttle, b. Sept. 24, 1916. 

3053. Frank Garrison, b. April 20, 1921. 

2978. Sarah Eli7.ab««th, dau. of James W.; m. Oct. 2, 1871, A. J. King. 
Lives in Culloden, Ga. 

Carrie Lou, b. Sept. 15, 1872; m. April 1, 1894. George Milton Rhodes. 

Wade Judson. b. March 5. 1895. 

Cornelia Morrison, b. April 15. 1908. 
Addie Ellis, b. Nov. 8. 1874; m. July 14. 1895. Dudley Irving Woodward. 

John Abner. b. Dec. 10, 1909. 

Antoinette Hammond, b. July 2. 1913. 
Nellif Florence, b. June 2. 1877. Unm. 
Mary Edna. b. Aug. 25. 1879; m. Sept. 19. 1904. William Roscoe Perdue. 

Augustus Rawson, b. April 5, 1906. 

Nell Teresa, b. April 7. 1908. 

William Ro.scoe. Jr., b. June 24, 1913. 
Aquila Butler, b. Feb. 1, 1883; m. May 6. 1909. Miss Margaret Elizabeth 

Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 15. 1911. 

Aquila Butler. Jr.. b. Oct. 13. 1914. 
John Thomas, b. Oct. 18. 1885; m. April 18. 1911. Maymie Lunsford. 

Augustus Judson. b. Feb. 8, 1912. 

Frances Helen, b. Jan. 6. 1914. 

John T.. Jr.. b. Nov. 23. 1915. 

Margaret Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1917. 

Mildred Lun.sford, b. Feb. 22, 1919. 
Augustus Rawson, b. June 15, 1891; m. Sept. 28, 1913, Mannie Cranford. 

Augustus Rawson, Jr., b. April 22. 1917. 

2979. C'nloiH-1 .laiiu-s It., son of James W.; banker, manufacturer and state 
senator, was \>. Aug. 16. 1872, in Thomaston, Georgia. On Feb. 14. 1917. he 
married Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Peter W. and Susan Reid Walton, of Madison, 
Ga.. b. A[)ril 16, 1879. His wife comes from a long line of distinguished people, 
who are direct descendants of George Walton, signer of the Declaration of 

3<i.'')4 liichmond Walton, b. Aug. 24. 1921. 
2»«0. .\«la llvrun, dau. of James W.; b. Oct. 3, 1873; in. .Ian. 10. 1894, 
George R. Turpin, b. Jan. 10. 1868, d. Nov. 26, 1916. Ada d. Jan. 2(i, 1918. 

Eugenia Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1894; m. William Taylor Dabney, Rich- 
mond. Virginia. 

Frances Caroline. 

George li., Jr.. b. Oct. 18. 1898; m. Mary Agnes Fox, Brookline. Mass 

Cecil, b. Aug. 17. 1903; in. March 25, 1922, John David Potts. Jr., of 
Richmond, Va. (Son) John IH. b. Feb. 14. 1923. d. March 30. 19.35. 

James Robert Atwater. b. July 18, 1905; m. Gladys Olcott, b. Dec. 30. 1900. 
dau. of Nellie Byrd Goodell and ex-Mayor Charles Woodson Browning 
of Wylheville. Va. Gladys Browning attended George Washington Col- 
lege and Peabody Con.servatory in Baltimore. James R.. Sr.. member 


Kiwanis, Loyal Order of Moose, Civil Defense, Presbyterian Church, 
attended Fork Union Military and Alderson College. Children: 

James, Jr.,* b. Aug. 19, 1929; m. Betty Jean Hammack. b. April 18. '31. 

Katherine Atwater, b. Nov. 23, 1930; Art teacher; m. James Glenn 
Smith, jeweler, b. March 16, 1934. 

Charles Browning, b. June 10, 1934. 

Gladys Elinor Goodell, b. June 29, 1935. 

Calvin Olcott, b. June 10, 1937. 
Walter Hodgkins, b. Nov. 28, 1909; realtor; m. Dec. 11, 1935. Sara Brant- 
ley Johnson, b. Nov. 21, 1919. Children: 

Frederick Johnson, b. Nov. 4, 1936. Eva Brantley, b. July H, 1942. 

2981. Carrie Payne, dau. of James VV.; m. June 19, 1901, Jann< H .•-•.. Mh 
vice-president and cashier of the Savings Bank of Griffin. Ga. 

Antoinette Respress. b. Dec. 28, 1903; m. (1) Dakin B. Fitii.s ciardt-n 
City, N. Y. (2) Hollis Gray. Children: 

Dakin, Jr., b. March 17, 1926 Heniy Atwater F«Miis. h. Dec. l.""). 1930. 
James Henry, b. Aug. 23, 1906; m. July 17, 1937, Viola Goodwin. Children: 
Henry Smith III, b. Feb. 9, 1939. Viola Farley, b. Oct. 4. 1940. Jack- 
son Goodwin, b. June 16. 1945. 
James Henry, Jr., was Colonel in U.S. Air Force, WW H, 1941-1946. 

2983. Susan Eugenia, dau. of James W.; m. June 10, 1903. William I'arker 
Leonard (M.D.); d. Jan. 20, 1940. 

Martha Eugenia, b. Sept. 9. 1904; m. in Talbotton. Ga., June 19, 1926, Dr. 
Roy Bowman McKnight, b. May 5, 1894. 

Roy Bowman, b. May 22, 1927; attorney; A.B.-LL.B.; m. Dec. 1951, 
Mary Jane Wessman, b. Jan. 12, 1930, Wilson, N. C, dau. of Mary 
Slate and Edward D. Wessman. 
(Son) Roy B. HI. b. Sept. 15, 1953. 
Rodney Leonard, b. May 23, 1930; M.D., June 1955; m. Bettv Jean 
Lowrence, b. April 30," 1930. (Son) Rodney, Jr., b. Dec. 30, 1953. 
Carolyn Atwater, b. June 22. 1908; m. Edwin Winfield Billmire. 

(Son) Edwin, Jr. 
William Parker. Jr.. b. April 7, 1912; M.D.; m. Mary Cary Maynard. 
William P. HI. Molly Cary. 

2985a. Connie Bailey, ta. Feb. 4. 1894; reg. nurse; m. Earl S., b. Jan. 9. 1886. 
son of Elvina Caroline Word and Lewis Parks Redwine. 

2986. Charles M.. son of John W.; m. Dec. 20. 1888. Savannah Lsabella, 
dau. of C. H. Matthews and Frances A. Green, b. April 7, 1859. He is a news- 
paper writer in Macon, Ga. Their three boys were all in the IT.S. army fighting 
for universal freedom in 1918. 

3055. Martha F.. b. Aug. 2, 1890; m. Dec. 20. 1911, Wily Harry ..\<i;ini.s. 
They live in Dudley. Ga. 

Charles Wvoreth, b. Dec. 17, 1912. 
Phil Albilene, b. Jan. 6. 1914. 
Wily Harrv. Jr.. b. March 5, 1918. 
Robert Thurston, b. Sept. 12, 1920. 
Martha Frances, b. Nov. 11, 1922. 

3056. Bennier M.. b. Dec. 6. 1891; d. Dec. 18. 1945. 

3057. Robert E., b. Dec. 30, 1893. 

3058. James A., b. Oct. 5. 1895. 

2987. Martha Elizabeth, dau. of John W.; m. Jan. 11, 18.S1. John Corvosso 
Fox, d. Aug. 9, 1941. Martha d. Nov. 10, 1941, Birmingham. Ala. 

Charles Oliver, b. Nov. 3, 1881, m. July 24, 1907 to Kathleen Willis. He d. 

Feb. 18, 1914. (Son) John Willis of Raleigh, N. C. 
Addie May Fox, born Oct. 17. 1883. m. Dec. 7. 1902 to George Burton 
Malone of Monticello. Ga., b. July 9, 1881, Jasper County. Ga.. .son of 
Allen McGee Malone and Martha L. Children: 

Oliver Cleen IMalone, Fitzgerald, Ga. Martha. Miami, Fla. 
Jackie Malone, Homestead, Fla. 

May. b. June 6. 1910; m. Stephen Franklin, b. 1903. .son of Johannah 
Courtney and James Henry Hagerty. of Dexter, Pa. Chil.: Barbara 
May, b. Sept. 19, 1938; James Franklin, b. Nov. 24. 1940; George 
Malone, b. Feb. 2, 1943. 


Kathk-en. b. Feb. 13, 1915; Clinic supervisor: m. William Echvanl, b. 
March 11, 1893, son of Lucy Ann and Wilson McAIurray. Children: 
William, Jr., b. Jan. 13. 1941. Linda Kay, b. Aug. 18. 1944. Dorothy 
Ann, b. April 26. 1952. 
George Burton Malone. Shreveport, La. 
John Allen Malone, Miami, Fla. 
Beatrice Malone, Homestead. Fla. 
Lena Ozella Fox. b. Dec. 15. 1885; m. Hunter O. Towns of Atlanta. Ga. 
Lena, a nurse in Emery Unit. France, Woild War 1. (Dau.i Mr.s. Jane 
Smith, of Houston, Texas. 
John Benner Fox. b. May 26. 1888, d. June 22, 1946; m. Ruth Farris. 
William Atwater Fox, b. March 22, 1891; deceased; m. Agnes Stubbs. Chil.: 
William Atwater, Jr.. Summerville, S. C. 
Mrs. Roy Dwelle, Caracas, Venezuela. 
Emilu Fox, b. June 1, 1893: m. June 30, 1918, George Lewis Bailes. circuit 
judge of Birmingham, Ala. Chil.: George, Jr., b. April 26, 1919: execu- 
tive, senior pilot, Col.-Ang.; m. Sept. 23, 1939, Rudene Becht Leach, b. 
Oct. 29, 192U. (Dau.l Rudene II. b. Dec. 1. 1940. George III, b. Aug. 25, 
1942. Warren Leach, b. Aug. 21, 1945. Emilu Fox, b. Aug. 9. 1949. James 
Fox Bailes, b. Aug. 25, 1933. d. Sept. 1, 1933. 
Annie Grace, b. May 16, 1896; m. Jan. 4. 1916, Frederick James Brown, of 
Birmingham. Ala., d. Jan. 6, 1952. Chil.: Frederick, Jr., b. March 11, 
1917; aircraft eng.; m. Marjorie Cornelia Henderson, b. June 10. 1923. 
(Son» Fred III. b. Oct. 13. 1946. 

Frances Elizabeth, b. Nov. 26, 1919; m. Charles Sidney Myers, engr., 
b. June 3. 1915. Chil.: Charles. Jr.. b. May 5. 1938. Judy Lynette, 
b. March 29. 1943. 
Susie Alice, b. Aug. 26, 1899; m. July 3. 1918. James Grady Wright. (Dau.) 
Marie, b. Julv 14, 1920; m. d) Edward J. King, d. in service Feb. 12, 
1945. (2> George C. McGrew, b. March 11. liUti: m. June 15. 1946. Chil.: 
Edward James King. b. Jan. 5, 1944. 
Barbara Jean McGrew, b. Oct. 23. 1947. 
George Carlton, b. March 1. 1951. 

2988. George E., son of John W.; m. Sept. 30, 1906. Mrs. Mattie Daniel 
Gober. He d. May 8, 1918. 

3059. Martha Carolyn, b. £ept. 14, 1908. 

3060. Walter Blanford. b. Feb. 23. 1911. 

2989. Abia Cordelia, dau. of John W^; m. Feb. 8, 1888. William Flournoy 
Matthews. Aug. 9. 1860; d. 1935. 

Emmie Maybelle. b. Dec. 17. 1888. teacher; grad. La Grange College, 

June. 1909; president Women's Society Christian Service. 
William Carl*, b. April 6. 1891; d. Sept. 19. 1954. 

Henry Clayton, b. May 19, 1894; m. Feb. 4. 1920. Bessie Lenora Collier. 
(Son I \Villiam Thomas, b. May 3. 1927; m. March 22. 1949, Virginia 
Irwin of Rockmart, Ga. Cattleman. ( Dau. i Brenda Fayc, b. Feb. 8. 1950. 
Vera Cordelia, b. July 5, 1897; single, secretary. 

John Wesley, b. April 5, 1900; Methodist; cattleman; ni. Mrs. Lucille 
Watkins, Jan. 12, 1938. Children: 
Carl Weslev, b. Dec. 31. 1938, 
lialph Walton, b. Nov. 22. 1941. 
Cordell Harrison, b. June 2. 194 7. 

2994. Hull .Asherv. son of Thomas J.; m. Nov. 25. 1888. Laura Rosilee 
Parks, b. Oct. 21. 1867; d. Feb. 19. 1903; (2) Sept. 5, 1916, Mrs. D;>i.sy Back- 
hou.se, d. Feb. 28, 1907; (3) June 29, 1913, Minnie G. Sinm.ons. Resides at 
I'alatka, Fla. He held for years responsible position with the Wilson Lumber 

3f)61, lA>na Pearl, b. Aug. 20. 1889. 

3062. Edmimd Davis, b. Dec. 5. 1890. 

3063. Annie Laura, b. June 20, 1892. 
.3(164. Hull Alexander, b. Nov. 10. 1893. 

3065. llatten Howard, b. Nov. 10. 1893. 

3066. Bessie Clyde, b. March 10. 1895. 

3067. Afldie Lou, b. Oet. 10, 1896. 


3068. Iva Mae, b. Jan. 30, 1899. 

3069. Lester Holly, b. April 2, 1902. 

2995. Ezpkiel Kobiirtus, son of Thomas J.; m. Jan. 9, 1898, Blanche Perry, 
b. Dec. 7, 1870. Andersonville, Ga. Three children ')i<"i in infuncy. 

3070. Lois Adel, b. Jan. 28, 1902. 

3071. Viva Lillian, b. Jan. 1, 1904. 

3072. Falva Mildred, b. Dec. 21, 1911. 

3073. Emorv Wilbur, b. Oct. 29, 1914. 
Hull A.sbery, b. Sept. 19, 1906. 

2998. Sally Lenora, dau. of Carney Compton; m. Jan. 4, 1888. Rev. Cunuiel 
Bryant Turrentine. She was educated at Greensboro College for Women; d. 
in Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 4, 1943. 

Samuel Bryant, Jr., b. Dec. 9, 1888; m. Nov. 7, 1912, Lucy May Webb. b. 
Dec. 16, 1894. 

Jack Webb, b. Aug. 19, 1913, and Duiothy Mao, b. Oct. 24. 1922. 
Anne Leonora, b. Feb. 28, 1891; m. Aug. 19, 1916, Harry James Sinunonds. 
architect, d. April, 1942. Anna won scholarship to Shorter College, also 
attended Randolph Macon and Greensboro Colleges. Children: 

Brvant Harry,* b. July 27, 1921; m. Ann Ledbetter. (Son) William 

iSryant, b. Oct. 17, 1954. 
Willard Randolph, b. June 4, 1922; m. Mary Ruth Edwards, b. Feb. 
3, 1924. (Dau.) Bonnie Sue, b. Sept. 10. 1947. ( Son » James Ray. b. 
Aug. 19, 1949. Willard in air-conditioning, also artist. Entiie family. 
except Bonnie, b. Greensboro, N. C. 
Wilbur Clinton, b. Sept. 1, 1894; m. April 26, 1924, Mae Neyle Daniels, 
b. Aug. 20, 1894. 

(Son) Wilbur Clinton, Jr., b. Dec. 16, 1926; sales engr.; single. 
Julian Atwater, b. Dec. 4. 1898; prop, business college; m. Nellie Goff. 
b. Oct. 1, 1901. Children: 

Julian, Jr., ta. June 27, 1924. 

Anita, b. Nov. 4, 1955. 
Reecc Goff, b. Feb. 24, 1927; Methodist minister; m. Eleanor Caroline 
Inman, June 23, 1951. Reece received his A.B. from Fmory Univ. 
and B.D. fiom Chander School of Theology; ordained 1953; received 
into South Georgia Annual Conference June, 1954. Eleanor ;itteniied 
Wesleyan and her A.B. in June 1952 from Agnes Scott College. 
Walter William, b. June 18. 1906 Children: 

Josephine, b. Jan. 25, 1929; m. Hugh Leith Gordon, b. Aug. 30, 1922, 

Norfolk, Va. 
Walter William, Jr., b. May 7, 1933. 

2999. Cora Julia, dau. of Carney C; m. Jan. 16, 1890, Oliver Clegg Bynum. 

b. May 10, 1864. She was graduated from Greensboro (N. C. ) Female College. 
He lives in Burlingame, Calif., and is a commission cotton merchant of San 
Francisco. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina. He was his 
mother's only son and from his early life they were very I'omiianional)!.' H- 
is a man of sterling principles. 

Pierrie B., b. Oct. 9, 1891. 

Saphronia Amelia, b. Jan. 21, 1894. 

Preston Gray, b. Aug. 11, 1899. 

3001. Alfred Sidney, son of John Wilbur and Eugenia; m. Oct. 24, 1887, 
Cena A., dau. of J. V. Roberts of Granville county, N. C. He was educated at 
the Hughes Academy and Bingham school in Orange county, N. C; studied 
medicine at the University of North Carolina and graduated from the medical 
department of the Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tenn. He located at 
Knap of Reeds in Granville county, N. C, where he gained a lucrative practice. 
He died Dec. 11, 1902. He was faithful in every relation ot life which he 
sustained. He was an obedient son, affectionate husband, conipa.ssionate father 

and sympathetic friend. „ ^ ,. ,,.,^- 

3074 Garland Marvin, b. July 30, 1890; m. June 25, 1913, Celia Miltier 

Winslow. Have one child, Martha Larcena, b. May 17. 1917. He is a 

druggist at Washington. N. C. _ , „ „ , 

3075. John Graham, b. May 7. 1892; m. Dec. 18. 1913. Mary Pearl Bullock. 

He is a faimer at Stem. N. C. Chil.: Maude Vivian, b. Aug 6. I91fi: 


Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1918; Cena Estelle and Dena Mozelle 
(twin girls I, b. July 16. 1919. 

3076. Alfred Sidney. Jr.. b. March 29, 1894; m. Nov. 15, 1916. Sallie Sue 
Abernathy. Chil.: Alfred Sidney, b. Oct. 28, 1917; Carolyn Eugenia, 
b. Sept. 18. 1918. He is a traveling salesman and lives at l^urhani, 
North Carolina. 

3077. Hazel Blanche, b. June 17. 1898. She is a teacher and lives at 
Washington. N. C. 

'MHi'i. John Hunyan, son of John Wilbur; m. May 5, 1892, Roberta Snipes. 
John d. Jan. 28, 1937. 

3078. Roland L.. b. Mav 11, 1894. 

3079. Ruth. b. Mav 9. 1897. 

3080. John Wilbur, b. Oct. 9, 1899. 

3081. Grace Snipes, b. Dec. 22. 1901. 

3082. William Paul. b. Sept. 12. 1904. 

3083. Hubert Lee. b. June 13, 1907. 

3003. Harriet l.ee, dau. of John W^ and Eugenia E.; m. Dec. 30, 1897, 
Charles Joseph Gregory. Her mother died when she was very young. She 
spt-nt the greater part of her childhood days with her aimt. Mrs. W. F. Strowd. 
Chapel Hill, N. C. She had private teachers; went to the college at Staunton, 
Va. Mr. Gregory, son of Joseph and Rebecca, was born May 17, 1866. He is a 
direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell on his father's side, and Huguenots on 
his mother's side. Grandson of Thomas L. B. Giegory, editor and publicist. 

3()l(."). \\ illiuin .Mcbune, son of John Wilbur; m. Jan. 25. 1905, Ada, dau. 
of John B. Smith. He d. June 21, 1911. 

3084. Marjorie Mebane, b. Nov. 17. 1907. 

30«>6. Sullic Warn-n. dau. of Edmund W.; m. Dec. 30, 1886. Rev. R. B. 
Johns, a Methotlist preacher in North Carolina. She d. Dec. 22, 1891. 

Margaret Warren, b. Feb. 3. 1888; m. Dr. N. T. Howard of Southfield. N. C. 
One dau.. Margaret John. b. Oct.. 1907. 

3008. Mary Kli/.a. dau. of Edmund W.; m. June 17, 1891, Prof. J. M. 
Turner. She d*. May 2, 1912. He lives in Smithfield, N. C. Mr. Turner is a 
teacher, an upright, honest man in all his dealings. Mrs. Turner was intelligent, 
refined and very musical; was beloved by all who knew her. They had two 
sons, Edmund Atwatcr, the elder son, died .soon after his mother's death. 

William David, b. Feb. 22. 1896. Lives in Raleigh, N. C. 

3009. Julia Kll/aln-th. dau. of Edmund W.; m. Oct. 16. 1897. Jas. W. 
Murrav. He d. Jan. 15. 1915. She lives in Burlington. N. C. 

Bynum McBride, b. Dec. 18, 1898; m. Dec. 29. 1924, Ethel Ward. 
Louise Pauline, b. Jan. 23. 1901; m. Julv 14. 1920. A. Glenn Holt, Jr.; two 
chil.: Mary Loui.se. b. Oct. 12, 1921, and A. Glenn. Jr.. b. Feb. 14. 1923. 
Dan Hugh, b. Jan. 27. 1903; m. Oct. 6, 1924. Kitty Rebecca Loy. 
Marv Jane. b. July 4. 1904. 
Margaret Atwater. b. Oct. 13. 1905. 
Elizabeth Brown, b. Feb. 23. 1912. 

30P.>. Williani .Andrrsiin. .son of I^ufus Henry; m. Dec. 11, 1907, Dora 
Marsh ThtJiua.son. He is a traveling salesman with headquarters at Macon, 
Mo., and lives in Liberty, Mo. He was educated at Trinity College, Durham, 
N. C., but his parents and sisters moved to Mi.s.souri. 
30H5. Cora PDugcnia, b. Oct. 16. 1909. 

3086. Temperance, b. Aiiril 12. 1912. 

3087. Page. b. Aug. 2. 1915. 

301. H. .\mnia I-'ram-rs. dau. of Rufus Henry; m. Jan. 7. 1890, Jarrold Major 
Johnson. H<- d. Dec 12. 1911. aged 50 years. She lives at Chillecothc, Mo. 
Albi-rt Landi-r, b. April 25. 1894; in. 1915. Flfjrcncc Miller. 

Three chil.: Wm. Howard. Ruth Elsa. Robert Lander. 
Howard McConn. b. June 14, 1897. 
Orian Virginia, b. Aug. 16. 1902. 


3014. Lucy Warn'n, dau. of Rufus Henry; m. Aug. 7. 1897, Edward H. 

Jacobs. He d. Sept. 30, 1917, aged 50 years; (2) John Lewis; d. about 1923. 
She lives at Bentonville, Ark. 

Reyburn Whitfield, b. Nov. 11, 1898. 

3015. Orian High, dan. of Rufus Henry; m. April 3, 1912, Edward Cave. 
He d. Feb. 26, 1916, aged 52 years. She lives at Liberty, Mo. 

3016. Mary Harris, dau. of John Nathaniel; m. June 19. 1907, Aneas Wilton 
Barrett. They live in Conway, S. C. 

Aneas Wilton, b. Aug. 7, 1910. 

3017. William Briggs, son of John Nathaniel; m. Dec. 26. 1911, Mary 

Clarke. They live at Bynuni, N. C. 

3088. John Nathaniel, b. July 27, 1916. 

3089. William Marshall, b. April 20, 1920. 

3090. Lillie Gannon, b. Oct. 21, 1921. 

3091. Mary Frances, b. Sept. 26, 1923; d. July 22, 1924. 

3018. Charles By num. .son of John Nathaniel; m. Nov. 3, 1916, Sallie Belle 

Dillard. They live iii Winston-Salem, N. C. 

3092. Charles Bynum, b. Julv, 1919. 

3093. Jack, b. 1921. 

3019. Frank Page, son of James Bobbitt; m. Bonnie Dale Tve, b. Oct. 

8. 1900. 

3099. Nell Tye, b. July 30, 1922; m. W. W. Woodruff. Chil.: James Edward, 
b. Aug. 5, 1944. Ina Kathleen, b. March 6, 1952. Bonnie Kirk, b. 
July 5, 1953. 

3100. James Bobbitt, b. April 10, 1924; m. Martha June Livingston, real 
estate broker. Chil.: Deborah Ann, b. May 8, 1948. James B., Jr., b. 
Sept. 3, 1954. 

3102. Frank Page, Jr., b. April 14. 1925; m. Mittie Jane Moore. (Dau.i 
Mary Nell, b. Feb. 11, 1951. 

3103. Marion Ruth, b. June 12, 1933; m. Joseph H. Parker, fuel oil dis- 
tributor. (Dau.) Billio .To, b. Aug. 26, 1954. 

3020. Warren Kastwood, ni. Lida, b. Dec. 27, 1903, in Portsmoulh, \a.. dau. 
of Clarence and Lizzie Rho(k\s. Warren attended Trinity and Duke University. 

3104. Warren, Jr., b. Nov. 1, 1925; Methodist minister. Grad. N. C. Stale, 
architecture, 1949; Candler School of Theology. Emory Univ.. Ga., 

3105. Ann Rhodes, b. May 2, 1930; bank teller; Greensboro College of 

3106. Hal Bobbitt, b. May 6, 1932; U.S. Army. 

3020a. Nell Page, b. May 12. 1912. Artist. 

3021. Robert Bynimi Page, son of James Bobbitt; b. May 5, 1916; m. Mary 

Weston Edwards, b. Oct. 13, 1919, Washington, N. C. 

3107. Robert Weston, b. Dec. 16, 1942. 


3022. Dora Alice, dau. of William Bascum; m. Nov. 5. 1891. J. S. Morrow; 
Dora b. May 7. 1871. d. Jan. 10, 1943. .lohn S. b. Dec. 29, 1948; d. March 16, 1924. 

Franklin Carney, b. Feb. 28. 1897; m. Annie W. Tolbert. b. Jan. 8. 1905. 
Chil.: Helen Dixon, b. Aug. 11, 1929; m. May 10, 1952. James Franklin 
Furr of Franklin, N. C. (Son) James, Jr., b. Aug. 10, 19.54. Heli-n. A.B.. 
U.N.C., 1952. Frances Ann. b. July 29, 1938. 

James Williams, b. May 28. 1902. Supervisor, postal transportation; m. 
Emm, b. Mav 21, 1902. dau. of Annabelle Lee and Willis Snowden Riiey 
of Markham', Fauquier Co., Va. Chil.: James. Jr.. b. Nov. 19. 1936. Guil- 
ford College. Judith Carolyn, b. July 30, 1939. 

Marvin Bell,"^b. Feb. 24, 1908\ m. Sept. 14. 1945. Lizzie Ann Davi.s. Baker. 
b. April 23, 1907. 


Melvin Wilson Baker, b. Dec. 30. 1923; d. Dec. 2. 1944, killed in 

World War II. 
AUon Leon. b. Sept. 11, 1926. served two years. 8 months. WW II. 
Clara Ann Baker, b. Oct. 20. 1930. Willie, b. July 17, 1936, now in 

Bobby Lee. b. Feb. 27. 1938. 

3023. lAx/.W Byniiin. dau. of William Basciini; m. Dec. 24. 1895. Alfred 
Lenoir Bell. He is a jeweler and optician at Belhaven, N. C.; also a devoted 
husband and father. Mrs. Bell was a teacher in Belhaven graded school for a 
number of years; president of the Woman's Missionary society for seven 
vears; teacher in 'SI. E. Sunday school and a faithful church worker. 

Alfred Lemuel, b. June 15, 1898. 

3024. .>Iarv Olivia, dau. of William Bascum; ni. Jan. 2, 1901, Eugene 
Claudious Neville. Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Margaret Louise, b. Jan. 27, 1902; m. Oct. 12. 1922. Pearlymon L. Long. 

Chil.: Catherine Louise, b. May 29. 1924; m. Nov. 28. 1948. William L. 

Byrd. (Sonsi William. Jr., b. Sept. 18, 1949. Timothy Lee, b. Oct. 30, 1953. 

Fiances Hilda, b. Jan. 17, 1928; m. Aug. 28. 1948. Walter C. Moone, 

Jr. (Son I Walter III, b. Aug. 13. 1949. Margaret Susan, b. Jan. 2. '55. 

William Bryant, b. July 4. 1906, Bynum Ellbridge. b. June 7, 1908 and 

Ralph Bunyan. b. July 2. 1911, all deceased. 
Blanche Irene Anderson, b. Jan. 28. 1910. dietician; (dau. I Joan Helen, b. 

Sept. 16. 1946. 
Claudious Neville, b. Feb. 28, 1915; Janie Lee Neville Andrews. 
Julia Helen, b. July 22. 1916; m. Ezekiel Otway Hardee (Billi. 

3025. MarKaret Blanche, dau. of William Bascum; m. Feb. 25. 1903. Carl 
H. Strowd. 

Charles Kennon. b. Nov. 30. 1903; m. Clementine Raiford, Co. Welfare 

£upt. Chatham Co.. b. July 19. 1903. (Chil.: Elvin Emer.son. b. Jan. 22. 

1925; head, circulation dept.. Duke Univ. Library; m. Barbara Anne, b. 

April 7. 1926. dau. Lottie May Wills and James Benjamin Watson. Sr.. 

of Favette Co. Confluence. Pa. (Sons) Carl Watson, b. Aug. 26, 1949. 

Alan Raiford. b. March 13. 1951 and Richaixl Watson, b. April 22, 1952. 

Charles K., Jr., b. Nov. 13. 1945. 
Ben Rose. b. Dec. 27, 1906. d. April, 1942. 
Martha Louise, b. May 11, 1911; m. Dec. 16. 1930, Robert Bland, b. March 

19. 1907 at Pittsoro. N. C. son of Cara Bland and Robert Joseph Moore. 

Chil.: Margaret Bland, b. Aug. 6. 1936. soph, at Womans College. Univ. 

N. C. Frances Strowd. b. Oct. 1, 1939. 
James William, b. June 6, 1914. 

3026. David Marvin, b. Oct. 31. 1880; m. Oct. 18, 1906, Isma Vetura, b. 
Oct. 4. 1885. Alamante Co., N. C, dau. Esper Ann and Andrew David Andrews. 

.3094. William Bennet. b. July 29, 1907. 

3095. Annie Kugi-nia. b. June 22. 1910. 

3096. Alfred David, b. Dec. 14, 1912. 

3097. lioy Vincent, b. July 11. 1916. 
Mathew Braxton, b. Aug. 12. 1918, d. - 

Walter Marvin, b. Oct. 31, 1925. 

.3027. Carney Bennett, m. April 5. 1922. Bertha, b. Sept. 20. 1882, dau. of 
Ida and David Andrews. Methodist. 

3108. Lillian Bynum, b. April 14, 1923; m. Nov. 1. liMI. Tyson M. Kirk. 
Chil.: Teresa Fave. b. Julv 13, 19.50. Edward Bennett, b. April i:5. '53. 

3109. May liochelle. b". Sept. 16. 1926. 

3110. David Elbridge. b. Mar< h 15. 1929. 

.302K. I^*nnii. m. Jan. 9, 1908, Charles O., b. 1878, son of Jennie and Atlas 
Lloyd. He died of pneumonia Feb. 3. 1924. 
Grady Eugene, b. Oct. 10. 1908. 

Kemp Atwater. b. PVb. 7. 1911, m. Apiil 7, 1915. Mary .Madclcne Moize, 
b. May 24. 1922. ( Sons i Donald K.iiip. b. .hilv 7, 1916 "an<l .I.-rrv Charles. 
b. May 10. 19.50. 
Helen Fllizabeth. b. Aug. 22. 1913; m. March 11, 1938, Lawrence ,Iohnstf)n, 


b. Nov. 15, 1908, son of Roxie and Henry Paris of Hau River, N. C. 

(Daus.) Mary Jane, b. Feb. 7, 1943. June Elizabeth, b. Feb. 26, 1945. 

Brenda Kay, b. March 26, 1949. 
Dorothy Charlene, b. Oct. 7, 1916; m. Jesse Graham Nitk.s, Jr., b. July 2, 

1920, son of J. G. and Downie Nicks. Chil.: Fre«'man Graham, b. June 

27, 1949. Judy Charlene, b. May 22. 1950. Kermit Charles, b. July 3. 1953. 
Raymond Charles, b. Dec. 9, 1921; m. July 5, 1948, Effie DeLois Phillips, 

b. Feb. 14, 1925. Chil.: James Ray, b. May 5, 1942. Shirley Charlene, b. 

Feb. 2, 1945. Linda Loa, b. July 1. 1947. 

3029. Mattie Lillian, dau. of William Bascum, m. Oct. 26. 1912. Bruce 

Strowd, divorced. 

Robert Lee, b. Nov. 21, 1913; m. (1) Martha Croom, one child, Betsy, b. 

March 31, 1938. (2) m. Merle Taylor. Chil.: Robert Lee. Jr., b. Aug. 23, 

1942. Nancy Cheryl, b. Jan. 1. 1944. Frances Minerva, b. Aug. 8. 1945. 

Billy, b. Aug. 11, 1950. 
Mattie Atwater, b. July 21. 1915; m. J. B. Johns. Chil.: Billie (Bibei b. 

March 13, 1938. Julie Carol, b. Dec. 12, 1940. 

3030. A. Clyde L., son ol Sanuiel M.; chiropractor; m. Charleen, b. March 

5, 1915, PBX operator. 

3043. Varnie Seth. son of Thomas F. ; single; 1910, three years U.S. Army. 
1918, one year nine months U.S. Navy. Klsoughtau, Va. 

3046. John Lambelh, son of Wilson Bynum; m. Jamie, b. Oct. 27, 1912, 
dau. of Mattie Scull and Hunter Hillery Taylor of Harrellsville, N. C. Greens- 
boro, N. C. 

3111. John Lambeth, Ji., b. March 26, 1938. 

3047. Annie Lea, dau. of Luther E.; m. Sept. 5, 1922, Cameron H. Keels, 
b. Aug. 20, 1896, son of Berta Webb and Eugene C. Keels. Sarah Wilson, b. 
June 10, 1923; m. Oct. 25, 1947, John Chetwood Mahler. (Dau.) Susan Atwater. 
b. March 27, 1950. Cameron, Jr., b. June 30, 1930; D.D.S., Emory University. 
Atlanta, Ga. 

3049. Luther Kdnuind, Jr.. m. Martha Ladd Coble, b. May L'.J. 1911 assist- 
ant manager Pepsi-Cola and half owner. 

3112. Martha Josephine, b. Sept. 24, 1936. 

3113. Luther Edmund III, b. Jan. 3, 1942. 

3051. Kobert Nathaniel son of Luther E.; m. July 5, 1940, Julia Brent, 
dau. of Hallie Greenway and Leo Eldridge Byrum. See History Section. 

3114. Barbara Brent, b. Sept. 5, 1947. 

3115. Robert Kent, b. Dec. 11, 1951. 

3052. Mary Tuttle, m. Joseph Andrew, Ji., h. Oct. 19. 1915. Pilot Mtn.. 
N. C. son of Mary Elizabeth Hiatt and Joseph A. Pell. Sr. 

Linda Atwater. b. Aug. 30, 194 2. Joseph Andrew III, b. Nov. 13. 1946. 

3053. Frank (J., son of Luther E.; M.D. 

3054. Kiehmond Walton, dau. of James R.; m. Juno 21. 1913. Thomas 
Dickson Adams. 

Thomas Dickson, Jr., b. April 30. 1944. James Atwater, b. Sept. 16, 1947. 

3055. ^Martha Frances, dau. of Charles M.; Ed. R. E. Lee Institute. La 

Grange Female College; Eastern Star; Daughters of American Revohitinn: 
U.S. Daughter 1812; United Daughters of Confederacy; m. Dec. 20, 1911. 
Wiley Horry Adams, b. June 19. 1885 Ordinary, of Laurens Comity, Dublin. Ga. 
Charles Wyoriette, b. Dec. 17. 1912; vice-pres. Coca-Cola Co., ed. Marion 
Military, George Washington Univ.. Benjamin Franklin U.: as.st. natl. 
dir. War Finance, 1946; recipient medal French Ministry of Finance 
for contributions to Interallied Exposition Savins: Methodist; m. Sept. 
3, 1938, Ruth, b. Feb. 24, 1918, dau. of Lorena Rouse and George J. 
Schoeneman, of Washington, D. C. 
James Gary, b. Sept. 10, 1939. 
Thomas Robert, b. Oct. 25, 1940. 
Robert Charles, b. June 17. 1944. 


Phil Abilene, b. Jan. 6. 1914; B.S. Presbyterian College; m. June 1943. 

Marv Little, b. Aug. 17. 1917. Chil.: Mary Cooper, b. Jan. 3, 1947. Phil 

Abilene. Jr.. b. Sept. 17. 1950; Charles William, b. July 22, 1952. 
Wilev Horrv. Jr.. b. March 5. 1918; m. June 16. 1949. (jlaudia Taylor of 

Dexter, Ga. Chil.: Claude Taylor, b. Aug. 16, 1950. Wiley Horry III, b. 

Feb. 17. 1953. 
Robert Thurston.* b. Sept. 12, 1920; ed. Dahlonega College; d. Sept. 12, 

1944. See Historical Section. 
Martha Frances, b. Noy. 11. 1922; m. (1) W. E. Brinsun. isoni William E., 

b. Noy. 6, 1941. (2 m. I M. B. Wingfield. Jr., June, 1945. Chil.: Middleton 

Barnett Wingfield III. b. March 22. 1946. Martha Ann. b. Feb. 26, 1953. 
Callie Htlen, b. May 17, 1925; ed. Georgia State College; m. March 24. 

1949. Dixon Maddox Gloyer. Jr. Chil.: Dixon Maddox III. b. Dec. 16. 1949. 

Robert Thurston, b. Sept. 30, 1951. Allen Addison, b. Sept. 5. 1954. 
Ann Elizabeth, b. April 12. 1928; ed. B. S. Univ. of Georgia. Phi Mu 

sorority. Teacher; m. June 4. 1954. John Lowe Wall. Jr. 

30.->7. K<»JM'rt K.; m. Floried H.. b. April 24, 1902. 

3116. Bette Jane, b. June 13, 1927; ed. Wesleyan College (cum laude) 
A.B. Mercer Uniy. 1955, (Me.D. ); org'ns.: AAUW, Beta Sigma 
Phi. Wesleyan Alumnae. Methodist. 

3117. Robert Edmond. Jr., b. June 13. 1927 (twin of Bette Jane); ed. 
Mercer, B.B.S. from Emory Uniy. Oig'n.s.: Kappa Alpha, Amoricier 
Institute of Banking, Junior Chambei- of Conunerce, Bibb Co. 
School of Special Education; m. Carolyn Griffin of Macon. Ga., 
March 6. 1955. 

3118. Patsy Anne. b. May 10, 1931; B.S. Emory Univ. Supervisor, nursing 
service. Emory University Hospital. 

3119. Bennie Albert".* b. Feb. 2, 1933; ed. Mercer University; d. Jan. 30, 
1954 in Korea. 

3058. Junu's A., son of Charles M.; m. Dec. 25, 1918, Ina Mae Favors, b. 
Geneva, Ga., March 11. 1901. 

3120. James Robert, b. July 10, 1920; m. April 24, 1941. Joan Read, of 
Macon, b. Dec. 14, 1923. Children: 

3121. Gail Read, b. Feb. 16. 1942. 

3122. James. Jr., Apnl 17, 1951. 

3123. William Eldridge. b. June 10. 1924; m. April 30, 1945. Minnie Wade 
Clark, b. Savannah. Ga., Feb. 9. 1926. Children: 
3124. William. Jr., b. Sept. 25, 1946. 
.'5125. Deborah Ann. b. May 7, 1951. 

3059. .Martha ( arolyn. dau. of George E.; m. Aug. 25, 1934, Reeves Emory 
Johnson, of Macon, Ga. 

(Dau.) Martha Emily, b. Aug. 30, 1941. 

3060. Walter Blandford. .son of George E.; m. June 19, 1937, Frances 
Freeman Stodghill of Atlanta. Childi-en: 

3126. Martha Evelyn, b. Feb. 6. 1940. 

3127. Barney Stodghill. b. Oct. 16. 1945. 

:<(i(il. 1.^'na IVarl, dau. of Hull Asbery; m. Edgar Boone. Gladys Falba 
R(Kher. b. Oct. 17. 1912. 

3063. .Annie Laiiru, m. Richard K. Adams. Annie with American Trust 
Company last ten years. 

3061." Hull .Mcvander. m. Mary J., b. April 3, 1905. 
312H. Af^ne.s V., t). May 2. 1926; m. (Jrady L. Pait. b. .lime 2, 1925. Grady 

L.. Jr., b. Jan. 15. 1945. Thomas Glenn, b. Jan. 2, 1951. 
3129. Laura P.. b. Feb. 26. 19.30; m. Paul B. Mille. b. May 7. 1928. Chil.: 
Diane L.. b. Dec. 21, 1951. Theresa J., b. April 19. 1953. 
30."). Ilatten Howard, m. Rosabel! P^eardon, b. April 23, 1905. Hatten died 
June 3U. l!»r>l; he was a twin of Hull Alexamier. 

3140. Hatten H.. Jr.. b. July 13, 1924. 

3141. Iva Jean. b. April 30, 1926; m. Paul Edward, b. Dec. 20. 1920, .son 
of Mildred Aline Casterline and Puiley Edward Taylor. Children: 
Phihp Howard, h. May 22. 1947. Paula Jean. b. Feb 19. 1953. 
Hattan Edward, b. Sept. 7, 1954. 


3066. Bessie Clyde, m. Terrance Spencer Goffe. b. 1891, deceased. Chil.: 
Edna Gertrude, b. Oct. 16. 1920; m. Henry Edward Parks, b. May 7, 1920. 
(Daus. ) Andrea Gayle, b. Aug. 2, 1944. Frances Anne, b. Aug. 8, 1947. 
Rebecca Jean, b. Aug. 23, 1947. 

Rowena Isabelle, b. 1925; m. -- Spear. 

3067. Addie Liie, m. William Goffe. 

3068. Iva Mae, m. Arthur Mathews. 

3069. Lester Holly, son of Hull Asbery: m. 1921 Helen Kidner of I^ong 
Island, div. 1944. 

3142. Sandra, b. ; m. Feb. 1954 to Bruce Esterbrooks. 

3073. Emory Wilbur, son of Ezekiel Robaitus. 

3143. Emory W., Jr., b. April 11, 1943. 

3144. James Patrick, b. May 2, 1945. 

3073a. Hull Asberry, son of Ezekiel Robartus. 

3145. Hull Asberry, Jr., b. Oct. 7, 1938. 

.3076. Alfred Sidney, Jr.. m. Nov. 15, 1916. Sallie Sue Abernathy, b. April 
12, 1892. 

3146. Alfred Sidney III, b. Oct. 28, 1917. Pilot— major, USAF. 

3147. Carolyn Eugenia, b. Sept. 18, 1918. 

3148. William Felix, b. Feb. 25, 1920; Lt., USAF; m. Sept. 5, 1943 at 
Dalhart Airbase, Dalhart, Texas. Dorothy Mae, b. Jan. 18, 1923. 
dau. Pearl Mae and Lloyd Eugene McKee of RichanLson. Texas. 
William secured a B.S., Berea College; M.A., George Peabody 
College. ( Sons ) 

3149. William F., Jr., b. Nov. 12, 1945. 

3150. Sidney Eugene, b. Feb. 10, 1949. 

3151. Lorna Beth, b. Sept. 20, 1954. 

3152. Francis Kent, b. June 4, 1924; station mgr. WJRZ ( radio i; m. 
Sept., 1945, Betty Anderson. 

3153. Susan Moran, b. March 8, 1947. 

3154. Debbie Lynn, b. May 22, 1950. 

3078. Roland Jaban, killed by lightning 1925. 
3098. George Bunyan, b. Sept. 1, 1921. 

3079. Kuth, dau. John Bunyan; m. Hardin Gunter, b. 1886. Insurance 

Sallie Ruth, b. 1922; teacher; m. Woodward. 

3080. John Wilbur, owner recapping plant. Durham, North Carolina. 

3081. Grace Snipes; teacher; m. Layton Jones, Durham, N. C. 

.3082. William Paul, m. Fanny Lea, school teacher, b. 1907. (Dau.) m. An? 
25 1950 Hilton Laverne Lilly. (Son) WiUiam Van, b. May 7. 1951. 

3155. Harrington Eloys, b. 1930. Sec. Bldg. & Loan Association. 

3083. Hubert I^ee, son of John Bunyan; owner service station: m. Snowden 
Crab tree, b. 1909. Durham County, North Carolina. 

3156. Hubert Lee, Jr., b. 1938. 

3157. Robert Cole, Jr., b. 1945. 

3158. Charles Snipes, b. 1947. 

3094. William Bennett, son of David Marvin; m. June 10. 1945, at Fort 

Bragg, N. C, Mildred Charline, b. Oct. 6, 1919, dau. of Willie Media Ward and 
Charles Henry Isley. 

3159. Billie Jean, b. March 27, 1946. 

3160. Dixie Lee, b. Jan. 2, 1948. 

3161. William Bennett, Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1951. 

William Sr., vice-president Cole-Gunn Hosiery Mill, Yanceyvdie. N. C. 

3095. Eugenia Atwater. m. Aug. 22, 1933, Coy Cornelius Humphries, .son 

of Mollie Clayton and Luther Humphries, b. Sept. 15, 1907. 


Douglas Neil. b. April 3. 1936. d. Dec. 27. 1941 of acute leukemia. 
Shenv Nell. b. Mav 19. 1947. 
Bonnie Atwater. b." Feb. 9. 1949. 

•M\m. .Alfn-d David, ni. Sept. 12, 1936, Julia Brinkley, b. Jan. 25, 1915. 

3097. Iiu\ \ incfiit, m. Nov. 15. 1941, Emma Louise Moore, b. June 20, 1923. 
dau. of Anna Mae Hooper and William Moore. Rov is an executive. 

3162. William David, b. March 14, 1944. 

3163. Mark Vincent, b. Nov. 9, 1949. 

3164. Walter Marvin, b. Oct. 31. 1925; son of David Marvin: m. Nov. 25, 
1949, Annie Elizabeth, b. April 2. 1927. dau. of Nora Mae Sturdivant 
and Jacob Newton Eubanks. 

3165. Alana Dawn, b. June 1, 1951. 

3166. Jc'mes David, b. Jan. 3, 1953. 

3(198. (ieorge Bunyan, son of Roland L., m. Marie Mason, b. 1927. Catham 
county. North Carolina. George is U.S. letter carrier 


.").">3. olx-dicnoe, dau. of Samuel Atwater and Ruth Dickerman: b. Dec. 12, 
1788: d. April 10. 1868: m. Sept. 13, 1809. Amos White Sanford. 

Katherine Obedience, b. Oct. 20, 1831: d. March 10, 1906: m. J. Beecher 
Leek. Thev had nine chil.: Nellie. Hattie, Katie, Mary E., b. March 18, 
1862, Abbie N., Albert R.. Willie, Charles and Gertrude. 

Mary Eliza, m. Arthur Wilcox: (2i Albert Heniy Wall: One dau. by 
first marriage, Arline Parker, b. Aug. 18. 1887: two chil. by second 
marriage: Edith May, b. Sept. 11, 1892, and Lillian Amelia, b. 
March 11, 1897. 

Edith May, m. Nov. 1, 1913, Charles MrN.ill Wav: one child. 

Albeit Henry Wall, b. May 28. 1915. 
Lillian Amelia, m. Oct. 21. 1922, Louis Chevallier: one child: 
Mary Edith, b. Nov. 30, 1923. 

Juiiifs John was of the Nova Scotia branch. No more can be ascertained 
about him. He had 

James John. m. Eliza Myers. 
Alexander, killed by Indians. 
Harriet, m. Ebin Foote. 

.'»(»91. Cialrr Hlanche, dau. of A. G. Cox: m. David Daniel, Jr., son of Elgy 
and David Daniel Stuart. ( Son i Daniel Scott, b. April 11, 1951. 

'»IKOa. Doris MariciM Basso, b. June 7. 1926: ni. Pett-r Hlazenko, b. July 17, 
1918, parents. 1 )i-nvs and Kcsnia, both deceased. (Chil.) Denys Franklin, b. 
April 30. 1947. Shirley Lynne. b. Aug. 14, 1948. Kerry Gene. b. Dec. 28. 1951. 
Bernice Anne, b. May 14. 1955. 

2'!7.'.. IIuImtI Karl Attwater, h. 1882: retired. 

Tim. Btssic Kllfij; h. 1887: deceased. 

•.'•.'77. Mar^ant Bill.- (Diiiiwll); b. 1890: retired. 

2278. 'Mabli- <.irtrinlr (lla>«s)-. h 1897: hou.sewife. 


2279. K<)ssi«' Beatrice (Liuu-y); b. 1902. 

1544. Kobert Wilson Attwatpr; b. 1854. died 1921. 

1543. Mary Elizab<«th Attuater; b. 1860. d. 1945. 

1541. Eluora Reb;>cca (granddaughter. Virginia Lee Nottingham, b. 1896; 
m. William H. Burton, retired professor, education author. Daughter of 1.5-11, 
P.largaret Penney, b. 1872, now living in Ohio; ni. Robert Lee Nottingham, b. 
1863, deceased. ) 

2128. Kenneth (iillett. .son of Edna Mabel, b. Jan. 21. 1911 m \'inl.i \' 
Curren, b. Nov. 2, 1914. Children: 

Sharron Kay, b. Dec. 27, 1939. Linda Ann, b. May 23, 1913 KmiifUi 
Frank, b. Jan. 18, 1949. 


Arthur K. AtwatiT, b. 1885. Chil.: Gladys Atwater Thomas, b. 1910; Arthur 
Robert Atwater, Jr., b. June 1, 1912; William Atwater, b. 1913; Fred L. At- 
water, b. 1916; Mary L. Atwater, b. 1927. Florence G., b. 1918, wife of 
Arthur, Jr. 

Charles Dorf Atwater, Sr., m. Moselle I.; Evanston, 111. Charles Dorf Atwater, 
Jr., b. April 11, 1925, m. Barbara Ann. b. Oct. 26, 1929. They live in Loui.sville. 

Charles Dorf Atwater III, b. Aug. 3, 1950. 

Robert Stephen Atwater, b. March 14, 1952. 

James Key Atwater, Baywater, Nova Scotia; died 1928; m. Mary Elizabeth 
Donnelly, Sommerville, Mass; died 1901. James Arthur Atwater. b. May 9, 
1898. Ins. agent and Dep. Sheriff of Hampden County. Westfield, Ma.ss; m. 
Marie Isabelle Stetson on Feb. 17, 1918; b. March 15, "l900. 

James Manley Atwater, b. March 27, 1919. 

Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1920, m. Herman Noel Bilodeau. 

Dorothy Annette, b. July 15, 1924, m. James B. Adoretti. Children: 
Peter James, b. March 5, 1945. David Noel, b. Dec. 25. 1948. 

Evelyn Leono, b. Dec. 14, 1937. 

Stella Atwater Clark, St. Helena, Calif. Chil.: Myrna Atwater Taylor: Mis. 
Clair E. Heitman; Mrs. Fred E. Herzer; Albert Charles Atwater. Jr., b. April 
16, 1926; m. Norma, b. March 24, 1926. 

Frank Jasper Atwater, b. Nov. 24, 1890; son of Mansfield and Celia Alwater, 
b. May 29, 1863 and Doc. 24, 1873, respectively; m. Je.ssie, b. May 16. 1894. 
Mansfield Atwater, Jr. and John W. Atwater, are Frank Jasper Atwater's 
brothers. One sister was Lenore Atwater. of Berkeley. Calif. 

Mildred Celia, b. Oct. 14, 1918; Edna M. b. March 29, 1922. Howard J. 
Atwater, Midland, Texas; John D. Atwater. Alamogordo, N. M.; Jimmie 
H. Atwater, Raton, N. M.; Edmond F. Atwater, Trinidad, Colo.; Mrs. 
Betty Atwater Towndrow, Raton, N. M. 

Howard Jasper Atwater, b. Oct. 29, 1916. son of Jessie Neish Atwater and 
Frank Jasper Atvv^ater. He married Frances Guffey. b. Feb. 25. 1923. Midland. 

Connie Kay. b. Dec. 11, 1947; James Edmund, b. Dec. 22. 1949. 

Theodore Freeman Atwater, d. Portland, Ore., 1933. ( Son i James Freeman. 

b. 1925, lives Inglewood, Calif. 

(Brothers of Theodore, Henry John, of Portland, Ore., and Roy Stewart. 
of Wilmar, Calif. 




AHKI. 272. Waul 178. 
AUHIE I.Ol ISE l.V)7. Wanton 2565. 
Altl \ (UKDELIA 2989. 
A 111 AH 16.^. 254. 

ABl(;AiL «, 13, 16. 40. 52. 54, 73. 85. 108. 
111. 140. 158, 173, 222. 227. 24.5. 273, 
404. 576, 600, 94-1, Ann k)6, Ann 910, 
\iif;iiMa 1078. C, 14«:i. >\m\f\ 1.5.54, 
AH.NKK 398, 
AMKXHAM 79, 4.54. 
Al»\ M^MM 2980, Maria 2373. 
M)\I.INK 941. 1897. 

\I»I>IK LOl .3067. N. 1927. Susan 3001. 
ADKI.AIDK 1.339. Mi.rl.n-.- 13»9. 
ADKl.K 26.50. 
ADKI.IA MAY 2.502, 
AKDISO.N 1244, J. 204/), Norton 726. 
\|M»|.I'HI S 39 J. 
Al,.NK.^ AI.U;K 24<)J. c;hn>tina 1719. .\lai\ 

2024. Eli/al..ih .5253. V. 3128. 
A. ('.. C:0\ 2.364. 
AI.W DAWN 316.5. 
M \N>ON '«»J. 

Al.liKKT 411. 1134. 1838. A. 739. 1128. 
Ailinj- 2028. C. 980. Earl 2011. (Jt-o. 
.5092. J. 1424. Ju.lM.n 2676. W. 874. 
William 8.5fi. \\ <irtliiiif;l<in 2324. 
\! I!l |{r\ \(.NK.s 2199. 
AI.IWNDKH 1151. 
Al.EEN AIAZ^ 2419. 

AI.KKED 1014. 21%. E. 967. Kil^worlli 
1993. Euti.-n.- 1698. Daxid .3096. H. 18U7. 
I. 1904. I.. 1157. Sidnrv .3001. Jr. .3076. 
Ill 31k). 
ALICE ADKI.I \ 1926. Alict- 15. 1940. Eli/a 
8.5.3. Eli/ulMili 186,5. Hixmi 24.34. Laura 
2319. Mil. ii.ij 1845. Vi..|.-i 266.5. 
\l ll)\ \!(H.\ 1928. 

ALLEN ELI 1271. 11. 2.'>0,5. lia^%I.N UWU. 
Moor.- 164.5. .Munro.- 2026. Kussdl 2317. 
Jr. .5081. 
\I.I.E>\NDKA .")01L 
\l \!ll( \ 120. Clilo.- 1699. 
M.MON 15. 16.5.5. L. 2.381. 
M.ONZO 1919. i{. 107L I). 1806. E.Kvin 

IKMJ. Hu.i^nn 2177. M. 1773. 
M.r\ 259 L L. 2512. L.ona 2167. L<.r.iia 

\l AXKOl > .397. Ward 1182. 
W! WDA 49.3. IJ. .2.347. 
\\! XU'l LI.IS 17L 

WIIIIJOnE 6.5. 419. Jr. 2175. C.ii.i 107.1. 
WILLI \ 182. 312. \\<>. 198. 70(). 512.5. 

Ll.iiur 8.39. L. 1689. 
\\l\l \ EHANCE.^ .3013. 
AMOS 151. 241. \iV>. \u;iuMu> .326. Town- 

M-n I 1278. 
Wn 592. 
Wl/I U,<). 1571. 
WDin.W LEWIS 131 L 
\N(,ELI\\ 1167. 1.388. Maria 1252. 
\N(,E!.() 1601. Edward 1637. 

ANITA ANN 5197. Bond 2281. 

ANN 96. 117.5. 1907. 5230. Lan<iston 51.54. 

ANNA 121. 259. 333. 475, 490, 492, 1258. 
2861, Il.-iinda 1917, ll.-ii 1129. Carrine 
5046, Durotiua 1872, Cwant 1824. Jane 
1727. Julia 387, K. 1536. Lou 5209, 
Louise 1925. Lt)ui>a 988. Marjiaret 2218. 
Maria 243.5. Mix .')08. KIi.mIo 3105, 
rowiisfiul ()87, 

ANNE 1.34. 192. 578. 1400. 11. 1208. Caro- 
line 1148. Maria 366. 

WNETTE L. 2690A. Christine 5184. 

WNIE ELCENIA 3095. Laura .30()3. Lea 
3017. Mav 30.39. W ihox 1227. 

ANN IS 1197. 

AN SELL E. 2243. 

APR 11. DAWN 5006. 

VMCIIiilALD JEROME 1.3.'i3. Law 2003. 

VRCHIE 2716. 

\RI HI R 2913. 

\RIA EERN 2223. 



\RI ()W NELSON 619. 1137. 

\RN()|.I) 354. 

AR TH LR AL15ERT 2.39.5. Carev 2416, 
Charle> 2810. Clark 2227. E. 2270. Edi- 
son 1315. Jerome 17.55. I'. 2416, .S, 2625, 
Slani.-v 1302, Tiieo.lore 2126. 

ASA 2.39. 1110. Codfrev 2872, Goodyear 
.328, 701, Jav 2490, Lawrence 5205. 

ASAPH 128, ,349. 7.58. MnvM.i- 2701. Slier- 
wood 2084. 

ASEN \ III 102. 1 125. 

A THALIA M. M. 999. 

ATLAS W()RI11IN(;T()N 1733. 

\l IIRE^ W. 1149. .S. 2661. 

\l \)\{\:\ .5319. 

\l (.1 >l \ \. 2r.2f). R. 2195. W.M.d 1377. 

\l RELI\ H. 1023. Jane 1912. I'. 120.5. 

\^ RES 15. 181.5. 

IIVRIIARA 761. 2583. 2711. J. an .5235. 
J.aiine 5112. Rrenl 311 1. 

i;\K\K^ STOIX-Illl.i. 3127. 

I!\\i ER I.. 117(1. 

MEAI'RICE 29ia. \Lnv Muarl L'lfU. 

IIEI.MI 179. 

I!LLIM)\ 1202. 

IILI.I E 1479, Louise 2426, 

IlLll RA \. 1285. 

IIENERO^ 351. 

IIENJWIIN 23. 89. 2()1. 299. (.19. 1 1!U). 
li92. 1901. \M-r\ 10.33. Chase 1967. 
ll;itr\ 2006. L.-oiiard If. I 1. Tudd 2H(.. 

IlLNNILR M. .?05r,. 

HENONI 1088. 

IIERNXRD DONALD .'>219. Krr,|,ii<k 
2207. I.- Roy 271.5. 

I'.KIiNICE l'K\RI 1297. \imiw 281.3, 
\l,d.-l 217L 

IIERI LEONARD 16.18. II ,')()93. 

HER r\ M X'* 2199. Id. I la 2779. 

HER III \ 876, 1768, 2112, 2608. 2614, 



Afines 24C0. E. 115S. Crac(^ 24r)2. I.l.-Il.- 
2328. Joscphinr 147.'). Malx-I 2.^1 
r.KHTON 2602. Carirs 1790. 
I5KSSIK 212,-,. 2596. Ellen 2276. Cly.U- ;i()66. 
HETSEY 305. 323. 336, 367, 577, 583. 706. 

1013. 1027. 1173. 
BLANCHE 2654. Ella 2552. 
BONiTA LEE 5146. 
BOYD 2706. 

BRODIE T. 2.509. 
15RUCE MA.SON .5012. Hall 2880. jr. .5.309. 

Rrvnolds .5299. 
BRYAN 1.386. iioa.ll.'s 2122 
BURLEIGH E. 167.5. 
BURT 2611. 
BURTON W. 1762. 
inREL E. 2031. 
CALEB 22. 51. 69. 278, 303, 375, 651, 

Huntinjiton 799. 
CALVIN HAYNES 2.5.50. li.iijaniin 2893 
CANDIA W. 5068. 
CARLE E. 2640. Bam-lt .5275. E.cd.Ti.k 

2928. L. 2136. Waiter 2.329. 
CARLOS 790. 
CARLETON W. 2865. William 2.382. 

Wayne .5243. 
CARNEY BENNETT .3027. Bvnun. .3011. 

C. 29.53. liradfonl .5311. 
CAROL MAY. Ann 5128. Jane .53,36. Mary 

21,53, .Swift 2712. 
CAROLINE 373. Aumista 1,362. I). 718. 
1. 1003. Elizabeth 798. Eli/.ai.elli 1657. 
Eli/.ai)etli 1.560. M. 1.583. P. 1421. I'm- 
field 282,5. 
CARRIE 8,55. Eranees 2,3,36. Isaixd 2120. 

Pavne 2981. T. 1218. 
CATHERINE L59. 391, .507, 551. 632, 1391. 
1703. 26,36. Aldene 2469. C. 1575. C. 
1575. Claris.'^a 1240. E. C. 804. Jose- 
phine 1466. Merriam 22.50. Rieh 1624. 
CELIA 293,5. 2942. Irene 2519. 
CHARITY I. 4,52. 

CHARLES 309. 3.59. 587. 622. 660. 937. 
116,5. 1221. 1488, 1,573. 2111, 2.591. 
A. 838, A. 1764. Ahel 1000. \l.,n/.o 1492. 
Arthur. Aujiustus 686. 
Buddinirton 1,534. Bar<;e 2269. Barnes 
1248. Brewster 1368. Brink 1992. By- 
nuni 3018, Jr. 3092, Chester 2842. C. 
3034, Clarenee 2403. Clark 2296. David 
2046. David 5100. David 517,5. 1). 18.58. 
Edward 2000. Edward 2.520. Edwin 
2039. Elhrid-e 2220. Ellsworth 2261. 
Elmes 1231. F. 2756. Fenn 713. Francis 

1972. Fr.moni 1428. Enin.inl 2177. (; 
738. Cah- 5283. (.. 948. C. 1685. II. 
1911. Hall 1749. Henry (18081 670. 
Henry (18.50i lk)4. Ilinrs (18601 1281. 

CHARLES HOMARI- 2262. Hcra.e 1279. 
Isaae 1260. Ives 1707. J. iI8%( 223.')! 
Jr. .5062 J. (18.52 ( 1903. James 14.5f». 
Jefferson 1403, Jiiliu> 9.34. Kr.d.r 2.342. 
K.iineih 2751. Ki\in .5.322. L. (18191 
1112. Ian. Ion 12.53. L.-.lvanl 214.3. Levi 
22"'(l. I.MiKiri 1915. I.. 2429 I 2a32 
\1 (186M 1.328. M. (18851 2,389. 298^)." 
Ma.lison 7.30. Mannin-i 1290. Man-on 
2725. N. 1,3.58. Nelson 1162. Ofjden 2(K.4. 
Rolxrl 815. .52.59. .s. ]Ki7. Snipi- 31,58. 
I". 26.53. Ihoina- 2909. I.^vn-n.l r)82. 
W. ( 1800) 900. W. (18.561 1810. W i|. 
Main 20,33. Willis 2424. W illoii^ihhy 
2208. Wi.odwanl 1.521. |r. 22.52 W ill.ur 

CIIVRLOllE 107. 4.59. 901. 5151. 

\. 813. Miiiira 865. Ann 40.5. Belle 

1743. Eli/.al.eth 28.5.5. Ford 1,321. I.onisr 

2498. May 1519. Row.na 1577, Hn^Iie 


CHMXCFY .543. Vt yman 16.51. 

< IIEBH^ LYNN .5314. Jane .527.3. 

CIIKSlKi; 1170. 2.587. 

(4IRl.vro|>|||.:K 207. 437. Crem.- IW.8. 

CHRl.'^TLNE Ell/MlFTll 288.3. Anita 

< lll.OK 1.50. 179. 218. 101.5. 
CLAIRE 1891. Blanc Iw ,5091. 

CLARA 875. 1723. 2607. \. 1291. Ad.-ll 
1687. B. 2172. Btllr 19.30. (.. 1<«(. Caih- 
erine 2463. EMlim- 1760. Lillian 15(i"» 
1 'arsons 182,5. 

CL.XRENCE 17,38. 21,30. 2701. 2897. Eu- 
gene 1686. Bn(kin;:ham 2.321. Elwo.wl 
1,303. Cor.lon 2821. Moff.ii 2151. W ;d 
Ion 2106. 

CLARICE M \R(;i I 111 1 I j Hi. |,.,„ 

CLARISSA 412. 772. 928. Eranees 684. 
-M. 27.59. 

CLAUDE HA.^T1N(;S 2819. 

CLA> .5328. 

CLAYTON Cl.n loKD 2:'«). \\.i|.- I'.U. 
Warner 2.3.33. 


CLEO ELIM'.ETH 287.5. Palrieia .5.307. 

CI F()\ F\ Ki; \L 2682. 

CI E()\ \ 'M.5. 

CLIFFORD 289.5. Hovd .5288. E. 2421. 
Ellterl 1708. Fr.d 2800. James 16.30. 
I^roy 1861. 



CLYDE EU(;ENE 2818. W. 2.3W.. 

COLLEEN BE.SS .531.5. 

COLLINS 1647. 

CON I). \W). Averv 5104. 

CON.STANCE 1.528. Loraine 2226. 




CORA ANNA 2461. Eujienia 3085. Julia 

29W. L\nn 2266. 

CORDt: AITHKA 2459. 


CORLES E. 1«U4. 

CORNELIA 426. 10.57. M. 2104. 

COKNEl.llS .542. Ru>l. (18iy» 1119. Ru^ll 

ilH,5Hi 1828. 
CORil NA 1472. 
COTT L. 2171. 

crak; kimi{ERL\ .5324. 

CRYSTAL 2920. 

ClRTI.s E( KEEl.DT 2326. l.vlo 2051. 

C\RrS HEHl 2845. 

1)V1>V E. 2r)n. M. 2014. 

I>\1.E 2357. 

I> \MARI.< 3, 33. 64. 97. 2711. Sayre 2783. 

I»\NIEI. 32. 98. 288. .59.5. 614. A. 11,32. 
Au>:ii«lu« 2553. (iart- 2447. Eljer 625. 
H. 2237. LronanI 1081. W . 1814. W . 



I»\K11 > \I)\MS 1072. 

I) Ml) 1. 4\. 2.5. 41. .58. 76. 122. 204. 248. 
335. 345. 448. 636. 752. 1102. 1649. A. N. 
500.5, AuMin 2082. iJru.t- .5301. Charl- 
ton 2582. C. 780. Denison 1037. El- 
l.ri.l^c 3110. Fi>lur 776. C. 1423. Cra- 
liain 823. H. 2.531. H. 729. H. 1900. 
H. .5004. Has^tintis 1871. Hasiint:> 2568. 
Ht-ath 5306. Hul.cri 2834. Jr. 2782. Ill 
.52.36. Ju.JM.n 1242. M. 849. I..-Rov 5272. 
.Mar\iii 3026. I'. 744. .Nfriin-i 5106. 
Tliomas 21.5f). Tulliill 2491. W raver 
51.30. Kint: 5.301. 

DAYTON 15. 2488. 

liKllH \ >>! \NNE 5266. 

UKKOKMI \NN 312.5. 

DKI.HKHT 1619. 

DKI.I \ 708. 

DKI.I.X 1W.0. 

1)1.1 0-^^ (.Kll IIN 

I)|;N\I-« II. 981. l.,v .526.5. 


DEN^E \\II.I.I\\I>()N ITk.. 

DEWIIT C. 1204. Cliiiioii 1035. 

hi \NNE \I \HIE 5121. 

DIME IKE 31(,(J. 

I)()l I.'* \NN 36.3. 

DON EDW IN 5072. 

DON All) LEWIS 214.5. Ern.-.i 51 19. 
Duanr 5183. Joliii 2679. D.W all 28U). 
.M. 2.527. WilliaM.n 1748. \. 27.33. Jr. 
.S223. K.nn.ili 2929. EKvo.mI 2.57J. R..;;- 
.•r» 2722. R. .5318. 

D()R\ 2047. 2241. Ali.-.- .3022. it.li 2089. 

Ilrnn.r 2322. EM.- 1412. 
DONN \ \1 \RIE 507 L 
1>(I|{( \^ llll. 605. • 
l)<)|!l \N (.OMDON .5261. 
|)()|{|{EN(.E 1702. 2431. W . 2831. 
DOMES LUCLNA 2418. Eil.m .528.5. Ev.-I- 

.•11.- 'tO'X,. 
DOi;orilL\ ol l\! \ 2\ 468. 

DORorin DOLGLAS 244-L Eay 1%3. 
J. 2732. Louise 2476, Luiile 2753. Mav 
5293. S\l\ia 1889. Turner 22.53. 

DOl (;LAS S. 194.5. James 5221. 

Dl \NE EDW ARI) .5220. 

Dl KINDA C. 1614. 

DW ICHT J. 2484. M. 975. l're>ton 2921, 
Saiiuiel 2095. 

E. J I XNIIA 2807. 

EARL 2651, 2785. 15. 2830. D. 2428. Ray- 
nmnil 2672. 

EBENEZER 11.24. lid. I9L 197. 301.6.50. 

ED(;\R 378. 800. A\erv 1713. D. 1929, 
E(...l<- 2057. Foster 73,3. W . 863. 


EDII'll 2743. A. 1287. Eliza 1335. Lois 
230L Loree 5191. Mav 17,56. Mav 2285. 
H. 1957. Ho^hn 1522. Ru-rll 1,508. 

KDMOND liHOWEK 29,32. lirou.l.r 2991. 
I)a\i> ,3062. Warren 29.5,5. 

EDNA I5ELLE 24^)6. Caroline 18k.. Leo- 
nora 2184. MaI.el 2128. Mal.el 2094, 
MaI.el 2425. Mal.el 2517. Mvrlie 26.34. 
M. 2627. 


ED.^^ON UK HARD 173.5. 

EDW ARI) 476. 1039. 1143. .5244. Aujiustus 
1561. C. 1131. Ciai.i. 2,5,50. Con-idon 
I8(.l. 1). 131. Elia> 732. E. 1935. Fran- 
cis 2015. Ir\inf: 1322. M. 6.56. Maeoin- 
her 1955, Montjioinerv 2260. Mortimer 
689. Pavson 1140. IVrrin 2.561, S. 2772. 
.^anford 1243. .^anfonl 1987 Steel 148,5. 
Slorr^ 1,363. Weaver 1145. W eM 789. 

EDWIN 41,5. 1016. 1905. 21,30. Massett 
130.5. Benoni 109L Cliarllon 1163. Conji- 
clon 5130. l)<.nal(l 2929. .5329. H. 861. 
H.-nrv 2510. Hiram 2248. Ilolli^ 1280. 
Millier 2681. William 1,390. W. 214.5. 
W. 2721 A. Jr. ,5208. 

EFFII'. E. 238 L 2507. 


ELAINE I \l Kl I TE 2157. Ro>e ,5286. 

FLAM 557. 

Kl l)\l) 119. 321. 


ELEANOR 2843. Atwater .5085. D.a.u- 

28,33. DaMnporl ,5080. I lax 1892. Hoot 
1225. Frii/. 2777. 

ELI 325. 1266. B.-eeli.r 1.537. 

ELI \S 11. 1127. 

ELI III! ,57. 167. .3.37. 

ELIJAH ,332. Sanfor.l 7,30. 

ELIOT CWII' 1.5.30. 

Kll>ll\ 213. 237. 443. 893. \L 890, 
Mallliew 820, Ran.lall 14.5.5. 

EI.I/\ 514. .526. 5.30. 620. 782. 920. 1160. 
1189. 1839. \ll.ii 1,588. Ann 7.53, Ann 
1079. \m\ 2911. Barn.s 1.323. E. 1077. 
J. 1007. .Sntherlan.l 1043. W. 809. 

ELI/. XBETII 46. 72. 113. 117. 143. 206, 
372. ,382. 149. 690. 768. 88.5. 899. 1251, 
1605. 2028. 2182. .5087. 2868. Ann .504. 
Ann 675. Ann 5281. \nn 2874. \nlliony 
2371. Arnold 1871. Amanda 2702. B. 



661, Baron 52S0, Carter 2452, D.in.tli.a 

2811. Ellen 222.S. H. ai2. H. Il.'.O. Hall 

2880. llafTict 386, II mi I ()67. Jan.' 82 1. 

Joan 2570, K. 237';. iuiiist- 2053. \1. 

866, Marie 5055, id. 5212. Marv Ann 

171, Reeve 5232, T. 2482. Tui ker 18'J3. 

Vail 2710. 
ELLA 1052, 1518, 2043. 2610. \. I'J.V.. 

Augusta 1217, Clirislena 1112. K. 882. 

E. 1757, Louise 1726. M. 1547. W. 1681. 

Mary 2108. 
ELLEN 1710. \iijiusia 12 IM. Ressie 2309. 

liallie 1629, M. 979. M. 1909. 
ELLIOTT R. 2557, Dorcnuis 2107. 
ELLLS K. 2871, Jr. 5302. Kin- 2489. 
ELL.SW()RTH (;. 1672. 
ELMER E. 1498. Elisworih 1696. 
ELNATHAN 440, 607, R. 2530. Reynolds 

ELNORA 2659, Rebecca 1541. 
EL.SJE L. 1586. W. 2214. Mav 2331. Mil- 
dred 2898. I>earl 2719. Welling 1596. 
ELWOOl) M. 2576A. 
ELVA 2599, May 5037. 
EMELINE 1080. 1123. 2387. 2947. I'ris- 

cilla 1851. 
EMKIIKIT 1021. Maria 1565. 
EMMER.SON JO.SEI'H 2796, W m. 1116. 
EMERY ALLEN 1793. W. 2506. 
EMILY 735. 786. 794. 933. 913. 1075, 1133. 

A. 803, C. 1776, E. 2859. Ilarriel 2478. 

H. Matilda 1331. Lvdia 1198, M. 631. 

Mary 914, Millard 1.506, P. 1587, Paret 

EMMA 623. 841. 1144. 1752. A. 872. Vnidia 

1493, Bell 987, Caple 1651, Caroline 

1921, Cornelia 852. E. 1436, E. 1674. 

Elizabeth 750. Eslelle 2059, .1. 1666. 

Louisa 1395. Lucinda 1781. Malxd 1160. 

May 2132. NL l)el,a|.i) 2206. St(dla 1836. 

EMORY WILBUR 3073, Jr. 3143. 

ENOS 43. 130. 231. 282. 352. 

EPHRAIM 71. 201. 

ERN A PEARL 2141. 




ERNEST B. 2420. E. 1351. Klnwr 2388, 

Ricliinond 2310. 
ESSIE 2391. 
SEMONI) I}. 2632. 
ESTELLA M. 2244. 2778. 
E.STHER 181. 216. 224. 230, 252. 294. 396. 

411, 548. 579. 635. 1092. 1117. 1862. 

2852, Ann 1481, Annabella 1430. Eli/,a- 

heth 1454. Lillian 2792, Maria 909. 
ETHAN 1376. 
ETHEL A. 2631, Gerlrnd.^ 2133, Ho)"- 

2216, ISL 2775, Mae 2817. Mav 2032. 

Mav 2222. R. 1473. 
ETTA MAY 1998. 

11 CENE 1.348, 1526. 1701. 1769. I). 2422. 

Henrv 2397. L. 1051. L. 2142. Sutton 

Kl l,\ LOl ISE 2926. 
El MCE 17. 67. 105. 125. 131. 200. 203. 

229. 212. 2<J0. 319. 4.34. 4«8. .549. 639. 

A. 925. Rice 2829. 
E\ \ \. 1292. Belle 1.352. C. 2213. I). 2110. 

M. 2232. 
K\ KLIN A 3.53. Henrieiia 194.3. 
K\i:i.^\ 21(18. I). 2854. Mary 2545. 
K\ KHII T 1 189. Horace 2R38. 
E/KKl \L ROIURITS 2995. 
EZRA 322. \ I ling 1312. 
F. ADELINE 2668. 
F\L\ \ Mil DRKI) .3072. 
EANNIK KMIl .^ 2072. 
FANNY 534. 588. 10.36. Harris 873. Brile 

2273. Bradliurn 1551. Loui-e I'-U. 

Maria 830. Virginia 3010. 
FIDFIIX 1168. 
KI.WIKN 462. 
FLORA 2609. Am.dia 2180. E. 1803. Lernia 

3028. S. 1820. 
FLORENCE 1931. 1911. 2521. A. 2^33. A. 

2414. Amelia 870. \ine> 1,325. Belie 

2438. E. 2099. Fa\ 1882. (;raliani 2.30. 

I. 1520. Luuise 5050. M. 2763. M. 28.58. 

Schaffiier 2209. 
FLOYD 2705. Alden 1761. 
FOSTER l!\HKER 1301. 

FRANCES 360. 79.3. Alinira I6.'.0. Rarl.ara 
5102. Buller 1622. C. 2ar)7. Clarissa 
1251. Cora 2719. Eli/a 1643. Ellon 2671. 
K.niU 2693. ilarriel 1.5^)3. Ida I6i0. 
Jane 676. Jennie 1219. Jovepiiine 1989. 
Louise 11.30. M. 427. M. 970. Marjorv 
2677. Mary 2770. Miller 2288. IVIm ilia 
2175. Ran.lolpli 18f.6. Ruili 5277. 

FRANCIS 1705. I!. 19.32. Barton 816. 
Blan.hanl 2407. Ehene/er i57'». Herry 
5034. J. 6.58. Kcnl 3152. M. 166W. Tr.xor 
2823. W vnian 1234. \. 2731. 

FH\NK 1056. 1541. 2263. 2280. 2XV2. W. 
1115. B. Jr. 5003. Dwiglii 15.57. Dwiglil 
1758. Edward 2071. F. 1679. i.. 1.529. 
Garrison 30.53. (;ia>.gow 883. H. 1«W7. 
Mari.Mi 1201. Page 3019. Jr. 3102. Vin- 
cent 1632. Vernon 2815. \\ eilirrlin 

FRANKI4N 10.34. IJ.njan.in 942. Bliss 971. 
S. 2690. Sanford 1300. Truman '"'' 
W illiam 5256. W . 5028. 

FI\FD 1<>7'». 2510. 2588. 26|6. Beer- 17.">(). 

Clay Jr. 1741. ClaMon 1282. (;. 1276. Hal- 
sey 2453. James HI 5124. R. 1620. 
Roun.l 1318. Smith 2375. Slepiicn 2572, 
T. 2183. 

FRFDDIF ( i \RK 210,5. 

FI^KDKKK K 1712. 1788. 1841. 2271. \. 
430. Clav 10,58. Elson 2025. Eugene 
2312. H.' 21.33. FL B, 1527, H. B Jr, 



5015. Hollaml 1237. Henrv 5138. Mailu- 
son 5274. Porter 1460. Riohar.l 20(>1. 
Smith 2H02. IMt-r 974. W . 1694. W . 
Vno. Watson 2769. 


FREIDA 245.5. 

GAIL WNK 5031. 

GAMAl.lKi. IlKADl-KY .580. 


GARNET 2148. 

GARRET 1397. Harrv Jr. 2152. 

GARY c:i.!FFORl) 5241. Fee 5039. 

GENEVA .\1FI.E>S\ 2221. 

GEORGE 341. 364. 1668, 2272, .5052, A. 

830, Atwfll 1.561. Harkltv .5304. Btnneti 
1306. Brook- 1879. Uuriu-It 2869. Bun- 
van 3098, Camp 1021. CampUll 2316. 
E. 428. E. 1262. F. 2988. Fil\xar.i 1877. 
E.lwani 2308. Einallian 1830. Erasmus 
2022. Franklin 20f)6. H. 754. H. 1179. 
Ha-iin-:- 2.3f)8. H. 2.546, H.iir\ 2601. 
H.-nrv IVik 1995. Ja\ 2873. l.t-oiiar.l 
989. L.-si 2496. Lon.H 1783. Malrulm 
1406, .M.'(la<l 679, M.-rwin 775. Miiur 
2001. (). 1676. P. 1129. Parkin 1401. 
Percy 1982. Ravmond 665. Robt-rt 2695. 
Ronal.l 5114. S. 1,326. Swil/.r 1417. Yi . 
Ikj2. W.ston 1779. W iiilti.sl.v 8.54. 
Wiliar.l 1082. 2773. Vi iison 1447. W il- 
-..n 24.58. William 1432. Wright 1.5,39. 

t.FoRGIA 1378. 19,52. 



GERAl.l) KIN(; 2017. Jr. .5026. 


(;FIM1F l.ol Kl.l.\ 22(.8. 

GFRIHl l)F 2,396. 2,549. K. 2417. 

GIFBFRT I.. 1923. 15.11 2814. 

(il.ADV.s 28.5.3. A.la 2799. P. 221.5. 

(;(t()|)> F\H 565. 

(;(H{|)()N M.BFKT 2691. Jr. 5192. W , 

2726. W. ,5218. 
GRACE 162.5, 1937, 2618. 26,37. Au-^u-la 

.50.3, Clarissa 672, E.lilli 2.399. Em.liiK- 
2121. Ir.-m- 2(»18. Ilamin.r .52,55. M. l.')01. 

siii|„- M)H\. \ ii.ia 1857. Vir^iiiiia 19.'>l). 

^. 1513. 
(.R\N(,FR S. 1213. Smith Jr. 19.5.3. 
(;R \\\n)\ \\{ \NC1S 20.3.5. 

(;U()\F \\()Hriii\c'rn\ 278I. j. 262i. 
(;r()\fk k. 2(11(1. 

II \l. I!(tr.l!l 11 31(K.. 

HANNAH 18, 47, 60, 88. 100. 1.38. IU>. 

215. 225. 294, 455, .540, 598, 604. A. 

2.5-13. Cullrr 511. Eliza 1120. H.-iriikiss 

,365. I. ml la 2762. 
II \1!1,FN II. .'.070. 
II Md Fl 2516. 
II \B\1(»\ (.. H. 2(170. 
HXROl.l) 2914. XujiuM 2Ht)l. Ciar.nr.- 

2H4'.. Comini 23.'.8. Jr. 2789. Ill ,'.2.39. 

Don^hlN 2174. F. 2W.3. E.ljiar 14-18. 

Fl.rv 5118, Fun.-nr .5290. 
IIVRRIFT 310. 413. 6.54. 7.57. 76.5, 847. 

y.5.3, 119.3, 1402. 1912. Vman.la 1267. 

B. 2542. r.rodlu-ad 1365. Eliza 1724, 
Esllu-r 851. F. 1799. Francos 93,5. H. 
807. Horlcncc 1924. Howell 19(,(.. 1.. 
1934. Lcc 3003. M. 2729. \l,.nlj:(.mcrv 
1223. P. 924. 

H \KKlN(;i()N EI.O^S 31.5.5. 

IIAKK^ 1895. 2,'i89. 261,5. Arlliur 218.5. 
21,'.6. Fdwin 5179A. Albert ,50.53. Bar- 
low 220.5. F. 751. Hall 2494. I.. 2138. 
R. 1859. 

H \R\F\ 1681. H. 1671. 

HMIFN HOWARD ,3065. Jr. 3140. 

HAT 11 K 1486. Belle 2069. Blakeslee 1246. 
Cliil.ls 1,50,5. F. 2116. F. 2392. Louise 

HAZFL 2912. Blandie .3077. Virt-inia 2714. 


HELEN 1691. 2603, Bata 2822. Blandie 
2362. Charniev 1981. Dorotliv 2709. 
Elizabeth 2<.88. Frances 1235. Francis 
2,535. Hastinjis 2.562, Ida 1984. Ir.-ne 
27K.. J. ,i029. Janet 2840, Janis 2908. 
Louisa 1640. Louise 1883. Louis.- 2080. 
M. 205.',. Maria 1275. Minnie 221<i. Max 
2720. W.M.dward 1.523. 

HFM\N 132. R. 1360. 

HFNKIK'rrA 2648. BaLlwin 1986. 

HFNK^ 1026. 1229. 1835. 1973. 22,58. 
26 k3. Anderson 3040. C. 6.53. C. 1961, 
Charles 1215, Cook 1636. Clarkson 1420. 
I). 801. Dale 2351, Davi.lson 2372. Dav 
1398. Erasmus 1270. Francis 2793. 2814. 
(;. 2255. Jr. 2710. Ill .'.227. Cre.'U 1,5,33. 
11. Jr. 1.522. Harrison 867. H.-aton 12,'i0, 
H.rb.Ml 2404. J. 746. K.nl 2.523. Jr. 
2882. Levi 1876. Lockwood 966. Luciu.s 
1515. M. 14.38. Miner 860. P. 908. Rus- 
s.-ll 818. .*^. 389. .S. ]HM<. \\ellesl,-V 
1131. Wm. 8.57. \Vm. 1471. W iKnn 
lr.35. W yatt 51,57. /.. 2318. 

HFBKFRT DAVID 1295. Fdwin 2197. 
(,.o. Chip. nan 1113. 2195. Josiah 1683. 

II KB MAN DAN ID 1299. C. 3037. 
\\\:i{\.\ 2146. 

IIKI 1^ .'.on. 

llll.WI) (II \>K 2 IN. II. \l..rris 2826. 
IIIK \\l 118. 11. 129. \linri 1.1 1. Wrlls 

IKH.I.I.-s I \C()B 711. Mark 2(«H. 
llol 1 I>1KB 1(110. 
Il(»\li:i{| II \l{l" 2791. 
II(»K\(.F K.3. 737. 1711. Brewster .5078, 

Jr. .5079. Braci- 15,56. Burritl 24,36, 

Cowl.s 692. <;. 1512. C.M.dvear 2119. 

Hazelt.m 24.39. L..t:an 26Hr,. 
HOB \ no W \B1) 179.5. 
now \B1) 5171. J. 2877. 
HOW F 2.580. 
HOW Fl.l. 1222. 

III liB\BI) (, \I,K 881. 

Ill IIFIM IKBN \l.l) 2123. Lee .3083. Jr. 

31.V.. \la\w.ll 2097. 
IILl.DAH 2.53. l'">. l»r|„,i.ili 1.'.09. Iloan 




HULL ALEXANDER 2994. .W)l. \^lil,. ,,n 

3073a. .Ir. 31iri. 
HUNTIlNCTOiN Clio \TE 13%. 
H. URSULA 717. 
lANTHA RUTH 2765. 
ICHAIU)!) 283. Hiram 1796. 
Il)\ 2383. A. 1829. licllc 2371, D.-lia 1317. 

Dorcas 1156. I.ov.-na 12HH. M. 2761, 

Mac 2739, Mav 2513. Wvnian 1238. 
IOWA IT A 2766. 

INA ELIZAMETH 2002. Elizalx-th 26.52. 
INEZ E. 2630, Marian 2188. 
lOLA 1592. 
IRA 180. 324. 482. 

IRENE 1340, Dolores 2352, Marv 2698. 
IRMA BREW.STER 2662, Marie 2178. 
JRVIN 727. W. 2657. 

IRVIN(; C. 2045. Jam.- \\(>\. lalt IM'Mi. 
ESAAC 80. 208. 219. 694. Ed-ar 1H99. II. 

417, Punderson 903. Townscnd 710. 
ISABEL 1263. Tavlor 1233. 
ISABELLE 2440. Elvira 5117. 
IVA DELL 2514. Jean 3141. Mae 3068. 
IVY -MAY 1939. 
JACK 3093. Harrv 2876. Carey 5113, Lee 

5305. Westall 5160. 
JACOB 81. 
JAHAZA 2934. 
JAMES 39. 102. 287. 308. 339. .561. 606. 

633. 9.57, 969. 1006. 1126. 1682. 1881. 

Jr. 2577. A. 1211. A. 13.54. A. 1670. A. 

3058. B. 897. B. 983. Basseit 1975. 

Benjamin 19,36. B(.i.l)ill 2961. 3100. 

C. 2344. Collins 2369. Chaplain 777. 

Clavton 2359. Fowl<-r 1572. David .5089. 

3166. (;. 2864. George 819. Crier 2289. 

(wiffin 1139. H. 976. Harmon 1196. 

Henry 1495. Holland 1634. Horise 2063, 

Jr. 2577, John 5149. K. L. 1665. Lewis 

624. Lueius 1607. M. 2970. \E Jr. .3041. 

Mitehell 1301. O. 2761. i»atri(k 3144. 

IVrrin 5132. Peter 1789. R. 831. R. 

1819. Robert 2979, 3120. Roshurn 

5002, T. 1499. Riitlan 51,36, Thomas 

Rice 1445. W. 2918. W illiam 8.36. Win- 

ehel 2687. Jr. 5182. W I l'«il. "> Ounj: 

JANE .527. 617. 736. 927. 29 Id. i'.rewer 

5134, H. 1019. Uahci 69(). Leonard 

1597. Maria 1709. Palri.ia 5.3.32. Wood- 
lev 2335. 
JANET CLAIRE .5200. Dunnell 2.563. Isa- 
bella 2315. Elizabeth 2925. Carolvn .5280. 

Love 5225. Mae .5330. Vir-inia 2339. 
lARED 123. 340. 5,50. .594. Allenl 099. 

James 1310. 
JASON 236. 477, .573. G. 1775. J. 106.5. 
JAY 2090. 2606, C. 2540. Cosgrove 2547, 

Douglas 5169. Kerr .5303. 
J. CLAPTON 71.5. 
JEAN HOWE 1980. Trumbull 21.50. 
JEANETTE 313. 2284, Mary 961. J. an 

Dale 5251. 
JEFF D. 3033. 

JEFFREY CHRLS 5147. Earl 5161. 

I Kill EL 29.36. 

JKNM-.I IE 6r>4. P>11. I . K.W. 

JENNIE 1753. Amelia 1922. B. 129R. En.ilv 
1511. Louisa 871. M. 129.3. .M. L')17. \\. 
1517. Maude 180L 2.3HU. May \2'Mt. 
Ruth 1H05. 

JENNIFER inDE 52.37. 

JEREMIAH 26. m. 1.36, 260. 26H. .3.56. 
531. 57 L 1372. Charles 1598. John '".T 
W . 9.54. 

JFRONH-: 10 jr.. 

JK.^SE b.8. 219. 298. 637. 2(.(K). 262.1, 
FaniMNorlh 2118. (nfford 1780. Kill.orn 

JE-SSH-: 1627. A. 18,33. Catherine lii». 
Durui 2078. Louis.- 2768. Ra\ 2f.80. 

,|0\(4II\1 1722. 

|0\N .\L 5108. 51.56. Lois .5.300. 

JOANNA 243. 5165. 

JOANNE .5206. Ros.- .507.3. 


JOEL 81. 256. 267. 4.36. .5.35. 


JOHN 6. 44. 94. 1.39. 277. 297. .3(K). .3.57. 
361. 379. 401. .562, 572. 601, 6.30, 778. 
784. 1.5.53. 1908. A. 770, A. 1.540. Ali.erl 
1.593, B. 1069, B. 1771, Belmeur 2.578. 
Ir, 51.50, Birdsev 126L Bamrofi 510.5. 
Bisiiop 683. Bli-s 1I2L Bun\an .3(K»2. 
Burton 1785. (ilarenre 1831. Clinton 
788. Coggswell 14.58. E. 1916. Elisha 
82.5. Eli/.ur 1083. E. 1.361. F. 21.35. F. 
294.5. F. 2828. G. .575. G. 1076, (;ap|.er 
2183. (;arnell 2299. Garn.it 27.5.5. (ira- 
ham .307.5. H. 1369. liarNev 1491. 
Havnes 2.554. Jr. 2892. Il.nrv 2110. Hen- 
rv 22.38. Iloadl.-v 951. Hoa.ilev 2.3.37. 
Hollist.r 2102. J. 946. J. 'X.l. J. 1478. 
1. 2378. Ja...l. & Jr. 2.33<). J. 111. Jam.- 
1615 James Jr. 2801. Ill 2')2L J" 
seph 1180. K. 888. Lamb.-lh .30 U.. Jr. 
3111. Larson 11.58. L. C. 1663. M. 749. 
M .5231. Mea.l 1880. Miles 1664. Mil- 
ton 1570. Nalhani. I .3088. N. 28.57. 29.59. 
Osb;.rne 582. P.ier 1.3')3. P.i.rson 2W2. 
Phelps 774. Ran.l.ilph 5025. Komaiiv 
1015. Robert 2696, R.unld 2.537. Jr. 
5122. Root 973. .S. 700. Sill 2493. Spen- 
.■er 2805. Jr. .5248. .*^tarr 518. Starr 968. 
W. 2919. W. 295 L Terrill 2924. We^l.-y 
1005 Wilbur 16.V.. Wilbur .3(18(1. Wil- 
liam U.67. W illiam 'r'H h L':.!!. W il. 
son .3018. 

JON Ml 83. 497. 

JON ATI! \N 7. 29. 75. 82. 184. 2.50. 441. 
.596. nil. David .5228. ."Squire 1268. 
W. 7.5(.. 

JOSEPH .30. 90. 2(>1. 271. .3.30. 515. .5.38. 
160 L 2027. 22.30. A.lolphus 827. Alverus 
1190. Bab-on 8.33. Carlton .5011. E. 84.5. 
K.l-ar 1U.7. (;. 14.39. J. 2727. Hall 5.39. 
Hoag 628. Ufayelle 1613. W m. 990. 
Young 1745. 



JOSEPHINE 1791, G. 1346. F. 2528. Sliir- 
If V 2839. 

JOSHI'A 5. 14. 19. 120. 1.57. 346. 362. 376. 
691. 80(). 

JOSIAH WOl.COTT 109.5. 1798. 

JOTHAM 235. 470. 

JUICE EVELYN 5194. Nina 2812. \1. 

JIDITH ELINOR 522(.. Pomerov 2;i20. 
Ana 5035. CliriMin.- 5088. 

Jl l)Y 5017. Lvnne 5185. 

J I LI A 312. 6.55. 695. 795. 919. 1210, 1392. 
1711. A. 1289. A. 1688. A. 2889. Atl.ll 
2401. Ann 741. \nn 785. C. 1585. Caro- 
line 29*X). Eli/al.fih 31R)9, Kli/alxlli 
30M, H. 1017. Harriet 2062. K.'lsty 
1744, I^MTfnie 1821. Marjiart't 2163. 
-Mau.l 1843. Olivia 2976. Tupper 2062. 

JLLIAN W ASHl'.l KN 5133. 

Jl LIANNE .1098. 

JLLIET 709. 

JLLIETTE ELlZAlJKrH 688. Olni^.a.l 

jn.lNE I.onSA 1245. 

J I Lies 1047. ■y.w:^ Ju.JM.ii 1273. Kiov.i 

JLNE 292.3. 

KAKL W. 2079. 

k XKKN KEA 5126. 

K \iK 17.54. Kali.- K. -;471. 

KATHEKINE 12.57, 2366, Clienev 2983. 
l-ali.lla 1977, Louis.- 2343, Mulvan-x 
2.V)0. Snow.i.n 188r). 

K Mill KI.\ J \M-: 5179. Ruth 5180. 

K\TIIKV\ \I\K 2821, Kut:.-m- .50;«. 

KENNETH C. 2.533, Jam.s 5120. Ndson 
1747. R.-vnolds 2870, Vi iiliani 2.57.5. 


KK/i Ml ]■'.:>.. 

KIIM I \\i» W. W.:.2. r.Nn.n .5214. 

L\\ \ \1AE 5141. 

LA.sEL R. 2349. 

LAIRA .5.32, .5f)/>. 995. 1011, 1042, 1096, 
1106, 1427, Ann 912, 15. 1811, C. 1677. 
Ella 19.38, Ell.ii 2437, E-lr.|la 1948, 
June 5331, \!. 1816, Maria .38.5, i\3129, 
S. A. 9<^8. 

LAN ERNE N\1II\N 2073, C.-or;:.- 5116. 

I \\\ |{K\( E W. 878. L. .5(K.6. 

I r \ll Kl.l/ \l!l- III 2.5;{8. 

LEI)^ \|{|» J V'* i72(». 

LEE 2.590. 

LEE E.STE.S 23.5L 

I Ell)\ lli:i EN 2158. 

I. KM, II RK ll\|(»M) l;|{|A\ IK .!',(,(,. ].. 

LELAM) A, 2629, \\.si„n 2492. 

LENA 2617. IVari .«)6I, L.oii 2012. 

LENORE 224. 


LEOLA \!. 2113. 

LEON EMERSON 2293. .|u.i-..n 20.n. 
W.liM.r 20W). 

LEON A .*^VLVI\ 2518. 

LEONARD ,537, 1031, 164(., Aujiustus 
1781, Rrv.len 2689, Jr. 5186, C, 982, 
Dafi«i.-tt 666, E. 2737, Eutt«iu- 1.581, 
K. 1500. 

I.KRO^ W. 241.5, W.lls 2173. 

LESLIE 22k), Ann .5320, 

LE.slER IIOI.I,^ ,{069. 

LENKRKir .59(1. 

LK\l .^02, 1187, ll.ian 628. 

LEW IS 570. 1389. Rasst-tl 710, Corning 
1740, D.-\\itt 1728, Edwin 1444. Eliliu 
i;i07, Er.-.l.rirk 1350. H. 166 L Sprijijis 

MI. Ml M. 27.^6. 

I II 111 R\ RM.IMI 1962. 

I II I \ i:\RNES 1.S20, Lila Viol.i 2176. 
LILLIAN 2605, Ann 2901, Mvnuni 3108, 

E. 2.586, Eli/a 1797, EIi/aI).lli 1.580, 

u.JMiIa 1168. P.arl 26.H3. Rose 2713. 
LILI.^ ItKLLK 10.59. Jan.- 1606, May 

2009, Clarin.la 1476, Cannon Mm). 
LENA I . 1763. 

LINDA JEAN 5162, Uc 5216. 
I.INI)S\^ 51.58. 
LIN I S 183. 
LISEirV 1002. 
LI/ZIE 15. 1214, lUnum ;W23, C.rtrude 

LLOM) KNERETT 2671, Ru--.'ll 2.<.5(.. 
LOW) ELMER 2049. 
LOIS 101, ILL 211, 220, 289, 3.58. 471, 

603. 618, 2511, 29.33. 2952. A. 29.52, 

A.I.I m:0. Aufiusius 1778, Eli/.al).-th 

2<H3. Maria 467. 'la ft 1885. 
I.ONNIK E. an.l RONNIE E. .5217. 
LOR EN 1195, 
LORE'I TE E. 1808. 
LORR \I\E 960, Apr\ MM. 
I.OI IS M. 1851. Cliarl.s 2795. R. 2117, 

R. 2211. 
LOl IS\ 198. 421, 702, C. 1105. Maiia 72.^ 
l.OLiSE 1827, 2649, C. 1818. II. 2862, 

.Sdjiwi.-k 1399. 
LOW 1.^ 199. 3H. 
LI CI \ 1 891, A. 176.5. 
LLCEI.I.A W. 2471. 
LLCILE 2f.67. Hall 2118. 
LlU:iNI)\ \. 759. 921, 926, 2.54L Eid.-lia 

'Ml. lluMi 1695, Mvra 457. 
1. 1 CI I S 371, 125, .506, 703. ')V). ilO.i, 

l.<87, Mradl.v 1324, Cliaun.w 2020, E. 

1;{83-1, Jr. 791. I.nlli.t 120'). I.xoii 862. 

R. 11)02. 

II CKETI \ M \^ 1841. 

1. 1 CN 150. .',15, ,{.50, W3, .586, 69.{, 922, 
1085. 1188, 1.574, 22'>7, A. 10.54, Ann 
4.56, .\ur.Iia 71L Av.rv 1732, hrown 
19J/., Cord.Iia 1089. E. 981. Eva 2780, 
Jan.- I(tl8. Lm.- l.iol. I...\.-II 2106. 
Maria 1206. R.m.i 002. I. 1767. Warr.n 
.;OIL Warr.n 1.507. 

I I I I I \ L"M I. 2919. Anlrll |')'(1. 

I I I II \I)LI.E 22.56. 
MM 2170. Mau.l 2127. 

II \1 \\ ;W5. 110. 822. R. 121. 



LUTHER 645, Edmun.l 2977. Jr. 3049, 

III 3113. 
I.M)IA 77. 99. 116. 234. 293, 491. .501. 
533. 559. 652. 681. 1126. 5077. Alma 
1990. Anne 965, i'.ian.luinl 1272. Jose- 
phine 986, M. 1182, S. 699. 
LYMAN 162. 316, .54.5, 591. 1116. A. 745. 
Hotciikiss 671, J. 1678. J. 1800. I'eler 
2.508. Sanfor.l 1211. W. l.'>2. William 
M. RUTH 5131. 

MABKI, .36. 233, 480. 2613. \mamla 12<M. 
P.l.-ekcr 1366. Kil'i.' 2103. Cntrnd.' 
2278, (;ol(lrn 2117. I.. 2511. Mairiiial 
MAE 1503. 2091. W. 2515. 
MAIZA Ml, BETH 2803. 
MALINDA 609. 1122. 
MAMIE 2393. 

MANSON BIGEI.OW 1461. Biiiduvs 1196. 
MARCUS 1004. 

MARGARET 416. 1150. 1487. 1642. 1913, 
1970. 2259. 2365. Ai)ii:ail 1491. Aiijiusta 
940. Blanche 3025. Belle 2277. Brook? 
2075, C. 985. C. 2827, E. 1419. 2974. 
Hay 2340. Josephine 2699. Jean 2788. 
2910. Lee 3045. Euiii 2969. M. 2236. M. 
.5064. Mae 1407. Svlvia 2109, W. 1965. 
Ward 2036. 
Mariierv Sheffield 2742. 
MARGUERITE 2536, 2669, Jane 2707. 

I!. 2806. 
MABIA 343. 771. 1209. E. 2111. L. 945. 

L 1151, L. 1317. Louisa 1823. 
MARIE HELEN 2077. R. 224.5. 

MARK ANDREW .5297. Vincni 3163. 
MARION 5325, Cole 2612. E. 26.58. E. 
2863. Elizaheth 2661. Dale .5257. R«-na 
2724, Ruth 3103. 
MARILYN P.ENNER 508L G. .5316. 
MARJORIE 289L (;arnier 2019. Mehane 
3084, Garrison 1875. Eldrlirr 2162. I. 
2885. M. 2734. 
MARSDEN R. 2556. 
MARSHAL A. .5276. Da\id 93*). !• rank 

MARTHA 383. 409. 781. 2938. A. .3032. 
Ann 1373. Caroivn 3059. Charnley 12.30. 
E. 1337. E. 1600. E. 2987. Elinor 18.50. 
Evelyn 3126, F. 30.5.5. Jane 1898. Jo><-- 
phine 2966. 3112. 3049. M. 722. Martin 
5103, Patterson 2996. Richardson 1029. 
Soi)hronia 3007. Virginia 2960. 
MARTHENA 9.5.5. 

MARMN 680. 2W6. Ra> 19%. 

\1 \I{^ 9. 27. .38. .50. .59. 6H. 9.5. 107. 141. 
155. 161, 187. 20.5. 214. 217. 238. 327. 
408. 473. 499. 525. 555. 793. 877. 9.59. 
10.38. 10.5.5. 1114. ll'X). 1224. 1.380. U4L 
1558. 1772. 1896. 2655. A. 1284. A. 2098. 
A. 2890, Alice 147. Am.4ia 8.59. An;-!-- 
line 1.381. Ann 270. Ann .381. Ann 4^)4. 
\nn 721. \nn 16(.(). Ann 835. Ann li»l<^ 
Anna B. 892. Ba-xeit 1.548. B.itl.aia 
.5064. C. 1641. Carolini- WtH, Calii.rine 
2820. 29.58. Chri-lena 2941. Cornelia 
1256. 1878. C.irnilia Cowdrv 1721. Dor- 
othv 2745. E. 802. E. 14.33. E. 2J7'>. 
E. 2621. E. 26.56, E. 2735. 2973. El.-an..r 
2119. Eliza 978. Eli/a 1848. Eli/a .31MI8. 
Elizaheih 811. 8.50. 9,38. <>.50. iOW.. 
1.543. 1.594. Elizali.lh 1983. Eliwil.ith 
2382. Eli/al..th .5047. Ella 2294. Ell.n 
5166. Emeline 2555. 2985. 2197. 2757. 
2997, Frances 21.57. (;. 1W).3. II. 742. 
H. 2377, Harris .3016, Irene 23.55. J. 
2166. 29.50. Jane 748. 1169. 1.371. 1422. 
Jane 5188. Kalhl.ni 2217. I.. VK>(1 
Louisa 677. L<>iii-<- 1125. Louise- 2tl37. 
Lucina 1344. Lurana 1609. I.>man 7«>7. 
Merwin 1.367. Minerva 2021. Olivia 
.3024. Rach( 1 2903. Khoade> 215.5. Rosa- 
lie 1308. Rutherford 2.303. S. 18.53. 
.^adie 22.39. Sihvl 2023. .^lerlin^ l'»76. 
Su-an 1463. Tafi 1887. Ther.-e 5201. 
Iniil.- .30.52. ir-inia 2081. Whit.- 1623. 

\1 Mil I) \ 917. 

MATIIK 11111 \N 3029. 

M NTTllKW 2'«'>. W. .30.36. 

\1 \l I) 1 IVINGSTON 19.54. J. 2.50.3. 

\1 \l DL 1.502. 

MAI Bl(4-: B. 2.500. Hooker 1826. I'eck 

M \\1\E IlLl.LN 2160. 
\1 \^ 2113. Clark 2.306. Olivia 1H1<), \l>< 

rhrlle 3109. 
\1 \^ N \KD 2905. L. 2628. 
ML \1» 2<ri. 
\IED\D 118. 317. 
MKIIITABLE 129. 348. 4.50. 647. 
Ml LIN A ELI /.A BETH 1792. 
MEIAIN (;. 2576B. 
MEB \B 170. 189. .368. 
Ml' IK A 2. 608. 
Ml ll\ 1\ BKl CE .5010. 
\n THE E. 2.376. 
Ml( 11 \EL 61.5. 
Mil DKED 2124. Eleanor 2J65. Helen .>281. 

(. 2242 Lncv 5245. \Iimi 5201. 
MM IS 1370. Barber 991. L. 1001. 
Mil KV BENNER 2.32.5. 
MHO KLINE 2451. 
Mil roN L. 818. 
MINME 17.37. 2044. 2228. Bnrneii .WK). 

Ellen 1612. Evelvn 12.59. J. 1751. 
MIH1\M 152. 240. 247. 472. 1K1. "2". 
M. MORTIMER 2102. 



MONTCOMERV 1971. Reigs 2569. 


M(>RKIc:K 28%. 

MORTDN 210.S. V. 2917. 

.M()>K> 20. V). 241, 2W). 528. 1840. 2930. 


.M\RA J. 1152. Ht-nriftta 2573. 

.M\RON 763. 1914. 2i>0(). L. 2092. L.'wis 

1H43. I*. 1809. .sioti 1662. 
\n RIIK J I LI A 2767. LvK- 2327, M. 2718. 
NANCi 444. 463. 485, 547, 593, 1032. 

1121, .5224. 5326. A. 1599. Carol 5139, 

Cortl.-lia 1199, c;. 1101. L. 1107. R. 894. 

Jaru- 5164. Jaiu- 18W. Jov 5049. Loo 

5177. Lou 5298. V. 2532. W . 698. 
NAOMI 147. 2984. Catherine 3038. 
NATHAN LFA\ IS 370. .S. 743. 
NATHANIKL MIX 516. Hartiell 5086. 
NKIL WILLIAM 2700. Jr. 5202. 
NKLL I "^ K 3099. Pat:.- 3020a. 
NELLIE 599. 2134. 2619. A. 2971. Adeline 

1247, Alice 1589, Esther 2129. Frances 

1633. Jov 2093. Lo/.eiia 1999. 
NELSON 19(W). Janus 1742. O. 2598. 
NKITIK 15. 1802. 2087. E. 2086. 
NEWMAN 581. 
NINA I). 2115. 
NOAH 2:V2. .524. 
NoR\ 2200. 
NoRlDEN C. 1.584. 
N(mMAN B. 1774, B. 28.56. George 5143. 

J. 2480. Morrison 889. Millanl 2194. 

Neal 5288. 
Ol.\N M \l RICE 27.52. 
OI.IN J ARED 1316. 
OLIVE 438. 1108. 1177. A. 947. B. 2.526. 

Cox 2363. L. 1917. Moriah 1375. 
OLIVER C. 1183. 

(»ll\l\ 489. Roanna 9;i6. Stan-.l 1628. 
ol'\L (,REENE 5001. 
OREIIA B. 234/). 
OR! \N III(;H :i01.5. 
OKI WDo DM I \S 181.3. 
o|;\ll\D\ LIAIR \ 725. 
ORRIN 769. 1172. 1918. Truman 2029. 

Jr. 2678. 
ORRIS CLAIM' 1.568. 
oR\ II IE A. 1.15.5. 
o->|inRN T. W.4. 

O.SCAK .STARIN 1994. .Srverson 200.5. 
PA(;E .1087. 
I'\MELI\ 4.5.3. 

I'XIRICIA \l\Ri\N 2787. Ell.n .506.5. 
I'ATSY ANNE 3118. 
I'Al L K. 2.501. Carlrlon .')249. Ilora..- 

5181. RU-..-II 2164. .50.54. V.rnon .50K). 
I'\LI\ JEWNE .-.210. 
I'M LINE \1 \R(,\REI 2179. 
I'ENRI 2595. E. 21.37. 
I'ERC'l CEORCE 12.36. 

I'ETER ELCENE .'.007. 
I'HEBE 78. 114. 126. 1.37. 269. (,\\. ]■'.. 
712. S. 2851. 

FHII.\NDER 1166. 

PHIl.ETl S ll^M. 

PHI 111' DRl R\ 2257. 

I'll 1 1 1,1 1'E 5278. 

Pllll () Jl DSON (.11. 

PIIINEAS 21. 188. 388. 460. 

PinLLIS 2681. Eli/al..th ,5051. 


i'lKKCE IHHL Jr. 2.i79. 

I'l Ml ROMAN 1697. 

POLLY 2.57. 494. .58.5. 


PRISCILLA EOSIER .5094. Jean 5263. 

RVCIIEL 112. 642. 721. 1171. 2088. Alice 

RALPH 2.52.5. 2771. A. 1770, Best 2210, 
Edwar.l 1418. Ernest 2673. H. 18.56. 
.Staples 2169. W. 2849. Willis 2927. IV 
.■i.321. W.i-lii 2186. 


RAYMOND 108L Edward 198.5, Elliot 
2798, Lee 2189. \V. 2916. 

REBECCA 124. 2.55. 262. 334. 478. 640, 
84f.. 1176. B(.l.-s 1 I.-.9. Cnrham .'.09, 
."^liiliniaii 887. 

RE(;iNA ll)\l INE 1794. 



R El BEN 61. 17.5. 292. .304. E. 1286. 

RIIODA 127. 1.53. 246. 168. 48 L 792. A. 

RICHARD 406. 170L 2717. A. ,5067. Allen 
2187. BlooMilield 1091. D. 1203. K. 2018. 
Howe 51,'.2. L.-r .5222. Jam.- 51 II. Mar- 
shall 2.58 L Al. 1116. Alea.l Jr. 1870. 
Mead 3rd 2567. .Merlin .5008. Newman 
279. Newman .569. Viindsor 5331. W ind- 
sor .5334. R. 5109. Slow.- 5296. 

RICIIMoMt W \l.rON .305 L 

RITCIIK^ i . 23.'.0. 


ROBERJ- 311. 5107. All.ert .52,52. Arlii.n 
.'.287. Barge .5071. Bvnum 3021. Biir.ii. k 
2836. Charles .5076, Cole 3157. E. 2052. 
Earl 2275. E. Jr. 3117. E. .30.57. Edward 
2.361. Ern.si 2001. Il.-nry 668. 12.39. 
Jonathan 5011'). K.iidri.k 5183A. K.nt 
3115. L. 2510. I.,«i> 2518. M. 2251. 
Man Waring .5310. Alea.l 2.571. Na- 
ihani.-l .3051. T. 2.53L Tafi 2.58.5. Thoinp- 
M.n 5271. W. .'.069. W avne 5168. AVes- 
i.pii 3107. W ilson l.'vM. 

ROBERT \ S. ,521 L 


lioDEI! D. 5111. 

IvOl WD I.. .3078. Carl 2776. 

liol LO T. 221'>. 

Ronald p. 2866. G...rg.- .5292. (...r.lon 
.5260. William .'.0.38. 

ROS\ RE^ NOLDS 1822. 

RO^\BEI. 2100. 

ROSCO 28'''). 

ROSEMARY .'>()18. 


L'OX \N\ \ .520. 



ROY 2:V^:i, Vincciil .509:. A. 21«.'.. Miner 
2187. Mock 2274. 

ROYCE M. 2891. 

RO^AI. 1109. 

RUBY jOSEPHIXK ir,n8. I „„is,- 2791. 
Alice 2()M. 

RUFl'S 176. Hcnrv 29rw. kin-i Kill). Wil- 
liam 824. Wm. 826. 

RUS.SELL 172. 2879. La Vern<' 2691. W il- 
son ri.S08. 

RUTH 28. 148. 160. 202. 5.S6. 2287. 247,3. 
2639. 2660. 27.S4. r>279. ;^()79. A. 1.^9. 
C. 886. Dickcrman 1012. t.crl rude 2307. 
Janet 2837. L. .506.i. Livia 1098. Lucv 
28:^0. M. 2432. Majorie 2067. Maiidi 

HI III \ CHROE 1025. Ruth .S. 2079. 

SAHKI.NA .392. 403. 1112. 


SALLIE 2112. 

SALLY 166. 318. 1 to. 187. 584. 610. 1184. 
1902, 5327. Anne 2781. Lenora 2998. 
Rebecca 1138. Ruth 5190. Warren 3006. 

SAMUEL 10. 70. 92. 196, 223. 275, .544, 
552, 571, 767. Augustus 913. C. 2300, 
H. 2085, Henrv 1690. Hobart 1.535. 
Hosea 1345. J. 2728. Joshua 1457. Marv 
3030. Nelson 1060, Slii|)lev 2370. Sirick- 
lan.l 7.55, Tyler 529, W. 1022. 

SANDRA 3142. Gale 5317. 

SARAH 37. 48. 53. 55. 87. 93. 103. 109. 
145, 154. 161. 169. 186. 193. 210. 226. 
263, 285. 306, 423. 435, 513. 521, .536, 
616, 659, 697. 734. 1115. 1453. 1532, 
2646, 2758. A. 1437. 2946. Ann 5083, 
Ahisrail 1093. A. E. 996. \lnia 629. 
Aliiiira 1497. Ann Cimanlha 1329. B. 
896, B. 1018, Ball 568, Dennian 12.32, 
E. 1L54, E. 2008, Elizabeth 439, 1342. 
2964. 2978, Eniilv 1715, Emily 1718. 
Emma 1311. J. 1673. Jane 842. 8.58. 
Jane 11.59. Kirtland 808. L. 719. Lane 
817, Louise 1097. M. 1855. Maria 685. 
977, Maria 1171, Pond 902. Rachel 
2878. Soullimavo 669. Thomas 962. 
Walrous 952. 

SCHl YI.KK Klx; \K 1313. 



SHELDEN 1.394. Jr. 2149. 

SHER\LAN G. 18.34. 


SII5EL 228. 



SILAS ISAIAH 1852. 11,3.5. 

SILVANUS B. 1374. 
SILVIA 918. 
SIMEON 284. 

SOPHIA 2487, E. 1435, Louisa 1061, Meail 

.S)l'lli;()\l \ .369. 1.385. I. la 2%5, Jane 

SPAFFORD L. loll. 



>II.PIIF\ .35. 4.5. 74. 106. 1*9. 2.58. 274. 
291. .338. .597. 626. 6.38. H28. 10.30. 11.53. 
Decatur IW>4. Duu^ilu-* 1,54.5. Marri- 
519. Karl 519.5. Kna|.|. 2697. IVck ,5<)W, 
Mi. had 5210. WooMer ,5.54. 

SIFPllKME \NN 519K. 

yiKNKN I'.Kl CE ,50.56. Ward 5176. 

SI E ELLEN 5163. 

SUSAN 307. 451. .502. .567. 673. 760. 1113, 
Allan .5335. (Ihainbi-rlain 504-L (!lairc 
5172. Cornelia 1,562. Irene 2683. Ku- 
penia 2982. <;wen 51%. Gail .5057, 
Gavie ,5013. Howell 512. I.wi- 151'). 
.M. 930, W.-ndv .5242. 

SUSANNE 2.367. Jean 5137. 

SlSANNMi 28(1. 1011. Kimberlv 891. 

SUSIE (;REENE 24.50. Jane 19.58, L 2264. 

SYBIL 643. 

SYVESTER 907. 1341. 

SYLVIA 195. .522. Mead 2.564. 

TEHin LEE 5148. 

I KMI'I K \N(:E .3086. 

Ill \ DDK! S .505. 

Tl! WKKl I. 'M. 

niKI.M \ ELL\ 2818. M. 2887. 

rilKODOKA 1968. 

III! KKSA 1700. Kav .507.5. 

niKKON 1186. Skeel 1.531. Jr. 22.54. 

THOMAS 63. 185, 209. 347, 377. 442. 779. 
9,56. 1338. 14.52. 2229. 2620, A. 2201. 
A. 2968. Jr. .3035. B. 895. B. I.3.V). Cooke 
805. Dale ,5289. Elmes 1974. Eugene 
5178. F. 2972. Georfie 5167. (iold .329. 
H.nrv 829. J. 226.5. J. 2951. Jefferson 
1,5,38. Josiah 1,3.30. Jud-on 707. Knapp 
5199. .S 118.5. Van V. 1888. Jr. 2581. 
Ill 51.53. William 5129. 

TIMOTHY 115. 221. 276. .560. 10,5(i. ^.,.,^<■, 

I rn S 49. 135. 265. 296. .52.3. 

rom EVEL'iN .5291. 

TRU.MAN .541. 16.53. BurK.n 2797. Frank- 
lin 1.5,59. 

TUTTLE 613. 

ULYSSES 762. Grant 19J9. 

I H \NI A ,3.5.5. 1020. 

UHIAH E. 1141. 

URUNA 2,592. 

YARN IE .'^. .3043. 

VEKl \ PEHI.E 2074. 

VEH<)MC\ 220.3. 

VERTIE M. 2.34.5. 

VERN N. 2612. Edward 267.5. 

VEKNE L. 2.5.39. 


\EBI,\ J()\N .5012. 

VIOL\ 1692. Antoinette 1.3.34. E. 214.3. 

V1R(;IN1A 5110. 2888. 2922. I .Mii«.- 5051. 
,5211. Hope .52.54. 

M\ \ T 11. LI AN ,3071. 



WADE H. 3031. 
WANDA MAY 2808. 
WALLACE 2330. 

WALTER 2703. B. 2139. Blanforcl 3060. 
C. 13S7. Donald 2904. KUlre.ljie 1639. 
Grant 1465. Hull 2295. Marvin 3026. 
3164. Lucius 2123. Sanford 2056. \S . 
Vi AKD 400. 2860. B. 2486. D. 2504. 
W ARREN C. 2212, Jr. 2730. Ill 5215. East- 
wood 3020. Jr. 3104. Weiister 2042, 
Raymond 2798. 
WAYNE 1. 2427. Alien 5174, Gordon 

W. C. RIVES 1416. 
WELLS 972. 
\V ESLEV 2597, 2937. H. 1706. 
W. HUDSON 1777. 
WILIAM 62. 177. 191. 212. 331. 344. 380. 
395. 447. 474. 646. 704. 773. 796. 898. 
1053. 1191. 1336. 1484. 1552. 1933, 1969, 
2145. 2231. 2593. 2638. 5282. Abner 
840. Albert 1216. Anderson 3012. B. 
1261, B. 2013. B. 2962. iienjamin 2708, 
Bennett 3094. Jr. 3161. Bifielow 844, 
Bradford 2318. Brings 3017, Bull 2283, 
C. 5187, Charnley 1228. 2644, Clioate 
2151, Church 2065, Claire 2286, Clar- 
ence 1576. Clark 1542. Clarke 2154, 
Clarkson 2165. Collins 832, Cutler 510, 
1595, 2338, Cutler 111 5095, David 2054, 
3162. Dewitt 1405, E. 958, E. 1087. E. 
1730. E. 1842. E. 2886. Edward 814. 
2n(i 2161. Edward 5043. 3042. Eldridge 
3123. Jr. 3124, F. 2760. Felix 3148, 
G. 720, Glover 906. (;raham 2302, Gurr 
5333, H. 1008, H. 1274. H. 1680, H. 
2360. H. 1849. Henry 787. 2007, 2551, 
Ilenrv 1611. John 5145. James 1716, 
Jared 747, Jesse 384. John 2224, Will 
K. 1327, L. 1149, Langworthv 1863, 
Jr. 2558. Ill 5127, Lee 1617. ' Luman 
2167. Lvman 923. Lvman 2314, Mar- 
shall 3089. M. 1359. 3005. Marvin 1255, 
Ml l.aujihlan 5123, Mont-iomery 1226, 
01mstea<l 1578, Paul 3082, Fare! 2841, 
R. 2060. R. 837. R. 1440. Rice 1832, 
Shel.lon 5032. Slerlinji 1978. Jr. 2647. 
Ill 5159. Tweedy 1220, W. 422. W. 
932, Waldron 2635, Whittlesey 1582. 
WILLIS .564. 1028, A. 1920, Byron 1736, 
I). 1283. (;oodyear 1071, N. 1618, W. 
WILMA 2394. 
WILSON 1070, 2931, 
WILTON S. 2915. 
WINDSOR 2692. 
W IMFKKI) E. 22.34. 
W FN IKR 2902. 
WY LEYS .558. 674. 

Bynum 2975. 

Moore 2408. 

ZILAH _M. 1009. 
ZIMRl 648. 
ZOLMAN 2472. 
ZOPHAR 281. 
ZORA 1766. 


ABLES, Thomas, 1511. 
ABERNATHY, Sallie Sue, 3076. 
ADAMS, Emma. Charles W., 3055, (ieorge 
Wm., John Ouincy 1536, Wiley Harry, 
Richard K. 3063, Thomas Dickson, Jr., 
ALDEN. Dorothy 2248. 
ALDRICH, Polly 1181, Richard S. 1227. 
ALEXANDER. Alfred H. 1125. 
ALLEN, Alice M. 1573, Eliza 939, Laur- 
etta 1069, M'argaret 630, Mehilahle 251. 
ALLING. George M. 1787, Hulda!'. 340, 

Lois 231, Sarah 10. 
ALVORD, Eliz 422. 
AMSBERRY. J. F. 2680. 
ANDER.^ON. Alice 2832. Ida 2246. Lillian 

ANDREWS, Isma 3026, Sarah 177, Bertha 

ANDRUS, Floyd, Robert and Walter 2024. 
ARMSTRONG, Elinor D'Arcy 2255 
ARNOLD, Eliza 572, Frances 907, James, 

James H. 
ATKINS, Margaret 2358. 
ATKINSON, Dorothy 2186. 
ATSOM, Betsey 461. 
AT YE A, Alice 1268. 
AUDAS, Helen M. 1493. 
AUGUR, Hezekiah 116. 
AULT, Catherine 773. 
AUSTIN. John 2. Lucy 208. 
AVERY. Lucy B. 1014, Thankful 561. 
AYERS, Oscar D. 2281. 
BABCOCK, Caroline 1514, Louisa Edith 
1535, Lucy 715, Willoughby M. 1621. 
BACHTEL. Jacob L. 753. 
BACON, Annis 792. 
BAI)(;FR, Clara 184. 
BAKER. Emma 1073, Dr. J. T. 2861. 
BALDERSrON. Elwood, Mark, Lloyd and 
Richard 1154. (;eorge. Anne. Alice, 
lane. Bertha, Sarah, Ruth and George 
Jr. 1152. 
BALDWIN. Abiah 84. Amelia A. 2953, 

Ephraim 1837. 
BALL. Sarah 92. 
I'.ANKS. W. C. 2829. 
I'.AKBKR. Hannah 591. 
B\BI)KN. \larv 780. 

I'.AKDFFN. Beatrice 1H71, Elizabeth, Nor- 
man W. Jr., and Maxw.dl 1874. 
BARNES, Anne 746, Evelyn 5032, Eliza- 
beth 942. 



HARNEY. Elizabeth 321, Melissa M. 

BARRETT. Aneas Wilton 3016. 

BARRY. Elizabeth 800. 

BARTHOLOMEW. Eunice 542. 

BARTLETT, Eleanor 2341. Sarah 834. 

BASS. Clifford 2732. 

BASSETT. Elizabeth 41. James B. 1230, 
Marv 338, Mary Ann 737. Marv B. 1227. 
Polly 339. 

BAUMGART, Dorthye 2830. 

BEACH. Mary 359. Sarah 75. 

BEARDON. Rosabell 3065. 

15EERS. Julia A. 1064. Marietta 1022. 

BELDEN. Sarah 1384. 

BELL. A. L. 3023, Julia F. 1273. Nina F. 
2395, John D.. Lucy. Elva, Pearl, Paul- 
ine and Hazel 2144. 

BELLAMY. C. W. Jr. 5208. 

BELMELIR. Ruth 1881. 

BEMONT. Ella 975. 

I5ENHAM. Sarah 34. 

liENJAMIN. Tamar. E. 1074. 

liENNETT. William 2688. 

I5ENTLEY. Addie 1270. Elizabeth 352. 

i'.ERGMAN. Betty Ann 2364. 

BERNARD. Anne 2733. 

BERRY. Horatio. Charles A., C. D.. G. W. 
and Donald 1151, Deborah R. 1875. 

BESECKER. James Z.. John, Blanche, Ray 
and Mae 1902. 

BIES. Theresa 2701. 

BIGELOW. Mary Ann 400. 


BINON. Denyse 866. 

BIRGE. Tirzah 976. 

BLACKMAN. C. S. 858. 

BLAIR. Sally 1165, Sarah Holmes 1975. 

BLAKESLEE. Hiram C. John W. 1565, 
Mary 1783. Rosolia 1081. 

BLAKLEY. D. J. 5331. Rachel 298. 

BLANCH. Irene 2845. 

BLANCHARD, Frances 1010. 

BLAWNOT. Fanny 1095. 

BLAIR, Charlotte S. 1974. Sarah H. 1975. 

BLISS, Mary 607. 

BLOCHER. Mary 1361. 

BOLES. Marj J. 831. 

BOND, Anna 897. 

BOORUM. Florence 1237. 

BOOTH. Esther 5114. 

BOSSEMEYER. Harrv and George 2268. 

BOTHE, B. W. 2564. 

BOWEN. Nancy 594. 

BOWSER, Dr. E. Jr. 5104. 

BOYDEN. Betsey 185. 

BRACE. Lucy 903. 

BRADEN 2696. 

BRADFORD. Martha G. 833. 

BRADLEY. Abigail 29, 35, Anna 14, Anna 
N. 430. Chloe 115, Ebenezer 12, Flor- 
ence 2483, Ruth 25, Samuel 13, Susan- 
nah 279. 

BRANDT. Henry J. and John F. 2285. 

BRIAN, M. J. 2690. 

BRIGGS, Mary E. 727. 

BRILEY. Emma 862. 

BRINKLEY. Julia 3096. 

BRISTOL, Hannah 70, Susan 6.57. 

BRITTURE.STKR. Christine 2523. 

BRONSON. Dorcas 346. 

BROOKINS. Milton. 

BROOKS. Eliza 1322. Harriet 1903. John 

2499. Marv R. 769. Thomas H. 912. 
BROWN. Edith 1180, David M. 1206. Eliza- 

abeth 1326. Floris 2823. Jeanctle 1987. 

Lucy 330. Lydia 248. Maria 535. Martin. 

Bonnie. Kchia. Sliirhv. Eilwin and Lcia 

2132. Mauil D. 989. Kulh {,. 2017. 
BROWNELL, Francis H. 428. 
BRUBAKER, P. M. 2827. 
BRUSH. Julia Eliza 856. 
BUCKINGHAM. Roanna 482. 
BUCKLEY. Mary 703. 
BUDDINGTON. Elizabeth 890. 
BULL, Lucy 447. 

BUNNELL. Allen 792. Wm. J. 2851. 
BUNT. Catherine 1126. 
BURDICK. Pearl 2436. 
BURK. R. E. 2163. 
BURLINGHAM, Rachel 2378. 
BURNS, Jerome C. 2526. 
BURNHAM. Betsey 990. Amanda S. 740. 
BURRITT, Caroline 1713, Joseph C, J. A., 

J. R., A. A. 17n. 
BUTLER. Caroline 406. Emeline 581. 
BYERS. Randolph Jr. 2784a. 
BYNUM, Carnev W. 2958, Luther 29.56. 

Julia 3051. Nancy C. 2945, Oliver Clegg 

2999, Wm. J. 2944. 
CABLE, W. E.. Marcia and Wm. 2140. 
CALHOUN. Frederick .S. 1320. 
CAMP. Chloe 557. Hattie 883. Samuel G. 

CANFIELD. Miriam 82. 
CAREY. Alice 1729, Marie 1401. 
CARLSON. Frederick C. 1641. Jane 2682. 
CARPENTER. Hannah E. 787. Edith 2145. 
CARSTENS, R. H. 1238. 
CARSWELL, Margaret 980. 
CARTER, Charlotte 571, Lucin.la 495. 
CAVE, Edward 3015. 
CHADIN, R. G. 5117. 
CHAPMAN, Clarissa 172. 
CHARNLEY. Martha 662. 
CHASE. Harriet 1222. Jessie 2484, Mary 

L. 1694. 
CHATTERTON. Anna 1031. 
CHEESEMAN. George R. 2479. 
CHENEY. Mary 1420. 
CHURCHILL. Mary 371. 
CLABAUGH. Leona 1395. 
CLAGGETT. Elizabeth M. 159. 
CLAPP. Dollv 139. Harriet 916. W m. I). 

CLARK. Annabelle 2721a. Donald R. 

2721b. Frank M. 1976. Mary 3017. 

Mehilable 212. Ral|.h H. 1977. Mary 

CLARKE. Jessie 1398. 



CLEGG, H. C:iaN 2y()3. Jul.n B. 2%4. Mar- 
tha Helfii 2962. Mar-art-t A. 2955. 
CLEVELAND. Arthur H. Jr. atid Ethelwin 

CLLNE. Martha G. 863. 
COAN. Marv A. 818. 
COBB. EMf 2213. 
COBLE. Martha Laihl 3049. 
COCKRAN. Jaiiu^ W. 1510. 
COCKE. John J.. Hcrht-rt. Norman and 

.■Mrxanili-r 1532. 
COE. Sallif 332. 
COLE, Leonora 1973. T. R. 2973. L. A. 

COLLE.'^TER. Clara \L 1315. 
COLLIER. Mal.l.-2H1U. 
COLLINS. I.U.N 983. 
CONANT. .Mar\ 1631. 
CONSTINE, Siginun, E. A.. Dorutliy. 

Lewi-; and Sarah 18.53. 
COOK. AInura 1068. Eli/.ai)elh 157. Elea- 
nor I). ,5078, Harriet 377. 
c;OOMBS. Marv J. 1260. 
COREY. Amy 1215. 
CO.s(;RO\E. Ellen 1841. 
COTTER. Betsev 239. Thankful 278. 
( (t\\ I.K>. Ruth 454. 
((>\. illaii.lie 16,38. 
CRABIRKE. S. 3083. 
CR AMI'TON. Marv 1099. 
CRANK. Marv 627. Ralph Jr. 2742. 
( K \\ KN. Martha A. 1191. 
(RIM. riiilip. Rejiinald and Kut^ene 1767. 
( RIITON. K. G. 5016. 
( |{()>S()N. Marv E. 2261. 
( |{t)l (II. I.u.lla 1733. 
( K(t\\ I.. !.. II. 287,5. 
(.Rl M. \li..- .>-. 2143. 

CUNNINGHAM. Charles 1493. George 
149 L Marv A. 14.32, Manfor.l 1493, 
CLRTI>. Ellen L. 13.54. (;. B. 12,32. Horace 
12.32. Rh.i.la 516. 

|)\G(;ETT. I)a\id 1227. Eli/aheth 260. 
Leonard A. 312. Kre«Mnan. 

|)\ILY. Addie A. 12.50. 

ItM.LA.s. Jahe/ 29.50. 

I)\NIKL>. KniiK C. 2070. Su^an A. 8,32. 

I»\RK. J O.I I a 1,39,3. 

DXRNEl.L. H.len E. 2376. 

lt\RR()\\. AINon 2927. 

I)\\ l>. Ruth .507). 

|)\\\>()N. I'aKa 2951. .^u-an J. KKKI. 

I»A^. Virginia 2.302. George, Jora and 
Ja. k 21,37. J. E. 2288. 

DKRI'.^. Marv 125.3. 

DEW. \d.li.- 21.38. 

DE Win. 1'. J.. I'r.-.l.ri. k. Paul and 
(,r,,rj;.- 2023. 

Dlliltli:. I.u.v Ann 128. 

DK.KKRMAN. Euni..- 123. Uaa. 27. Ruiii 

I»|( kl\"^(>N. Mihiii.- 17(17. 

|)IKrM\N. ()r-.,n. (hr.din.-. KiIIn 1703. 

Dll I \Rll. Nilli.- B.ll.- ,30!H. 

D1LLKNI'.K( K. Nd.rin.. 1121. 

DIMMOCK. Beaulah 881. 

DIMON. jay. V. W . and R. A. 1102. 

DIXON. Ethel 2291. I.ueille 2293. 

DODGE. A.l.lie B.. 1762. Anita 13%. 

DOERMAN. Anne M. 1402. 

DONALD.^ON. Klmvra 1531. 

DOOI.I ril.K. Hannah ,30. Harri.l 335. 

DORM \N. Kin.lin.- 1082. 

DOl (illKRTV Thomas 2380. 

DOWNS. Helen 1231. 

DOW. Eli/aheth 2789. 

DR \KE. Marj:aret 1438. 

DRAIN. J. A. 2744. 

DK \I'I".R. Grace 2566. 

DK \\(). Amanda 1.336. 

DKKW. .>>allv L. 419. 

DH IX 1 1 KR. (;. W. 269,3. 

DKI^K \. Ruth K. 1428. 

DRl IC^. \nna 1,5,33. 

DIIIIK. Archihahl I).. Elmyia. Virfiinia, 

(iornelius. Jr. and .Nancv Louise 22,56. 
DUNBAR. Evalena 14.57. 
DUNCAN. John B. 510.3. Rachel 515. 
DUNCANSON. Mart:aret 1883. 
DUNLOB. Eliza C. 106.5. 
DUNN. Mary %1. 
DUNNELL. Jane 1868. 
DUNNIN(;. Dr. W. B. 1980. 
DURBIN. Nellie 2102. 
DURHAM, J. M.. Carney. Cai.v and I'muI 

DUSidNG. Susie G.. 729. 
DLTSON. Th.dma 7,3. 
\)\ KR. \d.lia 763. 
KDA. v. 2824. 
EDDEN. Wm. C. 1,502. 
EDICK. Il.l.ri M. 2057. 
EDI. IN. \hi\ \. 2126. 
KDlAKDs. Marv W. .3021. 
EHLER. H. C. 28.59. 
EILEEN. Hazel .5034. 
Kl I lO! T. Marv Kli/.ah.lh .39,5. 
Kl I.IXIN. Manila A. 2872. 
KI.SON. Mah.l 1269. 
EL^. Ruth 16 11. 
ENOS. Hannah 1185. 
ESCOKKIKV. \lfnni 28,33. 
E\ WS. Ilarri.'l (..58. Naii<\ lla\ l.')9. 
K\ \RrS. Caroline A. 431. 
K\i; \. l.awnn.-.- 2867. 
KMxNSWORlH. Ann 121. 
I \i;i; \Mi, ll.ih.rl 1986. 

I \i;i;i i 1 . (,. II. 2123. 

K\l!l!l\(.i()N. Kii-.iiia K. 2951. 

K\\()R>. I nam .30,58. 

KAY. Mahel 279L 

KKNN. Cath.-rin.- 1026. 

IKK(,l >()N. Martha ,361. 

KKBWID. Minni.- 1706. 

KKRRIS. Jeanne 2,582. 

KKSSKNDKN. Harvey (;.. W . ii.m.i. I»r\\iii 

Ih.rv.v 172,5. 
IIKI D. Sarah 1,3,38. 

Il\l 1 ^ . Charl S.. 1971. 

i- |--lll,i;, I'a-.hal. 



FLyXGG. Sarah 460. 

FLETCHER. Henrv 1509. 

FOLDS. T. McK. 2343. 

FOOTE. Marv L300. 

FORBES. Eva 1262. 

FORD. Elizaln-th 344. Ruth 1016. 

FORTNEY, Edith 2691. 

FO.STER. Eveline S. 2338, Frances 1.593. 

Amanda 624. 
FOVi LER. Ann 704. 
FOWLES. Alice M. l.'.L',",. 
FOX. Amanda 710. J. L. 2987. 
FOY. Florenc- T. 99. 
FRANK. Linnet ta 1500. 
FRANKLIN. \X . I... Harold. Dana. Ros- 

well and Jason. 
ERASER. Jessie LockwootI 2262. 
FRAZER. Christena 828. 
FREDERICK. Clarence 2570. 
FRENCH. J. F. 2754. 
FRITZ. Lena 2330. 
FROST. Albert E. 1150. 
FULLER. Lucretia 612, Sophia 638. 
FULTON. E. J. 2114. 
FUSARIS. Rose 2118. 
GADE. Florence (;. 2831. 
GALE. Clarence 1054. Ellen .\1. 
GALBRAITH. J. K. 22.50. 
GANNETT. Vesta B. 2360. 
GANNON. Lillie 2959. 
GARMER. Grace 126.5. 
GARRETT. Hannaii 2300. 
GARRISON. Mamie 2977. 
GA.'^KILL. Mary. Margaret. Dorothy. Lucia. 

Richard. Jean and Lawrence 1878. 
GETZ. Geo. F. Jr. 2363. 
GIFFORD. Celia .575. .^usannaii 562. 
GILL. Alice 2292. 
GILLEN. Charles A. 2121. 
(;ILLETT. F. H. 2128. 
GILLIS. Lyman 1209. 
GLOYD. Harrv 2735. 
GOBER. Daniel 2988. 
GODFREY. Maruaret B. 2490. 
GOFFE. T. .S. .3066. William 3067. 
GOLDWAITH. Jo.l A. 2648. 
GOODNOW. Ellen A. 1201. 
GOODRICH. Grant 709. 
GOODYEAR. Jane 241. Lowly 118. I'am- 

elia 1076. Sarah .563. Susannah 277. 
(;ORHAM. Caroline 670. Onlla U.2. K-- 

bi'cca 258. 
GOULD. Nancy 328. 
GRAHAM. Charlotte 1785. Edith 1213. 

Ruth 1.561. 
GRANNIS. Eunice 274. 
GREAGER. Nellie 2375. 
GREEN, Maria 2029. Savannah 2986. 
GREENE. Aliliv 1146. I.ucv Huntington 

GREGORY. Sarah A. 384. Charles P. 3003. 
GRIFFIN. Marv Ann 61.3. Carolvn 3117. 
GRITNEY. Marv 837. 
GROSS. Frank '212.5. 
GROVE, Sarah 2334. 

CUNTER. Harol.i E. 3079. 

GURR. Laura 24.56. 

GU^ER. James E.. C. A.. Elizalu-th, Jane 

C. .^arah H. 1721. 
HAGENAH. W . J. Jr. 2.362. 
H.MT. John E.. .Martin, Kenm-lh, Clayton. 

Donald. Harold. France-. Hirliirl and 

Leslie 2414. 
HALE. Emilv C. 1183. Mars f.6,5. I'liri..- 

HALL, Fhehe 90, Carolin<- 1). 379. Lucy 

550. Joseph 83.5. 
11 Wll'd.lN. Sarah H. 110(1. 
IIWIII roN. Mexan.ler 1.5.i2. L.lwrna A. 

II \MM(»M». \lden 2881. 
H.\R1)1.\. John 1'.. Win. Atwat. r. <:.r:il. 

and Harvev 2113. 
II \KK\ESS. Eli/.alMth \. 628. 
II \i;\ir.S. Hu.lolph 1257. 
11 \KIM:H. MarllKi 18.56. 
H.VRRINGIO.N. (). C. 1289. 
HARRIS. -Marv 264. .Sarah 98. Jane. H.iiv 

and J. H. 231.5. 
JANE. Bettv ami J. H. 231.5. 
11 \KKISON. Almira F. 476. 
IIAKI. Eav 2.307. Lucv 2372. 
HATCH. Emilv E. 179.5. 
HAW LEY. Ahifrail .590. 
HAY. Ida 1.595. Svlia .'^. 99. 
1I\>|)EN. Ennna 1226. Ilas.len FamiU 

1 l'»7. 
II \^ KS. Earl 2418. 
HW.NES. Ella B. 1849. 
HAYS. Mildnd 2876. 

II \Z\HD. Harriet 624. 
H \/KI.I().\. E. B. 2617. 
HEALY. Lois 27.54a. 
HEATON. Ahi-ail II. I.v.lia 119. 
HEAVER. W. I.vnwood 21.50. 
1IK( KM W. Clare 2318. 
IIK\1IN(;W AY. Dori- 2870. Julia 678. 
HENDin. Julia B. 792. 

HENRY. l'.ernhar(l 12.32. Harri.le 1.39,5. 

Louie 287.5. 
IlKINTZ. Lulu 1405. 
IlKKMW. Lucille 2819. 
HEKKICK. Marv 739. 
HEWLETT. H. B. 12.32. 
HE.^TER. John K. 1988. 
UK K»)\. E. I).. Raymonil. Richard and 

llarhara 1865. 
HI(;G1N.^. Gertrude C. 241.5. 
MILL. Julia 1.5.56. Mary I. IHH^. M..iildi 


II I LIS. Julia 1.56 I. 

HIl'CHCOCK. Mice 1701. Hannah 271. 

Mrral. 4.58. 
1I()\DLEY. Harriet 51(1. Julia M. 486. 
H()\(;. Ilul.lah 29.5. 
HOEFM \\. Howard 2762. J. I). 276:1. 
llOl.ElUxOOK. Lydia 8.3. 
HOLLOVi AY. Silas 428. 
HOOKER. Edward T.. Cleo. .sarah. Su-an. 

C. H. and C. G. 1,562. 



noKToN. Julia 2y;i:. 

HorLHKl>N Anna 317. c;iari-.<a 316, 

Daxiil 222. Esther 183. Hannali -15, 

Jonah 117. 
HOlliH. Eli/a 364. Julia .552. 
HULGHTON. Luiy 774. 
HOI TZ. Frank. Vi innifretl. Janu-s and 

UWrn 2129. 
HOW. 1 ^.lia 1%. 
HllUJAKI). Karht-1 122. W liiinev an.l 

Marion 2U7H. 
HLl.L. Harritt 75(). Marv 376, .MarN 1119, 

Sarah 61. 
HILTZ. Marv 2329. 
HI Ml>TO.\. Lv.lia 276. Mary .582. I'ali- 

fiur 132. 
HI .MPHKK\. C. C. 309.5. Janet 2740. 
HI NT. l.fsWv 2855. Ora S.. Grace, Clem- 
ent. W hiteiaw, (ila(i\s. Robert and Jean 

2376. I )e Alton 2853. Harrv l'.. Svlvia. 

Mettie and l)ori> 2379. 
HI NTEK. Louis U.. Elizabeth. Robert and 

Ruth 2077. 
HI Rl). l.oi^ 136. 
HI RKON \.N. Ruth 2928. 
Ill KIi:i 1. Ralph W. 2767. 
inilOl >K. lilanrhe 1616. 
INCAI.I.S. Edward 1214. 
INCH \\1. (no. M. 1642. 
lNNo>ENZI. Cinerva 2891. 
iSl.E^. Mildred C. 3U9I. 
IN ES. Ephraini Aft. Hannah 211. Lmii-a 

180. Miriam 81. Ruth 28. 
J \(:ol5>. E. H. 3014. 
JEN( K>. \\m. L. 1732. 
JENKINS. J. W. 2960. Mildred F. 1.509. 
JE.V^tJN. Alice 1876. 
JOHN.S, R. H. 3006. 
JOHNSON. Ann 2342. Charl.itle 2849. Ira 

1098. J. M. 3013. Na..mi 479. R.eves E. 

.30.59. Thonia- 19. 
JOHN.STON. MarN 410. 2801. Alma 1139. 

A. E. 2199. 
JONES. Abinail 51, Anna 2161. llerner. 

(i«-raldine. Helen and Howanl 2376. 

Iri« I.. 1.394. U-ah R. 2308, Nathaniel 8. 

Sarah lOUJ. 
J I 1)1). Johanna .>1.3. 
J I NE. Nancy J. 1281. 
KIEI.S. C. H. .3047. 
KEEI ER. Esther 1.598. 
KE1.1.0(,{..s. I.aura 470. 

KEI.EV, E. I). 2249. Ellen 12.36. 

KEI.SEY, Venia 10.58. 

KEMP. Eli/^il.eth 1654. 

KEMI'ER. Emma .'^. 1978. 

KENT. Lillian A. 1814. I'. J. and A. At 
water Jr. iVt(}, 

KERR. Hel.n 287.3. 

KE->"^I ER. Frank J. 2442. II. nr> M. 1259. 

KEK 11 \\1. \.r.i M. 28r>9. 

KEV Mars :{9,i. 

KIMI'.ERI.V Mariannr 6.53, .Sarah 442. 

KlNi;. A. J. 2978. Edward G. 1224. 1968, 

Janu'!- T. 1217. Stanley L. 2323. Lrania 

KINNE. H. M. 236.5. 
K1KI!\. Clarance 123.5. 
KN MM'. H.lrn M. 7.52. 
KNIFFEN. Rloumy C. 1248. 
KNOTT. Esther 311. 
KNOX. Jennette 441. 
KNl rSON. Clara 2022. 
KOIIN. Leona 1761. 
[.\C.\. Frances A. 1696. 
LAUD. Edwin. .MeMna and Mabel 1517. 
LWinERT. Harriet 1141. 
1 WIKEIII. l.iliie 297.5. 
I \\(-^T()\. Jean 2581. 
LANCWORIH^. Fannie A. 111.5. 
LARKIN. Hannah 790. 
LAW. Charles 1249. 
LAWRENCE. Diana 651, Harriet 1781, 

\ a.ia 2058. 
LEA. Fanny 3082. 
LEAMINC. Esther .322. 
I.E\RV Sarah L. .389. 
IE WITT. Edith M. 1276. 
LLICinON. Marie G. 1424. i*riMilla 82L 
LEONARD. Win. P. 2982. Eli/.ab.th .380, 

Edwin .S. 2825. 
LEWIS. Charles F. 2850. Edward Jr. 1232. 

F. W. 1232. Harold 1878. Mary 291, 

Sarah 351. 
l.liU!^. Florence 1261. 
LINDSLEY, Jessie L. 2416. 
I.ISK. Mallie L. 2489. 
i.i.O^ D. Charle- 3028. 
KtliDLl.L. Vdeiin.- 15. 2258. 
l.Ot.kL. Lv.Kn 2171. .Sward 2170. 
I.OCKH \RT. Jane .545. 
LONG. Wri-ht 1.346. 
lOl ES\. liei-ea 70.5. 

I tl\ F. Jarnev 2759. 
1.1 (I S. M. 2675. 

1.1 DI.OW. Anna H. 24.33. 

II M)(;REN. Car! \. 2467. 

I.'* M \N. Racii.l 232. John W. and Edward 

l.'iON. Fi.l.lia J. 1072. Jun.- 1979. 
MACK. Nellie 1280. 
M \CO\Il!FR, Marjiant 209. 
M \GII I.. Mars J. 767. 
M \KINSON, Geo. \.. R.,I,.M T. an:l Marv 

\1 \l l^(t\. Kc.^. iia 1051. 
M M.ONF. \<idi. M. F. 2987. 
M \N(,FR. Maud. 12>M). 
M W^lll 1 l». \l.i;;ail (>. 
\I WW \KIN(.. Carol 2880. 
M \R1N(;. Louis.- 2760. 
M \|{K. Ge..r^:e C. 1151. 
M \RK>. I.u.inda 1127. Mas 1.503. 
M \n\{\ \1 T. J..^.pli .5()M). 
M \l!^ll. Chl.M- \. 1815. 
M \i; I IN. I.u.rriia 637. 
M \\U:\. (Hialdine 2376. 
M XRI'OCELLO. Nellie A. 1). 2974. 



MASON, Esther 1449. .1. II. I IIH. \laiir 

MATTISON. W. G.. Edwin. Rav II. an.l 

Mahrl 2121. 
MATTIIKWS. Cornrlia 770, Klmiiia 1>. 

IMi. -Marfiaivt 22W. W m. 29H9. 
MAXFIELI). EUsworlli. Win.. \Iarv. Vir- 

fjinia, Constance 1516. 
MAXW F.I.I.. Emiiv .115. 
M.\^. \lil,ltv,l V. 216.5. 
MA^ r.KHK^. Kicluu,! D.. James G., Laura 

June. Kicliaiil ami J. (,. Jr. 2377. 
MAYNARI). W. \.. Kei.l, Julia and Jr. 

MeCAHE. J. J. 2839. 
MeCM'FKKTV. Marv E. 867. 
MeCAl I.E^. Eleanor 2931. 
MeGLARNAN. Marv 830. 
McDonald. J..an '2016. \Iari.lla .501.0. 
McDowell, .^arah F. 1109. 
Mc(;F;ni(;AN. Mar-an-l 2084. 
MeKAV Mar-arel 397. Flovd A. 828. 
McKEEGAN. Elizabeth 730. 
McKENZ^ . Marv 636. 
McKEOWN. Claudia 1408. 
McKINNON, Isahell 1316. 

Mcknight. (;eo. f. 5330. 

McNlILT^. Josephine 2559. 

McRAE. Jam.- Ill 1885. 

McWILLLWlS. |.al..lla A. 923. 

MEAD. Anna 749. Hannah 106. 

MEI(;S. Marv A. 1873. 

MEI.^TER. 2757. 

ME^^I \R1). Allen R. 2320. 

MERHI \M. Alice 1521. 

MERHILl.. Caroline A. 937. 

MERKIMAN. Nettie A. 1274. Sarah 20. 

MERWIN. Minerva 775. 

ME.SSMAN. Herman G.. Viola. Haxmrnid. 

Alia and Dorothv 2147. 
MEYERS, Selina 1690. 
MILLER. Elsie 2063. Frances 1552. Frank 

S., H. A. and Linden 185.5. Hallie 2.5.53. 

Henrv 1991. Mary 518. 
MILLER. Rohert B.. Carthel. Waymon, 

Robert Orlan 2012. 
MILLETTE. J. A. 1511 A. 
MILLI(;Ai\. Ann 829. 
MILLSPALGII. Martha 1137. 
MINER. Hannah 418. Jane 1160. 
MINES. Eli/.abrth Jane 2836, 
MITCHELL, Ahiiiail S, 414, 
MIX, Anna 86. Dorothv 80. Eli/abeih 15. 

Mehitable 22. 
MOCK. Eliza A. 1542. Ruth 2871. 
MONTGOMERY. Emilie 660. Marv 660. 
MOORE, Carole E. 2153. Emma L. 3097. 

Hattie A. 982. 
MONTODO. R. W. 2817. 
MORGAN. Charles L. 1319. 
MORRLSON. Bertha L. 2295. Florence 

MORROW. Georfie T.. 2965. J. S. 3022. 

Roht. G. 2966. 

MORSE, Allen 1198. 

\It)>EIA. Hannah .523. 

\l()>^. \nna 149. Hannah 13. IMiehe 89. 

\l()l IIW IG. Ada A. 17'X.. 

Ml I A VNE'i. Fred M. 2212. 

MdNlvOF. .Sarah IHKH. 

.\U NSON. Crait; l)oiit:las 2649. 

\n Rl'in. Marx Ann .391. 

Ml KK W James \\ . .iou'J. Jan. ' , ,.2. 

NFLLIs. Mari.- 2W27. 

NELSON. Fsth.r .\L 2274. 

NFSSF. Muriel 139.5. 

NEVILLE. Eu;:ene C. .3021. 

NEW SOME. Ella Mas 2 I'M. 

NEW ION. Eunice .V). 

NF^ M \N. Robert L. 1«W.. 

Nl( IIOL.S. C. S., C. H. and Richard 2101. 

D..r..ihy M. 2\W. Eliwtheih 762. 

Patience .597. I'hedie J. 1050. Ravniond 

E. and I). 2100. 

Nil IFION, Jani.f 28(.J. 

NIXON, James 2565. 

NOR K IS. .Sarah 18.30. 

NOR ION. A.hline 1021, Anp-linr 791. 

W m, M, 2642. 
OAKE. June 2790. 
OAKLEY. (;ertrude 124.3. 
OBLENDER. Jane 2.580. 
OLD.S. Geo. Daniel Jr.. G«-orn«'. .Marjtarel 

23 10. 
OLM.sTFM). Marv 9.32. 
OLSON. W m, .5207. 
ONE.\L. Martha G. 2919. 
OFRY. Lillian 815. 
OSP.ORN, Amelia J. '»7L Gladia- M. 2J10, 

l.ucN 281, 
0\ Fi; ION, Va-hti 648. 
I'ADW AV .Mav 836, 
PAGE. Eliza Cora 29.57. .N.dlie Eastwood 

PA(;EN. I herese 2782. 
PM.MFK. William 706. 
PAKAMOKF. Fred"k l%t). 
PARET. A.lalin.- 1720. 
P\RKFR. Rach.d .301. li.rman F. .5051. 

Phxllis E. .5051. 
P\1;KIN, Clara 80.5, F. M. 2(t91, 
]• \KK>. Laura Ro-ilee 2991. Edna (;. 30<.<). 
PARMFLE. Ruth Caroline 4-10. 
PARMFLEE. Eli/a lOW. Otis A. 1317. 
PATTERSON. John .S.. 1695. Robert 2971. 

PFM'.oi)^. Mii.ired 2an. 

PF\K>\I.L. Mbert T.. 1182. 
PEARSON. Wm. E.. Edward and Eli/^i- 

belli 243.5. 
PECK. Annie .50.5. Elizabeth 272. Mehit- 

abb- 110. Patience 1.5.53. Reberca 490. 

Rulh 7. 
PFEIM E.S. Frances 16.56. 
PELL. J. A. Jr. .30.52. 
PERKINS. Thomas (;. 1212. 
PFRRINE. H. C., Jr., Emma and Charles 

F, 1597, 

PERR'^ , Blanche 299.5. .Sabrina .5%. Wil- 

lian 2741. 
I'ETERS. Margaret 2f.73. 



PETF.RM).\. Dorotlua iWiT. 

PKTTIItONK. Hul.lah 2W. 

FEniM.ll.L, Esiella M. 1499. 

FKniS. Naiuv 1537. 

PHELPHS. Carrie 1286. 

PHILLIPS. Elort-iuf 2m>. 2446. Sarah 

Pl( KK1{I\(.. Marv 1773. 

PIEPEK. Will.. Htiijaniin. Jan.- an! i)a\iil 

PIEKCE. Aniii.- 13,'>0. Sarali 1161. 
PITKLN. Truman 4.S2. 
PLM IKMU H(.. V.l.li.- 1278. 
POMKKDI. llarri.i 474. 
PO.Ni). Chariot I.- 448. J.nnie 2310. 
POST. Cali-la 844. 
POTEKT. Nirfiinia 5333. 
POTTEK. Marian 2492. 
POWELL. K. W. 2891 A. 
PKM 1. O. Louis.' 728. 
PKEMO. Ell.n 2199.\. 
PRESTON. Ehira E. 111. Fr.-.l.ri.k A.. 

E. W.. C. I), an.l H.nrv A. 2259. 
PKICE. Ann 570. Eli/.ah.th 1304. Susan 

PHIT( M \KI). l-aa. W. 2927. 
PI (,H. \iiiiir II. 2972. 
PI M)EK>0.\. John 3. 
PIKI)^. Eannv 558. Max H.l.n 1755. 
I'l KTELL. Anali.lh- 2929. 
PI TN Wl. I.la 1770. 
K \.NKI.\. (..-o. S.. Mary. Robert, Georpe 

an;l E\rr»-tt 1715. 
RECTOR. Ph.l.v L. 1540. 
REED. .Sarah 889. 
HE<l'E<s. \„i.,i„,.|i.- E. 2948. 
Hi;V\n|.|)>. Hannah 286. IVarl I. 211J. 
HIIEV. John IL. Hlan. hr. Jamie 1616. 
RHOl)E>. (;eor^;e 2391. Li.la 3020. 
RICE. Ainan.la 1196. Annie .S. 1697. Julia 

\. 375. I.ucv 221. i'ollv 5.54. 
RICH, i.ruriir III. 2362. 
IJM II \HI)^. Meihia 28.1 
RICHARDSON. L..uise 2187. 
RI(;(;.S. Phili|> and Sharon 257.3. 
RIDDER. Jane 296. 
RII.K^. W. II.. Pauline. \im.- m.i DeW ill 

RINCHOl sE. Eli/aheih 796. 
RIVES. Mart:aret .S. 816. 
ROi'.ERIS. Ceiia A. {OOl. .Sarah A. 726. 
I!<|( KW ELL. l.v.lia 5. 
Rnll^KNOW. Warren 1886. 
ROllNON. Ali.e 1758. 
ROOT. Carolina. A. .524. Hatti.- 1310, l.u.y 

Curii- Mf). /imri 416. 
ROSE. Thomas 2947. 

RosEWEI.L. I.N.lia 26. 

ROSS. Caroline 1423. Eli/a 1087. 

ROSSMASSLER. E. C. Ri.har.l. E.luai.l. 

Deln.rah I87.S. 
R(H ND. Olive M. 745. 
Rol N|)s. Eli/;il.eih C. 1002. 
I!()l \IiI1{|:L. C. W. 1395. C. 11. 2690 \. 

ROWE, Ahi-ail 71. Anne E. 1302. Svlvia 

K. 2144. 
RO^ S. Lv.lia 207. 

RL CC. \V. t:.. W. I), an! c:iaienee 2399. 
RLSSELL. Martha 2494. 
Rl ST. Ann 1637. Maniii 1097. 
Rl TLAND. Ali.e 25(.9. 
KM>KR. Ella C. 981. 
R^MAN. John J. 1256. 
SARIN. I)a\i.l C.. Thomas ami Leta 2127. 
SAC:KETT. Retsev 120. Julia 537. Lx.lia 

267. Nanev 531. 
SACE. Marv 1386. Viifiinia 1211. 
SAN150RN. Jane 2645. Parmelia. A. 694. 
SANEORD, Amos W hile 5,53. Ell.-n 1578, 

Evelyn 569. Fianees 733. I utli.i 1038. 

Susan .')71. W iliia \\ . 73. 
SAUNDERS. An-ieline 1255. 
SAL'SMAN. Ella 1712. 
SAYRE. Damari- I. 
sen \EKER. E. llu|.e 1156. 
SCHKNK. John 2(.k>. 
>( HMIhr. Milclie.l 2700. 
SCHOCIl. Ja...l) 2926. 

SCOTT. Margaret 49, 151, Mari.lla 1028. 
SCRANTON. Emma 1158. 
SCI I.I.ON. Aimi.- 1186. 
SEAR.S. Elsie 1617, Col.lie 1619. Saiali \. 

SECRlSr. Lilx r. 99. 
SECER. Ilenrieiia 845. 
SEC NEK. Ruth 2079. 
>ll \KEKR. Lois 73. 
.sHANKLAND. Vinlenlia 54L 
SHANNON. Jane 1760. 
SH \W. Manila C. 2936. 
SHELDON, lluhlali 16M. Mrliilahle 645. 

Su-aii M. 1201. 
SHELCREN. Milton Jr. 5267. 
SH ELTON. Chas. 1225. 
^IIEI'MH). Csnlhia 2M)1. 
^111 KM \N. liinali .H9. Marv l.%0. 
sllKKKOD. Marv 967. 
.si IKK WOOD. 

SHIPLEY. Ilel.n Kelts 1647. 
^IIIKI K^. Kalheriiie 900. 
sliOW KKs. Ilairi.l M. 1539. 
s|| I i;. \nnie M. 2968. 
.sill.. \iin 7.58. Raehel 1780. 
SIMMONDS. Ilarrv J. 2998. 
^IMI'sON. I.la •20r.6. 
sKINNKK. Caiuiin.' 7M. M.niiaiei M. 

I 1(17. 
si. IK, HI. Ki.hanl .S. 73. 
SMITH. A. la .H005. A.lelli.ii II. I77i'>. \ii 

fill-la 1652. Charioiie <*.H. Clia-. I.. 

2805 \. Dean Miller 2123. Dorothea 

1890. E.lwar.l W. 1872. EKa K. 2111. 

Hannah J. 1809. James II. 2981. June 
\. 2697. James. .Mice and James W. 

2143. I.vhiaml Palmer 1886. Mari. C. 

6.56. Rm-m 1118. Sarah II. 2686. 

SNEin Ki i;. K. I.. \.\'i'i. ih iiii.iia 1 1.;''. 

SNIl'K.s. K..lMria :u;02. KniiK 2'):\'). M.n 
I ha 2932. 



SNOW DEN. Marv 1162. 

SNYDER. Catlirrinr 1071. Kli/al.nl, 682. 

Aaron 2iU7. 
SONDEKEGGER. An Inn. IMnIi-. Viiiiinia 

anil Wni. 2287. 
SPENCER. Man 2.S82. 
SPRICCS. \laiv lOU. 
STACKS. K.iiih 2211. 
STACK I'OL. Marfiart-t A. 898. 
STANLEY Ccor-c I.. 1309. 
.'^TEADMAN. Estcll,- 1 lO.S. 
STEELE. Maiv Louis.- 801. 
SrERl(;ERE. Ruili 1760. 
.STERKIN. Lucy V)H:x 
.STERLING. Isah.lla 1228. 
STERRETT. Kalhnitic E. l.V). 
.STEVENS. Ella 1 IW. Hannal. \1. iV)',. 

Loi- 59.1. 
STEWART. Marv 969. 
STODGILL. F. E. 3060. 
.STONE. Howard 2328. Jolin S. 1977. I'lii- 

lanila 324. Sallv 293 L 
ST()HR.S, Clarissa 3.56. 
STOREY. Florence 1306. 
STOW. l(hal)od 9. 
STREETER. Ivan 28.58. Marv 11T3. 
STRICKLAND. As.ha 347. 
.STRONG. Lizzie Lee 1279. 
STROPLE, .Sarah 825. 
STROUD. Manly D. 2938. W\ F. 2952. 

Bruce 3029. C. H. 3025. Chas. P. 2935. 

John S. 2933. 
STUART. D. D. jr. .5091. 
SULLIVAN. Edward 1103. \ ir::inia 25.58. 
SUTHERLAND. 1. muel 1042. Neil, Cecil. 

Claude. Edna and (!lairr 1430. 
SCUTLIFf\ Eunice 237. 
SWIFT. Caroline 1363. 
TAFT. .Jane L. 633. 
TAL-MADGE. Hannah 76. Pii.4)e 69. 
TATAM. John. J. A.. Willanl. Nancy. 

Judith and Maniaret 1883. 
TAYLOR. Jande 3016. Sahrina 827. 
TEED. Elizaheth 129.5. 
TERRY. Hanford 1989. Lvla 73. 
THATCHER. H. E. 12.33. 
T11()MA.S, Kathcrine 73. \Iarj;aret 968. 

.Sarali 261. 
THOMASON. Dora .\L 3012. 
THOMP.SON. Eunice .58. Hannah 11. 

Helen G. 2411. Julia 337. Muriel 5107. 

Nancy .303. Rose 100.5. 
THORNTON. R. 1. 1151. Elsie A. 1597. 
TICHENOR. Sarah 10.35. 
TIDI). H. A.. H. .S. and H. .S. 2479. 
TIFFANY. Almira .5.38. 
TILLEY. Lucy 574. Rhoda 565. 
TILTON. Marv Elizahelh 1775. 
TIMBERS. Minnie A. 1789. 
TIMMONS. Lucretia P. 9.58. 
TINKLEPAUGH. James .5332. 
TITTERLY. Frank 1990. 
TODD, George, G. H. 1391. 
TOMPKINS. Ph(4)e B. 1774. 

TORRES, \hnira KiS. ChrisU-na 399. 
row \>EM). .Sarah 2.5f). Thoma^ V. 1212. 
IREP AL. I.eta M. 2127. 
I Rli'PEr. W. K.. Frank and Will 2138. 
I Ul ESDELL, Chas. an.l Charlotte 1160. 

I R^i ON. .Sarah 6.5. 

ITCKER. Florella MM. I n. \ Ann 691. 

II R\. Lea. 2.5.3K. 

TURNER. J. M. 300H. Martha. \\. 12W>. 

TLRNLRE. Eli/al.eth A. 4.32. 

Tl RPIN. (;e.>r;i.- R. 2980. 

11 i; I! EM INK. S. I!. Jr.. \nn.-. W < 
I. \. .uhl W. W. 2W8. W. I'. 2'>3 . 

IT I 111! 1 . Kli/aheih 1779. 

Tl JILL. Al.i^:ail 32. Esllier 62, Jane lU.iO. 
Jude 99. Lois 102, .Mary 176. 

1 ^ E. I'.onnie I). .3019. 

I ^ I ER. Panllda 26f). 

\ ML. Callwrinr 210.5. 

\ \N \LEN. Eli/.al).th K. W.6. 

\ \N M.ST^NE. Namv 601. 

V\N DERZEE. Fn-moni. MaI.el. L,on. 
Clair. Llo\d. K.iih and Elmer 17W). 

VAN HOI TON. Marion .529.5. 

VAN .SCHAICK. Delia 707. 

VAN SWEARINGER. Elizaheth 13.5.3. 

V\N V\l KENI5ERG. Mi..- 1163. 

\ \l N. Minnie E. 1299. 

MCKEK^. Em.lin.- 11.32. 

\()GEL. Clara 2761. 

VOLK.STORF. E. R. 2681. 

VOORHEES. Lucie E. 287'>. 

W \l DHON. Mar^ar.-l 1887. 

W \L(.|{ \EE. Emeren.-.' 2318. 

W \LKER. Helen 860, NancN 2251. 

W ALKLEY. Emma E. 171L 

W M.LACE. Jam.-s C. 2.322. J. 11. .50f.l. 

W \I.TER. Ri.hard 2.562. 

WALTON. Annie Eli/.uhelh 2979. Cather- 
ine 1686. 

W \RD, Mary 21. 

W \HIN(;. \lar-aretta M. 429. 

W \RKEN. Emeline 8.57. 

W ATKINS. Waller. Roherl. Joyce. Suz- 
anne. Ri.har.l 2019. 

W ATSON. Minnie 2.30.5. 

W EAVER. Marv L. 626. 

WE HER. R. W. 2469. 

W LED. Alon/o. R. 1.321. 

W EIS.S. C. F. 2.58.3. 

W LIST. Mar}:aret .528. 

W EI.KER. Orlev .5042. 

WELLS. I.->ie 16.39. Josie 1229. 

W EN DOVER. Lvdia A. 1104. 

W ERTZ. Montana 2674. 

WEST. Fern 271.5. James L. Jr. 2160. 

W E^r \LL. Doroihv 2672. 

W L>TON. Carlo M. 1131. 

W ETMORE. Delia 191. 

WHEELER. Mav 128.3. 

WHITE. Ellen i.3W. Marietta 'HMk Mary 
W . 963. 

W HITTI.ESE^. Louise 9.34. 

WILCOX. Edwin A., Frederick ami Har- 
old 243 L Marjnrv 2.3.39. 



WILDER. Hi-tsfv 1102. 

WILEY, Abbie C. 1895. 

WILKES. Maitlia 814. 

WILLARD. Elizabeth 175. 

WILLIAMS. Anna 236. C. L., Lester. Har- 
old. Edith Marjorie, Robert and Doro- 
thy 2304. Helen A. 1534, Henrietta P. 

WILLIAMSON, Katherine 1060. 

WILLIS, Phebe 1179. 

WILLS, Albert 1395, Emma 2149. 

WILSON, Amy 2930, Helen M. 1275. Pa- 
tricia 2389. 

WINDNAGEL, Fred 2757. 

WING. Sarah 204. 

WINSLOW. Zadie I.. 1351. 

WINTON, B., D. and Jane 1882. 

WIRRIES, M. C. 2919. 

WISENBARER. Leida H. 2158. 

WITT, A. C. 2699. 

WIXOM Family 73. 

WOLCOTT. Robert L., R. F., Richard 

WOLF. Frank and W. S. 2758. 

WOMBLE. John Josiah 2943. Rufns P. 
2969, Harvey C. and Samuel 2941, Wm. 

WOOD, George, Ida 1216. Genevieve R. 
2846, Kalie 2485. 

WOODARD, Marcia 869. 

WOODSIDE, Mary B. 326. 

WOODWARD, Solon 1251, Mary 1128. 

WORTHINGTON, Opal 2916. 

WRIGHT. Catherine 689, Margaret 893. 

WRIGLEY, Philip K. and William 2362. 

WYATT. Harriet 2643. 

YALE, Elizabeth 74, Louise C. 861, Sarah 
S. 378. 

YOUNG, Mary H. 2828, J. Norman 2468, 
Lucy E. 2480, Glenn H., Jr., Elizabeth, 
John, Marguerite and Alta 2467. 

YULO, Helen T. 2127. 

ZARNOS, Mildred 2692. 

ZENISEK, Inez 5118. 

ZIPPLIES, Laura V. 2805. 

ZUMWALT, Amelia 1665, Malinda 1664. 


ADORETTI, Dorothy A. 

ATWATER, Albert C. Jr., Arthur R. Sr., 
Arthur R. Jr., Charles Dorf Jr., Edna 
M., Howard J., James A., James Man- 
ley, Mary L., William, Roy Stewart. 

CLARK, Stella Atwater. 

HEITMAN, Claire. 

TAYLOR, Myrna Atwater. 

THOMAS, Gladys Atwater. 

5134 — page 254 — JANE BREWER, b. Sept. 2, 1920, in the Dominican Republic; 
m. June 31, 1942 in Providence, Harlan Buttfield Pratt. Residence 
Watchung, N. J.; active member Plainfield Garden Club (Garden Clubs 
of America ) ; Junior League of Plainfield and Republic Party. Elected 
Republican Co. Committee Woman from my district and G.O.P. Munici- 
pal Chairman of Watchung, ( Somerset County ) . 

Daughters, Virginia Atwater, b. Sept. 3, 1943. Deborah Ward, b. April 
7, 1945. Laurens Carey, b. Feb. 15, 1949. Jane Blanche, b. Jan. 24, 1951. 

1397 — page 184 — GARRETT BARRY, father of the well known stage, movie 
and television star, Garrett Barry Atwater, Jr., died January 15, 1956. 

2261— CHARLES E. ATTWATER, first cousin of the Author, d. Feb. 22, 1946, 
on his way to Westfield, N. J., on a train from Boca Grande, Fla., where 
the entire community had gone down to the station to see him off. 

2745 — MARY DOROTHY, dau. of Charles E., m. The Reverend Arthur Francis 
O'Donnell, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Westfield, N. J., d. 
April 13, 1947. Children: 

Mary Dorothy, b. May 5, 1934, m. Sept. 30, 1953, Marine Corps Sgt. 
Raymond Nelson Perkins, Jr. 

Gregory Lee Perkins, b. Aug. 18, 1955. 
Helen Attwater, b. May 5, 1934. 
Lawrence R. Attwater, b. Feb. 1, 1943. 

2746— HELEN IRENE, dau. of Charles E., b. Jan. 5, 1906, teacher, m. Nov. 
27, 1938, Michael Maximilian Lang, b. 1893 in Tiflis, Caucasus; grad. St. 
Petersburg Naval Academy; was Lt. Com. in the Russian Imperial Navy. 

"I am, in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of 
pre-Adamite ancestral descent. You will understand this when I tell you that I 
can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule." 

W. S. Gilbert— The Mikado. 

Ill ?s 

- a 





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•n D 





••yWhitDell, Wm. Preaton, Tbom. 
U«b«rl«y, Thom. Powell. 

^ Pinl, Richard Beckley, Richard 
■«uA«l<l, James Rotaclf. 

^fottw. Thom. Lamaon, Chriato- 
l»«Todd, WilHam Irea. 

V^*'' W™- Thorp, Matthlaa 
«*cock, Andrew Low. 

'ill*' L*k« Atklneon, Jno.Thomaa, 
**f»**n> Bell. 

Sttith, John Wakefield. Kdw. 
••on, Richard Beach. 

iJ^ti Timothy Ponl, Thom. 
**»1^ Robert Preston. 

tL?^*^»^ Robert Hill, Tno. Wil- 
■•-HMry Gibbon*. 

■Ili*"^' ^<1*™ NIoolla, Good. 
^ **•■•. Goodman Dayton. 

^ Ofbbons, John Vincent, Thoma* 
■"*■ John Brockett. 


> ST 



REV. J< 

Gov. Eaton, Dep. Gov. Goodyear. 

3 Mr. Malbon. 

3 Mr. Evance, Mr. Bracey, Mr. Fri 

Newman, Mr. Gibbard. 

4 Goodman Wigglesworth, Bro. Atw 

Bro. Seeley, Bro. Mllea. 

5 Bro. Crane, Bro. GIbbe. Mr. CaflE 

Mr. Ling, Bro. Andrews. 

6 Bro. Dayls.Goodman Osborne, Antl 

Thompson, Mr. Browning, Mr. P 
erford, Mr. HIgginson. 

7 Bro. Camfleld, Mr. James, Bro. Benl 

Wm. Thompson, Bro. LIndon, 

8 Jno. Meigs, Jno. Cooper, Peter Br^ 

Wm. Peck, Jno. (iregory, NIcl 

9 Edw. Bannister, Jno. Harrlman, B4 

Wilmot, Jarris Boykln, Arthur 

SOLOiKRS' Scats. 

I PIrtt middle seat, vacant or occu 
by children and servants. 



•Id Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Gov. Eaton (?) 

Irs. Malbon, Mrs. Gregson, Mrs. Dav- 2 
enport, Mrs. Hooke. 

;ider Newman's wife, Mrs. Lamberton, 3 
Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Brewster. 

lister Wakeman, Sister Gibbard, Sister 4 
Gilbert, Sister Miles. 

4r. Francis Newman's wife, Sister 5 
Glbbs, Sister Crane, Sister Tuttle, 
Sister (Ann) Atwater. 

ilster Seeley, Mrs. Cafflnch, Mrs. Perry, 6 

Sister Davi9, Sister Cheever, Jno. 

Nash's wife. 
David Atwater's wife, Sister Clarke, 7 

Mrs. Yale, Sister Osborne, Sister 

Sister Wigglesworth, Goody Johnson, 8 

Goody Camfield, Sister Punderson, 

Goody Meigs, Sister Gregory. 
Jlster Todd, Sister Bqykin, Wm. Pot- g 

ter's wife, Matthias Hitchcock's wife, 

Sister Cooper. 

Soldiers' Seats. 



u u 
« e 



■• ■ 









U - 



2o . 






















Ot« ■ 



a . 





* . 



. 4 


























Sister Powell, Goody Lindon, Mrs. 

Sister Whitehead, Sinter Munson, Sister 
Beckley, Sister Martin. 

Sister Peck, Joseph Nash's wife, Peter 
Brown's wife. Sister Russell. 

Sister Ives, Sister Basselt, Sister Pat- 
teson, Sister Elsey. 

Probably occupied by children or ser- 1 

I Jno. Thomas's wife, Goody Knowlee, 
Goody Beach. Goody Hull. 

a Sister Wakefield, Sister Smith, Goody 
Mom, James Clarke's wife. 

3 Sister Brockett.Slster Hlll.Sister Clarke, 

Goody Ford. 

4 Goody Osboms. Goody Wheeler, Sister 

Nicolls, Sister Brown. 



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